



Look man it’s taken me almost 30 years to figure out a fraction of who I am and maybe that’s an indicator of how slowly I learn or maybe that’s just how long it takes for us to rid ourselves of the toxic sludge adults filled our cups with as children but I will fill my own damn cup from here on out

Don’t let anyone make you feel like time is running out. You’ve got so much time to learn and change and grow and wither and rebirth reparent and repair yourself from all the wounds you survived and learn how to thrive for the first time

torturedboy: alphadaddydom:nosalvationintime:PSA: Please teach your partner how to choke properltorturedboy: alphadaddydom:nosalvationintime:PSA: Please teach your partner how to choke properl




PSA: Please teach your partner how to choke properly if you’re into that kind of thing.

The point of choking is not to crush the oesophagus, but rather to put light pressure on the carotid arteries to stop oxygen circulation to the brain. So tops, please create a V shape with your hands, which allows the fleshy part of the palm to rest against the oesophagus without causing any obstruction to the windpipe, and press down on the arteries. It’s not about stopping your bottom from breathing completely, but making them lightheaded.

This is very, very important!

Also, please don’t attempt any choking whilst under the influence because your better judgement may be impaired and you can cause some serious damage.

Choking is serious business, if you’re going to engage in it, please be sure to practise it properly and in a safe manner!

Important read.


Post link










Check this shit out. I love a good “make you experience the scale of Jeff Bezos’ wealth” simulation.

This is an exercise in frustration.

Honestly I got past Bezos and then to the $3 trillion of the combined ultra rich and gave up. It makes me too mad and I *already* know that billionaires shouldn’t exist. Send this to your old uncle who idolizes them though. If he, too, cannot stomach the full scrolling experience then maybe convince him they shouldn’t exist either.

I can’t. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen

I know

And this, my friends, is why we need to eat the rich

If this doesn’t inspire guillotine dreams in ya, you’re either a fool or a billionaire.

Just in case you didn’t make it to the end.

Eat the rich.

With that leftover $500,000,000,000 you could pay off

  • the Flint, Michigan water crisis solution
  • free college for a year
  • feeding homeless vets for a year
  • whatthehell, the end of world hunger

and still have $407,860,000,000 for Starbucks and avocado toast

Note that Flint is already in there under “provide clean water and waste disposal to every human on Earth.”


as funny as top/bottom/switch jokes can be, i wanna drill into queer kids heads that those terms are 1) not myers-briggs personality types 2) likely not something you know about yourself if you’re a virgin 3) inherently sexual and therefore 4) not something adults should assign you, even as a joke


Silco and other Arcane stuff masterlist


Welcome to the Playground

Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved

Part I,Part II

The Base Violence Necessary for Change

Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part V,Part VI,Part VII,Part VIII,Part IX,Part X,Part XI

Extension for Part VII

Happy Progress Day!

Part I,Part II,Part IIIPart IV

Everybody Wants to Be My Enemy

Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part V

When These Walls Come Tumbling Down

Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part V,Part VI

The Boy Savior

Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV,Part V,Part VI, Part VII

Oil and Water

Part I,Part II,Part III,Part IV

The Monster You Created

Part I,Part II, Part III

Anything else

Piltover and Zaun

Viktor in Some Mysteries Are Better Left Unsolved

IntroPart IandPart II

Viktor is a dork

Silco’s hands Part I,Part II


We really need to address the fact that women aren’t more likely to be asexual than men. Ace men are more likely to be closeted especially to themselves because society tells them that they must be sexual/are sex obsessed/be attracted to people and in particular women. And it can be extrememly difficult to look at yourself and say “wow I guess I’m not the way society says I should be”.

Ace men deserve mad respect for figuring themselves out.


young queer folk — listen to your queer elders.

listen to queer history.

pay attention to the mistakes and tensions of the past.

learn about how the queer community has changed over time.

learn how to identify when the conservative agenda is weaving its way into your communities, and learn how to combat that.

listen to queer elders.





hi. if you’re a young person or teenager who happens to be following me: write it down! keep a secret diary, a notepad, a blog your parents don’t have access to. write it down. keep a record somehow.

when i was a little kid and both my dad & i were being actively abused by my mom, he was familiar enough w her gaslighting that he instructed me at elementary school age to write down all the horrible things she did/said to me. it would be useful in court when custody was being argued and it would be useful to ME, years later, when my mom would try and convince me none of it happened. i had the proof, often word for word, that it did–and there was no hope in convincing my mom but a lot of hope in convincing myself and holding my stance against her. it was pivotal to advocating for myself and my feelings and eventually leaving her in my dust!

write it down!!! it’s so frustrating to have to deal with this bullshit, whether your parents are outright abusive or just fucking toxic/dysfunctional assholes. but you can do something for yourself and your mental health and that something is writing it down.

Yeah bury it in a box in the woods and write in it once a month if you have to, but write that shit down. I wish to fuck I had.

The ‘write it down’ advice is also super useful for workplace bullying or intimate partner abuse. The gaslighting makes you doubt yourself, and writing it down helps you remember the facts.

Handwriting is best, on a hard copy you can hide if necessary, not an electronic device that can be reset. And not just what happened, but how it made you feel.

Alternatively, in a group chat with people you trust so that even if you lose access to it, others can recover it.


