#jonathan byers


In Which I Have an Idea That Makes Me Very Sad

I was thinking about why Jonathan has so little in the way of concrete development (in universe, not just him being mishandled), and something crossed my mind.

We experience the world of Stranger Things primarily through the lense of the Party. We call the season one monster The Demogorgon because they do, for example. And because of that, we might not have the complete picture of what happens in Hawkins.

In other words, the reason why we might not know just how bad Jonathan had it with Lonnie because he didn’t have the heart to tell Will.

Lonnie’s return in season 4, though, might change that.

Uptown Girl

Summary:After moving from New York to Hawkins, your life is changed by a handsome police chief, a mysterious girl and a realm that is beyond the boundaries of normality.

Warnings:some swearing

A/N:Sorry it’s been a while since the last update but thank you all for being patient and understanding! I hope you enjoy! ❤️ (plus- bless Steve )

Missed the last part? Catch up here


Chapter 12


You left the cabin obscenely early the next morning. You had fallen asleep on the chair in El’s room, it was surprisingly comfortable. You left a note for El and another for Jim, although Jim’s note was very short and to the point; ‘Gone back to my brother’s to get organised for work.’ You were still mad at him.

Reaching the house at around half seven in the morning, you headed in for a quick shower to wash off the sweat you had built up while walking back to town. Half an hour later, you were ready and downstairs pouring out a cup of coffee for yourself. You let out a long sigh and plopped yourself down on one of the stools by the kitchen island. “Hello?” You heard a groggy voice called out.

“Just me,” you took a large gulp of coffee and looked over to Steve “No offence but you look like shit.”

“So do you,” Steve dismally replied and placed down his half eaten bowl of dry cereal and his coffee. You reached across and felt the cup, it was cold.

“You want a fresh cup?”

“No,” he bluntly said and sat down across from you and downed what was left in the cup, grimacing when he tasted the bitter grounds at the bottom.

You raised a brow “What’s the matter?” He took a long time to reply, you could see his eyes getting glossy. He mumbled back 'nothing’under his breath. You intervened, you knew how he was feeling “You don’t have to talk about it ,but all I’m saying is eating dry cereal and drinking cold coffee isn’t going to help mend a broken heart.” Steve slowly looked up to you “Trust me, it isn’t a good coping mechanism. Neither is eating a pint of ice cream for that matter.”

Steve sighed and used his finger and thumb to rub away the tears welling in his eyes “She said it was all bullshit…Nancy, she-” he sniffled and wiped away a tear on his cheek with the back of his hand “Sorry,” he apologised.

“Steve, stop, never- and I mean it- never apologise for crying. C'mere,” you opened your arms and he happily accepted the hug “You don’t have to be so tough all the time, sweetie.” He pulled back and nodded tentatively “What time does your first class start?”

“Uhh ten thirty, why?”

“C'mon we’ll go to the diner before your first class starts, my treat! I don’t have classes until this afternoon.” You smiled and ruffled his hair “Go grab your things and we’ll get going.” He grinned and rushed up the stairs and grabbed his schoolbag and jacket. You grabbed your car keys and tossed them to Steve when he came down the stairs “You can even drive old blue out there today.”

“What?!” He ecstatically jumped on the spot “Yes! Thank you, Aunt Y/N!” You smiled and followed him out to the car. The radio was playing but you quickly turned the station when a certain song came on. Steve let out a small snort of laughter under his breath “What? You don’t like Billy Joel?”

“It’s not that I don’t like him, I love that song it’s just…” your words fizzled out and Steve raised a brow. “It’s a special song for Jim and I. We kinda had a fight last night. That’s why I came back so early.” Steve pulled up to the diner and you sent him a small forced smile “Lets eat, buddy!”

You let him get whatever he wanted, you always were a pushover with him. “Mom called last night before I went out. She said they’d be another week or so- Dad is trying to close a deal.”

“Well he’s stubborn enough to stay and get what he wants, regardless of how long it will take.” You took bite out of your waffles, Steve got pancakes with bacon and maple syrup- which he demolished. “So, you wanna talk or…?”

Steve looked up from his cup of coffee to you “You’re so worried about other people that you don’t take a minute for yourself. I should be asking you if you wanna talk.”

You shrugged a shoulder “Because I’m fine.” Steve didn’t look convinced “Really, I am.”

He hummed, unconvinced and continued finishing his breakfast. You mindlessly played with the last remaining crumbs on your plate with your fork. Steve could tell you were upset. He looked around and stood up, you assumed he was just heading to the bathroom but instead he went to the jukebox and picked a song.

Your ears picked up the recognisable tune of 'Old Time Rock and Roll’ and Steve slid back to the table, catching your attention. You raised a brow when he picked up his fork and began singing into it. You let out a loud laugh and the other diners glanced around and smirked at your nephew as he tried to reenact Tom Cruise’s infamous dance routine from Risky Business. He loved that movie. Steve held out his hand and you took it, standing up to dance along with him. The two of you danced around and sang along to the song. When the song finished the four other patrons, the waitress and the cook all clapped and whistled.

“Thank you,” you smiled and put a hand on his arm before extending your arms to give him a hug.

“Do we have to hug?” He asked like he was a kid asked to do a chore.

You tightly smiled and shook your head “Yeah, we do.” You wrapped your arms around him and he let out a loud groan. “I’m gonna hug you for even longer now,” you chuckled in his ear. You eventually pulled back “Come on, you’ve got class soon and I’ve got to get organised for my classes this afternoon.”

Steve drove to the school “You needing a ride home later?” He asked.

“Uhh…I don’t think so. I’ve got paperwork to do. I’ll either head back home or go to Jim’s” You both got out and he grabbed his things. “I’ll call you from a payphone or something and check in.” You knew how much Steve valued his independence, he wanted to prove to your brother that he could be responsible. Unbeknownst to Steve, you always kept Stuart and Deborah in the loop.

“Okay, I gotta go and get changed for gym class. See you later Aunt Y/N, and thanks for breakfast.”

“Anytime kid. Thanks for cheering me up.” you both went your separate ways. You had just made it to the door when you realised you left one of your bags in the trunk of the car so you jogged over to the gym hall and waited for Steve. “I need the keys, I’ll be two minutes! Tops!” Steve sighed and went back to the locker room again. “Sorry about this, coach.” You thinly smiled at the man with a whistle between his lips, it fell out when he smiled back.

“Ah,” he blew a raspberry and waved his hand while walking away to grab a basketball “These things happen.” Steve came back with the keys and you quickly grabbed your things out of the car before going back to the gym and handing your nephew the car keys back.

You heard a low whistle from behind you and you turned on your heel with a raised brow. “Well, well, well…no one told me the king knew a princess…” your face contorted.

“Excuse me?” You glared at the boy with messy hair.

“They call Steve the 'King’,” he clarified, using his fingers as quotation marks when he said the word king.

You rolled your eyes and glanced at Steve “Jesus, I’ve heard it all now…” You moved your bag up your shoulder and pat Steve’s arm “See you later.”

“Maybe you’ll see me later, Miss Harrington. You could teach me a lesson…” the boy blatantly flirted.

You forced a smile “Sorry to disappoint you but I’m way too old for you and already spoken for.”

His brows furrowed “Oh yeah? Well I’ll kick his ass into next week! Who is this asshole?”

“He’s the chief of police,” that put him in his place and the blood drained from his face while shock set it. You walked out the gym hall with a smirk on your face and headed to your classroom to set up for your class.


“Okay, class dismissed. Remember homework is due tomorrow and I’ll need the permission slips for our class trip to the museum next week by the end of this week. Have a great night everyone!” You stood by the class door and smiled at each student. You noticed Dustin almost wrestling with his backpack. “You alright there?”

“Y-yeah!” He forced a smile and quickly walked out.

You raised a suspicious brow before saying bye to Will, who was trailing behind. You noticed him looking quite sheepish “Hey, Will. How are you?”

He nodded “Good, thanks Miss Harrington.” You thinly smiled and watched him and the rest of the group scurry off to the A.V room.

You returned to your desk and got on with some paperwork. A little while later, you heard a knock on the classroom door. Not bothering to look up from the papers you were marking, you called the person in “Can I help yo-” you cut yourself off when you glanced up and saw Jim standing there with a sorry look on his face “Oh…” you returned your eyes back to the papers you were working on “It’s you.”

You could hear his chunky boots approach your desk, his looming figure towering over you. He placed an apple in front of you and you stopped moving your pen for a moment to look at it before continuing with writing. “With me, the chief of police, eating my weight in doughnuts daily and now giving a teacher an apple you could call me a walking cliché, huh?” He tried to crack a joke but failed miserably.

“I could call you lots of things at this moment in time…” you mumbled and kept your eyes firmly on the work in front of you.

Jim sighed “Please don’t be like this…I’m sorry.”

You finally looked up to him, placing your pen down on the table a little harder than you intended, making him flinch at the sharp noise “It’s not me you should be sorry too!” You pinched the bridge of your nose “I can deal with a lot of things, Jim.” His gaze fell to his feet “But El,” his head snapped back up “She’s a young girl. She’s a teenager with hormones and emotions and so many feelings! She’s been through so much. You’ve got to understand that she doesn’t know any better. You’re trying to teach her and I know that, I know you’re doing your best but be patient with her. You know promises are the only thing she relies on and yesterday you said c-o-m-promise. Promise.Key word there, Jim.” You sighed and shook your head “The two of you have a lot to learn.”

