#i see u


Why do you deny me?

You know I am here, waiting, wondering if you’ll ever realize the energetic exchange we had/ve is unlike most.

Why are you denying yourself?

I see you.

I see the things you

I know you have been watching from afar.

No need to sit in the dark.

Just reach out, we can move forward. I have grown, you have grown, every second passes is a second we don’t get back. There is no future, there is only now so why do you deny yourself the pleasure of knowing me?

There is nothing to be scared of, you can come out and play, you can embrace the world and be beautiful and sexy and truly full of joy.

I trust you, that never has changed.

I trust myself, that is what has changed.

I am no longer on my knees. Embrace me, feel my energy.

So please just reach out and say hello. I have been patient.

I will be the one who reaches down and lifts you when you fall. As you did for me so many times.

I have learned so many lessons and I believe that together we will be magical.


I don’t see a lot of posts for the uglier, less positive side of being a survivor so if you haven’t found a post yet for you- feel free to add onto this one. You guys are just as important and trying just as hard to get through every day. You aren’t forgotten. I see you all too

shout out to survivors whose abuse turned them bitter

shout out to survivors who self medicated

shout out to survivors who self harmed to get through the night

shout out to survivors who stayed silent 

shout out to survivors who feel helpless

shout out to survivors who can’t afford therapy 

shout out to survivors who can’t afford diagnosis

shout out to survivors who can’t afford meds

shout out to survivors who lost their loved ones 

shout out to survivors who never had a family 

shout out to survivors who never had a childhood

shout out to survivors who never had support 

shout out to survivors who were called lazy or weak 

shout out to survivors who were told they were an attention whore

shout out to survivors who were told they were faking

shout out to survivors who were told they were over-reacting

shout out to survivors who were told to just move on

shout out to survivors who are traumatized

shout out to survivors who are mentally ill

shout out to survivors who doubt their illness

shout out to survivors who doubt their abuse

shout out to survivors who doubt reality

shout out to survivors who couldn’t rely on authorities to help

shout out to survivors who are homeless

shout out to survivors who haven’t taken back their lives yet

shout out to survivors who still doubt their recovery

shout out to survivors who help other survivors

shout out to the beautiful people who didn’t survive

me, studying the 13 meme requests i have in my notebooks, all in progress, all far from completion:

also me, five seconds after a full rewatch of brid.gerton: i must deliver a full list of forbidden romance prompts to the dash IMMEDIATELY–

starlights reading the lyrics of touch and sketch like
