#enfp thoughts


Strengths of the INFJ Personality

1. A wonderful sense of observation

We INFJs notice little details about our surroundings, and we especiallynotice little details about people. For this reason, INFJs love to people watch. People-watching allows us to study human nature without actually having to interact with anyone.

I often notice small details like what someone is wearing or if the customer said “thank you” to the cashier. And for me, it’s always interesting observing two people talking without eavesdropping on the conversation but rather just looking at their body language. I’m sure most INFJs will agree that our people-watching isn’t meant to be creepy. Rather, it’s how we analyze human behavior and societal norms — which is fascinating for the inquisitive INFJ.

2. Natural empaths

INFJs are very good at empathizing with others, even when we’ve never directly experienced what the other person is going through. We can easily put ourselves in other people’s shoes and see things from their perspective.

For example, I recently worked as a team leader for the Youth Conservation Corps in Hawaii, where I was in charge of six young adults. I felt that one of my biggest accomplishments was getting to know each of my team members on a personal level but also holding true to my role as an authority figure and a mentor. One day, I had a deep conversation with one of these young adults who told me his life story and what was presently troubling him. I mostly just listened and soaked up all that he said — and also what he wasn’t saying. I picked up on his body language, change in tone of voice, and overall demeanor. I got into a zone where nothing else mattered; my sole purpose right then was to listen and try to understand what was going on in his life.

At the end of our conversation, this young man told me that he’d never shared so much with anyone else in his life. I’m not trying to boast, but I believe it was my natural INFJ empathy that helped him open up.

Ironically, we INFJs can feel like we’re made to understand others — yet others don’t understand us.

3. Extremely creative

Whether it’s art, literature, music — or even something like creating lesson plans for students — INFJs are never short on ideas. There are many writers, musicians, entertainers, and great thinkers who are thought to be INFJs, such as Alanis Morissette, Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare, J.K. Rowling, Billy Crystal, George R.R. Martin, Carrie Fisher, Carl Jung, Plato — and many more.

Personally, I enjoy sketching; as my creative juices start flowing, I get lost in my inner world, and my attention to detail takes over. Another example of INFJ creativity comes from when I worked as an environmental educator. I had to design interactive lessons for high school students. Once I was put to the task, I spent hours creating engaging lessons, and loved it.

4. Lifelong learners

Never content to remain stagnant, INFJs are always seeking new information, whether it’s picking up a book, people-watching, or occasionally stepping out of our comfort zone. INFJs, like other introverted intuitive types, wholeheartedly embrace what it means to be a “lifelong learner.” We use our Introverted Intuition to absorb new ideas, make connections, and combine disparate data points into unified theories — usually with a focus on human nature.

For me, bookstores are one of my favorite places in the world. Libraries and the internet are also havens for my INFJ mind, and I’ve spent hours exploring them.

But INFJs don’t spend all their time with their nose in a book. Paradoxically, I also have an adventurous side that pushes me to do things like camping in the wilderness — and even skydiving. Many INFJs are naturally curious, and pleasures such as novels and travel are the perfect antidotes.

5. In service of others

Unfortunately, many people still have the misconception that quiet, solitude-loving introverts are unapproachable or even selfish. Although INFJs are true introverts who need plenty of alone time, they’re also deeply interested in people. For this reason, they may even be confused for extroverts.

Yes, INFJs can be both reclusive hermits and also the life of the party (when we feel comfortable around the people we’re with).

Specifically, INFJs love helpingothers. In fact, I believe that a crucial ingredient to INFJ happinessis working to empower others. I’ve found that teaching, counseling, and coaching are perfect for this. To be an INFJ is to be an idealist who wants to make the world a better place — especially for those who are hurting or underserved.

Being an INFJ can have its bright moments and its dark periods. But ultimately, I wouldn’t have it any other way

INFJ Traits, Social, Weirdness

Naturally inclined to help others

Natural diplomats because of the ability to see both sides

Egalitarianism and karma are very attractive ideas to INFJs

INFJs find it easy to make connections with others

INFJs need time alone to decompress and recharge

We can’t stop reading people even if we try

Champions for the oppressed and downtrodden

Often neglects to take care of themselves – putting others first

Prone to exhaustion due to the passion of their convictions

Gentle, caring, complex and highly intuitive

Self-Expression comes easier on paper than face to face

Artistic and creative

Struggle to adequately express ourselves

Has a deep need to help people “sort out their stuff”

INFJs are inclined to create order and practical systems in their outer world

INFJs operate within themselves on an intuitive basis

Knows things intuitively without knowing how

INFJs are easily affected by other people’s emotions

Have uncanny insight into people and situations

Prefer deep conversations to surface topics

Are protective of their inner selves

Geared to improve themselves through personal growth

Are rarely at complete peace with themselves

Has “little use” for social norms and routines

Always improving themselves and their surroundings

Always testing people to see if we can talk about things that really matter (usually can’t)

Can hold grudges for long periods of time.

