



Hey I know that we’re dealing with something huge right now but trump is trying to allow adoption agencies to refuse services to lgbtq+ families…. not only is this descrimination but there are TOO many children in the system for them to allow this. Those kids need homes…. I’m disgusted

My guess is that they’re trying to pass this kind of stuff while the country is distracted and focused on other things??? Don’t let up on the current movement at hand, but please give this the attention it needs to be stopped






anonymous leaked bolsonaro’s private info including his credit card number and someone on twitter bought a whole ass macbook pro with it. yes. a person bought an macbook pro with the president’s credit card. this country really isn’t for beginners


hey, brazilian person here. it may all sound funny and shit (and damn, he even got affiliated to many left wing parties) but… he’s been trying to insure a dictatorship even since he got elected. there’s been protests against democracy and he’s been attending them all (without a mask, btw. meanwhile, almost 30k have died of coronavirus, we still got no health minister, even if i called it anarchy we still would prefer anarchy cause this is a whole new level). we are now standing in solidarity with USA! our police system is the most deadly in the world, killing 2x more than the american, specially young black kids. if you can, please keep an eye out for us and sign the petition justice for João Pedro


the one petition everyone is sharing is for João Pedro, was was killed inside his home, he was shot on his back. 70, and i repeat, 70 shots were fired against the house he was in, and the police claimed it was because they were in a confront. everyone near his house confirmed there wasn’t anything going around.

but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


LUCAS CUSTÓDIO DOS SANTOS. he was a sixteen years old boy who got shot on his leg after returning from a soccer game. his last words were “you don’t have to kill me, sir”

CARLOS MAGNO DE OLIVEIRA NASCIMENTO (18 yo, student), CARLOS ALBERTO DA SILVA (21 yo, painter and bricklawyer) EVERSON GONÇALVES SILOTE (26 yo, taxi driver) AND THIAGO DA COSTA CORREIA DA SILVA (19 yo, mechanic). They were killed on an event now known as “Chacina do Borel” it happened in 2003 and no one was held responsible.

HERINALDO VINICIUS DE SANTANA. he was an eleven years old boy who left his house to buy a ping pong ball. he was with money on his hands. His last words were “I want my mom”

ALAN DE SOUZA LIMA. He was fifteen and his last words “we were just playing, sir”

DOUGLAS RODRIGUES, 17 years old. His last words: “Why did you shoot me, Sr?”. The policemen was acquitted for lack of evidence.

REMEMBER MATEUS SANTOS DE MORAIS, FIVE YEARS OLD. FIVE. YEARS. OLD. He got shot while playing in front of his house. SAY HIS NAME.

ÁGATHA FELIX.8 YEARS OLD. She was returning home with her mother when she got shot. FOR NO REASON. SAY HER NAME.

FABIO DOS SANTOS VIERA, 21 years. He was shot because, according to the police, he was holding a gun. That gun was never found.

EVALDO DOS SANTOS ROSA, 51 years old. 257 SHOTS FIRED AT HIS CAR. SAY HIS NAME. His family was inside of it too, including a 7 year old kid. Evaldo died instantly. NO JUSTICE NO PEACE

MATHEUS OLIVEIRA, 23. The Police got >>scared<< and shot him in the head. He had just become a father.

MARCUS VINICIUS, 14 years. shot during a police operation while returning from school, his last words:“ Didn’t they see that I was wearing school clothes, mom?”.

EMILLY CAETANO DA COSTA, 9 years old, was shot two times on the back. The police said the vehicle her family was in was suspicious. They chased the car and shot five times. Her mom, dad, and two sisters were in the car.

LUCAS, 14 years old,disappeared after some cops take him out from his home, his body was found floating at a lake in a park.


victims of the Costa Barros massacre, killed by the police with 111 SHOTS while celebrating the youngest’s first salary.

Wilton Estever Domingos Jr, 20. Wesley Castro Rodrigues, 25. Cleiton Corrêa de Souza, 18. Carlos Eduardo Silva Souza, 16. Roberto Silva de Souza, 16. Victims of the Costa Barros massacre, killed by the police with 111 SHOTS while celebrating the youngest’s first salary.

PEDRO GONZAGA, 19, killed by a supermarket security guard. He was suffocated and suffered cardiac arrest.

KETELLEN GOMES, 5 years old. Was riding her bike when she was shot during a police operation. Her last words was “Mom, don’t cry, no, mom”. The target from the shooters was Davi Gabriel Martins Nascimento,17 years old, who also died.

75% of those killed by the police in Brazil are black.

Black people are 147% more likely to be murdered than white people in this country.

Brazil currently has the highest rate of killing of Blacks in the world outside Africa. It far surpasses the U.S.



If you think Trump is bad and reblog everyday USA’s situation, BRAZIL NEEDS THIS TYPE OF ATTENTION AS WELL.



the lea michele situation is actually a prime example of why we should be wary of performative activism right now. if you are supporting the cause by protesting, donating, posting your support, etc. that’s great! but this problem goes so much deeper than just police brutality.

every single non-black person who has posted #blacklivesmatter this week needs to take a step back and analyze whether or not their actions (not just their words) have shown that they truly believe that statement. it’s a clear and obvious choice to speak out against the brutal murder of an innocent man. however, if you are not making the obvious choice every day to speak up for us when your friends/relatives make racist jokes, if you are not listening to and respecting the black people you know in real life, if you have not sat down to analyze the ways you actively benefit from this system, if you have not worked to start unlearning the biases you were raised with, or if you thought “black lives matter” was a controversial statement until this week, do not pretend to care just because everyone is talking about it right now.

when these protests are over, there will still be many battles to fight. this is not a game, and this is not something you post about just for likes and clicks. if you are resting easy right now thinking that you’re “one of the good ones” for showing public outrage over a situation that should anger any reasonable person, you need to do more. racism is not something you can pick and choose when to be against. we don’t get to pick and choose when we experience racism. so if you’re going to get involved with this situation right here, right now, then you need to be ready to hold yourself and others accountable for anti-blackness in all other areas of your life.

white people can and SHOULD reblog!


reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.


This has been getting a lot of notes but if you can reblog the version with the link to donate that would be appreciated!





do you guys realize that…the videos and articles about the “good cops” who are “protesting” are propaganda designed to make you think “not all cops are bad”? do you realize that when the chief of police of flint said “let’s not make this a protest, let’s make it a parade,” he was successfully de-escalating the situation and dissolving the protest?

the police force has been corrupt since long before you and i were born. people don’t become cops to protect and serve, they become cops to feel strong and to use their strength against others. you are falling for propaganda if you believe that white men kneeling a la colin kaepernick mean the cops you see firing rubber bullets and batoning people are the exception to the rule. 

all cops are bastards. full stop. 



Here is a compilation of places to donate (IF you can, simply reblogging and sharing this can help) and petition to sign. I found these websites and organizations on twitter.



  • Willie Simmons has spent 38 years in prison for a $9 robbery. He had two prior convictions similar to robbery that he served time for. He was prosecuted under the Alabama Habitual Offender law and was given a life sentence for his third strike - stealing 9 (NINE) dollars. Sign his petition. 
  • Breonna Taylor was killed by police who were conducting an UNANNOUNCED drug raid, where they gave no request to enter. They bashed her door and entered, shooting her EIGHT times. They were in the WRONG HOUSE. 
  • George Floyd was killed by a police officer who knelt on his neck and suffocated him to death, after George pleaded with the officer and told him he couldn’t breathe. The officer had pulled him from where he sat in his car on an alleged FORGERY. You can also text “FLOYD” to 55156
  • ARREST THE OFFICERS WHO KILLED GEORGE FLOYD: The main police officer who murdered George is being kept in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. You probably have heard he was arrested, but this is NOT TRUE. He was placed under PROTECTIVE custody because of the riots and “threats” on his life. 

If you know of ANY other organizations or petitions, PLEASE ADD TO THIS LIST. The fight for justice doesn’t end here, it will never end. Especially when the president of the United States calls white supremacists good people and protesters of a mans death THUGS. USE YOUR VOICE. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE. FUCK COPS. FUCK “BLUE LIVES”. ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER!

the minnesota freedom fund is asking folks to donate to other organizations instead. the specific ones they listed are black visions, linked above, and these two:

  • northstar health collective, organized healthcare professionals working with anti-authoritarian groups
  • reclaim the block, a collective that aims to redistribute funding away from police and towards more community-oriented projects in minneapolis

these are the links i send to my facebook friends who keep running their mouths about “the protests hurting the community”

  • minnehaha food shelfcalvary church food shelfare both centered in the south minneapolis area where the riots started. the grocery stores in the area have been decimated, so food shelves and food insecurity charities need a lot of love right now.
  • northside funders group is a philanthropic group in the twin cities that’s using all its funds right now for helping local businesses
  • migizi is a native american media/history nonprofit whose office was destroyed in the riots
  • we love lake street is devoting funds specifically towards rebuilding the lake street area in south minneapolis

some more groups that could use your help

  • the healing justice foundation is a national nonprofit that’s specifically focusing on mental health resources for bipoc right now
  • ctul is a nonprofit focused on low-wage workers and workers rights in minnesota
  • mpd 150 is focused on policing and specifically trying to reroute the conversation from “we need to change police procedures” to “the police need structural reform”
  • the spiral collective is providing funds for supplies, medic kits, and other things that protesters will need on the ground
  • unicorn riot is a media collective that has had people on the ground filming every night in minneapolis

last but not least some more bail funds



(Also it’s my birthday in 2 weeks.)

In order to avoid spreading a treatment-resistant bedbug infestation, I am not allowed to bring much of anything to my (shared) new home. I’m bringing my mobility aids, most of my medications, and a few other basic items, but that’s it.

I get to the new place tomorrow. (Feb 4th 2022)

I am physically disabled by severe illness that leaves me stuck in bed almost all the time. 

My income is thousands below the federal poverty line.

I need medications and medical supplies insurance doesn’t cover and other items that abled people don’t need. I routinely go without necessary items because I cannot afford them.

I’m already in debt to friends just for the actual moving process, on an income already not large enough to meet my needs. And I still need to replace clothes, toiletries, and other necessary items.

I’m asking for help.

I know times are hard for everyone, and I’m only asking for don ations if you’re a financially secure adult who genuinely wants to help. However, if you do meet that description, I’d be so grateful for even a small amount. Like literally a dollar would help so much right now. I’d also really appreciate anyone willing to share this post.

Right now the only way I can accept don ations is through wishIists. The 1st one also has gifftcards that I could use at cheaper stores.

Food/basic necessities wishIist:https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/19QO1LMKKHQ3A?ref_=wl_share

Housewarming wishIist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3G0Y3CKZ4433A?ref_=wl_share

Thank you so much to everyone who reblogged and/or donated!!

I made it to the new place and have had no bug bites here! (touch wood lol) So happy to have made it!!

I’m having to rest a LOT to recover from the move, so I can’t be online as much as usual. But I’m so thankful for your help!! Thank you!!

I’d still appreciate people reblogging, as I’m still in need of more supplies than I can actually afford. Like a trash can, heating pad for my pain, toiletries, things like that.

I’m really sorry to beg - I know I’ve been begging for help for other poor people I know a lot lately - but I am so extremely poor and very much disabled by severe physical illness and I don’t have other options.


anyway i said i would do this after the whole thing was said and done… when i was looking for advice i found like “paint your nails and listen to happy music” buzzfeed bullshit so

here is my short real life abortion and early pregnancy survival guide (pastebin)

other links:




Kills me how so many ppl on here will be like be gay do crimes but then gasp in shock and horror at the very thought that there are Drug Users and Addicts on their Webbedsite

I’m just saying like if ur gonna be on here claiming to be anti police and care about social justice but then cry out in moral outrage everytime you realize there are drug users and addicts in your communities… mayhap you aren’t as be gay and do crimes as u thought. Btw you’re stepping on some of the most vulnerable people in ur community and you sound like a conservative <3

Oh and just to cut this off at the pass, yes this still goes even if you have trauma relating to drug use for whatever reason like. Your trauma is valid for lack of other words, and youre allowed to make boundaries as you will, but it does NOT give you an excuse to punch down on addicts, who are suffering too.

Also again, addicts are just as every bit as complicated and human as you are and often have trauma around drug use themselves.

And signing off: you are not more righteous or morally pure than addicts, you can end up there too just as easily under the right circumstances. end post


losing something doesn’t mean you stopped deserving it.





Well I just learned a new upsetting thing about systemic ableism today.

Keep thinking about this. It means that the people who receive SSDI can literally NEVER be a part of the group legislating the program. I feel genuinely sick to my stomach…because like…that’s the formal structure. We’ve all accepted this??????????

Highlights include:

People are not told beforehand these positions would put their benefits at risk.

Positions “in office” include things like being on your kids’ school board.

You can lose benefits even if the position is only a few hours a month type responsibility because it shows the decision makers you “can work”.

It’s decided on a case by case basis, which means it is basically up to the whims of the person looking at the case, so some people will skirt by and make others think they can too only to be penalized later.

Everything about us, without us in the US. :/

[image: tweet by Sarah Blahovec: “I am passionate about my job, but the absolute worst part of it is having to deliver the news to a disabled person on SSDI that they can’t run for office (usually an unpaid local office) without losing their benefits. Today it was to a disabled veteran. #CripTheVote”]


farther in the Twitter thread is this link to a blog post by a disability rights organization with the text of what the Social Security Administration says about how running for office might affect one’s benefits. this link is not to the SSA website because this information is not on the SSA website.



*holds your face in my hands* you aren’t inherently worthless or unlovable or horrible


Image of a tweet. Text and @ are accompaniedALT

“I’m almost 50, and here is the best thing I have learned so far: every strange thing you’ve ever been into, every failed hobby or forgotten instrument, everything you have ever learned will come back to you, will serve you when you need it. No love, however brief, is wasted.” @louisethebaker on Twitter




Shout out to everyone that’s reading this and are actually actively applying this to their lives. Not just reblogging it and lying to themselves that they will get to this point “someday”.

Someday is TODAY.

Everyone should see this movie. Please watch the trailer and turn on english subs. The movie is called Miasto 44 or english title Warsaw 44. It’s about how children and teens were protecting Poland during the II world war. 

I feel that every country in Europe should be ashamed that they did not help at all. They only pretend. 

The same is happening right now too. Example: Ukraine, Syria. 

People are full of shit. They know that people are dying, but they won’t do anything because it’s too cozy where they are. In warm, nice home, they don’t have to hide or worry about their family.

I can’t even describe how much I hate those who attacked Poland during II World War  and who never got fair punishment for that.

#warsaw44    #miasto44    #cruelty    #history    #beaware    #awarness    #poland    #important    #ii world war    #europe    #full of shit    #bullshit    









“wouldn’t you rather earn something than have it just handed to you?”

Yeah when it comes to actual awards and fancy goods, but when it comes to basic needs, basic human decency, and accomodations, those things should always be handed to people. No one should have to “earn” those things.Value people as people, not base it on how much they produce. 

yeah but that creates a severe dependency that could be exploited easily, and creates a slippery slope @musical-clarity

Actually studies show that people who live in places with universal income (who are given money with no strings attached just for being citizens) do far better work than those who don’t and are more enthusiastic to do work.

This is because they still want nice things and will work for those but the part of their energy that was devoted to worrying about if they have enough money to pay the rent and bills this month is now freed up to do other things.

Some people will always be lazy and take advantage of the system, but they are always a tiny percentage and it seems ridiculous to me to punish the majority and severly hamstring their abilities just because a handful of people will simply live of basic income rather than work.

It’s been tested a couple times. In Canada, in some European countries, and the results are always the same.

There are two groups of people who show a statistically significant (Greater than one half of one percent, or 1 in 200) increase in Not Working and living off the guaranteed income. Parents of Children under school age, and full time students.

Among ALL other groups, employment actually INCREASED. Why? Because guaranteed minimum income means that homeless people can get at least a basic low end apartment. It’s hard if not impossible to get an above board job without a permanent fixed address. Also more people were able to have and maintain a BANK ACCOUNT. It is often hard to get a decent job without an account that can accept Direct Deposit for paychecks.

Also, lost work time due to illness and injury decreased across the board. It turns out if people are getting a decent amount of money each month they can A> afford to eat better, and B> obtain decent medical attention both preventative and emergency. Crazy right?

So why hasn’t it caught on?

Because it doesn’t directly benefit the people in power, and it increases THEIR PERSONAL taxes, their CORPORATE TAXES, and thus decreases their PERSONAL INCOME.

So, because Jeff Bezos and Alan Greenspan might fall from making 100 billion dollars a year to making 99.8 billion dollars a year, it’s a hard NO and we can all fucking die..

The End.


TL;DR : people work better when they are living

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs applies to society as a whole,,, you need basic necessities and security in order to do your best

Capitalist bootlickers are always like “that might create a slippery slope of dependency where people could be exploited, so we should stay on our slippery slope of starvation and homelessness where people definitely are being exploited.”


kids are not supposed to die at school. parents are not supposed to drop their children off at school and then get texts like, “mom if i dont make it out of this, know that i love you and appreciate everything youve done for me”. being in high school is not supposed to be a death sentence. yes, america, you fought for your independance. yes, you won. you’re a free country. but you’re not a safe country. power is not supposed to be more valuable than a human life.
