
“Hello Dracula” (1985).  I know they are supposed to be creepy, but Chinese child vampires are just

“Hello Dracula” (1985).  

I know they are supposed to be creepy, but Chinese child vampires are just absolutely adorable

“Hello Dracula” was a Taiwanese trend chaser back in the mid-80s, when the vampire-movie craze blew up in Hong Kong after Sammo Hung’s “Mr. Vampire.” Instead of a middle aged, grumpy Taoist as the main hero, though, the heroes were kids. 

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“Mr. Vampire” (1985). Sammo Hung’s best movie, a comedy/horror/kung fu hybrid - though he’s known fo“Mr. Vampire” (1985). Sammo Hung’s best movie, a comedy/horror/kung fu hybrid - though he’s known fo“Mr. Vampire” (1985). Sammo Hung’s best movie, a comedy/horror/kung fu hybrid - though he’s known fo“Mr. Vampire” (1985). Sammo Hung’s best movie, a comedy/horror/kung fu hybrid - though he’s known fo

“Mr. Vampire” (1985). Sammo Hung’s best movie, a comedy/horror/kung fu hybrid - though he’s known for martial arts as an actor, most of his directorial/producing efforts show his fascination for ghost stories, monsters, and the supernatural. This one started a craze in Hong Kong for movies featuring Chinese “hopping vampires.” In Hong Kong, there were hopping vampire movies going back to the 1930s, but this one revived that “tired” genre. 

Lam Ching-yang played a Chinese Abraham van Helsing, a Taoist who knows what’s what when it comes to the ways of Chinese vampires. He basically spent a lot of time being these movie’s van Helsing in Hong Kong: he was also the titular Magic Cop

Jiangshi, Chinese vampires, are really not all that vampiric; they’re essentially corpses reanimated by magic and they don’t drink blood. In Mr. Vampire II, we see the ultra-creepy vampire children and even a female vampire: 

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In regard to my previous post about Jackie Chan Adventures and The Medallion starring Jackie Chan. I made a remark about both of them having “circular dragon imagery” referring to Shendu in statue form and the titular medallion in The Medallion. Thing is, I hadn’t looked very closely at the medallion and just assumed that the two snakey things on it were Chinese dragons simply because dragons have long been the only Asian mythological creature you ever see in American pop culture. But after closer inspection I see it’s actually a snake and a fish. A very weird snakey fish.


It’s such an odd combination of animals that I have to wonder if there’s any deeper cultural significance to them. Not that I totally expect there to be anything. I wouldn’t usually expect cultural deep cuts from a 2003 movie. Heck, even a lot of the cultural references in Jackie Chan Adventures are bad. Like the Chinese vampire that glides instead of hops for example. I like to think that jiangshi have become popular enough in games and such that that’s fairly obviously wrong.


However, while I don’t know much about the production of Jackie Chan Adventures I do know that two of the three writers on The Medallion were Chinese so it seems possible that they might have injected some Chinese culture into the movie that wouldn’t have occurred to a typical American writer… like anything other than a dragon. 

There might be some clues in the movie but it isn’t streaming anywhere and I just KNOW as soon as I pay money to watch it it’s going to become available to me for free (legally. Which is the only way I’ll watch it). And I’ve just recently spent a lot of coin on MP3s after deleting my Spotify so I don’t know if I want to spend more coin on a possibly not very good movie.

Ah- While we’re on the topic of coin, might as well bring up my Ko-fi. I’ll do a doodle on a post-it for you for just $3. And of course I’d be happy to watch the movie if someone specifically paid me to do it. But I’ll need at least $4 to cover renting it. Maybe a little more if you specifically want me to write about it or something. Hell! I’ll even review cultural references in Jackie Chan Adventures if you pay me for it. Though I can’t guarantee it’ll be that thorough or entirely accurate. Oh! And I also sell vinyl stickers that apparently no one wants.


Art trade piece of @tohdraws as a jiangshi or Chinese Vampire!

Art trade piece of @tohdraws as a jiangshi or Chinese Vampire!

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Bummer about the market being cancelled, but at least i got to finish today’s prompt. Normally

Bummer about the market being cancelled, but at least i got to finish today’s prompt. Normally I’m not a fan of zombies, but i was exited to make a bunny jiang shi, or a Chinese zombie/vampire creature. Jiang shi’s can’t walk, they can only hop, so an undead bun bun seemed appropriate
#yetiparade #mabsdrawlloweenclub2017 #mabsdrawlloweenclub #zombie #jiangshi #undead #inktober #drawlloween #bunny #bunbun #halloween #october #autumn #spoopy

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A sketch I did for Halloween 2020 ft. my ocs! Liang/Lord Death as Jiangshi, while Veil as pontianak

A sketch I did for Halloween 2020 ft. my ocs! Liang/Lord Death as Jiangshi, while Veil as pontianak (vampire in English, but Southeast Asia countries version). :”) 


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Halloween Costume Idea: Chinese vampire  僵尸 JiāngshīTo pull off the 僵尸 Jiāngshī Chinese Vampire cost

Halloween Costume Idea: 

Chinese vampire  僵尸 Jiāngshī

To pull off the 僵尸 Jiāngshī Chinese Vampire costume you need the signature yellow patch (like a post-it note over your face) and frightening body movements. Jiangshi move by jumping, body stiff, arms out straight. Go solo, or with other Jiāngshī péngyǒu in a coven of vampires.

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Halloween is coming fast! Is your costume ready? To kick-start your creative process, here’s our shortlist of five Chinese culture-inspired Halloween costumes guaranteed to spark interest at parties, or at least generate a few good laughs while you’re trick-or-treating.

1. The Great Wall

The perfect ensemble costume for going out as a group. Come with 3 friends or 33 friends. Enter together or arrive separately. It doesn’t matter. After all, the original Great Wall 长城chángchéng wasn’t a continuous flow of bricks.


Talking points, in case they ask:

  • Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor of a unified China, didn’t build the first wall. Rather he connected (and knocked down) separate Warring States walls, plus added new ones, made mostly of stones and packed earth.
  • The majority of the modern Great Wall was constructed 1500 years later during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) to prevent nomadic invasions.
  • The Great Wall in total measures 21,196 km (across 9 provinces).

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some recent spookiessome recent spookiessome recent spookiessome recent spookies

some recent spookies

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My interpretation of the Jiangshi

My interpretation of the Jiangshi

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 HALLOWEEN UPDATE▶ ▶ SHOP LINK ◀◀Just added new MadaLeo button to join my other Enstars Halloween  HALLOWEEN UPDATE▶ ▶ SHOP LINK ◀◀Just added new MadaLeo button to join my other Enstars Halloween



Just added new MadaLeo button to join my other Enstars Halloween buttonsandTokyo Mew Mew Jiangshi buttons in time for Halloween !!!

Expect a lot more shop updates coming in the near future!

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My jiangshi bookmark that’s one of the tier rewards for the Carpe Noctem-zine!

Something something Jiangshi

i want to pull qiqi also ;w; maybe if i draw her she will come~

i want to pull qiqi also ;w; maybe if i draw her she will come~

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