#fatui harbingers



I was in my mind palace picturing Genshin late-game scenarios and a strange idea came to me, for a fitting end to the Harbingers.

Aside from the now-redeemed Childe and the deceased Signora, they’re all dragged in the middle of the square in front of the Zapolyarny palace, surrounded by a crowd of now angry Peasants and a captive, Gnosis-less Tsaritsa. The crowd draws upon them and, powerless to stop it, they have to take it in. They’re beaten, yelled at, spat at – years of cold cruelty coming to their end.

And as the Traveller and their friends surround them to calm down the crowd and have them taken to safety something happens…

They start crying, at once.

Everyone, from the calculating Pierrot to the boastful Capitano, from the haughty Pantalone to the sadistic Dottore, from the scheming Colombina to the cruel, wrathful Scaramouche – they burst into tears in the middle of the square.

And it’s not restrained crying either: they bawl like children, as if all their worlds had crumbled – which they have.

Befuddled, the Tsaritsa yells at them to keep their composure and not let their emotion get the best of them. But the Traveller reprimands the once-Goddess of Love and reminds her of her old purpose. They’re human after all, and love is what keeps us alive for so long. What grants freedom, makes contracts fair, cherishes eternity – refines wisdom, defines justice and wins wars.

So is being loveless for so long truly the way to go?

Tartaglia shifts to his helpless ex-partners, removes his scarf and lends it to Pantalone, who received a bad eye wound after his monocle shattered in the scuffle*, Everybody looks at him as if he was mad, but after all, Childe is definitely not the one bawling in the middle of the street, is he?

So they recollect themselves and off they go, pondering upon what they’ve heard and how to live from that moment on.


*I picture Pantalone with the design @hyaenes did because it’s just *chef’s kiss* and I know the game will disappoint me if he’s not like this.

Also I know there’s no confirmed Colombina in the game but since A. She’s the most famous female mask and B. There’s literally a dove in the constellations picture I KNOW she will appear.

Relevant movie reference


I had a dream that mihoyo announced the harbinger Pantalone would have red hair and the entire Genshin community just freaked out about it?

He didn’t even have a design released in the dream, only red hair

about the fatui harbingers

can’t believe teyvats being taken over by a bunch of edgy theatre kids

Il Dottore: nice frontal lobe :)

Il Dottore: [stirs it like a latte]

Scaramouche: UYEVFyWHfrbgkeshrgYTb76wse

Il Dottore: The procedure was a success

Childe: How would you die in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory?

Scaramouche: I would lie to his face until he mustered up the courage to kill me himself

Scaramouche: I do not identify as a boy or girl, I identify as a nuisance. An irritant. A fool and a problem.

Childe: My criminal record? The only illegal thing I’ve done is absolutely KILLING it on the dance floor!

Childe: Ha! Just kidding, I have committed many crimes.

Childe: Sick of hearing about “healing crystals” that can “cleanse my aura”. I want to know which rocks can hurt you and fuck up the vibes.

Il Dottore: Uranium

Scaramouche: Literally any rock if you’re willing to resort to violence

Childe: It is so homophobic that thunderstorms make me want to stand atop a sheer cliff in robes as I brandish a wizard staff but I can’t without getting struck by lightning

Scaramouche: lol this guy doesn’t know how to ward off lightning. amateur

Scaramouche: Atoms never touch, officer, so no, I did not punch that child

Il Dottore: I never should have told you that

I firmly believe Crepus Ragnivndr was a Fatui Harbinger and I don’t care when/how/if Mihoyo disproves this.

The End

Forgive Me

Akasha is having tea with a noblewoman in Zapolyarny Palace, where she was invited under the pretense of Ajax’s ascension ceremony with Ajax’s parents. . (Truly, the Tsaritsa asked Pulcinella to bring the mystery called “Belizna” to her.)

One day during the visit, Pulcinella reports to Belizna that a noble woman has asked to meet the newest Harbinger’s ‘aunt’, and brings her to a private reception room. The noblewoman appears swiftly

along with Ajax’s parents, to Zapolyarny Palace under the pretense of Ajax’s ascension ceremony. Akasha has joined Ajax’s parents on their trip Zapolyarny Palace along with Ajax’s parents for his ascension ceremony.

The room suddenly slants.

Terror sets her skin to tingling as dread pools in her gut.

Akasha pushes past it. She has to.

“Excuse me,” she murmurs, pushing to her feet.

The noblewoman freezes. Not in fear or shock but like a puppet without—

The room has two doors; one on either side of the tea table.

Akasha takes a careful step towards one of them—she wobbles—catches herself on the chair.

It’s fifteen steps.

A hot tear burns down her cheek.

Fourteen steps and she can disappear and wait this out.

Thirteen steps; “I can still protect you.”

She says that outloud.

Twelve steps; another tear.

Eleven steps; the room feels upside down as she fumbles her handkerchief from her pocket.

She could’ve kept her napkin.

Ten steps; Akasha knocks herself in the nose and then bites one of her fingers but her jaw closes around her handkerchief and she clenched her teeth tight.

Nine steps; the other door clicks.

Ever so gently, Pulcinella says, “Belizna, we just want to help.”


Grey fills her vision, narrowing until it’s just the door.

“It’s okay.” Two arms hold her close.


She stomps where a foot may be; the floor rises up.

Forgive me!

She lands gently.

“It’s okay, I promise.”

Akashareaches, digs her fingernails into an arm and pushes.

“You won’t remember any of this, it’s okay.”

She grabs the carpet—it slides towards her.

She gives up on blood, scratches behind her—feels hair—grabs and twistsandshoves

She moved forward!

She pushes herself up from the carpet and shoves harder against the hair—

She moves forward!

A chill sweeps through the room. But she can’t think of that, she can only think of Kaeya.

Akasha forces her toes down, pushing her heel up and into something heavy; she kicks with her other foot—

“My Devoted.”

The weight vanishes—

Akasha flies forward—

There’s ice where the door should be.

She presses her hands against it.

There’s no door, only ice.


She screams in her throat and hits it and beats it and it’s so cold against her cheek as she slides to the floor.

I’m so sorry.

Grief drag its claws through her insides; her head bows and rests upon her knees.

I failed you.

I drew this for my friend’s birthday which happened to be on the 22nd, just now posting here, :’)

I drew this for my friend’s birthday which happened to be on the 22nd, just now posting here, :’)

Post link

*puts him in a snowglobe and shakes him*


Bossbattle against Scaramouche

In the 2nd phase in the Bossbattle against Childe and La Signora both got way taller.

But all I want is that 2nd phase Bossbattle Scaramouche becomes even smaller then he already is.

Birthday present for my cousin

It’s been ages since I’ve drawn genshin impact ahah
