#love heals period


I chose me today, in LOVE.

His Holy Spirit woke me at 5:00AM with this message and I Honor him.

John 14 :: NIV. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God ; trust also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.”

I am humbled and so thankful for these words. Thank you Lord, Divine one, my savior.

Every seconds equals a new card.

The count down has begun.

Every second is a new card.

The Tarot has 78 cards.

The combination will never be the same.

It will repeat itself, as history often does.

But I accept that I do not have control, nor do I wish to predict.

As that is mental.

And I have wasted enough time being mental.


While you are servicing the world, I will serve myself and I choose to heal.

Why do you deny me?

You know I am here, waiting, wondering if you’ll ever realize the energetic exchange we had/ve is unlike most.

Why are you denying yourself?

I see you.

I see the things you

I know you have been watching from afar.

No need to sit in the dark.

Just reach out, we can move forward. I have grown, you have grown, every second passes is a second we don’t get back. There is no future, there is only now so why do you deny yourself the pleasure of knowing me?

There is nothing to be scared of, you can come out and play, you can embrace the world and be beautiful and sexy and truly full of joy.

I trust you, that never has changed.

I trust myself, that is what has changed.

I am no longer on my knees. Embrace me, feel my energy.

So please just reach out and say hello. I have been patient.

I will be the one who reaches down and lifts you when you fall. As you did for me so many times.

I have learned so many lessons and I believe that together we will be magical.


“None of us know exactly how it’s going to end… that is what makes the present so important.”

Don’t live each day like it’s your last, instead live your life like you decide when you are going to die. Take charge of your life, moment by moment, breath by breath, choose to live & love and be filled with joy, hope and faith.


“Seize the moment, to make sure those we love know how we feel about them.”

And what would it look like if you decided to forgive, let go, truly love unconditionally, trust blindly, believe in the greater good. Be kind. Be a good person. Love yourself. Heal yourself and Know yourself.

Be Alive.

I accept the challenge. Do you?



Accept that everyone leaves.

I will leave, you will leave. No one knows or has control over anyone’s departure date. Feel blessed that you have today. Live freely and humbled that you have been gifted the greatest most valuable intangible thing ever… TIME.

Every second counts. Every second you will never get back again.

To love thyself is to accept that I will leave, you will leave, he will leave, she will leave, they will leave and to accept this knowledge is the ultimate surrender.

Cherish the time you have with yourself and with others and you will live life with no regrets. Truly value those that give you time and themselves.

I dare you to enter a relationship with yourself and others and do the following:

1. NO Expectations

2. NO Demands

3. NO Pressure

4. NO Criticism

5. NO Judgement

6. NO Should’s or Shouldn’t’s

7. NO Compromising yourself

8. 100% Commitment to each other

9. 100% Dedication to the adventure

10. Always create fun

11. Always have couple time.

12. Accept & Allow.

Accept who you are.

Accept that you will leave.

Accept who they are.

Accept that they will leave.

Allow yourself to hear.

Allow yourself to listen.

Allow yourself to have patience.

Allow yourself to believe.

Allow yourself to have hope.

Allow yourself to have faith.

Allow yourself to be conscious.

Allow yourself to be grateful.

Allow yourself to be humble.

Allow yourself to do the work.

Allow yourself to feel.

Allow yourself to heal.

Allow yourself to accept.

Allow yourself to surrender.

Allow yourself to know.

To know thyself

Is to heal thyself

To heal thyself

Is to Love thyself.

Love never fails.

Love Heals. Period.

Accept Love.

Surrender to Love.

I surrender.

I believe.

I have hope.

I have faith.

I forgive.

I am healing.

I choose me.

I will leave.

I am love.

I love myself.

I know thyself.

I choose myself.

I let go.

I am humble.

I surrender.

I am sorry.

I forgive myself.

I thank myself.

I love myself.

I left my mark.

I love you.

I love you too.

I bow to two. Myself & God.

I accept.

I surrender.


The dynamic is as old as time. It began with Adam & Eve.

Do not mistake Dominance & Submission for some sexual kink act. You will be sorely disappointed. I am sure many will appease your temptress ways, if you think your kinky desires will sustain you are mistaken. Without understanding and accepting of your true calling as a woman, your relationship will not withstand the storm of life. True submission is to accept who you are, what you were created for, your purpose and where you are going. The when and why and how are the mystery.

I am a woman, created to submit to my God in the universe and my Master, a man on earth. We are equals. I know my role in my life and in his. He gave me his rib upon creation and I let him feed upon my apple. Together we can create life, love and true happiness. As a spiritual divine union.

We have one need. LOVE. That is the only need in life, for to truly Love yourself, you are healthy mind, body, soul and spirit. And if you love yourself, only then can you love another, trusting that he will be there by your side as long as it is Gods will. And once you surrender to God’s will, the unknown of universe, the lack of control, the mystery of the unknown won’t be scary. To live in fear is to dance with the Devil. To give your devoted faith to two, is the most beautiful thing a woman can do and through that beauty, life will be balanced, calm and she will find peace.

