#jaune arc




Jaune: Sure, Neptune’s got great hair and a sweet style, but can he do this? (Shoves 22 dino chicken nuggets in his mouth, Chews and swallows)

Weiss: (Disgusted) Why would he want to?!

Nora: No, no, he’s going somewhere with this.

Winter: Excuse me.

Weiss: Winter?! What are you doing here?!

Winter: Not now Weiss. *To Jaune* I just saw you eating all those chicken nuggets and just want to say. *Touch his hand* What else can you do with that mouth?~

Weiss: Winter!!!!

Jaune: Sure, Neptune’s got great hair and a sweet style, but can he do this? (Shoves 22 dino chicken nuggets in his mouth, Chews and swallows)

Weiss: (Disgusted) Why would he want to?!

Nora: No, no, he’s going somewhere with this.

Jaune: Y'all are some horny bastards.

Ren: You say “y'all” like you’re not a part of this.





Yang: you thot.


Yang: you’re a thot.

Jaune: And she called me a thot.

Nora: Well that’s not right. You’re obviously a simp. (Walks away)

Jaune: A simp?


“Oh calm down, you’re only a simp if you willingly give a woman money just for her attention, unless you’ve done that then you’re in the clear.”

I’mNoTSoRry Weiss

So fair warning this is a fairly mean spirited post towards Volume 1, 2 Weiss…

Pyrrha was many things, patient, accepting and she’d like to think reasonable. She also believed she was quite forgiving… But as it turned out that happened to be towards those who’d not offended her.

Those who did something to her team or worse partner Jaune in the other hand. Well, there was a reason she took the extra effort to embarrass not only Cardin but his entire team during Combat class whenever she could.

Oh but there was indeed another, perhaps not as outright bad as Cardin but none the less a spiritually taxing individual she had to deal with. Weiss Schnee was perhaps her least favorite person in Beacon after team CRDL.

She wouldn’t go so far as to say she hated the heiress, but nor would she state they were anything beyond acquaintances as well. In fact she had many reasons to dislike the Schnee, in the time she’d known her Weiss had shown to be selfish, overly proud and incredibly dismissive of others.

She wasn’t a fool, she knew what Weiss wanted from her when they met, she was viewing her as little more then a tool to propel herself forward. A trophy, she supposed that made sense given who her father was, had that been all she’d done there might’ve been some way they could become friends.

Sadly, people seeking to use her fame for their benefit was hardly new, she could perhaps learn to forgive that much. But unfortunately Weiss had made it a point to prove her worst attributes time and time again. Her pride that led her to dismiss her partner, and sheer lack of basic compassion that allowed her to abandon Jaune in the forest.

She certainly didn’t know that he had no aura but honestly it was more like she didn’t care. It was the little things that slowly added up, not her merely rejecting Jaune once or twice, nor her speaking ill of Ruby. Not even the double standard clearly expressed when she met Neptune bothered her.

They were merely all childish, things that made her dislike Weiss, but what she couldn’t stand was the idea of someone pouring their heart out to you, putting their best effort forward only to be dismissed and all but despised for it. And then judge not by your own actions but the actions of others and her assuming his were no different.

That was what made her wish to be uninvolved with the heiress… It only furthering when Jaune entered their dorm that night. She was sure her heart would begin to break over him coming inside saying Weiss had given him a chance after he gave a completely earnest request to dance. Or perhaps comforting him as he dealt with his feeling being earnestly rejected…

When Jaune came in depressed she’d admit to wishing she could face Weiss in Combat Class but little more, she was entitled to her feeling. As unfairly calloused as they were towards her partner she felt, at least he was happy for her… Jaune had a good heart like that, and it served to remind her exactly why she treasured him so much, why she loved him…

Nora’s words came to mind and with it some guilt… If only she could build up the courage like her partner and confess. Perhaps he’d not have suffered so much heartbreak then…


“Are you planning on attending the dance Pyrrha?” She blinked, honestly surprised someone built up the courage to ask her… And outta everyone the last person she’d expected was Weiss. More importantly the last girl she’d ever want to ask her happened also be Weiss.

The table went silent, and Pyrrha suddenly realized everyone was paying attention to her, this, this had to be a joke right? Oh! She got it, this was one of those punked things… Right?… Nope, Weiss was looking to her actually looking a bit… Hesitantly, like she was scared of her answer. Well, that was certainly new… And somehow irritated her further.

“I was under the impression you asked out Neptune…” The temperature literally dropped with the statement, Weiss looked suddenly surprised to have that revealed while Jaune notably shot a reprimanding look. Oh right, nobody should’ve known that…

“That’s… ‘Sigh’ I did, and… He, said no…” She honestly had to fight a smile, she didn’t like how much satisfaction she derived from hearing Weiss got rejected. But at the same time she couldn’t help but feel the snow haired heiress deserved some of her own medicine.

“I see…“ She continued to eat her meal, the cafeteria was quiet…

“Um… Pyrrha?” She looked to a nervous Ruby.

“Um, aren’t you gonna answer her?” Pyrrha stared before putting her cup down and looking Weiss way, there were a great deal of emotions swirling in her as she looked to Weiss. Resentment, jealousy, indignation and slight pity. She readied to speak, preparing herself for the possible backlash, team RWBY was close after all, as much as her own team.

“I’m Sor-” The chair beside her skitted as Jaune stood up looking to her.

“Um Pyrrha, a moment please.” She paused surprised by her partner’s sudden interruption, even more so when she saw that look of sternness in his eyes. The kind usually reserved for when he needed to scold Nora.

“Of course, excuse me.” She got up and followed her partner, noting the glare Weiss was shooting him, well… Now rejecting her would be far easier. Jaune didn’t wait, all but turning to speak the moment the doors closed.

’Sigh’ Pyr, please don’t reject her on my account…” She froze.

“Excuse me?” He smiled to her awkwardly.

“I… I couldn’t help but notice how you tensed… And after last night I know Snow Angel might not be your favorite person…” That was a understatement.

“Look, my point is, if your mad at her for me, or worse, wanted to say yes but didn’t because I like her…” Her rubbed the back of his head, a strained smile clear across his face.

“I just, I don’t want you to do anything cause you feel obligated to, especially if you’d say yes otherwise…” She stared at Jaune, how someone could be so utterly wrong, and yet incredibly sweet at once was a wonder.

He thought she wanted to go to the dance with Weiss? Well, she supposed she was rather good at hiding her distaste but still. More importantly he was telling her not to worry about his feelings if she did like the Schnee.

She couldn’t help but smile at that, she could clearly see it hurt him to say this, nobody enjoyed seeing their crush  stolen from them… Worse yet by a dear friend. Yet Jaune wouldn’t just accept it but even encourage her to do so if it was what she wanted. She smiled, this was why she loved him so much, as a friend, partner and man…

“I’ll keep that in mind Jaune.” She turned, making up her mind as she opened the door, she’d properly reject Weiss and then finally take Jaune somewhere private and ask him to go with her. Walking back to the table she wasn’t surprised to find her friends staring at the two of them.

She supposed that was warranted, what wasn’t…

“Will You Quit Trying Already Arc!” Was Weiss who stood up and glared at her partner.

“Wha? Snow Angel what are yo-”

“Silence! And Stop Calling Me That!” Weiss looked like she would’ve slapped Jaune if he was closer to her.

“What!? You Have To Try To Ruin My Chanced With Suitors I Deem Fit To Approach Now Too!”

“Um, Weiss.” She ignored her partner, clearly reaching her limit, perhaps the still fresh pain from last night’s rejection was the reason but regardless Weiss spoke out and decided Jaune was the perfect target for her negative feelings.

“I Will Never Say Yes To You! Do I Make Myself Clear! Even If You Guilted Or Manipulated Pyrrha Into Rejecting Me!” It took every fiber not to strike the girl in that moment, she could understand Weiss might be heartbroken but honestly, she didn’t care… Jaune had saved her from a short crisp rejection, he’d put her feelings before his own…

And this girl had the nerve to…

“I… I understand… Weiss.” He turned to walk away, usually she’d have darted after him, if this had happened yesterday she would’ve struck the girl before her for what she just did… But now. Something, something snapped.

She moved, quickly closing in on the heiress who was now thoroughly stunned, Yang moved to try and intervene, Ruby looking like the most panicked little animal in the world as she strode forward with purpose.

“Pyrrha she didn’-” One look shut her down then she was upon her, Weiss looking up to her as she stared her down.

“Weiss, Jaune was telling me not to reject you for his sake.” And like that the heiress seemed to cool down and then look guilty… Well, what do you know, maybe she had a heart after all…

“I, I’d didn’t kno-”

“No, you didn’t.” She realized something as she looked down at the Schnee, at the frail little spoiled child from Atlas who frankly she didn’t care was becoming a better person. What she realized was simple… She hated Weiss… Which was why.

“With that being said, you will apologize to him…” And she was going to make her pay for everything she put Jaune through.

“And then, after you do, I’d be happy to go with you to the dance…” The words were light bile in her mouth.


“This is the worst plan ever Pyr-Pyr…” She wanted to deny it, with every fiber of her being she wanted to but she was too far in now… With a sigh she lowered her head.

“I know… But, it’s almost time.” The plan was simple, she accepted Weiss request to go with her, and then simply reject her and leave the dance right as it started for everyone to see. Of course it would be the news of the School… Well frankly more then just that, the media was brewing up a storm about them going together. She, she honestly should’ve seen that coming.

Both her and Weiss were famous after all…

“You know this won’t make Fearless Leader happy right?” Of Course She Knew That!

“I know Nora, but… I just couldn’t-” Nora sat up then in her own pink dress.

“You could’ve asked Jaune-Jaune.” Her mouth shut at that and her head slumped, she was right of course…

“Instead you’re doing something mean.” A rare tinge of anger took root then.

“But she deserves it!”

“Well duh! Weissys Super Mean, Course She Does! But that doesn’t mean you should’ve put that before our leader.” She had no retort and sat on her bed clutching her head.

“Your right… I should’ve just asked him…” Jaune had been quiet around her for the past several days, ever since she’d said yes to Weiss… Not that she didn’t understand why. Encouraging her to be honest and then actively supporting a choice that hurt him were two different things.

The moment after Weiss had apologized… Halfheartedly, Jaune had gotten… Distant. Ren had assured her he was just feeling conflicted and didn’t want to make her feel guilty. Assuring he’d feel worse if she broke off the date because of him… Which of course only made her feel worse.

“We’ve barely spoken this whole week…”

“Well yeah, cuz you stole his dream girl.”

“But I don’t even like her!”

“But fearless leader doesn’t know that…” Again she was right.

“After todays over we can go back to normal…” Nora shook her head.

“You and me both know Jaune-Jaune will be even madder once you leave Weissy stood up at the dance.”

“Just, just please go…” She didn’t need to continue hearing how stupid this idea of her’s was. She was well aware by now. But as petty and self-destructive as she knew it was she needed to go through with it. To get some kind of satisfaction from this all! If she was going to have to suffer so was Weiss! Nora in one of her rare moments of insight sighed, knowing a losing battle when she saw it.

“’Sigh’ Stop putting the cart before the horse Pyr-Pyr…” She got up looking at her own dress, she wanted to look her best for Renny after all.


“Are you sure this is a wise idea Jaune.” Jaune shot Ren a slightly annoyed look.

’Sigh’ It’s fine Ren…”

“But we’re all going, even Ruby I you don’t then-”

“Nobody will notice… Sides you and Nora, maybe Ruby. I just…” He didn’t need to see Pyrrha and Snow Angel together. A part of his was pissed, made he pushed her to accept the request. Another part of him knew that was petty, that Weiss and Pyrrha could like whoever they wanted. And if it made him feel bad that was for him to deal with.

He bit his lip though, at the very least Snow Angel could’ve meant her apology… Maybe be less of a bitch about everything. He groaned annoyed, and now he was even thinking pettily…

“Jaune, maybe you should talk to Pyrrha… She might have a ‘reason’ why she said yes to the same girl who always rejects you…” He truly hoped his leader would catch the hint, unfortunately Jaune was far from focused.

“Yeah, that reason is cuz she has good taste. Not like I can blame her, if the roles were reversed and Snow Angel had asked me out I’d have jumped at it.”

“Even if Weiss insulted Pyrrha as much as she does you.” The glare he shot his brother-in-all-but-blood was telling.

“Not a chance!” This made Ren smile.

“Of course, in fact I’m sure you’d aim to make her pay.”

“Well yeah, if she was mean to Pyr I’d definitely pull a prank on her, I sisters taught me all the best ways to do it.” He could always go the tride and true swiping Neptune’s Scroll and messaging her a Date request only to have the blue haired Mistralian leave her high and dry. He could ‘accidently’ break something and leave hints of Weiss having been there. Miss Goodwitch would be on her in seconds oh or he could-

Jaune shook his head, No! Where the hell did this level of excitement over getting Weiss in trouble come from? Wasn’t he supposed to be mad a Pyrrha? Was he mad Pyrrha? Yes, yes he was, cuz she was breaking the bro code. Who cared if she was a woman, it still counted, yep…

Ugh! Could I Be Anymore Pathetic!

Pyrrha could date whoever she wanted… Even Weiss.

“Jaune?” Crap, that was right Ren was talking to him!

“Uh, sorry. I sorta got distracted with… thoughts.”

“As I previously said are you sure you don’t want to talk to Pyrrha about going with Weiss?” He sighed.

“No Ren, I… I don’t have that right, whoever Pyrrha goes with is up to her, even if it’s only Weiss…” Ren looked somewhat pleased

“Only Weiss?”

“Um, yeah?”

“So your not mad their Weiss asked Pyrrha out, but that Pyrrha said yes to Weiss?” What kinda word game was he playing?

“Ren, that’s the same thing…” The Mistralian shook his head.

“No it is not…” There was a look of slight pity on him as he opened their dorm’s room.

“I only wish you could realize what I mean…” And with that they reached their dorm room, Ren opening it to see a cheery Nora in a lively cute pink dress that just matched the energetic Valkyrie. Then he looked to Pyrrha, said woman in a beautiful red dress with a nice high cut up the side to show her leg. He frowned, so she really going through with this…

Jaune visibly stilled behind him and he sighed, having a pretty good idea what was going through his mind. Turning he moved to the bathroom shutting it with a bit more force than he was sure Jaune intended.

“Is, is he still mad at me…”

“If you have to ask I’m sure you know the answer.” He honestly couldn’t see how this was meant to make Weiss suffer, frankly Pyrrha was the real victim in this situation. The spartan had been all but depressed the ever since she started what he felt was an utterly ridiculous plan.

“Honestly, is it really payback if Jaune and you are suffering more from the prank then her?” And again she had no retort, of course he wasn’t going to let it end there. It wasn’t like this idea of her’s affected Pyrrha alone, no, him and Nora had to actively participated in it by playing along and feeling the team’s leader and star player drift apart.

“Pyrrha, you are aware Weiss asked you second ‘After’ Neptune, correct? That means you weren’t her first choice…” Oh he knew the truth, Weiss had been too shy to ask her, but after Neptune rejected her she had nothing to lose. But that was beside the point. What mattered was avoiding team disaster.

“That’s…” Jaune decided then to open the door, in his sleep wear.

“Fearless Leader, where’s you suit?” He shook his head.

“Not going.” This seemed to surprise Pyrrha, though it really shouldn’t have.

“You’re not, but why?” Avoiding eye contact he shrugged.

“Don’t feel like it I guess, no point in going if I’m just gonna feel miserable all night anyways…” And now things were going the exact way him and Nora wished they wouldn’t. Jaune unfortunately was a rather honest person, ironic given how he got into Beacon but still.

“But You Can’t!” Pyrrha paused suddenly searching for an excuse.

“We, well we’ll only be able to go to the Dance as freshmen once in our lives so…”

“Yeah, well not all of us are lucky enough to get asked out. I’d rather just sleep okay…”


“No buts! Just, go and have fun with Weiss…” It was really weird to see Jaune look so annoyed with Pyrrha. His eyes looking his partner over and seeming to get even more annoyed.

“Nice dress…” Said girl paused surprised to get the sudden compliment.

“Y-you think so?”

“…Must be real excited to go with her.” And then he ducked back into his bed and Pyrrha stood confused and then worried.

“Nora, I think we should go…”

“Huh? But Renny-”

“Nora, you can’t push change… We’re going.” Pyrrha looked back panicked seeing her teammates go!

Wha!? Wait, I need to go with them to avoid having to take Weiss!

She moved to follow them before pausing, looking back to Jaune on his bed, turned away…

What’s the point if you’re not there to see it…

She needed to convince him to go.

“Actually, would you two mind going ahead of me…” A final disapproving look was Ren’s answer but none the less he turned away to allow it. The door closing Pyrrha turned to her partner’s bed, nervous and awkward but also with a set goal.

“Jaune…” He didn’t reply.

“I would really like it if you went…”

“Sorry, but no.”

“Why not though?”

“Pyrrha, just drop it please…”

“But-” And like a cord snapping everything changed as the covers came up and Jaune looked at her with pure discontent.

“I Said Drop It! Why Do You Even Care If I Go Or Not!? It’s Not Like I’m Your Date Anyways!” She stood there shocked by the emotional outburst, it was comparable to back when she’d offered to train him.

“Gods, Do You Want Me To Go That Bad!?” He was pissed, he wanted, no needed to stop now before he said or did something stupid! But dammit this was only getting more and more frustrating with every day!

“Dammit! Do You Have Any Idea How Annoying It’s Been To Have Everyone See You And Weiss Together! CRDL Won’t Quit Making Jokes About How You Did What I Couldn’t In A Second And Got A Date With Weiss!”

“I… I didn’t-”

“No! You Didn’t Think About! About How Your Basically Telling Me To Go Just So Weiss Can Rub It In!” Dammit! Shutup! Stop Now! He could see Pyrrha looking confused and shocked, but more importantly see the guilt showing as he spoke. This isn’t what he wanted!

“DAMMIT!!!” He punched his bed’s headboard with enough force to splinter the wood. He really didn’t want to say anything else.

“Why’d it have to be freaking Weiss…” Pyrrha looked down, this was her fault, she shouldn’t have done this… If what Jaune said was true…

“At least if it was guy you liked, I could’ve stood a chance…” She blinked.


Jaune got up from his bed, reaching to grab his hoodie.

“I’m gonna go to Vale tonight…” She blinked before reaching to grab his arm.

“Wait, what did you mean?” He looked away pissed with himself for letting it slip.

“Nothing, go have fun with the prissy little princess.” Now Pyrrha was even more surprised, did Jaune insult Weiss?

“Maybe I can have a good night to…” Saph always did say the best thing for a broken heart is a pair of tits in your face…

Despite himself he blushed slightly, he’d never gone to a strip club but then again he was in the big city and he needed to cheer himself up… Maybe there was a different kinda service he could buy too…

Warning signals flashed in Pyrrha’s head at Jaune as he tried to leave, she moved grabbing him from behind with a powerful grip.

“What the-!? Pyrrha, Let Go!”

“Not Until You Tell Me What You Meant!” His teeth gritted as Pyrrha moved to wrap her arms around him, actually having to struggle to hold the blonde knight back. Nora’s help working out their leader had certainly lead to great gains in muscles.

This was going wrong! So very very wrong! Jaune was so angry and hurt over this! If, if she’d then she would’ve stopped!

“Please…” He stilled somewhat in her hold at her tone, Pyrrha was polite, but her voice was never so soft and… and worried.

“Please, just tell me…” He couldn’t speak for a second, then he simply didn’t want to say the first thing that came to mind. The complaints, the unfair feelings of betrayal and certainly not the unjustified anger he knew were his problem to deal with… But hearing her so sound… So vulnerable just forced him to speak up.

“I… I don’t want to see you with Weiss okay.”

“I… I see, I’m sorr-”

“Don’t be, I told you not to hold yourself back ‘sigh’ and I meant it, I just-” She finished for him, trying to make him stop from further hurting himself.

“You’ve liked her all year after all…” She hated saying it.

“Of course you’d hate seeing her with m-”

“Dammit it’s not seeing her with you, it…” He bit his lip, embarrassed, ashamed and angry…

“It’s seeing you with her.” For a second it didn’t click, and then when it did she froze, half not believing it and the other half sure she’d misheard.

“But, y-you like Weiss.” Jaune sighed.

“I can’t say I don’t like her… But after she asked you out. I dunno, I just realized I hated you being with her more then the other way around.” He rubbed the back of his head annoyed.

“You’ve, you’ve always had my back y’know, helped me, trained me… And never asked for anything. I guess, I guess I never realized how much that meant to me… Until you said yes her.” And now he felt like a selfish brat again, whining when someone else took his partner’s attention. He recalled the last week how he slowly realized he was more mad about Pyrrha being with Weiss then he is about losing his chance with said heiress… Pyrrha just stared, at a loss for words, her chest squeezing, until he spoke in a defeated tone.

“But in the end we’re just friends…” She blinked confused,

“I can’t compete with Weiss, I’m a guy after all, so I’m not even on your radar in that sense… I lost before I even realized I liked you.” Somehow saying it out loud made it easier for him. But for Pyrrha who just stared up at his bittersweet expression she felt something completely different.


What else could she call this but that.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why had she been so Stupid!?

Jaune, Jaune liked her? But had already given up… Since When Did Jaune Give Up On The Girls He Liked!? He Was Constantly Asking Out Weiss! Even After She Liked, Neptune. Another… Boy.

He’s thinks I’m a lesbian…

Of course he would… What other answer was there. She never showed any interest in men besides him and he was her partner…  But Weiss asked her out once and she accepted so quickly.

I… I ruined myself…

She shot herself in the foot, in trying to get revenge on Weiss she’d ruined her chances with Jaune…

“So, don’t worry about me okay, just go and have fun with Weiss… Now can you let me go, please?” He was gonna go get wasted like Saph would back in the days before she met Terra… He moved to make her let go… But she wouldn’t.

“Pyrrha? Would you mind letting me go? Please.” Instead of doing what he expected and awkwardly pushing him away she, held unto him tighter?


“I’m sorry…” He sighed, of course she felt bad.

“It’s not your fault, the heart wants what the heart-”

“No!” She moved, and did something she never thought she would in a million years. It was purely out of desperation and blind reaction that she pressed into him, that she realized how soft his lips were to his own. Several uninterrupted moments passes, in them turned to her, and her strength left her gripping palms.

When they broke all he could do was stare at her, parting his lips, and letting the first thing he thought of leave them.

“So, your not gay?”

-Several Minutes Later-

“That is the dumbest plan I’ve ever heard…” Pyrrha buried her face into her hands.

“Please stop…” He couldn’t he really couldn’t, it was a matter of principle.

“I get you don’t Weiss… But, well, that’s a bit much don’t you think. My sisters have gotten stood up and it’s no fun…”

“But, but I don’t wanna go with her… I-” She looked down, flushing.

“I’d rather go with you…” Crap, what was he supposed to say to that? While standing up Weiss would be the queen of all bitch moves at the same time making Pyrrha go with someone she apparently hated wasn’t much better…

“But… I mean that’d be so wrong.” It was Weiss who set up the dance after all, he couldn’t do that to her. It wasn’t even about her being his… well he guess former crush, it was just the right thing to do.

“Sorry, but I can’t go to her dance, especially if it’ll just embarrass her like that.” Pyrrha exhaled, not happy, but understanding what he meant. Personally, while she wouldn’t say she’d enjoy hurting Weiss’s feelings if she went to the dance with Jaune she wouldn’t exactly care either… But she understood and sighed.

“Still, it is a waste… Your dressed up to.” She paused, noticing his gaze on her, his slight flush, it made her happy, made her heartbeat speed up and forced a smile on her face and heat into her cheeks.

“You, you really like the dress?”

“Um, I mean… I like you in the dress…” Since when was it so hard to talk to Pyrrha.

“Then it wasn’t a waste.”

“Huh?” She leaned into his side then, a content smile at play on her features as she laid her head on his shoulder.

“I… I just wanted you to see me in it…” Thinking back on it, for her plan that would only serve to make Jaune more jealous…

I should’ve thought things through better.

“I don’t, I don’t need to go to the dance if I’m here with you… alone.” She looked to him only now noticing he was staring at her. She looked back, and yet again surprising herself she pushed forward, pressing her lips against his. A gentle moment broke as she leaned back, or tried to because he pushed forward then. His hands raising behind her head. Holding her in place for his lips to brush against her’s.

It, it wasn’t like she was dating Weiss after all, this was, this wasn’t wrong… And even if it were, did she really care? Jaune certainly didn’t seem to after all. In fact, he was pulling her closer.

All that anger and jealously that made him feel like such a scumbag now twisted. Usually he’d never be the type to push so aggressively but all those emotions, all that stress and frustration turned so fast. And, and Pyrrha was right there, so close, the girl he’d only just found out he loved. If she stopped him he’d listened but, but if she didn’t…

He held her closer, only thinking about the lips on the girl who he’d only just found out how much he liked. Feeling her heat through the fine fabric of her dress as it pressed against him. Feeling her breath as she breathed between their ever-quickening kisses. And slowly those chaste kiss turned more forceful and deep. Stronger with desire…

His hold tightening, not that it mattered much considering how deep she impressed herself against him. Who did it first was a mystery but at some point they moved unto pushing their tongues against one another, into their mouth.

She shifted in his hold, his hands moving up her body, feeling the soft fabric of her carmine dress, and the powerful supple flesh and muscles beneath. Her hands moved up into his hair, pulling him closer as she mess up her messy golden locks by pulling him in deep. It was paradoxical, how much they wanted to smack, and suck and press into each other’s mouths. To taste one another, and exchange their fluids and lust and yet the more they did the harder they kissed the stronger the urge to pull away was.

To take deep, heavy breaths, to pant and tickle each others skin with their heavy breaths, he stared up at her. When, when did Pyrrha suddenly get taller? Oh, she was sitting on his lap? When did that happen? Never mind, he had enough air. If he had time to think he could use those braincells to focus on her lips some more…

She felt his hold on her tighten, him squeezing her hard against him, his pecs pressed up against her breast. Her mammaries squishing up against his pectoral, and then he was kissing her again. His hands holding so close, that she could almost feel his heart beat through their pressed chest.

Then he pulled back and she breathed, there, there wasn’t time to think about anything else, only to get ready to kiss him again. And then he leaned back in, and her eyes widened but not because he kissed her, well, not on the lips. She shocked gasp lift when she head craned and his lips landed on her neck. Her hands moving up to feel her bare back as he kissed the exposed olive skins not covered by her turtle neck.

She almost pushed him away from the sudden action, flushed and embarrassed before he lightly bit down. His canine poking her delicate skin just enough to possibly leave a mark… Something about that thought excited her. About Jaune kissing other parts of her made her flush and cave in. His hands moved up her exposed back, her feeling the calloused digits move up the muscles she’d trained over years.

Until they settled on the collar of her dress and stretched the turtleneck, she should’ve complained, have been annoyed by the dress she liked so much being ruined! Instead she shuddered as his leaned lower. Kissing the suddenly revealed flesh of her collar, getting strangely excited over the sound of her turtleneck stretching, for the lining snapping fibers breaking from his pulling them.

Then, then it ripped, ripped with by the strength of her partner’s powerful arms, and he moved biting down on her collar bone. She yelped, the initially teething a bit harder then she’d have licked. But followed by gentle kisses. And strangely welcomed licks.

Her nervous trembling and building flush transmitted to his palms as he held her close now that he had her dress properly ruined… He could feel bad later, he could apologize once this was over… For now he just wanted to quail his desire, his burning curiosity.

He wanted to see more of her, Pyrrha hadn’t said no after all, as long as she didn’t he could keep going right. He wanted to do more, no, he needed to do more! And unless she told him to stop he didn’t have to, wouldn’t!


He wanted to see more, needed to see more! He nearly ripped her turtleneck apart, but the answer was so much easier then that. He reached stupid fabric covering her breast. The thing boy’s like him wanted to see most and pulled the fabric together between her chest on top of her Sternum. Scrunching it up close, exposing her two heavy full breast to his gaze.

Both froze, Pyrrha at the sudden cold of the air against her exposed breast and heat of her cheeks and Jaune who simply stared below at the pair of ample orbs of flesh. He swallowed, and before she could speak his hands moved and cupped her tits.

She flinched, somehow able to feel the roughness of his palms so much more accurately against his breast. Feeling them squeeze her exposed heaving orbs, the bottoms of his fingers pushing against the soft of her supple flesh. The rough texture of them as they squeezed eliciting a hitch in breath.

Then he shocked her again, suddenly moving, turning and then pushing her down and unto her back. The soft mattress supporting her back as it pushed against it. Bouncing against it as the spring pushed her up before Jaune reached out to grab her breast again.

Jaune, Jaune was groping her! His rough hands squeezing, pulling at her malleable flesh and pulling them apart, just greedily molesting her bare mammaries. Pulling and pushing, squeezing and groping before she felt his fingers spread out her nipple, making them stand, proud and hard.

“~Ah!~” A shocked gasp escaped her as he leaned over and his teeth grazed her teat, his lips wrapping down around it before sucking on her nipple. She never realized how sensitive they were until now, as her hands rose to cover her mouth, hoping to stifle a moan. His fingers squeezed harder, his sucking growing almost like he was trying to coax out milk!

Her body shifted, his sucked even harder, a tremble running up as he pinched her other teat. What was he doing!? He was practically suckling on her breast! He body shifting on top her as he played her breast.

Finally he pulled back a look of satisfaction on his face, he’d, he’d just sucked on and felt up a girls breast… No, Pyrrha’s breast. Which were in his… Probably very bias opinion the softest, biggest most perfectly shaped things for his hands to grope.

Her legs shifted some more, her dress ruffling… Making him pause, and, and pay attention to it, as another thought occurred to him.


Her breast were big and, and fully but, so were Pyrrha’s… legs. He stared down, looking at the one exposed from the high cut of her dress… Her long, fine leg and… full thigh.

It’s fine until she tells me otherwise… Right?

Pyrrha breathed heavily, her flustered mind still overwhelmed, but calming, and then the mattress shifted as Jaune… got off it? Did she do something wrong? Or was her bored, he seemed so invested in playing with her boobs only a moment ago so why?


She felt a familiar roughness against her thighs, running up it and quickly sat up to see why! Revealing Jaune on a knee beside the bed. Sliding down the side of her dress and leg.

“Pyrrha… If you say no I’ll stop.” There was no asking, no more warning, frankly it was already a great show of self restraint that he’d said that much. And no sooner did he move. The moment his hands reaching her lower leg, did he reach out, grabbing the red ruffled fabric and push it up, exposing her bare legs to him. The long muscular limbs and full thighs.

She flushed hard as she could feel him staring, and then his breath brushing her thighs as he… Leaned In!? His hands suddenly landed against her inner thighs, the feeling their surprising softness as he pushed them apart.

Her breathing picked up, nervous, more so then when he felt up her chest!

“It, it smells sweet?” She wanted to die!

“D-don’t smell there!” Another big whiff, this one closer!

“I mean, it’s sorta… sweaty too.”


“But… It’s not bad…” His words were cut short as Jaune pushed against her red elastic panties and inhaled again! The scent of strangely sweet sweat and an oddly drawing pungence making him want to breath deeper.

Was he perv?

Pyrrha shifted above, J-Jaune was smelling her! His, his face was buried in her crotch! No! NOT JUST SMELLING HER!!! She definitely felt something big and wet push out of his mouth, the spongey organ pushing against her panties and dragging up them!

