#collaborative playlist


The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:


All collaborative playlists:

Harry potter: weasley twins

Anne with an E:

Marvel: Loki


Arcane, league of legends: Viktor


• you can add any song you think fits with the theme!

• No spamming songs from the same album or artist. (a handfull of songs isn’t considered spamming. If you want to add more spread them through the playlist so the same artist/album isn’t back to back)

• No deleting other peoples songs unless it’s from a spam account!

Happy listening!♡


Spiderman, no way home: Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)

All collaborative playlists:

Harry potter: weasley twins

Anne with an E:

Marvel: Loki


Arcane, league of legends: Viktor


• you can add any song you think fits with the theme!

• No spamming songs from the same album or artist. (a handfull of songs isn’t considered spamming. If you want to add more spread them through the playlist so the same artist/album isn’t back to back)

• No deleting other peoples songs unless it’s from a spam account!

Happy listening!♡

Loki Collaborative Spotify fan-playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of Loki!

I already added a few songs in there to start it out!

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them, remind you of them or just songs you want to share with the fandom!

There’s only 2 rules!

• don’t spam songs from an album or artist. Since i can’t see the difference between you and a spam bot these songs will be deleted from the playlist! (A few songs of the same artist/albyn are obviously not spam. Just don’t add like 10+ after eachother)

• if you personally don’t like a song someone else added DO NOT delete it! Remember that it’s not just your playlist, but a playlist for every Loki fan to enjoy!



Anne with an E ~ collaborative spotify playlist♡

Hello, lovelies! I created an Anne with an E collaborative playlist on spotify! Anyone can add any song they see fit in the playlist! Of course you can also add as many as you’d like!

I can’t wait to see what everyone added!♡

I’m very sad to inform you all that someone on Spotify thought it would be a good idea to delete all of our songs and copy their own sports playlist in it.

I didn’t have a private backup of the playlist, but I’ll be making one for my other collaborative playlists so this can’t happen again.

For now I’m deleting the “avonlea’s daydream playlist”

If anyone would like me to start a new one again please tell me! The next time I’m definitely creating a backup!

This is the person who did it. If anyone wants to report them.

I talked to some of my friends and they encouraged me to start over and create a new one. So if anyone wants to add their songs back in or add in new songs! Here’s the link!


Anne with an E ~ collaborative spotify playlist♡

Hello, lovelies! I created an Anne with an E collaborative playlist on spotify! Anyone can add any song they see fit in the playlist! Of course you can also add as many as you’d like!

I can’t wait to see what everyone added!♡

I’m very sad to inform you all that someone on Spotify thought it would be a good idea to delete all of our songs and copy their own sports playlist in it.

I didn’t have a private backup of the playlist, but I’ll be making one for my other collaborative playlists so this can’t happen again.

For now I’m deleting the “avonlea’s daydream playlist”

If anyone would like me to start a new one again please tell me! The next time I’m definitely creating a backup!

This is the person who did it. If anyone wants to report them.



The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:

Update: for the past few months a spam account called “RapGame” has been spamming the playlist with an entire album of a amateur band called Morisdown. I’ve tried to report them several times but Spotify doesn’t have a report spam option. I’ve been deleting them everytime but they pop up again after a day or 2. So if you often listen to a playlist and you notice these songs in there, please delete them and report the account. Thanks!


Todd Hewitt collaborative playlist!

I noticed that there wasn’t a collaborative playlist for Todd Hewitt yet and i think any fandom needs one because it’s fun to discover new songs to daydream to.

So add any song that reminds you of the movie Chaos Walking and/or Todd Hewitt, a song that you’d show him if you were in the movie, or just a song you like to daydream to about him.

I can’t wait to see what songs will be added!

If it’s not out in your country yet, you can watch it for free in HD on popcorntime! Do this at your own risk since it’s a pirated version!

Todd Hewitt collaborative playlist!

I noticed that there wasn’t a collaborative playlist for Todd Hewitt yet and i think any fandom needs one because it’s fun to discover new songs to daydream to.

So add any song that reminds you of the movie Chaos Walking and/or Todd Hewitt, a song that you’d show him if you were in the movie, or just a song you like to daydream to about him.

I can’t wait to see what songs will be added!


The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:

Anne with an E ~ collaborative spotify playlist♡

Hello, lovelies! I created an Anne with an E collaborative playlist on spotify! Anyone can add any song they see fit in the playlist! Of course you can also add as many as you’d like!

I can’t wait to see what everyone added!♡


The twins infinity playlist!

Hii! I wanna create a public, collaborative playlist for everyone with songs that remind you of fred and/or george!

I already added “freddy my love” and “this side of paradise”

So add as many songs as you’d like that you listen to when thinking of them! Or just remind you of them! I would love for you to comment the songs you added and why!

Feel free to share the playlist!

Here’s the link:


We’re off to a great start! 27 songs already! But of course we’d all love for you to share even more songs that remind you of Fred and/or George! Any song you like can be added!

I would also love to know the reason why it reminds you of them or what you imagine while listening to the song(s)

So…it’s fall and I don’t have any soft romance music on this playlist. End of last month leading into now, I’ve came across a “new” artist. (Well she’s new to me) Amaarae.

Amaarae’s ‘THERE ANGEL YOU DON’T KNOW’ album is chef’s kiss . Ever. Single. Song. Is. A. Bop. And do I rarely true enjoy album from start to finish. Would definitely recommend.

As always this is a collaborative playlist, so please feel free add some songs yourself.