We are information addicts, INFJs are the most well-read of all the personality types

Love’s variety in our romantic relationships

We rebel, but also want to be accepted

Losing/ Ending relationships is extremely painful

The whole INFJ existence is bound up in hiding and concealing our true nature

Have very high expectations of themselves

Tendency to take care of others needs while neglecting our own

Most likely of all types to cope with stress by seeing a therapist

Is a naturally nurturing, patient, devoted and protective

Hyper-aware of their surroundings

Are the least able of all the personality types to be in a long-term relationship

If the person we are talking to is too active, they will take a passive role, if the person we are talking to is too passive, we will take an active role.

Mysterious nature

INFJs know we are special and we revel in our rarity

Highly reserved, quiet, thoughtful, and almost above all else – introspective.

They make loving parents and usually have strong bonds with their children

Prefers careers where they can be creative and somewhat independent

Are very hard on themselves

It’s common for INFJs to intuitively assess their vicinity, and modify their behavior accordingly

To get an INFJ to open up, you must have some degree of depth about you and show that your view of things are not that dissimilar from their own

Always looking for something new, rarely satisfied with the mundane or routine

Not good at dealing with minutia or very detailed tasks in careers

Are highly cerebral and reflective

Wants to be alone about 75% of the time

Very sexual in private, but respectful and dignified in public

INFJs are quiet around you if; they don’t trust you, or they are completely comfortable with you.

Have a natural affinity for art, and may excel in the sciences, using their intuition

Are complex characters with a range of talents and abilities

Has a limited amount of social energy

INFJs are often mistaken for extroverts

Would rather spend time with our creations than with people

Keeps the majority of people in their lives at arm’s length

Because of the high demands of people close to them INFJs frequently withdraw into themselves shutting out the world for a few days

Loyal to those they trust

Wonders why most people are idiots

Does not take kindly to being ignored or interrupted

Natural activists for causes but not for political gain or power

Suffers from emotional overload because of their inherent nature to be “givers”

Has the clear insights into the motivations of others, for good and for evil

Highly empathic – Can feel and sense what others are feeling

Are natural counselors and healers

Hates liars

INFJs are the Archetypal “Loner” by choice

Are moved to champion causes and activities that serve the greater good

Has a strong sense of personal integrity

Natural healers

Are private and selective about sharing intimate thoughts and feelings

INFJs are far less serious inwardly than they appear outwardly

We like to have things orderly and systematic

Use both sides of the brain equally

What are some life tips for an INFP?

• If you want to go and smell that flower, do it. Let people think you’re odd. They’re the ones missing out. <3

• People may say they understand how you feel, but if they tell you you’re exaggerating or you should be over it by now, they obviously don’t understand.

• Yes, daydreaming is a true and wonderful hobby.

• Your ideas and feelings are important. Keep a journal of your thoughts because no one else in this world has your experiences and unique perspective on life.

• This planet can be a pretty harsh place. There are so many examples of violence and sadness in the news. If you need to hide away for a while, do it. It can only help your heart.

• Do all those creative things that make you happy. Try not to let the opinions of others squash your dreams.

• Criticism is difficult. Oh, how I know. Others can’t easily understand how painful it can be to hear. Remember that you have a beautiful soul and their words can not find you there. <3

• That romantic crush may not be real. Give yourself a moment to step back and look at the situation without idealization getting in the way.

• If you feel sad often, get a pet (if you don’t have one). They are ridiculous and cuddly. I swear that a fuzzy baby can seriously change everything.

• If you prefer sad emotional movies over comedies, that’s perfectly okay. Sometimes crying with the characters is exactly what is needed.

• Society is loud, abrasive, and out of control. It’s not uncommon to feel like you were born on the wrong planet.

• I know you have a story to tell. You should write it!

What is it like to be an INFP?

INFP’s are basically cuddly/cold walking contradictions! :D

Sensitive, but strong. Bright but annoyingly dreamy. Introverted, yet love to connect with people.

