

; See You Again

19. My Bestest Buddie


Fun facts

1- Iwaizumi couldn’t stop smiling everytime Y/n answer on the gc.

2- Tanaka and Noya were at Y/n’s house because they wanted to make her feel like those movies girls. (they just wanted to gossip)

3- Tanaka was really happy for Y/n, but at the same time he wants to make sure that Iwa is good enough for her.


;See You Again

18. what a plot twist uh

“I had fun today!” cried the girl swinging their hands.

The smile on her face was so beautiful and contagious that Iwaizumi couldn’t the light heat on his cheeks. At this point he was sure. He wanted her to be his girlfriend and couldn’t wait anymore.

“Me too” he answered with a little chuckle as he drew the girl close to him.

“We should do it again”


And in that moment Iwaizumi took all the courage he had in his body and made a move. “Next time will be different” he started making Y/n confused in the meanwhile.

“Different? why?”

“Cause I’ll hope that you will consider the next time like a couple’s date…” He swear at himself for letting the sentence end so poorly and insecure.

Y/n smiled after a moment of <y/n.exe has stopped working>

“You’ve just asked me to be your girlfriend?”

he laughed at the confused and surprised expression on the girl face “I definitely did, yeah”.

he started caressing y/n’s hand with his thumb while his mesmerizing green eyes looked at her with so much adoration, “so? what did you say?”

For a moment the girl stopped breathing. He was so sweet and handsome, too perfect to be real. And there he was, asking her to be his girlfriend.

“I will gladly be you girlfriend, Hajime Iwaizumi” she smiled rising on her tips to let a little kiss on his nose.

“I couldn’t be happier Y/n Y/l/n”

and like that he gave her a kiss on her forehead while with his free hand stroked her cheek.


a/n: I leave you with this definitely not plot twist I love them, I really do smh. manifesting a relationship like this


; See You Again

17. I almost broke my head… again


fun facts

1 - Y/n did snap the picture, but it was Suga idea change the groupchat’s propic

2 - yes, they have matching shoes. no, they didn’t program it. (pls is so cute)

3 - No one knows how Y/n found out about Tsukishima love for dinosaurs.

a/n: be ready for the next chapter y'all I really love writing for Y/n and Iwa I had fun writing Karasuno as well, they’re so chaotic I love them


; See You Again

16. you’re really a simp for me

y/n, across the room, saw Iwaizumi leaning against the wall trying not to get too noticed.

She smiled to herself before warning Yachi that she had to go and say hello to someone and that she would come back soon.

Her heart went so strong that she feared it would explode as soon as she arrived in front of Iwaizumi. But her heart stopped when their eyes crossed and he came up to her with that beautiful smile of his.

“Hey” whispered the ace leaving a small kiss on Y/n’s forehead, who responded in turn with a small smile and a feeble “hello” too busy enjoying the moment and the comforting scents of the boy.

“How are you?” they asked at the same time, laughing as soon as they looked each other in the eye.

“You go first” told him the girl while she was still holding on his jacket and he was caressing her cheekbone.

Iwaizumi chuckled before speaking, a little frown on his face “I’m sorry if I didn’t called you yesterday… I wasn’t- I wasn’t really in the mood and then I- I thought that maybe you were too tired-”

He was stopped by Y/n’s hand on his jawline and he could feel his heart melt under her sweet gaze. He could almost hear Oikawa call him a simp for her, and he was 100% on for it.

The girl smiled at him, trying to calm him down succeeding “hey it’s okay. You don’t- you don’t have to explain to me. I don’t want to force you to talk to me when you’re not in the mood. I’m just happy knowing that you’re better now… or at least it look like- it look like you’re better, I don’t know are-are you okay now?”

She was so nervous, so afraid to say the wrong thing and make him suffer again. When she was nervous, her brain struggled to formulate cohesive thoughts and he seems to have noticed the care in her words.

He ruffled her hair with so much adoration before smiling “I am okay now, not entirely, but it’s just matter of time.”

“OH MY GOD! please tell me I didn’t miss the first kiss!”

y/n walked away from the boy who in turn raised his head swearing slightly. Iwaizumi was planning Oikawa’s death in a meticulous way in that moment.

“Hi Oikawa-san!”

y/n greeted AobaJohsai’s captain with a small smile, a little courtesy and a little embarrassed.

Oikawa on the other hand felt guilty for ruining their moment, but could not resist the temptation to poking at his best friend.

