#elm ederne


Cops: RWBY (Elm)

Cops Vale Au: Ruby/WeissBlakeYang/Bleiss/Pyrrha

She was going to kill all Harriet the next time she saw her, how the hell had she convinced her to do this! She waited on a street in Mantle in booty shorts she could swear her tearing by the second and fishnet stockings that clung to her muscular legs so tight they her caramel skin that it made it look large hams. She wore pumps since the last two pairs of heels had snapped under her feet.

Finally her breast strained against the simple crop top that left every immense toned refined muscle show. Another men noticed her, paled and ran for his life. And with his running image another part of her died inside. At least he hadn’t thought she was a tranny…

Her pride was shot, in what world would any man try to purchase her for a sex…


She blinked surprised, looking up and finding a young man standing in front of her. She was confused.

Jaune:Um, hi -///-

She blinked before responding.


Why did he look so nervous? She looked down to the somewhat shorter but not unappealing man.

Jaune: So… Um, you, you’re a… a -///-

Hey eyes darted back and forth from her body, staring at her thick legs, toned stomach and breast. He swallowed his face getting redder. No way, was he asking for…

Some actual red hit her cheeks, as he blonde looked like a schoolboy talking to his crush, to her…

Jaune:Um, h-how much?

Her lips parted to speak.

Elm: I, that’ll be, 1000?

He stared at her before to her shock he dug through his wallet and bit his lip.

Jaune:Um, would you mind w-waiting I can pull it out…

Holy crap he was serious.


Jaune: I-I know, you must have a lot of guys lined up, is that why… I never noticed you? Not That I’m looking for this sorta thing! It’s just your so, so… Whoa.

His eyes roamed with a healthy amount of male desire, a look she never received, that made her feel embarrassed.

Elm: N-no, not at all, you’d be the first to-

Jaune: Please don’t lie to me, there’s no way you’ll still be here when I get back…

Elm: then I’ll come with you!

What Did She Just Say!?

Jaune:Really!? Okay!

Realization came over her and equal amounts of embarrassment, actual embarrassment at realizing this young striking young man desired her.

Jaune: Um, it’s cold out maybe you should wear this…

He presented his jacket to her, she stared at it, at the cheesy cliché that girls like her simply were not meant to experience.


Taking it she put it over her shoulders, it smelt like a man, like cologne and sweat… she, liked it. And then she felt it, hands on her and suddenly.

Jaune:Here We Go! >///<

She was lifted off her feet and in his arms in a princess carry!

Elm: What Are You Doing!? O///O!!!

He smiled.

Jaune: Well you said you’d go with me but the snows piled up  and those shoes don’t cover your feet, don’t want them getting chilled.

It was a excuse, it was obviously one, he just wanted to hold her, to hold Her! Her arms grabbed his shoulders feeling the muscle underneath. Of course he was strong, he’d have to be to hold her up like this…

Jaune:Well, should we go? -///-

She nodded and he began his march.

-Next Day-

Harriet:‘Yawn’ Huh? Oh Crap!

I fell asleep!

Elm was gonna kill her, she tuned on the wire, listening for something, anything.

Harriet: Ugh, what am I doing, there’s no way she stayed out in that.


Elm stared at the wire on her tap came on as she exited the shower in the morning, she acted quickly, grabbing it and…


A sigh escaped her, she’d makeup something. The door opened as Jaune smiled inside.

Jaune: Hey um I made you breakfast.

Elm: Hope you made enough, I worked up an appetite.

He blushed, it was cute.

Jaune: I made enough for a baseball team so I’d say yeah.

She nodded and then felt a bit awkward when he didn’t move, just… stared.

Elm: Um, Jaune?

Jaune: So… Are you sure I don’t have to pay.

She blushed.

Elm: Y-yeah, like I said, it was a dare…

It wasn’t but as long as he didn’t hand her money it was all legal. She scratched her head wanting to change the subject.

Elm: So… was that all you wanted?

He looked up at her toweled body.

Jaune:‘Gulp’ There’s something else I want to…

The door closed and she blushed. Well, she did ask.

