#intrusive thoughts



So like, Martian Manhunter is a telepath and he’s said several times in Justice League comics that he doesn’t like getting into Batman’s head because it’s really unpleasant in there, and I always kind of rolled my eyes because at the time it was said, Batman was in his toxic masculinity/I’m so edgy stage. I thought it was a cheap way of going “oooh look he’s so grim and dark and cool even telepaths can’t handle him”

But taken with the modern “Batman has PTSD and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” this suddenly makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE because if there is a way to get a telepath to go “um no thank you” to some mental shenanigans it would be someone with constant obsessive intrusive thought spirals and massive trauma.

Like Martian Manhunter hooking up a mental link between Justice League members trying to screen out how Batman’s brain is screaming at him for the entire 12 hour mission about how Nightwing hasn’t stopped by the cave to switch out his costume for the new improved kevlar weave so he has definitely already been killed by a rocket launcher and oh god what is Batman going to say at the funeral

so after the mission is over Martian Manhunter has like, a telepathic hangover and has to call Dick up on his Justice League reserve communicator going “I swear to god, if you don’t get your ass to Gotham to switch out your suit I will come down there, phase into your body and WALK YOU THERE MYSELF. Which incidentally, IS ALSO SOMETHING BATMAN WORRIES ABOUT” and then has to crawl into bed for 3 days 





By Morgan R.

While working on my obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) in therapy for a little over a year now, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that OCD loves to lie. Through these sneaky lies, OCD pretends to be a helpful friend who wants to keep us safe. But really, it only manipulates us into doing more and more rituals. When stressed and struggling with an obsession, I’ve found it’s helpful to identify when OCD is trying to tell a lie. Then, I’m more likely to resist doing a ritual or to fight through the discomfort of an exposure. Here are 10 common lies OCD tries to tell…and why you shouldn’t believe them!

1. I have to do rituals to feel safe or keep others safe.

While most people with OCD know their fears are irrational, sometimes in a stressful moment those fears can feel true. At times like this, I try to remember the relief and feelings of safety you feel after doing a compulsion will only be temporary. Doing rituals never makes me feel safe in the long run. Delaying a ritual and sitting with the anxiety is actually what gives me feelings of safety and control.

2. I have to do rituals if I want to feel less anxious.

Because of its cyclical nature, one of the main pitfalls of OCD is that it can grow quickly. Doing a ritual decreases anxiety, which feels really good in the moment, but the relief is only temporary. When the obsession pops up again, we have to do the ritual more and more for our anxiety to go away. With every ritual we do, we continue to learn that ritual equals less anxiety, even though it doesn’t work very well. Exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) reteaches our brain that if we don’t do a ritual, eventually our anxiety will come down on its own. With every exposure we do, our anxiety comes down faster.

3. This anxiety will last forever.

This lie can feel especially true during an exposure or panic attack, but it’s not only false — it’s impossible. All anxiety will come down eventually. It might soon go back up again, then down, then up, etc., but it will come down. I pinky promise.

4. Just do the ritual one more time. It’s better than trying to resist.

This is one of the lies OCD tells me most often: “One more time!” It’s the same lie music directors and dance teachers always told us in practice, and it’s never true. Giving into the ritual only makes the obsession grow more, which means you’ll have to do the ritual even more times.

5. My thoughts make me dangerous.

Something my therapist told me this week is, “We can’t choose what thoughts we have, but we can choose what we do.” What many people don’t realize is everyone has weird, intrusive thoughts. While most people shrug them off and go about their day, the difference is people with OCD tend to overreact to these thoughts. We feel responsible for our weird thoughts and feel like dangerous people. Because of this, we obsess about the thoughts and engage in rituals to reduce our anxiety, which accidentally makes the thoughts come more often. This lie is simply not true; thoughts are just thoughts.

6. I shouldn’t tell people about my thoughts.

When my OCD tells me my thoughts are dangerous, it also tells me to keep them a secret. We don’t want people to know all the weird thoughts we have. This only makes the thoughts stronger; we fall deeper into the obsession. It also makes it harder to get help. It’s like saying “Voldemort” — you can take some of the power away just by saying it out loud.

7. I should be able to control my thoughts.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could try really hard and just stop having intrusive thoughts? Yes, that would be nice, but I’m sorry to say that’s not the reality. Go ahead and try, I’ll wait. Tired yet? As nice as it would be to have control over our thoughts, I repeat, “We cannot choose what thoughts we have, but we can choose how we react to them.” The more we react to the thought and try to stop thinking about it, the more we think about it. The less we react to a thought and treat it as just a thought, the sooner it passes.

A common way to demonstrate this phenomenon is the pink elephant experiment. Try it yourself here!

8. There is a high probability that something bad will happen.

This is a common lie all anxiety disorders try to tell, but one I’ve tried especially hard to fight back against and test out many times. What I’ve found is usually, it’s not as bad as I expect it to be, or the bad thing doesn’t even happen at all. Quite often when I do an exposure, the anticipatory anxiety is worse than the anxiety I feel when I’m actually doing the exposure. Our brains really like to keep us safe, which means our brains really like to tell us something bad will happen, even when most of the time it doesn’t happen.

9. If something bad does happen, then I won’t be able to cope.

What about when you take the risk or do an exposure, and the bad thing does happen? I also underestimate my ability to cope with something bad. We are far more capable of coping than we usually believe.

