#intrusive thot


Things that could be an Olympic sport if we tried hard enough:

• Dry pill swallowing

• Cat wrangling

• Scented candle smells identification

“Horror” is a great word because it can be mistaken for the word “whore” with barely any effort, and usually, it fits surprisingly well and makes the thing way better.

°☆•~ Eldritch whores ~•☆° just checks out somehow.

Anyway, in other news, anyone wanna start a band with me?

Movie fact:

modern birds are actually classified as dinosaurs, but that classification hadn’t been officially confirmed at the release of Jurassic Park (1993). Because of this, they used CGI to achieve the dinosaurs, even though birds would’ve been a much cheaper option.

*Draws body outline with a Crayola® “Purple Pizzazz” wax crayon*