More Random Hammer Knight

-Atlas Hospital-

Ruby:what Happened! I Heard Jaunes in ICU!

Weiss: Is It True! Someone Shattered His Aura!

Elm:‘Sad Giantess Noises!’

Oscar: I-its fine, well… not really, Jaune’s skull was technically… caved in.


Nora: B-but Only A Little Bit! Fearless Leaders Gonna Be Fine!

Blake:What happened!

Ren:Well… Um, how do I put this…

Elm: It’s My Fault!

Ren: Now now miss Ederne, we’ve been over this, Jaune gave his consent. He fully understood the risk.

Weiss: Wait, this was your doing!?

Elm:H-He begged me to!

Nora:Yeah! Lay Off My Hammer Sister!

Yang:Okay, what the hell happened, why’d you attack VB?

Oscar:Well… she didn’t… 'Attack’ Jaune…

Ruby:What do you mean?

Nora: Like I said! It wasn’t her fault! The two of us and Jaune-Jaune were just working out! Y'know deadlifting a few hundred pound, light junk like that.

Blake: What exactly constitutes light to you?

Nora:And Elmmy here wanted to workout her legs, next thing we know Jaune-Jaune is staring at her as she working out on the thighs. Squeezing them together.


Elm: He told me he could take it!

Weiss:Are you telling me you nearly crushed that idiots skull cause he asked you to squeeze his head in your thighs!?

Elm: I Should’ve Known My Own Strength!

Nora:Don’t sweat it bestie, Fearless Leader loved it… A bit too much.

Shouldn’t have asked her to squeeze harder…

Blake: I don’t even know what to say…

Weiss: Hmph. Well hopefully that Dolt will learn from this…

Oscar: I wouldn’t… -///-


You Damn Ignorant Fool! There Is No More Divine Sensation Then The Bliss And Terror Of Thunder Thighs!!!

Nora:'Achoo’ Huh? That weird… did someone say something about me?

Doctor: Team JNPR, I thought I’d inform you that Jaune is on his way to making a full recovery.

Elm:Oh Thank God!

Ren:Has he woken up?

Doctor: He did for several moments, though we were a bit confused…

Ruby: Why’s that?

Doctor:Well, all he did was repeat the word 'Harder’ for some reason?


Yang: I’m guessing he didn’t learn his lesson…

Oscar:Like my auntie always said you can’t fix what ain’t broke


You are wise beyond your years Oscar…


Nora:Awe, Elmmy don’t you get what this means, he thinking about you. Ain’t that romantic.

Elm:'Flustered Giantess Noises’ -///-

Ren:Technically speaking, he’s dreaming about you.

Elm covered her face, shocking the lot of them, the giantess of the Ace-Ops reduced to a helpless state from but embarrassing words.

Blake:This is strangely cute…

Nora:It’s called Gap Moe Lacy Blakey! Only People of true culture can understand!



Jaune! Get Better And Help Me Already!

Commission for @MattanzaMFedora of Elm from RWBY and Buffy Summers

Commission for @MattanzaMFedora of Elm from RWBY and Buffy Summers

Post link

Jaune:*Coming out of bedroom completely naked* Well the good news is I think I got the last of the cum out of your lingerie, Weiss. *Holding delicate, tiny, one piece lingerie while holding it between two fingers*


Jaune: Oh come on, it’s not that… *Looks up and sees Weiss, her team, her sister, her mother, Nora and her child, Coco and Velvet and Elm all staring at him, dressed up and sitting around eating a fancy brunch*

Nora:*Covering little Freya’s eyes* No pumpkin, don’t look at Uncle Jaune’s peepee. *Glaring at Jaune*

Ruby:Oh boy, don’t look at  your male besties dick, Ruby Rose.

Willow:*Wide eyed but refusing to look at anything but her non-alcoholic coffee* Oh my.

Winter:*Bright red* A-a-ah, u-um, sister!?

Yang:*Whistles*How the hell does he fit that inside lil’ ol’ Weiss?

Blake:*Trying to cover Yang’s eyes as Yang holds her away one handedly* No, don’t look at his dick, Yang, we’re married!

