#jungkook fluff


Coquet (Series) | JJK


\ kō-​ˈket
Definition:noun. a man who indulges in flirtation.

Pairing:Escort!JJK x Fem-reader

Rating: M ()

Genre:Fake-dating!AU; Strangers to lovers; fluff; angst; smut

Warnings (more to be written in individual chapters): cussing; explicit sexual conversations; hints of awkward family dynamic; fake-dating; hired escort; some anxiety; alcohol consumption

Summary:On your brother’s wedding, you dread traveling to see your family–whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex–who happens to be the best man–a little jealous.

A/N: This is loosely inspired by The Wedding Date (2004) but with a slight twist. If you know the movie, I hope you’ll still read along. I have a habit of getting prompts from random movies or shows that I revisit and then find some details that I’d like to switch up for my own personal wish-fulfillment bank so, I hope it does the same for yours as well!

Comment, reblog, or send me feedback! –I love hearing from readers! Taglist is open as well so please comment on this post to be included on the next update.

❗️Please DNI if you’re a minor.




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Pairing:Reader / Jeon Jeongguk.

Genre:Soulmate!AU where soulmates are drawn to one another by the infliction of physical touch, whether it be pain or pleasure. But it is only initiated once the two people somewhat interact.

Count:8,354 words.

Warnings:Death mention. Smut that is quite descriptive for plot purposes. Delicious angst foreshadowing that I live for. This is painfully unedited. 

The wrath of Joy occurs at the ripe, blood-curdling hour of seven in the morning. And it is a Sunday, the worldwide known day of sleep ins. Who even wakes up before ten? Joy does. Lively, enthusiastic, and downright frightening Joy.

She, in all of her natural form, comes like a whirlwind into your room, wreaking havoc and causing destruction in her wake. It is not unusual for her to barge in like this, declaring word of thefarmer’s marketoran early morning bike ride that you attend in such a lethargic state that you almost crash into a bush twice. But today is different, very different, because you are surrounded in another body warmth and a beating heart and a mouth gently snoring against your throat, a palm splayed messily on the small of your back beneath your sweater, the soapy vanilla and honey scent of his skin consuming your every sense in the most delightful of ways. Jeongguk is obliviously asleep, and you are barely waking, the slamming of your door against the plaster like a familiar alarm, a signal that your painfully zealous best friend was awake, and so therefore, you must get up too.

Though instead of the usual annoyance that pricks at the nape of your neck, your chest is rather weighed down by a dreaded, heavy leaded fear. You were most certainly going to introduce Joy to Jeongguk, but definitely not like this. Almost on instinct and in a feeble attempt of protection, you curl your arms tighter around him, who is mostly concealed by the duvet, blissfully unaware of the rude awakening he is quite literally about to receive. Inky black waves of hair bob energetically at the end of your bed, and you know that hell is a slow descent, and it is only just beginning.

“Rise–“ Joy’s voice choruses, and you almost scream when you sense her hands on the bottom of the duvet. Fuck, fuck you are so screwed. She ends her sentence as the blankets are pulled completely from your tangled bodies. “– And shine, beautiful human!”

In your arms, Jeongguk stirs with a quiet groan, and all you can do is stare wide-eyed at Joy as the blankets float down onto the floor like overly large pieces of confetti, celebrating the reveal of the being who she not only loathes but specifically named as the number one person to not bring back to bed. Nevertheless, be your soulmate. Faintly, you hear the clockwork gears of her mind, twisting and turning as the seconds pass and your held breath flushes your cheeks until the cogs are slotting into place, coming to a standstill, and unadulterated realisation slaps her plainly across the face in an expression of seething rage and confusion.

“What. The.Fuck?!”

At that, Jeongguk finally snaps awake, bumping his head on your chin and you both grunt, him mumbling an apology and you soothingly stroking his hair, not once taking your eyes off of Joy. Her arms are thrown up in the air, and she looks like she is about to eat you both alive. In simple terms, she is absolutely terrifying.

Jeongguk rubs his eyes and slowly blinks at the best-friend-come-monster looming at the end of your bed with her claws bared. In a half-hearted, half-awake attempt of stilling the treacherous waters that the two of you are already wading through, he gives her a small wave, voice croaking. “Hi there.”

“No.No!Don’t fucking speak!” She shouts, pointing at him, but looking at you. If you were a forest, then she would be a blazing wildfire, crumbling your leaves and bracken to charcoal and ash. “Y/N. Before I break all of his fingers, tell me why you have him in your bed again? Hold up, why is he even still here?” Her deadly stare shifts to Jeongguk, and you physically feel him shrink into you. “Isn’t that your game, Jeon Jeongguk? Getting with people and then leaving before the light of a new day? You already did that once to my best friend, and you can bet your diseased dick that I will chop it the fuck off if that is what you were planning to do this morning, you sex monster.”

Jeongguk is a deer in headlights, eyes wide and fearful, hair mussed and poking up at odd angles like a bird has been nesting in it overnight. He looks so adorable that your heart weeps, and you swoop in to protect him. “Jeon is harmless, Joy. Just look at him!”

She does, for less than a millisecond before snapping her gaze back to you. “Harmless my ass. Not to be blunt, but what happened to your soulmate, huh? You know, the one you were–“

The end of her sentence dies off when you and Jeongguk glance at each other, sheepish smiles tilting at your lips before boring your gazes back onto her. Joy, suddenly looking very sick, absolutely mortified, loses all of the stiffness in her shoulders, mouth going slack in surprise, completely and utterly defeated.

“You’re kidding me,” She mutters, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Tell me this is a joke.”

Before you can respond, her fingers are swooping down onto your calf, pinching the firm skin there and making you yelp in unison with Jeongguk, who also jolts at the pain piercing his own muscle. She repeats the action a little lower, the both of you whining again and resorting to curling into yourselves to hitch your feet up and away from her evil nails, but Joy only appears to become increasingly frustrated, yet simultaneously bewildered as the actualisation of the visibly present sillage between you settles in her stomach like stones. When you peek over the covers, you notice that she has become extraordinarily pale, and you are reminded of the overwhelming theatrics that is Park Joy as a human being.

“Okay,” Joy exhales, a little too harshly. She closes her eyes, and it is only then that Jeongguk’s gaze flickers with a hint of their usual amusement. The sight of normalcy slows your heart. “I’m going to go for a bike ride. Alone. Then, I’m going to go to that nice little Tea Two shop and have a hotly brewed ginger tea. I will think about this situation, I will calm down, and eventually, I will accept it.” She opens her eyes to slits, speaking the final three words like she is goddamn Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada before turning on her heel and kindly slamming the bedroom door behind her. “That is all.”

Silence, save for Joy rummaging for her things and a final bang of the front door closing, hangs between the both of you as the tense air simmers down. The presence of Joy is utterly overwhelming when you are not accustomed to her ways, it takes its toll on you, especially when it is practically the ass crack of dawn and slumberous bones are still begging you to return to your dreams. Jeongguk drags a hand down his face, looking ten times as exhausted than he did before you fell asleep last night.

“I am so, so sorry,” You bemoan, burying your face into the pillow, hoping for it to absorb any recollection of the embarrassing situation that just occurred.

“Holy shit, I feel like I just met the less gay, female version of Taehyung,” Jeongguk shifts beside you, and you can almost hear his brows screwing together. “Wait–”

“Pansexual,” Your words are muffled by cotton. “Also, I am sorry you had to endure that at seven in the morning. AKA, welcome to my life.”

“Aw baby,” Jeongguk coos, nestling his mouth right next to your ear and gently kissing the lobe. It makes you squirm, adjusting until your face remains half buried with your eyes peering out at him. His lovely smile makes butterflies erupt in your stomach, and you have to remind yourself again that this is it, he is it. The rest of your life. “I’m happy to be welcomed into your life, since it has you in it.”

But those words make you completely lose it.

He cackles wildly when you abruptly sit up at the disgustingly corny notion, roaring an incoherent jumble of insults before scrambling onto his torso and curling your fingers around his neck without any malice. Jeongguk stills, eyes wild and hungry, resting his palms on your bare thighs and squeezing so that sparks fly beneath your skin and you become like clay, malleable, soft beneath his touch.

“This is unbelievably kinky,” He waggles his eyebrows, sputtering when you roll your eyes and squeeze your hands against his throat. The sillage makes you cough at the pressure yourself, and he takes that vantage point to attack, twisting your bodies until you are squashed underneath him, his body wedged between your legs and a teasing hum being pressed from his lungs to your lips before you can even voice your protest.

Again, you are reminded of how kissing Jeongguk could never, ever possibly become old and boring. He licks into your mouth, lips delicate and warm against your own, faintly tasting of desire and a night of heavy sleep, natural and lovely. His palms skim up and down the sides of your waist, teeth nipping at your bottom lip before he is almost reluctantly detaching and kissing your chin, the edge of your jaw, down to your neck where he sucks roses into your skin to match the ones he bloomed there in beautiful fields of lilac and dusty pink last night.

“W-What are you doing?” You mumble, flushing when his fingertips snake beneath your sweater, lifting it high enough so the peaks of your breasts become illuminated by the waking golden light that slips through the window. As if he is suddenly taken in a trance, Jeongguk gazes fondly at the pretty shade of your nipples, brushing his thumbs over the hardening buds with a lovely before he fixates his lips around the left. A shuddering sigh comes with your next words. “Jeon, it’s like. Seven o’clock.”

With a tender smile, he softly bites the plush skin of your right breast, his firm thigh nudging at your centre and sending a wave of bliss up your spine. “Well, we’re awake now, aren’t we?”

Suddenly, there is an abrupt slam and you both jolt in surprise. Joy the hurricane, tsunami, natural disaster, is heard in her vivacious and elegant roar of somebody stole my fucking bike, encouraging Jeongguk to sigh and roll your sweater haphazardly back into place, reaching up to kiss you once, twice, until you lose count, your lips no longer feeling like your own, tasting of him.

“Next time,” You whisper against his mouth, and Jeongguk smiles as if the words he speaks next are a fragile promise that you both hold with hands dipped in gold.

“Lucky we have a lot of those.”

The next four months roll by like calm waves of kindling intimacy. Shores of rose petals, beautiful, in their shades of fuchsia and ruby red, beautiful, just like the two of you. The news of the pair of you dating becomes hot on the tips of others’ tongues, and although the word soulmate is never mentioned by either of you, all of those around you immediately suspect such a term applies in the private ways that you glance at each other, touch each other. Your interactions scream the intimate connection, but nobody dares to comment on it. Whether such a thing is out of respect of privacy or fear of the truth, neither of you know, nor care to worry too much about.

December welcomes the true taste of winter in its enforcement of thick coats and doubled up sweaters and Jeongguk constantly bringing your pink tipped fingers to his lips to breathe warm air into your bones. It comes with making gingerbread everything (so much, that he now claims to absolutely repulse it), rosy cheeks that are constantly kissed and chattering lips that are kissed more vehemently, snowfall so white and dense that you have to help him clean off his car every weekend you wish to watch a film at the theatre, which inevitably leads to you both being completely late and covered in wet frost due to the fact that he decides to start a snowball fight every single time. Jeongguk meets your mother at Christmas lunch and your father at Christmas dinner, and they adore him as if he were their own. Later, after a forgotten number of emptied red wine bottles and a blanket of darkness cloaking you both in the warmth of each other, he tells you how uncannily similar you look to your mother, and how he can tell you get your sense of humour from your father. He falls asleep before you can ask him about his own that night with the snow sticking to the glass of the bedroom windowpane, but something that stirs nervous seas in your stomach tells you it is probably for the best. By the time that the eve of the New Year arrives, you have almost forgotten about it until you see the faint shimmer in his gaze as fireworks colour the night sky, and for a moment, you wonder if it is merely the intoxication of celebration since he quickly closes his eyes and kisses you like he knows the question will ruin the moment.

