#jasper whitlock



Not to make a post about Jasper but the fact that Rosalie is the one to resent Edward and Bella in the series and not him is such a missed opportunity in the story and it pisses me off. A major plot point of Eclipse should have been Jasper reacting to what happened in the first two books and the cullens should have actually had to grapple with disagreements over wanting to continue helping the couple beyond Rosalie occasionally pouting

In Midnight Sun, Edward notes at least twice that, when faced with a threat, Jasper is ready to abandon the cullens and run with Alice. He’s not there for the family ties, he would leave them if it was a choice between them and him and Alice. The fact that Alice stays is the main reason he does when problems occur

First Edward puts them in danger by nearly killing Bella, then shows Bella his super speed, then openly tells her everything with the full belief she’ll be horrified rather than wanting to join them

Then after one day of dating her presence gets them on the radar of a dangerous hunter and Edward assumes not only that they’ll put themselves between Bella and the hunter, possibly for decades, but Jasper has to specifically be her bodyguard because of Alice’s attachment

Then of course the birthday happens and Edward announces that the best way to handle it is for the entire family to leave, and leave now. Everyone has to drop their lives for Edward, and then once they’ve left Forks Edward goes off on his own anyway, meaning Jasper now has a depressed wife who doesn’t get to hang out with her best friend anymore because Edward made them leave when he didn’t even plan to stick with the family anyway

Then! Edward decides to kill himself. And he decides to do it in the most selfish way possible. In a way that tells the head of the Vampire Murder Police that the Cullens told a human about vampires and then left her alone. A way that brings their coven back into the fore of Aro’s mind, brings Alice and her powers back into Aro’s mind, meaning kidnapping at best and murder at worst. And Edward does it in a way that obviously would encourage Alice to put herself into danger by trying to save him.

Alice makes comments in New Moon that there is a very good chance she’ll be murdered and you know that former soldier Jasper would be very aware of that. So once again the one thing he cares about is in danger because Edward decided to put himself first and not consider other people, and this time Jasper can’t help

And then! Luckily everyone comes back safe and Edward decides they all need to drop everything again and go back to Forks because his first fuck up caused an army that is now going after Bella and once again Edward needs them to put themselves in danger. Jasper gets no time to process Alice being alive before hearing that someone else, someone even less inclined to keep her alive, is coming to threaten her.

And on top of that, the Volturi wants Bella changed or they’ll be murdering the entire family, but Edward still says he’d rather put the family in the place of impending doom rather than do something he doesn’t want to

And the first night back in Forks, hours after getting Alice back when he’d spent days dealing with not only his own fear over losing her but the entire family’s pain over the whole situation, Bella and Edward show up and declare they need to have a meeting surrounding them and their needs. And this is when Edward announces he plans on letting them spend decades in danger rather than change Bella

I’m no fan of Jasper for many of the same reasons as everyone else, but he had so much potential as a character in Eclipse to actually matter beyond just being Alice’s husband. Rosalie is against Bella but what if we had someone who actually called Edward on his shit? Someone who wasn’t invested in the family dynamic and doesn’t care about ruffling feathers by pointing out that Edward’s selfishness is hurting them? What would happen if Edward announced a newborn army was coming and they needed Jasper’s expertise and Jasper said “no I’m not doing this again, I’m not putting me and my wife into another war you started, I’m not enabling you anymore”

What if Edward or Bella had to face a single social consequence for putting everyone else at risk rather than think about how their actions affect others

What if the Cullens were split between those who were fine with Edward’s choices and those who weren’t, and it actually extended beyond a single conversation and affected the plot in some way

What if Stephanie Meyer understood linear character development or how characters affect the story they’re in beyond their use as chess pieces that do whatever she needed to move the romance plot

With the announcement of HBO buying the rights to one of my absolute favourite TV shows and the further announcement of it getting a reboot next year, I have decided to do a mashup post. 

SO , I want to give my thoughts on Twilight Characters and their Degrassi counterparts. Please feel free to tell me if you disagree or agree or have anything to add. 