Jim let out a huff “Why are you always right?”

“It’s a gift,” the corner of your lip tugged upwards “But seriously, apologise and I know for a fact El will apologise too.”

You stood up and and walked around to Jim, he wrapped his arms around your waist and you leaned up slightly to wrap your arms around the back of his neck and perch your chin on his shoulder “Thank you,” he pulled back slightly to take a good look at your face. Jim leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours once, then twice and then kissed you a little longer the third time. “Listen…I gotta do some stuff later so I might not be back for dinner,” he rubbed your arms “I guess you can bend my rules a little and let El have Eggos before dinner.”

“You trying to sweeten her up?” You raised a brow and he shrugged, biting on his lower lip and bobbing his head from side to side.

“Well….” he drawled out “Eggos could help my cause.”

You smirked and shook your head “Alright, alright…But I’m not the middleman here!” You stood back and pointed your finger at him.

“Course not,” he pressed a light kiss to your forehead “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye…” your eyes followed him out the door “Thanks for the apple…and the view…” you playfully added and Jim walked with a little spring in his step knowing you were checking him out.

“You’re welcome!”

You finished up your marking and headed home for the day. You wandered through the corridors that were leading you to the exit but stopped when you noticed a body whizz passed you at the end of a corridor. You swore it was Lucas. You turned the opposite direction of the exit and eventually made your way to the hall where you could hear voices.

What you saw shocked you.

She was never supposed to leave.

“El?” You quietly called out her name and you could see her freezing like a deer in headlights. She slowly turned around and had a very guilty expression on her face. You didn’t know what to do, you were so taken aback by seeing her outside. Jim would be furious. “Sweetie, we have to go,” you hastily made your way towards her “It’s dangerous.”

“Mike,” she pointed and you glanced up seeing him with Max who was on the floor. You were wondering why the group were still in the school floating around the halls.

“Come with me,” you took her hand and lead her to your classroom. “We can’t stay for long,” you shut over the door and headed to Mike’s desk. You only hoped that he had left what he had been writing. You noticed him scribbling something down during his free time- you assumed it was a note for El. You fished through his books and papers- and bubble gum wrappers. “Yes!” You took out the folded up note and sat down on Mike’s desk. “He wrote this for you…do you want me to read it to you?” El nodded, coming up and standing next to you, lacing her arm with yours. “'Dear, El. I miss you. It’s not the same and it’s super boring. Dustin and Lucas said that I’ll eventually accept not having you around but I don’t think I ever will. I think you’d like our friend Will, I’ve told him all about you. Miss Harrington said I should write to you. I hope I get to show you this letter someday. I miss you, from Mike.’”

You glanced down to the curly haired girl beside you and noticed her eyes becoming glossy. You sighed and wriggled your arm out from hers so you could give her a hug. “Thank you,” she groggily whispered and blinked away her tears.

“You’re welcome, sweetie.” You put back Mike’s note for El “We need to get back, it’s quite a walk but I’m sure you know that now,” you managed to laugh and El cracked a smile. “Let’s get going.”

You walked back to the cabin with El, mainly going through the woods so no one would see you. That meant the journey took longer than usual and by the time you reached the cabin it was dark. The lights were on and there was a small orange glow coming from the tip of a Camel cigarette.

“Oh shit…” you uttered under your breath.

Jim was back before he both of you and he didn’t look happy.


Tags are open! Just let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not!

@madkskillz@beltzboys2015-blog@alonewolfsblog@thephantomofthe-internet@vanitysfairr@shameless-pope@happy-hopper@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@sleepylunarwolf@gettinjoyful@ladygrey03 @stonecold-witharmheart (link not working) @daddyharbour@lucifersnipnips @myfuturisticallysteadycollector (link not working) @msclifford@negansdirtygirl22@wefracturedmotivation@awkwardpagan @fallenamnesia (link not working) @rinymichelle321@cosettewinchester@zestygingergirl

Uptown Girl

Summary:After moving from New York to Hawkins, your life is changed by a handsome police chief, a mysterious girl and a realm that is beyond the boundaries of normality.

Warnings:some angst

A/N:Sorry it’s been forever but thank you all for being patient! I hope you enjoy! ❤️

Missed the last part? Catch up here


Chapter 11


You sauntered into the kitchen “Mmm…smells good,” you tiredly groaned and hugged Jim from behind while he cooked breakfast. He made a start on it while you changed out of your pyjamas and into your clothes for work which today consisted of a black dress, a witch hat and black and purple striped tights. Jim glanced behind to look at you and let out a small snort of laughter at your hat “What?” You took it off and casually tossed it on the couch “I’m just enthusiastic about Halloween!”

Jim hummed and you went to pour out a cup of coffee for you both. “Oh, Jesus!” He softly jumped and you turned around. You smiled seeing El standing with a white bed sheet over her head with eyes cut out.


“Yeah,” Jim replied “I see that.”

“I love your costume sweetie! Are we going out trick or treating later?” You asked and she took off the sheet to look at Jim with pleading eyes.

“No,” he replied without a hint of compassion “Go wash your hands for breakfast.” El stormed off huffing and you furrowed your eyebrows while glaring at Jim from behind. He plated up the French toast and took it to the table “What?” He asked when he noticed you glaring.

“Why did you say no to trick or treating?” You asked sitting next to him at the table.

“Because it’s not safe for her to go out,” you opened your mouth to argue that no one would recognise her if she dressed as a ghost but Jim cut in before you had the chance. “Regardless of what she’s wearing.”

“Fine! We can take her to the next town over. It’s like twenty to thirty minutes away in the car. No one would have clue it’s her!” You tried fighting her cause as best as you could but Jim wasn’t having any of it. You loudly sighed “She’s a young girl and kids her age have to socialise and develop people skills- her more than anyone. El needs it. She needs to start living a normal teenage life and start having some sort of childhood. Something she has been denied her whole life.” You gently took his hand and squeezed it pleadingly “Don’t deny her it when she has the chance.”

El joined you both at the table and you let go of Jim’s hand. You all began eating in silence before he spoke up “Hey kid,” You and El slowly looked at Jim “How about I get off early, and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and we can all watch scary movies?” You took a bit of French toast, pulling the fork from your mouth with a small smile on your lips. “How’s that for a compromise?”

“C-compromise?” El repeated.

“C-o-m-promise. Compromise. How about we make that your word for the day?” You knew he was trying his best to keep her happy. Even if he was tough about it. “It’s kinda like something in-between. It’s like halfway happy.”

“By 5-1-5?” She asked.

“Yeah, 5:15.”

“Promise?” She asked and you glanced up to Jim. You both knew how valuable a promise was to El.

“Yes. I promise.”

She lightly smiled at Jim “Halfway happy.”

Jim leaned over and playfully ruffled her hair that had grew in tight brown curls. “Y/N can be here a little earlier maybe?”

He turned to you and you sent El a smile “Sure! I can be! I get out of school at three, I can pick up some candy too and walk from the store. It will take me like 45 minutes tops and I sure could do with a walk in the fresh air before consuming my body weight in candy,” you joked and El chuckled. “It’s going to be great!” You warmly smiled and gently pinched her cheek.

You felt Jim’s hand on your knee, he gave it a soft squeeze- enough to capture your attention. He looked at you for a sign of approval. You nodded and placed your hand on top of his before finishing breakfast. You and Jim left at the same time, El handed you your pointy witch hat before you left while Jim took your bags out to the car. “Have a nice day,” she said as you gave her a hug before leaving.

“You too! Let me know how you get on with reading the first three chapters of ‘Peter Pan’ and remember write down any words you aren’t sure of and we can go over them.” You gave her a final wave as you stepped out of the cabin. That what you and El did ever since you had first read to her. Whilst reading ’Alice in Wonderland’ she had countless of questions and queries about words so you taught her. You were teacher after all. You taught her everything and anything she wanted to know. “You better keep your promise, Jim.” You warned as he pulled up to the school.

“I will,” he leaned over and captured your lips with his “See you later.”

“5:15!” You warned him again with a pointed finger as you grabbed your bags. He nodded and stuck his thumb up for good measure. He watched you disappear into the school with a small smile on his face.


“Okay everybody! Take a piece of candy from the bucket on the way out and have a great Halloween! I hope you all get lots of goodies!” You shook around the candy in the bucket and each student took a piece with a grin on their face.

“Is this a bribe for us to not egg where you live?” Dustin asked, grabbing a tootsie roll.

You let out a laugh “Kinda…I don’t think my brother would appreciate my students trashing his place.”

“If we can take two pieces it’s a deal,” Will grinned.

“Yeah, two pieces and we’ll just egg Steve instead!” Mike added and you burst into a fit of giggles.

“For that comment alone I feel the need to give you twenty pieces! Love the costumes by the way, Ghostbusters is an awesome film!” You let them choose the rest of their candy and waved them off. You quickly grabbed your things before heading out the classroom. You made your way out to the car park and noticed Steve and Nancy chatting by his car “Hey you two!” You greeted them “Any plans for tonight?”

“Yeah, we’re going to a party as Lana and Joel from Risky Business,” Nancy replied with a smile as she clutched onto her books tightly “We have costumes that are pretty much identical to what they wear in the film!”

“Aww that’s cute!” You gushed and Steve let out an embarrassed groan “Oh shut up Steve. I hope you both have a great time! I’ll be at Jim’s tonight so I’ll see you at some point tomorrow.”