January brings the elation of newfound friendships, bonds that already run thicker than blood in such a scarce few weeks, in the birth of a new year. After years of having drifted apart, you become closer with Taehyung again and often drop in on his Skype calls to see the kind grin of Jimin pieced together in pixels. He has dyed his hair a brilliant shade of orange, a molten sunset, and although you comment that it is a bit too extravagant for your tastes, Taehyung reassures his soulmate that it just adds to him being the sunshine of his life. You meet the teammates that Jeongguk is closest with, a little hotheaded and arrogant when they are together, but nonetheless wonderful individuals. Hoseok, the slender-limbed boy with hair the colour of smooth dark chocolate has an infectious grin, and Yugyeom, although at first shy, has a boisterous personality underneath paper thin layers and adores the same taste in music as you. The group of you, along with the many others of your college friends take to weekly Friday night partying like you are first years all over again, jumping between clubs and bars with liquid confidence lightening your step, with music sprinting through your veins as you dance, with Jeongguk curling an arm around your shoulders and serenading you on the walk back to his flat until he brings you up onto his shoulders, holding your hands to keep your balance while you fret over his own as he tries to not step on any cracks in the pavement. Sometimes, the lot of you will traverse to Kang’s business at your always advised two o’clock on the dot, his kind smile now for the both of you, providing you with a hug and Jeongguk with a handshake, secretly giving your group a massive discount that you never notice until you check the receipts of your purchases the morning after while Jeongguk makes Bloody Mary’s for your hangovers.

Joy warms up to Jeongguk too. They are more alike than she prefers to think, and often have very heated debates that you frequently have to get up and drag Jeongguk out of before one of them tears the walls of the apartment down.

Truths and pasts come creeping out of their dark and desolate corners in the crisp air of February, bitter, teeth bared. The day falls on a Monday this year, and although you pass Jeongguk’s lack of responses to your text messages throughout the day as him being busy, you cannot help the uneasy feeling that crawls beneath your skin when there is not even an inkling of life from him by nightfall. Two calls going unanswered has you at the front door of his apartment, a silence to your knocking encouraging you to use your spare set of keys to enter the flat cloaked in shadows, the sound of a desperate, choked sob from his bathroom that has you run, run, running to the stark fluorescent light that pools at the entrance, that reveals Jeongguk curled into himself as if he wished to be smaller, nonexistent. The panic that consumes you in that moment has you dropping down to the tiles in an instant, your fingers tight around his wrists as you try to pry his palms from his face, exposing tear stained cheeks and bright red eyes, a Jeongguk that you have never known but desperately want, need to learn about. His burdens are your burdens, but he never seems to think so.

“Jeongguk,” The sound of his name had trembled against the walls, echoing, unsure. “Jeongguk, please. Please tell me what’s wrong, I want to help you.”

In that moment, you pinned it down on anger, yet it never hurt any less. His voice was thick, ugly. “I don’t wantyour help. You can’t change it. The past can’t be changed.”

“I know it can’t!” You were defeated by his words, pummelled into the ground, but it only made you push harder, digging your nails into his heart and squeezing out the pain. “But you need to tell me what’s wrong, Jeongguk. I’m your soulmate. Your pain is my pain. I need you to tell me, please, because it fucking kills me seeing you a mess like this and having no idea why.”

If anything, your voice had made his tears come harder, but there was no other way you could get it out of him. Leaning forward, you had pressed your forehead against his own, thumbs wiping beneath his eyes, closing your own as you whispered one final, desperate please.

For a while, he did not form words, just focused on your proximity, calming the hyperventilating sobs that wracked his entire form, crushing him into no more than a child. And when he at long last lapped his palms over your own, it truly did seem like the boy in tears before you was the one lodged back in the depths of his tormenting past, rising out of the shadows to confess.

“T-Today is the day that my mother died. It’s been twelve years.”

There is no possible way to describe how he had looked when he spoke, the words almost incapable of being made out, said beneath an unsure breath yet managing to slice a blade through your heart that had you taken by complete surprise. You did not know how to feel, what to think, all you knew was that within the instant of his sentence dying out, you had him in your arms, his damp face pressed to your neck as he continued to cry waterfalls that you were still trying to understand, letting him curl his fists into the back of your sweater and hold you tight as if he were fearing he may lose you too.

It was all a blur after that, getting him up from the tiles, running him a hot shower, walking on tiptoes around him like the floor were made of eggshells and one wrong step would have him cracking all over again. Or worse, running – far, far away from you. After the confession, the release, he had gradually calmed down, allowed you to take his towel and dry his hair, slide him into his sweatpants while you took his sweater to wear, climbing into bed and although you had kept your distance for the briefest of moments, you relented when he mumbled a soft come here, locking your ankles with his and dusting a delicate kiss to his lips.

“I don’t have any family, none at all,” He had whispered in the darkness, helpless, shakily tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, only stilling once you reached up and laced your fingers tightly between his own.

“You have a family, Jeongguk.” You had smiled back, ignoring the warmth that was spilling down your own cheeks. “I’m your family.”

And for a short, beautiful moment of him staring into your eyes with tender, fragile hope – it seemed like everything would be okay.

You never asked him how, you could not bear to, and he did not tell you either. With time, you always remind yourself.

But even though you supposedly have forever, nobody can wait that long before their demons come back to haunt them.

“Where are we going?”

Jeongguk rests his palm on her knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze to halt her fidgeting. She looks over at him then, scowling, and he wants to kiss the strain from her lips but that would ultimately lead to him driving them headfirst into a tree. The sunlight of a new March slips through the trees and onto the winding road, guiding them to a place that only he knows of.

“It’s a surprise.”

She huffs, blowing wisps of hair around her face and god, even when she does the simplest of things, there is no possible way he could match her beauty to anything in this world. “I hate surprises.”

Like the devil she named him upon their first night together, he grins, utterly wicked. “I know.”

The rest of the drive remains silent, save for the quiet tune of the radio that threads into the air, that has him drumming his fingertips in time on the bare skin of her thigh. Seemingly losing her care for the matter of where they are going, she winds down her window, resting her temple against the sill and grinning into the sunlight that sears golden luminescence into her pores, a hand reaching out to flow through the waves of the wind whizzing by. It is moments like this, watching her out of the corner of his eye, absolutely adoring the smallest of things that she does, that he knows what he feels so strongly within his heart is the unconditional truth.

He is helplessly in love with her.

All he has to do now is say it, swallow down the fear of it maybe being too soon, of thinking such a word as love will have her shutting him out, abandoning him for good. That is all that has ever happened with the people that were suppose to love him anyway.

Soon seeing the sign up ahead, he pinches her thigh, eliciting a yelp and a swat on her behalf. “Close your eyes, Y/N.”

He can see in his peripheral the blank expression that she adorns. “You’re not going to murder me, are you?”

Jeongguk tightens his knuckles around the steering wheel, eye twitching, foot easing on the accelerator because if she does not shut her eyes now, she would see precisely where he was taking her. “For the love of your beautiful ass, can you please close your damn eyes.”

“Okay gosh, don’t be so dramatic,” She teases, but obediently abides his request. Relief settles within him, and he pats her thigh again, not missing the tiny grumble beneath her breath of I seriously hate surprises.

It is a beautiful early Spring day, and it certainly shows when he indicates onto the dirt lane that splits through the trees on the left side road, opening up into a large meadow that spreads almost as far as the eye can see. He had accidentally happened upon it two weeks ago while driving by to an out-of-city football game, knowing how much she would adore such an exquisite setting. Spring flourishes in the delicate flowers that dance in the cool breeze, a spectacular scenery of violet, pearl and peachy cream petals, species of all types sprouting from the earth and moving as one. Jeongguk rolls the car to a stop right at the edge of the field, glancing over at her placid features just once to ensure she has not opened her eyes before leaning over and placing a kiss upon her cheek, the sudden contact making her flinch in surprise, frown at the way he chuckles and mumbles don’t open your eyes yet, trust me, I will be back in a moment.

Once he has her word, he kisses her full on the lips, taking her breath with him before he exits the car and circles around to the trunk. Jeongguk gathers all of the necessities and quite literally runs midway into the meadow, organising and placing all of the items briskly, ensuring the picnic blanket is tamed down before he runs back to the car. When he opens the passenger door, he is positively panting, ignoring her seriously Jeon, what the fuck, did you just run a marathon and rather unbuckling her and taking her hands in his own, drawing her out of the car and sputtering when she gently hits her head on the roof.

“Thank you for laughing at my pain. Can I open my eyes now?”

Jeongguk shuts the door with his hip, starting to guide her towards the flowers that brush at her knees. “No, not yet. Hold on.”

“You masochist. First, you bind my sight, and then you delight in my agony.”

“What can I say, baby. You’re my pet, and I’m your master. You’re under my control.”


With a smile, Jeongguk releases her hands and walks around until his chest is up against her spine. He lowers his mouth down to her ear, kissing it lightly before whispering open up. And although he cannot see her expression from this position, he can already tell how she looks by the way that she gasps, brings her palms up to her mouth before spinning back to look at him.

“Oh my god…” She almost sounds disbelieving, in awe, and she looks so diaphanous beneath the sunlight, absolutely shining in her wonderment. “Jeon, this place is paradisical!”

And then she is off and running, her dress billowing out behind her in a dusty pink wave that beckons him, has his feet following in her steps until they are both chasing each other through the flora. Their childish games trample the flowers, but they do not mind, not when their love is the most beautiful thing to weave through this breeze, to settle in this soil. In this moment, nothing matters but them.

Time is lost as they lace daisy chains and play tag, worn out once they finally settle on the picnic blanket and indulge in the contents of the basket. Packets of rock salt crackers, cheeses from brie to cheddar, thins rolls of prosciutto, tiny pots of pesto and plum marmalade, and to say she is impressed is an understatement. She almost looks as if she could cry when she sees the cinnamon rolls, Jeongguk knowing they are her favourite, feeding each other beneath the sunshine, basking in the presence of the other, heads in laps, fingers interlaced, anything and everything to back up the one true fact that this is it, he loves her, more than anything.

This is the moment.

It feels rushed, the way he grabs her wrist unexpectedly, draws her attention away from licking cinnamon sugar from her fingertips, but he needs to say it right now. Imperfect, but perfect. Completely and entirely them. He does not think, he just speaks.

“Y/N, I love you.” And even with the sweet release of finally saying it, it still does not feel enough, incomparable to how deeply it truly runs through his very existence. He wants to pin her up in the stars, but even then, she would outshine their silver beauty. “And I am not just saying that because we are soulmates, or because I want to make love to you. I love you, through and through. Even if my soulmate had turned out to be somebody else in this world, and I met you first, I honestly think I would love you more than I ever could love them. You have given me a happiness, a light that I have not seen at the end of the black, miserable tunnel that is my life in years. Lifetimes beyond now, I will find you, again and again, because there is nobody in the afterlife, or my lives after this one that I will ever want but you.”

She is silent, so silent, and although fear is beginning to stir turmoil within the pit of his stomach, he cannot stop himself now. He moves closer to her, lips mere inches apart, the grip of his fingers around her chin almost too tight. “I love you, and only you, Y/N.”

