#info post


Now you can check our new web www.mywildtrail.com and contact us in our new email [email protected] check it in the bio!

[ REISEN MIT KOKORO ] UNTERKÜNFTEWir können euch ja immer viel erzählen. Von Sterne-Klassifizierunge


Wir können euch ja immer viel erzählen. Von Sterne-Klassifizierungen, Ausstattungen, Lage und so weiter aber wir finden das recht unpersönlich. Statt dessen würden wir euch heute gerne im Rahmen unserer „Reisen mit kokoro“ Kategorie ein bisschen etwas zu unseren Unterkünften berichten. Somit könnt ihr euch einfach ein besseres Bild zu den Hotels/Ryokan der Gruppenreisen machen und auch einmal lernen, wie so Unterkünfte in Japan generell aussehen. Natürlich ist diese Liste wieder keinesfalls eine vollständige Liste über alle Arten von Unterkünften in Japan. Sie soll euch nur ein bisschen helfen und informieren, wie das so aussieht in Japan und vor allem: wie die Unterkünfte so bei Reisen mit uns aussieht.


Zimmer teilen?

Bei den Reisen in der Gruppe ist ja die Unterkunft inkludiert. Die Gruppe wird gemeinsam in diesem Hotel/Ryokan übernachten. Natürlich nicht in einem Zimmer. Es gibt Twin-Zimmer. Dies bedeutet, 2-Personen-Zimmer mit zwei Betten. Fälschlicherweise wird dies oft als Doppelzimmer betitelt, Doppelzimmer haben aber nur ein Bett. Auch wenn wir im Ryokan übernachten, nennen wir es „Twin“-Zimmer, da hier zwei Futons zur Verfügung stehen.

Wenn nun jemand alleine reist und kein extra Einzelzimmer zahlen möchte, dann bekommt er oder sie automatisch einen anderen Alleinreisenden des gleichen Geschlechts als Zimmernachbarn/Nachbarin von uns zugewiesen. Wenn nun aber niemand „übrig“ ist, dann bezieht unser Alleinreisender allein das Zimmer (natürlich ohne Aufpreis).


Diese Hotelsterne werden ja vergeben nach gewissen Ausstattungen, die ein Hotel hat. ein 1-Sterne Hotel ist definitiv nicht zwingend schmutzig. Es heißt einfach, dass das Hotel dann über weniger Ausstattung verfügt. Demnach gestaltet sich eine einfache Klassifizierung von Ryokan manchmal auch etwas schwer aber die Sterne helfen definitiv beim Einordnen. Es gibt auch eine ganze Menge Hotels, die wir auch immer gern vermitteln, die als 4-Sterne Hotels laufen müssten aber beispielsweise ein Merkmal (wie Minibar oder Safe) im Zimmer nicht anbieten und daher „nur“ als 3-Sterne eingestuft werden.
Nun aber zu unseren Gruppen. Hier übernachten wir, je nach Art der Reise, zumeist in traditionellen Unterkünften in der Klasse 1-3 Sterne. Der Großteil der Ryokan, die wir nutzen sind Familienunternehmen, wie beispielsweise unsere Ryokan für die kommende Hanami Premium 2018 Tour. Dies bedeutet für unsere Reisenden: Japanisches Flair mit Tatami und Futon.

Ausstattung & Umgebung?

Am allerwichtigsten ist uns für die Gruppe, dass diese sich wohl fühlt. Dabei ist die Atmosphäre in unserem Ryokan der wohl wichtigste Faktor. Es muss sauber sein, die Angestellten nett und hilfsbereit und ein wenig japanischen Flair versprühen. In Tôkyô beispielsweise (Hanami Premium 2018) wohnt die Familie des Betreibers im selben Gebäude und der Hausherr liebt Ikebana. Man kann hier immer mal wieder neue Ikebana-Stücke im ganzen Haus finden.
Wichtig ist ebenfalls, dass wir noch in einem guten Radius zur Stadtmitte, bzw. zum nächsten Bahnhof sind. Alle unsere ausgewählten Unterkünfte sind in guter Laufweite zum nächsten großen Bahnhof. So können unsere Reisenden auch abends immer noch einmal auf eigene Faust etwas unternehmen.

Auch wenn wir beispielsweise in der Nähe großer Bahnhöfe wie Shibuya oder Ikebukuro sind, so liegt das Haus selbst meist in einem eher ruhigen familiären Umfeld.