Clare Edwards. Clare is a character that is shown time and time again to be passionate about her interests (journalism and writing) and is loyal to her friends when they are in need. She also is seen by some of her friends to have a strong affect on boys (queue ‘I will never understand the affect Clare Edwards has on Men’) like How Bella shows up and miraculously all the men are attracted to her. She finds herself caught in multiple love stories where she learns to stick up for herself and must make decisions about what she truly wants.


Craig Manning. Craig shows up and instantly has girls frothing at the mouth for him. He’s dramatic and broody and doesn’t really give up when it comes to finding what he wants. He is talented with Music similar to Edward and also like Edward will often come off as very intense when expressing his feelings towards others. He also leaves his girlfriend at the time (Manny) at the drop of a hat just like Edward does to Bella in New Moon.


Zig Novak. He goes after the same girl many times, and most of the times he decides to make a move is while shes in a relationship, thus creating romantic tension and a love triangle. He is also a lot of muscle and uses his knowledge of the world around him to protect himself and others on many occasions, such as Jake using his knowledge of the Wolves and the forest.


Imogen Moreno. She knows who she wants to be friends with and knows what she has to do to become close to them. Often she will drop into conversations randomly with cryptic messages. She also has a very eclectic fashion sense. All of these are pretty much identical to Alice IMO.

Jasper : 

Sean Cameron, He has a dark past that he isn’t proud of and often will have time controlling his anger, but all in all he wants to be better and often will lean on his significant other to see what he should be doing morally.


 Spinner Mason, The epitome of a himbo, just as Emmett is. Sure in the beginning of the series Spinner was often problematic, but he wanted to learn and once he did he became a reliable source of support for all his friends. He is also super tough and does ‘whatever it takes’ to look after people on many occasions.


Paige Michalchuk. Paige is queen B at Degrassi for many years. She is gorgeous and confident while still wanting to be there for those she cares about. Much like Rosalie, Paige has also had an unfortunate history with men and it gave her a fire to fight back and look out for others in the future. 


Marco Del Rossi. Marco is the dad friend. He is super smart and wants to put his skills to good uses such as running a blood drive for the school. He always looks out for others (except in a few random episodes) and does his best to make sure that his friends voices are heard.

Esme :

 Holly J Sinclair. I’ll be honest it took me a while to think of who matched Esme and the best I could come to was Holly J in her later seasons. In the beginning holly J is definitely nt kind or caring, but I feel that these parts of herself come out more in her later seasons, especially in the Fiona storylines where she is so caring and helpful in trying to help Fiona with working out her sexuality.

Charlie : 

Principal Archie Simpson. He is an absolute angel that is not getting paid enough for the amount he has to deal with from these kids. He constantly has to try and hand out advice to children that often aren’t listening and will stand there dumbfounded while still being supportive of their decisions.

Seth : 

Adam Torres. Adam is the best, he is the best boy and I love him. When Adam is on screen I have the same fun filled reaction to when I see Seth. Adam is young but he just wants to fit in with his friends and be able to do all the cool things that his brother does even if it gets him into trouble. He wants everyone to get along while still making sure to stand up for himself.

Leah : 

Many Santos, She is a bad-ss. Manny has had a few failed romances but she never lets it hold her back, she uses that as a fire to go and get what she wants get it while scaring you half to death.

Resisting the Reaping part 2 (Jasper Hale x reader)

A/N: This is a sequel to Resisting the Reaping, a platonic Carlisle/Esme x reader fic.

Word count: 843

Clenching your arms tightly across your chest with your hands tucked underneath was a force of habit in your life; it was always easier to avoid the destruction you’d cause with your ruinous hands. Leaning gently against the kitchen counter, you willed yourself to relax your stance, knowing you couldn’t hurt anyone in this large, white home in the woods.

Smiling, the woman called Esme put a plate down on the table, its contents wafting delicious smells toward where you stood.

“I wasn’t sure if you’d be hungry,” she offered, a sweet smile overtaking her heart-shaped face. You nodded, moving toward the plate, and dropping into the empty seat before it.