Her whole body went stiff as Jaune’s hands pushed her legs apart suddenly. Jaune decided he didn’t care if he was a pervert! He wanted to lick, and look at and admire his crushes pussy! Reaching out he pulled them aside, ripping them off to look at it.

Getting a front row seat to her exposed, full soft and pretty pussy. He’d seen them a million times, over the dust net sure but… Well, looking at one in person… ‘Gulp’ Was a new experience entirely. From the full olive toned lips and the slit that leaked sweet smelling juices to the small patch of bright red hair just above.

This was… Pyrrha’s pussy.

“J-Jaune, please say someth-ING!!!” Her body abruptly shifted, her voice raising as she felt his hands reach and pull apart her lips! His efforts parting them to expose the pink insides of her vulva, he started at the inviting insides of his partner, the moist, drooling sight of her womanhood calling to his greediness.

He leaned in, his tongue coming out before pushing into it, Pyrrha shook above, gasping shocked as she felt it. His face suddenly buried into her bare crotch as he tried to burying his thick tongue even deeper inside.

She whimpered as his hands reached out no longer trying to spread her legs, instead determined to reach out and grab her hips and pulled her towards him. Against his face so he could burying it further inside her cooch.

Where had this sudden aggressiveness come from, no, Jaune had been showing this time and again, it was just getting stronger every time he got more forward… But, was that really a bad thing… Her squirming legs and the pressure building inside her said it wasn’t! Her legs moved, squeezing the sides of his head. But instead of stopping or pulling away he choose to push harder against her, to burying his face harder against her crotch.

His breathe was so hot against her bare sex, his tongue so big and warm and wet as it buried deeper, the exhale of his nostrils hot against her crotch as he breathed through his nose to not interrupt his inexperienced eating. She swallowed taking in big gulps of air as she tried not to gasp.

Hearing as Jaune licked and slurped at her pussy, feeling his tongue inside her, his nose push against her crotch, buried in her tiny red bush and inhale her scent! His exhales brushing her needy little pearl of nerves…

She teared up as he licked and sucked on her flesh, as his hands squeezed her hips. Her teeth gritted as she reached down and pushed his face against her needy core as she rolled her hips against his face. The same pressure building, pleasure bubbling up her core making her mind go hazy.

Oh Gods, Oh Gods, Oh Gods!

Her nails raked through his golden locks and he pushed harder into her sex in response! He breath picked up, sweat trailing down her panting form as she fought down her building pleasure! Not wanting to give in to it just yet…

Her entire body was becoming more sensitive by the second, it becoming so much more difficult to ignore the powerful raising stimulus! He toes curled in her heels as Jaune wiggled his face against her cunt! Brushing her needy little clit!

She shook hard and moaned, there was imply no way he could miss it, and no sooner did he realize the reason for it. More then once he’d had the talk… And with seven sisters you tended to learn things. Such as the best place to abuse when a girl was good and ready…

Well if there was ever a time to trust in drunk Saph’s words it was no, he pulled his face from her juicy snatch. A difficult task as her thighs crushed the sides of his head, but one none the less he tried to endure…. And sorta enjoyed.

I am a pervert…

Well that realization could wait, cuz currently he really wanted to suck on the needy looking little pink shimmer gumdrop of a clit one Pyrrha. He moved in with eagerness and pushed his tongue against it, Pyrrha’s back arched, her head shooting back as her fingers gripped tightly into his hair. A long needy hiss of a inhale escaping her followed by a shuddering exhale.

If she reacted that strongly he only wished he could see her next expression as his lips followed and wrapped around the little bundle of sensitive nerves and gently sucked on it.

A low deep moan escaped the champion as her body relaxed, plummeting like some sort of wire had snapped and left her to collapse. She panted hard, taking large long breaths of air as her chest rose and lowered. Her body riding a high her fingers simply could never provide…

Jaune rose up and she stared at his face, as he looked to her, her looking more vulnerable then ever seeming to stir something in him. With the bottom of his face glistening from her fluids he moved, standing up before grabbing his sleeping shorts and tugging them down. She stared at it, as his exposed member, the arch of cock throbbing, erect with excitement… Oh, so Jaune went commando to bed… That was the closet thing she had to a non-perverted thought. Hungry eyes looked to her weakened form before staring back up into her eyes as he returned unto the bed.

Moving just over her waist, his heavy balls resting on her pelvis as his member throbbed above. Hot drops of pre cum dripping down it unto her belly. She stared transfixed, her cervix and womb aching in response to the virile organ that rested on top her.

 She felt his gaze on her, watching her heavy breast, her sloppy appearance, feeling his cock twitch and stiffen at the sight. He, he was so aroused, it didn’t take much thought to know what he wanted. But, but they weren’t dating… she couldn’t just let him do that right?

“Condom, do you have one…”

“No…” His face contorted, definitely not pleased with his own answer, well obviously, what kinda guy wanted to not have sex with his crush… Especially given what she’d put him through this week. Also, the idea… appealed to her, after all Jaune had only recently realized he liked her, whereas she could confidently say… Well, more like embarrassingly admit that she’d thought about this several times before! About Jaune having sex with her…

Feeling his dick plunge in and out of her wet sopping pussy, though, she didn’t imagine it’d curve like this, nor how bulbous the tip was either… And the precum was surprisingly hot against her belly. Should it really be so warm and thick.

It, it’ll feel nothing like what I imagined…

Reluctantly Jaune begun to stroke his own member, she watched it twitch and throb as he looked to her body. He was trying to cum, trying to get off just like she had… That, that wasn’t very fair was it? He, he helped her climax, so…

“A-actually Jaune…” He paused looking to her as she shyly pulled up her dress some more, exposing her lower body to him. And spreading her legs, her face was flushed with embarrassment but she stared at him none the less. Though her gaze was locked on his throbbing cock instead of the lovable face she was talking to. Her breaths were heavy and wanting as her pussy drooled with slick fluid, perfect for lubrication.

“I’m ‘gulp’ I’m sure we can worry about that later… There are pills for it after all.” Her nails dug into her supple thighs, as she stared at his twitching slab of dick. She wanted, no needed to do this, she’d dreamt about this so many times, and none of the cocks in her dreams match up to the one before her.

She, she needed to know how it would feel burying into her womanhood, spreading it apart as he took her virginity… Many a night she had flicked her poor little clit to that dream and shoved her finger into her clenching depths wishing they could be the very Arc of willing cock before her eyes.

~I Want It~

If she expected Jaune to be hesitant of scared she would ‘ve been disappointed, well if her spine didn’t tingle at the feeling of his hands did abruptly slam down on her hip and pull her towards him. Nope, Jaune was certainly not acting hesitant, there was quite the fire in his eyes as he leaned over her prone form.

Staring at her shocked expression and leaning down to bite and nibble at her neck. She bit back her muffled whine, that was until she felt it. Hot and hard against her lower lips, his hard fat knob, pushing against slit, hot precum smearing against quivering pussy lips.

It was like he was applying lipstick to them as his cockhead pushed up against her labia, coating his end in her feminine fluids, getting it nice and slick. His lips lowered as he kissed along her collar and his member pushed against her sex. Slowly spreading her resilient little pussy as it pushed against the surprisingly tight opening to her quiver honey pot.

She tensed as he slowly moved in, spreading her accommodating flesh, allowing him inside her lovely little virgin tune. The tremble ever burying inch earned from her body was felt from the hands that held her waist.

The raising of her chest as it heaved up and down, his teeth gritted as he felt soft, wet tightness begin to coil around his cock. Something his own efforts could never achieve, air hissed through his teeth as he inhaled before he heard her. Rapid, panicked breaths as Pyrrha al but hyperventilated, eyes fluttering as she fought against the building pressure as his cock pushed into her.

He leaned in licking up her neck, his breath hot against his throat, even that small bit more of stimulation helped to push her further into the life changing feeling of her seized virginity. There was no pain, given her training she had no bleeding to be done.

No, all there was was the pressure that followed the slow, steadily rising pleasure that built with every bit more of his cock as it fed into her. Feeling his curving member, ground against her insides as it dug into her wanting folds. Her body stiffening, tensing as new sensations shot through her nerves light a thunder bolt.

And then finally a soft little bump of his pelvis against hers as she felt him settle against her, his entirety sheathed inside her. He pulled back from kissing her neck and loomed over her. Watching her face, her face set looking half dazed, half amazed and all overwhelmed.

It felt so good inside her, even now just from the smallest shakes and trembles of her body he could feel so much pleasure. Her insides shifted and squeezed against his cock, it was overwhelming, but also not enough… He wanted to.

Pyrrha’s eyes widened and a word she was about to say was replaced by a slight gasp when abruptly he bucked against her. Another surge of filling rushing through her, overwhelming her senses, like a lightening bolt shooting up her spine.

A gasp escaping her, before she could speak up or adjust she felt Jaune begin to pull back before, without warning he pushed right back in. If him slowly entering her had sent her nerves of fire then him burying himself in one sudden slap of flesh was like a explosion of euphoria rushing through her.

“Fuck! Oh Crap, I-I’m sorry Pyrrha, I just… I.” His hold was so tight and his cock was so deep inside her, she knew he was trying to apologize, to make her feel better but… But.

But She Was So Close!

Powerful arms reached up and grabbed his face, pulling it down with a death grip as Jaune met wide pleading, desperate eyes.

“Please Don’t Stop!” Her legs suddenly crossed behind him, tightening at his tailbone while her own folds tightened against his throbbing mass inside her. She’d wanted this for so long, needed to feel him inside her. She, she wanted it so bad!

He could feel her nails digging in, as she breathed heavily, her face flushed with arousal and embarrassment. He wouldn’t say his he suddenly felt nothing but the urge to fuck Pyrrha… But his body certainly moved to fulfil it’s urges the moment it got the go ahead.

Pyrrha gasped again as he leaned back, pulling out several inches before pushing back in with sudden want. She groaned as he plunged her depths, spreading her wanting sex to accommodate his sharp, his grip tightening harder on his fuill hips. Pulling her towards him as he bucked up into her with all the force he could manage.

It just felt so incredible! Was this sex? But… That didn’t make sense. If sex was this good, why didn’t everyone do it? Like all the time!? Anything else was a waste! Anyone who said otherwise simply was lying or didn’t have a beautiful sexy spartan of a woman under them taking their cock like a literal champ!

Speaking of which, Pyrrha face was flushed, her eyes shut tight as her moaned out with each impact of his dick into her. Not willing to part more than the smallest bit from her clinging hot pussy before he found his hips thrust back in with wild abandon!

He could feel the burn of using muscles not usually exerted as he pulled in and out, thrusted harder, faster with growing desperation. The sheets shifting beneath them as the mattress begun to shake to and from, the springs creaking as his body got into the movement.

But as much as he wished he could say it was for her, that he was trying to fulfil his partner’s desires, the truth was he wanted to cum! It was building, his cock throbbing, aching for release, he was getting so close! He wanted to cum! He wanted to cum inside her! To cum in Pyrrha!

He knew he shouldn’t but she already said, and was letting him do this raw! Her legs were locked behind him too! The powerful limbs tightening their hold as he pumped in and out of her. Sweat trailed down his brow, dripping off his chin unto her. Unto Pyrrha amazing, athletic, model-like body, her breast bouncing back and forth along the shifting mattress. Her face flushed disheveled face as she moaned and gasped and made one cute, sexy sound after another.

Fuck, he wanted to cum in her!

Who the Hell Thought Things Like That About Their Partner! About someone who wasn’t even his, girlfriend.


“~Oh!~” Pyrrha face contorted as Jaune pushed in harder then ever before! His Shaking hands no longer on her hips, grabbing unto her face as he leaned down into her. Pushing his face into her, forcing a deep powerful kiss.

I’m not giving her to anyone…She’s mine!

His tongue pushed into her mouth, as he pushed harder into her, trying to impress himself harder against her. His cock grounding into her pussy, going absolutely as deep as he could. He wanted her! Dammit She Was Right Here! Not At The Dance! Not With Weiss! But With Him! Their lips broke apart and Pyrrha found him directing her framed face up to meet his gaze.

The look he gave her was one she’d never forget, powerful, stern, determined eyes glaring into her’s and a face that gave no room for denial.

“Your mine…”She was at a loss for words, as she felt him swell inside her, his face tensed then before he growled out the next part.

“I’m Not Giving You To Anyone!”

If Weiss Liked Pyrrha, then Tough For Her, She Belonged To Him…

Heat exploded inside her, utter scorching warmth surging up into her velvety tunnels, her insides instinctively moving to ‘milk’ every last thick drop. Her legs tightening as he leaned harder into her, trying to push his virile seed as deep as it could go.

Screw the consequences, screw Weiss, screw worrying, they could worry about that later, as long as she wasn’t telling him to stop he wasn’t going to! Not until he’d, filled. Her. Up.

He pushed back down, Initiating another deep passionate kiss, her tongue pushing out this time, her arms wrapping around his head to return his wanting liplock turned sultry make out. Her hips pushing against his pelvis as her legs hold tightened and her insides worked, inner muscles flexing, wet hot folds shifting around the cock they squeezed against. Desperate to milk it!  

His own eyes threatened to roll into the back of his head as sheer and powerful euphoria flooded his mind. He’d never felt so good then he did as he unloaded into his… His lover, yeah, Pyrrha, Pyrrha was his lover now. And he wanted more…

Unintentionally his aura obeyed his will, his urge to continue this new strenuous effort eliciting his soul to boom and manifest it’s latent power. Aura begun to radiate off him and Pyrrha reacted to it, as streaks of his loving, determined light tapped upon her body, feeding into it and alleviating some of the strain of her muscles and aching womanhood that’d only gone through quite the stretching.

But most importantly, his soul’s essence fed into, pushing into his softening cock, it’s task done despite the urge to continue. But as his warm loving aura feed into he appendage, the need to rest diminished before vanishing all together. A new vigor filling his abruptly restored length as it begun to erect once more, his refractory period suddenly reduced to mere seconds as Pyrrha felt the presence of a restored and once more virile Arc of cock buried inside her.

Before Pyrrha could come down off her orgasm Jaune set into motion, his hand pulling back from her face and reaching behind and grabbing her formally locked, but now very weak and shaky legs. With little effort he pulled them apart before pushing them up and spreading them. He grunted pleased as he found spreading her like this let his cock slip in a bit deeper, leaning into her.

His Arc of curving cock hooking up and grounding into even more of her amazing pussy… A low long and very pleased groan escaped the spartan as he enjoyed the velvety soft clingy flesh of his Pyrrha’s pussy.

“I ‘Pant’ I want to cum in you again. No…” He leaned in close, his hands shifting to pushing her legs from spreading to up against her body lightly biting her neck, earning another, her knees just underneath her swelling mammaries and her feet and curling toes pointed straight up in the air as he pinned them down, his hold firmly on her hamstrings.

“I going to cum in you, because your my girlfriend, my lover!” His dick pulled back, almost entirely leaving the now shuddering Spartan’s dripping wet overwhelmed snatch.

“My Woman!” He pushed inside with all his strength, making Pyrrha cry out as he filled her, hitting so much deeper than before and loving every second of it before pulling himself back out and then suddenly roughly slamming back in. There was no technique, no pacing himself or wanting to find the perfect rhythm.

Now, Jaune simply wanted to fuck, to burying his cock inside his beautiful, lovely breathtaking partner. To feel every inch of her perfect pussy as it wrapped around his cock. He needed this! Need to feel her even more! Later he’s shower her with kisses and love her and do every stupid romantic embarrassing gesture he can possibly come up with!

But right here, right now he wanted to fuck her, to rut and pump and, and… And Breed His Girlfriend!

“Mine! All Mine!” His face buried into her bouncing tits, motor boating them like every straight hot blooded guy his age wanted to do when he saw a beautiful large rake like Pyrrha’s. His lips parting he bit down and sucked hard on one of her hard teats, pulling it into his mouth as his hips rocked back and forth. Slapping into her trembling twitching body, Pyrrha herself at her wits end.

No break given from her last orgasm! Her body still sensitive and weak, helpless before Jaune sudden, powerful aggression. Loving how helpless she felt for the first time in so long, powerless to deny is simple yet powerful lust! Feeling Jaune’s hot seed fill her as he took her with such desire.

More then she’d ever dreamed of, she wanted this, By The Brothers She Wanted Every Second Of This! She could feel it, Jaune was getting close again! He was going to cum inside her again. She finally put forth some own efforts of her own, but instead of the panicked resistance of a girl scared out of her wits at the possible risk instead her own body moved to try to meet his rapid intense rutting!

Pulling himself out of her tits he looked down to the needy, panting Nikos, taking in her messy panting, sexy expression as she looked half fucked out her formerly virgin mind. With one last pull of his hips slammed back down into her with all his strength.

Pyrrha’s back arched as she gritted her teeth and felt his rock hard cock swell again inside her, her mouth opened wide as she shouted for everyone to hear!

“CUM IN ME JAUNE!!!” And he obeyed, letting lose any vestige of restraint and giving into his desires! The tension leaving his features as he gave to his most basic, primal need and unloaded into his precious, lovely partner. Ropes of virile Arc seed surging forward once more for her cervix in thick powerful ropes.

That should’ve been enough… His body was covered in sweat from his efforts, his breathing hard and labored as sweat dripped down unto her fit body. But the longer he stared at her, as his beautiful partner in her utterly ruined dress, the more the urge once more stirred, his aura responding to the sheer desire coursing through him. Feeding into his member, rekindling the Arc’s atomy for its most basic purpose. Hemoved on top her, grabbing a hand full of her bare beautiful breast with one of his hands while the other grabbing his cock. Directing it back towards her gapping creampie’d pussy, His panted a kiss on her, the redhead all too happy to reciprocate the gesture and then he spoke.

“I want more…” She bit her lip, alreadying feeling his dick push against her pussy.

“If I told you… I was tired?” His expression turned regretful but he exhaled.

“then, then I hope we can do this late-” His words were cut off by her grabbing his face, pulling him down and planting a final kiss on him. A honestly loving smile spread on her face as she spoke in a tone with no less affection.

“Just, be gentler at first… please.”


Weiss stormed down the hall, utter angry boiling in every one of her veins!  How Dare She! Pyrrha Had Stood Her Up! Had Made Her Look Like A Fool! Worse yet she had returned none of her calls.One didn’t need to be a scientist to know what was going on!

Righteous fury fueled every fiber of her being as she stomped before JNPR’s Dorm! Where Ren had last seen her and the Dolt! Yes, that must be it… Jaune must’ve planned this! That petty simpleton must have manipulated Pyrrha into doing this!

That’s why he pulled her aside back in the cafeteria!

I Swear! When I get the chance I’ll-

‘Glk, Glk, Glk!’

She froze, what was that absurd noise?

“Oh Gods!” That was Arc’s voice! So He Was In There!?

Not wasting a second she pulled her Myrtenaster and directed it’s edge towards the card slot. A single swing of it was all that was needed. The dust infused, super heated blade cut through the locking mechanism like butter. She’d pay for it later, it wasn’t like she lacked the lien!

For now what truly mattered was enacting her rightful fury! She swung open the door, icy fire burning in her eyes.

“Arc! I, Will. Make… you-” Her mouth gaped open as she stared at the sight before her. At Arc and Pyrrha. The former standing, completely bare, and her date Pyrrha on her knees.


Her head being slammed into Arc’s pelvis, her beautiful crimson ponytail wrapped around one of his fist like a reign to a horse as he pulled it to face her face back into his thrusted crotch. His other hands grabbing the back of her head to make sure he was properly fucking her face.

“Oh brothers… ‘Pant’ I know I said you didn’t need to be punished, but I’m glad you convinced me Pyr.” Said Spartan would’ve told him had glad she was that he was enjoying her making it up to him. That is, if she wasn’t currently choking on the curving cock the filled her throat. Unloading fresh cum down it.

Weiss stared aghast, shocked beyond words as she saw the whorish display before her very eyes… Pyrrha’s beautiful maroon dress ruined, with stains and stretching fabric. Her breast exposed as collar stretched out to show off the hickies and bite marks that littered her neckline and collar.

Spital dripping down her chin into the puddle of cum and her own womanly fluids between her knees as she kneeled before Arc. Her makeup a mess, and eyes half unfocused as her throat shifted as she…

‘Gulp, gulp, gulp’

She watched Jaune lean his head back with a pleased groan as Pyrrha continued to swallow down his release. Her fingers between her own legs as she played with her gapping as and pussy. The smell of sweat and sex was thick in the moist damp room, she sputtered trying to say something as Jaune moved.

Pulling back his hips, Pyrrha moved to rebury her face into his crotch, toe fill her mouth with delicious Arc cock. But Jaune pulled her reigns, aura feeding into her beautiful crimson hair as to not damage it.  She saw the thick bulging, throbbing Arc of meaty cock slowly pull out of her date’s mouth.

Pyrrha trying her hardest to keep it there, her cheeks sucking in as she tried to keep in in her vacuum sealed maws. But finally all that remained was the very tip. She desperately suckled on his urethra her tongue swirling as she looked up to him with cock starved eyes. A look nobody could ever believe the Invincible Girl would sport.

She’d been so focused she never even saw Jaune turn to her surprised.

“Weiss?” Said Heiress flinched at her name being called but turned from the depraved sight of her future girlfriend to glare at Jaune. She paused though when she met not confused or scared eyes but instead a stern and very annoyed gaze.

“What did you do to our door?” She paused, lost for words, almost forgetting the scene before her, that was until Pyrrha begun to bob her head on Arc’s cock, completely ignoring the confrontation to focus on oral.

“Wh-what have you done to Pyrrha!?” He rose a brow.

“Maybe you should answer me before you ask questions yourself.” Did, did the Dolt just talk back to her.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyways, get out before I call miss Goodwitch.” Since when did he talk to her like that?

“No go, I’m trying to have a intimate moment with ‘My’ Pyrrha.” He pushed Pyrrha’s bobbing head down to deep throat his cock, but instead of rejecting or resisting the sudden command she instead complied. Choking slightly, her face straining but pushing through the task to bury his dick back into her throat.

“Oh gods, I love you Pyr…” H-How Dare He!

“Get Your Filthy Hands Off Her This Minute You Pi-”



 Weiss fell on her rear, her face snapped to the left as a bright red print burned on her cheek, a heel landed hard before her as Pyrrha Nikos glared down at her.

“P-Pyrrha, you struck me…”

“Of Course I Did! You Break Into Our Room And Yell At My Jaune!”

“B-but he, he kept you from going to the d-dance…”

“I Was Never Going To Go With You!” She all but shrieked, all her anger, all those pint up feelings, both the ones towards Weiss and even those not burst forth.

“Why Would I Ever Go Anywhere With A Entitled, Arrogant, Rude, Raciest Little Brat Like You!” He breathed heavily from her declaration.

“I was always going to reject you the moment we got there

Random Ideas/ Shitpost for Belladonna-Arc

So three things 1.) This is from throwing around ideas on my Discord.

2.) Blake will be living under the Alias Ebony Black and left the White Fang much earlier then in canon and went to Signal becoming Friends with Yang and her little sister Ruby.

3.) His and Weiss’s dynamic will be surprisingly amiable, moreso then in Canon off the back.

Actually ironically Jaune confronts Weiss not to be mean but to formerly apologize to her on behalf of the Old White Fang.

This of course throws the heiress through a loop.

A human, who is a member of the White fang is apologizing to her for the actions of a terrorist group

What the hell is going on?

She even looks around assuming this is some sort of prank

That ‘Punked’ thing that’s all the rage on the the Dustnet

Once she does realize Jaune means it she begins to ask if he thinks a simple apology will matter?

She begins to get angry (rightfully so but unfairly given that Jaune’s done nothing)

She then ask if he simply expects that to make amends for all threats and dangers her and her siblings have had to endure.

Jaune actually says no, he doesn’t expect it to make anything right… But he had to at least do that much. And assure her that he’s not her enemy.

Weiss: Really, and what makes you different then those terrorist then.

Jaune: The difference is that I intend to lock them up… or wipe them out so they stop giving the organization my partners made a bad name. And stop the Faunus in general hated by the four kingdoms

So ironically Jaune and Weiss begin to talk, Weiss being intrigued by Jaune who grew up in Menagerie and is surprised to hear the majority of the Faunus homeland doesn’t support the White Fang.

Weiss then goes as far as to ask why he approached her, Jaune would state it’s to smooth things over with her for his parents sake and to see if the children of Jacques were as narrow minded as their father.

Well at least he knows they aren't… well at least not to the point like their father. They can be narrow minded in some small things but they get better.

He mainly is forgiving towards Weiss’s nature moreso because he believes she’s been influenced like he believed Blake was…

This Jaune is more mature then Vol 1 Jaune

Think his mentality during Volume 7

Kind, understanding and giving off Big brother energy

Anyways, Weiss considered Jaune not a friend but a valuables asset to help her further her chances of maintaining her statues as Heiress and taking over the SDC. And tells him this outright.

Jaune surprisingly doesn’t mind, knowing for her that’s probably a big step. He does say he hopes they can be friends… But to her shock.

She then ask why he has the mark of the White Fang. Surely he understands it’ll isolate him.

He says that if he wants to pull the reputation of the group out from what Adam and the extremist portions have done to it’s name…

This of course speaks to Weiss who wants to clear her families good name from what her fathers done.

Idea 1.) First Night with Jaune

Could that be… No, no way. She wouldn’t have left them… That’s just wishful thinking…

Ruby:Is, is everything okay Jaune?

Jaune: Wha? Y-yeah no, it’s just your friend there… Ebony right.

Blake:Y-yes, what is it?

Jaune: You, you just remind me of someone is all…

Blake: I see…

Jaune:Yeah, but it’s just wishful thinking I guess… 'Heh’ after all she was a Faunus and a bit of a tomboy.

Blake: I… See.

Jaune:Yeah, and kinda moody, plus she never cared about her looks.

Blake:… Okay.

Jaune: And she was stubborn and insistent and always had to be right 'Heh’

Blake:*Eye Twitch*

Jaune:There’s no way she grow up to be a pretty sophisticated woman, especially with what she read…


Jaune:And She Just Had The Worst Taste In Men! I swear, it’s like she wanted to draw in battle happy assholes who punch first and think later…

Yang: Why are you staring at me Ebony?

Blake: I… N-no reason…

Oh brothers…

Jaune:So Ebony, are you going out with miss anger management here…

Yang: Wha? We’re jus-



Yang: Okay, rude…

Blake:I’m, I didn’t mean it like….

Oh Gods! I almost went out with someone else who attacked Jaune again!

Ruby:Hey how did you becomes friends with the prissy princess

Jaune: Huh? Oh miss Schnee, we talked.



Jaune: She’s actually fairly approachable, moreso then the kids my age were back home. Then again they did think I drove my sister away because I was human.


Ridiculous… And my fault.

Jaune:Well anyways I hope I can earn her trust.

Yang:She seemed a bit frosty to me, eh, eh?

Jaune:… I think I preferred you attacking me… that was less painful

Yang:Geez, tough crowd, anyways you might wanna be careful big guy, otherwise people might think you have a thing for the princess there.

Blake: Yang, don’t even joke abou-

Jaune:I mean… She’s certainly pretty, if she could work through some of her more… Atlesian views towards others I think she could certainly make a man very happy.

Yang: Oh, you hear that Ebony, looks like we got a love story in the maki-

Blake:Yang… enough.

Yang:Blinks Are, are you mad?

Blake:*Gritting Teeth* No… Not at all.

This Can Not Be Happening!

Yang:I mean, C'mon, Ice Queen has to be letting him talk to her for some reason right?

Blake: Yang… Please stop…

I’m gonna be sick…

Yang: Who knows, maybe she wants a taste of Menagerie, Jaune does seem like a big nice gulp.


Not while I live and breath!

Idea 2.) Lancaster

Ruby: You Made Those Yourself!?

Jaune:Well yeah, there weren’t a lot of engineers back home so I really had to study hard and learn how to wield… Don’t even get me started on how to make my claws retract from my greaves and gauntlets.

Ruby: But how’d you jump so far! Did you put dust into your greaves to propel you farther!

Jaune:Whoa, got it in one…

Yang: Hey sis, be careful, you remember what dad said about boys. I don’t wanna go and hurt him if he plays with you…

Ruby: Um Yang Jaune can beat you up…

Blake: I don’t think Ruby’s his type…

Ruby:Shows What You Know! We totally alike! We Have All the Same Interest And Junk! We Both Like Weapons, And Comics! And Other Stuff Too!


No no no no!

Blake: But, it’s not like you like him… right?

Ruby: I Dunno?


Ruby:What!? He’s Got Claws! Yang! Claws! And He’s Built Like A Super Hero! He Even Has The Super Revealing Clothing And The Tragic Backstory!


I’m the reason for his tragic backstory…

Blake: Your, your not interested in Ruby… Right Jaune?

Jaune:Interested? Of course I am.


Jaune:Rubys very interesting, I’ve never met a girl with the same interest as me…

Blake: Oh, thats what you mean.

Jaune: Yeah, she nice, talented and awkward like me.

Blake:I see-

Jaune:She’s the perfect little sister.



Blake: You, you don’t mean that right?

Jaune:Mean what?

Blake:About Her Being The Perfect Little Sister!?

Jaune:Um, did, did I step on some sorta issues here?



Yang:Hey that sounds like a fun idea, hey sis, wanna pretend Jaune here’s your big bro?


Oh Hell No!

Blake: You Are Not Stealing My Bro- *Claps Hands Over Mouth!*

Idea 3.) Sparring and pervy Hijinks

Yang: 'Pant, pant’

Weiss:Ugh, you stink… Sparring with Jaune again.

Yang:Oh, calling him by his first name Weisscream, somebodies moving fast.

Weiss:*Rolls Eyes*

Blake:'Growls’ Not, funny…

Ruby:Were you with Jaune again?

Blake:Excuse me?

Yang:Yep, was under the big guy for a whole hour Grunts Man me wears me out… How does a guy get that much stamina.


Yang:Pinned me down and made me take it again and again.


This can not be happening!

Yang: One Of These Days I’m gonna Be On Top Dammit!

Ruby:'Sigh’Give it up Yang Jaunes too much for you to handle…


D-did she-?

Yang: No Way! Just You Watch! I’m Gonna Make Him Scream One Of These Nights!

So…You’ve been my enemy this whole time Yang…

Yang:I’m gonna beat Jaune one of these days! Just you watch!

Blake:… Beat him?

Yang: Um, yeah… We were sparring?

Blake:Oh, OH! Oooooh…

Yang:What did you think we were doing?

Blake:N-nothing! Nothing at all!

Weiss:Ugh, I swear you two fighting certainly doesn’t look like combat

Ruby:Yeah once you start grappling you look all weird.


Ruby:Yeah, trying to pin each other down, grabbing at their clothes, pressing together and junk while their sweaty and icky

Blake:… That’s. Looks to Yang

'Sniff, sniff’

She, she smells like him!

Weiss:And then there’s all the grunting, I swear do you even know what you two sound like!?

Yang: Hey it’s not my fault his ground game is so good! Not like there are any other brawlers round here

Blake:Enough! You two are just sparring! That’s it after all.

Yang:… Y-yeah.

Blake:Why did you pause?

Nora:Cuz Yangarang likes to be under Fearless Leader!

Yang: Hey! Th-that’s not true! I just wanna learn some ground game is all!

Nora:Uh-huh, so does Pyr-Pyr.


Yang: Bull! I Know For a Fact She’s A Expert In Hand to hand!

Weiss:I thought you said you didn’t know any other brawlers.

Yang:H-hey whose side are you on Weisscream!?

