#twilight books


With the announcement of HBO buying the rights to one of my absolute favourite TV shows and the further announcement of it getting a reboot next year, I have decided to do a mashup post. 

SO , I want to give my thoughts on Twilight Characters and their Degrassi counterparts. Please feel free to tell me if you disagree or agree or have anything to add. 


Clare Edwards. Clare is a character that is shown time and time again to be passionate about her interests (journalism and writing) and is loyal to her friends when they are in need. She also is seen by some of her friends to have a strong affect on boys (queue ‘I will never understand the affect Clare Edwards has on Men’) like How Bella shows up and miraculously all the men are attracted to her. She finds herself caught in multiple love stories where she learns to stick up for herself and must make decisions about what she truly wants.


Craig Manning. Craig shows up and instantly has girls frothing at the mouth for him. He’s dramatic and broody and doesn’t really give up when it comes to finding what he wants. He is talented with Music similar to Edward and also like Edward will often come off as very intense when expressing his feelings towards others. He also leaves his girlfriend at the time (Manny) at the drop of a hat just like Edward does to Bella in New Moon.


Zig Novak. He goes after the same girl many times, and most of the times he decides to make a move is while shes in a relationship, thus creating romantic tension and a love triangle. He is also a lot of muscle and uses his knowledge of the world around him to protect himself and others on many occasions, such as Jake using his knowledge of the Wolves and the forest.


Imogen Moreno. She knows who she wants to be friends with and knows what she has to do to become close to them. Often she will drop into conversations randomly with cryptic messages. She also has a very eclectic fashion sense. All of these are pretty much identical to Alice IMO.

Jasper : 

Sean Cameron, He has a dark past that he isn’t proud of and often will have time controlling his anger, but all in all he wants to be better and often will lean on his significant other to see what he should be doing morally.


 Spinner Mason, The epitome of a himbo, just as Emmett is. Sure in the beginning of the series Spinner was often problematic, but he wanted to learn and once he did he became a reliable source of support for all his friends. He is also super tough and does ‘whatever it takes’ to look after people on many occasions.


Paige Michalchuk. Paige is queen B at Degrassi for many years. She is gorgeous and confident while still wanting to be there for those she cares about. Much like Rosalie, Paige has also had an unfortunate history with men and it gave her a fire to fight back and look out for others in the future. 


Marco Del Rossi. Marco is the dad friend. He is super smart and wants to put his skills to good uses such as running a blood drive for the school. He always looks out for others (except in a few random episodes) and does his best to make sure that his friends voices are heard.

Esme :

 Holly J Sinclair. I’ll be honest it took me a while to think of who matched Esme and the best I could come to was Holly J in her later seasons. In the beginning holly J is definitely nt kind or caring, but I feel that these parts of herself come out more in her later seasons, especially in the Fiona storylines where she is so caring and helpful in trying to help Fiona with working out her sexuality.

Charlie : 

Principal Archie Simpson. He is an absolute angel that is not getting paid enough for the amount he has to deal with from these kids. He constantly has to try and hand out advice to children that often aren’t listening and will stand there dumbfounded while still being supportive of their decisions.

Seth : 

Adam Torres. Adam is the best, he is the best boy and I love him. When Adam is on screen I have the same fun filled reaction to when I see Seth. Adam is young but he just wants to fit in with his friends and be able to do all the cool things that his brother does even if it gets him into trouble. He wants everyone to get along while still making sure to stand up for himself.

Leah : 

Many Santos, She is a bad-ss. Manny has had a few failed romances but she never lets it hold her back, she uses that as a fire to go and get what she wants get it while scaring you half to death.


About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Dracula was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen.

Bella during that New Moon emo phase

Thought of the day: Twilight, but instead of Alice and Jasper, Jasper and Rosalie are a couple. What do you think this would be like? would it work? It is also fun to imagine Alice and Emmett hahaha, that would not work.
