#i miss them


Mitsukou Valentine’s Day Special Illustration

by Aida Iro

“It’s easy!!! Special price!!!”

“Don’t you want a secret ingredient?”

“Huh! Did you make this?”

Well, yeah. It’s just a whim… “

(shy little cutie)

"It’s chocolate and it’s good, thanks!”

“Hmm, good for you…

(Come to think of it, I wonder what that secret ingredient was…)

! ! ? ? ?

"Uh, ohoh what is this? My body is like a magnet…!

"Get away from me, you piercing pervert… somebody! Somebody help me!”

“Oh, it’s not my fault…! What’s going on!?”

(Physically stick and get along well)

The end

@aidairo2009 on twitter 14-15/02/22

(This is an unofficial translation of ‘Lafuente_Astro’ on reddit and myself)

I know it’s kinda late but I just realized that nobody posted the translated story on tumblr (i think)


the last time we saw them, they were smiling

zoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at hzoya-nazyalensky: YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn Aline tugged at h


YA LIT MEME: [4/8] otps → aline penhallow & helen blackthorn

Aline tugged at her skirt. “Do you - want a baby?” Helen scooted close to Aline, pulling her wife’s cold hands into her lap. “My love,” she said. “I do! Of course! It’s just - I still think of us in exile, a little bit. As if we’re waiting for our real life to truly start up again. I know it’s not logical… .”  

Post link


Has it ever occurred to @staff that we would pay money to be able to Summon Crab all year long?

Like… guys, you programmed it, it took time and money, now April Fools is over and we’ll never see it again. Make us pay you $5 to give it back! Have you any idea how many tumblr users would be willing to shell out $5 just to have a light switch that turns on a button to summon crabs?

I was devastated when my crabs disappeared after midnight. In previous years, I’d kept my AOL messenger for months by never refreshing and figured I could do the same thing, but nope.

Poof, no more crabs.

I just… I want them back



I’m just saying what if wangxian were childhood friends and they snuggled all the time? The after breakfast nap, midday nap, snuggles after doing anything really. They’re just two lil lumps underneath the blankets, unable to separate even when Wei Ying is too hot and sweaty because Lan Zhan won’t let him go And Wei Ying always throws a tantrum when he has to go back home while Lan Zhan sulks nonstop until Wei Ying comes over again.

(I felt bad always making lan zhan sad so here is some extremely happy and mystified lan zhan…. ! )


Sandor:”How did you kill him”



oh to be a young, beautiful boy walking barefoot and carefree as his hair is softly blown by the fresh winds of north under the bright sun, in his way to his secret encounter with his lover, a lovely boy with dazzling eyes, in the mesmerizing and far away lands of ancient greece


A clip from the “Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna” anime film, first shown at this Summer’s Digifes 2019 event, is now available for public view. The film will open in Japanese theaters on February 21st, 2020.


  • Director: Tomohisa Taguchi
  • Supervisor: Hiromi Seki
  • Screenplay: Akatsuki Yamatoya
  • Character Designer: Katsuyoshi Nakatsuru
  • Chief Animation Director: Seiji Tachikawa
  • Studio: Yumeta Company

-Additional Cast-

  • Fukujuurou Katayama
  • Arthur Lounsbery
  • Ayaka Asai
  • Yoshitaka Yamaya

via: digimon-adventure.net

#digimon    #hhhrhrhrgggg    #i miss them    


  • It’s really important to Joan that she goes Caleb’s graduation. She wants to see him celebrating the end of this stage of his life. She knows it’s unconventional to go your patient’s graduation, but Caleb hasn’t been her patient for a while anyway and it’s not like she’s ever been a conventional therapist.
  • She asks him and his parents months in advance about whether it would be okay for her to go, promising to be inconspicuous. 
  • The day before, Joan offhandedly mentions to Mark that she’s going to Caleb’s graduation tomorrow and he’s like “Wait that kid’s graduating and you didn’t tell us?” He insists on coming. He tells Sam and she insists on coming. 
  • Joan reluctantly agrees, thinking that she probably couldn’t stop them if she tried. She calls Caleb’s parents to tell them who’s coming.
  • The morning of the graduation, Joan is rushing round insisting that they need to leave right this moment, because she wants to get there early.
  • “Chloe said she and Frank are going to meet us there by the way,” Mark says casually, as he emerges clearly not in any rush at all.
  • “Since when is Chloe coming?!” Joan says, bewildered. This has all got out of her control now. She resigns herself to not being as inconspicuous as she hoped.
  • While the students are waiting for the ceremony to start, Adam looks over and sees the whole atypical gang there. “As if we weren’t already the weirdest students here,” he says to Caleb. “You brought your therapist and her crew of superheroes?”
  • Caleb looks sheepish. “I didn’t know they’d allbe here.”
  • Adam starts to say that it doesn’t make much difference because no one will know that the group of strange people at the back are here for Caleb, but he trails off when Chloe gets out an enormous banner that reads “CONGRATULATIONS CALEB AND ADAM” in big green letters. 
  • Chloe passes the other end of the banner to Sam to hold. Joan looks mortified and starts telling Chloe off for making them stand out. Chloe shrugs. “They deserve a banner,” she says. 
  • When Caleb is on the stage, the atypical crew all cheer like mad and he grins at how strange it is and how proud all they look. Then he notices it looks like Dr Bright is crying. No way, he thinks to himself. 
  • But she is. Joan Bright is crying happy tears, thinking about this boy who she’s grown so fond of, how she’s watched him struggle and grow and learn, how he’s been through so much, how he’s becoming an adult.
  • After the ceremony finishes, Alice Michaels bounces over. “You must be the mind-reader!” she says to Chloe, super-excited. “Can you tell what I’m thinking right now?” Chloe smiles and starts explaining how she’s learnt to control it.
  • Mark senses Alice’s ability and tells her that he can feel that it’s really powerful. “Wow! Thanks,” she says and jokingly flexes her arm.
  • Caleb’s parents talk to Dr Bright and thank her for all they’ve done for Caleb and she says how she thinks he’s a remarkable young man
  • One of the football players asks Caleb who that group at the back were. He says the first feasible thing that comes to mind. “They’re just some of my extended family.” He only realises afterwards that maybe that isn’t far from the truth.


okok here’s something i made cuz i’m HAVING WITHDRAWALS RN