And then, like sunlight breaking through storm clouds, she is bursting out in a smile that seems graced by the heavens above. Her eyes shimmer slightly, and he is unsure if she is overwhelmed by his confession or afraid by its meaning, but none of that matters as soon as she speaks the three words he has been yearning to hear threaded through the graceful tune of her voice since the night he found her in emerald velvet and torn stockings.

“I love you too, Jeongguk. I love you so much that it hurts.”

And before he can think to register the significance of the end of her sentence, she is crossing oceans, separating distances between them and kissing him like her life depends on it, as if she is stranded and he is the lifeboat she has been seeking. Jeongguk accepts her, the love that her tongue spoke, entirely, parting his mouth for her as she kisses him like words could never be enough to express how she feels about him, how thoroughly her passion for him blooms in bouquets between her ribs and comes to life in the sound of his voice, the touch of his fingertips, the taste of his lips. Every movement, every shift of her mouth feels refined, calculated, precise in its manner to best evoke her devotion, to silently say I love you, I love you, I love you. Jeongguk still cannot believe that she said it back, and here, with her nearing closer, hands clutching at the front of his shirt, he cannot come to think why he ever possibly thought she would stay silent.

“Now,” She breathes into the grooves of his lips, and he knows immediately what she is asking for. Jeongguk effortlessly pulls her by the hips onto his lap, adoring the way that she deepens the kiss from her newfound angle, clasping her hands around his jaw until he is smoothing his fingers beneath the hem of her dress, gently massaging at her thighs. In reciprocation, she wiggles her centre against him through his jeans, making him playfully growl fine, you’re asking for it.

When she giggles, it is the sound of wind chimes, letting him pull her dress over her head. She wears white lace, adorning her figure so beautifully that he questions if she knew this was going to happen all along. Now exposed, she fidgets. 

“Wait, what if somebody sees us?”

“I don’t care, let them,” Jeongguk grins, taking her lower lip between his teeth, delighting in her sigh. “I love you.”

“I love you,” She responds with the gentle ease of somebody who has felt such a sensation within her bones for the longest of times, with a roll of her hips that urges him to keep going, move further. He pulls off his shirt and she marvels at his warm, golden skin beneath her palms before he takes her lips for the kill once more and begins the process of burning every tiny detail of this moment into his memory.

For this beautiful instance in time, nothing matters, absolutely nothing but her. She takes him into her broad oceans of adoration, care, unadulterated love, sweeping him out into her seas and away from the rocky shores that expose the jagged edges of his past, a life already lived, that still manage to cut at his bones, dig deep into his sanity and claw at the raw worst of him. She envelops him within her warm waters in time with her thighs sliding against his own, lips beginning a downward venture to his jaw, throat, marking his skin with her violet signature that he would have etched into his being for days, that he would marvel in the reflection of the bathroom mirror, wear with pride because the bruises form the shape of the lips that confessed her love.

When her fingers start to fumble with the buckle of his belt, he is quick to brush them aside, taking matters into his own hands and prying the leather from the metal teeth. She helps him kick off his jeans, palm immediately coming to the bulge of his dick within his cotton briefs and he growls as she fervently massages him, clasping her jaw in one final, messy kiss before she is shuffling back on her knees, flipping her hair over one shoulder and pressing her lips to the jut out bone of his hip, encouraging a shudder to crawl excitedly up his spine. Unrushed, especially since she knows of his impatience – that little minx – she takes her time in trailing her mouth down to his cock, mouthing it through the fabric, the warmth of her tongue, although made milder by the barrier, still having him moaning and tangling his fingers through the strands of her hair, clutching desperately as she licks the outline from his balls to the head.

“Tease,” Jeongguk mutters, and she giggles, knowing it is true.

“Querulous,” She retorts, yet juxtaposes her words by at long last curling her fingers beneath the elastic band of his briefs, carefully tugging them down, down, until his already hard dick springs out, leaking after her temptuous ministrations. At the sight, she licks her lips, and a small part of his sanity dies, ready for her to drive him to the brink.

Looking up at him through her lashes, her pretty lips pull into a thin smirk, hovering right in front of the head of his cock as her fingers gingerly curl around the shaft. The touch of her warm skin has him sharply hissing, quickly followed by a swallowed moan when her tongue flicks out to taste him. Incapable of waiting any longer, he coaxes her forward with his fingers threaded at the back of her head until the soft flesh of her mouth is completely rubbing against his length, the tilt of his lips one of mischief yet his mind is absolutely reeling, prickling with bliss at the much needed contact, clearly affecting her as well when her thighs shift against one another. Tentatively, she parts her mouth, looks up at him one last time with a lascivious bat of her eyelashes before she sinks her mouth completely down on him.

“S-Shit baby, slow down,” Jeongguk stammers, eyes almost rolling to the back of his head when he feels the tip of him brush at the back of her throat.

“You’re the one who rushed me, asshole,” She mutters after pulling back up, raising a brow and he merely rolls his eyes. Taking the dismissive action as encouragement to continue on, she goes back down on him, her teeth lightly grazing at the vein on the underside of his dick, his jaw going taut when she hollows out her cheeks and begins a paced, yet mind blowing performance of sucking him off, gliding her hand up and down with her moving mouth to make up for the length that she cannot reach.

She looks heavenly, adorned in all white, her hair splayed over her shoulder blades, spine curved like an arching feline. Amongst the pleasure, he finds amusement in the way she fidgets, wriggles her hips, the sillage clearly taking its toll on her with every time she squeezes his cock, twirls her tongue around its width. Yet mostly, he marvels at her beauty, the way the sunlight drapes her skin in fine, golden silks, makes her shimmer as if she were a sliver of the sun itself, dislodged and sent down to earth to bring the brightest of lights into his life, an ethereal being for him to love and adore, to have all for himself.

“Is it wrong to think you look gorgeous like this?” Jeongguk groans, brushing her hair away from her eyelashes that glisten lightly, gaping at the way her lips slip all the way down to the hilt to swallow before drawing back up to the head, swollen, glistening, and rosy just like her cheeks. She watches him then with glassy eyes, a sultry smile that has his heart hammering.

“I would’ve been disappointed if you didn’t think such a thing,” She hums, the vibrations drilling electricity through his cock and no, no more, he needs her right now. Jeongguk slips his hand from the side of her face down to her chin, his thumb lightly putting pressure onto the dip beneath her lower lip in a silent demand to stop. Understanding, she comes up and locks her gaze on his mouth, letting him draw her into a fervent kiss.

“I need you,” He breathes into the grooves of her lips, shivering when the tip of her tongue draws lightly against his own. “I need to be inside of you, baby. Let me show you how much I love you.”

Her shaking palms come up to cup his face, pulling away just slightly so she can stare into his eyes, her own crinkled gorgeously with her smile. Sunlight cascades in golden beauty around her, creating a halo around her figure that puts into ethereal visual the truly divine being that she is, how lucky he is to call her home, to belong to a girl beyond his worth – yet she thinks the precise same of him. Jeongguk smooths his hands down her waist, hips, thumbs hooking into the thin fabric of her panties and tugging in a tease as she leans in to kiss him again, whispering get to it against his tongue and so he does, he does.

His flushed cock, pressed to his abdomen, quivers when she lowers her bare, wet centre against it, experimentally sliding herself up the length, catching their gasps in the mouth of the other. The simplest of movements, grinding skin to skin, is absolutely maddening with their intense sillage, could have him finishing right then and there but her teeth cutting into his lower lip keeps him grounded, focused on delighting in every intimate second of their first, proper time together, of being physically connected with her. Sensing his strain, she draws back so that only their foreheads touch, tasting cinnamon on her hot breath that pants softly onto his parted mouth, and then she smiles something wicked in time with her fingertips skimming delicately up his dick, causing both of them to quiver.

“Try not to come undone straight away,” She chuckles, and Jeongguk grins, playfully biting the tip of her nose before all he can focus on is the sensation of her bringing the head of him to her entrance. The both of them groan when a falter in her movements encourages him to slip slightly inside, sending his nerves into a white hot frenzy and this is barely just the beginning.

He squeezes her ass, adoring the way her lashes flutter. “Who said we couldn’t come more than once?”

“Good call,” She whispers, and then she is pushing him inside of her with the lowering of her hips, causing nebulas to make themselves known within his bones, shining brilliantly in all of their exceptional beauty and consuming him entirely, quaking his existence, and god, he truly believes she must be made of the stars if she is capable of making him experience such a severe string of sensations by simply touching him.

An exhalation hisses harshly from between her clenched teeth, followed by a whimper that he wants to hear over and over for the rest of his life, made extraordinary by her. She is nestled down onto the very hilt of him, nails cutting half-moons into his shoulders while she adjusts to the incredible feeling of his cock completely filling her for the first time in months, for the first time with a clear mind and definite perspicuity on the redamancy that they share. Nothing stands in their way – it is just her, and him.

She licks her lips, tongue gently brushing against the flesh of his own when she does so. “F-Fuck, you feel so good.”

Jeongguk moans, pecks at her lips. “You too, baby.” And then, he lightly pats her ass, eliciting surprise in a bolt of electricity up her spine that has him smirking, shifting his hips so that he slightly moves within her. “Just gonna sit there all day, are you?”

She pouts at that, and he kisses it away, smiling when she mumbles a fine and at a glacial pace, raises her thighs from his own, drawing her heat up his length, his head rolling back as she glides back down just before the head of his cock nearly slips out. It continues just like that, her rising, falling, in time with the thumping of his heart against his ribs, the sparks of light that shoot delicious, unadulterated pleasure beneath his skin, all conjured by her very own touch, the bond that they share through the needle and thread of destiny that sewed their souls together. And yet, even if such a phenomena did not exist of pairing beings together in this world, he would stick true to his word of loving her and only her, for lifetimes beyond their own, he would always, always find her. She is the blood that beats through his heart, the marrow of his existence.

The sunlight clings to her skin, highlighting her in gold, sweat shimmering in daytime starlight as it slips down her collarbone, waist, Jeongguk trailing his tongue over the salt and lavender taste of her as she whimpers and moans, rocks herself onto his lap with a desperation, an eagerness to display her devotion. He licks up her throat, over her lips, kissing her as his palms firmly grip onto her hips, holding her tightly down on his dick and simply relishing in the sensation of her heat surrounding him before he curls an arm around her waist, gently manoeuvring their bodies until she lays flat against the picnic blanket, splayed out like a seraphic creature beneath his ravenous stare, the weight of his eyes making her visibly shiver.

“Close?” She hums, smiling impishly when she squeezes herself around him and he chokes, stutters in his adjustment to the new position, but he is quick to recover, be drawn back into the moment.

“Mm,” Jeongguk growls, leaning down and flicking his tongue against her earlobe, taking it between his teeth when she gasps. “Gonna fill you up.”

“God, please,” She begs, wrapping her arms around his neck, and so he gladly obliges.

It does not take him long to reach his peak, the sillage so intense that he truly could have came when she first sat upon him, but no, he wanted this moment to last for as long as he could bear. Not just for him, but for her, all of it was for her. Jeongguk keeps one arm wrapped around her middle, the other balancing beside her head while he drills fast, eager thrusts into her, the perked buds of her nipples grazing against his chest with the abrupt movements until he is blinded by the pleasure, screwing his eyes tightly shut and focusing on her nails raking against his scalp until finally, finally, the tension snaps and everything releases all at once. His grunt is suffocated against the marked skin of her throat, biting hard as he fills her with his come, burying himself in the sound of her moan, letting it wash over his body and soothe the frenzy of his nerves that tingle in wildfire beneath his skin until he is slowing, gasping into the dip of her shoulder. Airless laughter fills his lungs and she chuckles breathlessly with him.