On the outside, we may appear reserved, detached, shy, or perhaps even cold. But engage us with a new idea, or share an intriguing thought and we light up like human pinball machines. Mature INFP’S tend to crave intellectual encounters and you’ll know you’ve successfully captured our attention when our eyes fill with wonder and sparkle with life. The thoughtful, quiet person in front of you will suddenly transform into a surpringly social and charming creature, full of depth and complexity. When we’ve decided we’ve had our fill of socializing, we are more than happy to retreat back home where we can let our thoughts and imagination roam wild in private. During this time is when we are most creative, either penning entire novels in our mind, (which may or may not make it to paper) creating symphonies in our head, or bringing worlds to life with paint on canvas or molding them from clay with our bare hands. Creating art is where we live!

Although we are dreamy and tend to over-romanticize (literally everyone and everything!) we can also be surprisingly objective at times, and are quite capable of carrying on logical discussions of topics that capture our interest.

It should also be noted that despite our overall gentle, laid-back demeanor, we have a wickedly dark sense of humour that only those closest to us can fully appreciate.

Above all, we value loyalty, honesty, and compassion from those whom we let close, and though we may not show it on the outside, we are deeply hurt when we feel someone has wronged us.

INFJs: what advice can you give a younger INFJ?

My psychologist identified me as leaning INFJ about 20 years ago but I didn’t give it much thought then. I’ve been a “woke” INFJ for ten years as a result of rediscovering the MBTI concept during a difficult time. I wish I hadn’t waited so long as the insights I’ve gained about my own personality and those close to me would have saved a lot of heartache and anguish

Here’s what I’ve learned about myself through the years that I’m reasonably sure apply to many other INFJs too:

You have unique insights. They are real. The unusual internal wiring that makes you an INFJ lets you connect the dots easier. And you see more dots. Some people don’t see any dots or recognize patterns and are more than happy to point out the “error” of your observations. So be it. You’re job is to figure out what “feels” right and should be pursued, what can be put on the back burner awaiting more information, and what can be dumped because after thinking about it you realize your conclusions were probably wrong. It happens.

You will be lonely. INFJs can be unconventional because we act on information most others don’t have. We usually have a broad range of knowledge and can come across as “know-it-alls.” We can sometimes alarm people with our passion. We can start feeling down because we don’t understand how people can be so cruel to one another. Or so stupid. Our faith in humanity can swing wildly from hour to hour. We can do the crowd thing for awhile and need to leave. We usually hate small talk on the phone and are often the worst party planners in the world.

We drive ourselves and others mad to “get things right” and to give a damn about something besides the most trivial things in life. We are usually disappointed—in others and ourselves. It’s not that people don’t like being around us, it’s that we usually think people don’t WANT to be around us. So we hunker down and keep to ourselves.

That’s what can make relationships difficult sometimes. You will need to tap into the best part of being an INFJ—helping people—to keep you from being lonely. I volunteer at a homeless center. I’m active in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. I write answers on Quora!

You will be able to do a lot of stuff. Some of it well. Most people will be surprised. Most INFJs I know are curious, versatile people. For example, I’ve written two novels, one has been self-published. I play jazz piano and can also play the tuba. I’m conversational in Spanish and know some Swedish. I can hold up my end of a conversation ranging from cosmology to dog grooming. I can talk Southern Country Gospel with a homeless man and discuss the latest power adders for high performance race cars with the editor of a national racing magazine. I did both last week. I sail the Great Lakes in my own boat. I like to cook. I have restored or built six houses. I can plumb bathrooms from scratch, do basic electrical work and restore old wood moulding. I have a four-year certificate in theology. I can paint and draw.

At this point you probably think I’m quite the braggart. That’s not why I’m listing these abilities. The reason is that I can do NONE of these things proficiently. Except sailing–I’m a very good sailor! I suspect that most INFJs who have been around for several decades can make a similar list. Our curiosity and drive to know how something works can lead us to some amazing discoveries and bring us into contact with some fascinating people. Freeing yourself to explore and to try new things without having the burden of having to perform in public or to even be terribly proficient at any of them can lead us to a very interesting life!

You will second guess yourself. Constantly. You are your own worst critic. If you’ve ever had second thoughts about how you came across after submitting a report or talking to someone about something important, remember:

Your second guesses are usually wrong. Trust your intuition!