Yang:*Blows raspberry, laughing*

Coco:*Puts down finger sandwich while sighing sadly*


Elm:*To Weiss* Damn girl. *Puts fist up*Respect.

Weiss:*Crimson, ignoring everybody* Jaune Schnee-Arc, what do you think you’re–coveryourselfthisinstant!

Jaune:*Still standing, staring, lingerie between two fingers*

Weiss:*Finally notices everybody else staring, blushes harder and clenches fist while shaking* You dunce! T-this isn’t what it looks like, ladies!

Yang:*Grinning smugly, eyes covered by a panting and exhausted Blake* Mhmm. We get you, Weiss. Bow-chika-wow-wow!

Weiss:*Wants the earth to swallow her whole as she now notices her mother sneaking peaks*

Jaune:*Looks from everybody, back to the bedroom he was in and speaks, genuinely baffled* How long was I in there!?

*Just after being captured by the Ace-Ops, before they leave*

Jaune:*Struggles* Oh no.

Clover:Is there a problem, citizen?

Jaune: Not really. Just a realization that I’ve had this exact dream before. *Beat* Although usually I’m less clothed and it’s professor Goodwitch as the one doing the capturing.

Clover:*Jaw drops slightly as he briefly loses his composure*

Weiss: Jaune, now is not the time. Also, TMI.

Jaune:It’s the perfect time! We did good, we got arrested and now we’re all bondage bait.

Yang: He does have a point.

Nora: Agreed. Jaune! The professor - is she wearing a leather leotard or the same old?

Jaune: Oh, definitely her usual. Just with a lot more cleavage.


Yang:Okay,nice.No, wait, dammit, Weiss is right! Now’s not the time!

Jaune:*Ignores her, looks at the disturbed Clover and the equally off put Ace-Ops* So…any chance of making that dream come true?

Clover:*To Vine* Exactly how much trouble would we be in if we just cut them loose?

Vine:You’re asking me?

Clover:*Sigh* I thought so. Alright you, no more talking.

Weiss:Believe me, you’d have better luck gagging him.

Jaune:Don’t give them ideas!

~~Two minutes later~~

Jaune:*Gagged* MMMRRRMM!! GGRRRFFFUHHH! *Glares at Weiss* UURRRRRR!*Jaune stares wide eyed at a smirking Elm, who’d given his butt a squeeze*


*Doors slam*

Jaune:*Nods to Weiss thankfully*Rrrr-urrfffuur rrr uff fuhmmm muh, brurv uh!

Weiss:I don’t want to know.

Qrow:*Sighs*Dammit, now I’m curious. Whatever. Can’t be that important.

*Smug Jaune is smug*

jaskierslullaby:elm is tired of her boss’ bullshit antics Everything is perfectjaskierslullaby:elm is tired of her boss’ bullshit antics Everything is perfectjaskierslullaby:elm is tired of her boss’ bullshit antics Everything is perfect


elm is tired of her boss’ bullshitantics

Everything is perfect

Post link

Okay no this must be a glitch in the matrix right…right?

Jaune didn’t kill penny.

Vine didn’t blow up.

RWB and Jaune + Neo did not just fall down the rabbit hole into super hell.

Winter didn’t become the winter maiden and shit on tin can (ngl that’s the only thing that stopped me from crying for a while)

Winter did not just see her little sister fall into super hell.

Seeing iron wood perish put a smile on my face.

How is jaune going to explain that he killed combat ready Cinnabon. :(

Where tf was raven AGAIN..

Qrow thinks they’re dead :((


How will snow angel explain that she saw ice princess fall into super hell and couldn’t save her??

Nora, Oscar and Emerald knows Penny is dead now

No legs and scorpio is in vacuo >:(

How are Qrow, Marrow, Robyn, Elm and Harriet going to get to vacuo


Hey hey… ATLAntis ;)


Thanks to @thatguythatdrawsalot i remembered this AU and got rrreally inspired to draw my own little thoughts

Listen, it’s better for him to lose his arms rather his life.
