


Anyone else doing reviews on wanikani?


It’s my birthday today ^^ I’m turning 30! And what better to do when celebrating one more year on this planet than to do something new that I haven’t done before?

So I want to share with you all my very first series of characters that I’ve made and designed.

怪獣を作りました。They’re monsters, they’re out to scare you and they’re not messing around. Are you ready to meet the first one?




Ichi (位置), the embarrased monster by @sangetsuei

This is Ichi!

Ichi specializes in growls and ferocious glares. However, he also gets embarrassed easily. He can often be found to be blushing and trying to hide in a corner. He likes the smell of coffee but will only drink it if it’s extra sweet. Do tell him he did a good job of scaring you!

The kanji for Ichi’s name 位置 means ‘location’. He picked it himself!

In the following weeks, I will also be introducing Ni, San, Yon, Go, Roku, and Nana. All of them will be available to my patrons on patreon and you may find them interacting with each other and discussing things.

For my birthday, anyone who signs up to be my patron from now until 23:59 hrs of November 05, EST will get a free commission of the kanji of their choice.

If you decide to sign up, check out my set of 2 downloadable 怪獣 (kaijū), meaning ‘monster,’ mobile wallpapers featuring ichi! One has the kanji art for kaiju, and the other additionally has a breakdown of the kanji by radicals if you want to memorize the kanji.

That’s all for now! I hope you’ll join me on patreon in the new things I’ll be doing this year. まだ下手ですけど、my art skills have gotten better, don’t you think? Though I’m afraid when it comes to animation, it’s still very rough around the edges. I’ll keep trying to do better though! Please feel free to drop by my askbox here on Tumblr for feedback any time, whether you subscribe to my patreon or not! I love hearing from you guys ^^ Anonymous asks had got turned off for a while for some reason, but they’re back on now.

You can now also find me with the same name and handle on twitter and instagram as well - @ sangetsuei! Come say hi over there if you like!

Thank you for reading! I hope you all have a lovely day!

掃除をしたら疲れた ❕


Tired after cleaning!

Next post is up on patreon in my halloween series!

Today’s word is

満月 (まんげつ) - full moon

For the rare occasion of a second full moon of a month falling on halloween..


All halloween-related posts will be available to all tiers of patrons. For more info on my halloween kanji art series, check out thispost.

Happy Halloween!

 /|\(◦.◦)/|\  Happy Halloween, guys!!!   /|\(◦.◦)/|\  

I’m usually so excited for all things Halloween, but with Covid out there, there’s something of a dampner  on the festive mood for me.

But I still love this time of year, not just for the witchy vibes of all hallow’s eve, but also because my birthday falls not long after halloween, on the 5th of November. I wanted to do something to commemorate the spooky season this year in my Japanese themed creations, especially since Japan has the coolest supernatural creatures.


Check out my revamped kanji-art focusedPatreonanddownload the HD halloween-themed desktop wallpaper with katakana for freeand2 more exclusive HD kanji halloween-themed desktop wallpapers for patrons of any tier.

For those who have been on my Patreon before, do have a look at the new lower-priced tier I’ve introduced in place of the commissions tier. If anyone wants any commissions of really large dimensions, message me over on Patreon. I figure that’s easier than having a whole separate tier for it. For those who haven’t yet seen my post announcing my Patreon and what it’s about, it’s here, edited for the changes I’ve made to it.

I’ve done a whole halloween-themed series of posts for this occasion and I’m gonna be posting over into the whole first week of November.

If you do have a look at it, I’d love to hear what you think, so let me know!

Coming up on my Patreon in November:
  • Series of posts with vocab on Japanese mystical creatures and their kanji-art memory aids
  • Halloween-themed kanji phone wallpapers
  • Some autumn-themed Japanese posts

Come learn some mystical-creatures kanji with me this Halloween!

I’m very open to feedback on my Patreon and since it’s a tiny little fledgling Patreon at this stage, I’ll be happy to customize downloadables for you right now if I can.