“T-That good, huh?”

Jeongguk kisses her collarbone before weakly bringing himself up to her face, the corner of his mouth tilting into a smirk. “Your turn.”

The kiss that he lands upon her lips is leisurely, deliberate, as if he is trying to capture every inch of her sweet taste on the tip of his tongue while he starts fucking into her again. She whimpers quietly when he steadies a hand on her hip, not once breaking the connection between their mouths as his palm soon trails lower, further down until it reaches the warmth of her cunt, coated in his ejaculation and her desire, slick on his fingertips as he finds the hidden bundle of nerves that drives her to the absolute brink. Once he begins toying with her clit, she goes wild, clutching onto him as if her bearings have been thrown and he is the only thing in this world that can keep her grounded, a solid rock amongst the waves that rage in euphoric treachery within her. She finds sanity in the taste of his tongue and stability in her fingers grappling for mercy against his shoulder blades, close, so, so close.

“Let go, angel,” Jeongguk barely breathes the words, bringing his thumb up from her sweet spot and brushing it against her lower lip, glossed in their combined juices. “Come on me – come all over me.”

And as if his words had flipped a switch, she obeys wholeheartedly within two mere strokes, thighs shuddering around his hips while her face pinches beautifully, releasing a moan that cracks and splinters like glass. Her high wracks through her limbs at such an intensity that he slows the rolling of his hips, almost brought to a complete standstill at the way she tightens around him, feebly rocking into her while he trails opened mouth kisses down her jaw, throat, sucking at her breasts until she is quietening, muscles softening into liquid pleasure.

It is only then when he tiredly pulls out of her, cards his fringe back from his forehead and looks down at the love of his life once again that he notices she is crying.

“Y/N. Y/N, what’s wrong?” Jeongguk frets, brushing sticky strands of hair away from her eyes, thumbs hastily wiping her tears, kissing down her cheeks because god forbid she ever be upset, especially with him. Though when the smallest of smiles tugs at her lips, the fear clutching at his heart slowly releases its grip, eases into a distant concern only made present by the uncertainty that drifts around the edges of her gaze, barely there. But he knows her from blood to bone, can see aspects of her that even he is unsure she is acutely aware of. He knows her better than himself.

And the way she looks at him is almost like she knows what will happen, but is too afraid to accept it, admit it. 

“I’m just so happy,” She sniffs, laughs brokenly, and he feels the salt water well in his own eyes as well, so overwhelmed by her and what they share. “I love you, Jeongguk. I love you beyond this world.”

Jeongguk stares into her eyes for what feels like eons, stretches of time that must only be mere seconds, but feel like they have continued on for decades, horizons forth of their unfairly slim lifetime. Her gaze is his solace, his home. They say to never depend your happiness on another, but he is too far gone now.

When he says those three words again, it feels greater than the first time, the second. As if with every new time that he confesses, the truth of it engraves itself deeper into his being.

“I love you. Always.”

They make love two, four, twenty or a hundred times, enough for them to lose count on their fingers and for the sun to start its lazy descent back to the horizon. The raw desperation between them digs into the soil, buries deep, waters the roots of this meadow with their undying passion, the lust that hones it foundations in their emotions rather than their physical connection, the honest need that they have for the one another exposed in the flourishes of the blooms that drift gently around them, watching on with fondness.

Now, basking in the last of the sunlight with her skin pressed warmly to his own, Jeongguk reminisces on how beautifully heartwarming, heartbreaking, the passing four months have been. How strong their bond of sillage has become to the point of them being capable of feeling the other in full potential, now, even when they are miles apart.

Because of that one factor in their lives that only grows and never dulls, there was one thing that never became better, only worsening with every passing day like an illness that buried its fangs deep into their happiness, pulling them apart cell for cell.

He was still hurting her. Coming home from a game to find her bent over the sink, the toilet bowl, fingers grappling her stomach and although she would assure him that she was fine, her eyes always feared otherwise, and it was just another strike next to the name of the man he swore he would never become.

And he knows, as much as he tries, no matter how greatly they love one another, that this can never last because love is never worth agony.

All he can do is enjoy what little time they have left together and ensure he does not smother that dying light of happiness in her eyes by the time he finally leaves.

part one|part two|part three|part four|part five|part six|part seven

Pairing:Reader / Jeon Jeongguk.

Genre:Soulmate!AU where soulmates are drawn to one another by the infliction of physical touch, whether it be pain or pleasure. But it is only initiated once the two people somewhat interact.

Count:7,802 words.

Warnings:So much fluff I am seriously cringing. Pain and puking warning. Foreplay smut. All with a sprinkle of angst. Dinner is served.

Jeongguk is not used to waking up in his own bed with another laying beside him, but he certainly thinks he can get used to it.

She is already awake, sitting up with crossed legs, bent over her phone that she balances in one hand, her other used to prop her chin up on her knee. He wonders how she can appear so effortlessly gorgeous doing something that simple, his sweater swallowing her smaller frame, pooled in a sea of black cotton in her lap. Jeongguk stretches with his eyes screwed tightly shut, making a pleasant groan that cracks into something a little higher as a bone in his spine pops satisfyingly, and she perks up at the movement just in time for him to loop an arm around her waist and pull her back down into the duvet with a squeak. He presses his face into her hair, moaning while nuzzling deep into the strands, inhaling her delicious lavender shampoo.

“Good morning to you too, Jeon,” She murmurs, throwing a leg over his hip for leverage to pull herself closer. Her cellphone becomes lost somewhere in between them, her hands instead curling around the back of his neck, carding through his hair, massaging his scalp and he suddenly wishes to never leave this bed or her arms.

“Guhdmfning,” Jeongguk mumbles back into her hair, and she draws back so that she can see his still waking face, squinting against the golden light that cuts through the curtains and spills onto her body. With the tip of his index finger, he traces the lilac under of her eyes, only slightly puffy. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, mostly because you didn’t run for the hills this time,” She grins, and he hides his face in her neck again, ashamed of his past actions. She chuckles, combing his hair with light brushes of her delicate fingertips. “Aw, don’t be like that, Jeon. You know I’m only joking.”

“Well if it’s any compensation,” He replies, warm breath clouding on her throat, making the skin there rise into tiny mountains of buzzing nerves. “I’m liking this so far, waking up to you.”

“Ohgod,” She groans, releasing him then and covering her face dramatically. “What are we doing to each other? Why are we so damn cheesy? I swear, if we are like this for the rest of our lives, everyone will hate us. Make it stop.”

Jeongguk retreats from her neck at that, curling his fingers around her wrists and prying her palms away from her eyes, staring at her lips. “Make it stop?”

“Make it stop.”

“You sure?”


She blinks a few times, only just regaining enough focus to discover his devilish grin, the dark glint in his eyes that has her heart flipping. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Then, he is cradling her jaw and kissing her.

It is no ordinary kiss, not feeling like it had in the past with numerous other girls who were not his destined. They were nice, sure, but it was nothing like this. It is the kind of kiss that shouts I have been waiting so long to do this again, that feels like fireworks setting off in his chest, sweet vanilla on his tongue in a taste that he can only ever associate with her. The sillage, the sharing of sensations makes it all the more intense, fire blazing beneath skin, lips tingling with the identical touch that has all rational thought dispelled. Her hesitation is brief before she is pleasantly relenting, resting her fingers on his throat while he slips his arms around her waist, hands travelling beneath the soft cotton of the sweater to rake up her spine, nails finding home in her shoulder blades as if he wishes to bury himself in her very skin. He belongs there, within her, a part of her. Every inch of her body shapes perfectly to his own, moulding together beneath golden light to form one sole entity of passion, connected in the invisible ties of sillage, in a blooming redamancy that has her parting her mouth, allowing him access to angle his chin just right so that he can kiss her in full, mind blowing potential. It is messy and beautiful, young love at its very finest, and neither of them can get enough of it.

“Sorry,” Jeongguk says with his teeth dragging her lower lip, melting at her sigh. “Morning breath.”

She only kisses him harder then, laving her tongue over his own. “I don’t mind.”

Jeongguk is already in love with her. He knows that more than anything, has never been so sure of something in his entire life.

“Mmf,” She mumbles, and he can feel her lips tilting up, a thigh nudging against his crotch. “Hello there.”

He is also entirely sure that he is hard as a fucking rock.

“Shit,” He groans, kissing her chin, down her jaw without lustful intent, simply doing so for the sheer pleasure of watching her wriggle with delight. “Sorry again.”

“It’s fine,” She giggles, shifting her leg away to rest back upon his hip, the halting of the potential intimacy only a fleeting loss because he realises who gives a damn when he simply gets to have her in his arms, when her toes are brushing at his ankle and she is smiling as if the sun exists within her veins, tucked between her teeth and spared only for him to see. Jeongguk kisses her, again, again, until she is the oxygen that he breathes, that he swallows up whole to trap within his lungs and perfuse through his bloodstream, becoming a sole being of gold that moves and sighs in the morning light among bedsheets swathed in luminescence until the sound of an alarm that he associates with waking up at ungodly hours (8:00AM) and forcing himself to do things that he would rather not be (such as studying for his future career) cuts through their little moment of heaven.

Jeongguk groans and ignores the jingling ring, continues to lap his tongue over her own, but then, even she is making an irritated noise and telling him to turn it the hell off. Obediently, he rolls over, an arm still snaked around her waist as if she will slither away while he is distracted, the other reaching for his mobile that hums in a repetitive vibration against the bedside table. Another groan of annoyance crawls up his throat at the notification that shines on the screen, the means of their separation.

“Do you have class?” She murmurs right by his ear, velvet rolling over his skin in calm waves, dragging him out to sea and back into the crook of her neck, a safe place. He kisses there, calls it home, before pulling back to look at her.

“Do you not?” He scrutinises with a small frown, picking a fallen eyelash from the sweep of her cheekbone. She grins, wicked.

“Nope, today is my day off.”

“Well aren’t you just lucky.”

“Lucky, because I have you.”

Jeongguk releases a combination of a moan and a scream, and she simultaneously shrieks at her own overboard expression of mealodramaticy, wholeheartedly embracing the way he rolls on top of her smaller frame and smothers her face with a pillow, knowing she deserves it. He quickly becomes bored with the method and resorts to tickling, digging his fingertips into her bare ribs and grinning wildly at the way she squirms beneath him, gasping between fits of laughter, until the sound of wood slamming against plaster has them both stilling completely, staring each other, panting.

“Who the fuck are you murdering– Oh, am I interrupting?”

Taehyung stands at door, a little pink in the cheeks at the fairly interesting sight of Jeongguk crowded over her figure, the pair of them relatively lacking in the clothing aspect of matters. Before Jeongguk can open his mouth to speak, she is propping herself up on wobbly elbows, tilting her head to see around his waist.

“Yes, you are. We were about to make sweet, romantic love.”

“Ugh, how gross,” Taehyung says with a roll of his eyes, yet his tone is fond, used to years of her mischief. Then, he is jabbing a finger at Jeongguk, who shrinks beneath the sudden glare. “Get your shit together, man. Coach wants us at the lecture hall in half an hour for some routine prep that I really do not want to be doing at–” Taehyung glances at his watch then, eyes widening in disgust at the time displayed on the face and then whirling on his heel to leave. “–  Seven-thirty in the fucking morning. Oh my god, this a damn crime!”