“Thank you,” you said simply and dug into the food the vampires had offered. Carlisle and Esme joined you at the table while you ate, and you were suddenly overwhelmed with emotion at the simplicity of their closeness.

“What brings you to the area?”

You chuckled to yourself. “Just moving on to the next area to cause destruction.”

They glanced at each other. “Do you have a home somewhere, dear?”

You shook your head, your eyes focused on the plate in front of you.

“Well, if you’d like, you can stay with us.”

You blanched at the ease of their welcoming someone, something as dangerous as you.

“It would be nice to finally have company.” You paused for a second. “Is it just the two of you in this house?” you asked, not sure of where their hosting boundaries lied.

“No, there are eight of us in our coven. The girls are down in Seattle for the weekend, but the boys should be back from their hunting trip soon.”

Soon was an understatement; within minutes there was the sound of footsteps in the living room, loud, boisterous laughter echoing through the bright home. You turned your head to the sound and watched as three glorious male vampires made their way into the room, all stopping to stare at you where you were seated.

“Hi boys,” Esme greeted them warmly, the tenderness flowing through every word. They were frozen where they stood, each one wearing the same cautiously confused look on their face. One of them stared at you curiously, as though he’d never seen something like you before. You chuckled to yourself; in truth, he probably never had.

“This is (Y/N), our guest,” Carlisle explained softly. “This is Jasper, Emmett, and Edward.”

You smiled slightly, raising your hand in a small wave. The one called Edward nodded slightly, his eyebrows furrowed, and the huge vampire next to him, Emmett, grinned excitedly at you. The blond one Carlisle called Jasper just continued to stare at you, the sensation of his eyes on you strange but not unwelcome.

“You’re not a vampire?” Edward asked, his voiced tinged with the same confusion as his face.

“No, but I’m not human either,” you answered. When they all stared at you, you offered an explanation.

“I’m a reaper.”

Emmett’s booming voice surprised you. “What, like the grim reaper?”

You shrugged. “Essentially, yes.”


“If you say so.”

Edward’s eyes flashed between you and Jasper, who still hadn’t stopped staring, and his lips began to move at breakneck speed. Then he glanced over at Carlisle, nodding toward the doorway, the motion imperceptible to your eyes.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, (Y/N),” he offered, his slender hand on the shoulder of Emmett. “We have to go check in with the girls.”

“You too,” you waved again.

“If you’ll excuse me, (Y/N), I have to get ready for my shift,” Carlisle said before looking over at Esme. “Will you help me pick out a tie?”

Her loving smile was gracious. “Of course. (Y/N), you are welcome to stay with us as long as you’d like.”

You blanched again, opening your mouth to politely refuse despite your heart’s plea to stay, but Carlisle cut you off knowingly. “There’s no one in this house your powers will affect.”

You nodded once, giving in to his offer without fight. “Thank you.”

It wasn’t until they were gone that Jasper finally moved from his position against the wall, his yellow eyes never leaving your face as he moved to sit in the seat perpendicular to yours.

He watched you silently for a moment, and you could feel the nerves creeping into your stomach.

“I can feel your guilt,” he said suddenly, as though you were picking up a previously interrupted conversation. “How do you deal with it?”

You stared at him, confusion clear on your face. “I’m sorry, you can feel it?”

He nodded once. “I’m an empath. I can feel your emotions. How do you deal with it?” he repeated.

You laughed hollowly at his question. “When you’ve caused at much carnage as I have, you welcome the guilt. It’s your punishment.”

He pondered over your answer for a moment. Then his mouth pulled up into a one-sided smile. Slowly, he leaned forward and tentatively clasped his icy hand over yours.

“I carry my own guilt. Let me tell you about it.”

Dangerous Decisions part 2 (Jasper Hale x reader)

Word count: 1101

When you awoke days later, when the burning had finally subsided, you opened your eyes and were instantly overwhelmed with your newly heightened senses. You closed your eyes again, shaking your head, hoping that it would quickly become more manageable. Slowly, you tried again, finding that it wasn’t so bad when you focused on one sense. You looked around, focusing on your outstretched hands, paler than you were used to in the soft light of the room. Silently, you marveled at them, wondering how much you had changed in your unexpected transformation.