You may struggle in relationships. INFJs are not easy people to be around sometimes. We can be quirky, sometimes anti-social and have a tendency to tell folks how to build a clock when they ask for the time. We can fret constantly about the state of humanity, when our partner just wants to have a hamburger and talk about movies. The saving grace is that we love hard! When we’ve found someone we can be ourselves with, someone who accepts us, if not understands us, we’re there for the long-haul. The people in your life who get that will adore you!

Finally, strive to know yourself better. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t forget to have fun. Don’t worry so much about what other people may be thinking about you—chances are they aren’t thinking anything! And above all, be kind to yourself!

What are INFJs really good at?

As an INFJ…

I can read people’s energies immediately upon meeting them or engaging with them. I pick up on their vibes, and kind of almost “read their aura” without challenge.

I have a hyperactive brain, and I have great trouble with slowing it down or “turning it off.” As a result, I worry far too much!

I am very interested in human emotion and human psychology. I thoroughly enjoy figuring people out, and helping them to figure them selves out. As much as I dislike people and work hard to avoid them, I also enjoy engaging with them in order to study them, all the same.

I care very deeply for those who are closest to me. I embrace quality over quantity in my social relationships, and I cherish strong emotional connections.

I quickly become bored with and/or irritated by meaningless chit-chat and “tabloid talk.” I do not care to socialize unless I’m either able to engage in friendly debate about social or political topics, or am able to engage in deep meaningful conversation about intellectually or creatively-stimulating topics.

I tend to think that everything is about me, but ONLY when “everything” is negative. I hate being in the spotlight, but I will drag myself into it when i feel as though someone else’s misfortune might somehow be my fault. Usually the issue in question has nothing to do with me, and I end up worrying for no reason (story of my life).

I enjoy playing “counselor” or “therapist” for others. I am very good at examining and solving other people’s problems, while I constantly neglect to examine and solve my own!

I have a STRONG need for creativity. I need to express myself through art in various forms. When I deprive myself of artistic expression I retreat, become depressed, and ultimately shame and berate myself. Verbal communication has always been much more of a task for me than artistic communication has been.

I become easily frustrated when I attempt to do something without success on the first or second try. I am highly perfectionist at the core, and I feel as though I should be able to master whatever I attempt. -no room for error-

I become obsessed with things out of nowhere, and spend much of my time researching my topic of interest. However, I soon get bored and move on to another topic just as quickly as the one before, about which I also obsess..

I always assume that others are judging or questioning me. I am very self-conscious, especially when it comes to decision-making. I always feel like I’m misunderstood and judged by a large majority of people about how I choose to live and interact.

Loud noises bother and overwhelm me, as do large crowds of obnoxious [drunk] people. My energy drains so quickly around any kind of volume of people or of sound. I need peace and quiet in order to be productive or to enjoy myself.

I am able to adapt to, and find common ground with, all different kinds of people - no matter age, race, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious views, etc. I love relating to and finding common ground with others, especially those who seem quite different from me.

I have always preferred the company of those who are significantly older than I. This was quite the case from a very early age, and has yet to change in adulthood.

Personality and emotional connection have ALWAYS been the roots of my attraction to the opposite sex, rather than physical appearance and/or financial status.

I would much rather receive a note, poem, or drawing from a loved one rather than a material/store-bought gift with a high price tag.

I am attracted to modesty and a humanitarian nature. I am attracted to selflessness, artistic ability, an open mind, and a tendency to forgive and lack judgment.

I am always seeking approval from my loved ones and, more so as a child, my peers. I have always felt very much like an alien when it comes to the ways that I function and view the world. I am a loner by nature, and as I age, I tend to appreciate and respect that aspect of myself more and more.

I struggle with the challenges of being a “highly sensitive person,” which tends to come with substance abuse issues, depression, and anxiety, to name a few. I feel and absorb other people’s emotions and fail regularly to protect myself from them. I am constantly drained and overloaded by a combination of the emotions of others and my internal thoughts.

I expect for others to understand when I retreat and become reclusive, yet rarely they do. I have a bad habit of isolating myself during times of immense stress. It typically does not benefit me in many ways to do this, yet I always think that it will.

I procrastinate and often put off my “to'do list” or responsibilities due to feeling bogged down by mundane tasks. I am always searching for the bigger picture, and feel as though I need instant gratification without applying necessary steps and work.

What are the five things INFJs value most in life?

THE FIVE THINGS-This indicates that these 5 things would be universal to all INFJ as the only 5 things that we value.

There are things that every INFJ values, but there are things that will always be individualistic.