Weiss: The one who doesn’t smell like a gym

Blake:*Whispers* I like it…

Yang:Hey! Stop Grilling Me! Were Should Be On Cereal Girl’s Case!

Nora: Pyr-Pyr just wanted some grappling lessons, she was even nice enough to let you go first… Of course Fearless Leaders all sweaty so he has to do it without his shirt.

Yang:Mother Fucker! Are You Kidding Me!? I Try To Get Him To Strip For A Hour And He Does It For Free With Pyrrha!?

Blake: You Try And Make Him What!?

Weiss:Ugh, your all hopeless… C'mon Ruby, let’s leave them to argue among themselves.


Pyrrha:Oh, h-hi, Ruby, Weiss…

Ruby: Your so Red Pyrrha. Yes well…

Weiss: You were sparring with Arc, yes yes, we know.

Pyrrha: Yes, well I… I worked up quite the sweat so I’m going to take a shower… A nice, cold shower…

'JNPR’s Door Closes’



Weiss:Yes Ruby.

Ruby: Pyrrha’s using their team’s shower right?


Ruby: So… hypothetically, if Jaune was gonna use a shower.

Weiss:Obviously he’d, used. the… gym’s.

Ruby: The Gym’s shower 'room’?


Ruby: If you’ll excuse me.

Weiss:Wha!? H-hey!? You Dolt What Are You Doing!?

Ruby:Oh, you know, j-just wanted to get a run in before bed 'Heh’

Weiss: In The Hall Way!?

Ruby: Y-yeah, you know me, always up for a run!

Weiss: In The Gym’s Direction!?

Ruby:Oh, r-really, I didn’t notice at all.

Weiss:Then Stop!


Weiss: I said stop you hopeless Pervert!

Ruby: I Am Not A Pervert!

I’m Just Healthily Curiously!

Weiss:Your About To Peek On A Fellow Student!

Ruby: I… Ugh! Okay Fine, There I Stopped! Are you happy now!? Weiss? Weiss!? Hey!? Why Haven’t You Stopped!

Weiss: I’m Going To Make Sure Deviants like you aren’t attempting to spy on my associate while he’s vulnerable!

The fact that he just so happens to be a male who is built opposite to all those repulsively weak men in Atlas will be bare inches away from my gaze is besides the point

Ruby:You Big Cheater!

-Next Day-

Ruby:Why were you at the lost and found?

Jaune:Oh, well I sparred with Yang and Pyrrha yesterday.

Ruby:You Did! Oh Whoa! I-I Didn’t Know That! R-right Weiss!?

Weiss:You Dolt! Shut Up!

Jaune:Um, anyways… I sorta rushed out of there, got kinda a funny feeling halfway through.

Ruby: Like then you were washing you chest!?

Jaune:*Blink* I… Um, How, how did know that?

Weiss:*Grabs her close and Whispers* What Is wrong with you!?

Ruby:*Whispering Back* I panicked!

Yang:Okay let’s ignore how weird sis and Weisscream are being, what happened now.

Ruby: Yeah! Please Ignore Us! We Didn’t See Anything long or curvi

Weiss:Will You Shut Up!

Jaune:Anyways I was in such a rush I kinda forgot my dirty clothes, and now their missing.

Yang:Well that’s not too weird, I’m sure someone in the staff picked them up…

Jaune:Yeah… I thought about that too and went to check but nobody was able to find them?

Pyrrha: It’s okay Jaune, I’m sure they’ll show up.

Yang: Yeah, at least you don’t have to worry bout some pervert stealing them like us girls.

Jaune: Yeah, I guess your right.

-Meanwhile in RWBY’s Dorm-

'Sniff Sniff’


Jaune Belladonna-Arc Chapter 4: Part 1

Belladonna-Arc:Chapter 1/Chapter 2/Chapter 3

“What Have You Done!?” Sienna’s boot stomped on Adam’s head, grounding against the thoroughly beaten bull. His clothes in tatters from her weapon Cerberus Whip that dangled at her side, the sharp dust blades dripping his blood from the wounds she’d laid across him in their bout.

“Why Did You Attack The Belladonna’s Son!?” Her foot rose stomping back down in anger, any other human, literally any other and she might’ve praised the bull. But not young Jaune! Not the only human she approved of! He was the exception to her after his efforts all those years ago in Vale.

And Adam just like everyone else knew that and yet still!

“Did it feel good Adam!? To break a child?”

“He, he tried to steal my lov-” She kicked him across his face.

“He tried to protect his sister for a man kidnapping her!” The venom was clear in her tone.

“You said, that if she choose to come then you’d accept her.”

“Yes, if Blake Belladonna came to the White Fang it would be accepted, if she cut ties or made her stance known and came her officially. I’d have welcomed her with open arms. But instead I find her being whisked away, her consent a non-factor given her age…” Dangerous eyes turned then on the girl herself, Blake flinching, but sill radiating that same sorrow that’d claimed her ever since she’d arrived several days ago.

“Instead, she was either kidnapped and her bother nearly killed by White Fang or brainwashed and tried to kill her brother herself according to the rumors!”

“I-I’d Never Attack Jau-” Cerberus’s blades shot into the floor right before the brunette.

“You might as well have girl…” She remembered the letter from Kali, demanding to know whether she was responsible for this.

“You watched, watched as your family was disabled before your very eyes… I honestly can say I want nothing to do with you.” She bit her lip hard enough for it to bleed.

“But that doesn’t matter, what’s done is done… The only victory her is to use your name to further our cause.” Her eyes looked to Adam then, the redhead slowly getting up, glaring at her. She’d allow it, after all he’d never go far in her organization, not while she lived and breathed.

She disliked humans, would even admit to outright hating Mistralian and Atlesian… But Adam, Adam she sadly had to admit Ghira was right about. She moved back to her throne her voice cut and short.

“Get out of my sight, both of you…” She waited till the door closed and took her seat, anger still festered, the urge to break Adam tempting. But, what was done was sadly done, Kali would no longer speak to her, Ghira would hate her and she could accept that, because this was her fault.

Was a consequence of her actions, she would not run from it, would not deny or try to justify it, no the weak made excuses. Like Atlas for their treatment of her people. She did not, Jaune suffered because of her choices. His dream in ruins because she choose to position Adam as the Belladonna’s guard.

She only hoped her choice would enrich enough peoples lives so that Jaune’s sorrow and his families despair will have been a… acceptable loss. Even if only on paper, because despite herself knowing better she’d never think it was.


He’d made his decision all those years ago, that he’d find Blake. And whether by force or negotiation get her away from Adam. No matter what, which was why when he departed Menagerie, he didn’t head immediately for Beacon, but Vale. To be more precise a shadier section of it, he needed information on his sister and the White Fang. And he was finally in a position with the means to do so.

The Club, that was his target, a information broker name Hei operating it, he, he was excited, finally he could get a lead and maybe, just maybe find her sooner rather then later. Of course he checked his pockets to make sure the lien was there, every last bit he’d gathered up over the past half a decade. He stared at the establishment, it was so big, things really were different here in Vale.

His heart was beating fast, he was nervous, scared… That Hei might not have the information on her, or worse, that he would… That idea scared him more then anything else, what Blake might’ve been doing, what she must have done by now in the Fang…

But even so, he wouldn’t turn away, couldn’t turn away, he needed this. Then he heard it, a crash and, and gunfire! He moved forward suddenly the nervousness gone as he moved with purpose, memories running through his mind. The doors shot open as people came out running, scared and panicked, the cries of men being assaulted, of guns being fired.

He entered just intime to see a women launched away into a pillar, the glass shattering as she collided with it. He moved to the shattered descending glass, helping up the girl who’d been flung into it. Shielding her from the dropping glass.

The struggling girl looked up to him surprised to see a blue-eyed man looking back to her, she felt… Warm.

“What happening?” She winced but could hear it, her sister was still fighting that blonde bitch.

“Ugh, we were attacked by her.” A tremble ran through her when she saw it, the way his eyes sharpened as he looked to the brawler and who he assumed was her twin in a white dress.

“Why’s she attacking this place?”

“Hey didn’t have the information she wanted.”

“So she threw a fit, is some lien really worth that much!?” To this the girl chuckled.

“Bitch Didn’t pay, just came in a made threats.” She watched his expression turn even more pissed as he watched the two fight.

“I see…” And then he put her down, Miltia would admit to being just a bit sad at that but then as he stood, his eyes glaring he rose up, aura filtering through her body as it waved off him. He didn’t hesitate to advance forward, but when he did Miltia saw it.

“Your… White Fang.”

“If your referring to those lot who give my parent’s people a bad name then no…” The white visage of a calm beast fluttered on his robes, twin long crescent fangs emerging from it’s maws clearly distinguishing itself from the well-known sigil.

“My goals to stop them…” Adam’s imagine came to mind, the one who took Blake, who led her down the same bloody path as him.

And kill him…

He didn’t say anything charging ahead towards the fight.


The first sign of a new combatant Yang got was when a gauntlet reached out grabbing the white clad twin she’d been beating real good. Quickly it pulled her back as he charged forward. How someone so big and hulking could close in so silently was a wonder, but she adapted, shifting gears and delivering a blow right into his nose.

Contact was made but instead of howling back or jumping away he glared and struck forward, her head snapped up from the upper cut. In the second the shock and pain of the blow distracted her he delivered another blow, his fist finking into her gut and sending her skidding back.

She grunted, the hit definitely not a light one.

What the hell?

Glass crunched under heel as he stepped forward, a hulk of a blonde wearing a flashy fur lined blue robe and rocking a mane of wild blonde hair like her own. But that was where the similarities ended, the black skin tight compress showed rippling powerful muscles, so much so she might’ve tried to flirt with the guy if he hadn’t just socked her.

“Hell of a sucker punch you just threw big guy.” He reached up grabbing and popping his nose back in place, ignoring the blood as he glared at her.

“’Heh’ Tough crowd.” She stood getting back into stance, getting a closer look at him, at those gauntlets and greaves, fancy looking stuff.

“Is it true?”

“Huh, is what true?” His voice was surprisingly younger then she thought it’d be, must’ve been the facial hair, threw her off.

“Did you really, attack this place unprovokrf?”

“Course not, I did it cuz Junior there wouldn’t tell me what I wanted to know, see, completely provoked.” Her joking tone didn’t seem to reach him though, in fact he looked more pissed off then before.

“So you did attack them…” Aura begun to leak from him.

“Mind explaining something to me…” A flex of his hand was all that was needed, Beowulves claws shooting out of the gauntlet’s ends. The talons on the greaves tearing apart the floor he stepped on.

“Why do you look so happy about using your powers against those weaker then you.” That made her pause, she was about to respond before he leaped clawed hand out and ready, closing her arms Ember Celica blocked the bladed fingertips, metal screeching and sparks flying as he clawed with enough for to force her to take a step back.

This his other fist connected with her stomach, with enough force to knock the air out of her. Crap, she was off her game cause of the other fights, she jumped back, unloading her gauntlets to get more distance and sending dust rounds his way.

She expected him to run, to move or block, something, instead he just stood there and took the bullet storm. Walking calmly towards her, his eyes set in a stern menacing gaze.

Crap, this guys not like those scrubs.

She needed to focus.

“so, how much is Hei there paying you?”

“Pay? I don’t work for him…” That was a surprise.

“Then why are you fighting me?”

“You run on a rampage, destroying everything and one in side and have the nerve to ask why someone would get in your way?” Aura burst and she was shocked, the sheer amount was stagger as it just seemed to wave off of him.

“I came her to get information, information that I desperately needed, that meant everything to me…” A look of true despair slowly showed on his features before suddenly turning into utter rightful fury.

“But because of you that’s off the table, and all because you decided to abuse that power of yours to hurt those weaker then you!” He suddenly broke into a charge her way. She decided lean on her strong point and meet her fellow blonde nice and close. Both advanced with a charge, lunged, leaping, the edges of his claws glowing with aura.

Quickly shifting her weight Yang avoided his attack and begun her own, a fist flying, slamming into his face. Then another hitting into the opposite side making his head whip the other way. He stumbled at that, the blow clearly having jarred him, not wasting beat she closed in and delivered a several heavy blows to his diaphragm.

“Their criminals so what does it matter.” Another strike, this one to his throat and then straight uppercut while he was stunned. He then jumped pulling her fist back to slam into his face, going for the knockout.

Metal screeched as Beowulf clamped around Ember Celica, the razor sharp claws digging into the yellow paint and sinking into the metal of her Ranged Shot Gauntlets.

“I’m or people like you…” Aura erupted through the room, waves of it flooding into the surrounding, licking at and invading those knocked out by the brawler. And slowly like kindle to ashes it grew into a fire, or in this case their auras.

“I don’t care anymore…” His eyes glowed a bright burning blue… Ember Celica begun to creak and groan as his claw broke through outer layer of metal into the gears and insides of it.

“Using your power to get your way, making anyone and everyone who’s in your way suffer and then justifying it however you want.” With all his strength he swung the brawler away by her gauntlet. Sending her flying into a wall, cracking it, making her aura flicker in warning.

“There’s only one way to deal with people like you.” A heavy stomp down, a surge of violent white aura with incredibly violent intent.

“I’ll crush you, so badly you can’t do anything like this again.” A flex of his palms and suddenly aura and dust begun to feed into Beowulf’s claws, the sharp talons extending with a auric blade crackling with lightening.

Yang growled, her eyes red, and officially down being this guys rag doll, she didn’t know what his deal was, until she saw it. The symbol fluttering on his robe.

“White Fang?” And now she was even more pissed.

“A Freaking Terrorist is gonna rant at me!” Jaune ignored the way her hair burned gold, how her eyes flared like the most violent of fire. If she was angry he’d just use that against her, his own aura begun to expand, to flare and morph violently ready to be directed in whichever way he needed in a instant.

The brawler cussed when she realized her left gauntlet was out of commission, the insides sparking and sputtering dust where his claws had torn into it.

“Whatever I don’t need it to deal with you.” Throwing it off she broke into a run, jumping and then punching at Jaune, his eyes widened when his aura gave. Breaking from her blow and slamming into his face. For the first time in years he was sent rolling.

“Hah, well look at that, not, guess your not a tough as I thought you’d be, freaking terrorist.” She didn’t waste a beat, unloading rounds after round into the downed blonde. The floor exploded, cement, glass and others debris spreading at she pelleted with blows.

I see… I got to arrogant. I’m not in Menagerie anymore.

He had to remember he wasn’t the biggest fish any longer, or at the least, there were others as skilled as him. And unfortunately it seemed this girl was one of them. He closed his eyes, enduring the explosions of dust around him, focusing his breathing, his intention as he drew within himself.

Aura once more surged before spreading, spreading across his body, once he’d coated himself he stood up and glared Yang’s way. But not with the same unbridled fury as before, no he had to remember his father’s lessons.

Control his rage, don’t let it control him, otherwise how was he any better then Adam. Violent aura turned into itself, forcibly being drawn back to it’s source and forcibly unriled, until all that remained was a calm, still and constant light that shimmered around his person. He stood up and Yang snorted.

“Well, looks like the terrorist can stand up!” Another unload of her weapon was sent flying but Jaune didn’t tank it like before instead clawing at the air and swung it away. He exhaled a long heated breath, his eyes in a deadlock with her burning red ones. Yang broke their gaze first when she shouted and launched at him.

Not wasting a beat she unloaded round after round at him, each Jaune weaved out from or strike away as he readied himself. Stretching out his leg and crouching as he took position. Her fist came flying for his face, he easily weaved out of the predictable blow before delivering his own strike to his stomach. However instead of dodging or trying to block the girl took it and smiled.

Her aura glowed a faintest bit more intense, her eyes shining a even more violent red as she shot another punch for he leaped back avoiding the blow feeling the wind push against him from the sheer force.

She’s getting stronger?

The furious blonde bolted forward into his chest, letting loose another strike, corssing his arms Jaune endure it and was shocked. The previous power was missing from her blow, not wasting a chance he hit again, his knee raising slamming into her arm. Her teeth gritted but turned in a smile, the grin only growing when punched forward slamming her on the right cheek.

Another punch thrown, connecting and sending him flying this time.


How!? Was it like Adam’s? Was she able to build up power?

Thinking of the redheaded bull he felt his urge for violence grow but fought it down… Spite and hate weren’t needed, not here, not ever.

“Why are you spacing out you filthy terrorist!” Her fist slammed into his face before she twirled and her legs lamed into his temple in a roundhouse. Again Jaune stumbled, but not from the blow but confusion.

“That… Didn’t hurt?” His aura was up and ready just like before but the force wasn’t enough to shatter it. How though, if she was building power it should’ve at least cracked it. He stared back at her, Yang advancing cracking her knuckles.

“I’m gonna enjoy this.” He stepped forward, the was only one way he was gonna find out after all, his own fist curled as he stepped up to her. She acted first going for a straight right hook, one he easily pushed off from his person before she shot a punch himself.

He was surprised when the brawler didn’t just take the blow but leaned into it!?

What the hell?

She grinned savagely before letting loose another strike this one hitting with so much more force, enough to make his aura crack, but the blow that followed it didn’t pack the same power. His mind whirled, confused but her didn’t have time to space out. No so close to his opponent, instead he went for another fist towards the face, the kind she’d have to bloc-

He blinked as her head snapped back, as she just took the hit, grinning the entire time. With a absolutely murderous gleam in her gaze she struck and when it connected Jaune nearly groaned in pain as his aura flickered at the area of contact. She roared as her leg rose up high before kicking down on his head, making him fall to the floor.

“Well, that was easier then I thought it be, then again you are just a criminal.” She readied to turn and make her way out only for a hand to suddenly grab her ankle.

“What the-?” Suddenly lightening streaked through her body, her eyes shooting open and teeth gritting as violent plasma coursed through her body.

’Cough’ I get it now…” He rose up, his gaze set in a scowl but only a modest amount of anger behind it.

“You stockpile damage and add it to your own next blow.” Yang sneered, the electricity still making her tremble and twitch but also powering her up.

“So what, not like you can counter it big guy.” As if to prove her point she went for another punch, this one aimed to break those teeth of his in.

“Actually.” Her fist slammed into him, and… Nothing, her knuckle shook against a thicker portion of aura.

“Now that I know that I can deal with it incredibly easily.” He reached, seizing her hand in his and twisting it. She screamed but Jaune didn’t care looking surprised as her other hand slammed into his fist, but this time with less force then before.

“I see, so only outside attacks stockpile?” Her twisting arm didn’t matter because the damage wasn’t from a outside force but her own arm twisting. He struck her gut then while she was out of focus, her hair flared, eyes lighting. On reflex she struck again only for it to do nothing against his barrier.

“So it’s triggers autonomously? Whether your focusing on the fight or not, probably as long as you have aura.” He moved, sweeping her leg, grabbing her face as forcing the back of her head to slam against the floor. This time her semblance triggered.

“Hmm? So any outside damage applies as long as theirs something of force behind it I imagine, even if you’re the one who caused it.” Yang glared at the blonde who looked less combat oriented now and more curious and observant. She struck out, aiming to clip his chin with a jaw breaking amount of force, only for her gauntlet to crack against his absurd aura.

“You don’t get it do you, your power won’t work on me anymore, after all I get to determine how much power you can put behind your blows.” Aura surged around him.

“You can’t beat a opponent whose not blindly attacking you, or worse, one who can take stronger hits then you can dish out at once.” He reached down pressing his upper arm against her throat, Yang struck at the blonde, but to no avail.

Each blow only warranting a light flash of his aura as they begun to get weaker and weaker as she lost air. He watched her reach for his arm now, trying to shove it off. He sighed.

“Because of your semblance you think about hurting your opponent first a defending second, or maybe that’s why you got this as your semblance. Regardless it’s over.” If she tried grabbing his arm before she started losing strength she could’ve kept fighting or retreated. But it was too late now.

“I hope you have people you can call when you wake up, you do get one call after all…” Those were the last words she heard before everything went black.

Jaune Arc, The Ultimate Enemy(Danny Phantom Parody)

Atlas floated above a desolate Remnant. Mantle long ago lost, the four Kingdoms destroyed and it’s people… James Ironwood sighed, he was… He was so tired, so very tired. He had not always made the right choice, but he had always tired. It was only now that he understood a fraction of what Ozpin had meant… He’d made far too many mistakes.

More then he could count, but, but he was still trying… Needed to, after all, the last of humanity relied on him. His communications ringed and he answered, Pietro on the other end, the old man skin and bones now…

“How are the shield generators doing?”

“Quite well considering we only started using this ‘solar energy’ a few years now.” Since they rose Atlas into the Atmosphere of Remnant. Dust no longer had effect up here, thankfully the Grimm couldn’t follow them so high up. The catch of course being that they needed to use Creation to maintain their altitude and a livable environment.

If not for Ambrosius we’d be long dead…

“And the Drones? Have they managed to harvest the crops on the surface.” Currently they floated above Vale, collecting the resources needed, drones having done the lion’s share of work.

“Yes, though several more transports were destroyed… By ‘Him’.” His features knitted at the figure, honestly, in some regards he preferred Salem to her successor…

At least we had Ozpin back when she was in power…

They were both gone now though… Not dead, never dead but fated for far worse by the knew ruler of their tattered world.

“We’ll find a way, we always do…” He was just… so tired.


Penny flew through the kingdom in the sky, searching for any malefactors, and people to help, children waved enthused. Citizens cheered for their most powerful Huntress and Maiden, she was happy for that, grateful she could inspire hope and joy.

It is was what Friend-Ruby would’ve wanted…

Her face dampened at the memory of her precious friends, Ruby Rose first and foremost and then her team, then Oscar, Nora and Ren… She missed their fleshy faces immensely. She landed before the shield generator Floating Array folding into her back.

It was funny really, she once wished for nothing more then to be a fellow Meat Person, but now that she was she found her body awfully inconvenient at times. How much of what second father- Ambrosius had turned flesh had she in turn had replaces with cybernetics. Had she needed replaced after she fought ‘him’.

She shook her head, trying to forget that for now, to focus on the generator opening their system status functions. Looking for any anomaly or damage but thankfully finding none, her communicator rung and quickly she moved to answer it, expecting her father.

“~Hello, Penny~” Her eyes widened in shock before narrowing in anger.

“You Again how did you get access to this channel!?” Sweat trailed down her brow, her human body not very well at hiding her fear as her synthetic one had been.

“Oh, I have my ways, but that’s not important, I just wanted to speak to a old friend.” The ginger glared at him.

“We. We Are Not Friends…” The figures eyes danced with a cruel amused fire…

“Oh Penny, your breaking heart.”

“I have tried that before it will regenerate soon enough…” She spoke through gnashing teeth.

“’Heh heh’ Still taking everything literal I see… Oh well, maybe I can help change that… I am paying the good old city in the skies a visit after all.” A tremble ran through her at his statement.

“That, that is not possible…”

“Oh? How would you know, I pretty sure you don’t have a super computer in the little head of yours anymore right…”

“It, it does not matter, no matter how powerful you’ve become you can not bypass the force fields.” There was a single stretch of silence that followed, before he spoke.

“Until today…” And then he inhaled.

What followed simply could not be fully described in words, a roar like thunder surged forth, waves of violent bloody red energy clashing against the shields. Rocking the floating landmass with so much force the that it shook and trembled, screams could simply not be heard as the ear splitting spine chilling cry of rage and aguish continued to erupt forth.

She felt it, her very soul shaking, somehow aura and magic being infused into the horrid howl of destructive energy. It squeezed at her soul, her very aura flickering in response to the forgein malevolent force.

Then it happened, a colossal explosion that was silence by the sheer volume of the unyielding unnatural cry. Her eyes saw it though, saw one of the towering generator give and collapse, the portion of the forcefield it’s maintained disintegrating. The collapse of energy spreading and rendering the other’s to follow and implode from the feedback as well.

The volume of the roar grew impossibly louder, without the barrier to muffle it, she felt to her knees, her aura cracking, ears bleeding and equilibrium beginning to fade. And then as soon as it’d started the soul shaking cry ceased.

She struggled to stand, her aura already at work returning her eardrums to a workable state, and the first thing she heard was a chuckle.

“What do you think of my new power, haven’t named it yet, but I like the sound of… my Grimm Howl.”

“H-how is this possible.” So many people already laid still, those having been closer to the edge, she feared they’d never move again. Emergency shelter exits opened all around the ground level and those who still clung to life rushed to them, eager to escape.

“Hey now, don’t look so down, I know, why don’t we play a little game of tag…” She spotted it in the distance, a deep black light that devoured any light around it. Violent energy of every color crackling around it as lightening only to be devoured and help it grow.

It surged forth suddenly, a Arc of pitch black murderous intent, she moved, jumping off the tower, the Arc soon cleaving straight through it. A monstrous wail emerged as a Grimm slammed into her, sending her flying into  the street. She stared shocked at what she saw, a Grimm, one shaped like a humanoid hound of sorts.

The very one that’d once hunted Ruby, and captured Oscar… It ignored the other humans, only her in it’s sight.

“M~aiidddeeeennnnn…” Her spine chilled as it maw gapped open before spreading out further then possible and shattering to reveal a face within. A Faunus with silvery eyes and deteriorating flesh.

“Your one of Salem’s experiments?”

“New Master… Hunt, you…” It readied to lung only for Knight units to step forth. She quickly changed her focus letting out Mass Array and ascending quickly into the air, surging towards her home.

“Father!?” She heard a explosion in the distance, looking to were general Ironwood usually took command. Malevolent aura surged from the spot, the general… Was dead.

Not wasting a moment she rushed to the bottom of their homebase, to her father’s lab, Pietro looked to his daughter concerned.

“Penny! What happened to you!?”

“He broke the barrier! Father, What Do We Do!?” Before he could answer the floor beneath begun to shake. Alarms blared as alerts were set forth, her father’s eyes went terrifyingly wide as he  reached for one. Panick settling in the old man as he hyperventilated.

“No, No, NO!!!”

“Father, What Is Happening!?”

“The Relic! It’s Been Taken! Atlas, Atlas Is Falling!?” They knew who was the cause because no sooner then he finished dating it did the ear splitting howl once more return. Suddenly the ceiling above them collapsed sending the two on the backs. When the dust cleared Penny saw it, a warm days sky turned utterly black as night. The Sun covered by the sheer uncountable number of Grimm that flew in the air.

But they deserved no attention, no fear, not compared to it… A foot stepped towards the two, a body so human moved forward. His body covered in sleek, black bone-like armor. A cape of dark miasma spilling forth from his back. His body tall, a filled with incredible muscles used to commit the cruelest of violence.

What skin did show was white as death, with veins so black it was light night coursed through each bulging vein. But it was the face that unsettled them, so monstrous, but not because it was riddled with fangs or teeth or looked like a Grimm. No, what made it so gut turner was just how human he looked.

Was the casualness he approached with as thousands died and the final pocket of humanity fell by his acts. He was not angry nor overjoyed, merely, slightly amused, more enthused to see her again then of finally fulfilling his cause of extinction. Only the ends of his wild long hair still shone with a bit of their former golden hue, the rest was snow white.

It was a face she knew well, both before and after the Pool’s of Grimm’s influence and the absorption and domination of Salem’s body and Ozma’s soul. Yet neither’s influence could be seen in his eyes, the whites of it long since stained the darkest black and whose pupils burned sinfully hot with a depraved azure flame.

A crown shattered remains hanging from his neck, a golden swords twisted and reforged into a wicked blade and a lamp melted down into a bracelet to be shown off. And now, a staff snapped into at his side. Each relic as dead the humanity they were forged to help…

Yet upon his chest was his families sigil, two Arcs now black like the soul that they represented.

“Hello Penny…” He smiled, so happy for the first time in so long… His hand raising as sheer dark energy gathered in his palm.

“And goodbye…” And with this, humanity was united in death… And soon, the brothers would return and he’d be allowed to kill gods…

Greyguard Alliance (Gift Commission)

Identical figures glared at one another, crimson defiant eyes meeting icy contemptible blues. The owners looking almost like a reflection of one another if not for the colors that coated their respective palates. Blues and whites dictated the left as Weiss Schnee while across from her dressed in blacks and reds was her unruly disowned sister.

Bleiss Gelé, blacksheep to their family. This wasn’t the first time they were at odds and without doubt it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Though the subject of their fight clearly made it the most important of their quarrels.

“Mind repeating that bitch.”

“Yes, back off of Arc.” This made the ebony haired Gelé bristle, the annoying development of her sister’s 180 towards Jaune had frankly put a on damper on things. Ever since the new year began and her lovable fuckable stud of a boyfriend to be had come back yummier then ever before. She’d kiss Nora Valkyrie on the lips (Either pair) for what a entire Summer break of working out had done to the blonde.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t alone in noticing her Darling’s gains, Udders (Yang) was fucking flirting with her man every five minutes. Pedo Bait (Ruby) wouldn’t stop staring, hell even Kitty Bitch had seemed hyper focused on her stud whenever he worked up a sweat…

Then there was her, her bitch of a sister who frankly was supposed to be the abso-fucking-lutely last person to notice her Darling. Hell she rejected her stud enough, a fact that still cemented her as a freaking moron in her book. But yeah Weiss was supposed to be the only one she would have zero worries about, so fucking explain why for the last week the prudish little slut had flirted with what belong to her!?

“And why the fuck should I, especially if you’re the one telling me, if anything I should double down, since your obviously scared.” Oh Weiss didn’t like that, her eyes narrowing harder.

“Because I intend to ask Jaune out. And to be frank your advances are an eye sore sister.”

“You have about five seconds to apologize before I slap your shit harder than our sperm doner ever did bitch.” Weiss seemed of course nonplused.

“I’m merely giving you advice Bleiss, after all we both know Jaune adores me-”

“Used to-” Weiss stiffened at that, of course seeing that opening Bleiss took it with very cruel intent.

“News flash, Darlings so fucking over you, has been ever since the dance when he hooked you up with your dream boat… Who by the way would’ve pissed himself being on an actual boat.” Oh, she could see that one hurt her, of course she had no intention of stopping though.

“Look I get it, your all pissy cause you figured out what a dumb little cunt you were, just like I always told you you were being. But it’s too late now, Darling has moved on to bigger and better things.” Jaune had been notably less reluctant to shove her off recently when she flirted with the Arc.

“Hell, he didn’t even bat my hand away today when I cupped his bitchbreaker during class.” Weiss was absolutely seething at that revelation.

“Face it, at this rate all my hard work is gonna pay through, in a week or two I’ll be on either my knees or back swallowing darling Bitch Breaker through on pair of my lips.”

“You, you whore-!” To that Bleiss smiled wide.

“Yep, Darling’s whore, y’know, the thing you could’ve been had you accepted a date with him. But-”

“Okay we got this partner.”

“’Sigh’ Yang, are we really gonna wear these tonight…” Both sisters froze upon hearing the familiar pair of voices, turning they saw Blake and Yang… Only.

What The Fuck!?

“The Fuck Are They Wearing!?” What else could she say!? The two were dressed up like fucking sluts! Udders was wearing a flashy yellow outfit, a shimmering nylon tube top that showed off entirely too much of her chest’s useless meat! Hell the thing looked like it could tear any second and a fucking miniskirt to match!

Then there was Blake, booty shorts, ones that looked several fucking sizes too small made of black denim and torn the fuck up at spots to give a view of even more of her pale white flesh. Hell some of her ridiculously phat ass spilled out a bit! And she was wearing fuck-me-heels on top of that! It should’ve been illegal for the bitch to wear something that made her ass somehow look even better!

