



Friendly reminder that -

  • Percy’s neutral expression is a natural brooding look that he gets from Poseidon
  • That when he does smile it’s crooked and makes him look like a trouble maker
  • When he talks it’s usually very sarcastic and/or impertinent 
  • His inner monologue is actually very negative and while we, as the readers, take it as a joke he’s usually pretty pessimistic for a good portion of the time
  • That when he’s fighting his expression is fierce and is hard to tell whether he is the good guy or not
  • That Leo Valdez equated Percy’s angry expression to the feeling he gets when Jason is about to shoot lightning. Let me repeat - just the look on Percy’s face when he’s angry was considered on par to Jason controlling flipping lightning
  • That he’s very very vindictive and loyal only to those he considers his friends and once you lose his trust it is nearly impossible to earn back 
  • That while he had the curse of achilles, he laughed crazily while he was single handedly destroying hordes of monsters
  • He made an entire volcano erupt, awakened a giant, and almost wiped out the northwest of the united states
  • He tortured a godess just so she would feel his misery
  • That he’s actually very manipulative and it made Annabeth step back for a moment and reevaluate her perception of him
  • That while his dark side came to it’s peak in house of hades and wasn’t mentioned in blood of olympus, there was no confirmation that it suddenly and completely disappeared after they left Tartarus.
  • Has been the child of the prophecytwice.
  • He manipulated Bob to kill his own brother by simply convincing him that they were friends and that is what friends did for each other
  • He was physically abused by his step father
  • That with absolutely no training at all he killed the minotaur with it’s own horn at the mere age of twelve
  • He wins a good majority of his fights by simply outsmarting his opponent 
  • He has scared not only Annabeth but his friends and peers on more than one occasion with his attitude and powers
  • That he’s considered extremely powerful for a demigod and for a child of the big three and makes the gods slightly nervous
  • That when he’s upset his powers act to mimic his emotions without him even trying
  • Has been offered immortality
  • That he is actually really sorta intimidating without trying 
  • That we need to stop reducing Percy’s character to a happy-go-lucky comic relief goofball that doesn’t know his left foot from right because he is so much more than that

Well this post has unbelievably gotten more than 30k likes/reblogs and I can now die happy . To celebrate, I’m extending the list of canon moments for those of you who are interested.

  • Percy has been to anger management classes. 
  • The name Perseus literally translates to “To Destroy.” Do with that what you will. 
  • Percy and his mother systematically murdered his abusive step father. And not only did Percy not feel a bit of repulse at the idea of killing someone, he offered to kill Gabe by himself if his mother couldn’t do it, then felt regret that he wasn’t the one who strike the final blow. His exact inner thought was - “How could I turn down the perfect chance to take revenge on him?”
  • After Percy killed Arachne in Tartarus, his exact words to Annabeth was “She died too easy, considering how much torture he put you through. She deserved worse.” And it unsettled Annabeth so much that she was almost glad Arachne died quickly.
  • Like dam, if you haven’t figured it out already, Percy kinda has a thing for revenge.
  • Percy’s powers grow extraordinarily fast, show no signs of stopping any time soon, and are no longer bound to only salt water or pure water liquids but now encompass all water-based liquids.
  • Percy blood bended in Tartarus.
  • “He didn’t want to stop. He wanted to choke this goddess. He wanted to watch her drown in her own poison. He wanted to see just how much misery Misery could take.” - Perseus Jackson while torturing Akhlys.
  • Luke and Kronos when talking about Percy not only referred to him as a weapon, but an unreliable one at that.
  • Frank literally compared Percy’s fighting style to a demon.
  • Percy pretty much took out half of the Roman Legion single-handedly during the War Games and basically just caused mass chaos and panic.
  • When Frank, Hazel, and Percy were traveling in SoN, street gangs didn’t bother them because one look from Percy sent them running in the other direction. One look.
  • Percy’s wolf stare was described as “No matter how bad you think you are, I’m worse.”


in case it hasn’t been clear, this blog is firmly and unwaveringly pro-choice.


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Okay so I’ve seen a lot of people go after cc today and I’ve seen an overwhelming amount of people defend her, so let’s talk a little about one of the points brought up again and again that never seems to be phrased properly or people just can’t seem to grasp.

Islamophobia in YA. Specifically in tsc but this post is about more than just one woman’s writing.

