#jedi knight



There’s nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedilike my father.

Alice, Vorpal Jedi Knight

It’s May 4th! Both Alice in Wonderland day (May 4th is the day Alice fell down the rabbit hole) and Star Wars day (May the force/4th be with you)!

I interpreted aspects of the White Knight armour the Jedi Knight armour from Star Wars: The Old Republic, and Alice’s signature blue engagement party dress into this design. Her lightsaber is green to match the crystal accents on the hilt of the Vorpal Sword, which I have also turned into her lightsaber.

I considered designing more Alice in Wonderland characters into the Star Wars universe. Who would you like to see? Any suggestions? :]

@uldren-sov got me thinking about nioven when she was younger and before she grew her hair out

@uldren-sov got me thinking about nioven when she was younger and before she grew her hair out

Post link

I made my husband into a Jedi. He loved it.

Another Skywalker family AU…

Actually, some time ago I wanted to make a series of 3 or 5 illustrations with this topic, but time went by and life got a bit more complicated…

Anyway, I hope I’ll be able to make this goal a reality some time…in the meantime, here’s our favorite space family dynasty just chilling and being happy as they should have been…

More often than I should…I ponder the idea of a happy ending for the Skywalker family…one in which Anakin helps save the galaxy from Palpatine and his empire, but most importantly, one in which he manages to control his fear and is able to enjoy his children and his wife for the rest of their lives…

Pixel Chibi Anidala…

As usual, here is some more fluff from our favorite couple…I’ve always liked the pixel illustration and I wanted to try it since some time ago and so, here it is…

Not Anakin nor Darth Vader…

More tragic sketches I’ve made of Anidala/Vaderdala…

My personal theory, maybe too dull, is that Anakin remained being Vader all that long, just because Padme was gone, I think she could had redeem him a lot earlier…

And that’s just what I tried to show here…

Some chibi cuteness…

I’ve always loved chibis and well, frankly I had to give it a try with my fave trio…

Digital Watercolors I made of Anakin, frankly its the only way I can make a watercolor…

But it was more like a practice exercise, just because if u can draw, u should always draw Anakin Skywalker!!


It’s such a touching relationship!!

I love how it evolved and how much Anakin and Obi Wan grew up as individuals and as a team, how much they learned from each other and also enjoyed each other…that’s what makes the end of it that much sad and tragic.

That’s what I wanted to convey on this illustration…