“This could be our last chance with how Bleiss is throwing herself at VB Blakey” Bleiss whirled on her twin.

“What the fuck bitch! Why are those two planning to steal my man!?” Shit she didn’t expect this!? Though she really should’ve, the two weren’t lesbians after all, both liked dick if judging by Blake’s toxic as fuck ex and bimbo’s tales of previous hookups. Of course her fucking stud would be the obvious choice for a pair of cock hungry bitches.

“How was I supposed to know they’d try to seduce Arc? They’re a couple!”

“Maybe because they’ve been dry humping him with their fucking eyes since the beginning of the year!” Shit she needed to come up with something extra fucking hot now and stop this cat and mouse game of her’s.

Okay, calm down, just put on you bitch of a sis’s outfit and-

Her thoughts were cut short though when she heard another pair of voices just as familiar.

“A-are you sure this’ll work Ruby?”


She knew that fucking voice talking to Pedo-Bait. The only person she couldn’t beat the crap outta of in a fight in this school and her Darling’s partner Cereal Bitch. Worse yet the topic was fucking obvious, cause there was only one very sexy topic that made the invincible hoe get all shy and reluctant like that.

“Of course it will! Jaune loves us. I mean sure not the way we do him… Yet, but that’s cuz he thinks of us as his cute best friend and amazing partner! Once we team up there’s no way he’ll say no!”

“Isn’t that… Guilt tripping him?”

“Well… Yeah, b-but we’re gonna make it up to him every day by being the best girlfriends ever!”

No no no…


“No buts Pyrrha, well only our butts cuz there cute and toned and Jaune will love them!” The spartan whimpered embarrassed while Bleiss pulled her hair!

What The Fuck!? Pedo-Bait and Cereal Bitch Are Teaming Up Too!?

She turned on Weiss again.

“How The Fuck Did You Let This Happen!?”


“Yes You! Why The Fuck Were You Getting In My Way Instead Of Sabotaging Your Slutty Teammates!”

“But wouldn’t Weiss have been the better choice Ruby… Instead of me?”

“Nope, Weiss had her chance. Now It’s the Redheads turn.” Weiss looked visibly betrayed by the statement making Bleiss roll her eyes.

“Like she’s supposed to know your Tsundere as fuck ass is into Darling now.” She didn’t have time for this anymore! She had to come up with a plan quick!

“Wha? Where are you going!?”

“To call my Ride-or-Die so we can double team Darling!”


“Bitch did I stutter, I’m calling my friend or double team my man.” Once Neon got a look of Jaune she was sure she could get her slutty kitty cat of a friend to team up with her… Then she remembered Katt was on a long-term mission…

“FUCK!!!” What could she do!? One on one she knew her Darling would pick her hands down. After all she was his ideal girl looking exactly like her sister, even if that fact did annoy her sometimes… But the best rack and ass in Beacon working together. Or his best friend and mentor/ partner, both of which she knew he treasured.

One of the two she could confidently beat… But together.

“Fuck!” The situation and her chances begun to show on Weiss’s face as the heiress begun to look despairingly down.

“No… It was just supposed to be against you.” Then her sister did something that Bleiss couldn’t ignore…


Turning she saw them, big wet tears forming in her bitch of a sister’s eye corners. Now Bleiss didn’t like Weiss, she basically represented every fucking Atlesian stereotype that as a Mantle girl she hated. Given her time at Beacon with a team of not pricks had mellowed her out to just being annoying instead of utterly unbearable but still.

And yet as she saw her bitch of a lookalike wiping her identical as fuck face like that… Well shit, was there any older sister who would actively take joy in their sibling’s heartbreak…

Mother Fucker!

Marching up to the prissy heiress she kneeled before hugging the dumb bitch…

“There there… Gods, what’re you five?” Whereas usually Weiss might’ve glared instead she clung to her.

“Why, why aren’t you sad… Arc’s as good as theirs now.”

“The fuck he is, I just need to pair up with one of my teammates.” Maybe Neo, the bitch could literally be any waif a guy wanted.

“But, wouldn’t it feel… less earned if you had to share him, if you weren’t the apple of his eye anymore…” Bleiss rolled her eyes, right. Her sister did have that whole being the best, most important complex.

“Ugh, y'know for a smart bitch you can be fucking stupid…” Now Weiss glared but she decided to ignore it and continue her completely right lesson to her poor stupid virgin twin.

“Darling will worship whoever he ends up with. He’s just that sorta guy? Sides half of infinite as fuck happiness is still Infinite happiness.” Weiss looked to her seeming confused, being the awesome fucking sister she was (Though mainly to Whitley) Bleiss thought of a better way to describe it.

“Think of it this way, are you leader of your team bitch?”

“I, don’t see how this correlates.”

“Just answer the fucking question.”

“You know I’m not…” She pouted slightly at that.

“Do you still love your team despite not being it’s leader.” Weiss refused to answer though her puffing cheeks said it all.

“See, same fucking thing, whether it goes exactly how I want or not is second. As long as I get myself that stud that’s all that matters.” She readied to get up and leave for her teammates only to be stopped as Weiss grabbed her skirt.

"Huh? What is it now?” Weiss looked uncannily shy for once throwing the Blacksheep through a loop.

“A-actually I, I might have an idea to rectify our peril…” Bleiss blinked confused, how the fuck was Weiss supposed to fix her problem about getting a third wheel for, her. and… Darling.

“You’re not serious are you?” Weiss blushed even harder before she inhaled, closing her eyes but when they opened there was something in them that had Weiss had last semester Bleiss would’ve feared. A nervous smile showed on her face.

“You said it yourself, one on one our looks would win Arc’s favor.

"Holy shit your serious.” Weiss looked indignant for all but a moment before a confident self-assured smile begun to work at play on her face.

“Then all we need to do is double that number of ideal women for him… Or are you content losing him?”

Well shit… she actually didn’t have a counter for that…

For the first time in Bleiss’s and she suspected her sister’s life she was glad they were her sperm doner’s offspring. Cause right now they’re inherited greediness and willingness to do anything to get it was about to be what let the pair win 'They’re’ man.


Jaune had no idea what to do right now… He was truly stumped, he loved his friends after all, and he was a people pleaser at heart. So when the decision between which pair to hang out with arose he had no right answer.

On one hand Pyrrha and Ruby were his best friends and partner so he did feel sorta obligated to go with them to Vale. He didn’t get why they had to hangout in a fancy hotel Pyr rented out when they could just hang out at their dorms but still…  

But on the other hand he did really wanna get closer to Blake, they rarely talked and he really wanted to change that. Plus Yang told him that she’d let him drive her Dust-Cycle… Well, her exact words were that he’d be riding Bumblebee… When they weren’t riding him?

Which was weird, how does a bike ‘Ride’ him, maybe it was one of her weird jokes that fell flat. Ugh! This decision was impossible! He didn’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings!


He jumped turning on a dime to see Bleiss… And Weiss? And no bloodshed? Something was very wrong with that concept. He was sure mongeese and snakes would sooner be inclined to not fight then the sisters.

Am I in the twilight zone… No Jaune stop there’s an easy explanation for this…

“Why’d you make Neo shift into Snow Angel.” Neo huffed, clearly annoyed she’d been caught as she glared at him.

“You Dolt!”

“You Can Talk!? Since When!”

“It’s me you idiot!”

“Yeah I know it’s you Neo, now fess up why’d you go a make me believe you were a mute! I brushed up on my Sign language for you Dammit…”

“Is it really so hard to believe me and my bit-”


“My sister can get along compared to a mute being able to suddenly speak?”

“Yes, yes it is, one is a literal miracle whereas the other could’ve just been Neo trolling me… Frankly I say her suddenly not being mute is less of a miracle then you two being in the same room without violence ensuing…”

“Ugh! You!… I’m Me You Dolt!”

“Prove it.”

“How Am I Supposed To-!”


 “Ow-~Oh~” Both Jaune and Bleiss froze as Weiss visibly shuddered from the spank of her sister.

“Did, did you just get fucking turned on by that?” Weiss’s face went beet red as she sputtered for a response.

“I-I, yo-Why Did You Strike Me!?”

“See she didn’t shatter, so it ain’t Half-pint.” Jaune blinked speechless.

“Oh my gods…” A smile spread across his face then.

“That’s Great!” To the heiress’s shock Jaune ran at them before suddenly and abruptly scooping the two up in his arms.

“I’m so happy for you both! I never did like how you two fought.” They blushed, well Weiss blushed being in Jaune’s arms. Bleiss made sure to focus on the feeling of Jaune’s body against her’s. So focused on it that she forgot the goal they set, thankfully Weiss was less prone to losing her focus.

“Actually… We wanted your help Arc…” Jaune let then go and put them down.

“Really?” Remembering the plan Bleiss righted herself, reigning back her desires for the goal that would fulfil them.  

“R-right, we need some help… Bonding.” Weiss inhaled, her cheeks pinking in shame over what she was about to commit to.

“Y-yes, we have a… plan of sorts to… improve our relationship. One that only you can help establish.” Jaune rose a brow but was no sooner set in his decision.

“Of course, if I can help you two just ask.” He felt bad, but the others would have to wait, helping his friends came before having fun with them. And helping Weiss and Bleiss mend their relationship was definitely something he’d do anything to help with… and not just because one was his dream girl and the other was his… Wet dream girl. Bleiss smiled excitedly, but more akin to the way a lion gets excited looking at a gazelle…

“Really Darling?” Obviously he said his favorite motto…

“I promise, and an Arc never goes back on his word.” A visible tremble went through the pair, obviously though the first to act was Bleiss who suddenly and aggressively tackled him unto his bed.

“What The!? Bleiss!? What Are You Doin-Mmph!? ‘Pop’ I Thought We Talked About This!? You Said You Would Respect My Need For Consent!” Bleiss grinned wickedly as she licked her lips.

“I did, and you just gave it.”

“What!? No I Didn’t! I Said I’d Help You And Weiss Bond!?” Bleiss ground her panty clad crotch against his growing bulge.

“Yeah, You Did! And how do you think your gonna do that?”

“I Thought You Meant Like A Trust Exercise Or Something!?”

“~Oh Stud, There’ll be plenty of ‘Exercise’ and you pump you fucking egg rapers into my womb with that bitch breaker of yours.~” Jaune was speechless, but his dick wasn’t as it strained against his jeans much to Bleiss’s enjoyment.

“Weiss! Hurry Up And Stop Her!?” Cause he sure as Oum didn’t want to, after all he would be lying if he said he didn’t want to take the Gelé up on her offer. Weiss looked like she was about to say something. Then his Scroll vibrated, Weiss briefly looked to it… Seeing message alerts… From her teammates and Pyrrha for him.

Her flustered reluctance visibly vanished as her eyes hardened, looking to him with a certain… determination. He was speechless when Weiss Schnee, his literal Snow Angel walked up to him, grabbed his face and leaned over to kiss him shockingly deeply.

What was he supposed to do!? Never in a million years did he think Weiss would kiss him.

“Well Darling still don’t believe me?” It was hard to hear Bleiss’s voice as Weiss freaking Schnee! The most proper girl he knew pushed her tongue into his mouth! Her hands now grabbing fistfuls of his hair as she pushed herself against him that much harder.

He felt air suddenly blow against his bare chest, his uniform being forced open, hands landing on his bare chest.

“Holy Fuck, I Thunder Cunt was helping you bulk up, but damn, your fine Darling.” He felt her nails rake down his bare chest. Felt Bleiss grounding her crotch harder against him, practically humping him like a bitch in heat. Her panties so wet, and ready.

It was beginning to get hard though, because things were starting to get kinda… blurry. Air, he needed air. Snow Angel was suffocating him, his hands reached grabbing her shoulders. When he tried to push her she doubled down leaning over him harder. Her hands moving from the side of his head to her arms outright wrapping around it.

Shit, I… Everything, going… Dark…

Suddenly Weiss head snapped back, her teeth gritting as she reached for her ponytail.

“Ow! Bleiss!? What’re You Doing!?”

“The Fuck Do You Think I’m!? You Almost Suffocated Out Man!” Weiss blinked before looking to him, seeing him gasp for air, taking huge needy desperate breaths of the heavenly H2O! Her cheeks pinked.

“I, I’m sorr-” shockingly Bleiss wrapped her twin in a hug from behind.

“None of that, it was a mistake, remember that Darlings not a professional singer like you, he ain’t got lungs for days… Yet.” The classier Schnee nodded, her face still red, but eyes wondering over his now exposed.

“Oh my…” The was a certain, breathiness in her voice as she looked him over, Bleiss grinned wickedly.

“I know right, fuck grinding meat on his abs I wanna lick liquor of this fine as fuck bod.” Jaune blushed as another pair of hands landed on his body, Weiss’s fingers not as firm on his skin as her sister but not at all intending to leave.

“So Darling, believe us now…” It was kinda hard not to piece it together, though there was still the smallest twinge of doubt.

“You, you both wanna ‘Gulp’ want me to do… This?”

“If by ‘this’ you mean break-in our tight high class pussies and own our cute asses as your own personal fucktoys then hell yes!”



“W-we’re supposed to be his girlfriends!”

“Duh, that’s what I said.”

“No, no it was not!” The Gelé rolled her eyes.

“Semantics, point is we want you to own us, make us yours…” When Weiss didn’t deny it was was completely floored… They were serious!? Weiss was serious!

They, they want him to date them… both!?

“Darling, kinda hoping for a answer, preferably of the pinning me down variety…”

“I… You both serious.” Now Bleiss looked annoyed, be he cut her off before she could speak as he stared at Weiss.

“Bleiss I get, but you too Snow Angel? R-really?” Weiss to his shock nodded.

“Yes, I, I wish to court you, with my sisters…” Her face cherried, it was adorable.

“Would you be opposed?” He answered immediately.

“Do we have protection?” Weiss flushed but spoke.

“I-I am on birth control…” Bleiss shuddered as she felt her Darlings cock pump up against her crotch, Bleiss considered herself a incredibly tactician. She could recognize cause and effect and would exploit it on the flip of a dime when needed. Right now it was very fucking needed!

Weiss literally didn’t have time to realize what was happened as her sister’s hug shifted, her hands grabbing her vest at the front before pulling violently. The buttons were sent flying as both her uniform best and button-up were forced apart exposing a frilly white bra and her pale skin!

Weiss moved to cover herself but Bleiss was quicker, seizing her wrist forcing her arms away from covering her modesty.

“Nu-ahah, remember were trying to bond, now trust your big sister and show our man what belongs to him now.” Weiss’s face reddened hard but she ceased struggling.

“Good, now, I’m gonna let go of your hands and you gonna take off your bra, Darlings practically drooling over you and I’m sure he wants to see the tits that are gonna feed his kids.” Weiss flushed harder but when Bleiss let go of her she didn’t make a move to cover herself.

Bleiss meanwhile multitasked, trying to work off her own buttons with one hand while she reached and tugged at his zipper with the other. There was a absolute hunger in her eyes when his zipper slid down and his tented dick popped out. Fed up she grabbed her own vest and tore it open, letting even more buttons go flying.  

She didn’t hesitate to do the same to her undershirt revealing her own breast, black pasties over her nipples in place of a bra. Jaune’s eyes bulged as he looked back and forth between the two, Bleiss leaned over him then. Her beautiful little C-cups jiggling a bit as she leaned over him.

“There’s a surprise for you Darling, just pull these off to see it.” Jaune inhaled before reaching, grabbing a end of one of the black circular stickies over her nipples and pulled. He swallowed as he saw her titty stretch out with the pastie as it clung on, a sultry moan escaping the blacksheep before abruptly it begun to peel off.

White gold glistened as Bleiss’s pierced nipple rings was revealed. She smiled as he stared pulling the other off herself. With a smile she pinched the rings between her fingers and pulled. Hissing with a smile as it hurt so good!

“What do you think Darling?” He stared as he watched her tug and pull on her tits by the rings.

“If you want a pair to suck on their my sis, if you wanna be rough use mine.” Again he swallowed hard.


Jaune froze as he felt his cock exposed to the room’s cold air, hands reaching around his cock before gingerly pumping up and down it. But Bleiss was pulling her tits, her hands were in sight, then that meant…

Another hand landed on his balls, squeezing them slightly, Weiss was covered by her sister straddling him. He moved to crane his next but Bleiss’s hand fell on his chest pushing him back down.

“No, Darling give my sis a moment, she’s curious but also shy.” What was this? Consideration for Weiss? From Bleiss of all people? She shuddered when he felt it then, lips push against and then wrap around his dick! Weiss Was-!

“You So fucking Lucky I Owe You One For This Plan!” There was some discontent in Bleiss’s voice but her attention quickly turned to him. Her crawling over him, her face hovering over his.

“Now, how about a kiss for your favorite bitch while my sister sucks your dick?” That was the sentence that made him snap. His hands reached out suddenly, grabbing her face to her shock before pulling her down into a deep heavy makeout. A shocked muffled cry escaped Bleiss before she quickly succumb to his mouth.

He felt Weiss below, his dick popping out of her mouth as she coughed but quickly resumed her exploits her tongue dragging up his cock. A sudden eagerness filling her as she wanted to, to worship his phallus, Arc’s, Jaune’s cock.

Jaune pulled back for a moment, giving himself a chance to breath, Bleiss looked back to her sister and… Smiled, proudly even?

“I knew you had it in you, worship our stud’s Schnee Breaker.” Weiss begun to suckle on his fat mushroom top, her hands pumping up his dick.

“’Heh’ Of long have you been practicing this on a dildo?” Pullin off his glan Weiss blushed.

“S-since the beginning of the semester…” Bleiss grinned before turning back to him.

“Hear that Darling, my sis has been wanting to swallow your dick for months.” He growled pulling Bleiss back into a kiss, one she eagerly reciprocated. Then he felt Weiss, felt her mouth wrap around his cock and push down, swallowing it, choking slightly as she tried to take him to the base.

He hissed breaking his and Bleiss’s makeout again, yet instead of being annoyed Bleiss turned to look at Weiss. A look of pity on her face as she saw her sister struggle with his meat.

“Need some help?” Weiss looked to her with pleading eyes, beginning to pull off, Jaune’s glistening cock revealed. Bleiss licked her lips as she leaned down.

“Watch closely, Jaune was surprised when Bleiss pulled off him entirely, guiding her sister off the bed as well kneeling before it. He understood her intent and sat up at the end.

“Now watch closely.” Bleiss seized his dick pumping up the throbbing cock.

“Big sis is gonna show you how to choke on real dick.” Lips parting she all but inhaled his cock, sharing possibly the sexist indirect kiss he’d ever seen as she begun to bob her head up and down his meat. Her eyes open and staring up at him. Every bounce of her head followed by a drop of it, going just a bit lower.

Taking just a bit more of his curving arc of dick down her mouth, finally she reached it, the point where her sister struggled. Weiss went wide eyed when her sister forced her head down, her face visbly straining as she choked slightly. Jaune feeling his helmet push against her back of her throat her uvula tickling his dick’s head.

Her hands reaching out she grabbed unto the sides of the bed, nails digging into it as she forced her head down deeper into his crotch. Her eyes tearing up slightly as she choked down another inch of his thick dick. Her eyes finally broke contact with his gaze as she shut them and did the unthinkable and force her face further down.

Sheathing his entirety into her mouth, Jaune grunted and tensed as Bleiss inhaled the musk of his crotch as she breathed through her nose. Weiss looked to the sight utterly fascinated and her inner thighs slickening as her excitement became apparent as her own womanhood begun top leak in anticipation.

Finally Bleiss pulled back, in one swift motion pulling off the meaty bastard that she loved to choke on! His dick popping outta her mouth with the wettest pop. Bleiss leaned over coughing and gagging, Weiss actually looking to her worried.

’Cough cough!’ Holy fuck, that was a wild ride… Darling’s bitch breaker is a meatier bastard then I thought.” Weiss stared at her sister who recomposed herself looking back to her and grinning victoriously.

“That’s how you take Darling’s dick.”

“S-sister, a, a hairs in you mouth…” Bleiss blinked before shutting her mouth and searching indeed finding a curly blonde hair. She smiled when she finished it out, pinching the pube between her fingers.

“This my sus isn’t a mere hair, it’s a fucking medal of horror.” Weiss blushed but nodded.

“D-did it hurt?”

“Nah, just a bit difficult to breath is all, now then chop, chop.” Weiss stared at Jauen’s cock, the Arc above staring, need in his eye as Bleiss reached out cupping his balls. Leaning over to kiss her man’s dick.

“I’m sorry Darling, I wanna drain your balls but my sis deserves the first flood of your thick dick milk.”

“I still can’t believe this is happening.” Bleiss ignored that comment in favor of quickly getting their stud his nut as she gestured to her sister.

“Well, do what I did.” Weiss’s eyes darted to and back from Jaune’s throbbing cock.

“I-I, don’t think I could force myself down on his member like that…” Bleiss shrugged.

“Don’t worry, I’ll help.” Weiss didn’t know what she meant but nodded none the less, having actual faith in Bleiss… A incredibly odd realization. Scooting away Bleiss let her take her place before Jaune’s swelling member, the Arc of slick glistening phallus now oozing thick dollops of his essence.

“Sorry, I Need A fucking Taste!” Bleiss reached abruptly, her finger’s curling on his shaft before pulling it her way, her tongue pushing up against his uretha as she licked up the pre-cum. Weiss watched her sisters tongue pull back, visbly seeing her circle it around the inside of her mouth as she tasted it. Her eyes fluttered before she sighed content.

“You better start sucking his dick or else I’m going to.” Weiss moved with shocking urgency, not realizing how annoyed she was that her sister had stolen their fist taste until now. She moved to mimic her sister, her face pushing down around his member. Bring her face foeward towards his pelvis, beginning to slowly take the curving organ into her mouth.

She, she could taste her sister’s spit on his member, the slime of her throat ass lowered her face into him. Icy blue eyes looked up, trying to mimic Bleiss and meet Jaune’s gaze. Bleiss spoke her voice sultry.

“Never thought you’d have my sister sucking your dick huh darling.” Jaune nodded wordlessly, transfixed on her as she forced herself down an inch further than before. Her eyes squinted as she begun to face difficulties, his member once more eliciting her to gag as it was half way down her mouth. Frustration begun to swell as she found the need to pull back stronger then the want to push forward.

Only her head couldn’t pull back, because someone else reached and grabbed it.

“don’t worry, sis gots you.” And then Bleiss pushed the back of her head forward, choke escaped the heiress and she was abruptly force to choke down more of his member as she was forcibly shoved down it.

“Through your nose! Just like you saw me do it.” Her face contorted as she begun to gag on his dick, the meaty mass now passed her tonsils.

“Bitch Don’t Ignore Me! I Know You Can Do It!” A single teary blue eyes opened to reveal Jaune looking to her worried.

“Bleiss maybe you should sto-”

“Fuck That! She’s Wet As A Gods Damn Fountain!” Bleiss leaned in closer to her.

“Your totally getting off on this aren’t you? Cocking On Darling’s Dick?” She pushed her a bit further down, watching as her sister’s excitement increased.

“Holy shit, you love this!” Bleiss grinned, before she begun to pull Weiss’s head back. The heiress begun to relax, that was a mistake as no sooner did she force her head back down into his crotch. This time Weiss sputtered when she gagged, spittle drooling down his cock as she trembled. But…


Bleiss smiled approvingly, her other hand patting her sister’s head.

“That’s a good mouth pussy, breath in and out as you cock on Darling.” Slowly she lowered Weiss’s head, the heiress tensing harder, her face contorting in visible strain.

“Almost there, just a bit more dick to choke on.” Bleiss watched as her sister struggled, her eyes shutting in sheer strain as the top of her throat begun to bulge with Darling’s dick as it slid down it. Almost looking like an adam’s apple.

“Just a bit more…” Gently she pushed her sis’s head the remainder down until finally there was no more space between her and Jaune’s crotch. Bleiss grinned.

“There we go…” Weiss eyes were fluttering, trying desperately to not roll to the back of her head. Grabbing her ponytail she pulled, and Weiss’s head followed like it was on a leash. She begun to sputter and resist, that made Bleiss grin.

“You want more? Good…” She pushed her face back down her Darling’s dick abruptly, making the Arc groan as her sis was suddenly forced to sheath his meat in a instant. Before she could even adjust Bleiss lifted her face again and then forced it back down.

“Bleiss! Don’t Be So ‘Grunt’ Rough With Her!” He moved to stop the Gelé but to his surprise Bleiss shot him a honest to god glare.

“Darling, I love you but right now I need you to back off and let me give my little sister what she wants.” That made him pause, mainly because she had that same look in her eyes as when someone called Whitley Shitley.

“But, she’s choking…”

“And soaking… The fucking puddle down here… Besides, is she resisting, like at all?” He blinked, she, she had a point… He quickly forgot that point and just about everything else when Bleiss forced Weiss’s head back down his dick.

“Now let me be a good sister and help my twin get the face fucking she wants!” Weiss gagged, choked and sputtered on his meat as her older sister brutally forced her head up and down his dick like a fleshlight. The heiress’s face red with strain and eyes teared up. And yet her hands didn’t move to stop the abuse. Her head moving with her sister’s rough pulls and pushes back down.

“Oh Gods, I’m gonna!”

“Hear that, Darling’s about to fucking pop.” Bleiss was surprised when Weiss moved before she could push her down, the prissy heiress forcing his cock down her mouth and throat abruptly. Jaune reached seizing the sides of Weiss’s head bucking against her face with a loud groan. Bleiss saw the shudder run through her sister, and the way her Darling’s pack nuts swelled before visibly shrinking as they unloaded…

But most importantly, she heard…

‘Gulp. Gulp, gulp’

Weiss chugged her man like a champ, a tears threatened to fall down the blacksheeps eyes, as the same pride filled her as with Whitley when he got good grades or accomplished something. For the first time she could honestly say she was proud of her twin.

“Okay, that’s enough of that!” Bleiss tugged her sister’s ponytail pulling her back on off her man’s cock, Jaune’s bitch breaker popped out still drooling the last stings of cum. Bleiss usually would be tempted to have at the strings of seed. But there was a much larger portion closer.

Dazed Weiss rose a hand to her mouth a decent deposit of cum between her lips from his final pump of the Egg Rapers as her sister called them.

“Uh-uh, you ain’t hogging.” Her hand was seized and pushed away from Weiss’s covered mouth before Bleiss suddenly forced their lips together. Icy blue eyes shot wide as her dark palated double forced her lips apart and pushed her tongue into her mouth.

Jaune watched opened mouth as Bleiss grabbed her sisters head and pulled her into the hottest, most taboo make pout he’d ever seen. Hearing Weiss Whimper and lightly beat at her sister’s chest, he saw their tongues tangle, cum swapping between their mouths as Bleiss took all that she could get.

Weiss wiggling in her sister’s hold as the experienced former lesbian made her puddy in her hold, saliva and cum dribbled down between the pair dripping unto their pressed chest. Making two small pairs of Arc brand pearl necklaces as their modest tits pressed and smushed against one another.

Finally Bleiss pulled back with a wet pop from her sister, Weiss falling back breathing heavily from the most intense kiss she’d ever had! Bleiss swished his cum in her mouth, uncaring for her sister’s state or what she’d done. Merely content in her meal.


’Sigh’ ~That fucking hits the spot~” She smiled pleased as Jaune stood up, his shadow cast over her, Bleiss turned to see Jaune there looking down at her with absolute need in his gaze. His dick pressed against her cheek, she readied to suck on his fat knob, eager for her own full helping of extra chunky dick milk.

“No…” His hissed out the words through gritted teeth before pointing to the bed, Bleiss shuddered at his tone, the guttural rumble in his voice. She stood ready to comply, turning ready to position herself on the bed. She didn’t even make it a step before Jaune grabbed her pulling her close. His cock pushed against her belly. His mind changed as he suddenly moved to lift up, one of her legs, taking a rough hand full of her thigh. She complied eager as fuck, as she saw him grab his bitch breaker.

Watching as he guided it, she happily reached her own dripping fucking pussy and moving her fingers to spread her swollen needy lips. She gritted her teeth when his dick pressed against her cunt, pushing between her spread mound and digging in.

Holy Fuck! She wanted it here and now! Fuck The Bed And Romance!

He moved, pulling her into him and down unto his throbbing member, burying inside surprisingly tight depths. A shaky moan escaped the brunette as her Darling buried himself, into her. A gasp escaped her lips as he bucked up inside her, his other hand landing on her hip as his first squeezed tightly on her toned inner thigh.

Feeling her pussies eager folds clamping down on him he shifted his weight, using his height to his advantage as he made the Schnee blacksheep come down on his cock. Weiss watched coming back from her hazy minded state, seeing Bleiss struggle on her shaky toes as Jaune held her up by one of her legs.

Weiss never thought she’d see her sister look so… helpless. Bleiss looked overwhelmed her head craned back as Jaune bit and marked her collar and neck. His knees bent to give him a good standing to buck up into her petite form. Bleiss unconsciously rolling her hips in response to every push upward the blonde gave.

“Fuck! I-I’m So Fucking Close!” Her hands launched out grabbing and digging into his shoulders, nails clawing into his flexing deltoids. Her body shot forward, face burying into his massive pecs, biting down on the muscle to muffle her cry of bliss. Jaune’s only response to the pain was to push his face into the top of her head. Taking a big inhale, the scent of her shampoo filling his nostrils before he exhaled in a deep guttural growl of desire.

His other hand suddenly left her hip grabbing the under of her supporting leg, Weiss saw as her sister’s foot left the carpet. Her body lifted up by Jaune’s big strong arms as he held her up, Bleiss didn’t miss a beat, her legs quickly crossing behind him, locking just above his swaying amazing ass.

“ShitshitshitShitShitSHIT!!!” Bleiss’s voice growing higher in pitch with ever movement5, her body shifting and Jaune lifted and dropped her by his hold to match his yearning pumps up. The red eyed, foul mouthed vixen unable to resist his sexual will. Helpless to let anything happen but allowing his curving, throbbing cock to push up into her depths, forcing it’s way in at a intense angle and ground against or straight out smash into so many nerve riddled spot in her clinging yearning folds.

Weiss saw it… the moment her sister’s nails dug in with enough force to break Arc’s skin before suddenly going to stiff and then abruptly loosening as they lost all power. Her crossed legs tensing before going utterly laxed and hearing a loud if not muffled cry of ecstasy. Jaune groaned and now it was Weiss’s turn to see it, to watch as Jaune’s packed balls visibly shrunk.

Practically seeing the thick cum leave them and push up into his cock, surely pumping up into her shivering weakened sister’s tired post orgasmed form. He watched them stay like that for several long moments… Arc, Arc had seeded her twin, sown his progeny into her. She swallowed, her own womanhood quivering in response to the sight. Then he looked to her, her body shivered as he did.

His blue eyes locked on her as he continued to seed her other half.

“You really want this Snow Angel?” She struggled to respond watching her now helpless twin groan in pleasure. Her body was quicker though as her head nodded up and down, Jaune nodded before looking back to the girl in his hold.

“You see that Bleiss, you little sister wants this too, you went and corrupted her…” Bleiss struggled for several seconds, before inhaling and looking up to him with a smile.

“She’s the one who came up with this plan…” He rose a brow at that surprised, but honestly h didn’t care anymore.

“You really both wanna date me don’t you?” The question was hypothetical, Weiss knew this because Jaune didn’t bother waiting for an answer. Instead pulling Bleiss up and let his cock pop out of her gapping pussy. Letting hot thick cum spill unto the carpet from her.