Jeongguk pouts once Taehyung slams the front door with make sure you use a goddamn condom and slumps forward so that she takes all of his weight, shaping his entire body to her own and sinking his teeth into her throat. She stretches her arms up high, joints crackling like crumbling embers, and then she curls her fingers into his hair.

“Come on, Jeon, you gotta get ready.”

“Dnhmft wahna leaf you.”

“Well, too bad,” She sighs, massaging his scalp. He purrs like a feline. “We can get lunch after, how does that sound?”

Jeongguk delicately kisses his way up her neck, down the fine line of her jaw before reaching her lips, where he presses one that is more languid, deep, the tip of his tongue separating the rosy seam of her mouth and she relents without question, opening up for him once more. He gazes at her through slits, and she looks ethereal, her lashes prettily fanning out, cheeks a salmon pink with the adoration she holds for the boy who smothers her with an amount of love that he never thought he could possibly muster for another being. He wonders if maybe that is simply the matter of being soulmates, capable of becoming almost instantly comfortable with them, fitting like two pieces of a puzzle, magnet bonds clicking together, no matter how much or how little you truly know about the other. Knowing that, with time, the other will gradually unravel, loosen up, spill secrets like black tea from smashed porcelain cups, cracks in the earth that open up and swallow the surface whole.

He is willing for her to drown him in an ocean of her worries, fears, all the while holding her heart up above the raging surface. He just hopes that she feels the same for him too.

Jeongguk pecks her cheeks, her nose, her lips once again. And when she smiles as if he is a brilliant star that she has plucked from navy skies, he stumbles in love over, and over.

“Lunch sounds great.”

It is easy to forget about Jaebum and the venom he spat onto your skin where it sizzled, festered in the flesh, when you are consumed by nothing but Jeongguk who cleanses your pores with his fingertips, his lips. For the two weeks after that one night of your tears drying on the cotton of his shirt, that one night of you kissing him through his dreams, that one morning of him kissing you with wide open eyes, you see him almost every day, whether it be for a few minutes on campus, or when you go to his place for Chinese takeout and movie marathons. The bond that you share is much alike to intimate friends, or teenage crushes, sharing private smiles, always bumping elbows and knees, lacing your fingers together when nobody is looking.

And you kiss. A lot.

That is difficult when you are trying to keep your soulmate status on the down-low from both of your friends. But you cannot help yourselves when it just feels sogood.

When Jeongguk holds up a menu at the restaurant you visit on the next Saturday evening and takes your lips for the kill, it feels like the drop on a rollercoaster ride, your heart in your throat and your skin prickling in the wind. When Jeongguk sees you briskly walking across campus with armfuls of fabric and dresses the Monday you both have morning lectures, he makes quick work to rush over and help you, using the fuss to land a kiss on your lips that feels like burying the stars in your bones for safekeeping. When Jeongguk insists that you both study together at the campus library on the second Thursday, you do not realise that he has followed you into the aisle of fashion design books until his fingers are skimming down your waist and his grin shapes against your own and he makes you feel more beautiful than literature.

It is easy to forget about Jaebum when Jeongguk chants mine, mine, mine into the curve of your ear, humming like a lullaby that threads through your very being and sings you to sleep.

It is not that you both do not wish to share with every man, woman and their dog that the two of you share a bond that elicits physical sensation, that strings your hearts together as eternal soulmates. But the term in itself, particularly at such a young age, can be enough to throw people off, make them turn their heads and pursue no further interest in forming any kind of connection, for it is widely believed that at the end of the day, your soulmate is the only one that you ever need. The both of you have watched it happen firsthand with Taehyung, but once they learn of the distance between himself and Jimin, they slowly warm up to him.

Mainly, having the soulmate tag attached to your backs screams off limits, which is considered especially peculiar for the two of you, who are not precisely known to keep promiscuity under tight reigns.

Joy, of course, who knows you from blood and bone, better than the back of her own hand, is the first to sniff something peculiar out. But no matter how much she pries, nails trying to peel back your skin to see the love that Jeongguk has buried beneath, you have managed to keep her wrists tied and her eyes averted.

So you thought, at least.

“Are you going to come to the game this weekend?” Joy asks, blowing on the nude pink polish that she has just applied to her nails. The both of you are sat at the dining table. You, with your design books open, a sketching pencil in hand, while she ignores her assignment that glares in accusing light-emitting diode from her laptop screen, opting for a manicure instead. She waggles her eyebrows. “Or are you going to be with your secret loveragain?”

Your ears lick with fire. “U-Uh, no. But not because of him. I have to finish my recyclable wear project.”

“Hmm,him?” She pursues, starting on her right hand. “Will I ever get to meet him? How dare you hide himfrom me for so long. We are best friends, are we not?”

Placing down your pencil, you pinch the bridge of your nose and groan. “It’s complicated, Joy. I promise you will get to meet him soon, but things are just– up in the air at the moment. We haven’t put a label on it, so we aren’t going public yet.”

“He’s your soulmate, isn’t he?”

At that, you swallow, dropping your hand from your face to find her staring at you with a knowing gaze. Her nails are completely lacquered, drumming against the dining table.

“Don’t look at me like that, you make it so obvious,” She shrugs, indifferent. But there is a grin colouring the corners of her lips. “You are always so mooney-eyed, and you practically leap onto your phone every time it rings. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you are not precisely the greatest romantic, you could only be swayed by someone that you are truly destined to be with.” Then, her voice softens, eyes averting to the nail polish bottle. “Besides, I heard you stopped seeing Jaebum.”

Your lips part into a circle of an oh, scratching at the nape of your neck, exhaling a huff of air. She is your best friend, you truly should tell her what happened, yet now you wonder if she already knows about the spiel of confession that occurred outside of the cafe two weeks ago, the tears that still shimmer in the cracks of the pavement. Anyone who looks close enough can see them there, frozen into shards of glass.

“The morning after the game, he will be coming over,” You finally say, avoiding the thought, picking up your pencil and scribbling distractedly in the corner of your design. A bunch of wildflowers scrawls in lead across the white paper, and like everything, they remind you of Jeongguk. Beautiful, blooming in throngs of brilliant colour. “You can meet him then. But for now, let’s just leave it as a surprise. Sound good?”

Joy hums her approval, leaning back on her chair, pearly white teeth shining with delight. “Okay, deal. But I swear to God, if it is somebody like that Jeon Jeongguk kid, prepare for me to disapprove. I don’t give a shit if he has a dick sent from the heavens, he is Satan at heart.”

You only bite your tongue and smile.

When the day of the game finally arrives, Jeongguk is an unstoppable ball of energy, bouncing from the walls with excitement, lifting you up by the waist and spinning you until the floors sway beneath your feet. The spicy scent of his passion punches through the atmosphere, fills every crevice of the room, drowning you while he organises his football wear into a duffel bag, leaving you slumped on the couch where you observe his rather lascivious attire of all black sweatpants and a loose muscle shirt. The corded muscle of his bare biceps shine with perspiration, hair pushed back from his eyes that roam to you every moment you are in view, instantly followed by a mind-blowing smile that makes your heart swoon, has you bewildered at how you got so damn lucky.

And although his alluring appearance, it is the memory of the last time you were at the football field that draws you up from the cushions, has you approaching him while his back is turned, pressing your lips against his spine and feeling the sensation lightly tingle in the same place on your own. Supportive cheers, an excruciating pain, fluorescent lights, and thin hospital mattresses all cloud your mind. Jeongguk turns around, curls you into him, skin smelling like salt and honey and his teeth gently nipping at the top of your ear.

“Guess what?” You murmur, hiding yourself beneath his chin, selfishly wishing for him to not leave you tonight and instead just hold you like this until your final breath.

Jeongguk cards his knuckles through your hair, his tone giving away the small frown that you can sense is creasing his brow. “What?”

“Joy invited me to the game tonight. I said no, of course, but then she guessed that my secret lover is in fact my soulmate.”

A silence too thick hangs between you, and when you swallow, it tastes bitter.

You are unsure why you are suddenly filled with a sense of dread, almost desperately wishing to see his face and decipher whether his expression weighs harder on the fight, or the flight, as if the matter of being publicly known as tied by destiny to you will have him hightailing out of your life. Without thought, you dig your nails into his sides like you are trying to keep his feet grounded before you, his wings of noncommittal tendencies bound to his shoulder blades.

Something blossoms in your chest at the thought of him leaving. Something that blooms delicate beige petals, rooting deep into the fibres of your being, flowering in precious beauty right where your heart hums its thumping tune of existence. And you know that you can never let it wilt, you can never let him abandon you.

At long last, Jeongguk sighs softly, a gust of air that disturbs the hair half fallen across your eyes, brushing it aside so he can look at you without any barrier. You ease at his gentle features that scream something far from escape.

“Promise me, you won’t go anywhere near the field,” He murmurs, pressing his forehead against your own, the proximity allowing you to see the concern that washes darkly through his usually bright irides. He is hiding something, you know, can tell in the way that his jaw stiffens, gaze hardens whenever the mention, the possibility, the occurrence of you being harmed is mentioned. It is tucked in the lines of his lips, behind his ears, in a past you know all too little about but trust with time, that he will tell.

Lapping your hands over his own, you stand on your toes to kiss him once, watching the worry drain away. “I promise.”

“Good,” He hums, a small smile beginning to pick at the corners of his lips in a soft shade of relief. “Do you want me to come over afterwards? We can hang out, watch that new season of Sense8 together and get fat on popcorn and cocoa.”

“Mm that sounds lovely,” You grin, running your palms down his chest, shivering at the defined plains of muscle that you can feel through the cotton, the sensation tingling over your own breasts, ribs, stomach. “Only if you wear this, though. You look simply mouthwatering in all black.”

Jeongguk growls like a lion, dropping his hands from your jaw to lift you up by the waist, spinning you around, and around, until laughter squeezes the air from your lungs and your worries ferris wheel onto the floorboards, slinking beneath the front door, away, far, far, away.

You just never knew they would be waiting for you on your own doorstep.

The field smells like fresh rain and earth, mud slick on his boots, caked into his gear and his grin. Adrenaline wildly sprints through his veins, a thrill that solely has the ability to sting at his limbs like a drug, though he is discovering with every new day that she is capable of eliciting such sensations from his nerves, too. The crowds are overflowing the bleachers, seas of red and white, already hollering until their voices break when the game still has a minute left before it starts. Taehyung is jumping on the balls of his feet, keeping his muscles warmer than the grin that splits his cheeks, noticing Jeongguk staring fondly, which encourages both him and Hoseok to grab the protective grate of the younger’s helmet and rattle his head about within until he grabs Taehyung by the torso and throws him off with maniacal laughter. And he is home, he is home.

But he worries about the girl of dresses, of pinpricked fingertips, of ruby red thread that she winds around his throat in a sole claim of mine.

“Let’s fucking do this!” Taehyung whoops, and Jeongguk for a moment wonders if he is still high on the four Monster cans he had throughout the night to finish his Computation Theory paper. The honey haired man looks as though he is about to fly off the surface of the Earth and pocket the stars for himself.

“Alright boys, let’s make Jeon’s return game worthwhile and murder the other bastards!” Coach snarls passionately, albeit taking it overboard as per usual, but Jeongguk and his teammates do not hesitate to retaliate with loud roars of encouragement. They all bump chests, butting helmets before they break into position.