A little note on the tiers: Paypal interest rates where I am are really steep so I’m right now only experimenting with the lowest level tier, seeing whether it’ll be feasible for me. That’s why the number of Patreons that can sign up for it are currently limited.

Here’s a little example of my kanji art. The first image is only the artwork that you can print out and the second image is the breakdown of the kanji by the radicals used in it to help you remember it. If I’ve already shared something here on Tumblr, it can be found in the publicly available posts category on Patreon.


I hope you’ll join me on Patreon! Did you like the wallpaper? Let me know in an ask or on messages!

Update: Next post is up on patreon in my halloween series! 満月 (まんげつ) - full moon . For the rare occasion of a second full moon of a month falling on halloween.. All halloween-related posts will be available to all tiers of patrons!


猫背 (ねこぜ)

猫 (cat) and 背 (back)

bent back, hunchback



dislike of very hot food or drink, being that person who waits till it cools cause they just can not handle hot stuff


額(forehead), literally cat’s forehead

tiny area, tiny surface


かぶる to put on (one’s head)

Feigned innocence or naivete, ( think of it like putting on one’s head a mask to feign innocence) 

猫に小判  (ねこにこばん)

小判 (koban, an old gold coin from the Edo period)

Casting your pearls before swine. What use is a koban to a cat? They couldn’t appreciate it (=^ェ^=)





Anybody else really dislikekatakana?

I got no problem with kanji and hiragana. Katakana letters just make No. Sense.

I get that it’s useful and all.

I just don’t like it.

Kanji? Piece of cake

Katakana? Can jump off a cliff

I still dont remember all the katakana even after years of learning

Bruh so glad I’m not the only one! I’ve been studying since 2014 and katakana still break my neck, especially シ ツ ノ ソ ン

Interesting word I came across:

物色する (ぶっしょくする) - looking for a (particular) person or thing

Such an interesting choice of kanji! Like distinguishing in one’s thoughts, the colours of the one being searched for..

12//05//17 Some Japanese before bed..

Some Japanese before bed..

Post link


Frequency Adverbs

You can add any frequency adverb such as 毎日(everyday)、よく(often)、andときどき (sometimes) to a sentence to descibe how often you do something.



I sometimes go to a coffee shop.

Two adverbs which describe how infrequent an activity or an event is: せんぜん (never; not at all) and あまり (not often; not very much). These adverbs anticipate the negative at the end of the sentence. If you use せんぜんorあまり, in other words, you need to conclude the sentence with ません.



I do not watch TV at all.


Takeshi does not study much.


Japanese Particles

So today I’m going to try to break down the most common Japanese particles, what they do, complete with examples and other fun stuff. All gifs come from Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese, which is one of the best places to learn Japanese grammar. Feel free to check it out!

Ready? Okay. Let’s go. 

は (wa)

は is used to mark the topic of a sentence, and is usually translated as “is” or “as for” or “are”. Here is an example:



Chikoritaiscute,isn’t he?

Yes I know, I’m a sucker for leaf-type starter Pokemon, you will hear me mention them a lot

My geekiness aside, you can see how は was used, correct? Just like the word “is”, は marked the subject (in this case, Chikorita) of the sentence, so that we knew what it was that was so cute (or whatever other adjective you want to use to describe the subject). Usually, this is described as a state of being.

Here is another example:


namaehabuta- mafuindesu.anatawa?

My nameisButter Muffins.What’syours?

Literally translating the last sentence (あなたは?) would be “You are?” or “Who are you?”. Again, it is asking for a state of being, but instead of an adjective, it is asking for the persons name. Say, that person’s name was John. They are being John, so to speak.

On to the next particle!

か (ka)

か is used two different ways.

One, is to simply mark a question. Here is an example:


batto manwajissainiburu-su ueindesuka

IsBatmanactuallyBruce Wayne?

When there is か at the end of a sentence, you don’t need to use a question mark. Simple, right? But there is another way to use か, and although similar, it is usually translated differently. 


kiiroi otokohaba-tokaa-ni-ka

Isthe yellow manBertorErnie?