I will describe some things that INFJ’s value and also indicate which are personal items which might not be for all INFJ.

Family-INFJ’s value family and those we care about. We are very protective of those we love, do not mess with an INFJ’s family.

Loyalty-If we care for you, and we are vulnerable with you, honor that. Don’t lie to us, be inauthentic, or abandon us simply because things aren’t as you envision.

Honesty-Tell us the truth no matter how difficult it might be. We will respect you more if you are upfront with us.

Sex, Personal one-I need sex and intimacy. A love language of physical touch. This is something I will never waver on.

Authenticity-Show me who you are, show me what you stand for. Some me that you are consistent with whatever values you hold

Do INFJs know that they are different?

I think on some fundamental level, yes. I think this is why after getting this “diagnosis” and how rare it is, it is often a huge relief. That is, its not that there’s anything fundamentally wrong with INFJs, its just that they process things in a very unusual manner to most other people. 

This rarity then prompts INFJs to find other like-minded people to share experiences, opinions and thoughts. Online communities like this also have the bonus of doing everything in written form which is a strength of many INFJs. 

After wondering for so long what is wrong with them, to find that there’s a whole bunch of people who think like you is very comforting and allows for understanding, self-improvement (which INFJs are big on) and commonality of thoughts. 

Although, on many occasions they enjoy being the odd one out, every now and then its nice to not have to stick out like a sore thumb and just be able to be themselves. Those that make an effort to understand INFJs are treated like gold because they know that people like that; people who take the time to get to know them and genuinely want to do so, are few and far between. 

INFJ Strengths

•Creative – Combining a vivid imagination with a strong sense of compassion, INFJs use their creativity to resolve not technical challenges, but human ones. People with the INFJ personality type enjoy finding the perfect solution for someone they care about, and this strength makes them excellent counsellors and advisors.

•Insightful – Seeing through dishonesty and disingenuous motives, INFJs step past manipulation and sales tactics and into a more honest discussion. INFJs see how people and events are connected, and are able to use that insight to get to the heart of the matter.

•Inspiring and Convincing – Speaking in human terms, not technical, INFJs have a fluid, inspirational writing style that appeals to the inner idealist in their audience. INFJs can even be astonishingly good orators, speaking with warmth and passion, if they are proud of what they are speaking for.

•Decisive – Their creativity, insight and inspiration are able to have a real impact on the world, as INFJs are able to follow through on their ideas with conviction, willpower, and the planning necessary to see complex projects through to the end. INFJs don’t just see the way things ought to be, they act on those insights.

•Determined and Passionate – When INFJs come to believe that something is important, they pursue that goal with a conviction and energy that can catch even their friends and loved ones off guard. INFJs will rock the boat if they have to, something not everyone likes to see, but their passion for their chosen cause is an inseparable part of their personality.

•Altruistic – These strengths are used for good. INFJs have strong beliefs and take the actions that they do not because they are trying to advance themselves, but because they are trying to advance an idea that they truly believe will make the world a better place.

INFJ Weaknesses

•Sensitive – When someone challenges or criticizes INFJs’ principles or values, they are likely to receive an alarmingly strong response. People with the INFJ personality type are highly vulnerable to criticism and conflict, and questioning their motives is the quickest way to their bad side.

•Extremely Private – INFJs tend to present themselves as the culmination of an idea. This is partly because they believe in this idea, but also because INFJs are extremely private when it comes to their personal lives, using this image to keep themselves from having to truly open up, even to close friends. Trusting a new friend can be even more challenging for INFJs.

•Perfectionistic – INFJs are all but defined by their pursuit of ideals. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, an ideal situation is not always possible – in politics, in business, in romance – and INFJs too often drop or ignore healthy and productive situations and relationships, always believing there might be a better option down the road.

•Always Need to Have a Cause – INFJs get so caught up in the passion of their pursuits that any of the cumbersome administrative or maintenance work that comes between them and the ideal they see on the horizon is deeply unwelcome. INFJs like to know that they are taking concrete steps towards their goals, and if routine tasks feel like they are getting in the way, or worse yet, there is no goal at all, they will feel restless and disappointed.

•Can Burn Out Easily – Their passion, poor patience for routine maintenance, tendency to present themselves as an ideal, and extreme privacy tend to leave INFJs with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type are likely to exhaust themselves in short order if they don’t find a way to balance their ideals with the realities of day-to-day living.