God’s Will.

What would it look like if you actually surrendered to God’s Will?

Or whatever deity you choose to worship?

What if you were to stop saying the simple things like; “I’ll be back” or “I’ll focus on that later” or “See you tomorrow”. We don’t have control over that. Why do we say such false statements? Why lie?

I am sure this topic will annoy most because they do not want to think about the fact that they truly have no control but for me being true and honest is important. Changing the way I communicate is crucial to the way I live my purpose. I lied to myself for 43 years, why because my parents lied to me?

Because society sugar coats things and tells “white lies” to soften the blow of reality?

It’s what we know so why not follow?

Because we have been told that our words can manifest themselves? {This one is the only version I so choose now.}

Example: I was walking out the door and simply said, “I’ll be back later” (to my cat) and he looked at me smug. And I stopped and said, will I? I have no control over this statement. I “hope” I return. Why did I feel the need to lie, to my cat! To console him? To reassure he knew I would return? Does he actually understand the words coming out of my mouth? Entirely different blog post. I digress…

Here I go, again on my own… getting into an automobile that has sadly taken away a lot of people in my life, beginning at 12 with my mother, the root of where I felt I lost control in my life and decided I needed to control everything, yet sadly had no control over anything. Which brings me to today…

I accept, I have no control. I surrender to God’s Will. If it is God’s Will I will return. And sadly there is evil in this world so I will wear my seatbelt. Do my rituals, say a little prayer, and be on my merry way.

What would it look like if we stopped telling ourselves the little white lies and surrendered to the Holy Spirit, the Universe, God, Goddess, etc. etc. etc.?

I dare you to try it.

I know you’re going to do 1 thing. Shock the heck out of people. Probably gain trust and possibly respect. And I know another thing, someone(or ones) is smiling down at this post saying to themselves, “it’s about time.” (Could be you) And quite possibly this 1 little change, could make a ripple in the outcome of my and others lives. That is the mystery of life, and the beauty.

So I am off, to check a box, close a chapter. Namaste a home that should have been divine, but there was no true love there so it failed.

We’ve all heard parts of Corinthians 13, “Love is Patient, Love is Kind, it does not envy, it does not boost..”

But the entire chapter is where the true magnificent message is.

“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”

What would it look like for you to live and heal in LOVE. To love yourself unconditionally? To trust yourself without doubt? To have faith that is unwavering? To seek and trust only your own advice for if you truly walk in love & the light, you will only accept truth. And your truth is love.

This is my challenge. My path.

Love Heals. Period.


A friend posted “I have been dominating men most of my life without even realizing I was doing it. I much prefer being submissive. It has taken me to new heights…”

It’s a calm to my storm.

It’s who I Am.

I am submissive.

Sadly I let my alpha get in the way at times.

Learning to fully let go has been my hardest lesson in this journey. Not with him. But if my mental shit. With him I was able to let go, trust. Submit but sadly I could not stay in submission all day. I had to put my go to work, therapy, spend time with others hat on… and my alpha reared its ugly head(s). It is hard being alpha during to the outside world and submissive inside. Especially when trying to learn balance with so many other aspects of my life.

I know he did not understand why I needed him but I did, do. He calmed me, brought balance. Accepted my I Am.

But in doing that I made him feel. And he did not want to feel. He only wanted fun, laughter and orgasms. And although it came from a place of the heart, it was his hard limit. For he lacks emotion, his body tells me so.

And no matter how I forced it, you cannot dominate a Dominate man. And don’t even think about domineering one. For he will release you at the drop of a hat and even kick you in the stomach as he walks out.

I am sorry Sir.

Thank you Lord for the gift of healing.

For through you, I receive Strength.

Through my I Am I receive Justice.

They are both your ways of speaking to me.

Many may not be open, most are not.

But when you trust, healing happens quickly, for God is merciful and strong and powerful and he does not want us to be in pain, he wishes for us to heal through him. And be in the light.

Thank you Heavenly Father for I am humbled.

I bow to you.

I no longer bow to two.

You are my Master.

For others are human.

Thank you for healing me.

Hands to heart I will remain on path, for I know if I stray the pain that comes will be swift and merciless.

For it is from another, the Devil. Unkind and Evil.

And I am born into Love, the 6th month, Gemini, forever two individuals and I deserve a divine union. Kind and in Love.

I am worthy of this.

And I shall not waste any more time. For time is the greatest gift anyone can give me. And you’ve given me time. Every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year is your continual gifts to me. I am humbled.

Thank you for this reminder.

Thank you for loving me.

Thank you for choosing me.

I am back on path.

Love Heals. Period.