What is Islamophobia? It’s the fear, hatred of, or prejudice against the Islamic religion or Muslims generally. 

How can a book be classified as prejudiced? When it does not contain even a mention of a single Muslim character. I’m not saying lack of Muslim mcs, I’m saying zero Muslims in an entire book. An entire series. A whole collection.

You can’t tell me you don’t know a single Muslim person, or that you’ve never passed a Hijabi on the street or walked by a Mosque, because if you do you’re lying. 

Just the same way we expect authors to diversify their cast of characters with Black rep, Asian rep, POC rep, LGBTQ rep, this is just as important.

The biggest problem? Misrepresentation. It’s when an author chooses to include a Muslim character and then turns Islam on it’s head and dulls down this character by things like: a Muslim character that is ‘not that close to their religion’ (see: An Abundance of Katherines by John Green) or a Muslim girl that doesn’t believe in her hijab/takes it off sometime during the series/claims she only wears it so her hair doesn’t get dirty while baking (see: Beneath the Sugar Sky by  Seanan McGuire) that’s not how Islam works.That is not how Muslims act or treat their religion.

Islam, to a Muslim, is more than just a piece of cloth or a weekly trip to the Mosque. To a Muslim, their religion is their identity. It’s part of who they are. It’s how they dress, how they eat, and what they do with their time.

You cannot disclude these aspects of a Muslim and then claim you have represented them.

Now I know some people were upset about cc being called out as Islamophobic and not having enough Islamic rep, so I’ll get into that as well.

There are no Muslim characters in tsc. Not a single one. And as we discussed this makes the series Islamophobic. When asked about this, Cassandra Clare said that Shadowhunters do not have a religion because they worship Raziel.

This is what I like to call: a really shitty excuse.

Will proposed to Tessa on Christmas. Christmas is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ. If Shadowhunters did in fact have their own religion, then why don’t they have their own holidays? Why, when they supposedly have no relationship with mundanes and hardly understand what goes on in the mundane world, would they celebrate Christmas?

Furthermore, Simon Lewis is Jewish. He used to be a Mundane, but when he became a Shadowhunter, he was not asked to leave his Religion. So is he both? Did he quit being Jewish? If being a Shadowhunter is indeed a religion, it is a very underdeveloped one.

And then we have Sona. Sona who is ‘partly Muslim’. I don’t think you understand how wrong that is from start to finish. There is no ‘partly Muslim’. It’s take it or leave it, you cannot take the aspects of this religion that you like and call yourself partly Muslim. How did cc mess up with this one? 

First: Sona is married to Elias Carstairs, who is not Muslim. He is a white British man of no known religion or indeed his religion is just being a Shadowhunter. He is in alcoholic. He has many other issues but again he is not a Muslim. In Islam, marriage between a Muslim woman and a Non-Muslim man is not allowed.

I could go on, about how there isn’t a single memory of Cordelia’s where her mother is praying, or making duaa. That she never sat down wither her daughter to discuss her beliefs. That despite Sona being Cordelia’s only role model with the absence of her father, she has carried with her none of the Islamic beliefs, morals, or even just habits. But I won’t.

This is not Islamic representation. 

I would appreciate it if people who were not Muslims and have never faced discrimination based solely on their religion, did not interact with this post.

Reblog. Don’t defend authors who have done Muslims dirty. Educate Yourself.





do not talk to cops includes don’t make casual smalltalk w any person who’s obviously an on duty cop. y'know how you should treat every gun as if it’s loaded? treat every cop as if they are trying to get information out of you or fuck you ever. don’t talk to cops don’t trust cops know your rights


Sign by Darren Cullen can be downloaded for free on https://www.spellingmistakescostlives.com/policeprotestsign

I did my undergrad thesis on the vanishing 4th amendment and predictive policing.

Every conversation you have. Every time they stop to talk to you. Every time they ask you a question and it is answered or not. Every time you offer them a coffee or a doughnut. Every time you say hello and every time you refuse to greet them. All of it is recorded.

They create profiles, entire maps of networks of who knows who and when and where they interact. They do this to ”predict crime.”

Every time you call them. Every ”disturbance.” Every time you’re “uncooperative.” Every time you need help and you call them “for protection.” That all goes into the database too. (These databases actually do more to predict who will be a victim of a crime rather than a perpetrator. However, these models often lead police to treat people on these lists as suspects, despite never having committed a crime. It only succeeds in continuing the cycle of over policing and hurting crime victims, especially DV victims.)