Both are private. Both are idealists. Both can be perfectionists. Both are insightful, analytical, logical, and meticulous. And both are intuitives, preferring the abstract over black and white.

The biggest difference?

INFP is highly in tune with their own feelings 

INFJ is usually oblivious to theirs

INFP’s dominant function is Fi (their own feelings), but INFJ doesn’t even have Fi in their stack. (Same for ISFJ.) Instead, their “F” is extroverted (Fe) — which is other people.

INFP has ever-expanding ideas …inspired by feelings 

INFJ has ever-narrowing “insights” … about people

it’s the INFP who speaks fluent “ideas and dreams”

INFP is inspiration, with insight

INFJ is insight, with inspiration

At their worst:

INFP replays the past to relive emotions, and is sensitive (not critical)

INFJ gets lost in “white noise” / “nothingness,” and is critical (not sensitive)

When desperate:

INFP obliterates their creativity with convention (ending up soul-crushed)

INFJ obliterates their thinking with hedonistic indulgences (ending up ill)

Their insecurity / fear (or: the biggest insult):

INFP — “you’re not special,” “you’re too sensitive/naïve/spaced out”

INFJ — “your insights aren’t meaningful,” or “your life is meaningless”

INFP feels pride from being unique and being seen that way

INFJ feels pain from not being understood or connecting with others

INFJ biggest value isn’t “authenticity” but rather “universal meaning.” They are merely a vessel, and their F is focused on others, not self (their thoughts and insights — not feelings — are what’s focused internally, and sometimes INFJs are utterly blind to their own emotions.)

As Heidi Priebe wrote,

“Because INFPs tend to be highly creative and individualistic, most of them have never met another person quite like themselves (including other INFPs). For this reason, they find it fitting that their type is 1% of the population — they think this explains their individuality, when in reality it is their introverted feeling that sets them apart.”

Deepest desire:

INFJs want universal insight on other people (INFP doesn’t reallycare)

INFP wants unique expression of self (INFJ doesn’t really care)

What is an INFJ?

INFJ is an acronym used to describe one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Judging. INFJ indicates a person who is energized by time alone (Introverted), who focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), who makes decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling) and who prefers to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Judging). INFJs are sometimes referred to as Counselor personalities.

What are INFJs like?

INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges.

The Counselor has a unique ability to intuit others’ emotions and motivations, and will often know how someone else is feeling before that person knows it himself. They trust their insights about others and have strong faith in their ability to read people. Although they are sensitive, they are also reserved; the INFJ is a private sort, and is selective about sharing intimate thoughts and feelings.

What are the core values of the INFJ?

INFJs are guided by a deeply considered set of personal values. They are intensely idealistic, and can clearly imagine a happier and more perfect future. They can become discouraged by the harsh realities of the present, but they are typically motivated and persistent in taking positive action nonetheless. The INFJ feels an intrinsic drive to do what they can to make the world a better place.

INFJs want a meaningful life and deep connections with other people. They do not tend to share themselves freely but appreciate emotional intimacy with a select, committed few. Although their rich inner life can sometimes make them seem mysterious or private to others, they profoundly value authentic connections with people they trust.

How can I recognize an INFJ?

INFJs often appear quiet, caring and sensitive, and may be found listening attentively to someone else’s ideas or concerns. They are highly perceptive about people and want to help others achieve understanding. INFJs are not afraid of complex personal problems; in fact, they are quite complex themselves, and have a rich inner life that few are privy to. They reflect at length on issues of ethics, and feel things deeply. Because Counselors initially appear so gentle and reserved, they may surprise others with their intensity when one of their values is threatened or called into question. Their calm exterior belies the complexity of their inner worlds.

Because INFJs are such complex people, they may be reluctant to engage with others who might not understand or appreciate them, and can thus be hard to get to know. Although they want to get along with others and support them in their goals, they are fiercely loyal to their own system of values and will not follow others down a path that does not feel authentic to them. When they sense that their values are not being respected, or when their intuition tells them that someone’s intentions are not pure, they are likely to withdraw.

Who are some famous INFJs?

Famous INFJs include Mohandas Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, Emily Bronte, Carl Jung, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Florence Nightingale, Shirley MacLaine, Jimmy Carter, and Edward Snowden.

How common is the INFJ personality type?

INFJ is the rarest type in the population. It is the least common type among men, and the third least common among women (after INTJ and ENTJ). INFJs make up:

2% of the general population

2% of women

1% of men

What do INFJs like to do?