Es ist ebenfalls so, dass viele der einfachen Ryokan traditionell keine Bäder auf den Zimmern haben, man hatte immer ein großes Waschbecken pro Etage und meist im Erdgeschoss einen großen Baderaum für alle. Dies hat sich im laufe der Zeit gewandelt, so dass man „normale“ Gemeinschaftsduschen und Toiletten gebaut hat. Gemeinschaftsduschen sind jetzt aber auch nicht wie im Ferienlager oder Schwimmbad: Es gibt viel eher einzelne Kabinen für die eigene Privatsphäre. So ist es zwar so, dass man die Duschen und Toiletten teilt, doch man läuft dabei nur selten einem anderen Reisenden über den Weg.

Die einzelnen Merkmale der Ryokan/Hotels bekommt ein Gruppenreisender immer in der Info-Mappe zugeschickt oder in der Rundmail, die wir an die Gruppe schon im voraus verschicken.

Wir versuchen natürlich auch auf Extra-Wünsche eingehen, sofern unser Ryokan/Hotel noch Kapazitäten hat.


Individualreisen heißt bei uns tatsächlich eine individuell maßgeschneiderte Reise nur nach Euren Wünschen gestaltet. Hierfür wählen wir in den entsprechenden Orten auch immer das für Eure Wünsche am besten passende Hotel/Ryokan aus.


Der Klassiker bei vielen Reisenden, besonders in großen Städten oder wenn man viel Service möchte sind die 3- bis 4-Sterne Hotels. Davon gibt es recht viele, besonders in den großen Städten. Die Qualität ist bei fast allen gleich gut und man weiß immer schon, was unsere Reisenden erwartet. Eigentlich nicht so viel anders als bei uns, doch qualitativ meistens eher hochwertiger als das entsprechende Hotel in Europa (unserer Erfahrung nach).


„Ryokan“ (旅館) bedeutet eigentlich „Haus für die Reise“ sehr grob und wörtlich übersetzt, kurz „Unterkunft“ und bot seit je her Reisenden eben genau das: eine Unterkunft auf der Reise mit etwas Service. Wie schon erwähnt beim Gruppenteil, gibt es wirklich viele unterschiedliche Ryokan. Vom modernen Ryokan (wie in der Gruppenreise) bis hin zum traditionellen 5-Sterne Ryokan mit Vollpension in Kyôto ist eigentlich alles möglich. Ryôkan bieten immer eine wunderbare Erfahrung in japanischer Gastfreundschaft und sind eigentlich für fast jeden Geldbeutel verfügbar. (Bspw. „Ito Onsen“ im Bild)


Anders als die Ryokan, sind Minshuku Familienunterkünfte, die von Privatpersonen betrieben werden. hier kann man keine Sterne-Klassifizierung erwarten, wird aber oft mit hervorragender Küche oder authentischem Lifestyle belohnt.

(traditionelle) Onsen-Hotel

Onsen sind die natürlichen heißen Quellen, die dank der vulkanischen Aktivität in Japan fast überall zu finden sind. Schon früh haben sich die Japaner die heilende Wirkung des Wassers zu nutze gemacht und um die wichtigsten Quellen entstanden viele „Heilbäder“. Dort findet man neben traditionellen Ryokan auch viele „Onsen-Hotels“. Der Unterschied ist eigentlich nicht allzu groß. Die Hotels sind innen ebenfalls mit traditionellen japanischen Zimmern ausgestattet, meistens einfach viel größer. Es sind von außen unscheinbare, oft langweilige Hotel-Klötzer mit vielen Stockwerken, die aber von innen unglaublich luxuriöse japanische zimmer mit sehr guter Aussicht bieten. Auf unserem Bild sieht man einige dieser Hotels: „Kaike Onsen“ und die Aussicht auf den wunderschönen Garten in „Tamazukuri Onsen“.

Egal ob individuell oder in der Gruppe, Ryokans und Hotels in Japan haben immer eine Grundausstattung dabei: Handtücher, Pflegeprodukte wie Shampoo, Seife und natürlich einen Fön sowie hin- und wieder auch einen Yukata für die Reisenden, in dem man sich dann dort aufhalten kann. Ein Futon ist – anders als man vielleicht erwarten mag – recht bequem und gar nicht zu hart.

Ihr seht also: grade in punkto Unterkunft braucht ihr euch nun wirklich keine Sorgen machen, wir finden euch mit Sicherheit das passendste Bettchen für Eure Japanreise.

Neugierig geworden?

Mal einmal auf Futons nächtigen und den Geruch frischer Tatami riechen? In unserer Hanami Premium 2018 Tour zur Kirschblüte sind noch Plätzchen frei und dort bieten wir Übernachtungen in zwei ganz bezaubernden japanischen Ryokan für euch!