Weiss stared at the small puddle of sludge thick cum, then she noticed as Jaune left Bleiss to stand on shaky legs. His hands on her hips he turned the girl, before she could even ask he moved, grabbing the back of her head and pushing it down, forcing her to lean over. Ass out to him, grabbing her hip and stepping forward into him, grabbing his cock, the throbbing appendage still hard and guiding it to her gapping cunt.

“FUCK!!!” Bleiss cried out reaching to cover her mouth as Jaune buried into her still sensitive pussy. But his reflects were faster, not dulled by pleasure but pushed further by it. His large hands cramped down on her wrist before pulling them back as he gave his first hard thrust forward.

Weiss stared at her sister, her face clear to her, but Bleiss unable to focus as her quivering, stimulated core was abruptly smashed into. She saw her mean-spirited sister’s face contort in pleasure, her teeth gritting, eyes scrunching up as her poor little pussy was rammed into.

Her powerless to fight against the Arc of curving cock sheathing into her with rough filling rams of his pelvis. Her sister grunted as Jaune fucked her before her very eyes. Her body rocking back and forth as her pert ass slapped against his waist with each push in.

Bleiss moaned like a whore as Jaune double timed his efforts, hitting with so much force that it made her modest breast jiggle back and forth. The ring piercings dangling from the force as her sister’s tried to maintain her features but gave. Her face turned what should’ve been hilariously silly as her eyes lost focus rolling up as her tongue came out and a loud sultry moan following.

Weiss had just gotten a front row seat to what her sister looked like when she came her little mind out, even more complicated and… perhaps depraved thoughts ruinated in her mind as she considered something just as feasible.

W-will I look like that when he makes me…

She saw her sister’s legs shake, her ability to stand on them weakening as her feminine juices leaked down them or spilled out her gushing spasming cunt. She saw her poor sister go lax leaning forward panting weakly with a lusty shudder in her voice.

“~Fuuuuck‘Pant, pant’ That, that was everything I hoped it’d be…”

Ten Outta Fucking Ten! Will Sure As Fuck Be Doing It Again!

Bleiss thought it would end there, hell Weiss nervous… and. Excited that she would be next. Instead though Bleiss was lifted of her wobbly legs… But not in a carry or hold by her Darling. Well, not the kind she expected, no his hold was more of the wrestling variety.

As hie crouched down, his forearms tucking under her knees before lifting her up by them. He stood up somewhat straighter. Her  back against his chest, as he folded her in his hold like a pretzel. It clicked to the blacksheep the moment his hands met behind her head. Fingers locking against the back of her neck forcing her head down. Bleiss struggled to speak, more then a bit or nervousness ion her usually forward voice.

“D-Darling… Um, M-mind giving me five, I wanna fuck, but, I need a few seconds to calm dow-Ooh!~” Before she could finish Jaune leaned over and pulled his arms in bringing the petite brunette’s whole body back with it. Words could not describe the sheer depths the position let him reach in her, nor how absolutely helpless she was in the hold.

It was glorious…  

Her body was little more then a hole for his cock to use, she was powerless to resist, in his hold, feeling his muscles flex with exertion as he pumped his arms back and forth, her in their hold all while his dick did the same and pulled in and out with little concern to her own desires.

She could feel it, his hot breath on her back as he panted from the exertion. The tensing of his muscles as he moved her back and forth. The way his abdominal flexed against her tailbone as he crotched and the sweat dripping off his brow unto her back from the workout he was giving himself.

Using her, pulling tight spasming and overwhelmed pussy back to him, forcibly filling it with his thick cock, forcing it quivering folds apart as it rammed into her before pulling itself out again just as her pussy tried to clamp down on it. Jaune buried his face into her hair as he leaned forward.

His hips at work, pulling back and forth with powerful rapid thrust,  all while Weiss watched her sister be worked like a sextoy by the muscular dolt. She stared with wide focused eyes, her kneeling position being her the perfect angle to see her sister face.

She looked up to her and frankly if she thought her previous look was embarrassingly shameless now Bleiss looked quite literally fucked dumb as she drooled her tongue out, dumb focusless eyes fluttering as Jaune’s balls slapped against her with each rut into the Gelé’s body.

“Oh Gods I’m gonna!” His knees bent as his arms flexed harder, his face visibly tensing as he increased his efforts.

“GODS!!! I’VE WANTED TO DO THIS FOR SO LONG!!!” She’d always been such a fucking slutty flirt! And now that she was right there, and gotten him to finally cut loose she wanted a break!? Hell No! Bleiss had told him on more then one occasion and her saying no was a suggestion instead of a actual rejection.

“Do you want me to stop Bleiss!?” There was no answer, only gasping, panting slutty moans that made served to encourage him. Weiss’s breath grew heavier as she heard him smack into Bleiss harder, his balls slapping into her. She could see him pick up his pace, hear hm hiss louder.

She looked to her sister, watching her look just so overwhelmed, envy and worry swirled inside her at the sight.

“Dammit! I’m Gonna Fill You UPPP!!!” He let out a loud deep groan as he filled the slutty Schnee’s womb.

‘Gulp, Gulp, Gulp’

Or should’ve, but instead at the last minute, his dick was grabbed and pulled out of her, popping out of her sister’s tight pussy only to suddenly be pulled into a warmer, wetter orifice. He nearly buckled, almost letting go of Bleiss as the warmth pushed forward, pushing up around his dick, sheathing the throbbing mass inside it.

His balls slapped against something hard as his cock was taken in to the base. Hands reaching, grabbing his hips and digger their nails in deep. As choking could be heard, his hold hardened on Bleiss in his arms as he gave.

For several long seconds he enjoyed unloading into the warm tight orifice, finally he relaxed and exhaled. Taking a step back, the figure pushed forward trying to keep his slackening phallus inside the tight warmth that sucked and clung to his meat.

“W-wait, I need to lie Bleiss do-Ugh!?” A hand squeezed his testicles as the warmth pulled beck before returning with effort. Sucking could be heard and Jaune worked his hardest to awkwardly turn his body, undoing his hold and trying to set his now thoroughly worn out lover unto his bed.  Which was ‘Really’ hard as Weiss! Weiss of all people sucked his dick!? Never in a million years would he have even dreamt of this.

Looking down he saw her head pulling and push unto his cock, bobbing back and forth like she’d been doing this for years. Geez, he knew Snow Angel was a quick learner but this was ridiculous! Was she some kinda genus at blowjobs?

Regardless as much as he wanted to continue getting his dick sucked he had to ask.

“Snow Angel, ‘Grunt’ why’d you do that?” Icy blue eyes looked up at him, as if only now remembering there was a person attached to the thick slab of meat conquering her throat. She pulled out it with a wet slurp, saliva drooling off his cock as she unconsciously pumped it.

Her cheeks pinked, it would’ve been cute if his dick wasn’t right before her face and her dainty fingers not pumping up and down the twitching limb.

“I-I, sister needed a, a break…” A bit of guilt spurred at that, yeah, he was being really rough with Bleiss wasn’t he…

“And ‘ahem’ this is a bonding exercise after all…” She met his gaze with a level of sterness in her eyes.

“We need to have similar interest to bond…” Her pumping increased as she bit her lip.

“Have similar… Experiences.” Her gaze turned to Bleiss gapping and well fucked pussy, his cum spill out of it.

“I… You said you’d help us, so I expect you to keep you-Eep!?” No sooner was the heiress picked up and thrown unto the same bed as her sister. She was shocked as she laid on her back, and doubly so when Jaune fell hard on top her. His bulkier, manly form towering over her own willowy frail frame. The scene looking like some sort of savage about to do unspeakable things to her Chasity. The proof being her sister who laid unconscious beside her.

There wasn’t even a minute to process what was happening, Jaune suddenly leaned down, his forehead to her’s his gaze so close and powerful.

“I dreamt of this moment, when I get to make love to you…” A deep kiss was delivered as she skirt was shifted as Jaune grabbed her panties and yanked them down. He pulled back from their kiss and let his cock slap on top of her needy little virginal mound. She bit back a moan when one of his thick calloused digits pushed against her tight maidenly lips and brutishly forced it’s way in.

She felt him inside her, the thick digits exploring her tight depths as his other hand jerked his cock off, Weiss shook and whimpered at the feeling of him inside her! At the sight of his jerking himself off right over her.

A second finger entered, the pressure building, her back arching and body tensing in response, Oh Gods They Were Up To The Knuckles! It Felt So Weird And Foreign! And SO DAMN GOOD!!!

His digits begun to pump inside her, pushing back and forth, pistoning in her lovely little muff, and then they curled up inside her. Jaune saw her eyes tear up, her teeth grit and face flush in tense anticipation. He could resist!

“I’m sorry!” She didn’t understand what he meant, then he lined up his dick with her pussy, his fingers pulling pout with a wet pop before they landed on her hips. Realization dawned on her as she felt the sheer heat of his swelling head against her lower lips. Then that same realization vanished much like all thoughts did when he pushed in deep and pulled her towards him.

Her mind blanking as a meatier, much more substantial mass buried itself inside her, her pupils dilated as she was liberated from her virginity. So close to the edge she gave to her bodies yearning, pure euphoria flooding through her and she wasn’t alone.

Jaune grunted, bucking into her harder, and she ‘felt’ it, the sheer heat flood forward into her, Arc was cumming inside her. Above she saw his expression turned lacked and silly like a moron as he indulge in the joys of cumming. Feeling his heat fill her entirety below.

“I… So, this isn’t just a way for you and Bleiss to get along is it?” She deadpanned at him having to even ask.

“Of course it’s not just that, though… I wouldn’t say that was an excuse either.” Weiss looked over to her older sister’s sleeping face.

’Sigh’We… We both decided to, teamup and claim you as our Property…” If Jaune was offended he certainly didn’t show it, rubbing the back of his head as he looked down to her exposed form, her perky modest breast with cute pink inverted nipples and her slim tight form.

Weiss felt him harden inside of her…

“So… I’m yours and your both mine?” She blushed at his choice in wording, but slowly and embarrassingly nodded.

“Th-that is correct…” Jaune swallowed before he looked down to her with some sternness in his gaze.

“I want more Snow Angel.” She swallowed in anticipation.

“Then, then feel free to indulge.” Nobody needed to tell him twice as Jaune pushed back into her, the act making Weiss’s head shoot back. Her body straining as Arc buried his dick into her, her body accommodating his throbbing length as it filled her.

He leaned over and kissed her again, rolling his hips against her quim, refusing to pull out of her, savoring the warmth of her pussy, the tightness, the need to cling. His beautiful cock rubbing up against her inner walls, rendering her nerves to feedback intense pleasure.

Jaune moved burying his face between her modest breast, his hands now groping her modest breast, fingers squeezing, fondling the beautiful little hills of soft flesh. Weiss panted, her breast revealing to be a very powerful erogenous zone. How could he not put one of the hidden nipples into his mouth after realizing that.

Weiss let out a sheer cry between gritted teeth when she felt it his lips wrap around her teat, trembles running through her as his tongue swirled around it, as he sucked upon the tip. Trying to coax it out as his other hands squeezed and gripped, as his hips ground and pushed and his cock swelled as it shifted about inside her. Another harsh wanting hiss left her when she felt his efforts be rewarded, her nipple revealing itself as it popped out from his powerful suction.

His teeth lightly nipped the erect tip, tugging at it, as he pulled himself back and pulling her breast with it. Drool trailed down her chin as she struggled to not cry out, finally he let go of it, revealing her now exposed teat to the air. She panted and gasped, trying to maintain despite the multiple points of stimulus.

“Well, now they just look weird.” Jaune pinched her nipple, tugging the pink tip, making her shudder, then she felt it.

“Wha-what are you doing!?” Looking down to Arc she felt his tongue lick her breast, the perky flesh sweaty from their exertions.

“Stop! I’m, I’m sweaty!” His lips wrapped around her other breast then and begun to suck, cutting off her words as his waist bucked forward. Trying to dig deeper, loving how in response to his sucking her pussy tightened. Weiss bit down on her lip, trying desperately to resist her building orgasm, to not shame herself any further.

She felt the sudden intense tickle of her teat being sucked out of her inverted areola. His lips let go of it, and she nearly calmed, until he moved closer, locking lips with her. His chest against her’s, Every hard cut  muscle of his pressed against her smooth soft flesh, his cock proudly inserted, rubbing along her sweetest spots as it hooked into her by virtue of it’s curving shape.

His hands settled on the side of her face, framing just right to kiss deeply, to foce his tongue into for the sloppiest most passionate kiss. Her mind fogged and body acted isntictly, her legs shooting out before crossing behind his back, locking him against her. His moved, hammering into her delicate flesh with what letting give he could manage.

His pelvis crashing into her supple body, hard little needy slaps filling the room as he begun to rut into her. The bed begun to shift, the springs in the mattress squeaking as their bodies moved. The movements waking up a tired still confused Bleiss, whose first sight upon waking was that of her sister caught in a sweaty deep breeding press.

She stared transfixed upon her man’s fine ass as it bucked forward, their flesh slapping, his balls swelling with seed. She moved, to get a closer look, watching him fuck her sister’s pussy. Getting a first person view of his bitch breaker spreading her prissy princess of twins pink little slit, it gushed so much femcum and Bleiss was so thirsty after getting fucked so hard, and it just smelt so… Sweet.

A now trembled ran through the heiress as she felt her inner thighs, Gooch and ass licked, Jaune grunting as he felt his balls grabbed and gently squeezed and kissed. Both knew who it was and she had no intention of not making herself known.

“Oh Darling, please cum, I wanna see it… I wanna watch my little sis’s cunt get pumped full of you cum…” Weiss was shocked, Bleiss spat on her ass, then then fingered it, pushing the slim digits into her backdoor, prodding it gently and first before she begun to pump it in and out alongside Jaune’s own efforts. Mirroring them as she picked up speed, Weiss whimpering into his mouth.

Then her fingers pulled back as she leaned nice and close, her man’s dick right above her as he fucked Weiss’s tight little pussy. Her thumb pushed near before spreading her pink little hole, the entrance to her rear winking, showing pink flesh.

“Good, I knew a prissy little princess like you would keep your ass clean.” If Weiss could hear her no doubt she’d ask why that mattered. It was answer when her sister suddenly pushed her tongue into her rear. Eyes dilated as her sister’s exceptionally experienced tongue licked and worked her rim, pulling out just long enough for her to spit into the gapping hole and push her fingers in deeper, spreading it before pulling back and returning to eating her other half’s ass.

Weiss gave moaning hard as she came, between Arc’s fabulous member and her sister’s depraved taboo efforts that she’d never experienced was it any wonder she gave to pleasure? But neither showed mercy or consideration, Jaune wanted to cum, needed to fill her and Bleiss wouldn’t cease, not wanting her sis to give in just yet before she had a packed womb.

Bleiss’s efforts doubled, trying to build another orgasm up for her sister while Jaune slammed into her with all the power he could bring forth. Weiss’s toes curled as her body ignored anything but the overwhelming sensations set upon her.

Bleiss could feel Jaune’s balls swell, he was so close, she needed to make him and Weiss have the best orgasm they could get. So she pulled back from tonguing her twin’s ass and roughly shoved her fingers in, the three digits feeling like they might be shattered in her clenching tunnel. She waited, planting supportive kisses on her inner thighs as she whispered encouragements her suddenly much more tolerable sister’s way.

Jaune gave one final hard and deep thrust in, and then she heard it, the squelch of her sister’s cunt gobbling up his meat and pushing out what there simply wasn’t room for. She glanced up and saw his cock swell as his cum erupted, the exact moment it did she curled her fingers inside, forcing it to spread further, increasing the growing pressure in her sister’s tight little ass. 

Stimulating both her previously virgin holes with overwhelmingly more pleasure, her body lost it! A shrill desperate overwhelmed cry escaped her lips as she gave a absolutely flooded her sister’s face with a spray of pussy juice. Bleiss didn’t complain, merely licking her lips of the tangy sweet juices before she moved to open her mouth and swollen Jaune’s shrunk balls, garbling them in her mouth as if to reward them for filling her sister nice and fully.

Jaune panted above the sight of his dream girl below him, her face for once looking far from intelligent as she’d just had a orgasm so hard he would be surprised if she forgot how to count much less think. Bleiss’s efforts didn’t go unnoticed either, he still couldn’t believe this but… He certainly would try to wake up from this dream and had every intention of living it to the fullest until he did.


Bleiss shared a surprisingly chaste kiss with Jaune, the two staring lovingly at one another.

“Believe us now…” He grunted, it was kinda hard not to, especially after he woke up to find the pair of sisters nuzzled either side of him. Leading to know…

‘Clap! Clap! Clap’

Weiss’s was under him, her small pale back in full view as he held her modest hips and fucked her ass from behind.

“Well, that one thing she has on me, I can’t stand anal…”

“Yet you don’t mind eating ass?… Even your sisters.” Bleiss smiled sweetly with her minty breath, a one of the few things he absolutely put his foot down on for her to do before they kiss.

“Hey you’d be surprised how many bitches will give up the goods if you eat a little ass.” A shudder ran up Bleiss making her smile.

“The proofs right her after all.” Below Weiss Schnee ate out her sister, her face buried in Bleiss’s crotch as Jaune fucked her from behind. She glared pulling her lips from her sisters pussy dragging her tongue up it, scooping more of Jaune’s cum from the freshly cum ped cunt.

“I-I’m merely returning the favor!” Bleiss rolled her eyes.

“Yeah yeah, mind getting back to it, you’re a surprisingly good carpet muncher sis.” Weiss was about to speak up before she felt Jaune swell inside her, he loved this, was it because they were now certainly getting along or simply the sheer depravity? She supposed it didn’t matter, after all for now the temptations of the flesh appealed far too greatly to be ignored, she found her first anal experience quite rewarding and wished to experience it to the fullest.

If Jaune just so happened to enjoy the sight of the two committing incest, well she supposed it would only aid in his efforts to fuck her pristine little ass ad pump her insides full. And besides, the more Jaune desired them the less likely he was to succumb to the other pairs attempts.

And so for that reason she returned to pushing her tongue into her sister, tasting her pussy and Arc’s cum as she continued her cunnilingus of her formerly estranged sister’s filled core.

That… And perhaps a small bit of her wished to… show appreciation towards her twin.


Jaune: blake can i ask a question?

Blake: um okay?

Jaune: have you beem writing fanfics about me again


Blake:Jaune, do you want a blowjob?

Jaune: Stop trying to change the topic Blake…

Blake:*Bites Nails* How bout sex… You can me me purr.

Jaune:Oka-No! Not Again Dammit! Awnser the quest-

‘Clap! Clap! Clap’

Blake:*Twerking*You were saying Jaune?

Jaune:… I, what was I saying?

Blake: Must not have been important, do you want to go to my room?

Jaune:*Staring at Bellabooty* Yes please -///-


Works every time.

(4th Dragonslayer Serenade) Serenading Her Knight & Slaying His Dragon

Dragonslayer Serenades: 1st Serenade/2nd Serenade/3rd Serenade

“Okay Yang, can I take this off now?” Jaune Arc asked for what must have been the dozenth time now.

“Just wait a bit longer Stud.” She smiled still holding her man’s hand, their journey nearly through. Yang moved with a purpose, especially tonight, cuz well, she had a goal, she was totally gonna knock her man’s socks off! Well, hopefully more then just his socks, if you got her meaning.

After all she had a hell of a surprise in store for her big strong goof of a man. Why you might ask, well obviously cause it was they’re 4th anniversary. What kinda terrible girlfriend would go and do nothing for a big day like that?

And no! It wasn’t just cuz she still felt hella guilty for last year!… Okay, maybe a bit of it was cuz of that. Like ten perc-okay like twenty, but still! She was doing this cuz she loved he fellow blonde. The fact that Saphron had threatened her over not repeating last year only slightly added to her efforts this year round…

And plus she’d been trying real hard all freaking year! Weisscream was unsurprisingly a strict teacher.

Ugh, I can’t believe the best she ever called me was adequate…

She shook her head, no, none of that, she worked her ass off and Weiss’s standards were always super freaking high. She was good, no reason to get all self conscious and junk. Blake had told her as much, so did her sis…

Crap, I can’t calm down…

Even knowing that didn’t make her any less nervous though… She paused though when she felt Jaune suddenly squeeze her held hand though.

“You okay?”

“Y-yeah, just, kinda got cold feet is all ‘Heh’ Hey! Wait, Don’t Take Off Your Blindfold VB!” Turning she leaped at her dumb tall man, forcing her hands over his loosening blindfold.

“C’mon, that’s not important anymore, you said were nervous.”

“And Like I Said That’s Not Important! Now Put Back On That Dumb Blindfold, We’re Almost There!” He was about to protest but she wasn’t having it! Nope! Not a chance! She’d worked too damn hard for this to go wrong!

’Sigh’ Fine…” With a huff he tied the stupid knot back on, Yang nodded relieved grabbing his dumb hand again and guiding him through the streets. Men stared at her and women at him, was always nice to be reminded that they were a hot couple. Yep to blondes with wicked bods that had it going on. But flaunting herself and her eye candy wasn’t the agenda today.

She paused as she reached her desired destination, a stage bult up and ready for a performance, Curtesy of Weiss’s credit card of course, hey she was paying her back!… In installments… For the next 5 years. Again she shook her head, trying to ignore her poor abused wallets and it’s next few years of starving without lien.

Turning she smiled to her boo, walking up, reaching out and grabbing his shoulders, pulling herself up on tiptoes to plant a kiss on him. A tongue or two were clicked by some guys who’d ogled her, not that they had a chance even if she wasn’t dating blonde stuff here.

“What was that for?” She grinned.

“Heya Loverboy, got a question, you know what day it is?” Even with his eyes covered she could totally make out that confused goofy look of his.

“Tuesday?” Huh? So that what it felt like… Well crap, that was hella annoying.

“No! Well, I mean yeah, but also it’s our…” She paused, the gears in her head turning as a idea struck. Oh yeah she could totally use this to her advantage! What was better then making it up to her blondie this anniversary?

Obviously, making it up to him and having the tables totally reversed!

Oh yeah, she could see it now, getting her best boy all flustered and then having him do whatever she wanted cuz she he was so happy and felt bad. She was totally getting him to The Club tonight, they would dance and everything with him in those tight pant she loved to see him dance in.

“So… Can I finally take this dumb thing off now Sunshine?”

“Give me just a minute big guy.” With a wink that he couldn’t see she was off, running off unto the stage, several Atlesian droids there to keep the piece and grubby fingers from snatching anything. She nodded as she checked the speakers for making sure they were set up right.

Nodded assured everything was running smoothly she turned to the small portable room and typed into her Scroll, unlocking it’s door. Opening she smiled at the sight greeting her, reaching out and grabbing it.


Okay, Jaune would admit he was confused… He had no idea what was going on? Then again, his mind had been elsewhere… Nervous jitters ran up his spine again at the memoires, Yang’s dad had been extra intimidating yesterday after he… Well, asked that.

He shook his head, it was in the past now. Besides he had to focus, Yang wanted to show him something, he couldn’t get why though? Then again his mind had been a mess for the past few weeks, How could it not be, he was so worried after all… What her dad would say, how’d Ruby might react. Hell he even went the extra mile and talked to Blake, the resident catgirl threatening to cut him if he messed up.

He shook his head chuckling at the memory, even Weiss had made him sign a document all but promising he’d pay if her teammate ever became unhappy. Ture her mom might’ve been a lost cause but there was no doubt Yang was loved.   

And he was rambling again, man he must’ve been more tired then he thought, he really shouldn’t have been pulling all those extra mission but he really needed the cash… After all ‘Yawn’ who’d have thought one little rock would cost so much.

I wonder what she wants to show me? ‘Yawn’ So sleepy… What’s today again?

He really needed to look it up, their anniversary was coming up soon and whole point of doing it on this sorta crunch was to make it by then after all.

First thing I’m doing after I take this off his checking my calendar.

“~Okay Loverboy! Take It Off!~” He jumped at her call! What The Hell!? Why Was She Using Speakers!? No wait, that wasn’t important! He could take off his blindfold, not missing a beat he tugged the dumb thing off!

Great! Now I just need to, pull. Out… My-

His brain all too quickly stalled to a halt as he looked at the stage…

Why was his beautiful girlfriend in a dress… Not that he was complaining mind you! The Opposite Actually! After all his personal helping of Sunshine rarely wore them! Even if the one she was sporting was a short skirted sort the frills made her look cute. The leather fur lined high cut jacket though even it out giving her the usual energy he was so fond of. That was what made Yang Yang though after all. His girl needed to be kickass and a bombshell at all times and now was no different.

Wasn’t I supposed to do something?… Oh right! The Scroll!

Pulling it out he rose it up and…

‘Click! Click! Click!’

There was no way he wasn’t getting photos of her in this getup! If Yang minded she certainly didn’t show it, playing along and posing… ‘Suggestively’ for him, he could hear other people’s Scrolls flashing. He didn’t know whether he should be angry, jealous or proud, so he went with all three. Sides they weren’t the one she was blowing a kiss to.

“Well, are you ready for you present Jaune?” Present? But today wasn’t his birthday… Was it?

And like that Yang stood tall and oddly smug, even for her and for anyone who knew his girlfriend would know that was saying a lot. And now she was pulling out a Microphone. Another wink was given his way as her smug smile turned utterly toothy.

“Make sure to put your camera on record VB, your gonna wanna save this.” And like that it begun as she brought the Microphone close, parted her lips and…

(Supernatural by Kesha)

Yang:‘Baby, when we’re touching in the dark
Can you feel

Well now, that made him go still in surprise, his girlfriend could apparently sing now.

So that’s what she’s been doing with Snow Angel…

Slowly a nice mellow tune begun to follow with her surprisingly melodic voice.

Yang:‘I can hear the pounding of my heart
Can you feel

He wasn’t alone either more then half those who’d been gawking at her were no staring the blonde brawler’s way.

Yang:‘When you take my body to the stars
I believe it
Boy, this love is supernatural
Can y
ou feel it?’

The music suddenly begun to reverberate more, picking up before turning less melodic and becoming bolder.

Yang:‘Come, take me by the hand
Wanna cross the line, baby, go ah

Gesturing towards him with her hand the smile was that special mix of half flirting half teasing he couldn’t get enough of.

Yang: ‘Till the morning light, watch my silhouette
'Cause you know tonight we’re gonna wake the d

Ans now her felt his face burn! Gods Dammit! Why did she have to sing something with Innuendos!?

Yang:‘Get a little bit wrong, get a little bit wild
Get a little bit high off of this love tonight
Get a little bit raw, come a little undone
Get a little bit reckless, I can’t
get enough’

Okay! This Went Beyond A Bit Of Teasing!

Yang! What the Hell!!!

What Was She Singing In Front Of These People! Oh great, all the guys were glaring at him… ‘Sigh’ yeah, he couldn’t blame them.

Yang:‘Baby, when we’re touching in the dark
Can you feel it?
I can hear the pounding of my heart
Can you feel it?
When you take my body to the
I believe it’

And like that she went from teasing and embarrassing him to making his heart skip a beat on the flip of a coin. That just wasn’t fair. You can’t be a tease one second and so damn sincere the next. He could hear the love in her tone after all and dammit if it didn’t make him feel like the luckiest guy in Vale.

Yang:‘Boy, this love is supernatural
Can you feel

Her aura sparked slightly, flaring up the faintest bit as if to give manifest to her proclamation.

Yang:‘Come, take me in the night
I feel it in my blood, want the darker s

And back to naughty Yang!

Good Oum Woman, Decide whether your goals to make me blush or fall in love with you all over again!

Yang: ‘Baby, when we touch, look me in the eyes
Poison me with love, I’ll bring you back to l

This wasn’t freaking fair in the slightest! She was changing her rhythm to quick for him to get use to it!

Yang:‘Get a little bit wrong, get a little bit wild
Get a little bit high off of this love tonight
Get a little bit raw, come a little undone
Get a little bit reckless, I can’t
get enough’

Facing him her smile calmed down to it’s more loving expression, her tone leaving that wild fire like lisp to adopt a warmer more honest disposition once again.

Yang: ‘Baby, when we’re touching in the dark
Can you feel it?
I can hear the pounding of my heart
Can you feel it?
When you take my body to the
I believe it’

Each line was followed by a step forward and an extra degree of warmth in her voice as she spoke to him is musical form.

Yang:‘Boy, this love is supernatural
Can you feel

She stepped off the stage then, landing on the grass and flat out looking her way.

Yang:‘Baby, when we’re touching in the dark’

With every word she stepped close, her smile so genuine it almost hurt to see.

Yang:‘I can hear the pounding of my heart’

With the distance closing she was close enough for him to feel the heat of her aura as it begun to glow warmly. It was almost a perfect moment ‘Sigh’ so of course she couldn’t let it stay like that.

Yang:‘Baby, when we’re touching in the dark
Can you feel

With a wide smile she hugged herself tightly… A little too tightly, so much so her fabric strained against her gulp worthy voluptuous figure. He was rendered speechless yet again, and ever the opportunist she reached out grabbing his bigger rougher hand in hers and pulled it against herself.

Yang: ‘I can hear the pounding of my heart
Can you feel

To be more precise pulling his hand against and between her bountiful chest! Sandwiching his limb within her soft warm breast.

Crap! Crap! Crap! Down Jaune-Zilla! No wait When Did I Start Using Sunshine’s Nickname For It!?

Now was not the time to get a woody! As if to cut those thoughts off, Yang pulled him in closer, taking another step up to him and smiling somewhere between that devilish tease of a grin and a honest loving smile.

Yang:‘When you take my body to the stars
I believe

Her hands abruptly let go of his, leaving it there in her bosom, and not wasting the opportunity she reached out, her hands reaching around and then locking behind his neck.

Yang: ‘Boy, this love is supernatural
Can you feel

With a smiler larger, brighter and more vibrant then any she’d displayed in her song she pulled herself up to him. Their lips pressing, not in a particularly deep nor needy kiss, but certainly one that lasted several seconds, conveying a deep and honest affection. When she pulled back he was greeted with quite simply the brightest of smiles, one that matched the nickname Sunshine to a Tee.

“Happy Anniversary Loverboy.” His heartbeat all but doubled before his mind registered her words.


“It’s… our Anniversary?” Of course, his lovely dragon formed a playful pout, one that showed no real annoyance merely acting the part.

“Oh, you forgot Vomit Man?” He winced, guilt definitely forming in his gut.

“Y-yeah… Sorry, Works just been so hectic…” Oh great he was making excuse! Dammit that was the kinda stuff jerks did! Who cares if it was to buy ‘That’ for her if he messed up the big day in the end! That was the definition of putting the cart before the horse!

For her part though Yang was loving this! After all it wasn’t like she was mad or anything, heck she knew better then anyone how busy her knight was. More then once she warned him to calm down on all the missions but he was being weirdly insistent about it.

Hey not like she could be all that mad anyways, not when he waved off her forgetting last year…

“Hey now it’s no problem mister muscles, I get that it’s just a-”

“It’s not okay.” He looked back at her then with a pair of stern focused deep blues eyes set on a very amused face.

“This is the day we met after all… Seriously how could I just go and forget it…”

“H-hey, no reason to beat yourself up…” Seriously, after all did he forget she did the same last year.

“But, what kinda boyfriend forgets the day they got with the best thing in their life…” How that statement could make her feel stupidly happy and yet somehow feel like a jab was a wonder!

Hey! How Come This Feels Like He’s Throwing Shade at Me!?