Popular hobbies for the INFJ include writing, art appreciation, cultural events, reading, socializing in small, intimate settings, and playing or listening to music.

To which MBTI type are INFJs drawn to?

INFJs (NiFe) are a rare breed of individuals who possess both the insatiable thirst to know the unknowable and a level of compassion arguably only rivaled by a SiFe or FeSi. This explains why INFJs are referred to as the best thinkers among the feelers of the spectrum. When healthy, they can temper their emotions with logic and sound reasoning.

There’s a flip side to this, however. When left unchecked, INFJs tend to hold out judgment on people because their extraverted feeling (Fe) tells their introverted intuition (Ni) that “there are more than meets the eye.” This makes INFJs unwitting lovers of enigmatic people. They are easily drawn to people from extreme opposites: Those who make them better, and those who frustrate them. Whether or not they’d admit, they simply love reading people who aren’t easy to understand—or even worse, those who don’t wish to be understood.

Generally, INFJs are attracted to people who:

Can challenge their values and beliefs and encourage them to evaluate their emotions and decisions (ENTPs -> NeTi)

Are notoriously as introverted and private—if not more—as them, but leaps and bounds harder to read (INTJs -> NiTe)

Are generally considered dorky when with the INFJs (INTPs -> TiNe)

Look and view life with positivity and brimming optimism seen in the opening of any vivacious musical film (ENFPs -> NeFi)

Share the same values and tendencies as them (fellow INFJs -> NiFe)

Engaging extraverted intuition in a healthy way

I had been looking for ways to improve my Ne and engage my Ne in a healthy manner. But I could not find ways to tackle it in the internet. Therefore I came up with some ideas of my own. Hope it helps.

Ne jumps from one idea to another, one taks to another. Ne can’t engage in one taks for a longer period and doing so will be exhausting. So why not master Ne by doing things in a way that would keep feeding Ne?

ENFP’s find it hard and exhausting to plan and stick to a plan. But in order to get things done, planning is vital.

How about a versatile plan, where you could actually pick and choose what you want to do at a particular time based on your mood?

I came up with this model of planning. Studying

Module 1 (Topic A, subtopic A)

Module 2 (Topic A)

Module 3 (Topic A)

Mandatory stuff


Cleaning the cupboard (whatever)

Stuffs to search on google

Topic A

Idea B

Topic B

Reading list

Book A (1 chapter)

Book B (1 chapter)

Article A


Title 1 - episode 1

Title 2 - episode 2


Title 1 (first half)

Title 2 (first half)

I am pretty sure most of you would have lists like this. But never never pick one task and try to engage in it for long. Jump around different task along the course of the day which will keep you more energised. Completing one task at a go, forcefully engaging in a single task for a longer period, binging books, movies, series will exhaust us and stress us.

Also allow the list open to add new tasks, which is always going to happen anyway, just like, how I am going composing this post right now, while I have 100 other stuffs to do. But having a plan like this will prevent me from lingering in Fb after posting this.

The trick is to be persistent and update the list daily.

Thus keep your Ne engaged and feeding it all the time by having 100s stuff to pick on a daily basis.

By completing small chunks of multiple tasks we will eventually complete all of them without exhausting ourselves.

People should learn to distinguish between attachment and connection. You might be deeply attached to someone with whom you do not actually have a connection with, meanwhile you can also have a genuine connection with someone whom you are not attached to - aka not feel strong emotions towards.

Attachment is an illusion of the mind. It tricks you. It simply means you are ‘so used to someone’. Not that you are really connected to someone.

Stay aware. Do not mistake attachment for a connection.

The society’s idea of success and productivity is fundermentally fucked up. You are stuck at home for weeks, yet you are supposed to achieve something, create something, follow free courses and get certificates.

But not everyone can do it. Not everyone can stick to a strict schedule and achieve something all the while being stuck at home.

I binge ate, binge watched movies, binge read books, binge texted, flirted around.. did everything that is supposedly unproductive.

Do you know where this lead to?

I discovered more and more about myself. I realized, I do not like or enjoy watching movies and I only do it because everyone else do it. I realized I do not like texting much even though I text a lot. I understood that I value face to face conversations rather than behind the screen interactions.

I realized I like flirting a bit even though it is not socially accepted.

I discovered what I really need in a partner and what trait I find essential for attraction in a person.

I realized, I have more self confidence than I had an year ago.

I discovered how much I enjoy writing, not just anything but my experiences.

