#original tumblr


Shuri: the awkward moment when you realize the sound of nature is the sound of millions of animals, birds, and insects desperately trying to get laid.

Harley: the sweet sound of nature

Peter: sound just like high school actually.

Peter: I have a very annoying neighbor, can someon teach me trumpet?

Harley: that’s the best part! You don’t need to learn to play trumpet to annoy them. Just try your best and have fun!

Peter: oh wow you are so right! Thank you!

Harley: Old people? More like fold people! *makes an origami swan out of a printed picture of Ironman*

Peter: literally what is going on through your mind that motivated you to make that.

Loki: I really don’t understand how all of us are single because we’re all attractive and have good taste in music. Like what more do people want?




Loki: people are so demanding.

[Harley after he moves to NYC]

Harley: *talking to Peter on the phone* Does mace work on birds???

Peter: *miffed* what?

Harley: if a pigeon is attacking me will mace be an effective deterrent?

Peter: Um……… what????

Harley: *screaming into the phone as indignant and pissed off squacking of a pigeon is going on in the background* THIS IS A TIME SENSITIVE QUESTION PLEASE JUST TELL ME!!!!!!!

MJ: I can’t wait until I get a job at Starbucks because I’m going to spell everyone’s name wrong so they can’t instagram their cups.

Flash: are you satan?

Shuri: are you god?

MCU!Peter: are we humans?

Ned: Or are we dancer?

Raimi Peter: is this the real life

TASM Peter: or is this just fantasy

Harley: No this is Patrick

Anakin: I can’t believe all these people dressed in black. All-black was my thing, and now everyone’s doing it to be “cool”. They’re all posers.

Obi-Wan: Anakin, I cannot stress this enough. We are at a funeral.

Il Dottore: nice frontal lobe :)

Il Dottore: [stirs it like a latte]

Scaramouche: UYEVFyWHfrbgkeshrgYTb76wse

Il Dottore: The procedure was a success

Hu Tao: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking

Xiao: Are you fucking stupid

Hu Tao: I mean broadly yeah but what prompted you to ask

Scaramouche: I do not identify as a boy or girl, I identify as a nuisance. An irritant. A fool and a problem.

Childe: My criminal record? The only illegal thing I’ve done is absolutely KILLING it on the dance floor!

Childe: Ha! Just kidding, I have committed many crimes.

Loki: Something’s wrong. Every time I’m near Anthony, my stomach twists, and I have heart palpations. I think he’s trying to poison me.

Thor: No, those are feelings.

Loki:They’re distracting, make them stop.

Teacher: I called you both in here today because Harley punched another student.

Tony: I wonder where he got that from.

Teacher: When given mediation paperwork about the incident he decided to write an essay about how the other student could, and I quote, “go sit and spin”.

Bucky: I wonder where he got THAT from.

Bucky: Doll, can you buy this for me?

Tony: Of course.

Clint: Hey! You can’t just buy things for him!

Tony: I’m his husband. I can buy him whatever I want to.

Clint: But we’re playing Monopoly!


Thor: That’s a great plan. I would have never thought of that.

Bucky: I-I-I’m sorry. C-Can he actually speak cat, or is he just messing with us?

Tony: Knowing him, it may very well be both.

Tony: [extremely drunk, starts colouring Steve’s in with a highlighter]

Steve: Erm… What are you doing?

Tony: Highlighting you.

Steve: Yes, I see that… Why?

Tony: Cuz you’re important.

Tony: If I’m extra sarcastic with you it probably means I’m flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can’t handle your crap… have fun figuring out which one.

Steve: Let’s have a coffee break for fifteen.

[15 minutes later]

Steve: I meant fifteen minutes. Tony please don’t drink fifteen coffees.

Tony: [vibrating slightly] You should have said that earlier!