A little more forcibly she gave a stiff smile his way, her sweet mood slightly soured by a unessacary feeling of guilt bubbling up.

“Like I said it’s no problem…”

“But, I love you.”


“And forgetting this shows anything but that…”


“I, I wouldn’t go that far…”

Please agree, c’mon, please…

Jaune sadly shook his head, his fist shaking.

“No, it doesn’t…”

Screw You!

Yang was never what one might call a… rational thinking, to be more precise thought tended to fall second to action to the brawler. Right now as her hands that once locked behind her boyfriends neck now clenched as they grabbed fistfuls of his collar was one instance of that.

Jaune blinked as she looked up to him with red fiery eyes, her tears evaporating from the heat she was literally producing. Her clenched fist shook as she pulled him down to level with her threatening visage.

“Listen Here Vomit Boy! Just Cuz I Mess Up Once Or Twice Doesn’t Make Me A Bad Girlfriend!” Jaune blinked.

What was she talking about? Wasn’t he the one who messed up?

“What, Are You Saying That Forgetting One Freaking Day Makes Someone The Worst Or Something!?”


No Sudden moments Jaune, she can smell fear… Remember what Saphron’s advice for when you fight, it’s always your fault…

“I… Um, yes?” The world spun before he crashed into it back first as his lovely girlfriend flipped him in anger.

Saphron… I think Terra and Yang are different kinda women when it comes to getting on their badsides…

If not he had no idea how Saph had survived up to this point. He knew how easily she could get on your nerves after all… and he was deflecting, think about Saphron’s terrible advice later, very angry girlfriend right now. Yang leaned over him, popping her knuckles with a very pissed off look in her eyes.

“Now then, mind giving me the reaction I wanted for spending a year practicing how to sing that…”

I Did Not Deal With Weisscream’s Strict As Hell Lessons Just To Hear I’m A Bad Girlfriend Dammit!


“No Buts!” She said leaning over him, letting her girls sway before his very eyes… Kinda hard to be scared when you were staring at possibly the greatest rake this side of Vale and a face that looked no less radiant even when it was murderously pissed.

“All It Means Is You Gotta Try Harder To Make Up For It!”

You Jerk! What The Hell Do Your Think I Went Through This For! You Can Forget About The Sexy Night I Had Pla-

“Your right…” Shocked blue eyes looked up to her.

I didn’t go through all that just complain like this…

So what if he didn’t have time for the perfect setup, not missing a beat he inhaled before sitting up.

“Hey What Do You Think Yo-!?” He reached out taking her hands into his and pulling her close.

“Your right Yang.” She blinked.

“I am…”

Huh? That’s a first, usually I’m wrong when I go over the deep end.

“Completely, we’re only human after all right?”

“Right…” He nodded.

“and I really do love you.” And her flashed that stupidly earnest smile of his her way, seriously, how could she stay pissed after that!

“Y-yeah…” His hold tightened, some aura unconsciously feeding into her through the shared contact, warming her slightly.

“I should be expressing that love, not complaining, especially after you put on the best show I’ve ever seen, and all for me no less.” She blushed.

’Pfft’ Y-yeah rightm it, it wasn’t that big a deal or anything hahaha… hah.”

Kill Me!

It was now beginning to sink in just what she’d done in front of so many others.

Crap, why was this embarrassing!?

His grip tightened.

“I’m so lucky to have you in my life.”

Not Fair!

You didn’t just get to say that when you had a girl on the backfoot, what the hell, how was that not a cheap shot!?

“I really do love you Yang.” Jaune moved leaning in, and unconsciously her eyes closed as she followed his lead… Okay, any second now.


Her eyes opened to find… Nothing? Her boyfriend was gone.

“What the Hell!?” She looked around for him!

Since When Could He Ninja Vanish! What, Is He Taking Lessons From Kitkat!?

“Think she got stood up?”

“Man, dude ditched her…”

“Hey, maybe it’s my chance to bag a babe.” Her teeth gritted at the bunch of sleezeballs but more then that she felt utterly damn frustrated!

What Did I Do Wrong!

“Yes! You Did Pack One!” She turned, finding Jaune on the stage, well, in the back of it, digging through the instruments she tried to learn, yeah, as it turned out those weren’t her strong suits. Plus Weisscream only knew the fancy pretentious type of instruments. Which begged the question why did she have a guitar? No wait, she was supposed to be mad at him!

Standing up, guitar in hand Jaune turned facing her, his determined confident expression making her still for a moment as he stepped on up to the microphone. Seizing the device and smiling.

“Well better something on the spot with heart then nothing at all right Sunshine?” What was he talking about? Slowly he begun to strum his guitar.

“I wanted to set up a whole fancy dinner date or something to do this but I guess I got a bit confused about the dates and everything. Those jerk offs begun to chuckle and mock but Yang paid attention as he begun to get into his strumming.

“this is for you, and please, don’t answer till I finish at least kay?” Answer?

Slowly his fingers adjusted as he got a nack for the instrument in his arms, a lax slightly somber tune begun to vibrate from the chords as his face visibly softened. Then he spoke a pleasing rumble in his usual voice.

(Better Together by Luke Combs)

Jaune:‘A 40 HP Johnson on a flat bottom metal boat’

Yang blinked.


Jaune:‘Coke cans and BB guns, barbed wire and old fence posts’

No seriously, why the hell was he describing random junk? Especially while sounding so damn smooth doing it.

Jaune: ‘8-point bucks in autumn and freshly cut cornfields
One arm out the window and one hand on the wh

Okay, they transition to random nonsense…

Jaune:‘Some things just go better together and probably always will’


Now it made sense.

Jaune: ‘Like a cup of coffee and a sunrise, Sunday drives and time to kill’

With a smile he bumped gave a bump to show off his instrument.

Jaune:‘What’s the point of this ol’ guitar if it ain’t got no strings?
Or pourin’ your heart into a song that you ain’t gonna si

Okay, now it was starting to add up, and with it her confusion dying down as she begun to enjoy the song while he sung in that hot country tone.

Jaune:‘It’s a match made up in heaven, like good ol’ boys and beer
And me, as long as you’re right h

She paused, blinking as he looked to her smiling, making her blush slightly.

That sly basta-

Jaune:‘Your license in my wallet when we go out downtown
Your lipstick’s stained every coffee cup that I got in this house
The way you say, “I love you, too” is like rain on an old tin roof
And your hand fits right into mine like a needle
in a groove’

Well yeah, she liked him having her Huntress I.D. it really sucked when people thought he was trying to take advantage of a drunk girl when she got a bit to into her drink. And, well… Dammit! She Wasn’t Ready For This!

Jaune:‘Some things just go better together and probably always will
Like a cup of coffee and a sunrise, Sunday drives and time to kill
What’s the point of this ol’ guitar if it ain’t got no s

Crap her face was starting to heat, how could a song that begun with him naming literally random junk make her flush.

Jaune:‘Or pourin’ your heart into a song that you ain’t gonna sing?
It’s a match made up in heaven, like good ol’ boys and beer
And me, as long as you’re rig
ht here’

Much like she had he marched straight off the stage, though she’d been much closer then he was as he closed the distance. Still strumming his guitar as he continued in impromptu serenade.

Jaune:‘Sometimes we’re oil and water
But I wouldn’t have it any other

It was funny how fast the tables could be turned on a girl, especially when said girl was dating a dork that almost seemed like he was pulled outta the cheesiest Rom-Com a girl could rent.

Jaune: ‘And if I’m being honest, your first and my last name…’

Yang froze at that.

“What!?” So did everyone else, the douchbags included as she flushed hard. Everyone but her stupid boyfriend who just metaphorically sent her emotionally on her ass.

Jaune:‘Would just sound better together and probably always will
Like a cup of coffee and a sunrise, Sunday drives and time to k

She begun to sputter and she then fell literally on her ass, face red, she knew they were lyric but still! And of course, big blonde and heart throbbing didn’t stop from continuing!

Jaune:‘What’s the point of this ol’ guitar if it ain’t got no strings?
Or pourin’ your heart into a song that you ain’t gonna si

A hand reached out she unconsciously took it, being helped up by her big studdly fellow blonde.

Jaune: ‘It’s a match made up in heaven, like good ol’ boys and beer’

Just a bit nervous she expected him to go for a kiss or something and readied herself… Only for him to drop down on his knee!

Jaune:‘And me, as long as you’re right here’

Loving blues looked up to her then as he dug into his pocket, finding the little case.

Thank Oum I’ve Been To Anxious To Let It Outta Arm’s Reach.

Jaune:‘And me, as long as you’re right here…’

As soon as he stopped he did possibly the only thing that could make the moment anymore heart wrecking as he pulled out a tiny black case. Lilac eyes dilated to a pinprick as her mouth flapped away for even the most basic syllables.

Breathing was just about the only thing her poor mind could process doing, only then turning against her as he opened said case to reveal a ring of solid gold so bright and fine as her own sunny locks with a Amethyst the exact shade of her eyes cut to utter perfection! All she could do was hyperventilate as her very shaky hands rose over her mouth.

No way, no way, nowaynowaynoway NO FREAKING WAY!!!

“Yang Xiao-Long…” Her heart was losing it, she might die, this might actually kill her! Because right now her heart wasn’t missing one or two beats but entire dozens!

“Would you do me the honor-”

Was this why he’d been pulling extra missions!? To Afford That!? Wait… Was That Why Her Dad And Uncle Where In A Mood!?

“Of marrying me…” Her whole world froze as she just stared, and he looked back to her, some worry beginning to show on his features.

“Is… That a no?”


His smile stiffened a bit as his hand begun to shake.

“Y-yeah, I guess I did sorta do it all sloppily, should’ve prepared after all…” What was he saying, she couldn’t hear him over her heart losing it? Why was he making that kicked puppy dog face?

“I guess we can just forget about thi-” And once again Yang Act first Xiao-Long sprang into action as she jumped her fellow blonde, tackling him down on his back!

“Wha!? Yan-Mmph!?” His words were cut off when said brawler sashed her lips against his in a deep heated kiss. Then she forced his lips apart and dove deeper, those watching got the sight of the pair there on the grass. The blonde bombshell imitated the heaviest makeout most had ever seen.

With a wet kiss they broke apart and Jaune gasped for air, then he got a sucker punch in the chest. Then another, and another… None of which hurt as they were delivered by shaking trembling hands.

“Y-you ’Sniff’ Jerk! Not Fair!” Yang glared at him with big lilac orbs, her eye corners swelling with happy confused tears.

“Going and ‘Hic’ And one upping me like that! ’Sniff’ Seriously, you’re like the worst/ best boyfriend!” And she continued her assault of very girly ineffective punches, which for Yang was saying something. Her face still red and puffy as she was somewhere between crying and flustered.

So cute…

He needed to make this woman his… Oh right, he already proposed.

“WILL YOU SAY SOMETHING ALREADY JAUNE!!!” Oh whoa, she was using his actual name, in response he said the first thing he could think of.

“Will you marry me?” Well, in for a penny… And she was speechless again, if he didn’t know better he’d think she was having a heart attack or something. Finally she made her decision, to run away, which since her legs were to shaky to move meant burying her face in his chest.




“Just… G-give me a minute okay!” This, was not how he hoped this would go down…

I figured the hard part was asking her dad for his blessing!?

He didn’t fight Tai-Freaking-Yang Xiao-Long just to get rejected did he!?


“Huh?” She peeked out from his chest pouting way more cutely than a bombshell of a woman like her should be allowed to.

“I said yes you dumb blonde…” Now it was his turn to flusters.

“R-really?” And her turn to get angry and confused.

“Yes, Freaking Brothers above yes, what else could I be talking about you dumb handsome fucking idiot!” He literally didn’t hear a word after yes as his arms wrapped around the very conflicted brawler as he hugged her tightly.

“H-hey not so fast mister! Th-there Are People Round Here!” Well that was another first, Yang caring about their surroundings, she was way off her game, it was actually the cutest thing he’d ever seen her do. And it was all his… And like that their usual dynamic flipped as he got up, his wifey, waifu? Wifette? Wife-to-be in his arms.

She looked confused at him and then around at the people who were now clapping having seen it all, and now she was blushing. Man he was never gonna forget this moment! And so to right the world he decided that while his girlfriend played the easily flustered blonde he’d tap into his inner Yang. Putting on his best smile and pair of bed room eyes he leaned in close.

“C’mon, let’s head home and celebrate.” His voice husky against her ear he continued.

“I’m gonna go down so long on you you’d think I had gills.” And now she was speechless for two reason and he proudly walked back home… Unaware that the moment that door closed his dragon would be back and ‘Very’ giving… But that was then, for now he was just a man carrying his fiancée home…

Previous Serenade


Whats the difference?

Yang: Hey Jaune, do you know the difference between a 5-minute titjob and a 5-minute blowjob?

Jaune: Hmm… The difference?

Jaune: Well, they both feel good so I don’t know.

Yang:*Shows him her tits a bit* Give me 10 minutes and I’ll explain~


Damn, his second round was as thick as the first.

Yang: So you got it yet Loverboy.

Jaune:… Maybe, I think I might need another round, y-y'know to make sure -///-

Yang:Sure Loverboy, anything in the name of education

Secretly Her Biggest Fan!

This is referencing ’Best Kept Secret

Jaune:Is, is that a hug pillow of Snow Angel?

Bleiss: I… Um, i-its for you?

Jaune: Oh, um… okay? Thanks?

Though a bit put off Jaune took the… Odd gift from his lover, admittedly she had given him weirder things so…

‘Sniff, Sniff’

Jaune:Why does it smell like you?


Bleiss: Cuz… Um, I was trying to make it feel like me? Y-yeah that’s it.

Jaune:Oh, I guess that makes sense.


Thank God I fell in love with a himbo…

Jaune Belladonna Arc: Beyond Familial Part 1

So just I decided to start trying to return to some of my older stories from Jaune shots. And while I know that technically this isn’t a outright continuation for the Jaune Belladonna-Arc series in there I always intended to write this.

If you ever read my Jaune Xiao-Long series in there you’ll be familiar with the smut filled chapter labeled Beyond Familial. In which Jaune gets it on with his little step sister Ruby after a certain scene plays out differently then in the original chapter.

This follows the same principle, except well the event where things changed is much more serious. So much so that I decided to write this out in parts. What changed, well Blake going with Adam at the end of chapter 3.Anyways her’s the first part of three or four I imagine.

Also note this is one of the two potential views the group will be watching in ’The Multiple Lives of Jaune Arc’ Reaction series of mine. The other ‘Flirting with Knightshade is’ still in the works as well.

Jaune Belladonna Arc: Chapter 01/Chapter 02/Chapter 03

“I’m sorry, bye… Arc.”

No… That was the sole thought that fueled him as he watched his sister turn away, to leave with them, with the White Fang… And Adam. He knew, knew that if she went she’d wind up doing things she couldn’t take back.

His nails dug into the dirt, his lip bleeding as he bit it, trying to will himself to stay conscious. He ignored everything, the pain, the humiliation and soul churning shame. All of it meant so little, all that matter was her. Was the figure leaving unto that boat. Was his sister…


It was a wish that came to his heart then, a desperate plea to oppose the reality of his sister leaving. He wanted to stop that no matter what and his soul responded. Because for all it’s fault, for the souls fragility and ever close to being able to give way to despair. It also housed a staggering power. An image came to mind then, of people he only vaguely knew from the picture he’d only just seen earlier that day.

Of a smiling, loving mother and proud father, of siblings he’d never know, never hear from or receive praise. Of sisters he wished he could meet… But that would never happen, could never happen. They were gone… And that was the final straw that allowed it. The thought that like them, he might never be able to see his only living sister again if he gave in now.

If he let her go…

Light exploded from his being, pushing forth and lighting the night light dawn. The members of the White Fang on the boat winced, covering their eyes. Blake froze as she looked back, not merely from the sight of the light but ‘Feeling’ as steaks of ivory feed into her, filling her with warmth. One so fammilar, as if she was leaning against it as it stroked her head like before.

Adam glared as those same streaks of white light pushed against him, rejecting his being, he knew what this was.

His Semblance…

He saw it, saw Arc move, struggle to stand, blood pouring out of his form as he did, steam and light wafting off the deep cleave he’d carved into the human’s chest. Whatever this semblance was it was healing him at an exponential rate!

His breathes were heavy, his body surging with pain but even so he moved unto his weak feet and looked up. Eyes glaring at Adam, glowing with azure light. His lips parted and like a broken record he repeated his intentions once again.

“I won’t let you take her!” He sneered, his hold on his blade tightening as this human opposed him again! A voice, trembling with shock and doubt spoke beside him.

“Jaune…” And as filled with righteous fury as he was Jaune’s features softened suddenly as he looked to his sister.

“I’m sorry Blake, but I’d rather die than watch you leave…” There was a somber smile on his face then.

“So even if you’ll hate me…” His eyes opened hardened and sure, resolved as he spoke, eyes square on Adam.

“I’m bring you back, or die taking ‘You’ with me…” He rose not his families shattered blade but instead his shield up, his free hand curling into a fist and tightening.

“ENOUGH!!!” He’d had it! He heard the doubt in his Love’s voice, could tell this wretched Human was manipulating her with unwarranted guilt, turning her to his side once more! It was time he ended this farce.

“You’ll get your wish then human.” Before Blake could act, before this lower species could further harm her mind with his words he moved, hands on Wilt’s hilt.

“You’ll die before you drag my love and her family down any further with you wretched humanity!”

“ADAM NO!!!” He could hear it, Blake rushing to him, the human’s hold tight on her mind, but that would end soon once he took off his head! The human glared at him, and he hated him all the more for it! He drew Wilt and crimson flashed, he’d make it quick at least, his love might hate him for this.

But eventually he was sure he could show Blake reason, perhaps even free the entire Belladonna family from the depraved hold this cur hand on them all. Red met white as his violent aura intended to cleave through it and take his head. But shock was what filled the hateful bull instead as Wilt was suddenly flung back from it’s clash, as his hands ached from the violent vibrations from his blade meeting a studier force then it.


The next thing he saw was twin crescent surge forward as Crocea Mors’s shield slammed into his face. A foot landed between his, more blood spilling from the sudden movement as Jaune advanced forward. As the shield pulled back Adam saw Jaune’s rage filled features up close as he closed the distance. What he felt next was Arc’s fist as it connected with his chin in the strongest uppercut he could manage.

The sound of shifting gears followed as Corcea Mor’s shiled converted to it’s sheath and came crashing down. Smashing collar, he gritted his teeth as he felt his aura crack from the heavy attack. He sneered and turned his blade he swung up catching the blonde in it.

Wilt’s edge sparking as it ran along the boy’s flesh, his auric shielding somehow magnitudes greater than before. Then Jaune moved, no more distracted by the attack as he reached out grabbing his horn, before he could shot at the human for daring to touch his trait he pulled himself up and headbutted him.

White and red flared from the blow but surprisingly it was the bull who took a step back wincing. The moment he landed Jaune leaped forward, his wounds still screaming but now manageable. Desperate to take the small advantage Adam’s rage had afforded him.

“You Filthy Human!” That’s right he was a human, so what!? Why did that matter? Taking position Adam prepared himself sheathing Wilt and assuming his stance, a clear snarl plastered on his face.

“Don’t! Stop!” Which Blake was talking to didn’t matter, whether it was the bull who saw the outsider before him as a blight to be cut down of the brother who’d sooner die then give up his desperate final gambit. Wilt swung as Jaune closed in, the Arc only able to raise his shield once more in response as he stubbornly charged his attack. Red hateful energy slammed into him, intending to tear him apart as the hateful soul who manifested it willed. And in response, with no less desperation his own echoed his only desperation and manifested a blindingly white flood of energy to shield him.

Adam roared in anger when the blonde human slammed into him, his shield torn in half but aura barely scratched. Again they were inches apart and again Jaune struck him, slamming into his chest and sending the both of them to the floor.

Grumbly filthy human hands once more reached, grabbing his horns before pulling on them as Jaune brought his head down. Slamming into his skull with his own. Disoriented Adam couldn’t even process it when the human brough his head down again slamming into his again. Only regaining focus from the pain of the third blow upon hearing his mask crack.

“I! Won’t! Let! You! TAKE HER!!!” The final headbutt shattered his mask as well as left a deep gnash in the boy’s forehead from a fragment of it splintering at cutting him. Adam struck then, catching the boy’s face with a punch charged with violent red energy. Sending him back several feet to tumble on the ground.

Jaune moved to stand though glaring even as blood trickled out his mouth, a tooth gone, his feet dug into the sand as he kicked himself up and ran at the bull like a feral animal. Adam gritting on his feet saw as light again begun to burn off of the charging Arc.

“GIVE HER BACK!!!” He rose Blush, the sheath mechashift into a shotgun and fired, Jaune stumbled from the first blow but didn’t quit continuing his mad rush at the redheaded psycho. He fired again, at the same spot but Jaune endured, his aura surging in response to shield him, Adam though knew better and fired yet again. Catching it, the way Jaune winced, he could only endure so much.

Between healing and shielding the brat something had to give, like it or not he was still a youth and his body had it’s limits. Again he shot and Jaune visibly slowed for a moment as the pain registered. His other hand rose as he took aim, seeing the light flickering of the charging blonde.

“ADAM STOP!!!” Blake was so close, her hands stretching out as clear panicked filled her features, as her hands reached out, inches away… But not close enough.

Blush roared like thunder, red crackling energy coating the dust round, furthering their destructive power. It sounded like glass shattering, then flesh being torn and finally the cracking of bones… That was how she’d always remember it, her ears catching every detail. The wet sound of blood coating the sand, the stumbling of his feet on top of it as a pain grunt.

Her amber eyes saw it, her brother, the one she’d turned her back on fall forward unto the docks floor… Everything slowed, as she saw him laying there… Not looking up to her with a plea in his eyes. Not breathing harshly in pain. No this was worse, the utter stillness, the growing pool of deep red and the waning of the warm bright energy…


His voice rushed through her mind, memories flashing, of playing, of smiling and spending time together, all ending with that day so long ago when he smiled to her as he made himself bait.

‘I’m human Blake…’

He was, but…


He was also her precious and only brother…

Her knees sunk into the sand as she slid down beside him, kicking so much of the crimson stained grains up as she did. When she passed Adam, how she moved so fast the furthest things from her mind as she reached out grabbing with shaky panicked hands.


He didn’t move… Something snapping in her at the realization.

“JAUNE!?” She moved close, ignoring the staining of her clothes as they took on the shade of his scarlet. As she moved herself closer to him, shaking him, a panicked tremble building in her voice as it grew with her rising terror.

“Jaune, move…” Tears begun to hit the bloodied sand below as he didn’t respond. A fresh powerful set of emotions building her as she shifting his now doll-like body back and forth.

“Please! ‘Sob’ Please Move… ‘Hic’ Jaune!?” She turned him over with all her strength, revealing it, his abdomen bloodied, part gouged out were Blush’s bullets had torn into him. The deep red flesh below ruined even as the ever-weakening streaks of white whisked about, desperate to mending whatever it could.

Her eyes quickly rose up from the horrid gore though, looking up, her terror only growing, bright red blood on his still chest… Then she saw his face, his face stuck in an expression of somewhere between anger and pain. His eyes, his blue eyes that always shone with so much reliability, were now dull…

The little streaks gave their final efforts before they begun to fade, no…

No, no, no, No! NO!!!

“Jaune, Jaune Please! PLEASE!!!” She pushed close and cried out as loud as she could, holding him close, feeling his warm as it begun to fade.

“I’m Sorry! I’M SORRY< SO PLEASE!!!”

“HAHAHAHA!!! FINALLY!!! FINALLY HE’S BEEN DEALT WITH!!!” She looked back and saw Adam, saw the man she adored laugh, laugh at her brother’s state… No, at, at having, having…

Killed him…

Adam had killed Jaune, had killed her brother.

Because of me…

Her body felt numb as something riled in her, pain, agony, shame, guilt disgust growing, festering making her body shudder and shake. And then she was off. Leaping, into Adam, him staring at her, no, not staring, his ruined branded eye facing her as she stabbed Crocea Mor’s ruined blade into his good eye. Adam screamed striking her, making her fall back into the sand, he grabbed at his face, at his ruined orbital organ. Small fragments of the shattered blade remining inside, his howling pain didn’t inspire guilt or sympathy though… No all she could hear was his laugh, all she could see was Jaune’s ruined stomach and dull lifeless eyes.

Sand kicked up as she screamed, as she charged, acting on intense, unceasingly and fiercely burning emotions!

‘I’m sorry Blake, but I’d rather die than watch you leave…’

I’m sorry…

Tears ran down her face as she cried in sorrowful rage towards the man who she’d loved only moments ago. But now despised with so much more intensely.

‘It’s a knights job to protect’

She readied to leap, to stab at his throat only for a thick arm to swipe at her, striking her, sending her spiraling into the sand again. The bulkier recruit stood there before her, the one who made her not run to Jaune earlier. How convinced her, that same hateful rage directed her furious emotions his way.

How horribly ironic was it that only now it all clicked, what her parents said, what Jaune had said! What she refused to hear, so much more sure of her own beliefs, of her blind faith in Adam. In their cause! That now she could so easily see how they’d turn from the victims to seeking to be the ones who hurt others in turn.

How the people she had called her kin weren’t anything but murderers in the making… And in order to realize that, to realize who her family were, who truly wanted what was best for her and her people now laid behind her forever still… Emotions raged in her, swirling in blind primal anger, the only emotion a potent as the love that made her both risk his… No that her brother lose his life to protect now flared inside her.

It’s polar opposite, and yet ever faithful companion, because as much as you could love someone it would always manifest when that same cherished person was hurt before you… Hate gathered in her soul, the vile toxic emotion demanding her to give to it. To embrace it and, and kill them. Violent violet energy slowly begun to spark from her.

Her pained, soul tearing emotions forcibly awakening her breaking mourning soul’s light, in a cruel sense, her brother had kept his word… He awoke her aura, but not by his own, but instead by the sheer unbearable pain of his loss.

Aura seethed off her, but it wasn’t crackling with hateful ire like Adam’s crimson, nor a calm warm white like Jaune’s. What seethed forth was faint but very much there, particles of purple that calming floated around her like a mist. Like venom, she felt no joy from her awakening only seeing it as another weapon, a means to try and kill them! To try and calm this growing venom that spread through every view on her being as her bother’s face played in her fogging mind.

She moved towards them again, the larger man sneering as he readied to hit her away again, no, she didn’t want that. She needed to kill Adam! She could get the others later, after him! The man struck and she wasn’t fast enough, she knew she wasn’t.

No! I need to kill him!

“Get Outta My way!” His fist struck, and then penetrated her form, her body turning black and hollow as his fist flew through it, as she manifested behind him in midair eyes golden hate filled eyes clear on her brother’s killer. She screamed stabbing into his throat, all her strength in the blow, all her being aiming to kill him, to make him choke on his own blood as she teared it out with the remains of her brother’s blade!

But Reality was cruel, red light crackled against the shattered edge of the broken blade, Adam’s aura up and defending the now blind bull. Wilt surging forward impaling her, her eyes going wide as it dug into her left shoulder. She screamed as his foot kicked her stomach, as he sent her flying back.

“Brother Adam!” The big man turned to the blind bull as Blake screeched in pain clenching her stab wound.

“You Betray Me Blake!” Adam roared in rage and betrayal.

“After I Finally Freed You From That Human!” She only wished he could see the hate as she glared at him.

“DON’T YOU EVER CALL HIM THAT, JAUNE MY BROTHER!!!” If only she’d snapped out of it sooner, Adam stormed forward, towards her. Listening to her whimpers as she backed away, Crocea Mors out of her hands, dropped where she’d been stabbed.

“After Everything We Said! We Were Supposed To change The World! Me And You!” His words that once stirred her heart now only mad her sick, realizing their truth far to late as she backed away.

“I Knew I Should’ve Killed That Parasite Sooner!” This was the real Adam, hate and spite, someone who had once been the victim but had twisted and turned into something as wrong as the things that’d once oppressed him. Leaving only a monster with nothing but hate, hate for everything resembling those who once hurt him, no matter whether they deserved his ire or not.

Her slipped falling back against a familiar body, the blood coating her palms being the reason she fell back. Her brother, she laid beside him, Adam approaching closer.

“I see… I was too late, you can’t be saved…” True pain showed on Adam’s features, him finding her only by her aura through his sense for the soulful light.

“I cure you my love, cure you of the sickness infecting your mind and heart…” Wilt glowed brightly, as it rose, ready to cleave her head off. Hate burned in her eyes, but then realizing what was going to happen a small part of her accepted it…

To die beside her brother, by Jaune, who in turn gave his life to protect her… Was it truly so bad?

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you my love…” She looked up to her former lover, meeting his gaze her eyes vacant.

I’ll see you soon… Jaune…

He swung his blade Wilt streaking red lightening, and striking nothing, not her nor Jaune’s body. She appeared just beyond his lightening’s strike, holding Jaune’s body, she froze confused…

Why, why did she move?

Adam faced her way detecting her aura and visibly angering.

“Why, why did I move…” Wasn’t she resolved to, to die…

“Blake! Let him go!” Wilt crackled with more violent lightening, somethins so insignificant as a simple wind blew, but with it it carried the scent below her to her nose. His scent as faded in blood as it was rekindling something…

‘I’m bring you back!’

Her chest hurt once more…

‘Your my little sister…’

‘It’s my job to protect you’

Adam swung and she put all her strength into moving out of his attacks way, Jaune in her arms.

‘I won’t let anyone take anymore of my family away!’

That’s right… If she died, if she saw Jaune, he, he wouldn’t be happy.

‘Even if you think that I don’t after all you’re the only sister I’ve known.’

He’d want her to live, that’s why her rushed her, to save her.

“Why, why, whywhywhywhy WHY!!!” Adam had a madness about him as he advanced.

I can’t die…

It streak out of her then, a faint ivory ember of pure white light… Her eyes caught it so perfectly, that was right, when his semblance activated, his aura, it, it touched her, warmed her. Her soul even now was touched by those streaks of white.

By her brother’s final embers…

If I die…

Memories flashed, ones they shared alone, ones nobody but her had.

“If I die, this these parts of you will die with me…” She her hold tightened on him, on her brother.

“I won’t die yet… I promise big brother…” She had to go back, she wouldn’t couldn’t let his final act be a meaningless one.

“GET AWAY FROM HER YOU FILTHY HUMAN!!!” He swung faster then she expected, she struggled to activate that same power as before, but her semblance wouldn’t obey her.

“No-” She’d only just realize how much she needed to live.

“I… Won’t let…” Warmth, that was what it was seized her chest then and her aura expanded, her semblance activating…

She appeared father then ever before from her shadow, but that didn’t matter, what was was what she heard. Her ears still twitching as she looked down, as she looked to wear the small, frail voice seethed from. His eyes now closed… His anger gone. The familiar warmth beginning to wane…

“She moved so fast, to fast laying him down only now realizing it, the terrible wounds, they were still there, but no longer bleeding out. Looking horrible but not so much that there was no doubt he’d be dead… they were shrinking.

She didn’t dare hope, and yet she moved, pressing her face against his chest, listening, every fraction of a moment filling her with dread… Knowing it couldn’t be. And yet…


Her eyes went blank, unable to express it, the feeling of the soul they supposably were supposed to window. Fresh tears trailed down unto his chest, soaking into the dying blood there, and increasing as his heart begun to speed.

His aura truly gone now, not so much as a particle of the light remaining as it used everything to pull forth this miracle. Adam begun to cry her name again.