The sound of a door opening pulled your attention and without thinking, your body had poised itself into a defensive stance, immediately searching for the danger. A hulking form entered the room, leaning himself against the wall furthest from you, his hands up in surrender.

“Hey, it’s just me!” Upon realizing it was Emmett, your body relaxed, and you smiled at the largest vampire.

“Hey Em.” You looked around. “Where’s Jasper?”

“He’s out in the woods, still moping.”

“That bad, huh?”

Emmett chuckled, unfazed as normal. “You would have thought he actually killed you the way he’s been acting.”

“I should go find him.”

He grinned back at you, his teasing lilt pulling a smile to your face. “Have fun!”

You moved through the house and into the wooded yard at breakneck speed, reveling in the speed and worried about the lack of control. Within a second, you picked up Jasper’s scent, more potent than you’d ever smelled, and followed the trail of cinnamon and gunpowder to find him leaning against a tree near the stream, his arms crossed dejectedly against his muscled chest.


His head turned toward you, a sad smile on his beautifully scarred face. He breathed your name, the sorrow obvious in his voice. You made your way to him, moving quicker than you meant to, pulling him to your chest in a hug.

“Honey, you’re really strong,” he gently reminded, and you let go, your face full of surprised concern.


“No, I’m sorry. I am so sorry, darlin’.”

You tilted your head in confusion. “What for?”

He raised his hands slowly, reminding you there was no danger, before settling them against your granite cheeks.

“I changed you.”

You hummed in response, waiting for him to continue.

“Without asking, or even thinking, I just bit you. I’m ashamed of myself.”

You covered his hands with your own. “At least you didn’t finish me off.”

He shook his head, chuckling humorlessly. “It was a close call. But I didn’t give you a choice.”

You ducked to find his caramel eyes, reveling in the black specks dancing within them that you could finally see.

“I did make a choice. I just didn’t tell you yet.”

“You wanted to be… like us?”

You laughed, the new sound of your happiness catching you off guard. “What, did you really think you were gonna get rid of me?”

He smiled his crooked smile, and if you could still breath, he’d have left you breathless.

“Who would ever wanna get rid of you, darlin’?”

You shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m guessing that wolf would now.”

Jasper hummed in response, his fingers toying over your cheekbones delicately.

“You know you don’t have to be soft with me anymore, right?”

“Force of habit, miss.”

“You’ll have to remind me to be gentle with you, cowboy.”

He rolled his eyes at the nickname, dropping his hands down to lace one with your own. “I’ll try my best.”

Laughing, he pulled you back toward the house, watching fondly as you wondered about your new life, awestruck that he got to be a part of it, thankful that you didn’t hate him for what he’d done to you.

It was a few days before Edward approached you where you sat in the study. Without looking up from the book you were reading, you called to the vampire.

“Heard you coming.”

He smiled, easing into the room gently, making sure to keep his distance. “I’m sure you did.”

Edward watched you for a moment, until you dropped your book and crossed your arms, gesturing for him to speak.

“Are you going to… talk to Embry?”

You shrugged, eyes following the flying bird out the window. “I don’t see why I need to. I have my life and he has his; we aren’t meant to be a part of each other’s.”

He hummed thoughtfully, listening to your guilty thoughts. “You should at least tell him in case your choice wasn’t clear.”

You sighed, knowing he was right. “Could you set up a meeting please?”

He nodded once, immediately standing from his chair and backing out of the room. When you heard him downstairs, you followed suit, knowing you should go hunting before meeting with the wolf. Jasper met you outside, already hearing your decision, and together you went hunting. Although he was the empath you could feel the relief, the victory, rolling off him in waves and you couldn’t help but shake your head at your mate.

“Did you really think it was ever going to anyone else Jasper Whitlock?”

His eyes softened at your words. “I haven’t done anything in my life good enough to deserve you. I don’t know how a monster like me ended up with an angel like you.”

“Persephone and Hades,” you offered simply.