But once the game starts, Jeongguk finds himself hesitating.


For the first two quarters, he cannot be rid of her eyes that hinted concern earlier in the afternoon, bright and afraid. They both know how strong their bond is, even if it has only been a little under three months, their connection is as clear as day and the sillage intensifies with every moment that they spend together. That knowledge throws him off constantly, becoming lighter on his feet whenever a figure comes barrelling in his direction, losing the ball without a fight on his behalf, lagging behind in a sprint so that Hoseok or Namjoon can take the pass, keeping him far from any potential blow that lands on his spine, shoulder, chest.

It would not be a bad thing if Jeongguk did not put his body in harms way for a living, a future.

It would not be a bad thing if there were only two ways to stop that, both options being too heartbreaking to even consider.

“Jeon, if you don’t get your shit together now, I’ll be taking you off! This is yourfucking comeback, kid, and you are floundering about out there like the ball has teeth!” Coach barks in the half quarter break, bright red in the face like tomatoes have been splattered on his skin. At this level of frustration, Jeongguk would not mind pegging a few at him, too.

Instead, he just gives a curt nod, ignores the sharp stare from Taehyung that he can feel between his shoulder blades. Inhale, exhale. Hold on, let it go.

He is far enough away. Everything will be okay.

So when the game starts again and the ball lands in his palms, a wall of flesh and muscle, clothed in the colours of the enemy, hurtling his way – he dispels her face from his mind. He pretends that he is living in the past, before her damp eyelashes blinking across his pillowcase in the shadows, before her skin bathed in orange sunlight and drying sea salt, before her scrutinising eyes that stare through a hospital curtain.

He lets go, and takes them head on.

It feels like hands lay on every surface of your body, nudging, squeezing, digging.

At first, you can handle it. Almost akin to a rough massage, you can still thread your sewing machine with ease, retrieving the pieces of baby pink silk and chiffon that you had torn from old prom dresses, hidden on a coatrack at the back of the local thrift store to be long forgotten, but no, no, they were absolutely perfect for the piece you have in mind. Your hands shake a little while you cut the material, a particularly firm bump on your shoulder muscle surprising you, so much, that you almost take the blade to your palm. At that, you make quick work of shaping the rest of the chiffon, leaving the silk for another day, another moment of perhaps cutting your fingers off instead because bodies that you cannot see are throwing themselves at a boy that you maybe, possibly love.

Nausea sweeps in when you feel a hard pressure on your gut, like knuckles breaking through the skin of your abdomen and clutching at whatever they can find within, twisting until you are stumbling over to the sink and the tea you just drank comes spilling back up. With quivering fingertips, you wash it down the drain, wiping at your mouth with a paper towel and taking a deep breath, releasing it’s okay, everything will be okay in your exhalation before padding back to the dining table where your sewing equipment observes your hunched form in harsh light.

But it is not. Definitely, most certainly not.

Altogether, you end up putting aside your assignment, opting to lay crumpled and defeated on the tiles of your bathroom, just waiting for that next nudge, hit, to send you surging over the edge once again. Though after a while, the nausea seems to simply take home in your stomach, not even requiring the disturbance of the sillage to trigger it, as if you suddenly came down with the flu that immediately takes to kicking your ass with every slight move.

The worries that you had abandoned back at Jeongguk’s apartment hastily come crawling back towards you, invading your every thought with their poisonous tongues, a constant chant of this is it, you knew it all along, love hurts. The flower that had unfurled its delicate petals over your heart earlier in the afternoon now shivers, unsure, unknowing if it is capable of taking such strain, if dealing with this is harder than having Jeongguk leave.

No. No you cannot think like that.

So you suck the poisons from your veins and spit them into the porcelain bowl that you kneel before, flushing them down into the sewerage where you hope such thoughts will fester and rot. Never to resurface again in their ugly, vile ways.

Placing your hand over your heart, the blossom within no longer shakes. But instead, has become flooded with a hopeful warmth.

It’s okay, everything will be okay.

They win, like they always do. 

Jeongguk, at first, thought the novelty would wear off after a while, but it never does, never ceasing to feel any less empowering, gratifying. He can never tire of the way his teammates celebrate with their feet floating above the ground, grins cutting through their cheeks, nor can he tire of the way the crowd quite literally howls in joy, so fiercely, that the earth beneath their boots rumbles with the cheers of support. It is that fact, never tiring from winning, which allows him to know that this is what he is good at, this is what he was born to do.

And he cannot wait to share that with her.

Jeongguk takes the stairs up to her floor two at a time, still pumped on the remnants of adrenaline that drove him to score the final twelve points, exhilarated by the notion that the faster he moves, the sooner he will get to press his nose into the rose scented flesh of her neck, can hear her voice of silk drape over his hearing. He almost barrels into her door, he is that eager to see it, urgently rapping his knuckles against the wood and bouncing on the balls of his feet while his heart rate continues to flutter like hummingbird wings, threatening to break through its bone cage of ribs.

When she answers the door, it is with a smile that is as brilliant as silver moonlight and has him melting into liquid joy. But it quickly slips to her feet, cowering between the panels of the floorboards as she turns on her heel and runs like he wears a murderous grin and holds a sharpened blade with her name engraved on the edge.

“Wha– Y/N, what’s wrong?” Jeongguk loses his excitement in an instant. He does not think to kick off his shoes, only tossing aside his duffel bag before going after her in long strides, just catching the end of her dinner disgorging into the toilet bowl. “Oh, jesus, baby.”

Jeongguk kneels down beside her, the girl who shivers, frail and weak with her knuckles whitening on the porcelain while she throws up again. He carefully sweeps her hair back from her face and holds it in a makeshift bun at the nape of her neck, rubbing soothing circles over her lower back and humming words of encouragement until she ceases to bring up any more. Shakily, she gets to her feet to flush the loo, eyes watering and cheeks flushed and he holds onto her elbows for balance, looking on with quiet concern as she washes her sweat dampened skin, swishing mouthwash through her teeth before spitting and then finally, finally bringing her attention to him. She smiles weakly, and his heart breaks, as if the answer is etched into the sad pull of her rosy lips, shining in the glassiness of her dimming gaze.

“It was me, wasn’t it?” Jeongguk barely whispers, his hands dropping from her sides, and he sees the alarm that immediately darts across her expression. He goes to reach for her again, but he cannot bring himself to do it. “You’re sick because of me. The fucking game, I knew it would happen, yet I–“

“Jeongguk, it’s fine,” She interrupts with a sigh, taking a small step closer, as if nearing too quickly will have him fleeing. Hesitantly, she curls her fingers into the cotton of his shirt, a hint of delight blooming in her eyes at the all black attire she had requested earlier in the day. “It was just a little bit of vomit, no dramas–“

“I still hurt you.”

And although his words, he is the one that looks most hurt with his drawn together eyebrows and the grimace that hangs tightly on his lips, truly disgusted with himself for thinking everything would be okay, for casting her from his thoughts, for letting go. Yet she sighs again, this time, her fingers opting to frame his jaw, bringing his chin down so that he can stare at her levelly. She seems to search for something in his eyes, but quickly gives up.

“Don’t blame yourself for this,” She says firmly, gaze determined. “We were both hurt, okay? We’re soulmates, we’re in this together. I can handle this, if I couldn’t, I would tell you.”

Though Jeongguk cannot shake it from his frame, the tense palms that weigh him down. “But–“

“No–“ She stands on her toes, kissing him, tasting like artificial mint. “– Buts.” When she kisses his taut mouth again, she grins. “If you are feeling so godawful, then you can make it up to me. How does that sound?”

This has his attention, already becoming malleable beneath her mouth, her touch, her calm voice that rolls waves of reassurance across his skin. Visibly and mentally relaxing, Jeongguk halfheartedly raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Instead of just hanging out–” And suddenly, she is blushing furiously, so much, that he is concerned her skin may be stained with roses forever. “– How about you stay the night? I kind of just want to go to bed, but I don’t want you to leave. It has been two weeks since we slept together.”

Jeongguk almost chokes on his answer, incapable of getting it out quick enough. “Yeah– Yeah, I would love that.”

So the both of them get ready for bed. He, staying in the bathroom to quickly shower the sweat of the game from his pores, and she, slinking back into her bedroom to change into her pyjamas and retrieve his bag from the living area. When he steps out into the shadows, bare chested, raven hair slicked back and damp, he finds her wrapped in the duvet like a burrito in a square pool of moonlight, watching with curious eyes and a mischievous smile, looking absolutely fucking adorable, in his personal opinion. Though before he can voice this, there is a click outside of the room, followed by a thumpand something that sounds like duck,which Jeongguk automatically assumes was fuck.

“Joy,” She peeps without question, unmoving.

Jeongguk stares at the entrance, the thin sliver of living room light that outlines the door from the opposite side. “Should I go out and introduce myself?”

“Save it for tomorrow. Unless you wish to have her stick thumbtacks beneath your nails while demanding questions about your reputation right now.”

Jeongguk, at that, fakes contemplation. “That seems tempting, but you are looking awfully warm, so I may just join you instead.”

The bed creaks, sheets shifting until he is comfortably tucked in beside her warmth. But he keeps an arm of distance between them, as if touching her after all that she has endured tonight will have her shattering like glass, crystal fragments that glimmer on his fingertips. Though in the light of the moon that spills through the parted curtains, her pout is highly noticeable.

“Why are you so far away?” She whines, pressing her toes onto the tops of his, and she shivers at how cold they are.

Jeongguk simply quirks his lip. “I’m right here.”

“Come closer,” She mumbles, but she is the one who moves, the end of her sentence pulling her across the mattress and right into his awaiting arms that curl in hesitancy around her, only holding tighter once she firmly entwines her legs with his and digs her teeth into his neck out of defiance. He chuckles an ouch into her hair, inhaling the lavender that he adores, her breath warming on his throat.

Once she deems herself comfortable, she tilts her head back, just enough so that a mere inch separates their lips, a yearning to suddenly close the distance overwhelming his every thought. When she smiles, it is no different to any other time, like soaring through starlit skies, pockets full of cosmic dust, the ethereal silver beauty that slips through her irides.

“We fit so nicely together, don’t we?” She murmurs, blinking slowly, and the words nestle themselves in the corners of his mouth, on the tip of his tongue, waiting for his response.

Jeongguk touches his nose to her own, not closing his eyes just yet because she always look so beautiful the second that their lips make love. “We do, we do.”

When they connect in warm, rosy flesh, it is as if nothing could ever go wrong. That no matter what obstacles they face, what hardships they must conquer, they will always get through it together and reach the splendorous end with golden sunlight woven through their marrow and love bleeding from their fingertips.

Jeongguk caresses her, holds her, like they never once fucked, like he never had his cock inside of her and enacted the greatest moment of his life. Her skin is newfound land, marked with fingers of the past that were too intoxicated to think twice, to enjoy and devour the expanses of smooth flesh. But now, he has all the time in the world to do that. Every single day, every waking second. Yet he still cannot get enough of her. Not even when his hands hunt beneath her big sweater and fit into the lines of her ribs, sweep over her perked, pretty nipples. Not even when his lips reach her throat and she is gasping into the shell of his ear, blooming meadows of lilac and blue on the delicate skin while his palms smooth down her sides. Not even when he reaches the hem of her underwear, thumbs digging beneath the elastic, pressing firmly into her hipbones with his knee wedging between her thighs in a request, a promise.

“Do you want me to make you feel better?” Jeongguk hums, and she gazes wickedly when his fingertips graze beneath her panties, cupping at wet warmth. She shudders, a small nod.

