

“ Il capo reparto stava in fondo e si vedeva di rado. I pezzi arrivavano sui nastri trasportatori, contati e controllati; tanti pezzi all’ora. Dopo una settimana riuscivo a seguire il ritmo del lavoro e avevo tempo ogni tanto per alzare la testa. Alzare la testa come se potessi farlo contro i miei mali e le tristi congiure.
Fuori l’inverno correva e si arrampicava su quelle querce, sopra i capannoni. La sera lo vedevo sul lago bianco e stretto.
Fino a tutto gennaio neve non tanta ma sovente, ogni due o tre giorni, senza attaccare. La guardavo dalla fabbrica e capivo che era inutile e che non avrebbe resistito.
Intanto continuavo il mio lavoro in mezzo agli altri, in silenzio, senza amicizie. Pinna non lo vedevo quasi piú e Gualatrone lo incontravo qualche volta alla mensa; ma era molto impegnato per l’amore e il partito. L’assistente sociale, dopo il trasferimento e la punizione, non l’avevo piú vista. Non andavo piú al cinema tutte le sere, perché a ora tarda era troppo freddo, anche con il cappotto.
In quel reparto del montaggio tutto mi sembrava nuovo e io stesso non avevo piú i risentimenti di prima.
Soffrivo ma con piú calma. Tutto l’ambiente, piú largo e piú luminoso, sembrava un posto inesistente, che dovesse sparire presto. Eravamo una massa confusa, che non chiedeva nulla, nemmeno a ciascuno di noi.
Eravamo tutti distratti anche se i nostri pensieri si accanivano. A certe ore nel reparto suonava la musica. Io l’ascoltavo e mi faceva bene. Spesso però mi ricordava il sanatorio, dove i malati cominciano ad aprire la radio alla mattina presto. Quando suonava la musica, il capo si alzava e cominciava a camminare su e giú nel corridoio in mezzo ai tavoli. Non guardava e non diceva niente a nessuno. Si chiamava Salvatore e faceva collezione di francobolli. In tutto il tempo che stetti con lui mi parlò soltanto due o tre volte, quando doveva farmi qualche comunicazione dell’infermeria o dell’Ufficio Personale.
Accompagnava le parole con un biglietto. Ricordo che per firmare impuntava la penna un attimo prima della esse maiuscola. Il suo silenzio era come tutto quello del reparto e nei suoi occhi non si leggevano intenzioni.
Cosí rimasi a lungo in quel posto senza seccature e ormai non m’importava piú nulla della qualifica e del lavoro.
Montare i pezzi era noioso ma anche faticoso, di una fatica che mi prendeva e mi accompagnava per tutta la giornata come un cattivo umore. “

Paolo Volponi,Memoriale, Garzanti, 1976 [1ª edizione 1962]; pp. 195-196.


⋆ ·˚ ༘ * INDUSTRIA (389) * ༘ ˚· ⋆

- an Overlooked Career Asteroid -


Hi fam! Just briefly: After my own research and after using this asteroid pretty frequently in my birth chart interpretations, i can tell you it plays an important role when struggling to choose a career. @shawtyastrology on twitter also talked about it as well a while ago. Here’s a little definition:

  • INDUSTRIA: latin term meaning activity, industriousness, energy, zeal, care. In astrology, this asteroid translates into those careers we pursue quite naturally, that seems to be chained in our dna and alingned with ourselves, those jobs and skills that seem easy to us and where we naturally and effortlessly put our hard work.


  • Besides my own knowledge, i used “The Rulership Book” by Rex E. Bills for the careers listed below each sign.

♈︎ - Industria in Aries or at 1°, 13°, 25°/ 1H : these people may do well in careers relating to competition, passion and a high drive, such as firefighters, athletes, surgeons, soldiers, policemen, researchers, pioneering careers such as opening a business, launching a start-up, then neurologists, psychiatrists, optometrists, personal trainers, dealing with cars, 911 service, hats and glasses designers, construction workers (especially those involving carving wood), dentists, engineers (esp. metallurgical), hairdressers, law enforcement, officers, physiotherapists, working at service stations, gas stations, physicists (especially those who deal with thermodynamics).

♉︎ - Industria in Taurus or at 2°, 14°, 26° / 2H : these people may do well in careers relating to Venusian matters, such as cooks, singers, poetry writers and authors of romances, owning a bakery/restaurant, design of all sorts, real estate, working for a luxury shop, fine jewelry, aesthetician, plastic surgeon. Working in the financial field, architecture, art dealers and stores, working in a bank, cashiers, dancers, farming, owning a food-related business, financiers, geologists, working into the music field, sculptors, throat specialists, dentists.