“Okay,” he replied and opened the car door “Mom and dad are out of town until Monday so-”

“-So I’ll be keeping my eye on you! Anyway, have fun tonight, I’ll see you guys later.” You waved them off and made your way to Bradley’s Big Buy and bought a bunch of candy before heading to the pizza place and picking up one for dinner. You’d keep a few slices by for Jim so he could heat them up when he arrived back at the cabin. You walked for miles, building a sweat before eventually arriving at the cabin. You knocked on the door and it opened, El got up off the couch to help you with your bags “Hey sweetie, I picked us up some pizza for dinner. I’ll put it on a plate and after we can start watching some classic Halloween movies!”

“Sounds good,” she replied with a timid smile before gasping when she saw a packet of eggos in your shopping bag.

“I had an idea,” you began and pulled out a few packets of candy “We could have a chocolate fondue!”

“Fondue?” El questioned with a furrowed brow.

“It’s when you take either cheese or chocolate, in this case chocolate, and melt it. Then you can take stuff like eggos or marshmallows and dip it into the chocolate. How does that sound?”

“Can we have it now?” She asked and you loudly laughed.

“Dinner first!” You giggled and served her a few slices of pizza and sat at the table. You grabbed homework you had to grade from your bag and made a start on it while eating dinner. You glanced up and noticed El watching you. You motioned her to sit by you. She brought her plate and placed it beside yours and watched with curious eyes at what you were doing. “I’m showing the person if they have got the questions right or not. If it’s right they get a tick,” you ticked an answer “If it’s wrong they get a cross,” you crossed an answer in red pen and scribbled down why it was wrong. “I write that to tell them what is wrong so they can learn from their mistake.” El watched you with curious eyes as you continued marking the papers. You flipped one over and hesitated seeing the name 'Micheal Wheeler’ scribbled at the top. You glanced down to El and noticed her face light up. “Do you…do you want to put a tick there?” You quietly asked.

She nodded and you handed her the pen. El marked next to the sentence he had written with a tick and a soft smile on her face. You gently grinned as she handed you back the pen and you quickly finished off grading his homework. “Thank you,” El hugged your side as you flipped over Mike’s homework to correct the last paper.

You smiled down at her and ruffled her curly hair “I know you miss him. He misses you too.” You said with a sigh.

When you both finished dinner and once you had put away all the marked homework in your bag with your change of clothes, you melted the chocolate in a bowl and grabbed a few other small bowls, placing candy and pieces of toasted, cut up eggos and fruit in them.

You glanced over to the clock and noticed it was five, Jim would be home soon. You settled on the sofa with El who dived into dipping the eggos into melted chocolate. “Good,” she stuck her thumbs up with chocolate all over her lips.

You chuckled and playfully ruffled her hair before you both settled down to watch a movie. The pair of you were so engrossed watching Ghostbusters that you didn’t realise it was six thirty. Jim was over an hour late. You let out a loud sigh and El caught on, looking at you slightly concerned. Jim promised. “It’s fine, he’s probably on his way right now!” You smiled and El nodded with a crestfallen expression before leaning against your side and getting comfortable for the next movie. You wrapped an arm around her shoulder and gently squeezed it. The movie was playing but your eye was constantly on the clock.

It was well passed nine at night when there was a buzz from the radio. El rushed over to it, referring to the code above it to spell out what Jim was saying. “Late,” she disappointingly huffed and turned back to you “Late.”

You gaze fell to the floor momentarily “I’m sorry, honey. Why don’t I get you tucked into bed and we can read a few chapters of 'Peter Pan’?”

El shifted her gaze from the tv to you “Can I find Mike?”

It took a few seconds for you to reply, El could tell you were internally debating with yourself. Jim discouraged any contact with the gang- especially Mike. You bit the inside of your cheek before eventually giving in “Okay,” you quietly spoke “We can move the tv into your room. We don’t tell Hop about it, okay?” El had a huge grin on her face and wrapped her arms around you before pulling back to let you push the tv into her room. “I’m right here if you need me,” you sat down on the bed and watched her place the blindfold over her eyes. Moments later, a trickle of red blood streamed out her nose.

You jumped and yelped hearing banging on the door followed by Jim’s voice. “I know,” he dismally spoke to the door “I’m late. I’m sorry. Just open up. Is Y/N there?”

El pulled down the blindfold and you let out a huff “I’ll get it.” You stood up and closed over El’s bedroom door, making your way to the front door that was being banged on by Jim. You opened up, instantly sending him a disappointed glare.

“I know I’m a little late-”

You sharply cut him off “A little late?! It’s been hours, Jim!” You didn’t mean to yell so loud and took a deep breath. “El was looking forward to tonight, all of us spending time together and doing something to make up for the fact that she couldn’t go out trick or treating.”

Jim rubbed his face “Where is she? In her room?” You nodded. Jim’s eyes locked on to the wire traveling into her room “You let her find Mike?”

You let out an unamused bark of laughter “Are you for real? It’s the least she deserves! God, Jim! She was so upset!”

“That doesn’t mean you should let her try and find him!” He snapped back.

You held up your hands “I’m not arguing with you,” you headed back to El’s room before stopping in your tracks and turning back to him again “Where did you get the candy?”

“I went to the store!” He threw himself down on the couch. You raised an eyebrow at him and he cracked “Fine!I bribed a kid! But I can-”

Jim was cut off by a door slamming. He let out a loud sigh and began to begrudgingly eat the candy.

He knew he messed up. Big time.


Tags are open! Just let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not!

@madkskillz@beltzboys2015-blog@alonewolfsblog@thephantomofthe-internet@vanitysfairr@shameless-pope@happy-hopper@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@sleepylunarwolf@gettinjoyful@ladygrey03 @stonecold-witharmheart (link not working) @daddyharbour@lucifersnipnips @myfuturisticallysteadycollector (link not working) @msclifford@negansdirtygirl22@wefracturedmotivation@awkwardpagan @fallenamnesia (link not working) @rinymichelle321

Uptown Girl.

Summary:After moving from New York to Hawkins, your life is changed by a handsome police chief, a mysterious girl and a realm that is beyond the boundaries of normality.

Warnings:like one swear

A/N:Sorry this part has taken me a little while to post and is a little short but I’d like to thank you all for your responses and lovely comments! ❤️The blocks of italic font are flashbacks! Enjoy!

Missed the last part? Catch up here


Chapter 10


The soft sound of pencils against paper filled your classroom while you were at the chalkboard writing down pages and questions that corresponded with those pages for your students to do. A knock at the door distracted you and captured the attention of your students. You put down the piece of chalk and went to the door “Principal Coleman,” you greeted him and noticed a girl with hair redder than a raging fire by his side “Hello there!”

“Miss Harrington, this is Maxine Mayfield, a new student here at Hawkins Elementary.” Coleman introduced you to her.

“Hi Maxine, we’re happy to have you here!”

“Just Max- I prefer Max.” She spoke up.

You smiled “Okay, thank you Principal Coleman.” He curtly nodded and walked off “Alright Max, let me introduce you to the class.” You motioned her to go in and you followed behind her “Class,” they all looked up, brows crinkling slightly at the sight of someone new “This is Maxine Mayfield, however, she prefers to be called Max. I’m sure you’ll all make her very welcome here at Hawkins Elementary and help her out should she need any.” You smiled down at her “Here’s a textbook,” you reached across and grabbed one from your desk “The pages are up on the board but if you have any questions- just ask! Take a seat anywhere you’d like.”

She uttered a quiet ‘thanks’ before grabbing a seat at the back of your class. You noticed Mike, Dustin, Lucas and Will all look back to her before their heads snapped back around when she caught them looking.

The day flew in and when the bell rang, students were leaping out of their seats to get out the classroom to get home. You watched them leave and shut the door behind you. It was the day before Halloween and you had brought in decorations to decorate the classroom with. You pulled out one of your bags that was under your desk, the other one contained pyjamas, a change of clothes and all your essentials. You were going to stay the night at the cabin with Jim and El, something you did a few nights a week.


“She came back the night she disappeared?” You quietly confirmed with Jim from where you were standing in the kitchenette, El was watching the tv. It had been an hour since you arrived at the cabin.

“That’s what she told me,” he said glancing over to her “She said there was an opening at the school and came back. I found her the night after the Christmas party at the station. I brought her here, I knew she’d be safe here. We established some ground rules and made it like a fortress.”

“She’s been here all this time…” you whispered.

Jim let out a guilty sigh, there was plenty of times he wanted to tell you but just couldn’t. He knew the more people that knew El was back, the more danger she would be in. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just wanted to keep her safe.”

Jim felt your arms wrap around him “I understand,” you mumbled into his uniform. He smiled and hugged you back, placing a soft kiss to your forehead before releasing you.

“Are you staying?” A soft voice appeared from behind you and you turned around.

“Yeah, I can stay a little while before Jim takes me home,” you smiled at El and looked behind your shoulder to Jim “Maybe tomorrow I could bring my pyjamas and stay the night?”

Jim nodded and sent you a wink before El dragged you to her bedroom, almost begging you to read one of the books Jim had stored in the cabin. “Alright,” you tucked her in and pulled over a chair to the bedside “Chapter one- Down the rabbit hole.”


After decorating tables with fake cobwebs and spiders and sticking up decorations on the walls, you grabbed a chair from one of the desks and pulled it to the window to hang a garland from it that had witches and bats dangling down. You stood in the middle and stretched to either side of the frame, just about reaching the left hand side before attempting the right. You completely ignored the fact that your foot was on the very edge of the chair until you came tumbling off it with a shriek.