“I think I should go,” the manager announced slightly embarrassedly.

she turned slightly crossing Iwaizumi’s eyes, she did not want to leave but had to be present for her friends. She wouldn’t have missed this game for anything in the world.

“see you Hajime-kun” smiled and then winked and headed for the door, greeting Oikawa with a wave of the hand and a polite smile.

She was so embarrassed, and as soon as the game was over she had to tell Noya and Tanaka.

Iwaizumi was still standing there trying to put his mind in order. Too bad that the presence of Oikawa and his mockery did not help at all.

“I have to admit, you two are really cute together.” Oikawa decided to break the silence between the two, while watching the game closely.

The ace snorted and shrugged “thank you”



; See You Again

15. she is a sad, anxious and social awkward bitch


fun facts:

1 - Y/n gives beautiful relationships advices, but she’s pretty oblivious when it comes to her relationship.

2 - Kuroo would LOVE gossiping with Y/n irl, but unfortunately they can’t so he call her when he want to know something.

3 - Iwa was so overwhelmed with emotion that after that he sent the text he was about to run away and change his name (same lol).


; See You Again

14. he do voodoo?

As soon as they got to the gym where Seijoh was still facing Date Tech, Y/n started to have a lot of thoughts. They were two very strong teams and whoever won would have given Karasuno a run for their money.

Y/n watched the two teams attack and defend themselves while her right leg plotted quickly from nervousness. Sugawara, noticing the girl’s nervousness, took her hand and sqeezed slightly.

“exited to see your boyfriend play?” he winked at her, trying to cheer her up, in his own way of course.

Y/n took a short look at him and then returned to watch the game. “I’ll kill you.” she said dry, trying to hide a little smile and the slight redness on her cheeks.

She watched the field carefully and, without realizing it, her gaze fell on Seijoh’s ace who, as every time, was giving his all. Y/n couldn’t hide the adoration she felt for that boy, he was an exceptional ace whi was going to give everyone in the field a run for their money.

“come on boys” she muttered unconsciously, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

Although those three words were murmured, they came to Suga’s ears who smiled at himself. That girl was really in love but too naive to know.

Ready to hit, Iwaizumi lifted his eyes for a few seconds, before seeing a highly familiar head of hair. A small smile appeared on his face and when their looks crossed, he nodded a little before beating and making a direct ACE.

Y/n smiled unconsciously holding Suga’s hand.

“Y/nie, he dedicated it to you!” exclamed Nishinoya leaning on the shoulder of his friend attracting the attention of a couple of people, including Karasuno players.

“Noya I’ll kill you, STOP IT!” cried the girl embarrassed and frustrated pulling an Libero’s ear making him laugh.


On hearing Daichi’s voice, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, byt when she turned to thank him she blushed to the capitan’s smug grin.

“Stop it, her boyfriend might get jealous.” He then added Tanaka with a sneer as he watched his best friend slowly sink into the chair.

as soon as Aoba Joshai made the final point of the game against Date Tech, Y/n released Suga’s hand, which she had held throughout the game, and released a sigh of relief. To say that she was happy with Seijoh’s victory was to say little, but at the same time she was also worried.

During the minutes of rest they had allowed Aoba Joshai to rest before the game against Karasuno, Y/n decided to go to the bathroom to rinse her face a bit and calm her nerves.

She was so mind-boggling, she didn’t realize the person who turned the corner and slammed into her.

“Oh sorry I didn’t mean… Iwaizumi?”

the girl’s voice was reduced to a whisper when she pronounced the name of the dark-haired man who looked at her equally surprised but with a small smile on his face.

“Apparently we always have to face each other like thus during matches” he joked trying to break the awkward moment, succeeding.

“Will you tell me again that I am too loud and a crybaby?” joked the girl crossing her arms to her chest with a little laugh that made him smile even more.

Iwaizumi responded in a way that caught the smallest girl unawares.

“Actually, I thought I’d invite you on a date at the end of qualifying.”

Y/n stood still before him with her eyes wide open and a slight redness on her cheeks as she tried to assimilate the words of the ace and to formulate a sentence of complete meaning, failing.

Iwaizumi, having to return to the gym for the warm-up, was the first ti break the silence.

“then I’ll see you after qualifying.”

and with some determined but slow movements, almost as if he was afraid to break her, Iwaizumi approached her leaving a kiss on the cheek and then he walked away towards the gym while Y/n was there, still and with a smile on her face and her heart racing.

The world seemed to stop as soon as the ball hit the ground, in the field of Aoba Joshai, giving the last point to the Karasuno who incredulous were shaken by the whistle of the referee before cheering as loud as they could.

