#bad team


Prompt #28

“You blindly follow what you believe to be good, without looking at what they’re doing to innocent people - yet, I’m the bad guy”

“What are you even talking about [villain] ?”

“Your ‘team’ is fucking hurting people ! They’re doing harm to the people you so claim to want to protect and you call yourself a fucking hero — OPEN YOUR EYES !”

Prompt #14

“Come on now, is it so hard to see even your own team underestimates how much you’re carrying them through success !”


“You can’t even come up with a proper excuse anymore ! You defended them left and right, they went up in the ranks because of youthey haven’t even searched for you ! They don’t care about you, but I,,I do - I see how strong you are, how creatively complex you are”

“You don’t need to falsely flatter me”

“Oh but it’s true, I’ve seen how you operate, they never listen to your ideas until they need it the most, because their ideas are complete shit - yours are thought out, you’re so smart”

“You..you can stop whenever you want”

“But I can see how much you enjoy it, you don’t get praised as much as you should. You’re flustered and everything, all shy and adorable”

“Why did you even do this ? We made this deal yes,, and you’re right - but why ?”

“Because believe it or not, once upon a time I had a team too - they were just as shitty as the one you’re in or should I say were in, they’ll never change - just as much as mine never did”

“And you want me to still join you ?”

“Of course I do, and all my promises, all the good things that are yet to be seen, they will be now - this time we’ll be unstoppable and you’ll actually be appreciated like you should”


“So how about it, [hero] ?”

“Of course, it’s a deal”

“That’s what I like to here, teammate”

I sure can! I hope you enjoy!

“You stay back here, and [Teammates] will take care of minimizing the damage. I’ll work on getting the civilians out.” [Leader] announced, and everyone but [Hero] nodded.

“Wait, why am I staying back? my power is perfect for helping those people?”

[Leader] gave them a look before saying, “because there are cameras and press everywhere.”


“So! Your power is horrific and will make us look bad!” [Teammate] spoke up.

“Seriously?! You all can’t seriously be benching me for a reason like that!” [Hero] looked around at their team, but none of them would meet their eyes.

“We don’t have time to argue about this.” [Leader] finally spoke up.

“You’re right. We don’t.” [Hero] growled as they pushed past their team.

I don’t really do continuations anymore, but please enjoy this prompt similar to A Fine Line @wolfeyedwitch​!

“Are you trying to hospitalize them?” [Hero] narrowed their eyes at [Teammate], who froze mid-swing. Their head snapped around, and their eyes connected with [Hero]’s.

“I thought you were in a meeting with [Leader].”

“I was. It’s done now. Are you trying to hospitalize them?” [Hero] continued to stare.

“It’s training," [Teamate] glanced back at a panting and bloody [Villain], "I’m teaching them how to fight.”

“That’s surprising,” [Hero] drawled out, “Because I distinctly remember multiple times when [Villain] knocked you out mid-mission before they joined our team. They’re obviously better than you, yet you’re asserting you’re teaching them?”

[Teammate] gritted their teeth, hot anger flashing through them as they clenched their fists.

“I’m teaching them to fight honorably.”

“That’s why you’re beating them bloodied when they’re on the floor, not fighting back?”

[Teammate] opened their mouth once more, but [Hero] silenced them with a hand.

“A rhetorical question, get out of my sight.”


I sure can! I hope you enjoy!

“I have no idea why [Super Hero] chose you for our team,” [Leader] sneered at [Hero].

“What, are you jealous?”

“Of your horrific excuse of a power? Hardly. I’m just wondering how nobody’s pegged you for a villain yet.”

“I’d watch what your saying,” [Hero] smirked, “You’re turning positively green with envy.”

“The only green I’m turning is of disgust.” [Leader] spat back, to which [Hero] laughed and waved them off.

“Keep telling yourself that.”