He smiled, leaning in to slot his lips against yours. “Fair enough.”

When you had your fill of deer, you made your way back to the house, finding an overwhelmingly unpleasant smell assaulting your senses. Without having to ask, you knew Embry was there waiting for you. Sure enough, when you sped to the front porch, he was standing there, his shaking hands locked at his sides.

“Embry, I’m sorry, but clearly this isn’t meant to work out. I hope we can be friends.”

He nodded slightly, but instead of heartbroken as you’d expected, he seemed relieved.

“The connection severed so quickly, I thought you’d died,” he explained.

You tilted your head in confusion. “Sorry?”

“When we imprint, it feels like there’s something constantly pulling us to our other half. When he… changed you, the feeling just stopped. It’s not there anymore.”

You smiled sadly at him. “I’m sorry if I got your hopes up.”

He shrugged, an easy smile tugging at his lips. “At least I can make my own choices now. Love who I wanna love, y’know?”

You glanced over to Jasper as he made his way to the porch, a content smile pulling up the corners of your mouth as you looked at your lover.

“I know exactly what you mean.”

Dangerous Decisions (Jasper Hale x reader)

Word count: 1466

Bella was knocking on your door before the sun was really up that Saturday morning, eyes bright at the idea of having someone to visit La Push with her. The forecast called for a beautiful sunny morning, one as warm as it could get in the rainy corner of Washington, and it would be nice to get to spend some time with the other human Cullen.

“(Y/N), are you up?”

You groaned at your friend, and she let herself into your room, trying to hide the smile she wore from your antics.

“You can’t enjoy the sunshine if the sun’s not up yet, Bell.”

She shrugged. “It’s supposed to start raining around lunchtime.”

You sat up, running your hands against your scalp. “Big surprise.”

Eyes finally open, you looked around for your phone, smiling when you saw the messages on your phone.

Alice: You better be here at 3, ready to go dress shopping!

Jasper: Morning darlin

Jasper: Just a warning, Alice has been on the warpath about dress shopping, so I wouldn’t make her wait too long.

Jasper: I’ll see you tonight. Love you.

You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you read his simple messages. Your smile grew as you typed out your response.

Y/N: I will make sure we’re on time so she doesn’t lose it. You better be joining us.

Y/N: Love you too!

You finally got up and out of bed and quickly got ready for a beach day with your friend.

  “Bella!” You heard a voice call, and you saw the brunette whip her head around to find the source. Her face relaxed quickly though, and she brought her hand up in a wave. You followed her sightline to find who must be her friend Jake hurrying over to you, two of his friends in tow. As they approached, you wondered what was in the food on the Rez because all three of them were huge, over six feet tall at least, and their shirtless wardrobe showed off toned physiques.

Jake reached you first, pulling Bella into a strong hug.

“Hey Jake,” she smiled, and you saw her wave at the other two as they approached.

When he released her, she introduced you.

“Jake, this is my friend, (Y/N). I don’t think you guys have met yet.”

He shook his head, extending his large hand to you. You shook it gently, a polite smile on your face. Then Jake turned to introduce you to his friends.

“(Y/N), this is Quil, and this is Embry.” You looked over at the shortest of the three men, shaking his hand briefly before turning to the one Jake called Embry. When you extended your hand to him, you couldn’t help but notice that he was staring at you, a look of confusion tinging his face. He took your hand with his own shaky one before letting go quickly and being pulled by Quil toward the woods without another word.

Seems like most of the people here are weird, you thought to yourself. You looked over to Bella, an eyebrow raised in question, to find her silently conversing with Jake, both of them looking like the world had stopped turning. Before you could say anything, Jake said goodbye and all but sprinted into the woods after his friends.

“…What’s going on, Bell?” you asked, and her eyes widened slightly before she turned to you, a strained smile plastered on her face.

“Nothing?” she answered hopefully, but you shook your head.

“Nice try, you think I didn’t notice that weirdness?”

She sighed, her eyebrows pinching together as she pulled her hands to her temples.

“Come on, we should go. This isn’t a conversation for here.”