On the other hand, in the fans of Karasuno, while big sister Saeko embraced bit Yachi and Y/n, sweet tears filled the eyes of the latter, happiness mixed with sadness and other thousand emotions all together.

She was so proud of her boys and the fact that they finally has their revenge, but at the same time her heart was broken when she saw Iwaizumi, on the other side of the field, with his head down.

Her body reacted before she could even assess the options or reactions of the people around her.

She ran down the stairs, as if her life depended on that race, she did not think abkut what she would do when she arrived in the field, Y/n had no idea what she was doing or at least until her (color eyes) eyes crossed the green ones of the boy.

In two seconds she found herself in his arms, her face in the hollow of his neck and hus forhead against her shoulder. She knew hiw difficult it was, he remembers Asahi’s empty gaze and his trembling voice when she called him that night.

“You must not doubt even a second of your abilities, you’re an exceptional ace and your teammates know it. So don’t dwell on it too much, okay?”

Iwaizumi shook his head and tightened the girl’s T-shirt, bringing her even more close to him if possible.

“I want to stay like this forever” whispered the boy, his voice muffled by Y/n’s hair but clear enough to make her blush and hide her face even more in his chest. So focused on calming her heartbeat that she didn’t realize the little kiss that Iwaizumi left on her temple.

They loosened the hug slowly, and upon seeing hus red eyes, Y/n couldn’t help but caress his cheek to remove one last tear and smile at him.

“Thank you so much… for everything” thanked the ace repeating the same action of the girl just before, picking up a small tear and making her blush slightly.

“I think it’s time to go… your team will be waiting for you” whispered the girl slightly away to give him space.

“Yeah, even your team will be waiting for you to celebrate. Don’t keep them waiting.” He responded smiling and striking her hand with his thumb.

Y/n smiled, nodding “making them wait was worth it, there was someone who needed a hug more” replied, swinging their still-woven hands.

“I’ll contact you as soon as I get home” Iwaizumi greeted her by holding her hand tightly and smiling at her, then moving away towards the exit.

Y/n reviewed all the choices made in her life as soon as she turned around and saw the looks her friends were gaving her.

“shut up and let me hug you idiots” she muttered red in the face as she approached them for a huge group hug.

she was so proud of her boys.



a/n: a lot of written parts… I’m sorry guys I really let myself go wild with this, you can tell it’s one of my favourite :3 let me know what do you think, have a nice day <3

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Time’s running out to preorder In Theory! Don’t miss your chance to see all your favorite characters in college. Preorders close TONIGHT at 11:59PM ET!

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Oikawa: why’d I fuck a demon? Simple, for status. Imagine you and your friend arriving at the gates of hell, they’re all crying, scared to death for eternity and you just jump into the arms of your sugar demon, legendary.

Oikawa:Not to mention the privileges *winks*

Iwaizumi: ffs it’s 4am

MatsuHana: no, no continue you’ve a point

a royal tea party for king tooru and knight hajime

matsuhana are the best uncles!!

also the artworks on the wall, left to right: volleyball by tooru, uncles mattsun and makki a collab by tooru and hajime, and finally godzilla by hajime ✨

everyday at the park they greet each other with hugs

iwaoi daytrip part 2 ❣️❣️

poor iwa just wanted to eat, but oikawa made him pose for photos first

look, they were just going to the cat cafe for a date. the plan was just to take cute photos for tooru’s instagram.

but then they saw this small kitten with only one ear who no one else wanted.

so ofc, they bring her home. tooru names her una!

iwaoi daytrip date!!!

iwa’s mom raised him to be a gentleman so he INSISTS on carrying all the bags

also iwa’s t-shirt was a prank by makki…

female versions of oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsun and makki!

haikyuu tribe au !!

ushijima came to seijoh to propose to oikawa, and convince him to come to shiratorizawa with him. it isn’t the first time. so far, oikawa has been accepting his gifts but not his proposals.

iwaizumi and oikawa had been fighting a lot that week, and iwaizumi started fearing oikawa actually might accept the proposal this time around. that was why the afternoon ushijima came, iwaizumi rushed to pick oikawa a bouquet of his favorite flowers. however, after the evening feast, iwaizumi enters oikawa’s tent only to see this…

how to get milkbread money: a guide by oikawa tooru ✨

iwa-chan in denial like always ❤️

iwaizumi… master of flirting..????

no sharing chapstick!! only share chapstick with iwa-chan…