♊︎ - Industria in Gemini or at 3°, 15°, 27° / 3H : these people may do well in careers relating to communication, such as journalism, writing, scientific research, tv workers, holding podcasts, YouTube channels, blogs, information, teaching. Accountants, advertising specialists, marketing, working for an agency, pneumologists, booksellers, jobs that require frequent movement, jobs that require working with one’s own siblings, working with a friend, opening a business with a friend, working with technology, computers, reporters, crystal shops, mechanical engineers, intellectual jobs, linguists, working with literature, nerves specialists, office workers, post offices, postal departments, stockbrokers, commercial travelers, photographers.

♋︎ - Industria in Cancer or at 4°, 16°, 28° / 4H : these people may do well in careers relating to the Moon matters, such as gynecologists, cooks (as well as Taurus), psychologists, counselors, family-therapist, agriculture, nutritionists, dieticians, bakers, biochemists, boat manufacturers, naval engineers, working with things dealing with water and fluids, caretakers of all sorts, gastroenterologists, gardeners, gardening markets, gastronomy, homemaking, real estate, historians, housewives, foresters, working for environmental protection, merchandise managers, meteorologists, hotels and motels workers, nursing, obstetricians, plumbers, restaurant proprietors and workers, sailors, poetry writers, working with kids at nursing school, swimming athletes.

♌︎ - Industria in Leo or at 5°, 17°, 29° / 5H : these people may do well in the entertainment field, such as theater workers, actors, comedians, dancers, careers involving independence and creativity, such as artists & content creators, zoo workers, jobs relating to animals, veterinarian, dogsitter, then endocrinologists, brokers, working at casinos, stip clubs, clubs, bars, cartoonists, working with children (amusement parks for kids such as Disneyland, making kids have fun), cosplaying, working at the cinema, circus, directing a film, videogame-creators, government officials, cardiologists, party-organizers, wedding planners, politics, sporting events organizers, stage designers, supervisors.

♍︎ - Industria in Virgo or at 6°, 18°/ 6H : these people may do well in careers involving medicine, such as nurses, doctors, owning or working for a pharmacy, having to deal with ill people, working at a nursery, jobs related to data and high precision such as archivists, accountants, working in a library, administrators, people working in offices, veterinarians, jobs involving animals and all things that promote nature and nature preservation, holding a vegan shop, working at a café, beekeeping, animals trainers, army, people working at spas and self-care centers, physical therapy, chemists, civil service employees, selling clothes, literary criticists, dental hygienists, working for a cleaning company, dieticians, editors, employees of all sorts, healers in general, mathematicians, neurologists, psychiatrists, secretaries, scientists in general.

♎︎ - Industria in Libra or at 7°, 19° / 7H : similarly to Taurus (you can give a look to the Taurus description) , these people may do amazingly in design, the law field, singers, especially fashion design, influencers, blogs, aestheticians, hairdressers, plastic surgeons, models, actors. Having a boutique, selling clothes, jewelry, cosmeticians, diplomats, florists, organizing and designing social gatherings, negotiatiators, painters, poets, politicians, spa workers, receptionists, endocrinologists.

♏︎ - Industria in Scorpio or at 8°,20° / 8H : these people may do well in careers relating to investigation such as private investigators, policemen, soldiers (esp. navy & marines), psychology, so psychiatrists, doctors especially gynecologists (Scorpio rule over the reproductive system), & sports, so athletes, economists, accountants, bankers, occultists, tarot readers, astrologers, criminologists, working at cemeteries or for funeral services, chemists, dentists, secret service such as espionage and intelligence, moticians, surgeons, pathologists, psychics, researchers, working with taxes, spirituality in general.

♐︎ - Industria in Sagittarius or at 9°, 21° / 9H : these people may be good travel bloggers, holding a travel-company, working for a research group, law, teachers, working in the education field, flight engineers, comedians, writers, editors and publishing houses, airline hostess, philosophy teachers, teaching in general, religious workers, sociologists, international commerce, advertising and commercials, judges, teaching foreign languages, lecturers, aeronautics, air force, philanthropists, philosophers, horse-racing, spirituality, television.

