#jason todd



Please let it be good please let it be good please let it be good

“I-I j-just wanted to show him my paintings…” *sob*

Bruce: “Why is there a 300$ charge for an Elmo suit and 5 gallons of silver paint on my credit card?”

“Also, I’m gonna leave the phone right here. Don’t worry I’ve already keyed in the 9 and the 1.”

You can’t win a dick swingin’ contest against an assh*le.

“…Wait. C-can we go back to Nightwing electrocuting me?”

“Hey, when you’re done, could you tell the kool-aid man to stop stealing my socks.”

“You know, you could come inside if it stresses you out so much.”

“Can’t, gotta make sure it doesn’t turn into a barbeque…”

“Oh, and if you like wanna film this and tag our little brothers that’d be cool too.”

“You know what, just take me back to Arkham. I can’t deal with this right now”

Red Hood: “Feel this kid, that’s solid muscle! Wait where are y-“

BHS Episode 1: “No Ragrets”

Tim: *Sobbing while smothering Jason with his own jacket* I-IT’S WHAT HE WAAAANTS! *BUHU*

“Oh, Bruce you have something in your teeth. Here, let me get that for you.”*zap*

“T-tell my wife I- … have a second family…”