You braced yourself to land face first on the floor. But you never. You came into contact with something soft. You looked up and saw Jim smirking down at you, his arms holding you up by your armpits while one foot was on the floor and the other was on the chair. “Hoo boy, I knew you fell for me but you don’t have to do it every time I walk into the room!”

“Ha ha, very funny,” you grumbled and stabled yourself on solid ground “Well at least I managed to hang it up,” you pointed to the garland. Jim breathed out a low whistle.

“You’ve went all out decorating the place,” he said admiring your decorative skills.

“Yeah, and I have candy for the kids too. We’re gonna have a fun day tomorrow, do some ghoulish geography and menacing maths,” you playfully wiggled your fingers “before having a little Halloween party. They’ve worked hard and deserve a treat.”

“You’re such a good teacher,” he placed his hands on your waist “The kids are lucky to have you teaching them.” You bashfully smiled and waved off his comment, Jim always said you were too modest. “You got your stuff?” He asked and you nodded. He pecked the side of your head and grabbed your overnight bag while you finished off adding bits and bobs to your desk and quickly drew a ghost on the chalkboard.

You dusted off your hands “Okay, that’s me,” you and Jim walked out together and he opened the car door for you before placing your bag in the back. “I forgot to tell you yesterday, when Steve and I were in the car park heading to his car, this asshole came from out of no where! I think the driver thought they were in a race car.”

Jim’s brows crinkled “Seriously?! Did you get a look at the person or what car it was? Registration number? Anything?”

“No,” you sighed out “I only noticed that it was a blue car before it sped off. I know it’s not much to go on.”

Jim shook his head “It’s alright, I’ll make sure to let the guys know so they can keep an eye out. As long as you’re alright…and Steve.” The corner of your lip tugged upwards. You adored how much he cared. Your hand found his and you tightly held on to it, quickly bringing the back of his hand to your lips before resting it on your lap and placing your other hand over the top of his. “What was that for?” Jim asked, pleasantly surprised by your affectionate actions.

“Does there have to be a reason? Can’t I just adore you and kiss and hold your hand?” You teased ever so slightly. It made Jim blush.

He pulled up near the cabin and grabbed your things for you. You took the lead and knocked on the door. Jim told El that there would only be two people who knew the secret knock- himself and you. After knocking on the door and being let in by El, you engulfed her in a hug. You could hear Jim loudly sigh from behind you “How many times have I got to tell you? No Eggos before dinner.” He spotted one half eaten on the dining table.

You rolled your eyes “Oh Jim! She’s allowed a little afternoon pick me up!”

Jim sent you a deadpanned glare “One- you’re too soft and two-” He went to the freezer and pulled out the box “It’s more than an 'afternoon pick me up’! She’s ate half the box!”

“Well, I will make a start on dinner and while I do that, she’ll build up an appetite,” you smiled and tapped his chest “You can be my sous chef.” Jim followed you to the kitchen and grabbed a beer for both you and himself, he also grabbed El a can of soda while he was in there. You made mac and cheese- a favourite of El’s. Since you saw her a few months ago you had been cooking new things for her to try. She never had much choice when she was in the lab and you wanted to let her try new things. That also included putting a bunch of candy, ice cream and whipped cream on a stack of eggos and almost making the both of you sick. You were pretty sure Jim said 'I told you that would happen’ at least fifty times.

You were halfway through grating the cheese when Jim came up behind you and placed his hands on your waist and placed his chin on your shoulder. You sighed with a smile and relaxed into him a little while still grating, he began humming the tune of 'Uptown Girl’ in your ear while letting his lips dance over your neck. You loved moments like this. You almost felt as if you were a family.

“Jim?” You glanced to the stovetop.

“Hmmm?” He lazily hummed.

“Pot’s boiling over…”

“Oh shit!” He quickly let you go and pulled the pot off the stovetop. “Ah damnit!” He turned down the heat and put it back on the stove “You’re too distracting,” he muttered and you let out a snort of laughter, playfully nudging his arm.

“Do you need any help?” You both looked over and saw ask standing there.

“Why don’t you set the table?” Jim suggested and El happily went to work. “Why are you so smiley?” He asked, you had barely noticed how much you had been smiling.

You shrugged a shoulder “I’m happy.”

Jim leaned forward and pressed a long kiss to your temple “Me too.”


“'Will they reach the nursery in time? If so, how delightful for them, and we shall all breathe a sigh of relief, but there will be no story. On the other hand, if they are not in time, I solemnly promise that it will all come right in the end.’” You glanced down to El and noticed her eyes growing heavy. “'They would have reached the nursery in time had it not been that the little stars were watching them.’” Her eyes shut and then opened again, she was fighting to stay awake to hear the end of the chapter. “'Once again the stars blew the window open, and that smallest star of all called out: 'Cave, Peter!”“ Your voice grew quieter with each word as you gently lulled her into a sleep as you reached the end of chapter three of Peter Pan. ”'Then Peter knew that there was not a moment to lose. 'Come,’ he cried imperiously, and soared out at once into the night, followed by John and Michael and Wendy. Mr. and Mrs. Darling and Nana rushed into the nursery too late. The birds were flown.’“ You looked up to a sleeping El and gently shut over the book, placing a piece of card between the pages to mark your spot.

You looked to the door and noticed Jim leaning against the doorframe of El’s room. You smiled and gently pressed a kiss to her forehead "Sweet dreams,” you whispered, turned off the light and left the room.

Jim softly shut the door behind you “You’re really good with her…” you picked up your pyjamas off the bed and went into the bathroom, Jim followed you in.

You both grabbed your toothbrushes and went to work on brushing your teeth “You’re good with her too,” you looked at him via the mirror “We’re both in this together. We make a great team.”

“I can’t help but feel like we’re good cop/ bad cop- me being the bad cop.” He lowly chuckled “I think it’s because you’d let her have as many eggos as she wants at any time of the day.”

You shrugged a shoulder “Hey, life is short! Now shoo!” You practically kicked him out the bathroom so you could change “I gotta get ready for bed.”

“I could always…” he bit his lower lip and suggestively wiggled his brows “Help you?”

You smirked and shook your head, pushing him back by the chest “No! We both agreed!” You couldn’t help but giggle “Not here! Anyway you have to get ready for bed too.”

He quickly pecked your lips with a boyish grin before shutting the door, trying his luck by leaving a gap- which you clearly noticed and then shut it over completely. When you were changed you emerged from the bathroom with your clothes in your arm. Jim was already in bed, you placed your pile of clothes on top of the bag you had brought with you before climbing in beside Jim and huddling together with him under the duvet. You shut your eyes and felt him run his fingers over your hairline, eventually soothing you to sleep.


Tags are open! Just let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not!

@madkskillz@beltzboys2015-blog@alonewolfsblog@thephantomofthe-internet@vanitysfairr@shameless-pope@happy-hopper@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@sleepylunarwolf@gettinjoyful@ladygrey03@stonecold-witharmheart@daddyharbour@lucifersnipnips @myfuturisticallysteadycollector (link not working) @msclifford@negansdirtygirl22@wefracturedmotivation@awkwardpagan @fallenamnesia (link not working) @rinymichelle321

Uptown Girl.

Summary:After moving from New York to Hawkins, your life is changed by a handsome police chief, a mysterious girl and a realm that is beyond the boundaries of normality.


A/N:So we are now onto where season two would be in the story! The blocks of italic font are flashbacks! I hope you enjoy! ❤️

Missed the last part? Catch up here


Chapter 9


“And that’s it for today class! Remember homework is due tomorrow and I will burn every paper I receive that has the ending ‘And then I woke up’ or'It was all a dream’. All of you keep ending your fictitious work like that. Those endings are banned!” You laughed and so did your class “Alright, class dismissed.”

You watched students rush out the door while you sat at your desk. “Have a good night, Miss Harrington,” Dustin and Lucas chimed. You looked up and smiled, Mike was with them staying silent, Will had left an hour before everyone else to go to the lab for an appointment.

“Thanks boys, you too.” You waved them off but called back Mike just before he stepped out the door. “You alright?”

He shrugged a shoulder “Just thinking…”

“About El?”

Mike sighed “Yeah…I miss her.” You knew Mike would feel the impact of not having El by his side. He wasn’t dealing with it as well as the others.

An idea popped into your head “Hey, why don’t you write a letter to her?”

He looked at you with confusion masking his face “Where would I sent it to?”

You softly smiled “You don’t have to send it anywhere. You could leave in your desk, leave it under your pillow. You could write a whole bunch of letters about…oh I don’t know…your day? What you’ve been doing, what you’ve been feeling, if you’ve played any new games recently or got a new toy. Something you’d tell, or would like to tell, El. Write anything.”

He remained silent for a moment “Will she ever read them?” His voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

“I don’t know,” you walked over to him and kneeled to his level, placing a hand on his shoulder “But you should always have hope.”

“Thanks, Miss Harrington. See you tomorrow!” You waved him off with a thin smile. When he shut the door you let out a loud sigh, guilt forking through your veins. You wish you could tell him that she was alright, that she was still in Hawkins but you couldn’t. Not until it was safe.


“I gotta go…” Jim hummed against your skin and pulled back, adjusting himself slightly and running a hand through his tousled hair.