Post link
 Hi there! Now i forced to use my patreon for to take some mone from my art. from now in patreon i&r

Hi there! Now i forced to use my patreon for to take some mone from my art. from now in patreon i’ll be posted early access for all my art. And my WIP’s will be available only for my patrons. NSFW art without censorship published there always. Thanks for understanding.
Thissketchon Patreon

Post link


‘kay, now i have a paysend and (little bit of) buy me a coffe. i am currently working on the latter..

FinesseJust a quick update post to let you guys know this blog is still alive despite tumblr is tryi


Just a quick update post to let you guys know this blog is still alive despite tumblr is trying to kill it. I’ve had some problems IRL this year, but expect some more regular posts in future (if tumblr survives at all after no-l*wd-apocalypse).

Just in case, here are my accounts in other social medias:



Instagram(a placeholder)

Artstation(used mostly for likes and follows)


Twitch(one stream per year…)

Post link
2017 Summary of ArtPrevious: 2014 |  2015 | 2016Well, that was a tough year! A lot of things happene

2017 Summary of Art

Well, that was a tough year! A lot of things happened, some of the moments were simply magnificent, others… not so much. But nevertheless, we did it! 2017 is done, and the 2018 is finally here. I wish you, dearest reader, a great year, full of bright moments, wish fulfillments and happiness! THANK YOU ALL for all your support, messages and comments, patience and kind words. And as always, special thanks to ShinPro, you guys have been the light in the dark for many years. <|:з

Happy New Year!

Post link
2016 Summary of ArtI guess this is it. Looking back at 2015 and 2014 results, I want to thank everyo

2016 Summary of Art

I guess this is it. Looking back at 2015and2014 results, I want to thank everyone who supported me and kept my spirits and HOPE up this year: without you (and you too, dear reader!) I don’t think it would’ve been possible, the energy you give is simply amazing. Special thanks to folks in Shinkai Project who are the best as always <:3

Happy New Year!

Post link
COMMISSIONS INFOYou can check it >here< (DeviantArt) or >here< (tumblr)(all info about s


You can check it >here< (DeviantArt) or >here<(tumblr)

(all info about slots availability is updating in links above)

Post link

Ke'tel info!

name: Ke'tel/ Kreature

Pronouns: generally doesn’t matter to them, calls themself “it”

Age: Around 1 year old

Height: 6'0

Species: kytinn/Osh-Tekk hybrid

Skills / magic: adept at hand to hand & bladed combat. Sun magic and ability to communicate with insects.

Basic backstory below the cut. Also contains some info about my mk au.

Kreature was the product of Shang Tsung. They were created as a way for Shang Tsung to prove to himself that he wasn’t going soft after the tragedy that now plagued outworld. A deadly storm that ravaged outworld and seemed to steal away magic from the area.

Kreature soon escaped Shang Tsung’s Island and was found by scouting parties that were looking for survivors in the path of the storm. They were then brought to Kotal, who did not approve. As Kreature appeared to be a child he provided care, expecting the child to die from health complications bit, as it became clear that wouldn’t be the case, Kotal begrudgingly let the child stay.

Kotal set Kreature up to train with some of the best warriors he had, which were limited as the storm had claimed countless lives. After about a month Kreature was sent to Earthrealm to A) be out of the way while reconstruction of the city started and B) train with Fujin and the monks of the White Lotus, inadvertently using Kreature as a sign of trust and peace. While with the White Lotus Kreature thrived, finally feeling accepted into some form of community, especially growing close with Fujin who looked past their status as a clone and saw them for who they were as a person.

Unfortunately, Kreature had to return after three months to continue training in Outworld. This adjustment was hard as Kreature was treated as a freak and an outcast. It only took a few weeks for them to dissapear into into the wilderness where they were then found by D'vorah and taken to the hive. D'vorah feigned kindness and care to manipulate Kreature into trusting her when she really viewed them as barely living and nothing more than a clone. She intended to brainwash Kreature and use them to further her own goals.

Kotal took notice of Kreature’s dissapearance almost immediately and sent search parties to find them. It took almost a week of no progress for Kotal to decide to search for Kreature himself. The reasoning he told everyone was that Kreature had been trained and had the capability to be dangerous with the wrong people, but truthfully (whether he wanted to admit it or not) Kotal was scared for Kreature and what might’ve happened to them. Kotal follow his instincts and quickly located Kreature with the aid of his search party. He engaged D'vorah in kombat and defeated her before escaping the hoard of insects with Kreature. When Kotal brought Kreature back home he had a discussion with them. He apologized to the boy and admitted that he hadn’t been treating Kreature kindly, measly tolerating them up to this point. Kotal admitted that he was scared that he might’ve lost Kreature and realized that he cared far more than he thought he did.