I discovered that I feel drained working according to a schedule and I figured out it is alright to work in random bouts of energy.

I realized it is alright not to work in a strict schedule as long as I get things done. After all not everyone is the same.

I discovered that I work more productively closeby to a deadline, and to induce my productivity I should assign me a deadline.

I also realized that I do not have to finish a book I don’t like.

I realized it is alright to do whatever the fuck I want to do.

Just do whatever you want to do. Don’t let the society’s idea of productivity and success fool you. All that matters is how much you learned about yourself when this ends.

Have you noticed yourself struggling to spell simple words in recent times? It happened to me and I realised it was because of the usage of suggestions in my phone keyboard. I am a heavy texter and with more and more texting I started losing accuracy in spellings.

When we use ‘suggestions’ we do not have to recall the spellings of words and thus the neuronal pathways linked to words’ spellings fade off with time. Our memory depends upon recalling/ using the stored information. The less we use something we are going to lose it.

Try switching off the suggestions.!

Sometimes in life you wreck your mind with questions. You keep asking “why” repeatedly, expecting an answer, an answer that will satisfy you. You expect the situation to change, just by wrecking yourself. But deep down inside, you already know the answer, it is just hard to accept…

We were never taught self love. We were never taught what confidence is about. Instead we were taught to seek for validation outside. We were taught to evaluate our self worth based on marks and grades and ranks. We were taught to compare. Compare our ranks, skin colour, height, weight… Whatever you name, anything and everything. While self love is all about accepting your own self for who you are, the pluses, the minuses, the beauty and the quirks and confidence is all about NEVER FEELING THE NECESSITY TO COMPARE yourself to anybody…

Oh.. darling.. can you see the extent the society is fucked up?

(the text in the image is copied. All the credit goes to the original author).

“Healing your inner child” is the most powerful form of growth!

This idea may sound absurd to many. If you Google you’d come across as many articles as to what it is.

Simply put, it’s talking to your own self as you would talk to a child you met somewhere!

It’s just as simple as that. But the effects are profound.

I’ve suffered childhood neglect and separation. As a result I *was co-dependent in most of my relationships. I was determined (still I am) to become a better person and started working on healing my inner child. I felt change immediately!

Everyone should try it..

Is our generation trying to using humour as a mode of escapism from all the buried trauma and emotional problems that should be dealt with???

How many of you have watched the movie IDIOCRACY? It’s supposed to be a science fiction comedy but now whenever I catch me laughing at a funny tik tok or meme all I can remember is that movie.. are we going towards there?

We have become more mindless about how we spend our time. Mindless laughing, mindless scrolling… I wonder where we are going towards.

Life begins the moment,

You start searching for yourself…

You start creating yourself…

You start moulding yourself….

Reality changes according to your perspective…

Or is it rather,

Your perspective shapes your reality…?

Our thoughts, they have power… We can change our life by our thoughts! I always trust this. I believe in Law of Attraction. I strongly believe that I can change my life with my thoughts..

Life….. Just happens…!?

A question that constantly nags my mind is…

What is life? Why are we here?

And the quest goes on… Somedays I totally forget it.. Somedays I search for answers…

Probably life is fair, in it’s unfairness??

Hello guys!!

This is my first post in tumblr. I’m new to tumblr and still learning how to use it..

I’ve always wanted and loved to share my thoughts with the world. Hope this will help me do that.

Most of the ENFP blogs are filled with memes. This is going to be different. This will be filled with crazy thoughts right outta my mind, qoutes I love and about my life! Hope you guys enjoy!!

enfp: college edition

im sure many other types can relate, but as an enfp college is the best thing that’s ever happened to me because i can actually go after all of my interests! in high school i was forced into a set schedule of classes but right now my schedule consists of calc II, creative writing, french, independent study for comp sci, chem lab, and a theater workshop class. in my free time i’m a part of the swim club, i lift at the gym, and i play squash with my friends. outside of activities like that, i also have an endless supply of friends in my dorm building just to hang out with, but at the same time i can easily retreat into my room and watch the office alone for 3 hours straight if i need to. nearly every corner of my wide range of interests are being effortlessly catered to in this environment, and getting work done isn’t even hard when you actually want to do it!!

(and to any of my friends who may still be in high schools and feel like they’re suffering - don’t worry, maybe college will be as beneficial for you as it is for me!)

you know you’re an enfp when…

you have so many interests and random talents that you never bothered to master because you moved on to something else before you ever could finish
