#enfj aesthetic


Do other INFJ’s have trouble communicating their thoughts and feelings?


INFJ have trouble communicating their thoughts and feelings.

It is one of the banes of an INFJ’s existence.

Romantically, we won’t articulate how we feel about someone until we are 1000% sure they feel the same way or that they have told us first.

Sometimes we feel that when a person knows us well, they should always know what they mean, that isn’t always true. If we don’t say anything, they won’t know.

We let people take advantage of us and sacrifice our boundaries when we love and care for someone until we stand up for ourselves.

We use music to speak for us.

We write better than we speak, so if you want to know how we truly feel, ask us to write you a letter.

Music can say things that we can’t find the words to say.

Many of us do not like rejection, especially in dating, so we sit on the sidelines more often than not unless we know the person is interested.

We let things that bother us slide when we care for you

Many people don’t value our opinion, and if we discover it, we find other ways to show others that we have a lot to bring to the table

An INFJ has to trust you to be comfortable and vulnerable

Our body language and facial expressions can say more than our words may ever.

Be patient and help INFJ’s be comfortable around you if you want to know and understand who they are at their core, loving individuals.

We are just so afraid of prior hurts occurring again that we become guarded

Are INFJs complex people?

Portrait of an INFJ:

“INFJs are hard to get to know. They have an unusually rich inner life, but they are reserved and tend not to share their reactions except those they trust. Because of their vulnerability through a strong facility to introject, INFJs can be hurtrather easily by others, which, perhaps, is at least one reason they tend to be private people. People who have known an INFJ for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. Not that INFJs are inconsistent; they are very consistent and value integrity. But rhey have convoluted, complex personalities which sometimes puzzle even them.”

So, by conclusion; yes, INFJs tend to be (romantization or not) temptatious to get to know, and well, therefore I personally do think so, that is coming from their yet unraveled & intricate side they want to hide and burry inside their own soul.

Why I think INFJs are complex people:

1.INFJs much “deviate” from the social norm due to them being Ni doms and mostly are “with their heads in the clouds.”

2.INFJs want to seek genuine, authentic, and deep connections amongst their life; but also meaningful conversations, sophistication, education/knowledge, wisdom, etc. (;and even need for the sake of their well-being!)

3.INFJs have very high standards regarding life, their careers, love, and relationships; so, everything. Why is that? Yeah, probably because they intuitively & instinctively know what they can do with all their gathered wisdom & knowledeg (+care) they have innate inside their very existense; because INFJs indeed are nothing but “Old Souls,” when truly matured and groomed.

4.INFJs want intimacy in love and romantic relationships — they simply want to taste the stars flavour.

5.INFJ believe in the good & the bad of people, they know no black & white, but see beyond that; that is, I guess, what makes INFJs truly fascinating (or, intriguing), they want not only to get to the “point” but turn the point around until they feel they’ve checked every side they could/there is.

6.INFJs just adore and love to do and understand sophisticated and complex things; e.g the MBTI system- cognitive functions, the universe and its breadth of unfathomable possibilities and structures, psychology, love — really anything where you almost can’t conceptualize to wrap your head around ;).

7.INFJs are simple yet have this contradictive inner-layer of “splits” in them. The intricacy in them, manifested and well-bloomed attuned into their character — is almost always incentivising for “pulling strings” in a way that is not conceivable for any other of the 15 personality types.

What are some struggles of having the INFJ personality type?

INFJs make up just one percent of the population. Because of their rarity, INFJs inevitably face many unique challenges and I’ll be telling them to you below.


Most INFJs are empathic and highly sensitive. In other words, they deeply feel the emotions of others. Combine their sensitivity with their innate desire to help those in need, and you have a recipe for overwhelm.

Being creepily observant

INFJs have a unique ability to pick up on subtle cues that others miss. They use their keen observation skills and intuition to read between the lines during conversations. Sometimes their ability to read people can be misinterpreted as creepy or intense.

People pleasing

Because INFJs genuinely want to help people, they often fall into the trap of being people pleasers. They give and give and give some more, all the while neglecting their own needs and desires. Learning to say “no” and establish healthy boundaries can be a lifelong challenge for INFJs.

Feeling like an outsider

It can be lonely being such a unique snowflake personality! It’s easy for INFJs to feel like outsiders who don’t fit in.

Losing touch with their true self

Because they feel so different from everyone else, INFJs often try to ‘fix’ themselves by mimicking other more common personality types. They might get so good at pretending that they fool even themselves. It becomes more and more difficult to reconnect with their authentic self.