Kotal decided to then adopt Kreature, giving the name Ke'tel, and began trying to be the parental figure they needed to grow and thrive. Ke'tel continued to master kombat and slowly gain the respect of the people of Outworld, slowly becoming more than just a “freak.” Ke'tel, while not fit to become Khan, aspires to become one of Outworld’s champions and strive for peace between the realms.

My LinkTree!

Just gonna put this here for a pinned post! This is where you can find all my other stuff as per below!

Stage Fright [My Book]
When Mourning Comes [Short Story Project]
The Encryption [Comic Project with @nightwonder7]
Klei Forums
Art Fight
Original Characters Information Spreadsheet


Okay. So I’ve had a number of people ask me for “How to watch Hakumyu” help as I am one of the individuals who is willing to share files to the fandom and who is also on the LJ… so I wrote a guide for the FAQ I get. 


First, files uploaded on the Hakumyu LJ and the Hakumyu files that are shared by others are not to be streamed, shared or uploaded elsewhere, but directing someone to the respective website/persons is acceptable.

The Hakumyu community relies on people’s generosity to get translations and subtitle files created, and for the musicals to be shared… so don’t go ruining it. Translating and subtitling can take a significant amount of time to do, and the musicals themselves are not cheap to buy and ship.

In case it needs to be stated, the term “Hakumyu” is a generally used term referring to the abbreviation of “Hakuoki Musical” or “Musical Hakuoki” even though there are “HAKU-MYU LIVE” musicals.


Accessing Hakumyu

(I am assuming that anyone reading this will have prior knowledge of what Hakuoki musicals have been produced, though information on the what the first 12 musicals are can be found on the Wikia.)

The most common recommendation made to watch Hakumyu, is to join the Hakumyu LiveJournal community. It is also the same group that anyone referring to the Hakumyu fancom or Hakumyu LJ, is speaking of. 

The Fancom is a closed community that you must request membership to join in order to access its files, and requires the creation of a LiveJournal account. The post where membership requests are made is the “[MOD-POST MUST READ TO JOIN] Welcome, to the Land of sparkly Shinsengumi, Oni & Rasetsu!” post. Details on how to join the community are on that post. 

To locate what DVD rips and subtitle files have been shared directly to the Fancom, go to the “[DOWNLOADS MASTERPOST] Hakuouki Musicals Downloads” post. Additionally, the subtitles for the original Saito-hen can be found through the mirror link of the Saito-hen musical download (included this info as the file under the subtitles link still redirects to the hakumyu wikia). 

In regards to the files that are NOT on the fancom, and therefore do not require membership to the Hakumyu LJ community, there are a number of them which can be found hereon tumblr, which include (remove the slash “/” to get the usernames):

  1. Subtitles for Hijikata-hen, LIVE, Shinsengumi Kitan, and LIVE 2 can be obtained via @/janiesj under their “Subtitles list” page
  2. Subtitles for Kazama-hen can be obtained via @/masayume85 (I think you might have to search for the post for them… and I think she might have translated the first two Hakumyu musicals, but I am not entirely sure about that). 
  3. Subtitles for Toudou-hen and Harada-hen can be obtained from @/lady-mug. They should be under the “subs" tag. lady-mug also shares DVD rips of LIVE 2, Toudou-hen, Reimeiroku, Harada-hen, Shinsengumi Kitan, Shitan Hijikata-hen and Shitan Kazama-hen, but you have to send her a direct message when making requests (also please be polite and follow her rules!).
  4. Subtitles of Reimeiroku can be obtained via @/sohmariku under the “Hakumyu” tag.
  5. Subtitles and DVD rips for Hakumyu Shitan Kazama and Souma-hen can be obtained from @/funjoushi, but you must ask them for their files (do not be anonymous when doing so).
  6. I share Blu-ray rips and HD files of Hakumyu musicals, but I have my own rules that need to be followed and only receive requests through direct messages (sorry but I am not elaborating further on anything else given how many times I’ve already done that). 

Also, since I have been asked this more than once, in terms of what order to watch the musicals, I would go Saito-hen -> Okita-hen -> Hijikata-hen -> LIVE -> Kazama-hen or Toudou-hen or Reimeiroku or Shinsengumi Kitan -> LIVE2 ->  Shitan Hijikata-hen or Shitan Kazama-hen -> Shinkai Souma-hen -> Shinkai Saito-hen (latest musical and it is not currently being shared in the community at the moment)

The order for that specific recommendation is due to how Saito-hen is the first musical (and it shows), while LIVE contains spoilers for Saito-hen, Okita-hen and Hijikata-hen, and LIVE 2 contains spoilers for Kazama-hen, Toudou-hen, Reimeiroku and Shinsengumi Kitan. 

p.s. if someone can think of something else that should be added to this, let me know…. since i get these sort of questions quite regularly.

p.s.s. i will link this post directly on my tumblr later. 


