#im done


Don’t you just hate it when you scroll down your timeline and see the dopest pic ever that you just have to reblog, only to scroll down further to see  like 13 shitty images in a photoset attached to it lol.

A brief reminder: 

Please remember to reach out to friends every so often, some might be feeling more isolated and depressed than you realise and are hiding it.

I know we’re over a year into this pandemic but it’s unfortunately not over yet, and for many has no light at the end of the tunnel yet. 

More importantly continue to be kind to each other - you don’t know what people are going through in these trying times, many are putting on happy faces at the moment to try to make things more normal, but for others the cracks are showing…myself included. 

I won’t bore any of you with details, but I’m not in a good headspace, I haven’t been for a long while and I continue not to be - which is why updates are coming fewer and further in between…I’m so so sorry…but…I just don’t have the strength anymore.

5sos members Calum Hood and Ashton Irwin leave band after argument about who will date Jacob Sartorius

I did Jack, so I had to do Mark too. :D This one was way more frustrating…

and with eyes open

~ announcement? ~

i’m mostly okay, just tired and stressed out about everything irl

hopefully i will be here next week and on.
and i’m gonna clean my inbox (slowly. so much stuff deserves a drawn answer…)

oh and send me some weird questiony shit if you want
(i’m truly looking forward to it)


if you’ve been here this long, you might as well take a chance and try to pummel one of these shitbags.

sehun:- 88% chance of winning - he’s got long limbs, but they’re thin and lack strength. plus, he’s sensitive, and would cry if you didn’t like his selfie. a good kick to the liver could probably take him out, but don’t touch his face, because that’s all he’s got. beat him up, but don’t take away his career.

kai:- 16% chance of winning - at first he seems like a big woobie that likes puppies but don’t forget this guy does ballet. he could slam dunk you into a trashcan while doing a pirouette and then grand jete his way to kfc afterwards for a snack. fight him only if you’re ready to fouette en tournant his ass.

tao:- 50% chance of winning - tao cries whenever he’s in the dark and needs the emotional support of his teammates to be conscious after 2am, but he also knows wushu and could potentially murder you. if you want to fight tao and keep your skull intact, do so only between the hours of 2 and 4 am, and wear a scary mask.

ksoo:- 0% chance of winning - this kid will fuck you up. do not fight do kyungsoo.

chanyeol:- 35% chance of winning - chanyeol has long arms with muscles but he doesn’t know what to do with his legs. he’s also kind of stupid, but he has a lot of internal aggression and anger, and will take you out. if you fight him, target his knees. i’m 90% sure they’re made of spaghetti.

chen:- 92% chance of winning - kjd is small and weak. he can fit in a locker, or in a toilet, or in a recycling bin, so all three are valid receptacles to put him in after you give him the wedgie of his life.

baekhyun:someone fight baekhyun please. i will pay you money to destroy him.

lay:- 12% chance of winning - don’t underestimate him by thinking that he’s just forgetful and kinda dopey, if he’s gotten this far in life with his attention span, he must have killed somebody along the way. only fight lay if you’re willing to go up against a remorseless murderer.

suho:- 95% chance of winning - c’mon, would you fight against someone who drinks vegetable juice? knits socks in his spare time? buys geriatric vitamins for his teammates? takes slow walks in sunny afternoons to strengthen his brittle, brittle bones? fight suho only if you’re a dirty senior-citizen hater.

kris: - 50% chance of winning - depends on if you’re fighting sm kris or present-day wu yifan. kris has a lot of pent-up anger, might pretend you are his dad, but because of wu yifan’s exposure to jazz music, his attack patterns are a lot less predictable.

luhan:- 1% chance of winning - he’ll crush your head between his thighs like a watermelon. he’ll grind you under his heel while flexing his well-defined calf muscles. he’s got a mysterious face scar, he probably spent his time as a trainee beating super junior up, shaving their hair off, and harvesting it to stuff his plushies with. you fuckers have no chance of winning against luhan, he’ll cut your face off with his chin.

xiumin:- 80% chance of winning - yeah he’s ripped but what does he do? make coffee? fall asleep during interviews? sweat a lot? fight xiumin, you’ll probably win.

They’re sisters. Sisters forgive. Basically, I refuse to believe that these two won’t make up at som

They’re sisters. Sisters forgive.

Basically, I refuse to believe that these two won’t make up at some point. It’s a can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em kind of situation. Even if it’s just meeting up in random way stations and neutral planets to catch up every decade or so, they just can’t get rid of each other. So one time, Data’s on shore leave in some random space lounge, and guess who shows up for some sweet sisterly bonding time?

I was trying to come up with new outfit for Lore that wasn’t terribad like most TNG costumes, and then I figured that if she could get a ride and a set of clothes from the Pakleds, she could certainly get along with the Klingons - long enough to get what she wanted, anyway.

Also, I’ve always wondered why Lore kept his regulation Starfleet hairstyle even after he severed all ties with humanity. (This is definitely not even a little bit related to how fine Brent Spiner looks with ruffled hair.) Lady Lore makes better fashion choices.

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Im at that point in my life where i dont feel like rebuilding bond anymore. If you walk out, fine, bye. It was good to know you. And it’ll hurt of course. But im going to put that emotion into the people that are still here and the people who still love me and people who stayed. Dont just stayed when its only convenient for them. Im too old for that. Im good. Dont come back.