You whined and pulled him back by his open belt “Stay,” you kissed him again “Stu and Deb are out of town, Steve is at a party and then staying at a friends house. We can have some time to ourselves!” You were on the verge of begging. It was late July, the sun was still lighting the sky at ten thirty at night and it was constantly hot. Since you and Jim kissed at Christmas, the two of you had been going steady but he would never stay. At a certain time he’d leave.

“I wish I could, Y/N, but-”

You cut him off with a sigh “-But you need to get home. I know, Jim.” You gently pushed him off you and sat up on the bed and watched him buckle up his belt and put on his shoes. “Do you want me Jim?”

“What?” He was taken aback by what you had said.

“Do you like me? Am I doing something wrong? Do you like someone else?” You rambled.

Jim put his hands up “Hey, hey, hey! Where is all this coming from?” He sat down beside you on the bed and gently clasped your hands “Of course I like you!” He smiled and brushed his thumbs over the tops of your hands “You’re not doing anything wrong and there is certainly isn’t anyone else that I have feelings for.”

You looked up to him with glossy eyes “Then why don’t you stay?”

Jim sighed and pulled you up off the bed as he stood “I’ll show you.” You furrowed your brows and grabbed your shoes as well as you jacket, fingering through your disheveled hair to tame it a bit before following him downstairs to his car, locking the front door before leaving.

“Where are we going?” You asked, stepping into the car. He didn’t say a thing, he just kept driving and driving until he pulled into the wood and stopped the car. “Uh…are you going to kill me?” You joked, making Jim smirk.

“No,” he grabbed a flashlight “Follow me.” You walked over to Jim’s side and he held your hand, helping you through the thick foliage under your feet. “Watch your step,” he shone the light at a tripwire, he kept hold of your hand as you stepped over it. You narrowed your eyes at the cabin in front of you, a soft yellowish glow pouring through the gaps of the curtains.

“What is this place? What happened to your trailer?” You asked following him up the steps.

“Still got the trailer,” he knocked twice, then once, then three times. “This used to be my grandads place,” locks on the other side of the door began to open. “I used to use it for storage but now…” he opened the door and placed his hand on the bottom of your back to lead you in.

You gasped and brought your hands to your mouth “Oh my god…”

El glanced up from where she was lying watching tv on the couch, her face instantly lighting up upon seeing you. “Y/N!” She jumped up off the couch and ran over to you, you kneeled down and engulfed her in a hug.

You glanced up to Jim with watery eyes and whispered; “How did this happen?”


“Hey,” you snapped out your trance and glanced over to the classroom door, Steve was standing there “You ready to go?”

“Yeah,” you grabbed your things. It was a regular occurrence that Steve would walk over from the high school and drive you both home. Especially since you still hadn’t got your licence yet. “How was school today?”

“Shi-” he cut himself off when you sent him a glare “Shi-mazing! Shi-mazing…all the kids are saying it these days.”

You smirked and rolled your eyes “Sure they are…” you placed books in your bag and put on your coat “Okay! I’m ready.” You followed Steve out and bumped into principal Coleman on the way out.

“Harrington,” He lightly glared at Steve “Your nephew gave me some amount of grief.”

“He can be an angel sometimes!” You grinned and embarrassed him “Literally! One Christmas when he was five he dressed up as an angel and sang Christmas songs. He was so adorable!”

Steve laughed with out a hint of emotion “Ha ha…yeah…we should be going,” he grabbed your upper arms and practically pushed you out the door. The two of you walked through the car park, chatting away like you usually did. That was until a blue car came zooming passed you both and you pushed Steve back a little so he didn’t get hit by it. “Jesus! Who was that asshole?!” He snapped.

You both watched the car speed off into the distance “I don’t know, doesn’t matter now. Let’s go home.”

“I’m guessing Chief Hopper will be over for dinner tonight?” Steve made conversation while driving.

“Yup, he’ll be over after work. Why? You haven’t been involved in any illegal activity I don’t know about have you?” You joked and Steve let out a snort of laughter “But yeah, Jim will be over.”

“Do you love him?” He asked out the blue and if you were driving the car you would have probably crashed it.

“Do you love Nancy?” You asked.

“Yeah, I think I do…I answered your question but you didn’t answer mine,” he turned and pursed his lips at you almost chidingly.

You smirked “Love at my age and love at your age are two very different concepts. I think you and everyone else that’s in love at your age have this idealism that love is like the stories you’ve had read to you or the movies you’ve watched.”

A moment of silence passed before Steve spoke up “That is such an old person answer!” You turned to face him with a deadly glare “Uhhh…you probably heard that from grandma though. Thanks for that insightful speech.”

You pursed your lips and proudly nodded “Good save.” A beat passed “To kinda answer your question- We’ve been together for a few months but I really like Jim. Really, really, really like him. Neither of us want to rush what we have, we’ll know when the time is right for us.”

Steve nodded “I understand that. I’ll postpone my suit dry-cleaning.” You both let out a laugh before playfully nudging his arm.


You could hear Deb from the kitchen gush over Jim arriving with some wine before she told him that you were in the kitchen. You wiped your hands off your apron and spun around to greet him.

“Hey!” You gave him a small peck “Thanks for coming.”

“Smells good,” he placed his hands on your waist and you placed yours on his shoulders “What’s for dinner anyway?”

“Deb made meatloaf and I’ve done some sides,” You moved your mouth towards his ear and whispered into it “I’ll pack up some leftovers…” you kissed the space between his cheek and ear before you pulled back.

“Thank you,” he gave your waist a light squeeze before leaning in and kissing you. After a few seconds his lips were still on yours, he wasn’t pulling back and you were both encouraging each other to keep kissing for as long as you possibly could. You couldn’t help but let out a small grunt when he picked you back and the bottom of your back hit against the kitchen counter. He smirked and nipped at your lips, you brushed your tongue over his and he let out a breathy groan.

“Jeez can’t I get some soda without the gross PDA?!”

You felt Jim’s lips slowly leave yours, you rolled your lips into a thin line and let out an irritated huff “Jeez I don’t know? Maybe when I stop walking in on you and Nancy practically eating each other’s faces off in the living room then I’ll stop.”

Jim stifled a laugh and Steve let out an embarrassed groan, muttering profanities and curses under his breath. “He’s gonna steal your car keys and drive off with that beaut outside since you don’t drive it.”

You rolled your eyes “Yanno I can drive it! I just don’t have a licence yet.” You spun around and got the stuff out the oven.

“Why don’t you take a seat at the table, Jim?” Deb walked in with a smile on her face “We’ll bring the stuff through.”

“You sure?” He asked “I don’t mind helping.”

Deb waved her hand “You’re our guest! Plus we Harrington women can handle just about anything! Isn’t that right Y/N?”

“Sure is!” You turned and faced Jim again with a small smirk on your face “But he already knew that, didn’t you Jim?”

A large grin formed on his face “I sure did, hon.” He surprised you and himself by giving you a nickname. It was the first time he did something like that since the two of you got together. It was a pleasant surprise and from what Jim saw, he knew he could call you that more often.

After dinner and coffee, you walked Jim outside and stood with him on the porch for a few minutes, tightly wrapping your cardigan around you. “Oh,” you felt something hard against your side “Before I forget.” You placed your copy of 'Peter Pan’ on top of the Tupperware that contained leftovers for him and El. “We’ve now finished Alice in Wonderland so, if you wanna make a start on it tonight you can.”

“I think we can wait until you’re over tomorrow, she prefers it when you read to her, you can teach her a lot better than I can,” he softly smiled “Thank you for this. Everything.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Jim.” You brushed a hand over his cheek and let your lips linger on his for a minute or two. You pulled back and nuzzled your nose against his “You better get going…hon.”

Jim smirked and licked his lips “You say it cuter than I do,” he kissed you again “I’ll see you tomorrow. I can pick you up after school is finished.”

“Sure, see you then,” with one final kiss you watched him get into his car and drive off before going back into the comforting warmth of the house.

Steve was standing there facing you before turning around and roaming his hands up and down his back and waist while making kissing noises- as if he was making out with someone. “Oh Jim!” He put on a dramatic, high-pitched voice to mock you “Oh Jim! Oh hon! Oh I love you, Jim! Kiss me Jim!”

You narrowed your eyes and gritted your teeth together, your jaw squaring slightly. “You have three seconds to get up those stairs before I kick your ass!”


Tags are open! Just let me know if you’d like to be tagged or not!

@madkskillz@beltzboys2015-blog@alonewolfsblog@thephantomofthe-internet@vanitysfairr@shameless-pope@happy-hopper@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@sleepylunarwolf@gettinjoyful@ladygrey03@stonecold-witharmheart@daddyharbour@lucifersnipnips @myfuturisticallysteadycollector (link not working) @msclifford@negansdirtygirl22@wefracturedmotivation@awkwardpagan @fallenamnesia (link not working)



I‘m back

Sorry I was gone for so long! I‘m honestly sorry. But now I‘m back so please send me your requests because I‘m craving to write again! Hope you‘re all alright

I didn‘t choose to depend on you - Steve Harrinton

(Listen to Deep End by Birdy while reading this!)

