#idia twisted wonderland


little otp incorrect quote (?)

yuu;/on laptop in the middle of the floor/ why are you so faaaar?!

idia;/on laptop on couch/ the outlet is here and i’m more comfortable.

yuu;/long sad stare directly to idia/

yuu;/sniff/ fine then, be that away.

idia; don’t be so dramatic!

5 minutes later

idia; /moves to sit next to yuu/

idia;shut up. /to yuu’s smug little smile/

— RAE’S NOTE; i’m deeply sorry for being this inactive and taking so much time with the requests (;-;). i hope the people who’ve requested something can forgive me for being this bad.

— videogame; disney twisted-wonderland

— type; chats

random chats with the twst guys

part IX





RAE’S NOTE; this are some random headcanons i’ve about idia as a female. y'all can add your own headcanons in the comments or rebloggs if you want. i really do love read them.

— videogame; disney twisted-wonderland

— type; genderbend headcanons


fem! idia’s also within the group of those who are very similar to their male counterparts.

long hair, reaching to her knees, with the appearance of fire of a bright blue. also, like we all know, her hair can change its color depending on the emotions that the lady feels.

her breast size is normal. nothing bulky, but not small either.

like i’ve said multiples times, her thighs are the most comfortable in the whole damn school. best pillows and collar right there.

fem! idia isn’t someone who allows anyone to touch her in general, however, if you manage to use tremendous thighs as pillows you can already feel like a god.

she has a little bit of fat in the part of her lower abdomen. this because she isn’t one to do physical activities.

although, those cute little rolls aren’t visible to the naked eye thanks to her choice of fashion.

her teeth give her some insecurity, so when she smiles showing them you better give her a compliment for her beautiful smile or you and i’ll have serious problems.

hides her face with her hair or hoodie, placing the strands or cloth in front of her face.

it’s really easy to make her blush or flustered (post in which i talk about this too).

fem! idia may or may not own a cat maid cosplay.

in the comfort of her room she usually wears a large hoodie with shorts. only ortho can see her in that outfit, for now.

fem! idia shroud is even more blushy and shy than her male counterpart. while male! idia blushed with a smile from you, fem!idiadoes it with just a simple look from you.

the first time you held hands almost ended with her passing out and with her face and hair painted a nice red. it was quite adorable, until you noticed how she seemed not to breathe.
