#jack bristow


Jack : You think you’re smarter than everyone else.

Irina : I don’t think I’m smarter than everyone else. I know I am.

Jack : We all have our demons.

Jack : *grabbing Irina* This one’s mine.

Irina : They… well, I wouldn’t call it inheritance per se. What do you call it when you kill someone and get their stuff?

Sydney : Um, murder??

Jack :Adventuring!

Sloane :Tuesday.

Sydney: *about Irina* She’s covered in blood again! Why is she’s always covered in blood?

Jack : Well, it looks like it’s her own blood this time.

Jack : Are you mad?

Irina :No.

Jack : So sharpening daggers at 2am is just a hobby?

Vaughn : Have I done something to offend you?

Jack : Only every time I see you.

Jack, to Sydney: We’re fine! We’re all fine!

Jack : *whispering* Nadia, go revive Vaughn.

Sydney : Dad, you were right. You were right about everything.

Jack : I know, but you’ll have to be more specific.

Jack : Did you finish your report?

Nadia : …I did.

Jack :

Nadia : Well, I tried to.

Jack :

Nadia : Well, I tried to want to.

Sydney: *texting* Dad, you don’t have to sign your name in text messages.

Jack : *texting back* Dear Sydney. Suggestion noted. Sincerily, your dad, Jack Bristow.

Jack : Are you okay?

Sydney :Yes.

Jack : Are you hurt?

Sydney :No.


Irina : We need more excitement in our lives!

Jack : Being married to you two is all the excitement I can handle in my life

Irina : *Pulls up to the drive-thru*

Irina : I’ll have 3 cheeseburgers-

Jack : Irina! Sydney is in labor!

Irina : *Looks at Sydney in the backseat*

Irina : And a kids meal.

Vaughn : Which way did they go?

Jack : Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I’d guess they went left.

Vaughn : And you were able to figure it from that?!

Jack : No, you idiot. They sent me a text, see?

Jack : Promise me that you won’t start any fights this time.

Irina : Fine. I promise I won’t start any fights.

Jack : Thank you.

Irina : I will finish them, though.

Irina : Rules are made to be broken.

Hayden Chase : They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.

Nadia : Uh, piñatas.

Sloane : Glow sticks.

Sydney : Karate boards.

Jack : Spaghetti when you have a small pot.

Irina :Rules.

Sydney: Look, let me just walk you through a hypothetical. Can I walk you through a hypothetical?

Jack: What did you do?

Sydney: I didn’t do anything-

Irina: *freshly broken out of prison* Hello!

Jack : Sydney, we will be having a chat with one of my contact.

Sydney : Just so we’re clear, is this a “chat” chat, or a “shovel in the trunk” kind of chat?

Jack : … Get the shovel.

Jack to Sydney : First rule to survive a zombie apocalypse : Don’t ever let them know where you are.

Irina : *yelling* I’m right here! You want some of this?! *start shooting everywhere*

Jack : Of course, there are other schools of thought.

Weiss : Would you rather kill Vaughn, or-

Jack : Yes, kill him.

Weiss : I didn’t say the other–

Jack : I don’t need to hear it!

Vaughn :

Vaughn : I am feeling a little unsafe.