I knew that something wasn’t right. I just felt it. The way Steve acted around me. It wasn’t the same anymore, he wasn’t the same around me anymore. I always thought we would be a great team, he was my soulmate, my best friend and my lover. And during the whole upside down thing and the demogorgons, I felt like our bond was stronger than before. We fought side by side and I never loved him more. I didn’t understand what was happening and I didn’t understand why he pushed me away after all of that. 
When we were around friends, when we were around Nancy and Jonathan he acted like nothing happened but when we were alone he acted different. Of course I asked him about it but he said everything was okay, then gave me a quick hug and left the room, leaving me alone with all the questions.

One day I found this little piece of paper in my locker. It was Steves handwriting and he asked me to meet him after the last period on the soccer field. I already had a bad feeling and my stomach started to feel bad. But I still had this little bit of hope, that maybe Jonathan had talked to him and now he wanted to explain everything and everything would be okay.

After the last period I said goodbye to Nancy, then went to the soccer field. I waited there for 10 minutes until Steve finally showed up. The moment I saw him my stomach flipped like the first time we kissed, like the first time I laid my eyes on him. I loved this boy with all my heart.

“Hey.”, I said. “Hey.”, he said but he didn’t even smile. 
“So what’s up?”, I asked, Steve barely looked me in the eyes. 
He shifted from one foot to the other and ran his hand through his hair but he didn’t say a word. As much as I loved this boy, I started to get angry. 
“Steve, please talk to me. What’s up with you lately? What do you want to talk with me about?” 
Finally he looked me in the eyes. 
“I’m sorry. I know I acted like an ass lately.”, he started. 
“But I just have to tell you this..”
“What? Steve, what do you have to tell me?”, I asked, now more angry than before. 
“I can’t do this anymore. I mean.. us.”
It was the last thing I expected so at first I didn’t even understand what he was talking about. “Us? You can’t do what anymore? This relationship? Steve what the fuck is wrong?”, I asked, now feeling tears welling up in my eyes. 
“What the fuck are you talking about?” 
Steve looked at me and it felt like my heart would break into thousand pieces. 
“I’m sorry. I just think this isn’t a good idea.” 
I shook my head. I couldn’t just accept him breaking up with me. 
“Steve, why? Do you even have a good reason for breaking up with me?”, I almost yelled. 
Steve turned away from me for a second. “You can’t even look at me?” Now I was really angry, but still, the tears were streaming down my face. 
“No I can’t.”, he said but finally turned back to me. 
“I can’t see you anymore, I can’t be near you, I just can’t be with you anymore.”, he said and I clearly saw tears in his eyes. 
“Why?”, I said now quietly. 
“It hurts. After all we’ve been through, everything that happened. You almost got killed by some shit monsters. I just can’t deal with all of this, I can’t live like nothing happened.”
“So you rather break up with me?”, I said, still confused. Steve just nodded. 
“I think it’s the best for me to distract myself from you.”, he said, and this sentence finally broke my heart into pieces. 
“Like it’s my fault or what? Do you want to punish me for almost getting killed?”, I yelled, still in tears. 
Steve looked away. I saw that he had to fight against the tears. 
“Steve you can’t be serious.”, I cried, walking up to him. I tried to touch his cheeks, but he turned away. “Y/n, please.”, he almost begged. 
“Steve, I love you. You know that right? I know you love me. So please don’t do this okay? I know all of this is really hard, but this only makes it harder. I love you, I can’t lose you.”
“You have to. Please don’t make this harder.”, he said. I couldn’t believe a word he was saying. 
“I can’t just let you go like this, and I can’t just stop loving you. I didn’t choose to depend on you, but Steve I do. And I can’t do all of this without you.”, I begged. 
But at this point I knew that Steve already made his decision. Incomprehensible for me. There was nothing I could do. It was pointless for me to say anything more and I didn’t. When Steve left the soccer field I couldn’t move. I was just standing there, watching the boy I loved more than anything walking away. I lost my soulmate, my one and only, my first love. 
I stood there for 5 minutes, tears were streaming down my face. Then everything suddenly started to feel real. Finally I was able to think and it hurt even more than before. I felt my knees touching the ground, then I just sat there, alone and still crying my heart out. I knew that I couldn’t do this without him, I loved him more than anything and it felt like someone just ripped my heart out. 
I didn’t know for how I was just sitting there, until I felt a hand touching my shoulder. When I turned around I saw Nancy looking at me. Somehow Nancy managed to get me to Jonathans car and they drove me home.

After that I wasn’t the same anymore. Something was just missing. It felt like someone just ripped my heart out and now there was nothing. Whenever I was at school I barely talked to anyone, except for Nancy and Jonathan, if necessarily. I didn’t see Steve, he indeed went to school, but I didn’t watch out for him. Whenever I walked the halls of Hawkins High School, my eyes faced the floor not looking up until I entered the classroom, and whenever he was in the same class as me, I kept my head down until the lesson was over. 
I didn’t wanted to see him, even though I missed him more than I ever missed anything. I still loved him, even though he broke me, and that was the worst thing about it. 
After a couple of weeks I finally woke up from my trance. I sat with Nancy at lunch, finally I was able to laugh again, I didn’t always faced the floor when I was walking the halls, I finally felt better. 
Once I crossed ways with Steve in the cafeteria, but I didn’t look at him. When I walked away I heard him say my name, but it would have been the least I would do. He’d pushed me away and now I was finally fine without him. I though. Inside, deep inside of my mind and my heart, I knew I just lied to myself and that I would be right back in his arms if he asked me to.

I heard what people said about Steve. He changed. He wasn’t the same anymore. He wasn’t that funny, loving guy he used to be. He now was the cliche of asshole every school has. The one he was before the upside down thing. He bullied, he got into fights and he drank a lot. 
That was probably his way to deal with the breakup because I still couldn’t believe that he didn’t had feeling for me anymore.

After almost one month and a half the day came when I finally talked to him again. 
Compulsory. It was a Friday night, usually I would go out with Nance, but I had a lot to study so I just stayed home. My parents were out of the city for the weekend, so I was all alone. 
I put some of my favorite music on and after studying I laid down on my bed, reading a book. 
After 10 minutes I heard the door bell. I sighed but decided to ignored it. Whoever it was, would come tomorrow if it was something important. Also my parents always told me to not answer the door this late. 
I tried to focus again on my book, but the ringing didn’t stop. 
I ran into the bathroom looking out of the window and saw Steves car parking outside. My heart dropped. Then I heard someone banging against the front door and I didn’t know what to do. “Fuck fuck fuck.”, I said to myself, then something inside of me decided to answer the door. 
When I laid my eyes on him, everything came back. All the feelings, all the memories I tried to hide away. But still, I knew that I loved him. 
“Steve..”, I said softly. Too softly. 
He didn’t look well. I knew he’d drank but still he looked me right in the eyes. 
“Y/n, we need to talk okay? Please?”, he mumbled. “Steve, why? Why did you come here?”, I said, not understanding why he showed up in front of my house, one month after he broke up with me. 
“I’m sorry. I came here to apologise.”
“You’ve drunk. Did you drove?”, I asked looking at his car, relieved when I saw one of his friend in his car. 
“That doesn’t matter now. You’re all that matters Y/n.” 
That was too much. I wasn’t ready for that kind of conversation. I shook my head. “Steve no, you can’t do this right now. Please go okay?”, I said, trying to keep calm. “I can’t talk to you when you’re drunk. Especially not about our relationship. Remember you broke up with me. Please go now.” With that I tried to push him out of the door. He refused until he looked me in the face. “I still love you.”, he said, quietly, almost to himself. “Steve please.”, I said again, tear welling up in my eyes. And finally he left. I went back inside. That’s when the tears came falling down. It hurt.

Monday morning I saw him again. He was leaning against his car. He didn’t look away as soon as he saw me. My heart was racing and I knew everyone was staring at us when I walked over to him. Luckily in that moment the school bell ran and everyone went inside, except for me and Steve. 
“So?”, I asked him.

„I‘m sorry.“, he said, then looked away. I was angry. What was he thinking? That he could break up with me, leaving me alone, and then coming back with only a ‚I‘m sorry.‘ ? „Sorry for what Steve?“, I asked harshly, but the only thing I wanted to do in this moment was wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him.
“I’m sorry for hurting you. I know I did. I saw you after I… I saw what I did to you.”
I had to swallow hard. In my head I was going back to the weeks after he broke up with me, all the pain. I didn’t knew what to say, so I just looked at him. 
“I can’t live like this anymore. I miss you and I was so so stupid.”, Steve said, and I saw how desperate he was. 
He was still standing in front of his car but made one step in my direction. I held my breath. I wasn’t used to be this close with him anymore. His hand softly touched mine, and I closed my eyes. 
“I miss you too.”, I said, looking back into his eyes, my eyes were filled with tears. “You don’t know how much. But Steve you hurt me. After you broke- After you broke up with me I wasn’t the same. I didn’t know what to do without you. And now- now I’m finally moving on and I don’t know if I can just fall back into your arms, like nothing happened.”, I said, then I sighed. 
Steve nodded. “I know. But let me explain it okay? I- I just couldn’t deal with all of the stuff that happened, and I always had to though about you getting hurt or even killed and it just- it just made me crazy. I don’t know what I was thinking, but without you- that was even worse and I need you back.”, Steve said. My heart was still racing. All of his words overwhelmed me, but still I didn’t know what to do. He hurt me more than anyone ever before. 
“What can I do?”, he asked, now holding my whole hand in his. 
I shrug my shoulders and looked on the ground. I saw how Steve came closer and then I felt his finger under my chin. He lifted my chin up and forced me to look into his eyes. 
“I love you Y/n and I am so so sorry. I will do anything to fix this okay? Just give me another chance love.” I knew that it was everything I wanted. This was all I needed right now, hearing him saying that he loves me, that he wanted me back. And there I was falling right back in his arms, the boy I loved, the one that meant everything to me. I nodded, a little smile on my lips. 
“Okay.”, I said, then looking back up into his eyes. “Okay?”, Steve asked surprised. “Yes Steve, I love you and I miss you. And I can’t do it without you.”, I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled, and I’d never seen him smile like this. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”, Steve said, then finally he pressed his lips against mine. When his lips left mine he just looked me in the eyes and I wanted to stay in his arms forever. 
“Never do something like this again okay?”, I said seriously. Steve nodded and I saw true regret in his eyes. “Never.”, he said, then kissing me again.