“Do your worst, Jeon.”

Though to her slight surprise, he plants a quick peck upon her lips before throwing the covers off, revealing their entangled bodies that shimmer in silver moonlight. His fingers are dripping when he pulls them from her underwear, grabbing at the elastic and dragging them completely down her legs until they are lost within the sheets. Jeongguk positions himself between her thighs, smiling rather cutely up at her while her eyes glass over with desire, and then flicking his eyes down to her pink, glistening centre.

“Jesus, you are beautiful,” He sighs, staring lovingly at her cunt, holding her firmly still with his arms curled around her thighs when she tries to shut her knees, shy away. “Don’t. Let me adore what is mine.”

When he dips his mouth down and licks a clean line up her slit, she hisses, and he too, moans a little, feeling a pleasant tingle rush up his cock. The sillage, what a beautiful thing, he muses to himself.

Jeongguk keeps his gaze on her while he continues, using two fingers to part her and then press the flat of his tongue to her wet core, adoring the taste of her on the back of his throat, the sound of her soft whine sending shivers down his spine. He cannot tell what is more beautiful, how warm she is against his mouth that is quick to glisten with her arousal, the way it quivers with every stroke, or the blissful, almost strained look on her face that has her cheeks flushed with roses, lips parted and eyelashes drooping low over the eyes that hold his entire world together. He digs his nails into her thighs, dips the tip of his tongue slightly into her entrance, watches intently at the way her knuckles clench and burst with white bone.

“F-Fuck, oh my god, can you not?” She finally squeaks, her foot shoving at his shoulder and he grins like a fox, biting the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh out of retaliation before soothing his tongue over it. She whimpers a little at that, and Jeongguk returns his mouth to her centre, the hot air of his exhalations making her writhe. “I swear, you could make me come in seconds looking at me like that. You wouldn’t even have to touch me.”

Jeongguk licks gently at her clit, delighting in her sharp inhale of breath. “Can we try that?”



“Don’tbaby, me.”

With a chuckle, Jeongguk murmurs a fine and continues with his ministrations, easing a finger inside that has her gasping an oh. His own cock is hard and heavy against the mattress that he ever so lightly rolls his hips into, trying not to become too distracted by his own pleasure and wishing to focus solely on her. In his hands, she is beautiful, flustered with her rosy cheeks, shining with a thin layer of sweat as he swirls his tongue softly around the nub of nerves, pressing another finger inside of her heat that has her spine arching, chest heaving in short, lovely breaths that time perfectly with every thrust. He dines on her like a fine delicacy, lips now completely glossed with her arousal, drawing out her climax with his knuckles that curl within her tight walls until her whole body is shaking, a tiny earthquake shattering the bones beneath her skin.

She comes with a gorgeous moan onto his tongue, and while he laps her up, he feels his own load blow in his underwear with a cringe. Jeongguk rests his forehead onto her still quivering thigh, the room filling with the sound of breaths catching up.

“Shit,” She pants, reaching down to card her fingers through his hair, loving, gentle. “I almost forgot you have wonderful hands.”

“Thank you,” Jeongguk murmurs against her skin, softly kissing the flesh before running the tip of his nose up to her knee, and back down again. “Hey, do you have any spare, uh– Shorts, maybe?”

“Probably, you won’t like where they came from though–“ She stops in the process of wriggling away from the tangle of sheets, a little damp with her exertion, and eyes him curiously in the dark. “Wait, why?”

Jeongguk keeps his face buried into the mattress. “I came.”

For a moment, she is silent, processing the information before the realisation smooths her pinched brow, a bubble of laughter at the tip of her tongue. “Wow, I really don’t have to touch you to make you come, do I?”

Jeongguk blindly grabs for her ankle with a growl as she slips away, missing by an inch and letting his hand fall limp among the sheets, listening to the sweet vocals of her laugh while she opens and closes drawers. A moment later, a piece of basketball short material lands on his head and he takes it as a sign to sit up, pushing himself up by the elbows and taking the shorts between his fingers. He ignores the logo of a university that he is all too familiar competing with, embellished at the hem of the left leg.

“This is embarrassing,” Jeongguk mutters, resting back on his heels and revealing the evident stain on the fabric of his briefs. Although his words, he unabashedly peels off the underwear, kicking his legs out as he shucks on the basketball shorts, feeling her gaze on his cock.

“We’re beyond embarrassment now, Jeon. I just came all over your face.”

“True. I liked that.”

When she grins, it is as though the sun has suddenly decided to rise in the middle of the night, painting the walls in radiant gold and his heart in illuminant joy. Jeongguk disposes of the underwear before grabbing her around the waist and pulling her close, feeling the warmth of her abdomen pressing to his bare skin of his torso, a hand tangling through the strands of her hair to draw her mouth up to his. She sighs into the grooves of his lips, and he melts, a victim to her touch.

He loves her, he loves her, he loves her.

They fall down in a shower of lips on skin, wrapped around each other and tugging the sheets until they form a tent over their bodies, the cotton tucking them into their elbows and hips and knees. Jeongguk kisses her, teeth in her lip, tongue on the roof of her mouth, until he cannot breathe.

She retreats with a smile and nuzzles herself into him, sniffing, flushed and beautiful in the crook of his throat. He can hear her smile. “On the contrary, maybe being sick while you play football is–“

“Don’t finish that sentence.“

“– Worth it, if I always get such aftercare like this.”

“A masochist,” Jeongguk mutters, tugging at her earlobe and she swats him away. “My soulmate is a masochist.”

“Mm, all corniness aside,” She murmurs, pressing her mouth to his jawbone, “Isn’t that nice? We are soulmates. I don’t think that will ever wear off – that this is it, us, always.”

“Thatwasfucking corny.”

“Way to ruin the moment, Jeon.”

“Really though, Y/N,” Jeongguk suddenly lowers his voice, lips pressed to her temple, and he can sense her momentarily tense up. “Please don’t say that. I hate knowing that I am hurting you.”

She smooths the pad of her thumb over his eyebrow, as if she is trying to rub away the frown. “Jeongguk, I told you that it’s fine, okay? This is your career, I am willing to sacrifice an hour of my time feeling a little nauseated for that.”

He kisses her absolutely silly, until she is muffling protests and there is saliva on his chin, but he does not mind, never, when it comes to her. They watch each other in blissful silence, her lashes the first to droop, blinks slowing until they stop altogether and she becomes a still, ethereal creature in his arms, skin marbled by the moonlight, a statue of bona fide beauty. It is only then when her heartbeat slows that the guilt shows its ugly face in the shadows, slipping beneath sheets and digging into his knees, elbows, temples, heart, burying deep and reminding him that it will get worse, it will get worse, they still have so far to go.

He cannot stand how much loving her will hurt them both. But he simply cannot stop.

part one|part two|part three|part four|part five |part six |part seven

— here with you | jjk

jungkook is there for you during your heartbreak as a result of a decision you made


pairing: jungkook x reader


genre + warnings:drabble| angst, fluff, established relationship, feelings of abandonment, oc’s father sucks, jungkook is a dream , crying, childhood feelings mentioned, a text message

word count: 1.1k | unedited, sorry

author’s note: i’ve been going through things, and i needed a way to deal with it, so i grabbed my phone and wrote this in my notes. the text message is real btw.


“Hey,” Jungkook lies in bed behind you and pulls you flush against him. He’s very sweet with his kisses on your shoulder. “I’m so sorry you’re sad, baby. I wish I could take it all away.”

You slowly turn in his arms to look at him. Seeing the worry and affection he has for you in his eyes makes your bottom lip tremble, and he immediately coos with an apology.

“I didn’t mean to make you sadder. You’re already sad enough,” Jungkook caresses your cheek.

“I—It’s not that,” you sniffle. “It’s just that I feel so safe with you. It doesn’t matter what I’m going through; I know you’ll be there.”

“I will. Always,” Jungkook promises.

You let out a long sigh, and Jungkook places a finger under your chin. Your eyes glance at him again as a tear runs sideways across your cheek and over the bridge of your nose. You know you can tell him anything too.

“There are many things that I can brush up under the rug and never think about them again. I’ll go on about my day as if nothing. But when it comes to my father, he just has a way of ruining my day, and I—” you don’t mean to let out a sob, but one escapes anyway.

It takes everything in Jungkook not to pull you into a hug and tell you not to think of that man ever again. It’s his natural reaction to seeing you hurting. Instead, he gives you time to get your thoughts together because he knows how hard it is for you sometimes to voice your feelings. He wants to listen to you and help you figure things out.

“I can’t believe he’s angry because I didn’t answer one text he sent while I was sleeping. The way he can just switch on me like that,” you shake your head, thinking back to the message you woke up to this morning.

[Dad] Wow. I can’t believe you don’t even answer back, but you know what? That’s fine. This will be the last time I’ll text you.

Jungkook’s warm hand is splayed on your back underneath your shirt, rubbing small circles as he continues to listen to you. You take in a big breath and sigh before continuing.

“I’ve been angry with him for so long, and still, I pushed it aside because I wanted him in my life somehow. He left me, Jungkook. Not the other way around. I was six, and he just moved away to another state forgetting about me and my little brother. He never tried to see us again but somehow expected me, the child, to keep in contact with him. And then he dares to play the victim when I treat him the same way he’s treated me my whole life.

I’m tired. All he’s brought me is uncertainty and stress. I feel abandoned all over again when he behaves that way. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. I—” you sob into Jungkook’s chest, and he hugs you tightly. You can’t see him, but he’s crying too. He cries for the little girl inside you that only wants to be respected and genuinely loved by her dad. He cries for the woman who still wants those things but has figured out that it will never change and finally comes to terms with it.

“Do you know what hurts me the most?” You ask, voice husky from crying.

“Hmm?” Jungkook hums, lips brushing a delicate kiss onto your forehead.

“That he’s never made any moves to try and meet his only grandchild,” you say. Your voice is more stable. You don’t think you have any tears left in you. “And to be honest, I think I prefer it because I don’t want her to get used to someone who would abandon her. I don’t want that for her. Thanks to you, she’ll never know what that feels like because you’re such a good dad to her, baby.”

You notice the tears when you look up at Jungkook, but he’s also smiling. His cute nose is red and sniffling, and it makes you smile. You reach to wipe his tears away, and then you kiss him on his lips, nose, and forehead. You feel such adoration for this man—this man who has given you everything that was once missing from your life. With him, everything is better. With Jungkook, there is patience, safety, understanding, and above all, there is genuine love.

“You’re my heart and soul,” he says. It still makes you want to melt into a puddle when he tells you things like that. At the beginning of your relationship, years ago, it took you a while to accept that the things he said to you were genuine—that he actually meant them. For so many years, loving words from other people weren’t genuine and came with expectations. Jungkook never expected anything from you, only for you to give him a chance to show you how much he loved you.

“You’re mine too,” you say. You both stay like that, lying on your sides, just staring at each other in comfortable silence for a little while.

You both listen to your daughter’s laughter coming from her room across the hall. She’s on the phone with her friend while playing Minecraft on the computer. You know you won’t be able to protect her from every heartbreak, but you feel grateful that at least her childhood is a happy one full of people who love her dearly and wouldn’t be able to live without her. You couldn’t have asked for better people in her life, and you hope and pray it’ll always be that way for her. It’s what all parents want for their children: happiness, safety, certainty, and love.

