#johnathan harker


If I was Dracula I would have served beet soup to Jonathan and ate blood from a bowl across from him so he’s like oh I guess he does eat

Next day? Boom tomato soup

Which of us gets to tell Tumblr that in the most book accurate movie adaptation, Johnathan is played by Keanu Reeves

I’m so pleased everyone is enjoying the daily dracula thing. I have fabulous news my darlings, there exists an extra Johnathan chapter that was cut out of the final text and turned into a short story called Dracula’s Guest. It takes place while Johnathan is still on his way to Romania and stops off in Hungary.

I won’t spoil anything but the part you lovely people need to know is, it’s heavily implied that he runs into Dracula’s ex wife.

Also that Dracula knew well in advance that Johnathan is clueless af and preemptively called the cops the minute he heard Johnny is the wandering off type.


Johnathan harker, an empath, after being handed a crucifix by a crying woman: hmm the vibes are bad

Johnathan Harker from Dracula is going to super hell for not realizing his bestie is a vampire, bein

Johnathan Harker fromDracula is going to super hell for not realizing his bestie is a vampire, being a lawyer, and, of course, gay crimes!!!

requested by: @bees-in-disguise

Post link


I think the funniest possible modern textual adaptation of Dracula would be Jonathan as a part time recipe blogger and you have to scroll through 10 paragraphs of the most harrowing thing you’ve ever read in your life just to get the recipe for paprika hendl

Since Dracula is the hot thing right now i figured i might as well deviate from my usual comic posting and post a thread of tweets i did a couple months back

In conclusion

It’s only been two days since I’ve heard from my dear friend Johnathan Harker but I miss him dearly


About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Dracula was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him-and I didn’t know how potent that part might be-that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.

This is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen.


A simple grayscale drawing of Count Dracula and Jonathan Harker from Bram Stoker's novel Dracula. Dracula is taller than Jonathan. He is holding a chimneyless oil lamp and is smiling widely, while pulling Jonathan into a handshake. Jonathan is leaning backwards and looking up at Dracula with an uncomfortable expression.

“Welcome to my house. Come freely. Go safely; and leave something of the happiness you bring!”

Our boy Jonathan meeting his very normal pal, Count Dracula.

Dracula Daily is seriously the best thing I’ve ever seen. OG Dracula deserves a fandom!


i’m on that dracula daily train lmao. here’s a song about it

Oh you goofy count you! :D <3


A Dracula Cover I made last night! (Instead of studying ARGH)! I hope you like it <3

Strangely soft horrors my beloveds


Friends, we have reached the point in our communal Dracula journey where I invite you to join me in one of my favorite thought experiments:

How did Dracula learn to cook?

He is a nobleman!  There is no way he cooked his own meals while he was alive!  And now, he famously neither eats nor drinks, yet he’s able to produce “an excellent roast chicken.”  I want to see how he got to that point.

Just imagine this aged, dignified vampire suddenly realizing that he is going tohave to feed his human guest and rushing frantically to the kitchen to try to figure out how to use it.  How many chickens did he destroy in his culinary training montage?  Can he cook anything else?  Does Dracula know how to bake?

Please join me in picturing Dracula, in his stark black clothes and his long white moustache, absolutely covered in flour, staring into a mixing bowl in rage and despair.  It’s my favorite thing.

He took some terrified peasants into his castle and forced them to teach him. The peasants were too terrified to tell him where he went wrong, so all his recipes sucked (ahah, sucked, because he’s a vampire AAA–). Anyways, the realization that no good cooking comes from fear prompts Dracula into a character arc, where he starts to treat the peasants better and then he discovers that he actually enjoys cooking and makes some friends. Then, when Johnathan finally eats his Dracula-made meal and praises it, Dracula realizes that maybe eating people is bad and preparing food for them is actually better. Since there is this whole transfusion craze going on in Dracula, he discovers that he can just steal transfusion blood from somewhere and live on that. All this reawakened his humanity, and he starts to take better care of the castle, which becomes a more comforting and endearing place. Sure, there are still graves around but they just add to the charm. Anyways, the fatal day when Johnathan has to leave arrives, and Dracula, since he really loves this oblivious - adorable - fool now, wants him to be free.

Johnathan goes home, talks with Mina about his new peculiar friend who is disposed to make his hands catch fire while preparing garlic bruschetta for him, and she thinks this sounds like a really charming guy. They both go back to Transylvania and live happily ever after.

Summary: Dracula discovers the joy of love and life through cooking and preparing meals for Johnathan, then lives with Johnathan and Mina in a big castle and that’s how every fairytale should end. No imperialism, etc, just bruschetta. And the pomodoro on the bruschetta is not people :D

A Dracula Cover I made last night! (Instead of studying ARGH)! I hope you like it <3

Strangely soft horrors my beloveds


Ranking gothic lit characters by the things they do instead of sleeping

(Note: This post is a joke, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule is important)

11. Dracula: Being the worst

10. Robert Walton: Writing down everything Victor Frankenstein says

9. The Phantom (Erik): Stalking people, causing problems, working on an opera (Unrealistic, people are not actually productive when they stay up)

8. Jack Seward: His work (lame cause he’s bad at it), ignoring his emotions (realistic)

7. Utterson: Tracking down Edward Hyde (exciting)

6. Dorian Gray: Staring at his portrait (relatable, but lame), sinning (cool)

5. Griffin: Experiencing the consequences of his actions (relatable)

4. Johnathan Harker: Worrying about the vampires that are trying to eat him (exciting)

3. Adam Frankenstein: Reading Paradise Lost (cool), setting fires (fun!), starving in the woods (tragic)

2. Dr. Jekyll: Violence (fun!), being Edward Hyde (funner!)

1. Victor Frankenstein: Playing god (cool), angsting (realistic)


hot new tumblr meme, fresh from 1897: paprika



Why do y'all believe the Catholic peasants when they say the Count is bad news… what if they just hate tradgoth kings </3

I feel like I should apologize to everyone for the fact that I’m going to be reblogging a lot of reaction things related to Dracula Daily, but honestly? This turn of events shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.

today’s dracula daily update is just johnathan lying on his bed kicking his feet and writing in his diary like and then we stayed up all night talking 