Confusing or offending people with their behavior

INFJs are known for being great conversationalists who others flock to. They love people and love to socialize. Except, of course, when they don’t. Just like any other introverted personality, INFJs lose energy during social interaction. At a certain point, they need to be alone.

Naturally, others are confused, and sometimes offended, when a usually sociable INFJ shuts down and wants to be left alone.


The INFJs love of the mysterious and complex can be a double-edged sword. It’s easy for them to over analyze things to the point where they lose sleep. They can also become so absorbed in what’s happening inside their head that they lose touch with the outside world.

What are the three main defining qualities of INFJs?

All parts of being the moralistic, judgemental, altruistic nutcases that make them so interesting (love INFJs):

1. Moral maturity - they have a very good view of what is right or wrong and they go out of their way to improve that view - via news, documentaries, travel, academia etc.

2. Truly living the moral code - they don’t preach - they act on their morals. INFJs nudge, council, help and crusade (if needed) to make the world a better place, especially for those less fortunate. This is not an ideal to them - it is a way of life. If all your friends abandon you and you are alone in the worst of circumstances / have no one to help, the person who comes to stand by you will be an INFJ. The moral living thing also means they do not tend to give a crap about shallow stuff like personal wealth / ostentatious possessions.

3. INFJ Social Interaction - part of the moral thing, I figure, is being quite judgemental about people. INFJs tend to make snap decisions about people - classifying them as good / amusing / deep people they do want to be around, boring / shallow people they only engage in superficial conversation with and bad / really superficial people they avoid at all costs. INFJs then tend to try and steer all social engagement to one on one or small group activities with the good people. INFJs will often become resistant, rebellious and even sulky / petulant if compelled to go to large social engagements where people they don’t like will be present.


INFJ: Be honest about what you want from the date, because they will notice if you’re not having such a good time, and it will affect the whole date. They want to paint and you want to get icecream from your favorite place? Do both! Do stuff like decide to walk on top of a hill with a nice view. Reward yourselves with talking while admiring the view, or go and buy something nice together.

INFP: Something calm, but exciting. Feeding ducks. Walking through a not familiar part of the area you live in together. Listen, adore, have fun. If you go to an amusement park, make time for eating cotton candy in a calm corner and talk about things close to your heart. Ask them what they liked the most, and make it your personal tradition. Hugging before parting the ways, if they are already close to you is also nice.

INTJ: Good food from a place they like already. Stand-up shows, zoos, nature parks. Dress up, pretend to be professionals together in modern art gallery. You together make the environment fun by being there, the environment can be almost anything. Don’t choose too hectic places: if you want to go swimming with them, go at evening when there’s only few people.

INTP: Ask them what they’re interested in. A movie that just got into teathers? A game they just purchased? A concert of a band they really like? Do it with them. Show interest in things they are into, and experience them together. Show that you want to learn what they already know. And eat good food while doing it. Even skype dates are ok, just make sure your minds are in the same place.

ENFJ: You don’t need a sharp plan. Decide what you want to eat or drink on the spot where you meet them. Drinks? Sure! Shopping? Why not! That nice movie that’s on tv today? Sounds like a plan! Sometimes even though you would have asked for the date, it might seem that they come up with everything else. Randomly going to tennis hall or minigolf. Taking frisbee to beach just if you feel like it. There are many possibilities that will present them on the date day!

ENFP: Do something crazy. Skinny dip in lakes, run through busy places. Order a super spicy meal and cry and laugh together because neither of you can eat it. Go listen to outdoor music and offer to dance with them, even if no-one else was dancing. They will dance with you. But after the crazyness, take tem to a cafe or home, and talk about everything you felt and experienced that day!

ENTJ: Invite them to a date. Make it clear it’s a date. Wear at least smart casual, and tell them also what kind of place your going so they can also think about how they want to look. Offer them little fancier drinks or prepare picnic basket with wine classes (even if you drink juice XD). Follow the plan you have talked about, but suprises like flowers and small extra program is always nice! Also, just photoshooting each other with ENTJ might be fun!

ENTP: Challenge them. Mentally, physically, however you want to! Take them to place with games! Bring a secret twister mattress to your picnic, ask them to haunted houses in amusement parks and see which of you can figure out better how things were made. And remember: it’s not (always) about winning. It’s about the crazy analyses and speculations, and the fun!

What is it like to be an INFP?

INFP’s are basically cuddly/cold walking contradictions! :D

Sensitive, but strong. Bright but annoyingly dreamy. Introverted, yet love to connect with people.

On the outside, we may appear reserved, detached, shy, or perhaps even cold. But engage us with a new idea, or share an intriguing thought and we light up like human pinball machines. Mature INFP’S tend to crave intellectual encounters and you’ll know you’ve successfully captured our attention when our eyes fill with wonder and sparkle with life. The thoughtful, quiet person in front of you will suddenly transform into a surpringly social and charming creature, full of depth and complexity. When we’ve decided we’ve had our fill of socializing, we are more than happy to retreat back home where we can let our thoughts and imagination roam wild in private. During this time is when we are most creative, either penning entire novels in our mind, (which may or may not make it to paper) creating symphonies in our head, or bringing worlds to life with paint on canvas or molding them from clay with our bare hands. Creating art is where we live!

Although we are dreamy and tend to over-romanticize (literally everyone and everything!) we can also be surprisingly objective at times, and are quite capable of carrying on logical discussions of topics that capture our interest.

It should also be noted that despite our overall gentle, laid-back demeanor, we have a wickedly dark sense of humour that only those closest to us can fully appreciate.

Above all, we value loyalty, honesty, and compassion from those whom we let close, and though we may not show it on the outside, we are deeply hurt when we feel someone has wronged us.

What are INFJs really good at?

As an INFJ…

I can read people’s energies immediately upon meeting them or engaging with them. I pick up on their vibes, and kind of almost “read their aura” without challenge.

I have a hyperactive brain, and I have great trouble with slowing it down or “turning it off.” As a result, I worry far too much!

I am very interested in human emotion and human psychology. I thoroughly enjoy figuring people out, and helping them to figure them selves out. As much as I dislike people and work hard to avoid them, I also enjoy engaging with them in order to study them, all the same.

I care very deeply for those who are closest to me. I embrace quality over quantity in my social relationships, and I cherish strong emotional connections.

I quickly become bored with and/or irritated by meaningless chit-chat and “tabloid talk.” I do not care to socialize unless I’m either able to engage in friendly debate about social or political topics, or am able to engage in deep meaningful conversation about intellectually or creatively-stimulating topics.

I tend to think that everything is about me, but ONLY when “everything” is negative. I hate being in the spotlight, but I will drag myself into it when i feel as though someone else’s misfortune might somehow be my fault. Usually the issue in question has nothing to do with me, and I end up worrying for no reason (story of my life).

I enjoy playing “counselor” or “therapist” for others. I am very good at examining and solving other people’s problems, while I constantly neglect to examine and solve my own!

I have a STRONG need for creativity. I need to express myself through art in various forms. When I deprive myself of artistic expression I retreat, become depressed, and ultimately shame and berate myself. Verbal communication has always been much more of a task for me than artistic communication has been.

I become easily frustrated when I attempt to do something without success on the first or second try. I am highly perfectionist at the core, and I feel as though I should be able to master whatever I attempt. -no room for error-

I become obsessed with things out of nowhere, and spend much of my time researching my topic of interest. However, I soon get bored and move on to another topic just as quickly as the one before, about which I also obsess..

I always assume that others are judging or questioning me. I am very self-conscious, especially when it comes to decision-making. I always feel like I’m misunderstood and judged by a large majority of people about how I choose to live and interact.

Loud noises bother and overwhelm me, as do large crowds of obnoxious [drunk] people. My energy drains so quickly around any kind of volume of people or of sound. I need peace and quiet in order to be productive or to enjoy myself.

I am able to adapt to, and find common ground with, all different kinds of people - no matter age, race, gender, sexual orientation, political or religious views, etc. I love relating to and finding common ground with others, especially those who seem quite different from me.

I have always preferred the company of those who are significantly older than I. This was quite the case from a very early age, and has yet to change in adulthood.

Personality and emotional connection have ALWAYS been the roots of my attraction to the opposite sex, rather than physical appearance and/or financial status.

I would much rather receive a note, poem, or drawing from a loved one rather than a material/store-bought gift with a high price tag.

I am attracted to modesty and a humanitarian nature. I am attracted to selflessness, artistic ability, an open mind, and a tendency to forgive and lack judgment.

I am always seeking approval from my loved ones and, more so as a child, my peers. I have always felt very much like an alien when it comes to the ways that I function and view the world. I am a loner by nature, and as I age, I tend to appreciate and respect that aspect of myself more and more.

I struggle with the challenges of being a “highly sensitive person,” which tends to come with substance abuse issues, depression, and anxiety, to name a few. I feel and absorb other people’s emotions and fail regularly to protect myself from them. I am constantly drained and overloaded by a combination of the emotions of others and my internal thoughts.

I expect for others to understand when I retreat and become reclusive, yet rarely they do. I have a bad habit of isolating myself during times of immense stress. It typically does not benefit me in many ways to do this, yet I always think that it will.

I procrastinate and often put off my “to'do list” or responsibilities due to feeling bogged down by mundane tasks. I am always searching for the bigger picture, and feel as though I need instant gratification without applying necessary steps and work.

What are the five things INFJs value most in life?

THE FIVE THINGS-This indicates that these 5 things would be universal to all INFJ as the only 5 things that we value.

There are things that every INFJ values, but there are things that will always be individualistic.

I will describe some things that INFJ’s value and also indicate which are personal items which might not be for all INFJ.

Family-INFJ’s value family and those we care about. We are very protective of those we love, do not mess with an INFJ’s family.

Loyalty-If we care for you, and we are vulnerable with you, honor that. Don’t lie to us, be inauthentic, or abandon us simply because things aren’t as you envision.

Honesty-Tell us the truth no matter how difficult it might be. We will respect you more if you are upfront with us.

Sex, Personal one-I need sex and intimacy. A love language of physical touch. This is something I will never waver on.

Authenticity-Show me who you are, show me what you stand for. Some me that you are consistent with whatever values you hold



Both are private. Both are idealists. Both can be perfectionists. Both are insightful, analytical, logical, and meticulous. And both are intuitives, preferring the abstract over black and white.

The biggest difference?

INFP is highly in tune with their own feelings 

INFJ is usually oblivious to theirs

INFP’s dominant function is Fi (their own feelings), but INFJ doesn’t even have Fi in their stack. (Same for ISFJ.) Instead, their “F” is extroverted (Fe) — which is other people.

INFP has ever-expanding ideas …inspired by feelings 

INFJ has ever-narrowing “insights” … about people

it’s the INFP who speaks fluent “ideas and dreams”

INFP is inspiration, with insight

INFJ is insight, with inspiration

At their worst:

INFP replays the past to relive emotions, and is sensitive (not critical)

INFJ gets lost in “white noise” / “nothingness,” and is critical (not sensitive)

When desperate:

INFP obliterates their creativity with convention (ending up soul-crushed)

INFJ obliterates their thinking with hedonistic indulgences (ending up ill)

Their insecurity / fear (or: the biggest insult):

INFP — “you’re not special,” “you’re too sensitive/naïve/spaced out”

INFJ — “your insights aren’t meaningful,” or “your life is meaningless”

INFP feels pride from being unique and being seen that way

INFJ feels pain from not being understood or connecting with others

INFJ biggest value isn’t “authenticity” but rather “universal meaning.” They are merely a vessel, and their F is focused on others, not self (their thoughts and insights — not feelings — are what’s focused internally, and sometimes INFJs are utterly blind to their own emotions.)

As Heidi Priebe wrote,

“Because INFPs tend to be highly creative and individualistic, most of them have never met another person quite like themselves (including other INFPs). For this reason, they find it fitting that their type is 1% of the population — they think this explains their individuality, when in reality it is their introverted feeling that sets them apart.”

Deepest desire:

INFJs want universal insight on other people (INFP doesn’t reallycare)

INFP wants unique expression of self (INFJ doesn’t really care)

-> ENFJ wallpaper by me

-> you can make requests for other personality types

-> you can make any kind of wallpaper& icon requests, don’t hesitate

-> please like and reblog it helps so much

-> I hope you enjoy this

-> I’m an ENFJ :)

•ENTP/ Gryffindor/ Neutral Good/ Honey Blonde/ F/ in a relationship with a ENFJ/ Slytherin/ Chaotic

•ENTP/ Gryffindor/ Neutral Good/ Honey Blonde/ F/ in a relationship with a ENFJ/ Slytherin/ Chaotic Neutral/ Sarcastic/ M/ Aesthetic•

Post link

Always take -1 of the realism and main telling of the storysandpossiblitys of an ENFJ.

Then you are good.

Ask an INTJ

I do this periodically. If you have a question for an INTJ about stereotypes, relationships, behavioral traits, and stuff like that, feel free to drop an ask in my inbox!

*A Thing™ happens and someone INTJ cares about gets upset*

INTJ: This person is upset. I should do something.

INTJ: Should I hug them? No, no its not that serious. They’re not crying.

INTJ: Maybe I should just ignore it?

INTJ: Crap they’re almost crying. Crap. What do I do.


INTJ: *awkwardly pats the upset person and then pretends nothing happened*