♑︎ - Industria in Capricorn or at 10°, 22° / 10H : these people may do well in careers relating to routine, such as accounting, investors, business, working in the economic field, architects, orthopedics, ceos, carpenters, chiropractors, cemeteries workers, civil engineers, vocational counselors, financial advisors, industrial engineers, politicians, builders, bankers, government officials, gardeners, janitors, jail workers, landlords (jobs related to real estate), mathematicians, night workers, osteopaths, organizers, dermatologists, anthropologists, paleontologists.

♒︎ - Industria in Aquarius or at 11°, 23° / 11H : these people may do well in careers related to philanthropy, film making, film directors, actors, photographers, videomakers, online businesses, YouTube channels or blogs, having an innovative start-up, working with computers and high-tech, so robotics, programming, then aeronautics, airplane mechanics, aviators, modern architecture, astrologers, mechanics, congressmen, working at a tech store, electricians, electrical engineers, motorcycles and cars industry, neurologists, nuclear physicists, astrophysics, psychologists, psychotherapists, radio, researchers, scientists, sociologists, television.

♓︎ - Industria in Pisces or at 12° & 24° / 12H : these people may do well in acting careers, artistic careers, but also as psychiatrists, pharmacists, social media workers and marketing. They can also do amazing as therapists and psychologists in general. Addiction experts, astrologers, chemists, clairvoyants, dancers, detectives, jail guards, mental institutions, working as a bartender, entertainers, comedians, working at a gas station, hospitals, private investigators, lifeguards, mediums, navy officers, holistic healers, occultists, marine biologists, photographers, pediatricians, psychics, sailors, secret service, designing shoes, hypnotherapist, swimming athletes, occult writers.

◌ Some Additional Observations:

✍︎ - People with Industria sextile/trine/semi-sextile Moon are prone to continue their family-business or just pursue their mother’s same carrer.

✍︎ - People with Industria sextile/trine/semi-sextile Sun are prone to pursue their father’s same career.

✍︎ - Industria Square/Opposite/Inconjunct/Semi-square/Sesquiquadrate to the MC may struggle choosing their professional path and may feel like they don’t fit in any career. They may also feel like their chosen job is incompatible with their true destiny.

✍︎ - Industria Square/Opposite/Inconjunct/Semi-square/Sesquiquadrate the Moon, IC, or IC ruler can indicate breaking the roots of the family and choosing to pursue a different career from your family.

✍︎ - Having Industria Retrograde opens up different interpretations:

  1. can be an indicator of “late” success and a slow rise. Acquiring recognition after turning 30s.
  2. Or can also be an indicator of pursuing a career that requires a lots of studying and for a long tims (such as medical or law school).
  3. Can indicate someone who just likes to work silently and don’t want to be distracted by notoriety, they only care about doing their job in the best way as possible.
  4. The person will have to be a hard hard worker to get their success.

✍︎ - Industria at Taurus Degrees can mean a pretty remunerative career and a job that pays off really well. (esp. 2° Degree)

✍︎ - Industria at 5° or generally at Leo Degrees can be an indicator of pursuing a job you love deeply and you’re extremely passionate about, of course it can also be an indicator of fame through your work.

✍︎ - Industria Square/Opposite Uranus can indicate a career that involves lots of ups and downs, lots of changes and stimulation.

✍︎ - Industria in aWater Grand Trine can indicate a career involving feelings and depth such as psychology.

✍︎ - Industria in Aries or at Aries Degrees or at 0° can indicate breaking your family roots and just start a business on your own, or going for a brand new career rather than your father’s/mother’s one.

✍︎ - Industria in Libra, Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio are the gods favorites for the moneyyzz.

✍︎ - Industria in Leo, Leo Degrees or in the 5H will likely search for a job that grants recognition and approval, they’re not the type to go for simple corporate jobs.

✍︎ - Industria in Aries, Sagittarius & Aquarius will likely be freelancers and work independently, they often don’t like the idea of being employed or working for someone, they’re individualists and live the idea of “building their own path” (even Leo to some extent)

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keep rollin'
The blue curtain

The blue curtain by Marco Orazi
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Power is nothing without control by Marco Orazi
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Smart working
Flowing light
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Working together

Working together by Marco Orazi
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Failed experiment

Failed experiment by Marco Orazi
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Lunch time
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Rust in peace
Set the controls

Set the controls by Marco Orazi
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Gasometersby Marco Orazi
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Industrial landscape

Industrial landscape by Marco Orazi
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everything ends, really everything

everything ends, really everything by Marco Orazi
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dissappointment opens your eyes by Marco Orazi
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No smoking area
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