1.  Do not feed your reptile.  If your area is expected to lose power, you’ve got some advance notice.  Reptiles NEED heat to digest their food; without that heat, that food is just going to rot.

2. Continue to offer water.

3. Know your reptile’s requirements.  What’s life-threatening for one critter might only be a mild nuisance to another. 

4.  If you still have hot water, you can fill up some jugs with hot water and put these in your reptile tanks.  Cover your reptile tanks with tin foil to conserve heat.

5. You can make small space heaters with a tea light, a pot, and something to elevate the pot by a few centimeters.  Light the tea light and put the pot over it, making sure there’s a gap at the bottom so oxygen can still reach the candle.  This produces more heat than you’d expect.

6. You can pack up your reptiles in reptile shipping boxes.  These are insulated cardboard boxes.  You can also use styrofoam containers.  Line the bottom of the box with crumpled newspaper.  You take your reptile, put them in a small container—-like a deli cup with holes poked into it or a critter keeper or something similar—-and put them on top of the newspaper, and kinda nestle some extra paper around it loosely.  Insert a handwarmer between the box and paper layer, so it’s NEAR the deli cup but not in direct contact with it.  Finally, cover them with more loosely crumpled paper to help conserve the heat.

It’s VERY important that your reptile does NOT come into direct contact with the handwarmer.  These get VERY hot.  They also consume oxygen, so airflow is essential. 

You can also use reptile shipping packs.  These tend to last longer (40 hour packs are the most common, but they can last as long as 72 hours).

7.  Wood stoves are super helpful!  Bring all your reptiles into one room and close the door.  The goal is to keep one room cozy at this point.

You probably won’t be able to maintain the ideal temperatures for your animals, but don’t worry too much about that.  These animals are hardier than that.  Keep warm and keep safe!

If your r.ats and m.ice thaw out in the freezer, throw them out.  They’re no longer safe for your reptile.



just a little reminder post that I’m holding an interest check for RinShi Week 2022 and I’d really appreciate any RinShi shippers filling out the form! we have about 30 responses so far and they have been very positive! I plan to keep it going about 2 weeks (maybe three?) to give others a chance to see it and determine the direction to go!

typically I’ll be posting updates over @rinshi-feels but wanted for my reminder post to do here this time!

here’s the form link!


How to write your Summary for Claiming

Soon the mails containing the link to our Summary Sheet will go out to writers, and those of you who have never participated in a Big Bang might not know what is needed for the artist to decide whether to pick your story or another. Keep in mind that the Deadline to send your Summary in is May 31st. (more under the cut)

Keep reading

Dear writers, please remember to send us your Summary before May 31st if it’s only a vague idea at this point, that works just as well

I’m so sorry we haven’t been updating often. Life is super crazy right now, and I feel awful for practically abandoning this blog. Anyway, I’m going to fix the layout now, and hopefully we’ll be more active!

Info Post

(this will be updated as i add more links)

Applicant Discount!!

Emails to the applicants and about the discount for you guys have been sent!!

Please read through carefully and email us if you have additional questions :D

Also, if you applied as both an artist and writer you may receive double emails!

Sorry about that! Tried to go back and double check ^^!

Thanks everyone!!


Little Heads Up!

Was fiddling with the discount code for free shipping and messed something up! It is now XYZINESHIP!!!

All other previous rules still apply!

Sorry about that!!


Howdy Ho Y'all!

I’ve finally decided to offer commissions!

Right now I’m limiting myself so I don’t get too overwhelmed, but I’m excited to get some more experience in!!

Starting off with Character Portraits:


  • Sketch- $10
  • Line Art- $15
  • Flat Color- $20


  • Sketch- $15
  • Line Art- $20
  • Flat Color- $25

Fully Body:

  • Sketch- $20
  • Line Art $25
  • Flat Color- $30

Now Headshots!

Style 1:

  • Sketch- $10
  • Line Art- $15

Style 2:

  • Sketch- $10
  • Line Art- $15
  • Flat Color (B&W)- $17

I currently have 4 slots for requests and will be taking them at [email protected] !! Please include whatever details you feel are important, and any references you think important or useful!

I’ll link this post in my pinned post along with how many slots are available!!!

I might be a little messy at this because I’ve never done it before, but I’m eager to learn and to make!!!!!