I wrote this one a while ago, and I just wasn’t sure if I should post it or not. But I kinda like it, I’m also just obsessed with Birdys Deep End and wanted to write an imagine based on that song. 
Please let me know if you liked it or not xx

I will soon write all of the requests that I received, sorry for having to wait, but thaaanks for sending them in!

-my masterlist-

request: Okay so imagine this.. the reader is a Henderson and she helps Steve and the kids in their adventure from season 2. Steve and the reader have been friends for so long but this experience brought them closer and now steve see’s her in a different way something like “this is really good mom material” (as we call him daddy steve) so he finds out he loves her and I’ll let you finish it as you like. (If you write smut, I’d love for you to add some, if not make it as cute as posible, thank you)            

“Dustin!”, I yelled as we were all running through the tunnels deep under the earth. I looked over my shoulder and was revealed when I saw my brother Dustin and Steve right behind me, the other kids in front of me, Mike leading the way.
“Run run run.”, I heard Steve and finally we arrived at the hole that we entered half an hour ago. Me and Steve pushed the kids up the hole. “Max, you can do it okay I’ll push you up, I’ll help you.”, I said to Max, who was worrying for a second but then she nodded. “Alright.”, I said,  lifting her up with Steves help until she made it out.
Now there was only me and Steve left. “What?”, I asked in hurry when he was just looking at me for a second. Steve shook his head. “Nothing.”, he said with a hint of a smile on his face. “Alright, let’s go.”, he said, then lifting me up, the kids helping me, and finally I made it out of that damn hole. One minute later Steve was out as well and we all needed a moment to catch our breath.
“Oh shit.”, I mumbled, still feeling the adrenaline in my body. “You’re alright?”, Steve asked as he walked over to me. I nodded. Then he slung his arms around me and suddenly that was all I needed in that moment. I slung my arms around his neck, pressing his body against mine and we stood there like that for a few seconds.
“Y/n?”, then suddenly I heard my brother Dustin asking. “Yeah?”, I asked when me and Steve separated.  “It’s Max.”, he said, all of the boys looking at me. I looked over to the little red haired girl, sitting on the ground, breathing heavily.
I rushed over to her, kneeing on the ground, resting a hand on her back. “Max? What’s up?”, I asked quietly. Max looked up to me, and I saw fear in her eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now okay? We’re all save now.”, I said, rubbing my hand over her back. “It’s alright.”, I said again.

10 minutest later we we’re on our way back to the Byers house. Steve was now driving the car, and I sat next to him. I looked over to him, checking if the boy I was secretly in love with, my best friend, was okay. I saw him slightly smiling. “What are you smiling about?”, I asked quietly, wanting to let the kids getting some rest in the backseats.
Steve shrug his shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just happy nobody got hurt.”, he said, focused on the street. “Yeah me too.”, I said as I looked at the kids in the backseats looking exhausted.
When we arrived at the Byers House, we all were happy that all of it was over and that Eleven had closed the gate. We all gave each other hugs, then Hopper gave us the order to go home and get some rest.
Steve and I managed to get all the kids in the car and we dropped them off at their houses.

Half an hour later we arrived in front of my house. “Thanks for dropping me off.”, I said to Steve as we got out of the car.
“Thank you for taking care of us all.”, Steve said grinning. I made a face. “You were the one taking care of everyone.”, I said smiling as well.
“No seriously.”, Steve said, leaning against the hood of his car.
“This was really good mom material.” I had to laugh at his words, but deep inside my stomach flipped. “Thanks Harrington. You would be a really good dad as well I guess.”, I said blushing.
For a second no one said a word. Steve was just looking at me, smiling like he was in a different world. Then he stretched out his hand and took mine in his. He tug me closer to him and grabbed my other hand with his other hand.
He just looked into my eyes and in this moment I felt special, like I was something special to him, like I was someone special. My heart was racing and my head was empty.
Steve brushed some hair behind my ear, then his hand rested on my cheek and all I wanted to do was kissing his beautiful lips. It was like he had read my mind, because one second later his lips touched mine. I closed my eyes when Steves lips were starting to move on my lips, and tug him closer to me, holding onto the collar of his shirt.
When his lips left mine, I started to smile and opened my eyes. Steve was looking at me, a smile on his lips.
“I wanted to do this since I saw you fighting those monsters.”, he said, his hand still resting on my cheek.
And there I was, with the boy I was madly in love with and he liked me back, and I felt like nothing could ever harm me, because I had him.

I really really hope you like it! And thanks for sending me this request!

- my masterlist-

Make sure to check out my other imagines if you haven’t already, and thanks to anyone who is reading my stuff, it means a lot! xx

The music was loud and there were people everywhere.
“Nance, have you seen Steve?”, I asked my best friend, who was just about to take a shot with her boyfriend Jonathan. She shook her head. “No, sorry, but maybe he’s outside with the rest of the boys.”, she said, then pointing to the front door. “Thanks.”, I said quickly, then leaving them alone in the kitchen and rushing to the front door. As soon as I saw a group of boys standing outside the house I knew what was up. I didn’t had to search for Steve, my eyes immediately landed on my boyfriend. He stood in front of Billy and I knew that could only mean trouble.
I didn’t care about all the other boys standing around them and walked towards Steve and Billy. “Steve, what are you doing?”, I questioned. Steve didn’t look at me but Billy did. “Look who’s here? We were just talking about you and how Steve will never give you what you deserve, Y/n, you know that right?”, Billy said, grinning and licking his lips.
“The fuck are you talking about?”, I said, looking at him with disgust.
The moment he made his first move towards me I saw Steve moving, but Steve didn’t had a chance. The boys standing around them were Billys friends, not Steves or mine. Two of them held Steve back, who was now looking at me. I didn’t know what to do. Billy now stood right in front of me, looking down at me, still grinning. “What?”, I said, but my voice was shaking.
“You’re better off with me.”, Billy said, now touching my face with his hands. I heard Steve groaning and saw that he tried to get to me.
“Leave her the fuck alone Billy. I swear if you touch her, if you hurt her..”, I heard him yell.
“Then what?”, Billy asked, now facing Steve again. The two boys who were holding his arms now let go of him.
“I will beat the shit out of you.”, Steve said. I know how Steve could get when he was angry, and he quickly got into fights, but I never saw him like this. I never saw him this angry and I believed every word he said. He would beat the shit out of him.
“Steve, come on, let’s go inside okay?”, I said, trying to distract him and trying to deescalate the situation.
“Yes Steve, go inside. Or.. you could stay and do what you said. Beat the shit out of me.”, Billy said, opening his arms and grinning at Steve. I saw Steve clenching his fists and in that moment I felt my heart dropping.
“Steve please.”, I said once again. But he didn’t look at me.
“Do it. Hit me.”, Billy said and I knew it was too late. The moment Billy made one step towards me, he had Steves fist in his face. There was nothing I could do.
Billy stumbled back, holding his nose that was bleeding, then started laughing like a psychopath. “Well done, Harrington.”, he said, and without warning he hit Steve in the face. It knocked Steve from his feet and one second later Billy was sitting on Steves chest beating his face. I felt my eyes filling with tears being unable to do anything. “Please stop.”, I cried out seeing blood all over Steves face. I didn’t know what happened but the next second Steve was able to push Billy away and now Steve was pinning Billy down just before hitting his face stronger than ever. He was beating the shit out of him. Billys eyes were almost shut and I knew that Steve wouldn’t stop hitting him. I looked around the crowd that slowly was formed around us hoping someone would help.
“Steve stop it.”, I screamed, tears streaming down my face. I was in shock, I wasn’t able to move and I had never ever seen Steve like that and it frightened me.
“Please.”, I cried out, Steve still punching Billys face.
Then suddenly I felt two arms around me. Nancy. Then I saw Jonathan. He walked over to Steve, trying to separate him from Billy. And finally two other boys came over, pulling Steve away from Billy who was now laying on the ground, his face full with blood. I looked over to Steve who was still facing Billy, but Jonathan held him back. I couldn’t stop crying. “It’s okay now.”, I heard Nancy softly speaking.
The other boys lifted Billy up and carried him inside the house then everyone went back inside. Except for Jonathan, Nancy, Steve and me.
“I’ll drive you guys home.”, Jonathan said, then dragging Steve, who was also bleeding all over his face to his car. “Thank you.”, I said to Nancy, then she gave me a hug and I followed the boys to the car.
Steve was laying on the backseat and I sat next to him. We didn’t talk for the whole ride. I was still shocked from what I saw.
Arriving at Steves parents house, Jonathan helped me dragging Steve out of the car. “Are his parents home?”, Jonathan asked. I shook my head. “Good.”, he answered.
“I’ll take him from here.”, I said when we arrived at the front door.
“Thanks Jonathan. I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened if you didn’t..”
“It’s fine.”, he said, then squeezed my arm, before getting back to the car and driving away. Steve and I didn’t say a word while I searched for his keys. I finally found them, opened the door then leading him to the kitchen.
“I’m sorry.”, was the first thing Steve said after I told him to sit down.
I didn’t say a word. I took a cloth, holding it under the water, then I sat down next to Steve. I looked at his wounds while he was looking in my eyes.
I carefully started to wash away the blood. Steve groaned.
After I got rid of all the blood I took the first-aid box and started to clean the wounds.
“You scared me.”, I said quietly, now looking into his eyes for the first time.
“I’m sorry.”, he said again. I put down the antiseptic, now taking his cheeks in my hand, carefully. “You really scared me Steve.”, I said, but I only felt love for this boy. “Why did you do it? Why did you let him provocate you?”
Steve looked away for a second, then looking back into my eyes. “He said some stuff about you. Some bad stuff and I just couldn’t bear with it. I love you Y/n. I would do anything for you.” I sighted, then placed a light kiss on his swollen lips.
“I’d kill for you.”, Steve then said, leaving me speechless.
“Steve..”, I said taking his hand in mine.
“I love you so much Y/n.”, Steve said, almost desperate. 
“I love you too Steve Harrington, you idiot.”
I saw a little smile on his face and couldn’t help but kissed him again, now by mistake, with more force.
“Ouch.”, Steve said after pulling away. “Sorry.”, I said, but still smiling at him.
I finished cleaning his wounds, then I took some ice from the fridge.
We went upstairs, getting ready, then we laid down in his big bed.
“Thanks for taking care of me.”, Steve said, softly smiling at me, still holing the ice pack against the corner of his eye. I smiled at him.
“I look terrible right?”, Steve then asked also smiling at me.
“No.”, I said, but he did look terrible. I grinned at him.
“Okay, I look more than terrible.”, Steve sighted.
“Nothing could ever destroy your beauty. I mean look at your hair.”, I joked which made Steve laugh but then he pulled a face, in pain. “Laughing hurts.”
“Ohhh poor boy.”, I said grinning at him. But then I remembered him on top of Billy punching the shit out of him. Steve laid one hand on my cheek.
“I’m sorry.”, he said. I nodded. “I know.” 