Before you comment anything, yes I know the difference

It is used like the word “or” as well. Just put か at the end of both options, and you can ask an either/or question. Again, か is a very simple particle. 

At this point I have decided that as a person who hates scrolling through super long posts unless they are super interesting, as well as myself being a person who’s crappy computer is freaking out at a post with two gifs in it, I will have to stop here. I have 5 more particles written up in a word document, I guess I will do just two of them a day (a little series, yay!). They will be put into their own little section of the directory, if you miss a post. 





3 weeks until my end of year Japanese exams!∑(゚Д゚)

On May 10th I have my 日本語 oral exam where I have to prepare a presentation and then the teacher will ask me questions about it after.

Then I also have my 日本語 comprehension test. I plan on posting my study progress over the next couple weeks! Please join in and study along with me♪




For the oral exam I’ve been preparing my presentation and thinking about possible questions the teacher may ask about it. None of my family speak any Japanese so I’ve been practicing with them just in English too.

Studying for the reading exam is a little trickier- I’ve been making flash cards for kanji but what helps me remember them the most is just writing it over and over and over. Boring but it works!

I’m trying to compile a list of all the verbs we’ve covered in Genki 1 & 2- which I will post later!


I love your blog- I hope I get as good at Japanese as you one day!! (о´∀`о)



Hello! I’m Finch, or Gabe, and I am new to Japanese langblr (and langblr in general)! I am learning Japanese and am currently taking Japanese classes in college. I am in the US class FLJ 102/104 currently, and am at an N5 level.

I am looking for people to study with and talk to, so please like or reblog this post if you’re a Japanese langblr and I’ll follow you! Additionally, if anyone is interested, I would love to be penpals and practice handwriting in Japanese.

note: this is a sideblog, and any follows/likes/replies will come from @elijah-terry.





Notebooks for kanji have finally arrived. Bought them from amazon : )


New books always gets me excited



Genki 1 Notes

*NOTE: Initially, I was posting lesson sheets and kanji sheets separately. After finishing the Lesson 3 sheets, I decided it was more efficient (and probably easier to find them) if I posted them together. This is why Lessons 1 through 3 have two post links. ごめんね!^_^;;

Lessons 10 through 12 will be posted in the near future!

Grammar Notes

From Lingo Deer:

Other Notes:



Additional Grammar Notes



Study Tips

Children’s Stories

chokopan: ソフトクリーム じゅかい=n., sea of trees, abundant leafage牧場=ぼくじょう (n., ranch, as in the landscape)ソフchokopan: ソフトクリーム じゅかい=n., sea of trees, abundant leafage牧場=ぼくじょう (n., ranch, as in the landscape)ソフchokopan: ソフトクリーム じゅかい=n., sea of trees, abundant leafage牧場=ぼくじょう (n., ranch, as in the landscape)ソフchokopan: ソフトクリーム じゅかい=n., sea of trees, abundant leafage牧場=ぼくじょう (n., ranch, as in the landscape)ソフ



  • じゅかい=n., sea of trees, abundant leafage
  • 牧場=ぼくじょう (n., ranch, as in the landscape)
  • ソフトクリーム =soft-serve ice cream
  • ミルクハウス =Milk House (the name of the shop)

♡ Interesting Fact: Jukaino Bokujo (”Ranch in the Forest”) in the anime is based on Makaino Farm, which is an interactive farm with livestock, activities, play equipment, views of Mount Fuji & a restaurant.



  • あずきクレープ = red bean (あずき) crepe
  • あずき生クリーム = red bean with whipped cream (なまクリーム)
  • 抹茶あずさ生クリーム =matcha (まっちゃ), red bean, and whipped cream


ソースクレープ = sauce crepe (a crepe with just whipped cream and fruit sauce on top)


  • チョコレート =chocolate
  • キャラメル =caramel
  • 木いちご =きいちご (raspberry)
  • ストロベリー =strawberry
  • プルーベリー =blueberry
  • マンゴー =mango
  • 株茶 = まっちゃ (matcha)