They purchase data from third parties like Facebook and include this in their profiling.

Assume that nothing is safe from the force-arm of the state. Don’t talk to cops. And if you can, avoid interacting with them (which i know is easier said than done in communities that are over policed).

Cops are not your friends.


stop checking up on people who are no longer in your life


It‘s not hard. You‘ve just never done it before. Know the difference. Engage your curiosity. Shift your perspective.


“But then it passed, as all things do.”

Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed


Every person need to be taught disability history

Not the “oh Einstein was probably autistic” or the sanitized Helen Keller story. but this history disabled people have made and has been made for us.

Teach them about Carrie Buck, who was sterilized against her will, sued in 1927, and lost because “Three generations of imbeciles [were] enough.”

Teach them about Judith Heumann and her associates, who in 1977, held the longest sit in a government building for the enactment of 504 protection passed three years earlier.

Teach them about all the Baby Does, newborns in 1980s who were born disabled and who doctors left to die without treatment, who’s deaths lead to the passing of The Baby Doe amendment to the child abuse law in 1984.

Teach them about the deaf students at Gallaudet University, a liberal arts school for the deaf, who in 1988, protested the appointment of yet anotherhearing president and successfully elected I. King Jordan as their first deaf president.

Teach them about Jim Sinclair, who at the 1993 international Autism Conference stood and said “don’t mourn for us. We are alive. We are real. And we’re here waiting for you.”

Teach about the disability activists who laid down in front of buses for accessible transit in 1978, crawled up the steps of congress in 1990 for the ADA, and fight against police brutality, poverty, restricted access to medical care, and abuse today.

Teach about us.

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Post link
startorrent02:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chris_Kyle_and_Chad_LittlefieldMurders of Cstartorrent02:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chris_Kyle_and_Chad_LittlefieldMurders of Cstartorrent02:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chris_Kyle_and_Chad_LittlefieldMurders of Cstartorrent02:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chris_Kyle_and_Chad_LittlefieldMurders of Cstartorrent02:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Chris_Kyle_and_Chad_LittlefieldMurders of C



I had to look this up because I was just so shocked to read this. Like a year after he published his book praising all the glory of America and guns???? Someone voted for the leopards eating faces party…

Post link










Can we just… normalize teens loving their parents? Like obviously you’re not obligated to if your parents are shitty, but damn, I love my mom. She’s there for me all the time and sure we have rough patches but honestly she’s the greatest. Like. We need teens to know that they don’t have to hate their parents just cause.

It must be nice to come from a nonabusive family. One that doesn’t traumatized every emotional interaction to the point where you drive away any sign of love as a form of manipulation because that’s all that you were raised with. ‍♀️

It is.

Reading Comprehension  

but loving ur parents is already normalized and its the kids w/ abusive parents that actually have to deal with misunderstandings and ignorance from others regarding this topic.

Hey there, I’m talking about the trope where it’s seen as super uncool to like your parents that was literally pushed on teens through the media since the culture shift in the early 60s. The post has nothing to do with abusive parents. I was abused as a kid and honestly if the trope where teens have to hate their parents to be cool died, then kids with actual abusive parents would have an easier time recognizing abuse this has been a psa

“if the trope where teens have to hate their parents to be cool died, then kids with actual abusive parents would have an easier time recognizing abuse”

Teen with abusive parents: I hate my parents

Teen influenced by society: Me too mine are the worst

The takeaway for teen 1: This is normal and it’s supposed to be this way

The takeaway for teen 2: My friend’s parents are like mine

The takeaway for any adult listening: All kids who complain about their parents are just being rebellious

this is important


i know criticizing the south as being backwards and regressive is all the rage right now, but actually the south is home to some of the most visionary, radical, progressive activists in the whole damn country and yes i will die on this hill. georgia flipping blue is a testament to those activists and hopefully gives you a taste of just how important this work is, and how these southern organizations need our support now more than ever.

people who live in progressive/liberal areas need to stop scapegoating the south and start working with us for our collective liberation. what happened in georgia is great, but it’s unfair to rely on the most marginalized to save us (white people) from ourselves. on that note, hey fellow white people! we didn’t invent white supremacy, but we inherited it. it’s up to us to demolish it, and fall in line with BIPOC-led organizations who are doing the work. you can (and should) help even if you don’t live in the south.

here’s a list of southern organizations doing great work and how to donate to support them.