I snuggled up against him, now realizing how tired I was. I closed my eyes after Steve turned off the lights.
“Goodnight.”, he said, kissing my hair. “Goodnight, I love you Steve.”, I said softly and almost already sleeping.

My second Steve Harrington imagine! Please leave a comment and tell me what you think. xx

My requests are still open so feel free to send them in! xx

why can’t I be born in the 80ies in Hawkins, helping some kids fighting a monster from another dimension and falling in love with their babysitter?

This is my first Steve Harrington imagine and the first imagine I ever posted on tumblr. Please be nice and please ignore if I make any mistakes, english is not my first language. But let’s get staaarted.

You heard the loud music from inside of Tina’s house but you didn’t bother. Your friends were inside partying but you just weren’t able to get all of those picturest from last night out of your head. All the demogorgons, the kids almost getting hurt and Steve. Steve Harrington. Over the year you and Steve became close friends, best friends but you felt like there was something more between the two of you. The way he looked at you, the way he touched you. It made you feel special. He made you feel special and he was special to you but non of you ever admitted it.

Now you were sitting outside your friends house thinking about all of it. Steve was home, you knew that. After what happened, after you guys fought the demogorgons he didn’t feel good and stayed home. Right now all of the pictures came back. You had to admit that you’re weren’t that strong and brave girl but you always acted like that. But deep inside all the pictures of last night did frighten you and you just couldn’t help but think about all of that.
“Y/n are you coming back inside?”, Becky, one of your friends, yelled from the door. You stood up and walked over to her. “I think I’m going home. I don’t really feel good.”, you said and Becky gave you a look that said that she believed you. “Alright then. See you in school okay? Get home safe.” She gave you a long hug and then went back inside.
You really wanted to go home, but somehow you ended up right in front of Steves house. You knew his parents were barely at home and you saw the light in his room so you didn’t bother but rang the doorbell.
You waited a few seconds then he opened the door.
“Y/n? Why aren’t you at the party?”, Steve asked in confusion but he smiled.
You just shrug your shoulders.
“I guess I’m just not into partying right now.”
Steve nodded. He knew exactly how you felt.
“Do you wanna… talk about last night?”, he asked and you nodded.
The two of you sat on the stairs in front of the house an for a moment no one said a word. You felt Steves shoulder touching yours and it only took this little touch to relax. Again you thought about last night. You never experenced anything like that before and you didn’t knew how to deal with it. You knew that it wasn’t new to Steve because he told you all about the upside down thing and how he fought a damogorgon for the first time.
“Is it getting easier? All of this? All the memories?”, you asked and Steve looked you straight in the eyes. He sighted.
“Yes it does. With time. And good company.”, he said and suddently you had to smile. You knew what you needed to be able to deal with it.
“I can’t deal with it alone.”
“You don’t have to. You got me. Remember?”, Steve said and then he took your hand in his. His hands were warm. You nodded.
“What would I do without you.”, you said and lightly smiled at him.
You rested your head on his shoulder and for a moment no one said a thing.
“I know all of it is really hard to believe and it’s confusing and stuff.”, Steve said after a while and you nodded.
You guys sat there for a while until you felt how tired you were.
“I’ll drive you home.” Steve said and you weren’t even able to protest.
10 minutes later you arrived in front of your house. You opened the door of the car and stepped outside. Steve came around the car and leaned against it.
“Thanks for bringing me home Steve.”, you said and smile at him. He just nodded and smiled back.
Looking at this beautiful boy, who probably saved your life the night before and the boy who always made you laugh and feel happy you couldn’t help but made a step in his direction. He didn’t move as you stood in front of him. You rested your hands on his hips, then looking up into his eyes. You saw a smirk on his lips and then  his hands landed on both of your cheecks. They were soft and warm and you never felt better than in that moment.
Finally Steve closed the distance between your lips and his lips. You closed your eyes and Steve smoothly moved his lips. You tug at his shirt to bring him closer to you than he already was and feeling his lips on yours just felt right.
“I wanted to do this for such a long time now.”, Steve said as he rested his forhead on yours. You smiled at him. “Well, me too.”, you said an Steve once againg pressed his lips against yours. Your hands went in his hair and you slightly pulled his hair. He rested his hands on your hips and quietly moaned into the kiss.
You two seperated but Steve still held onto your hips. “I should go inside.”, you said with a big grin on your face. Steve just nodded.
“See you in school then.”, you said, giving him a little kiss on his lips. Then you turned around and started walking up to your door. “I know that you’re staring.”, you said as you reached the door. You once again turned around and saw Steve smiling at you. “Goodnight.”, you said, then entering the house, only to hear him quielty saying his “Goodnight”.
Inside you couldn’t help but smile. Steve Harrington liked you back and it was the best thing ever.

I really hope you enjoyed it, I really gave my best. Still I notice that it’s not that easy for me to write imagines in english and not german which is my first language. I hope with time it’s getting better.

Just send your requests and I’ll write you an imagine! xx


Ch.5 Welcome to the human race!


Chapter 5 of Strange

A/N- I had fun writing this chapter! I do hope you all enjoy it, leave your thoughts :)

Warning- LOONG CHAPTER, swearing, violence, light mentions of cigarette use, Slow burn.

Pairing- Steve Harrington x Hopper!reader

Episode- 2x09

(Let me know what you thought)


“Eleven?” You gasp.

Her eyes seem to be on you, but right as you walk towards her Mike pushes past you to reach Eleven first.

“Mike.” She says before they envelope each other in a big hug.

Their words between one another don’t register since you’re a bit too focused on the fact that she completely ignored everyone else to focus on Mike, and on the obvious change of her appearance. More specifically on her eyeliner she had on.

She looked badass but strange at the same time.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were there? you were okay?” You hear Mike ask Eleven. But instead of having her answer Hopper interjects.

“Because I wouldn’t let her.” He walks towards her and past you too. “What the hell is this? Where the hell have you been?”

“Where have you been?” She asks right back before they hug.

They hug, with so much love. That connection they had you could see it, everyone could, it was impossible to miss it, it was impossible to twist any other way. It hurt.

Keep reading


So I’ve been thinking and (knock on wood) I’m pretty sure Eddie is gonna die. I mean there’s been a lot of hero talk surrounding him.

On the last day of the D&D campaign he says “Don’t try to be heroes. There’s no shame in running.” Then later runs away (rightfully so) after the whole Chrissy thing. He spends the entire show so far running away or at least being the most hesitant person of the group to do anything heroic.

“So I uh did the thing that I do now apparently. I ran.”

I think he’s going to die saving one of the gang.

Eddie Munson is not going to run, he’s going to become the hero.

And Duffer Brothers if this happens I will riot!

Stranger Things 4 Spoiler Warning ⚠️

I know I have been quiet for a while, what with life and all, but I have also been obsessed with watching Stranger Things!

And I am now extremely stressed out about it because I want to know what happens to Nancy!

I could be wrong, but I like to guess anyway so I bet that the song needed to save Nancy will ‘Take My Breath Away’ by Berlin and that it will be Robin who knows this because 1, she is a major movie buff and 2, she has been in Nancy’s room:
