#insecure hero


Prompt #21

“You know, you’d think you’d be a little bit more grateful for someone who saved you”

“You ? You can’t be fucking serious”

“Yes, [hero], I graciously saved you from a slow and painful death”

“What do you want ? A fucking cookie ?”

“A thank you would be enough”

Prompt #14

“Come on now, is it so hard to see even your own team underestimates how much you’re carrying them through success !”


“You can’t even come up with a proper excuse anymore ! You defended them left and right, they went up in the ranks because of youthey haven’t even searched for you ! They don’t care about you, but I,,I do - I see how strong you are, how creatively complex you are”

“You don’t need to falsely flatter me”

“Oh but it’s true, I’ve seen how you operate, they never listen to your ideas until they need it the most, because their ideas are complete shit - yours are thought out, you’re so smart”

“You..you can stop whenever you want”

“But I can see how much you enjoy it, you don’t get praised as much as you should. You’re flustered and everything, all shy and adorable”

“Why did you even do this ? We made this deal yes,, and you’re right - but why ?”

“Because believe it or not, once upon a time I had a team too - they were just as shitty as the one you’re in or should I say were in, they’ll never change - just as much as mine never did”

“And you want me to still join you ?”

“Of course I do, and all my promises, all the good things that are yet to be seen, they will be now - this time we’ll be unstoppable and you’ll actually be appreciated like you should”


“So how about it, [hero] ?”

“Of course, it’s a deal”

“That’s what I like to here, teammate”

Prompt #12

“If you feel good doing good, why do you look so miserable ?”

“Miserable ? What do you mean ? I’m not-“

“Oh save your breath, I can sense the internalized insecurities and depression from here, been through some shit - want to protect others because no one protected [hero] when they needed it the most,”


“How was that ? Did I hit just in the right spot ? Did I get it correct ?”

“You smug fucking bastard —“

“You didn’t deny it”
