#il dottore

listen . hear me out. who gave crepus that delusion,

listen . hear me out. who gave crepus that delusion,

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Il Dottore: nice frontal lobe :)

Il Dottore: [stirs it like a latte]

Scaramouche: UYEVFyWHfrbgkeshrgYTb76wse

Il Dottore: The procedure was a success

Childe: Sick of hearing about “healing crystals” that can “cleanse my aura”. I want to know which rocks can hurt you and fuck up the vibes.

Il Dottore: Uranium

Scaramouche: Literally any rock if you’re willing to resort to violence

Scaramouche: Atoms never touch, officer, so no, I did not punch that child

Il Dottore: I never should have told you that

Fatui Harbingers stickersDesign of Pierro and Pulcinella (1 and 3) belongs to my friend, @captainkapFatui Harbingers stickersDesign of Pierro and Pulcinella (1 and 3) belongs to my friend, @captainkapFatui Harbingers stickersDesign of Pierro and Pulcinella (1 and 3) belongs to my friend, @captainkap

Fatui Harbingers stickers
Design of Pierro and Pulcinella (1 and 3) belongs to my friend, @captainkaprozyx

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We all have our emotional support mass murder

This is mine.

He can kill me? Yes

But he would also give me a hug when I’m sad, then kill me

My toxic trait is that if I would work for/with Dottore I can convince him to not do experiments on me


I like to think that the harbingers love to tease scaramouche about his height :)


Some Dottore art while i wait~


il dottore


This is how Bad Wine happened right? I’m not making this shit up right???? this is how it happened i am right


Dropping a meme cause im ~not inspired~




Do you accept his offer???

❌no ✅yes(the right answer)


Dottore deserves something for his 1000 days since his first appearance in the manga. ⚜️



Dottore when Scaramouche calls him a b*tch and then spits on his test subject:

I like to think that the harbingers love to tease scaramouche about his height :)