10. I need certainty.

OCD related fears come in all shapes and sizes, but one aspect that ties them all together is an intolerance of uncertainty. Whether you check a lock multiple times or reread a page over and over, the goal is to feel certain that the feared outcome won’t happen. The only way to feel free then is to embrace uncertainty. Instead of responding to a “What if?” by ritualizing and desperately trying to achieve certainty, it’s better to respond with “Maybe…” and work on accepting the uncertainty.

Please source your material! This is by Morganfromhttps://myocdvoice.wordpress.com/about-this-blog/

Source of article: https://themighty.com/2016/01/the-10-biggest-lies-ocd-tells-you/

Just a little piece on intrusive thoughts of the milder variety.

Dabbling in basic animation.

I made a spelling error and people started attacking me about it online and first of all why are people like this. Sorry I have a learning disability and words are hard for me sometimes???? Also why do you have to be a dick about it. Like.. why? It’s so fucking stupid but it feels like aching in my chest, I want to just tear through my skin to my heart and rip it out and I wanna cry. It makes me want to self harm which is so fucking stupid!!!! I’m so fucking fragile right now and I hate that. It’s stupid bullshit like this that makes me want to kill myself and that’s fucking dumb too.

Every decision I make is the wrong one. I’m doing things to please other people. I’m sacrificing my own happiness for other people. I’m letting little things get to me. It’s awful. I just want it all to stop. For it all to just go away.


I’m feeling that type of bad where I’m debating if I have to go to the hospital again. I keep thinking about taking all the pills I have and just going to sleep. I wouldn’t have to hurt like this anymore then. I’m so tired of hurting.

The only thing stopping me is my wife. Is how going would hurt her. But at what point do I say if I don’t do this for me I can do anything for you.

I feel so empty, hopeless, lost. Nothing matters anymore. Everything keeps going in and out of focus and I’m just so tired. Maybe I’ll sleep. Maybe I can sleep for a long time. That’d be so nice, right?



My intrusive thoughts anytime I remember anything slightly embarrassing or encounter a mild difficulty: have you considered DEATH

Me, tired: yes I have because you suggest it literally every second, every day, say something new bitch



intrusive thoughts are created because they’re what you fear the most. they’re not what you’re going to do. they’re what you hate most of all. 

they’re not an indication of how evil you are. the only thing they indicate is what you’re most against. 

i don’t know about that…

it’s true! here’s just one source of many: [x] (please be warned it contains a sexual assault mention among other things)

a quick google can give you many more. intrusive thoughts are a symptom of anxiety disorders. they’re things you’re anxious about, not things you want to do.

were they really baseless accusations?

(image descriptions and text transcript under the cut)

first image: a pixellated, messy drawing of a person with chin length hair smiling wearily, shown from the shoulders up. behind the black line art of the person is a white crinkled paper texture. the background of the image is a gradient from faint red at the top to light gray at the bottom. there is handwritten all-capitalized text surrounding the person that reads, “why are you afraid of your own child? mom and dad? it’s only a joke, right? you’re just joking aren’t you? mom? dad?” the text becomes increasingly messy and spills off the edges of the picture.

second image: the first image, with overlaid details in two shades of red. the person’s face is scribbled out in bright red. there is messy handwritten text written sideways in the same shade of red on either side of the person’s head. the text on the left reads “take some responsibility”, and the text on the right reads “clean up your own mess”. above the person’s head is handwritten text in a darker shade of red that reads “you did this to yourselves”, and over the person’s scribbled out face is similar text that reads “and to me”. all of the text is capitalized.

second image: the first image, with overlaid details in two shades of red. the person’s face is scribbled out in bright red. there is messy handwritten text written sideways in the same shade of red on either side of the person’s head. the text on the left reads “take some responsibility”, and the text on the right reads “clean up your own mess”. above the person’s head is handwritten text in a darker shade of red that reads “you did this to yourselves”, and over the person’s scribbled out face is similar text that reads “and to me”. all of the text is capitalized.

third image: the same as the second image, but the background is now a blurry mix of black and dark red. the darker background makes the red text easier to discern and makes the black text more difficult to see.

fourth image: the same as the third image, except the red details are smudged vertically.

end ID.

Remus x Betty

Sanders Sides x Spider-man because I’ve had this in my head for ages and she’s currently the best looking character @thatsthat24

me: *does nothing*

intrusive thoughts: how about imagining some gore stuff like smashing a screwdriver in your ear

I don’t flinch anymore and panic when I have horrible thoughts about harming myself and drinking blood and on one hand that’s great but on the other hand i can’t feel anything???? ever???????? if this doesn’t bother me enough than doesn’t that make me a bad person??????????

How to find a child cute without instantly convincing yourself you’re a pedophile

Why will I flunk out of school/kill a family member/face a disaster if I don’t sit in THAT spot, go through THAT door, or take THAT road

how to be able to get gas without the fear that someone is going to drop a cigarette butt into your gas tank when you’re not looking and your car is going to explode and you’re gonna die in a fire

How to end the playback of intrusive thoughts concerning fire

I wasn’t feeling really happy these days so this is just a vent art through my oc in hopes to get ri

I wasn’t feeling really happy these days so this is just a vent art through my oc in hopes to get rid of the endless amount of numbing pain, suffering and intrusive thoughts that just refuses to go away. I don’t usually like to vent art because it feels like i am asking for pity which is the last thing i need so i might delete this later. For those who didn’t expect a ‘heavy’ art I am sorry for that. I am working on to be happier. Sooner or later i ll be popping back to glowy aesthetic art pieces like before.

Post link





Idk why but as a kid I used to get hysterically upset everytime I would imagine a gif of a rotating cow because I could never stop the cow from rotating no matter how hard I tried and I would be crying and no one knew why
