#enfp personality


What is it like to be an INFP?

INFP’s are basically cuddly/cold walking contradictions! :D

Sensitive, but strong. Bright but annoyingly dreamy. Introverted, yet love to connect with people.

On the outside, we may appear reserved, detached, shy, or perhaps even cold. But engage us with a new idea, or share an intriguing thought and we light up like human pinball machines. Mature INFP’S tend to crave intellectual encounters and you’ll know you’ve successfully captured our attention when our eyes fill with wonder and sparkle with life. The thoughtful, quiet person in front of you will suddenly transform into a surpringly social and charming creature, full of depth and complexity. When we’ve decided we’ve had our fill of socializing, we are more than happy to retreat back home where we can let our thoughts and imagination roam wild in private. During this time is when we are most creative, either penning entire novels in our mind, (which may or may not make it to paper) creating symphonies in our head, or bringing worlds to life with paint on canvas or molding them from clay with our bare hands. Creating art is where we live!

Although we are dreamy and tend to over-romanticize (literally everyone and everything!) we can also be surprisingly objective at times, and are quite capable of carrying on logical discussions of topics that capture our interest.

It should also be noted that despite our overall gentle, laid-back demeanor, we have a wickedly dark sense of humour that only those closest to us can fully appreciate.

Above all, we value loyalty, honesty, and compassion from those whom we let close, and though we may not show it on the outside, we are deeply hurt when we feel someone has wronged us.

Enfp : do you know what time it is?

Entp :yes.


Entp :

Enfp : you’re not telling me are you?

Entp :no.

INFJ, raising their voice slightly so they can speak to ENFP down at the other end of the grocery store aisle: Do you want any chips?


ENFP : Good morning! I brought your coffee.

ISTJ : Thank you, can I have a little spoon please?

ENFP : Oh, I almost forgot! [Hugs ISTJ from behind]

ISTJ : [flustered] That’s not what I meant, but I’ll take this too-

ENFP : I just saw a guy in the library cry for five minutes or so and then his phone alarm went off and he just…stopped crying ? And went right on back to work.

INFJ : Yeah that was just ESFJ

ESFJ : [walking past them] it’s called time management.

ENFP: Are you having a depressive episode again?

INFP: Depressive episode?

INFP: I’m having a depressive series and we’re on season 5.

xNFP : Would I rather be feared or loved ? Easy, both.

xNFP : I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

ENFP: I feel so lonely all the time. My mind keeps telling me I will die alone.

ENTP to INTJ: Dude we should do a types under quarantine post.

ENFP: I tell you something and you wanna make a meme about it? I’m leaving.

INTJ: Omg. Make this conversation into a post.

ENTP: It’s not a meme btw it’s a study!

Engaging extraverted intuition in a healthy way

I had been looking for ways to improve my Ne and engage my Ne in a healthy manner. But I could not find ways to tackle it in the internet. Therefore I came up with some ideas of my own. Hope it helps.

Ne jumps from one idea to another, one taks to another. Ne can’t engage in one taks for a longer period and doing so will be exhausting. So why not master Ne by doing things in a way that would keep feeding Ne?

ENFP’s find it hard and exhausting to plan and stick to a plan. But in order to get things done, planning is vital.

How about a versatile plan, where you could actually pick and choose what you want to do at a particular time based on your mood?

I came up with this model of planning. Studying

Module 1 (Topic A, subtopic A)

Module 2 (Topic A)

Module 3 (Topic A)

Mandatory stuff


Cleaning the cupboard (whatever)

Stuffs to search on google

Topic A

Idea B

Topic B

Reading list

Book A (1 chapter)

Book B (1 chapter)

Article A


Title 1 - episode 1

Title 2 - episode 2


Title 1 (first half)

Title 2 (first half)

I am pretty sure most of you would have lists like this. But never never pick one task and try to engage in it for long. Jump around different task along the course of the day which will keep you more energised. Completing one task at a go, forcefully engaging in a single task for a longer period, binging books, movies, series will exhaust us and stress us.

Also allow the list open to add new tasks, which is always going to happen anyway, just like, how I am going composing this post right now, while I have 100 other stuffs to do. But having a plan like this will prevent me from lingering in Fb after posting this.

The trick is to be persistent and update the list daily.

Thus keep your Ne engaged and feeding it all the time by having 100s stuff to pick on a daily basis.

By completing small chunks of multiple tasks we will eventually complete all of them without exhausting ourselves.

People should learn to distinguish between attachment and connection. You might be deeply attached to someone with whom you do not actually have a connection with, meanwhile you can also have a genuine connection with someone whom you are not attached to - aka not feel strong emotions towards.

Attachment is an illusion of the mind. It tricks you. It simply means you are ‘so used to someone’. Not that you are really connected to someone.

Stay aware. Do not mistake attachment for a connection.

The society’s idea of success and productivity is fundermentally fucked up. You are stuck at home for weeks, yet you are supposed to achieve something, create something, follow free courses and get certificates.

But not everyone can do it. Not everyone can stick to a strict schedule and achieve something all the while being stuck at home.

I binge ate, binge watched movies, binge read books, binge texted, flirted around.. did everything that is supposedly unproductive.

Do you know where this lead to?

I discovered more and more about myself. I realized, I do not like or enjoy watching movies and I only do it because everyone else do it. I realized I do not like texting much even though I text a lot. I understood that I value face to face conversations rather than behind the screen interactions.

I realized I like flirting a bit even though it is not socially accepted.

I discovered what I really need in a partner and what trait I find essential for attraction in a person.

I realized, I have more self confidence than I had an year ago.

I discovered how much I enjoy writing, not just anything but my experiences.

I discovered that I feel drained working according to a schedule and I figured out it is alright to work in random bouts of energy.

I realized it is alright not to work in a strict schedule as long as I get things done. After all not everyone is the same.

I discovered that I work more productively closeby to a deadline, and to induce my productivity I should assign me a deadline.

I also realized that I do not have to finish a book I don’t like.

I realized it is alright to do whatever the fuck I want to do.

Just do whatever you want to do. Don’t let the society’s idea of productivity and success fool you. All that matters is how much you learned about yourself when this ends.

“Healing your inner child” is the most powerful form of growth!

This idea may sound absurd to many. If you Google you’d come across as many articles as to what it is.

Simply put, it’s talking to your own self as you would talk to a child you met somewhere!

It’s just as simple as that. But the effects are profound.

I’ve suffered childhood neglect and separation. As a result I *was co-dependent in most of my relationships. I was determined (still I am) to become a better person and started working on healing my inner child. I felt change immediately!

Everyone should try it..

Life begins the moment,

You start searching for yourself…

You start creating yourself…

You start moulding yourself….

Reality changes according to your perspective…

Or is it rather,

Your perspective shapes your reality…?

Our thoughts, they have power… We can change our life by our thoughts! I always trust this. I believe in Law of Attraction. I strongly believe that I can change my life with my thoughts..

Probably life is fair, in it’s unfairness??