“Oh great,” you sighed, knowing this conversation couldn’t be a good one. Without further complaint you let her pull you toward your car, the questions dancing silently in your mind until you were in the privacy of the vehicle.

As soon as you were both in, you turned to your friend. “Okay, spill it.”

Bella started twisting her hands together in her lap, her face turning green as she tried to process her thoughts enough to share them.

“What do you know about the wolves?”

The question caught you off guard, her train of thought running a clearly different track than yours. “I know that they have a truce with the Cullens. And I know that Jake is one of them. Why?”

She bit her lip, deliberating how to tell you. “We should call the boys, this is a conversation for everyone.”

“Emmett will kill us if we cut another hunting trip short. Tell me what’s going on.”

Bella sighed again, rubbing her temples as though she’d aged 100 years in the course of a few minutes.

“So sometimes the wolves imprint. It’s like… it’s like, finding their soulmates.”

“Good for them?” You weren’t sure where she was going, but you did not like the dread creeping into your stomach.

“Well, Embry is also a wolf… and it seems he imprinted on you.”

You sat in the driver’s seat stunned for a second before you started laughing. “You’re joking right? That guy’s seen me for all of three seconds and he thinks I’m his soul mate?”

“Yes.” This one-word answer froze the laugh in your throat.

An icy dagger twisted its way into your heart when you realized she was being serious. “But Jasper… this can’t be right.”

She nodded her head in agreement. “I know, (Y/N). We need to go see Carlisle.”

You turned the car on and headed toward the Cullen’s house, pushing the black SUV almost as fast as Jasper would if he were driving. Beside you, Bella was calling Edward to fill him in, so distracted by the morning’s events that she didn’t even notice you were speeding. Within a few minutes, you were pulling down the long driveway to the big white house, finding Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Rosalie waiting on the porch. They all had matching looks on their faces and you were guessing that Alice had Seen something happening.

Both of you got out of the car, hurrying into the house behind the vampires. You collapsed into the nearest chair and waited silently while Bella filled them in on what happened. As you waited your mind circled itself in confusion. You already had a soulmate; you didn’t see why the universe would be trying to throw you another one. She had just finished explaining the story to Carlisle when the boys got back and immediately, Jasper was by your side, his cold hands running along your skin as he checked you for injury.

“Darlin’, what’s going on, Edward said there was an emergency. Are you alright?”

You clasped his face in your hands, nodding quickly. “I’m okay, Jaz.”

He stopped his inspection, but his eyes still held worry. “What happened?”

You sighed, glancing over to Bella, unsure where to start. Thankfully, Edward had listened to your thoughts while Bella was talking, and he explained the story. While he spoke, Jasper’s hands balled into fists at his sides, and you knew that he was going to snap. As soon as Edward said Embry imprinted on you, Jasper growled, his eyes dark and menacing.

Bella tried to grab you, pull you away from him before he accidently hurt you, but you shook her off, instead placing a warm hand on his cheek, avoiding the barred teeth glistening in the light.

“Jasper, look at me.” His onyx eyes flashed to yours, animalistic and furious, and it took everything in you not to flinch away from him.

Edward started murmuring to Jasper so quickly and quietly that you knew he was trying to keep you oblivious to his words. Jasper’s dark eyes watched his brother, his teeth still barred menacingly, and you knew your mate was beyond reason.

Still, Edward pressed on, his urgent tone bordering on pleading, and you wondered what he was reading in Jasper’s mind.

“She’s mine,” he growled, the tenor low and deep, the words barely audible over the guttural sound.

Alice stepped forward, her eyes unfocused, as she reached out toward Jasper. He started growling at the group as his chest heaved, his focus and control gone into the darkness of the rain clouds over the house. Suddenly his eyes flashed back to you where you stood frozen to his side, your hands still on his icy cheeks. Something glinted in his onyx eyes, causing Alice and Edward to scream out to their brother.

“No!” The chorus came loud and foreboding but it was too late; Jasper had made up his mind. Everyone started toward where you stood but he moved like lightning, turning his head to the side and sinking his teeth into the exposed skin of your outstretched wrist.
