#jean luc picard


I’ve rewatched “Future Imperfect” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 4, episode 8). It’s a very interesting episode, as any episode about some kind of parallel universe/unreal future. Riker, Worf and Geordi beam down on some weird empty planet, experience some transporter malfunction (of course, what else?) and… (Spoilers!) Riker wakes up in the sickbay and Beverly says that this weird planet happened sixteen years ago, when he was infected with some virus, which manifested only now and erased all his memories of those sixteen years. So, now he’s the captain of Enterprise, he has a son, whose mother died two years ago. Federation is in the middle of the process of negotiations with the Romulan Empire – they are going to sign the peace treaty (peace treaty. With Romulans. Surprise!). Picard (who’s an admiral now) and Troi (who’s serving with the admiral in command) are persuading the Romulans are sincere and that Riker is a clue person in negotiations. Well, the moment I saw the Romulan ambassador, I remembered the main plot twist, but then it turned out that it was not the last twist. Riker sees Tomalak and doesn’t believe him, but it’s not all. He spends time with his son and decides to see his late wife and she turns out to be Minuet. Riker rushes to the bridge, shouts at Geordi that his diagnostic is taking too long, he asks Data to do some calculations and he’s also doing it too slow. William asks Tomalak directly if it’s enough? Tomalak agrees and Riker finds himself on the Romulan base, he is held hostage and Romulans were using some mind-reading device to find some strategic information. Then it appears that the boy is real and was used to produce those illusions for Riker. The boy helps commander run, but then some more inconsistencies appear, the Romulan base also disappears and Riker stays alone with the boy, who’s member of some extinct race, who was left of the planet with the mind reding devices to provide him with pleasant illusions, but he feels lonely and that’s why he kidnapped Riker. Commander, of course, isn’t offended and takes the boy with him on Enterprise. (I’ve noticed, that more emotions I had while watching/reading something, the longer the post about it is. As you could have noticed I liked that episode very much.) 

I’ve rewatched “Reunion” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 4, episode 7). It’s another very Klingon episode, including K'ehleyr and a lot of politics. (Spoilers!) The emperor is dying – he found out that somebody was slowly poisoning him through the wine. Now he wants Picard to take to rule after him for some time to find who was the murderer – unworthy of being called a Klingon. K’ehleyr as an ambassador is involved in all this mess and Worf has problems dealing with Klingons (because he’s dishonoured – his father was claimed to be a traitor), but these are not the only problems – K’ehleyr has somebody very special with her – Alexander her and Worf’s son. On the one hand, Worf doesn’t want his dishonour to fall on his son, in case the boy would want to live in the Klingon Empire, on the other hand, it’s still his son. The big political problem is that there are two competitors, who want to rule the Empire next and one of them killed the previous Emperor. During one of the meetings an explosion occurs and it appears to be of Romulan origin, so captain Picard has to play for time to investigate, but K’ehleyr investigates faster – she finds out that Duras’ father was the traitor, she tries to threaten him, but he kills her, so Worf goes to the Klingon ship for vengeance and kills Duras. Now he has no living witnesses for his father’s innocence and a strain on his Starfleet record and he has to send his son to his human parents. If I do recall this correctly, this story will have its continuation.

Sorted caps from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, season 1. HERE.

  • Benjamin Sisko #26,000
  • Ferengi (Nog, Rom, Quark & the Grand Nagus) #9,800
  • Garak #161
  • Jadzia Dax #11,300
  • Jake Sisko #4,000
  • Jean Luc Picard #700
  • Jennifer Sisko #1,000
  • Julian Bashir #11,600
  • Kai Opaka #1,500
  • Kai Winn #900
  • Keiko O’Brien #1,800
  • Kira Nerys #19,000
  • Lwaxan Troi #1,700
  • Miles O’Brien #14,400
  • Odo #17,000
  • Q #1,700
  • Vash #3,100

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“I used to imagine seeing her older,”


”Offering me a cup of tea,”


“And asking for a chat.


“If only I had left that door closed, she might have become an old woman.”


“I loved her. Desperately.”


Star Trek: The Next Generation, Episode Where No One Has Gone Before (1987) // Star Trek: Picard,EpisodeHide and Seek(2022)

The Next Generation meets the Next Generation.

I want to kiss him ❤️

Still one of my favorite jackets

The things I thought when I read this

Re-worked my Jean-Luc Picard action figure corner because I was in the mood to do so ❤️

My love ❤️


I wanna treat picard the way one would treat the average feral little spamton

Listen to me

Anyone else really wanna eat the pips?

I don’t have an explanation for this one

Patrick Stewart and Anson Mount are sure having a hell of a week LOL

Picard’s season 2 finale and Strange New Worlds’ season 1 premiere aired on the same day (both of them being Trek captains, Enterprise captains specifically), and then both popping into the Doctor Strange movie as members of the Illuminati literally the next day!

I am so happy to see them thriving! They deserve it!
