#i’m scared


Abortion bounty hunters are now legal in Texas.

This is so fucking scary.

Not only are abortions now illegal after six weeks (which would outlaw at least eighty-five percent of abortions since people can be unaware they’re pregnant at that stage), but any private citizen can sue people who violate this law for ten thousand dollars. People who can be sued includes anyone who “aided and abetted” the abortion—including not only doctors and healthcare providers, but the people like the fucking uber driver who drove you to the clinic.

And the Supreme Court has done nothing about it.

I am afraid.

I am angry.

I am in disbelief that a group of people, with full knowledge of the terrifying consequences of their actions, pooled their resources, wealth, and knowledge to launch this assault on abortion rights. Displaying a dearth of empathy, they plotted around Roe v. Wade by employing private citizens as bounty hunters,people they will pay thousands of dollars to report abortions.

They launched a modern-day witch hunt.

It’s hard to sort out my emotions. I feel like a pile of autumn leaves, whipped into a tornado of glacial reds and frothing golds and everything in between, unable to separate the colors, the movement, the chaos.But there are three things I do know.

I am a woman—a human being.

My rights are beginning to rot.

And I am furious.


What the fuck is “normalcore”

Guys pls……….

rattlesn:hello there!! welcome to my simblr, take a seat and make yourself comfortable. i’m a new si


hello there!! welcome to my simblr, take a seat and make yourself comfortable. i’m a new simblr blog, but i’m in no way new to simblr! i’ve been contemplating coming back to this place for a while now, and recently i’ve been playing lots of sims so..  i’m hoping to be active for the first time since 2019ish!

a small introduction… hi, i go by mar (she/her) and i’m 18! i play sims 4 and my style is maxis mix. i’ll mostly be posting edits, lookbooks and misc. sims posts + a lot of rambling. my interests consist of art history, dnd, photography and other similar things!

i’m somewhat of a busy person, but i should be able to at least be active in the community when i can’t post. i’m in a very intense college program that takes up a lot of my time & am involved in a lot of things at my school, but i’ll do my very best to entertain you all and to keep you updated!!

 pls like/reblog so i can follow you!! + fill up my dash and don’t hesitate to message me & interact with me, i’m super friendly! also if u know friendly discords i’d love to join and make new friends ! thank youu ♡♡

guys idk who this is but they just asked me to reblog this

Post link


shadowhunters stans attending the malec wedding tonight

Regulus “idgaf about muggleborn discrimination but I draw the line at animal cruelty” Black, aka thatveganteacher if she was in Harry Potter

wait people get hate for shipping a couple in a book?? a couple that isn’t real??? PEOPLE SEND DEATH THREATS???? y’all doing okay? take care of yourself that’s weird


reblog to give the person you reblogged this from a sword
