#incorrect ok ko quotes


KO: Why would they call it a grapefruit? There already is a grape fruit. It’s called a grape. Somebody messed up here.

Shannon: I love saying etc. Like, figure it out yourself.


KO: Everyone’s password is just those dots but no one ever gets hacked. Just goes to show people are basically honest.

IT guy trying to delete all of KO’s viruses: Uh huh.

KO: Ingredient? What’s a gredient? Why would someone be in one?

Darrel: How do I know if I’m immortal?

Lord Boxman: Trial and error.


KO: Why does everyone say they make a mean dish? Why does it have to be mean? There is already so much evil in this world.

KO: I hope I don’t have to fight my evil shadow self today.


KO: No way…


Enid: “There’s no wrong way to consume a piece of media,” Yes there is.

KO: Yeah that’s why they made Switch cartridges taste bad.


Enid: What’s the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

Red Action: I burnt my wrist playing a crazy game my friends and I invented where you pass a Bop It over a fire pit while someone squirts kerosene over the fire. It’s called Fire Bop It. Look up Bop It if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Also don’t play this game.

Professor Venomous: I think food is entirely subjective. Think I’ll feed my kid slimeballs made of seaweed in her developmental years, she’ll love it, won’t even want to eat my fries, she has her slimeballs.


Mr. Gar: What did you bring to the table?

KO: Well I think I bring lots of enthusia-

Mr. Gar: No, I mean what did you just put on my desk.

KO: You mean my toad?

TKO: In a fight against anyone, I win.

Rad: Even your mom?

TKO: Knocked out in seconds no problem.


KO: Dogs deserve to live forever.

Enid: And humans don’t?

KO: Absolutely not.

TKO: I just checked the wii forecast channel and it said lightning is going to shock everyone to death.


Raymond, at Rad: Why don’t you try taking off the cat ears and putting on your thinking cap for once.


KO: Is it a bad idea to punch someone in the face?

Professor Venomous:No, logically 50% of the population is more punchable than you, so we say play the odds.

