#infp feelings


What are INFPs good at?

I believe that INFPs are really good at following their “gut instincts.” And I think there’s plenty of good that comes out of this:

• INFPs have this insane ability to feel something or someone out, and just know. Of course, we’re not always 100% accurate, but we are damn close. Likely around 95% accurate. Who knows? Perhaps people around us aren’t honest because they don’t like how INFPs can call someone out when they’re not in a good mood or hiding something hahaha. I’ve had many instances of sensing something off in someone, and they vehemently deny it only to admit to it later on. I knew I was right!

• We’re creative problem-solvers and empathetic. Contrary to the belief that INFPs lack logic/rationality, we are very analytical in a creative sense. We see the details and then we try to connect the dots to see unconventional patterns. We are really good at going past all the symptomatic signs of an issue, and then cutting right to the core value of it to tackle the problem directly. This is extremely helpful when I’m counseling or providing customer service in my job. Most people would want to avoid an agitated person (and rightfully so), but us INFPs are intrigued by it. We’re curious what’s wrong. So we pull closer and listen to the person without judgment or reaction, and then we calmly offer insight, which can diffuse 98% of conflicts surprisingly. We move past the anger and empty words spilling out of the mouth, and we see a wounded soul who feels unheard by the world.

• We have a strong ability to see many shades of gray. We see the positives in almost everything and everyone. While people around us say that “s/he sucks,” we don’t settle with short-fused conclusions. We reason why they are the way they are, what led up to this point, and see how they are the product of their own environment. Of course, we’re not just day-dreaming forgivers by any means, but we can look at a situation beyond the black-and-white way. This is immensely helpful for INFPs in building their strengths and resilience. While everyone around us is saying, “This is bad,” we will look at the good and neutral points of it which helps us to not take things personally and move forward relatively quickly.

• Our imagination is out of this world! We are totally spaced out and thinking of the most random detail or scenario in our own heads. This might seem aloof or detached to others, but I actually really love this part of an INFP. We don’t need constant external stimulation. The party is in our own heads!

• We’re the ultimate independent people. Due to our heavy introverted nature, we are okay doing things alone. So many people around me always ask me, “How can you eat alone? See a movie alone? Or do XYZ alone?” I just do it. I don’t care what people around me think, and if they do then that’s too bad for them. While we enjoy the company of others, we don’t rely on them for us to do the things we really want to do. We don’t follow social pressures, and we often wave our own freak flag proudly.

What is the greatest perk of being in a romantic relationship with an INFP?

Mystery - we are quite dark & keep our deepest emotions only for those that have earned that trust.

Trust - if you get into our good books & stick around we’ll trust you with the most intimate information & secrets about us. CHERISH IT! We don’t open up to just anyone!

Loyalty - We’ll back you to the hilt & see through some of your flaws to protect you.

Caring - Those smoochy kisses & cute hugs are our game when we’re happy. An INFP will bring you a random gift out of the blue. If you show genuine appreciation then expect more.

Dating - INFPs will take you on quirky & weird dates. You’ll never visit a club but he/she will take you on the midnight Jack the Ripper tour of London or to the perfect photograph location of a harbour.

Conflict - We don’t like conflict so will try to resolve our differences with you in order to create a long term harmonious atmosphere.

What are some life tips for an INFP?

• If you want to go and smell that flower, do it. Let people think you’re odd. They’re the ones missing out. <3

• People may say they understand how you feel, but if they tell you you’re exaggerating or you should be over it by now, they obviously don’t understand.

• Yes, daydreaming is a true and wonderful hobby.

• Your ideas and feelings are important. Keep a journal of your thoughts because no one else in this world has your experiences and unique perspective on life.

• This planet can be a pretty harsh place. There are so many examples of violence and sadness in the news. If you need to hide away for a while, do it. It can only help your heart.

• Do all those creative things that make you happy. Try not to let the opinions of others squash your dreams.

• Criticism is difficult. Oh, how I know. Others can’t easily understand how painful it can be to hear. Remember that you have a beautiful soul and their words can not find you there. <3

• That romantic crush may not be real. Give yourself a moment to step back and look at the situation without idealization getting in the way.

• If you feel sad often, get a pet (if you don’t have one). They are ridiculous and cuddly. I swear that a fuzzy baby can seriously change everything.

• If you prefer sad emotional movies over comedies, that’s perfectly okay. Sometimes crying with the characters is exactly what is needed.

• Society is loud, abrasive, and out of control. It’s not uncommon to feel like you were born on the wrong planet.

• I know you have a story to tell. You should write it!

What is it like to be an INFP?

INFP’s are basically cuddly/cold walking contradictions! :D

Sensitive, but strong. Bright but annoyingly dreamy. Introverted, yet love to connect with people.

On the outside, we may appear reserved, detached, shy, or perhaps even cold. But engage us with a new idea, or share an intriguing thought and we light up like human pinball machines. Mature INFP’S tend to crave intellectual encounters and you’ll know you’ve successfully captured our attention when our eyes fill with wonder and sparkle with life. The thoughtful, quiet person in front of you will suddenly transform into a surpringly social and charming creature, full of depth and complexity. When we’ve decided we’ve had our fill of socializing, we are more than happy to retreat back home where we can let our thoughts and imagination roam wild in private. During this time is when we are most creative, either penning entire novels in our mind, (which may or may not make it to paper) creating symphonies in our head, or bringing worlds to life with paint on canvas or molding them from clay with our bare hands. Creating art is where we live!

Although we are dreamy and tend to over-romanticize (literally everyone and everything!) we can also be surprisingly objective at times, and are quite capable of carrying on logical discussions of topics that capture our interest.

It should also be noted that despite our overall gentle, laid-back demeanor, we have a wickedly dark sense of humour that only those closest to us can fully appreciate.

Above all, we value loyalty, honesty, and compassion from those whom we let close, and though we may not show it on the outside, we are deeply hurt when we feel someone has wronged us.

i’m not trying to guilt you
but it’s hard not to feel neglected
when the only time you’re spending with me
is in front of the tv
with your phone in your hand
it’s hard not to hurt
as i’m laying here in bed
wanting you beside me
but you’re far away
like every day this week
and you say you’ll come in and snuggle later
but it doesn’t count if i fall asleep before you do

- j.