  • Fair Fight. “We promote fair elections in Georgia and around the country, encourage voter participation in elections, and educate voters about elections and their voting rights.” Donate here.
  • Southerners on New Ground (SONG). “SONG is a home for LGBTQ liberation across all lines of race, class, abilities, age, culture, gender, and sexuality in the South. We build, sustain, and connect a southern regional base of LBGTQ people in order to transform the region through strategic projects and campaigns developed in response to the current conditions in our communities.” Donate here.
  • Gideon’s Army. “Our mission is to act collectively, boldly and strategically as a unified force for all children. We eliminate the root causes of the prison pipeline, save our children from death and incarceration and guide them on a secure path to success.” Donate here.
  • Free Hearts. “A Tennessee state-wide organization led by formerly incarcerated women that provides support, education, and advocacy in organizing families impacted by incarceration, with the ultimate goals of reuniting families and keeping families together.” (Has also been doing a lot of work recently helping formerly incarcerated folks vote for the first time!)
  • Project South. “A Southern-based leadership development organization that creates spaces for movement building.” Donate here.
  • Southern Movement Assembly. “An organizing strategy for community and movement governance…We believe that we are stronger together, and we participate in grassroots democracy to exercise political power at the community, city, state, and regional levels.” Donate here.
  • Black Voters Matter. “To increase power in marginalized, predominantly Black communities. Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny.” Donate here.
  • The Equity Alliance. “A Nashville-based grassroots non-profit advocacy group that seeks to equip citizens with tools and strategies to engage in the civic process and empower them to take action on issues affecting their daily lives.” Donate here

if you know of great southern orgs, especially if they’re local to you, please add them! if you live in the south and don’t know of any orgs, i guarantee there is a stacey abrams doing great work near you. get engaged with local efforts for equality!






Healthcare PSA

Tiktok removed this, so keep it moving!

very useful info! especially for anyone who goes in-and-out of hospital! boost this!

To my American friends out their.





The word “religion” does not mean “Christianity.”

The word “faith” does not mean “Christianity.”

The word “spirituality” does not mean “Christianity.”

You have got to stop equating all of these things. You have got to stop doing shit like saying “all religion is bad” or “all faith is destructive.”

You have got to understand that you can’t truly support Jewish people and Indigenous people and immigrants and refugees and marginalized communities if you’re looking down your nose at their cultures.

There are more religions than Christianity.

If I may:

The words “prayer” and “pray” do not mean “Christianity.”

The words “divine” and “divinity” do not mean “Christianity.”

The words “bless,” “blessed,” and “blessing” do not mean “Christianity.”

Support marginalized people, cultures, practices. De-baptize your mind

Your religious trauma is valid. This does not mean you get to use it to lash out at others.

Your religious trauma is valid. This does not mean you get to use it to lash out at others.


no but the same way that phones and laptops are guilty of scheduled obsolescence, entertainment conglomerates, and to some extent even regular writers just trying to ‘make it big’, are treating stories as though they’re meant to have a built-in expiration date. it’s the obsession with plot twists that ultimately mean nothing, it’s shock for shock’s sake, it’s the way spoilers are treated as inherently experience-ruining. stories are written for the first viewing and the first viewing only, because after you’ve seen something once, why would you want to see it again? so it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t hold up on a second viewing or if the entire plot is ruined if you go into it knowing a single detail. you’re only going to care once, aren’t you?

but like. is that really true? is it really true that an experience with a piece of art is only worth having once? is it really not worth it to create something that will be loved enough that its lovers come back to it? that’s so much




Healthcare PSA

Tiktok removed this, so keep it moving!


if you all are bothered by the new update where long posts are cut off by the ‘view post’ thingy, then just follow this:

- settings>dashboard>shorten long posts and toggle it off (browser)


- settings>general settings>dashboard preferences>shorten long posts and toggle it off (the app)


here is the info template and the blank template of my student id that i made!

the fonts are Arial Rounded MT Bold (for the name + general info) and Arial Regular (for the description!)

hope you enjoy! please do not take away my watermark!