  • 各ソースのみ (¥300)= かくソースのみ (each sauce only; i.e. no whipped cream; 各=かく each;のみ=only)
  • 生クリームのみ (¥350)=only whipped cream
  • 生クリーム+ソース (¥400)=whipped cream + sauce
  • 生クリーム+アイス (¥450)=whipped cream + ice cream


フルーツクレープ = fruits crepe (a crepe with fresh fruits inside)


  • プラス¥50 =additional 50 yen
  • 付できます=つけできます (付ける + できます=can add)
  • アイス = an abbreviation of アイスクリーム


  • バナナチョコ生クリーム (¥500)=banana + chocolate + whipped cream
  • バナナチョコ (¥450)=banana + chocolate
  • バナナ生クリーム (¥480)=banana + whipped cream
  • フルーツ生クリーム (¥500)=fruits + whipped cream
  • ベリーベリー生クリーム¥500=berry berry (two different kinds of sauce, see below) + whipped cream


  • ラズベリーソース =raspberry sauce
  • と=and
  • ストロベリーソース = strawberry sauce

ジェラート (Gelato)

今月のジェラート (This month’s gelato; こんげつ means “this month”)

  • 牧場ミルク =Ranch milk (gelato produced from the shop’s house-made milk)
  • 〇 ミルク =milk
  • チョコレート =chocolate
  • ラムレーズン =rum raisin
  • 期間限定 = きかんげんてい (n., limited time)
  • 静岡抹茶 =しずおかまっちゃ (Shizuoka matcha)
  • 〇 〇紅茶 =こうちゃ (black tea)
  • クッキークリーム= cookies and cream
  • マロン =melon
  • ティとラミス =tea and ramune

**Note: I can’t find the kanji characters in the screencap where the 〇 are! If anyone can help out, that would be great~♡

スウィーツ (Sweets)

  • 富士山のチーズケーキ =ふじさんのチーズケーキ (Mt. Fuji Cheesecake)
  • モオ~モォ~ロール =Moo Moo Roll

Post link


The structure of the Japanese address or 住所 (じゅうしょ) is different from addresses in most parts of the world. Only the main streets in the cities have names, and individual buildings may not have numbers. The order of the address is written opposite to most English-speaking addresses - the Japanese postal code comes first while the street number comes last.

  • Large cities like Tokyo and Osaka are divided into (く) or wards.
  • are divided into (ちょう) which are towns or neighborhoods.
  • are divided into 丁目 (ちょうめ) or districts.
  • 丁目 are divided into 街区 (がいく) which are city blocks.
  • 街区 then have separate 番号 (ばんごう) or building numbers.

The address for the Tokyo Metropolitan Oizumi Central Parkis:

〒178-0061  東京都  練馬区  大泉学園町  9丁目4−3

  • The post code is 178-0061.
  • The city is Tokyo (東京都), read Tokyo-to, meaning the Metropolis of Tokyo.
  • The ward is Nerima-ku (練馬区).
  • The neighborhood is Ōizumigakuen-chō (大泉学園町).
  • The district is 9-chōme, the city block number is 4, and the numbered address is 3 (9丁目4−3).

However, addresses don’t always include all of these parts, especially in smaller towns, or even within Tokyo itself. For example, the address for the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo is:

〒106-6150  東京都  港区  六本木  6丁目10−1,  六本木ヒルズ森タワー,  53階

Here you will find the post code, the city (Tokyo-to), and the ward (Minato-ku) just as before, but there is no -町, just Roppongi (六本木) and then the address numbers (6丁目10−1) and the building name ( 六本木ヒルズ森タワー or Roppongi Hills Mori Tower) and floor (53-kai). Oftentimes, the 丁目 is dropped and the address numbers would simply read 6-10-1.

Note: When you address a letter to Japan (or even within Japan), addressing it in the Latin alphabet or ローマ字 is perfectly acceptable. It is also acceptable to address it in the Western format, with the street address first and the post code last. If you address it in the Japanese format, the name of the person to whom you are sending the post would be last, with their name followed by the formal honorific -sama (様).


05.22.21. Late night study corner.