If you go out of your way to publicly hate on a content creator, I am judging you.

Me also. Cancel culture and hate culture and going out of your way to hate on someone publicly and making sure ppl know it is dumb and if you do it then you are too! I judge you for it if you do this stuff.

internet people need to stop being assholes >:(

Looks like there’s a new type of scam bot going around, gentle reminder to not click any links anyone sends you whether they follow you or not and to block and report these guys

I’m not sure what the Google forms link is as I didn’t click it, but its either a false link similar so it catches you off guard or it’ll be like a form to put in your info or something.

Also so it’s out there, even if one of your mutuals or close friends sends you a suspicious link, do not click it until you can verify its them!!! (Best way to do that is contact via another medium like discord), because their account may have been hacked!! I add this because it happened to one of the people in my lab groups’ friends


Maito GaifromNarutoisincredibly fuckable! That one @urfaveisunfuckable mod has no taste!



i love that one post going around sm & the scene its from also obliterates me


Naruto: Wha-what in the world is going on?

Kakashi: What do you mean?

Naruto: Why are those two getting so worked up just looking at each other?

Kakashi, thinking: Hn. He just can’t see that he’s the exact same way, when it comes to Sasuke.

Kakashi, speaking: Well, Naruto-

Pitched-up text to speech, interrupting: Being gay-

Kakashi: is a tricky business. Not that Iwould know.

Gai: Hmm?

Kakashi: *chuckles* Oh! hi there~

End transcript.]


This is both going to be a vague blog and an outright call out post of how myself and some other members have acted on here.

The first thing I want to start of with, being the most important and if you only read part of this, let it be the stuff before the cut, is an apology to @tradcatmaria. I don’t know her very well (we haven’t talked in a long time until recently) and so I wasn’t comfortable bringing up mild concerns I had regarding her relationship. Really, I’m a nobody online who is basing this off a very small portion of what I see through the internet. It is certainly one thing if I were more involved, and had gone to her, but I didn’t. I saw a post about concern for her and her views and mentioned it. While I may still have my feelings on the matter, Maria knows him much MUCH better than I do, and she knows herself as well. We are the same age and if some rando online made a comment about someone I was dating/engaged to, I’d be pretty upset too.

But this also brings up the fact that a lot of people were commenting and making posts about her, when she had largely no idea about it. How can we call ourselves Christians, or to follow Christ, without first following what is taught us in the bible, primarily the writings of Paul? To go to our brother (or sister) and bring it up to them, and only after they refuse several times to clarify or change their ways, is it proper to bring things to the public. And even then, I hardly think this applies to “online” publicity.

Seguir leyendo

Thank you so much for this. God bless you, sister


If you have questions about what I post and what my positions are on various topics and why, please message me directly. This is something that I have always encouraged.

Instead of making assumptions about my situation, views, and reasoning for my views, you can just ask.

I am tempted to make a video on common misconceptions about me because this is becoming an issue.



Upon further consideration, I have decided not to do this video. My page has four admins and then I have my own personal advisor. The page admins have access to all of my messages for the TCM Facebook and Instagram. The advisor and admins don’t see a problem with how I post things and they can see all of the feedback on those websites. The issue with clarity on Tumblr is not an issue everywhere else even though, since I often share from Instagram, I am saying the same things. On other platforms, the issues that are on Tumblr don’t exist. My posts are generally understood everywhere else and if something isn’t clear, people just message me and it’s not a problem. Because of this, I don’t think a video would really be beneficial. It isn’t universally needed when it’s much easier to handle this differently


fuck the grind. you’re clearly tired and going thru a lot right now. the world feels like it’s collapsing on you and time is running out but i’m here to tell u that it’s not. you have time. lots of time. close your laptop, put away the work, get a snack or get into bed, and call it a day my love. doesn’t matter if you didn’t do what you wanted to do today - that’s what tomorrow is for. let’s try again tomorrow. but for now, get some rest.



“Who can prevent all this from happening? The people. Public figures, journalists, musicians, actors, athletes, scientists, doctors, bloggers, stand-ups, Tiktokers, and more. Ordinary people. Ordinary, simple people. Men, women, old, young, fathers, and most importantly - mothers. I know that my speech will not be aired on Russian television. But the citizens of Russia have to see it. They need to know the truth.”


I’m pausing all my queued art posts and reblogs to just share important info about the war that Russia has unleashed upon Ukraine.

I seriously urge you all to do something to help, for example allow more space for Ukrainians, boosts their posts, don’t reblog or post stuff that’s not relevant or important for some time. This will help make other posts more visible.

(I’m also pausing my P tr eon queue until I decide if I’m done with the platform or not after what they just did. Thank you for your support thus far and PLEASE don’t stand witness to this, ACT)

I’m pausing all my queued art posts and reblogs to just share important info about the war that Russia has unleashed upon Ukraine.

I seriously urge you all to do something to help, for example allow more space for Ukrainians, boosts their posts, don’t reblog or post stuff that’s not relevant or important for some time. This will help make other posts more visible.

(I’m also pausing my P tr eon queue until I decide if I’m done with the platform or not after what they just did. Thank you for your support thus far and PLEASE don’t stand witness to this, ACT)