“Get Away From Him!” Having sensed it even before her, sensed his soul pulse with life and hating it.

“Brothers sisters kill him!” Not a one of them moved, because they were all still in terror, a simple fact now making itself known. Adam’s roars and shouts, his attacks and cries and Jaune bright light and yells of defiance. How could not a single person have heard it… Simple, they had.

The lot on the boat stared at the small mob approaching, Blake only realizing her mother was there when she shouted in panic. Her arms suddenly around her and Jaune, more fear in her tear filled near maddened sight as she looked to her injured daughter and son upon the brink of death.

The sand crunched under heavy heel as her father rushed forward past them, she didn’t see his expression, didn’t need to. Because in the next moment he leaped upon Adam with a roar fitting of the jungle cat his traits originated from. Adam managed to respond in time, sticking out his blade impaling her father. But Ghira ignored it, ignored the life threatening pain in favor of attacking, in killing what had made his wife give such a pain filled cry.

What had readied his son a silent mass in her arms, he moved clawed hand at the hateful youth’s throat and clench it, burying his claws inside and around the windpipe before pulling it out! Nothing else mattered as he stood up from the now still body. As he turned away as the mob moved forward towards those others who done this.

Uncaring of what would happen to them, all he could do was move towards his wife and children, watching as his precious Kali cried against his son’s chest. Big painfilled tears wetting the blood soaked clothes as she buried her face into Jaune’s chest.

Thanking any god that’s listen for the heart beat she heard…

And there, well that’ll end the serious/ dramatic part of this story, in case it wasn’t obvious I loved the first season of Attack on Titan, especially episode 7.

Anyways next part will be a timeskip, going straight to them in the late 17s. I.E. Volume One ages, and may even begin to actual smut.


It’s just allergies

General Ironwood sees that Winter is touching her neck and has an uncomfortable face.

Ironwood: Are you okay, Winter?

Winter: I’m fine, sir. Just a sore throat.

Ironwood: If you don’t mind me asking. What happened?

Winter: Umm… *Remembers getting face fucked by Jaune*…allergies

Ironwood: Do you need a pill or something?

Winter: I’m good, sir. Thank you.

Winter:I suppose I should be on the pill though, practicing safe sex is only reasonable

Ironwood:What did you say Winter? I’m sorry but my mind was elsewhere?

Winter:N-Nothing Sir O///O

I can’t believe I said that out loud! I Blame You Arc! After all I hardly slept last night because of that Handsome Simplton, that rugged, strong… -///-



Moving Fast With Lancaster (Commission)

This bitch is 16K words, be warned…

Jaune had no idea what he was thinking right now, why he, a second year, a dang decent one if he was being honest was acting a bit like a creep as he hid behind a pillar…Yep, it sounded just as bad as he thought it did, but well he just had to know!

He peeked nervously past the stone to see the pair at a bench, his best friend and fellow team leader Ruby and Oscar. The former who he’d knowns since his first year, the later came to Beacon unprepared, untrained and definitely not ready… How could he not help him!? He was just like him. And Ruby strangely enough considering he had his own Weiss (Whitley) for a partner… Penny too, but he was getting off topic!

Point was he helped his fellow country bumpkin out, showed him the ropes, taught him about aura and everything. He was happy to, then he started hanging out with Ruby… Cool. Then he started hanging out a ‘Lot’ with Ruby.

He felt like a child for being jealous, but dammit he was! Ruby was his crush after all!…

Ugh, what’s wrong with me…

Yeah, him Jaune Arc, the same idiot that asked Weiss out every day in his first now liked her partner. Oum even he knew how creepy that sounded. But dammit it’s like his sis Saphron always said! The wants what the heart wants! And Dammit he wanted the quirky, adorable dork that cut a head of a house-sized Nevermore during Initiation.

His fellow nerd that went to the comic shop with him and geeked out over X-Ray and Valv… Ugh! Dammit Why Was It So Hard To Ask Her Out!… Oh right, he didn’t want a repeat of Weiss, Ruby was his best friend after all. And while he freaked out and for once held back the urge to ask her out and ruin his friendship Oscar came into play.

Dammit! He wanted to be happy for them but he just couldn’t be! Which again lead him hear, to watch his crush and protégé do what? Make out, his stomach was already twisting in knots at that idea. He wanted to leave! To deny reality for a bit longer! To not acknowledge what stupid Yang was saying about them being a dumb cute couple.

Ugh, his heart broke a little just thinking that…

“HE’S SO STUPID!!!” He paused, well… That couldn’t be a good sign for them as a couple.

“Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Oum Dangit Jaune Why Are You Such A Dummy!” What the!? Why was she dragging him into their couple’s moment!?

“Yeah Ruby I know…” Oscar looked kinda… annoyed? Like Whitley did when he was around his sister…

“It’s Like He’s Doing It On Purpose! Does He Really Think Those Hussies Need Help Using A Sword!?” Of course they did, why else would the first years ask him for some lessons?

“They Got Into Beacon! They Know How To Swing They’re Dumb Awesome Swords You Freaking Himbo!” Hey, maybe they just wanted to learn his style…

What’s a Himbo?

“Ruby, we both know Jaune can be a bit bad at reading people…” Even from here he could feel her deadpan.

“No Oscar! Not Realizing Weiss was making fun of him was being bad a reading people… Jaune’s dense as Goliath’s Hide!” Hey!?

“Okay, accurate-” Double Hey!

“-But it just means he’s trusting, isn’t that a good thing?” He knew he could count on Oscar.

“Don’t Take His Side! Your Supposed To Say Yes Ruby! Jaune’s A Big Dense Dumb Dummy!” Okay, he would be madder if her squeaky frustrated voice wasn’t so damn cute… Didn’t help that she religiously avoided cussing on top of that…

Dammit She’s Too Cute For Me To Feel Offended!

His face burned as the sheer adorableness, dammit he had the love bug bad!… Had he been paying attention he’d had realized the noise he was making. Not enough for the titrating Ruby to hear but Oscar… Said farmboy deadanned.



The word all but cried in Oscar’s mind, finally Jaune had followed them! Took him long enough! Oscar had been trying to set this damn trap for ages! Well… Weeks. What could he say the two were obviously into each other, and well besides Nora and Ren who all but adopted him (Mostly Nora) Ruby and Jaune were his best friends, mentors, dare he say even family…

So yeah, he wanted to help them get together, Jaune was dense and scared of ruining his and Ruby’s friendship, apparently like he did with Weiss. Which meant he had to get him to know she was into him otherwise he’d never do anything about it.

He could hardly fight back the smile, finally! FINALLY!!! This Was Happening, he loved Ruby (Maybe not the same way as Jaune) But he had his limits and hearing her complain about her not-boyfriend was not his idea of a good time.

Okay Oscar now to reel them in, act natural…

Tuning his inner Jaune he practiced said blondes lessons in tactics and put forth his best act.

’Ahem’Well then why not just give up on him then?” And like that Ruby cut her complaints short to stare at him, her eyes in a very uncommon look for the Rose as she looked to him half confused, half like he was dumb and all sorts of mad.

“Don’t be dumb!” He forced his best apologetic face even if he felt anything but as he noticed Jaune behind’s interest seeming to be peaked.

“You Know I Can’t Do That!” Her face was red in anger and embarrassment.

“Why not, he seems to make you upset all the time, wouldn’t it be better to look for another guy instead…” And now her tiny fist were balling, shaking as she clenched them tight enough to warp metal. The moment she shut her eyes and shouted with such an embarrassed look he knew he won his gamble.

If this doesn’t get though his thick head nothing will…

“BECAUSE I LOVE JAUNE!!! YOU KNOW THAT!!!” She glared at him hurt and betrayed at his suggestion, in any other situation he’d definitely feel guilty… Now however all he could do was smile widely, to her it might appear mean so he quickly called out.

“You heard that Jaune?” It was funny seeing both the older teens freeze up at his call, Ruby turning to look at her fellow leader who really couldn’t do anything but wave with a blush as big as her own.

“H-hey…” Thankfully for him Ruby was too flustered to realize he’d been spying on them, he shrugged, honestly from all their talks he was sure she’d be happy instead but that was neither here nor there. Speaking of things that didn’t need to be here. Lifting from his seat the first year stretched, hearing a godly amount of his bones pop in relief.

“Whelp, my work is done here… I think if I’m gone any longer Whitley will lecture me again. Well seeya.” Not missing a beat he walked back to his dorm, stopping by Jaune and smiling his pseudo-mentor’s way.

“You should stop worrying about her rejecting you now right.” Blinking Jaune looked to him surprised earning a wide smile in return.

“You knew…” He deadpanned.

“You’re not a great liar Jaune.” Leaving on that note the two were left alone…


To say there was an awkward air would be an understatement, after all he’d came expecting to feel his heart break and crack at confirming his Ruby and Oscar were dating… And now he was calling Ruby his. Yep, that couldn’t be a good sign…

He was happy, don’t get that wrong, if he thought he could get away with it he’d be dancing right now. But something told him that Ruby would be upset, mainly because currently she looked like she might explode from sheer embarrassment and annoyance at being tricked into confessing.

“Um… Ruby?” Said girl flinched, her already red face truning brighter, her rosy cheeks burning as her confused silver eyes scrambled to meet his gaze and then avoid it as she began to approach meltdown.

“I-I… I NEED TO GO!!!”

“Wha, Wait!?” But she didn’t breaking down into a storm of rose petals and darting off… Jaune liked to think he was quick witted, but honestly chasing a semblance speeding Ruby was probably one of the dumbest choices he’d ever made. Not only because she was faster than him and could squeeze through spots he couldn’t in that form but because chasing a girl around desperately as she shouted probably worked against the image of a upstanding leader he was aiming to uphold.

Panting and wheezing he crouched again, holding himself against a while as he struggled not to cough out his poor abused lungs. Eyes darted around for any trace of his fellow leader, looks like he’d have to stumble on her again and continue the chase…

Man… Everyone’s gonna think I’m creep…

Did that mean he’s stop? Not a chance…

“Jaune…” He paused, looking up and meeting a concerned pair of silver eyes… Apparently his sweaty exhausted form had garnered her need to check on him, overpowering her embarrassment even. She stepped closer to his tired form, some water in hand, presenting it to him.

“H-here…” Right now the act made her look like a goddess in his eyes, true she was the reason he was in desperate need of liquid but details… Taking it he drunk greedily downing the whole thing, maybe a little too fast because the his concerned if not still flustered best friend came closer looking worried.

“Careful or you’ll choke…” And that made him pause, not the words but the proximity, Ruby was close to him. In arms reach, finally he could talk to her! Explain himself, apologize for following her and Oscar, yeah… Clear the air, maybe even relieve her worries and tell her nothing was-

“Will you go out with me?” …Okay, so maybe some habits die hard, like insta-confessing to the girl he liked when he actually thought he had a chance…

Oh Crap! Idiot! What Am I Doing!… Why hasn’t she rejected me yet?

Pulled form his internal screaming Jaune paused as he looked to Ruby who just stared at him with wide silver eyes, he could see the urge to run in them again. But something else kept her in place, shock? Disbelief? And then she spoke up, as much on reflex as his confession.



Jaune had no freaking idea what was happening right now!? Him and Ruby were in Vale, on a date! Like together! Yes He Still Couldn’t Believe It! Could you blame him!? Not even an hour ago he thought her and Oscar were going out! And now here she was, with him, walking through the streets in a dress… A DRESS!!! HER, RUBY ROSE!!!

Ruby Never Wore Girly Dresses! Sure she wore her combat skirt but that was different! She looked so much cuter in the outfit, he recognized it too, it was her dress from the dance last year, and well… It was kinda hard to look at her in it. Not cause she looked bad or anything, the opposite in fact… She, she looked sexy.

HE WASN’T A PERVERT HE SWORE! It Was Just, She’d, She’d Filled Out Since Then, Her Hips Were Wider, Thighs and Butt Bigger And Her Chest… Dammit He Was A Guy! A Teenager! Of Course He’d Notice, No Matter How Much He Tried Not To!

“Um, Jaune? Are You okay?” He looked back to a still somewhat red Ruby who looked somewhere between embarrassed, shy and uncomfortable. Dammit she was just too cute! NO! Focus Jaune! Ruby Was Asking Him Something!

Turning he looked into her eyes, her big, pretty silver-


“Jaune!?” She panicked seeing him slap himself, but he needed it as he shook his head to clear his mind.

“I’m fine, just um… was sorta outta it y’know?” Looking to him Ruby adopted a hint of… worry?

“Is, is cause you’re not having fun?”

“What? No! Not at all!”

“You promise?” Now that he could respond to, heck he didn’t even need to think about it.

“Arc’s Word.” Hearing that she called down a bit and he smiled, relieved.

“Why would you think that?”

“Well, it’s just you seem all stiff and you’re not smiling…”

“Well…‘Heh’I‘Sigh’ Don’t laugh, but I’m kinda nervous…” Lame yes, but undoubtably the truth.

“I’ve never really been on a date so… I guess I don’t wanna mess up.”


“Yeah, pathetic rig-”

’Exhale’Oh thank Oum! It Isn’t Just Me!” Now it was his turn to be surprised.

“What?” She looked to him with a relieved smile.

“I was so worried you were regretting this… You seemed so focused on trying not to look at me that I thought… Maybe you were regretting it…” He couldn’t help it, his mouth opened before he knew it.

“That’s cause your so cute and sex-!” His hands slapped over his stupid mouth, but it was too late, the damage had been done… Ruby looked back to him with wide silver eyes, and he was sure he’d officially freaked her out.


Wait, what did he say!?

That, that she was cute! He Said It Again!? She was torn between the urges to squeal in joy and whine in embarrassment. I mean it made her super happy but dangit it was just so embarrassing! And she was nowhere near used to this yet! It, it had barely been an hour since they started to, to… To date.

And her heart was racing at that thought. It was embarrassing, it was making her face hot and heart absolutely lose it. And She Loved It! She was so happy! Jaune was her boyfriend! Her’s! Not Weiss, Not Pyrrha’s or any of those stupid hussy first years! Nope all Ruby’s!

Which meant she could do whatever she wanted, like… like.

She looked to him, him and his dumb tallness, but it made her goal easier to see, his hands… She could, could hold his hands. She had the right! He was her boyfriend! She Wasn’t Lewd! Her fingers curled as she prepped herself for it.

C’mon girl! You can do it! Don’t chicken out like you did on the bullhead!

Her other hand to her chest she took deep breathes, thankfully Jaune seemed more concerned with not looking directly at her. So he didn’t notice, she’d be more worried if he didn’t just call her cute… And now her heart was losing it again.

No! Bad Heart! You Calm Down, if you freak out like this already then, I’m gonna die when I grab his stupid big hand!

She tuned to the words of perhaps the most respectable person she knew…

‘Just go for it, the worse she could do is slap you for trying to grab some ass ‘Hic’ Oh wait, you’re a girl, nevermind, you good…’


Okay, so maybe Drunkle Qrow’s advise while he was on the sauce was a bit… Sketchy. But still… Victory favored the bold according to Weiss.

Dammit Just do It!

She moved like lightening! Aim clear on her rough calloused target only for it to swiftly dodge her grasp at the last moment.

“Oh hey, it’s another The Huntsman movies!” His finger pointed to the poster, and for once she was made to see a new action flick because it had aided in her denial of her goal… But well.

“Do you think The Reapette will appear in this one?”

“Do know, wanna see?”

“Sure!” Did he seriously just ask if she wanted to watch an action movie? Of Course She Did! They’d Order Popcorn, and candy! Oh Maybe, they’ll. Have… cookies…

Was this a date?

She looked to Jaune seeing him look a tinge nervous. Oh Crude It Was A Date!!! But, but they always went to the movies together! Except now they were doing it as a couple… OH GODS IT WAS PART OF THEIR DATE!!!

“So… Wanna check it out?” He scratched his cheeks a bit awkwardly, in return she squeaked.

“OKAY!” And everyone turned to the two of them…



That had easily been the most embarrassing time of her life, from the ‘oohs and awes’ while they made their orders for snacks to the snickers as they waited in line, she wanted to die! She wanted to curl up into a Ruby ball in the corner and just nope outta this world from all the embarrassment that made her tummy go in knots!

But finally, they were safe from everyone else’s stupid looks and snickering as they sat in their seats and the movie began. She watched as the movie began. Slowly forgetting her embarrassment as the movie begun. Oh yeah, nothing calmed you down like some good old super heroes!

Who cared about stupid embarrassment and junk, when you could watch some caped crusaders beat up bad guys in spandex, shoveling kernel after kernel of buttery goodness in her mouth Ruby focused on the movie. Jaune was no better as she slurped down their soda. Actually that sounded pretty good right about now. Thank Oum they got a super large!

“Hey can I have some?”

“Wha? Oh sure, here.” He didn’t so much hand her his drink as tilt it her way, the straw pointing her direction now. She moved to suck on it, the carbonated sweetness flooding her tastebuds as she drunk it down. Oh yeah, that the spot.

“Mind leaning this way?” She nodded and Jaune reached into her popcorn, pulling out a hand full and stuffing his face with it. How he could do that and not get butter all over her cheeks was a thing of wonder to her and just something else that made her boyfriend awesome in his own dorky way…

The she froze as the straw came out of her mouth, and towards his, he wrapped his lips around it and took a long drink of their strawberry and ‘Everyone Loves Grapes’ fusion (Hey, it tasted better then you’d think!) She stared at him as he drunk, his lips around the straw, sucking on where hers had been moments ago….

H-he was drinking from the straw! Where, where her lips were! Oh Gods She Drunk From It Too! After He Had!!! B-But They Always Shared Drink! Ever Since That One Time Were They Barely Had Enough For… OH GODS!!! HOW MANY TIMES HAD THEY KISSED!!!???

Then she felt it, his hand touching her’s in the popcorn bucket as it tried to grab some, on reflex it squeezed around her hand and she squeaked in response, jumping in panick and making the tub of buttery kernels fall outta her lap.

No! My Popcorn!

“I got it!” Or would’ve hand Jaune hadn’t moved, reaching out and grabbing the bucket of popcorn, saving most of it.

“’Heh’ That was close.” He whispered close to her ear so nobody would be bothered, he was just trying to be mindful of the people watching, it just so happened that his mindfulness didn’t extend to the girl whose ear was being tickled from his hot breath.

“Y-yeah…” Smooth Ruby, very smooth, the high-pitched voice was a nice touch, as if her cherried face wasn’t enough of a giveaway… Thankfully Jaune was a dense himbo and didn’t seem to notice.

“Sorry, my grip was a little loose… I think I got too much butter on my hands.”

“Hmm? Maybe I should call you Butterfingers then huh Craterface?” Her answer was sticking out her tongue to him before they both smiled, laughing a bit, and bothering the surrounding people watching too. She felt kinda bad about that… And then worse when she realized something, this was fun, nice… But also no different then the usual…

How was this any different then when they always hang out…

Then she was suddenly lifted into the air, she blinked as she felt hands on her hips and looked back to see Jaune smiling to her left as he set her down… On his lap.


He smiled toothily, showing off his pearly whites.

“There.” Letting go of her hips he reached around her and firmly took hold of a side of the popcorn.

”Now you won’t drop the popcorn anymore?” What the heck was he talking!?

“Wh-why am I sitting on your lap!” She ignored the glare for her outburst while Jaune looked at her a bit surprised.

“Huh? Ren does this all the time to Nora…” How else would he keep her from rampaging during a movie.

What? He did? Wait, was he treating her like Ren did Nora!? Was that a good thing? The line between babysitter and couple was often blurred between the two?

But well, even if this was sorta embarrassing it did feel nice, Jaune made a way better seat then the actual seat. And she could see a bit better. Still embarrassed she wiggled around, making herself comfortable… After all if Jaune wasn’t embarrassed, why should she be, it was a lot less pervy then a indirect kiss after all…


Currently Jaune was fighting, yes fighting a desperate, losing battle, one the likes of which made every training session with Pyrrha, ever bout against Cardin and life and death struggle against the Grimm while on his missions look like mere child’s play.

What was this near insurmountable battle he participated in… It was against himself… Or to be more precise a part of himself. A ‘Very’ important part of himself he held near and dear. What, his pride, pfft, yeah right. Self-respect? Please, he threw that away on day one when he flirted with Weisscream.

No, the opponent Jaune faced wasn’t some abstract concept or feeling, nope it was simpler, perhaps even arguably the simplest part of him, of any man really… Jaune Arc was at war with his penis and it’s need to ‘Rise’ to attention so to speak… And the battle proved to be a harsh one, because despite his quick wit and tactical mind Jaune was not immune to the fallible blonde moments all of his fun having golden haired ilk suffered.

He thought it was a good idea to put Ruby blooming into a woman Rose on his lap! The same girl he was ‘Very’ aware of developing in all the right spots on the walk here! Oum dammit, looking back at it Ren never actively put Nora on his lap! She did that herself and Ren would spend the time meditating, HE NOW KNEW WHY!!!

Ruby’s butt was wiggling around in his lap, her plump little bottom smushing up against and grinding around his jeans! Her naturally rosy smell travelling up to him as her body pressed down on his crotch!

Just focus on the movie! Yeah, that’s right, focus on The Huntsman… Focus! Focus on him gods dammit! Not on the pair of soft globes sandwiching you dic- NO! No, no NOOO!!! Stop It!

Dammit if Ruby wasn’t on his lap he’s pour his drink down his jeans in place of a cold shower right now! Then again if Ruby wasn’t on his lap he wouldn’t need a Cold Show!

On the bright side at least Ruby didn’t seem to notice…


What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO!!!???

She was officially panicking! Because Something Was Pushing Up Against Her Butt!!! No! Not Something! She Knew What It Was! Which Was Why She Was So Made At Herself!

No! Stop That! Stop Rubbing It Booty!

Was It Stupid To Blame Her Butt, Yes! Yes It Was! Would She Stop? Not Until She Had A Better Excuse!

She flushed harder as he booty wiggled in place, it, it wasn’t her fault! She was just trying to get comfortable! She wasn’t lewd she swore! She, she was just… curious.

So curious she might’ve not been paying attention to the movie… Well, her and Jaune would just have to come see it again she guessed… Speaking of her seat he was stone still, was she heavy! Oh No Was It Popcorn! Was It Making Her Fat!? Then again, if that was true and Jaune did think she was tubby he wouldn’t be so… ‘Big’ right now would he?

Her cheeks heated as she felt his tent push up against her panties… M-maybe this wasn’t what she thought it was, maybe he had a pencil in his pocke… A umbrella, yep, definitely felt like a umbrella, a big, curving, umbrella that throbbed…

This isn’t an umbrella…


She stilled at the noise.


Another noise, her head turned, finding the source of the sounds, the armrests, both of them, shifting slightly as Jaune gripped them… Clutching the warping metal with a death grip as his hands shook on them.

Coming off her panic she noticed more things, like hot breath hitting her head, looking back she saw a… odd sight. Jaune with his eyes desperately shut tight, face red and mouth fixed in a scowl as he looked like he was having a nightmare, or… Trying to focus on something, or more likely against something.

She stared at him for several long moments, watching her dork boyfriend tense harder and something else ‘Harden’ and twitch in kind. Was, was she doing this?

‘~Wiggle, Wiggle~’

It was purely out of curiosity that she moved her booty, and her experiment was rewarded when she saw both his face and ‘felt’ him twitch.

Uh-oh, this was kinda fun…


Jaune leaned against the wall outside of theatre room, he was currently banging his head against the wall at his sheer stupidity. Said stupidity being the idea to put ruby on his lap, followed by the even greater moronic thought that he desperately wanted said girl to still be on his lap!

No! Bad Hormones! Bad! Focus on beefing me up! And Not Down There Right Now!

Dammit he was gonna have trouble sleeping tonight! And more trouble trying to take care of a increasingly needed ‘itch’ in his dorm room! He’d just do it while he showered, yeah that made sens-

“~Hey there big guy~”


Ruby stepped outta the bathroom, face still head, lewd stupid thoughts still flooding her dumb head.

Stupid Hormones! Focus on getting me outta of the fun-sized club not on Jaune’s hard, big, curving- NO! What did I Just Tell You!

Dammit, how could she not think about it! She could still practically feel it!

She rubbed her butt blushing, what’d come over her? She was a good girl, the goodiest good, Ruby Rose was rated E for everyone… Well, maybe Rated J for Jaune now… She shook her head, dangit she was thinking about it again!

She slapped her clean hands against her rosy cheeks, trying to will the lewd thoughts away! No, no lewding her boyfriend! Even if he was supposed to be the only person she lewded, but that was besides the point! She was a good girl! And good girls didn’t think lewd thoughts about their boyfriends on their first dates. They also didn’t give kisses either (Indirect or not). Or technically gave them butt jobs on said date…

‘Gasp’ Am I A Bad Girl!?

“~C’mon, it’s just one drink~”

“Um, well I got school tomorrow, so I don’t think that’d be too good an idea.” Ruby perked up then at the familiar voice of Jaune and the annoyingly familiar tone of a lady. Looking in their direction she was rewarded with the sight of two girls all but trying to hang off ‘Her’ Jaune.

Said hussies leaning forward in the spaghetti-strapped tops and fluttering their stupid eyes while smiling with so much makeup on that they looked like slut clowns!

“Oh, you’re a schoolboy? Where at? We wouldn’t happen to have seen you on campus now would we, what college you going to stud?” The bimbo on his left leaned closer, and of course dumb dense Jaune didn’t notice how she was pushing out her dumber bigger boobs that she was sure were as fake as her slutty smile!

“Oh, Beacon.” The right hussy went wide-eyed before a sultry smile showed.

“~Really, you’re a big, strong, huntsman?” Jaune waved the praise off.

“Nah, I’m still learning.” Bimbo bit her lip, her hand landed on his chest, earning a clenching of her fist as she watched.

“Awe, modest to, you seeing anyone?” Jaune begun to flush a little bit then.

’Heh’ Actually yeah, her names Ruby, we’re actually here on a date.” If she’d expected the two to back off she would have been sorely disappointed when instead of leaving the pair of whores instead doubled down and pushed up closer to him.

“What that kid?”

“I totally thought that was like your baby sis or something.” Jaune was about to say something, his features changing, eyes narrowing, but before he could…

That’s It!

Ruby Not Happy Rose stomped forward in all her Five-Feet Two Anger!

“Hey Hussies!” The pair of girls and Jaune turned surprised to see her, Jaune smiling like the lovable dense himbo he was at seeing her and not recognizing the two slutty snakes in the grass at both his sides. That was fine though, cause Ruby could take down a King Taijitu, so why would she be afraid of two dumb old slut snakes!

Ruby was not what Weiss would call socially adept, Yang called her awkward and shy… She was scared of conflict, well not the fighting type, especially against Grimm. But the words and mean girl sorta stuff. And these two were definitely mean girls, but then again there was one thing that made the situation very different from the usual.

Something that made her stomp forward instead of back away nervously, that lovable, blonde goofy thing was currently waving at her unaware of the two bitches below smirking as they looked at their competition and surely thought it’d be an easy win.

Usually they’d be right, and Ruby would back off, but right now as she met those stupid smiles of theirs a different line of thinking roared in her head.


She jumped, at first the two thought it was towards them, they even looked a bit scared, after all, little girl or not she was a student at Beacon, with her aura unlocked and everything. If she wanted black eyes and missing teeth would be all too easy to deliver.

Instead though Jaune went wide eyed as she pushed him down and outta those two whore’s hold! That or he was shocked because she all but pushed her lips against his as she grabbed his face! His lips were soft and he tasted like their soda… They stayed like that for several more long seconds before she broke it with a pop turned around and glared at the two standing hussies and pushing herself against Jaune’s chest.

“MINE!!!” That seemed to get the message across, alongside her flaring red aura and usually adorable sneer. The two backed away, one step, then two then they turned to run for it, bimbo trying to call her something before tripping on her slut heels and faceplanting while hussy left her behind.

She puffed out her modest chest in pride at fending off the two before she smiled down at her boyfriend happily. Then she noticed his red face as he looked up at her, and slowly it begun to sink in what she’d just done, ironically just as something else of Jaune’s begun to poke against her panties again as she sat on his waist…

Her face burned hot again, this time much hotter than before, to the point where if someone told her her ears were steaming she would’ve believed them… And then everything went black as she felt her overheated face go nuclear.


The first thing she felt was warmth, the second was a hand gently stroking her head as the warmth surrounded her. Her back hurt a little bit from the hardness it rested on but her head was just so comfy, she curled herself inwards to enjoy it. Trying to grab at her blanket to get comfortable…

But her blanket wasn’t there? Actually wait why did her bed suddenly suck? It was all hard and cold… Like metal? But, but… She wasn’t in her bed was she?

The hand continued to stroke her top gently, something spreading into her from it, aura. And suddenly she remembered this comforting feeling from missions with…

Silver eyes shot open shocked as she looked up to see Jaune looking down to her just as surprised, His hand stopping it’s strokes as the aura he was feeding into her dampened… Several long, awkward seconds pasted before both tried to speak.

“I’m Sorry!” Each paused confused, before Jaune spoke up again.

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Well, because I… Y’know.” Her cheeks begun.

“I… I k-kissed you…” Her face burned bright red and to be fair Jaune did little better.

“A-ANYWAYS! Your Turn! Why’d You Apologize?” Jaune Looked somewhere between awkward and embarrassed now as he rubbed the back of his head, all but screaming that he’d done goofed.

“Um, well… We might’ve sorta… Missed the last Bullhead.”


“Don’t worry! I called our teams.”

“But, that still doesn’t explain how we missed the last Bullhead? We had plenty of time.” Jaune dunked his head.

“Yeah… But, well.” She tilted her head on his lap curiously, only making it harder for him to say it as he looked down to her.

“You Were Too Cute To Wake Up!” And now he was blushing hard, clearly embarrassed. Ruby looked up to him confused, and her face got red with an equal helping of flustering.  Jaune feeling utterly like a creep while Ruby felt a flood of happiness, wiggling in joy.

‘Heh’ he thinks I’m cute. No! Wait, feeling happy later, figuring out what to do now! We need to come up with a plan, we both got Lien, and… What’s that sound?

“~Ah~” He blinked looking off in the distance, was, was there someone there?

Now that she bothered to pay attention she could make out other sounds too? Like, muffled voices and… Smacking? Like wet smacking? And now Jaune was beginning to notice it too.

“What’s that sound?” He stood up and she’d admit to being the tiniest bit sad at the loss of her lap pillow. Moving towards one of the sources behind some pushes she watched her new awesome dork boyfriend move closer. Parting the bushes he seemed more curious then cautious. Then he froze in place and jumped back falling flat on his great ass (Hey she was allowed to look, he was her boyfriend!)

Quickly moving he all but rushed back to the bench, his face glowing red as he reached out and grabbed her hand.

“We need to go now!”

“What, why?”

“Ruby just trust me!” Okay his voice was starting to get squeaky, now she had to know.



“Nope, not until you tell me.” He stared at her with that ‘Are you serious?’ look in his eyes, she stood her ground… Or well, sat her ground, bench… Whatever, point was she wasn’t moving her booty till he told her what got him so freaked out.

“Spill the beans… To be clear I mean what you saw not actual beans…” He readied to retort.

“Weiss doesn’t get slang okay! Now hurry up Mister! Tell me why your cute butt is trying to get out of here!”



“…You think my butts cute?”

“I, you… STOP DODGING THE QUESTION WITH QUESTIONS!!!” Desperate times called for desperate measures! She tugged her dumb boyfriend down to the bench with her and moved like lightening unto his lap facing him!

“Ha! Now Your Pinned! Now Answer Me Already!” For several seconds they stayed like that, her on top of him, now to deploy her puppy dog eyes at point blank range! Nobody Could, resist. The… Sheer cuten- What was poking her?

Jaune was looking to her with absolute mortification on his utterly red face as Jaune Jr. made himself known for the second time today.

“J-Jaune, w-why are you hard?” And now he looked like he wanted to be just about anywhere else.

“I, it’s not my fault! You’re on top of me and… These perverts are doing it right behind the-” Hands slapped over his mouth as she stared speechless as it all started to click alongside her current position. The wet smacking and moaning, the mumbles and whispered all around them suddenly made horrible embarrassing sense to her!

Perverts, perverts everywhere just outta sight!

”How Come You Didn’t Notice this Before!?” Jaune wasn’t going down without a fight though.

“I wasn’t paying attention before, not when I had a cute girlfriend on my lap!” She froze, damn him! Damn him for making her heart speed up again. And Damn All these Perverts For Doing Pervy Things In Public!  

“Y-your kinda creepy Jaune…” Wait, what did she say!

 “St-staring at me while I sleep…” No! Bad Ruby! Don’t take your embarrassment out on him! Jaune’s face turned annoyed, not willing to just take the fall without at least getting one lick of his own.

“Hey, suddenly kissing me was way pervier.”

“W-was not!” She started to pummel his chest.

“Yeah it was.”

“Na-uh! I-it was romantic and junk!”

“So is staring at your girlfriend cuz she’s cute.”

“No it’s not, it’s way weirder then sudden kisses!” What were they even arguing about!?

“Is not!”

“Is Two!”

“Oh Will You Two Just Kiss Already!” A horrible little lightbulb went on in Ruby’s head at the Voyeur’s call.

That’s It!

“We really should get out of her-Mmph!?” His words were cut off as she pushed up and kissed him, the exchange lasting several long seconds before they broke. Jaune wide-eyed but not noticeably displeased.

“See! Totally not pervy! Not at al-Mmph!?” Now it was her turn to be rendered shocked and speechless as Jaune grabbed the sides of her face and pulled her into him. Silver eyes went wide as she felt his lips against her’s. And then proceeded to flutter once his tongue begun to push and prod her lips apart.

She trembled on top of him, everything seeming so nice, and fuzzy and-


With a wet pop their lips broke apart as Jaune pulled back with a deep needy exhale, his face still flushed but also kinda stern… It was, sexy.

“S-see, it’s totally pervier then looking at your girlfriend sleep…” What?… Oh right!

“N-no it’s not! And even if it was that just means you did both pervy things!” The look on his face was priceless, yes victory! And… And now he looked sad.

“Y-yeah, I guess your right… I, I shouldn’t have done either of those things huh?” What… The sad look on his face as he scratched his head only compounded his guilt. Wait, that wasn’t what she wanted!

“Sorry…” No no no! Does that mean he wouldn’t do it again! Did she want him to do it again? What was she saying of course she did! Think Ruby Think! Your Dumb Head Got You Into this Mess, Now It Was Gonna Get You Out!

She moved like rose fueled lightening, kissing him again, her smaller hands taking firm hold of his messy blonde locks as she pushed herself up against him. Being a awesome quick learner she was she did what he had and pushed her tongue out and worked to part his dumb kissable lips. She pushed against his harder, Jaune’s lips parting but only to grit his teeth as she tugged too hard on his hair.

Well, that was counter productive, genius struck the petite Reapette as she moved, her arms wrapping around his head instead of tugging his hair. It made it so much easier to pull herself up against him with none of the difficulty.

Finally she met her goal as he smaller tongue pushed against his bigger one, she felt it then, hands moving up her sides, Jaune’s. He pulled back gasping, beathing for the air she wasn’t aware she needed so bad.

‘Pant’ May-maybe I like being Pervy…” Instead of answering her with words Jaune’s hands ran up her small neck and into her brunette locks, the crimson tip strands flowing between his big fingers as her pulled her forward into him. Lips locked again and she was met with no less fever than she’d displayed minutes ago.

Wet smacks of their lips joined the indecent air around them as they kissed, prying each other’s mouths apart to push their tongue in. Less like the pair of adorable dorks they were or Hunters-in-Training they acted like the hormonal, curious teenagers they were.

Reflexively she begun to rub her smaller body against his broader one, her slim tight body rubbing up and down his muscly one as she pushed against him. He pulled her closer in response, his grip on the back of her head shaking. Some locks of her short hair being tugged between his shaking hold. It hurt a little bit but… Also.


It, it didn’t just hurt… Or was it hurting in a good way? Questions for later, mind melting now! Her body quaked and quivered against his as she pushed against him, as they exchanged saliva in what she was beginning to see as less of a kiss and more a makeout session. Her first make out session with Jaune! Her heart was racing and she wanted nothing more then to keep going. But unfortunately he dumb body needed stupid air!

They broke their kiss just long enough to take a few desperate breaths, puling back her body settled down on his lap… And landed on one part of Jaune that she’d completely forgot about. The part that started with whole amazing mess! His pitched tent dug under her dress as she sat down on it, pushing up and against her panties.

The sudden friction making her gasp as it pushed against her, making her whimper as it rubbed against her puffy lips sealed behind her the light fabric of her lucky panties. Jaune groaned through gritted death as went to move her off of his excited Arc of jean sealed meat. Then Ruby moved, rubbing herself shamelessly against it.

He grunted as she swayed her wide hips on top of him, pushing herself against his sealed member, watching her face contort as she rubbed herself against him. Seeing the formerly innocent rose bite her lips as she shook and trembled on top of him.

“R-Ruby what are you…” Gasping she settled her hands on his abdomen, feeling his stupidly sexy abs with her fingers against his shirt.

“I-it’s okay if we do a little bit or pervy stuff… Right?” Her big round pretty silver eyes looked up to him pleadingly as she glistening moistened lips quivered in hope.

“After all… W-we’re a couple like everyone else here… Right?” There were several differences there, they were a ‘New’ couple and probably younger than most of the hidden perverts and well out in the open. And yet… He didn’t wanna say no in the slightest.

‘Heh’ I guess were both a little pervy right?”

“Yeah…‘Pant’But‘Gulp’ but you’re the pervier one…” Was he? A part of him wanted to make the argument the adorable little rose working her plump little body against him would give her a running for the bigger deviant. Then again, if he was the bigger pervert, then didn’t that mean he had to do ‘More’ then she did?

It was that thought that silenced the need to argue and that pushed his next action into motion. That lowered his hands to her still shockingly full hips. The soft fabric of her dress nice against his calloused digits. She paused looking up at him, questioningly but, but not telling him to stop or so much as hinting for him to either.

And then to his shock her hands proceeded to lower, from her nails raking down his abdominals beneath his shirt to landing on his belt’s buckle. Silver eyes stared up meeting cobalt with the same cautious observation he’d been showing moments earlier. When he didn’t say to stop her hands dipped till they settled on his crotch, her palm gingerly resting on the portion of his tent not up against her panties.

He had no idea when this had become a game of sexual chicken but regardless he played, a quick movement of his palms, lowering under her dress before quickly lifting back up underneath to rest on the bare flesh of her hips. She trembled and then moved, her hand up and…And.


Pinching and tugging down the zipper of his jeans, lifting herself off him just long enough undo the teeth of the remains of his fly. When she settled back down, the soft silk of her panties pushed against his boxers. A power shudder ran up her spine as she felt the heat of his sheathed length with the thin restraint of his cotton and her damp silk acting as the only barely effective buffer between them.

Both just sat there, breathing heavier, more fearful of the excitement and nervousness flooding them. Feeling the sheer heat of the others sexes against their own. Feeling trickles of her syrupy excitement run unto his boxers soaking them for him. And the sticky oozing point were the heat burned hottest as it pushed against her panties for her.

They looked to each other then and reached, her fingers shaking, trembling with fear as she reached and tugged her panties to the side. The slight friction of the shifting so nerve wrecking powerful to her overly excited, overly stimulated little muff. Excitement won over the fear, as the cool night air brushed her quim.

Beneath Jaune moved with nervous but eager energy, at first reaching to undo his buckle. Nearly breaking the damn thing, but once he saw what Ruby was doing genius struck and he reached, gripping his hard phallus, and pulling it back, working his member out of the slit in his drawers exposing the long meaty length to air.

It twitched in dissatisfaction as the fat head was stimulated by the shifting of her panties against it. Two shuddering breathes synched up as they stared, at each other’s delicate virginal parts and their partners. Then they looked up, at each other staring with healthy reasonable measures of fear and arousal and a flood of so many other emotions.

Not a word was passed, and then he moved, his hands free from the task of pulling out the cock now pushed against her pussy tight lip now settled back on her hips. Her dress pushed up to expose her creamy white skin, her full thighs and small patch of crimson and black pubes. He waited, wait for her to gran his wrist, to push them away or say something, anything against his movements…

But she didn’t, and so he took the lead and decided for them both when he forced her down by her hips. Words could not describe the feeling that took place next, well, not in any way he’d be able to articulate in that moment. As his glan pushed against her soft little lips forcing them slowly apart to accommodate his girth.

He felt her tremble on top of him, felt as her body wiggled uncomfortably from her hips that he had a firm hold of. As her tight little insides finally parted enough to allow him to enter her, she gasped as he gritted. Feeling that heat that so teasingly tempted his crown of nerves now slowly begin to surround him as he brought her down unto him. As his curving cock began to bury inside her tempting, tight little pocket of flesh.

Sweat and tears dripped down unto his chest as her hands reached out, nails digging into the chest of his shirt. And yet when he began to slow out of concern.

“N-no!” She acted, forcing her bubbly little bottom down herself. Suddenly swallowing up the remainder. He gasped hard unable to resist.

“Fuck!” His length twitched and swelled before a scalding substance erupted out and bubbled up the confused Reapette’s insides. Her eyes shot wide as it did, common sense and a healthy amount of curiosity and research to quench it telling her exactly what’d just happened. His hands gripped harder of her sides as he unconsciously bucked up and forced her still overfeed little tunnel down to grind against his pelvis. She felt it swell and twitch inside her as its shifted and ground.

Still loosing its thick payload as it rubbed against her needy clingy insides, when had the pain diluted, when had the pleasure begun to mount? Her body felt warmer, whether it would be her formerly virgin little cunny that was being fed the hot thick cum or her hips she could feel it. His aura radiating off his palms on reflex and feeding into her, alleviating her pain but also… also she was sure inside.

Even when his cock stopped delivering it’s seed it continued to stand erect inside, as if ready to keep at its ordained task ever more. There was no request to it, more an unspoken understanding as he begun to lift her. That she would stop him if he was doing something she didn’t like, knowing he’d comply.

Then he brought her hips down and a flood of euphoria hit hear so opposed to the drop of her hips previous. Her face contorted as an obscene amount of pleasure surged though her as his cock pushed up inside her happy insides. Without giving her mind the time to adapt he lifted her body up before pulling her fit little body back down again.

He watched her face contort, saw how her hands rose up and clapped over her mouth leaving her moans and whimpers to be muffled. Something about her face, about the overwhelmed look in her tear silver eyes urged him to be harder, faster in his actions. To force her down with more strength and buck up every time he did, there was no doubt that she wanted it, not when her body followed his lead, when her hips rose with his hands and crashed back down meeting his bucks into her.

She never broke eye contact, as the wet sounds of their groans begun to raise mirroring the surroundings. But they didn’t matter, not the people who where fucking just outta sight from then. No all his focus was on her, took in every detail, from the smell of her sweat, the rosy scent she produced and tears the formed from her fluttering eyes as he fucked her.

And then the way her pussy clamped down unto him, how it wrapped him up in utter wet warmth every time he brought her down, how it sucked and clung to his curving cock every time he brought her down. He could feel her tightening around him, feel as she brought her hips down longer. Saw the way her eyes seemed to grow more focused on something, determined as her sexy little body doubled down on its efforts.

Instinctively he knew she was close and that revelation excited him pushed him to give the same satisfaction he felt mere moments ago. Wanting to see her face as she came her little adorable mind out from her first orgasm like he did from her. He moved with more desire and aggression, bucking into her harder, forcing her hips down with so much more strength, the desire to see her orgasm was in itself exciting him, bringing his closer and he worked harder to bring her to her peak.

Her poor eyes trembled with fearful arousal and then suddenly she used all her strength to do two things. The first was to unclasps her mouth and reach out her hands grabbing his face and pushing herself against it in the hottest heaviest kiss she could manage. And the second was bringing down her hips so hard that a meaty clap thundered from the impact of suddenly, almost instantly swallowing up his thick bitch breaker of a cock with her tight little pussy.

Then he felt it as all the walls of her lovely little pink tunnel suddenly contracted, seizing up like the most powerful of vices before it gave and a sudden flood of femcum flood forth. He felt her how body shake and tremble going abruptly lax and limp. Pulling out their liplock she leaned into him, her determined features suddenly adorably out of it as all her energy seemed to just leave her with her feminine juices.

She moaned and panted against him, seeming completely out of it from her first orgasm, it was cute just like the rest of her. He wanted to cum, but resisted the urge, not wanting to push her harder right now when she looked so valuable… Not with these pervs potentially watching, that thought was what cemented his intentions.

His want to protect her winning over his sexual frustration by miles. He moved, pulling his hands off her hips, the soft palm flesh now slightly bruised from his death grip like hold. Some aura fed into her, wanting to alleviate that pain. After a moment he moved to adjust her panties, guilt ebbing out as his cum oozed out her gapping pussy, ruining the lacy pair of red undies.

Frustration slowly lowering as concern and thought took reigns once more as he worked his still erect cock into his boxers. He needed to buy her a morning after pill, and, and they needed to find somewhere to sleep. She still looked out of it, seeming to bask in her orgasm only half conscious, something about her all but passing out from her orgasm both excited and endeared her ever more to him. The lines between erotic and cute ever blurred by the adorable reaper whose chest lifted up and down after their coupling.

He moved lifting her up in his arms and walking out of the park, pulling off his coat to cover her modesty, ignoring the dripping of his seed as it spilled out her. He hoped that’d stop soon…


Ruby looked over to her boyfriend Jaune, her studdly knight’s cheeks red, after all they had just went into a convinces store to buy… Well. Contraceptive pills, and a pack of panties. She’d only woken up halfway through, when Jaune had already picked up the embarrassing stuff.

It was fluster inducing to see how quickly the cashier went from seeing them as a cutesy little couple with him piggybacking her to sheer shock when he put the panties and pills on the counter. She’d never been so embarrassed as she rushed into the bathroom to change into the strawberry pint undies, she flushed when she saw her own panties. The red lace wet and smelling of sex… Oh Jaune’s ‘Gulp’ Arc of meat.

A husky little sigh escaped her as she could smell his thick musk on it, his, his cum… And then she blinked when she realized what she was doing. Sniffing the spot were his cum had oozed into them. Her face burning hot as her tongue pressed to the wet fabric and fingers pressed into her formerly virgin tunnel.

She knew she should’ve pulled the fabric from herself, instead she closed her eyes and inhaled it, and her insides stirred.

Oh no, I’m a naughty girl!

Many a time Drunkle Qrow had talked about the kinda girls she was, and well… She didn’t think that would be too bad. After all Uncle Qrow said those kinda girls were the type all the guys liked. So… Jaune would like it too right.

She didn’t throw away her ‘Used’ and very ‘Dirty’ cum soaked panties instead tucking it into her purse-thingie (She didn’t know! She wasn’t used to not having pockets!) She looked in the mirror at herself and breathed deeply, trying to decide her next move.

“Okay Ruby, if, if your gonna be a naughty girl be the best naughty girl you can be for Jaune!” Ruby Rose gave a hundred and ten percent to anything she set her mind to, and this would be no different. She moved to perhaps the most vile, reprehensible and corrupting creation of mankind… The internet. And to seal her fate she undid the safe search and typed.

“Naughty… Girlfriends.” And so begin her ‘Research’…

“Oh neat, there’s a whole reddit for it!”


Jaune would admit to having a small amount of worry as him and Ruby left the corner store, she’d been quiet. Was she upset or worse regretting what they did? Who was he kidding of course she was. Who wanted to have their first time in a park, especially outta a combination of embarrassment and pure pressure with a bunch of perverts around them. His guilt doubled at that thought, at how he messed up by giving in to his hormones.

“So… I was thinking for tonight we could bunk at a hotel…” She nodded and he spotted the hints of red on her cheeks from under his coat’s hood on top her. Then he understood the implications of what he said and flustered.

“I mean two rooms! Not-” She reached out then, grabbing his hand before she swirled into rose petals breaking the both of them down into a gold and red rosenado. It was a… odd sensation he had to admit. Honestly if he wasn’t so focused on the fact that Ruby who he was sure wanted to keep away from him after what they did had all but grabbed him he might’ve felt sick.

He did feel dizzy though when he was suddenly converted back to flesh and blood. More surprised when he found himself in a particularly dark alleyway. He reached for Ruby who should’ve been right in front of him to stabilize himself. But she wasn’t there, and he ended up falling back into the wall for support in his disorientation.

Panicked he looked left and then right for her! Had Ruby run off! Was she regretting it that much!? He Had To Find Her! It Was Late And Even If Usually She Could Defend Herself She Was Helpless Without Her Weapon!

No matter how upset she was with him he would never allow her to get in danger because of him! Even if seeing him might push her over the edge and make her break up with him he had to find her!


And then he paused at the feeling of the small metal slider rubbing against his crotch as it was tugged down, he looked below and was surprised and relieved to see Ruby there, crouching. At level with his pelvis… Relief quickly turned to confusion and then even faster to flustered shock.

“R-Ruby! What Are You-” He didn’t even get to finish the sentence as she reached out grabbing his boxer-cladded phallus that was already hardening at the scene before him. What! He Was Young, And Ruby Was At Eye Level With His Cock! How Could He Not think Sexy Thoughts!? Especially After They Just Did That Only An Hour Ago!

His worries that Ruby had come to dislike their sexual escapades quickly vanished as said Reapette reached out and grabbed his clothed cock. Pulling the curving Arc of dick down to her face. He couldn’t believe this was happening! He wanted this but at the same time! Through gritted teeth he hissed at his girlfriend.

“Ruby! There Are People On The Streets!” There were, they were in the core of the city! Plenty of places were still open! Ruby’s only response was looking up at him with those big beautiful silver eyes of hers and speaking in a pleading twistedly cute and slutty voice.

“But, I wanna ch-choke on your big, fat dick.” And like that his brain short circuited… And then she shifted her hand and grip, working his head against the fly of his boxers. Her other hand grabbing it she pushed his dick out into the open air. It landed on her cute little face with a wet slap. Still covered in her juices.

A twisted arousal surged through him as he saw his little reaper go cross-eyed trying to look at his meaty member as it rested on her face. And that arousal doubled as he felt her tongue suddenly press against his dick. The hot little organ pushing up his shaft, dragging along the meat of his cock.

The sight was something else, something that made him forget their surroundings. She then begun to kiss it, planting one hard smooch after another on his dick. One of her hands reaching, grabbing him and stroking up and down it.

Her eyes darted up to him, trying to maintain contact but breaking it to look back at his meat as she all but made out with it as feverishly as she had him in the park.

“Ruby. Where’d this come from?” She paused her make out with his Arc of cock to look up to him.

“Um, I-I’m your dirty little bitch after all…” Her voice was shaky and nervous, her eyes darting about in clear confusion as her cheeks reddened even harder but still, despite her discomfort in her tone he could clearly hear it…

‘Pant, pant’ I-I’m, your dirty little girl… Your, your slut… ~Daddy~” A shudder visibly ran through her at that final word. Admittedly the same feeling of arousal coursed through him two at hearing it… He had no idea where this had come from, but at the same time he wasn’t about to complain.

And then she moved with purpose, opening her mouth and diving forward, cramming his cock passed her lips and into her mouth. She shook and gagged as his dick stabbed the back of her throat. Suddenly thrusted past her tonsils it was a surprise she didn’t pull away. Her face contorting and tears in her eye’s corners though she instead reached out, grabbed his thighs and pushed her face further into his crotch.

He could only really react one way…

“Oh Gods!” Leaning he groaned in bliss as his cock swelled in her mouth, his balls churning against her chin as her cute little gags and chokes added a tinge of depravity to his overwhelming pleasure. And then he let loose, firing into her mouth, feeling his dick release a thick payload down her throat.

He gasped, panting and groaning for several seconds as he came down from his Cumming, and Ruby pulled back. The wettest of pops filling the air as she parted from his dick. A hand shot up to cover her mouth as she fought the urge to gag, being a good girl and not spitting up the meal she’d been served…

He stared down at her ready to tell her it was okay, to find something for her to spit it up into…


He froze as he looked back to her shocked, Ruby showed him a toothy awkward smile then, her cheeks absolutely burning red with shame and embarrassment.

“I-I swallowed it D-Daddy…” He stared lost for words and in that long bout of silence he could hear it.

‘Drip… Drip’

His eyes lowered only now recalling that one hand had only come up to cover her mouth… the other rested under her skirt.

‘Drip… Drip’

He looked back to her face, now as red as her cloak and eyes struggling to maintain on him.

“You, you were touching yourself…” With a whimper she nodded, looking so embarrassed she might die, which conflicted with what she moved to do next. Her shaky hands reaching out and grabbing his cock again. Pumping up and down the girthy Arc of curved cock slick from her throat.

“I-I wanna s-suck off my ‘Whimper’M-my stud and m-milk your f-fat, packed, balls…” She was shaking, trembling in shame and embarrassment as she said each word. Where’d she learn this!? He sure as hell didn’t think this was like the Ruby he knew!

Since when did she try to talk like a slut on a porno!?

“I-I‘Pant’ I want D-Daddy’s thick strong milk!” She leaned closer to him then, pumping his cock as she pulled the curving dick down to her lips again. Pushing forward and planting a chaste kiss on his meaty crown. The dollop of cum oozing out applying itself to her plump little lips like lip-gloss.

He groaned as he felt her hands work his dick, getting faster, he was so confused right now! Then he heard it, looking down to see her Scroll on the floor, having slipped from wherever she hid it. That wasn’t important though, what was important was what was displayed on the screen.

‘Kinkiest things you can do to spice up your love life…’

He stared shocked as he looked to it, barely making out the top three…

‘Taboo Roleplaying, public sex and giving oral randomly to shock and drive him wild’

Holy crap…

Ruby wasn’t just acting out the suggestions the pervy little overachiever was trying to combine them all at once! And despite how nervous she looked and sounded, he could hear the wet sloppy sounds of her working her petals beneath.

Her hand under her skirt he could hear panting grow louder as the wet little noises grew, she was working her little pussy up bad. And in turn with her growing arousal her shyness and reluctance diminished. No longer was she kissing his dick, nope, Ruby Rose was jerking the fat piece of meat off with gusto.

Her lips wrapped around his meaty helmet as she sucked on it like a bottle. What The Hell Happened To His Shy Adorable Girlfriend!? Where’d This Little Lovable Freak Come From!?

It was then Jaune understood a very important facet about the long-suppressed Rose girl. Ruby was in fact incredibly lewd and even more easily influenced. Such a person should’ve never stumbled upon the likes of Reddit and it’s more adult themed threads…

But she had, and in doing so had very obviously awoken something in herself…

’Pop’ I want you to fuck my throat big bro…” And also something in him, because in an instant he acted reaching out grabbing the top of Ruby’s head and pulling her forward. Shutting her mouth by shoving his dick into it. His teeth gritted slightly as a small level of discontent rose with the sheer pleasure. Ruby trembled and shook, choking slightly, he almost let her go, but then she pushed into his waist on her own.

Holy crap, she wanted this!… He could work with that, surely there was worse things a girl could want then to give sudden enthusiastic blowjobs… But he needed to clear one thing up.

“Don’t ever call me bro again…” Silver eyes darted up, looking to him and then seeing his loving smile replaced by a stern face th

More Random Hammer Knight

-Atlas Hospital-

Ruby:what Happened! I Heard Jaunes in ICU!

Weiss: Is It True! Someone Shattered His Aura!

Elm:‘Sad Giantess Noises!’

Oscar: I-its fine, well… not really, Jaune’s skull was technically… caved in.


Nora: B-but Only A Little Bit! Fearless Leaders Gonna Be Fine!

Blake:What happened!

Ren:Well… Um, how do I put this…

Elm: It’s My Fault!

Ren: Now now miss Ederne, we’ve been over this, Jaune gave his consent. He fully understood the risk.

Weiss: Wait, this was your doing!?

Elm:H-He begged me to!

Nora:Yeah! Lay Off My Hammer Sister!

Yang:Okay, what the hell happened, why’d you attack VB?

Oscar:Well… she didn’t… 'Attack’ Jaune…

Ruby:What do you mean?

Nora: Like I said! It wasn’t her fault! The two of us and Jaune-Jaune were just working out! Y'know deadlifting a few hundred pound, light junk like that.

Blake: What exactly constitutes light to you?

Nora:And Elmmy here wanted to workout her legs, next thing we know Jaune-Jaune is staring at her as she working out on the thighs. Squeezing them together.


Elm: He told me he could take it!

Weiss:Are you telling me you nearly crushed that idiots skull cause he asked you to squeeze his head in your thighs!?

Elm: I Should’ve Known My Own Strength!

Nora:Don’t sweat it bestie, Fearless Leader loved it… A bit too much.

Shouldn’t have asked her to squeeze harder…

Blake: I don’t even know what to say…

Weiss: Hmph. Well hopefully that Dolt will learn from this…

Oscar: I wouldn’t… -///-


You Damn Ignorant Fool! There Is No More Divine Sensation Then The Bliss And Terror Of Thunder Thighs!!!

Nora:'Achoo’ Huh? That weird… did someone say something about me?

Doctor: Team JNPR, I thought I’d inform you that Jaune is on his way to making a full recovery.

Elm:Oh Thank God!

Ren:Has he woken up?

Doctor: He did for several moments, though we were a bit confused…

Ruby: Why’s that?

Doctor:Well, all he did was repeat the word 'Harder’ for some reason?


Yang: I’m guessing he didn’t learn his lesson…

Oscar:Like my auntie always said you can’t fix what ain’t broke


You are wise beyond your years Oscar…


Nora:Awe, Elmmy don’t you get what this means, he thinking about you. Ain’t that romantic.

Elm:'Flustered Giantess Noises’ -///-

Ren:Technically speaking, he’s dreaming about you.

Elm covered her face, shocking the lot of them, the giantess of the Ace-Ops reduced to a helpless state from but embarrassing words.

Blake:This is strangely cute…

Nora:It’s called Gap Moe Lacy Blakey! Only People of true culture can understand!



Jaune! Get Better And Help Me Already!

More Random Knightshade

-First Year of Dating-

Jaune yawned, swaying slightly.

Blake: If you need to rest feel free to, you went on a mission yesterday after all. I won’t hold it against you if you go catch some sleep.

Blake sat in the tree Jaune leaned against. The Arc exhausted but quite insistent on spending time with her. Even if it was merely enjoying each others quiet company… Yeah.

Quiet, tranquil alone time… With tons of calm weary white noise…

Jaune:Y-you‘Yawn’ have a mission tomorrow right.. That’s why I wanted to do this much at least. And do a, a picnic and… and 'Snore’- And Spend Some Time Together!

Panicked the blonde slapped his cheeks to stay awake. Blake rolled her eyes but smiled, leaping down out of her tree.

Blake:Fine, you don’t have to leave.

Jaune gave a tired smile.

Jaune: Greatz, cuz I made uz zome food…

His words we slurring, she smiled as she easily shoved the tired blonde form his spot at the base of the tree. A testament to how exhausted he was.

She then quickly too her seat there, grabbed the basket of food putting it nice and close. And then finally.

Jaune: Huh? Blake? Whaz are youz whoa!-

She grabbed him by the sides of his swaying head and pulled him down into her lap. Jaune stared up confused as she meet his gaze, a coy smile displayed.

Blake:You can either sleep in your dorm or here, your choice.

She expected a protest from the stubborn Arc, but was surprised when he didn’t protest… Well, not too surprised.


She stared at his sleeping face, a small genuine smile displaying itself as she watched him for several more minutes. She reached out, grabbing a sandwich out of the basket, a small nibble was given as she returned to her book, every once in a while putting it down to enjoy doing some Jaune watching.

All the while the knight below enjoyed a nice rest on one of the possibly finest pillows in all of Remnant.

-Second Year of Dating-

Blake:Hmm, this is a nice spot to read at, good eye Jaune…

Jaune:'Heh’ I thought you’d like it, oh wait! *Pulls out Picnic Blanket* I brought this too. Nice right? Now we don’t have to worry about the dirt and grass.

Blake:*Nods* That’s a great idea.

With a smile Jaune laid the sheet across the patch of filed along the tree. A nice cozy support for Blake to lean against. Delicately he moved a basket with some tuna sandwiches to the side.

He grinned… Before laying down flat, on it, all but covering the entirety of the blanket. Blake’s eyes narrowed then.

Blake:What do you think your doing?

Jaune:Huh? Laying down, duh?

He made sure his head was right in front of the tree, this earned a 'Very’ displeased look from the usually stoic Belladonna.

Blake:Your pillow.

He blinked then…

Jaune:Ooooh! Crude, I forgot it.

She sighed.

Blake:Of course you did…

She gave a small smile then as she pulled out a black frilly pillow.

Blake: Your lucky I brought a spare.

He grinned.

Jaune: What would I do without you…

Rolling her eyes she tossed it his way, and catching it Jaune didn’t waste a minute. Moving the pillow under his head laying it right before the trunk before planting his head on it and getting nice and comfortable. He then looked to her and smiled.

Jaune:Your seat awaits my Menagerian Princess.

Blake didn’t miss a beat, swiftly moving, her feet planting on either side of the nights head before she crouched. Lifting her skirt to sit down.

Jaune grinned the entire time as she took her seat on his face. She leaned against the oak and pulled open her book, grabbing a sandwich to enjoy.

Blake:Your okay right Jaune?

His response was a thumbs up.

She smiled, wiggling to get into a more comfortable position. Jaune certainly didn’t complain even a single muffled word.




Jaune: (Fighting Cinder) You think lighting yourself on fire scares me?! (Points to Yang) I’ve fucked her while she was on fire!

Yang: Huh?

Cinder: Uhh…

Yang: time and place!

Nora: he and ren double teamed me while I was covered in electricity!

Cinder: HOW?!

Ren: Nora, that was all your fault.

Nora: was not! How was I supposed to remember I still had that lightning dust in my pocket?!

Cinder: Wait, wait, wait, I get you two fucking, but how does he *points to Jaune* factor into that?

Nora: oh well, I called him over to heal us after getting electrocuted and his aura boost felt so good and I… Maybe… Kinda… Challenged him to see what would last longer: them inside me, an entire lightning dust crystal, or his aura boost healing us simultaneously!

Everyone:*looks at Jaune*

Jaune:*shrug* Can’t resist a good challenge. Arc’s honor is on the line!

Everyone:*looks at Ren*

Ren:*shrug* it was for scientific purposes.

Nora: Our Fearless Leader Has Stuck His Dick In Fire (Yang) Lightening (Nora) Ice (Weiss) Shadow (Blake) and even that same silver light your scared of (Ruby)! You should be afraid of Jaune-Jaune’s Unstoppable sword! And I don’t mean Crocea Mors!



Mercury:… Blonde bastard…


Is it too late for me to switch sides?