“I know it hurt you a great deal to cut your father off for good from your life today, but I want you to know that when you remember what happened today and it hurts again, I want you to find me and hug me. I’ll know, and I’ll hug you back just as tightly. I love you so much, my love.”

“I love you too, Jungkook.” He knows you’re exhausted from all the emotions you let out today, but he’s so proud of you. “So much,” you sigh into his neck.

Jungkook softly chuckles when he feels your breath even out, letting him know you’ve fallen asleep. He wipes another tear from the corner of your eye and then places a kiss on your cheek. It rouses you a little, and you instantly wrap an arm around his waist as you feel for his warm chest to lay your head on. He can’t help the tightness in his chest from all the love and affection you bring out from him. He loves you something fierce.

He says, “I promise to protect you and our little girl,” as he watches you sleep. “Sleep, baby. I’ll always be here with you. I’m never going anywhere.”

copyright © 7deadlysinsfics | no copying, reposting, translating, or modifying my works


you’re the best i’ve ever had. 


PAIRING.   jeon jungkook — chubby!femreader.

GENRE.  smut. angst. fluff.

WARNINGS.  NO BECAUSE I LOVE THIS JK SO MUCH . established relationship. neck biting.  groping (consensual ofc). dirty talk. body shaming. negative flashbacks. yns EX friend is a bitch we absolutely HATE her. short smut scenes.  jk worshipping your literal existence. body worship. praise. jungkook is in LOVE. as he should thoo.

♫  best i ever had, drake. ❝ baby, you my everything, you all I ever wanted. we could do it real big, bigger than you ever done it. ❞

ALSO les, childish gambino.  ❝ baby, you’re the baddest
baby, you’re the baddest girl.
nobody else matters
nobody else matters girl. ❞


  feedback is greatly appreciated!


Jungkook’s touches were so soft. So soft you almost barely even felt them. Keyword:almost. His smooth fingertips ran along your silky skin, while the tip of his pink tongue ran across the nape of your neck. Jungkook had one thing on his mind; which was pleasuring you in the best ways possible. “Baby,” Jungkook whispered in lust onto your skin. His veined hand made its way to your clothed breast, giving it a soft squeeze. He clutched at your tit one last time, before bringing his hand under your thin top, attacking your hardened nipple with his thumb, once reaching his awaited destination. “Love you,” Kiss. “So fuckin,” Your flesh was then in between his pearly white teeth, “Much.” 

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Genre: Fluff
Characters: Jungkook, Reader (+ Bam)
Warnings: Slight bad language, but that’s it. Just fluff.
Description: While on vacation with you and his band members, Jungkook notices his new puppy, Bam, is gone.
Word Count: 560 (Just a little drabble) 
A/N: I know, I know… you guys are waiting for the update for The Bath House, and it is coming! I promise. But I just had this little scenario in my head that I needed to put out there. Hope you enjoy! x 

“Hey hyung, where’s my dog? Have you seen Bam?” Jungkook asked, furrowing his brows in confusion as he took a quick look around the living room.

“No, he’s not in here.” Yoongi responded, not looking up from his game of Mario Kart, where he was concentrating on trying to keep up with Jin’s Yoshi. “I think Y/N took him to her bedroom to play with.”

Jungkook smirked and rolled his eyes, knowing that he should’ve assumed you were up to your puppy stealing antics once again.

“Ok thanks.” He responded, leaving the living room to go up the stairs of the vacation rental, to find you in your temporary bedroom.

You were laying on your side on the bed, back towards the door, completely oblivious to your doe-eyed best friend leaning against the door frame with a grin on his face. You were too preoccupied with Jungkook’s new puppy Bam, who you had only just met this weekend but had fallen absolutely in love with. You cooed at him, petting behind his floppy ears and giggling over his paws that he hasn’t quite grown into yet.

“I found the puppy thief.” Jungkook finally spoke up, causing you to turn your head to look at him over your shoulder.

“Puppy thief? He loves me. He’s spending quality time with his auntie Y/N.” You giggled, turning your attention back to the puppy.

“Auntie Y/N? You’re such a weirdo.” Jungkook teased, chuckling to himself.

“I’M a weirdo? Ok, sure. Taehyung put this poor baby’s ear in his mouth and nobody bats an eye, but I’m the weird one for taking him up here for snuggles. Makes perfect sense.” You playfully sassed back.

Jungkook snorted at your remarks, walking over to the bed to see your hand continuing to scratch in Bam’s favorite spot, right behind his ear.

“You know what I think? I think somebody’s jealous that he’s not getting snuggles.” You told Bam. Jungkook shook his head at the cuteness of you talking about him to his dog.

“You’re really talking shit about me to my dog? Unbelievable.” He smirked.

“Hey! No cussing in front of the baby.” You playfully scolded, turning back to Jungkook. “But I think I’m right. If you wanted snuggles, you could come in and join us, instead of ruining our time together.”

“You know what Y/N? You’re right.” Jungkook said, earning a glare from you.

He crawled onto the bed next to you, forcing you to move over to accommodate him while Bam’s slightly disturbed from the movement, lifting his head up to see what was happening. Jungkook put an arm over you, reaching over to pet the dog while managing to keep you close, something he considered an added bonus.

“You were definitely right, Y/N, this is so much better. I guess I was just jealous.” He teased, smirking as he knew he won.

You looked at Bam, who’s big puppy eyes were looking right back at you, his tail wagging at the attention he was receiving.

“You see this, Bam? This bitch called my bluff.”

Jungkook laughed, and you smiled at the feeling of his warm breath tickling your skin.

“What happened to no cussing in front of my dog?” Jungkook asked, lightly pinching your arm, causing you to giggle.

“Fine. You win.” You conceded, just content with the feeling of being in Jungkook’s arms.

Prince!Jungkook and Queen!woc (woman of color) Reader

Genre/AU/Rating: 18+, fantasy, magic!au, arranged marriage!au, royalty!au, s2l, fluff, and smut

Summary: You are a powerful Queen, ruling over the Zamia Kingdom with all of the grace, strength, wisdom, and amazing magical powers that you had since the passing of your mother left you with the throne. After 5 years of ruling on your own, you are approached by your court of advisors, The Solar Council, that marrying and producing an heir needs to be higher on your list of priorities. Of course, you don’t think you need to rush into a marriage because you know how to run your own damn kingdom. Luckily for you, your advisors took the liberties of inviting the Prince of the neighboring Pica kingdom, Jeon Jungkook, to Zamia for a “friendly visit”.

Warnings: mentions of deceased mothers, arranged marriages, sexual activity, oral sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, creampie, big dick!Jungkook, pregnancy and child birth (but nothing descriptive).

WC: 15.1K

Author’s Note: This fic is a part of @btsblackcreatorsociety​’s The Realm of Legends Event! I am so honored to be participating in this event, with several other talented POC writers in this fandom! I hope you all enjoy this because I enjoyed writing it! 


One of your favorite things about living in Zamia was how beautiful the coast looked from any area of the palace that you lived in. The palace was placed right on the shore of the ocean, it being the very first thing that anyone saw when they approached the mid-sized island that was Zamia. 

Being as though you were the daughter of the former Queen and King, you had definitely traveled more than the average citizen of Zamia but something about the shores and the smell of salty sea water always made you feel comforted and relaxed. 

That’s why you were leaning against one of the large windows in one of the main hallways of the palace, watching as the waves crashed onto the shore and met the sand. Suddenly, a small bird flew up to the window and settled itself on the ledge, right next to where your hand was resting. The little creature looked up at you expectantly and you rolled your eyes before reaching out, checking the tiny collar that the bird had on and finding a small piece of white paper attached to it.

Meet me in the formal dining room for breakfast!-Jimin

“You know, the next time that Jimin sends you, tell him to just come and find me himself like a normal person,” you told the bird and the small animal chirped happily before turning around and flying off of the ledge. 

After closing the shutters of the window, you turned to your left and made your way down the hallway to the formal dining room, your golden yellow dress billowing out behind you. 

“Good morning Y/N!” Jimin greeted you happily, his grin almost blinding as you walked into the room. 

“Morning Jimin, morning Hobi,” you replied.

“Good morning, my Queen,” Hobi said respectfully, getting up from his seat and bowing. The two clones of Hobi that were also sitting at the table bowed as well, one of them even taking the initiative to pull your chair out for you.

“I don’t know if your little delivery bird told you, but stop being lazy and having the birds do your bidding for you,” you told Jimin. 

“Yeah, Tweet told me when she made it back to me but she also said that she doesn’t mind helping me out,” Jimin smiled triumphantly. Jimin had the magical power of zoolinguism, meaning that he had the ability to communicate with animals. Ever since the two of you were kids, Jimin was always surrounded by some type of animal, speaking and listening to them as if they were human themselves. Jimin also had the gift of abjuration, which granted him the ability to cast spells that would provide healing and protection. This gift made him especially qualified for the position of your personal advisor, which you gave to him as soon as your coronation ceremony had passed. 

Hobi, like you and Jimin and every other citizen in your world, also had magical powers and his came in the form of cloning. He was able to replicate up to 20 different versions of himself at the same time and all of them were capable of independent actions and thoughts, although Hobi could predict their thoughts and actions himself if needed. 

Most people only had one or two powers but you? You possessed four of them. This wasn’t entirely surprising because your mother had four powers as well and your father had three but it still made people marvel. The first of your powers was telekinesis, the ability to move and manipulate objects without directly interacting with. The second was telepathy, which gave you the power to see, hear, and read the thoughts of others but it only worked if you were touching that person. The third was magic detection which allowed you to sense when magic was being used near and around you. The last, which was your favorite and arguably the most special, was the power of enchantment. This allowed you to give other people magical powers and abilities and unlike your other powers, you weren’t born with this one. Instead, this power was bestowed upon you on the day of your coronation when you became Queen, just like it had been with every previous monarch of Zamia, going back centuries and centuries before your birth. 

“So, what’s the plan for today?” You asked them, looking at the pitcher of orange juice that was sitting to the left of you and smiling when it rose into the air and slowly made its way over to your glass, tilting over and pouring some of the liquid inside. 

“Ah, that’s what Jimin had you meet us down here for,” Hobi spoke up. “The Solar Council wants to meet with you today.”

“Oh hell,” you groaned. “What’s wrong this time?”

“It’s nothing bad, promise!” Jimin swore. “They just have some little things that they want to discuss with you.”

“Little things?” You repeated dubiously. “It’s never anything little when the Council calls a meeting.”

“I know but I pried for some more information from Yoongi hyung and he assured me that it’s just some small matters that they want to give you updates on and stuff like that,” Hobi replied. 

“Alright,” you sighed with a shrug of your shoulders, deciding to just focus on enjoying your breakfast before being faced with whatever antics the council was up to now. 

An hour later, you were sitting on your throne in The Conference Room, where all meetings of the Solar Council took place as well as any other official Zamia business. The long square table was filled with the 6 members of the Solar Council which included Jimin, Hobi, Min Yoongi, Kim Taeyeon, Kwon Yuri and Park Sunyoung.

“Thank you so much for meeting with us on such short notice, your Highness,” Yoongi began after everyone had bowed to you and taken their seats. 

“Cut the bullshit Yoongi, and tell me why you really called this meeting,” you huffed as you regarded the leader of the Council. 

“As radiant as ever,” Yoongi joked. “We just have some things to discuss with you, as well as some updates.”

“Very well,” you acquiesced and Yoongi took a seat as Yuri stood up.

“To begin, I am delighted to inform you that the new school in the kingdom has been finished and the dedication ceremony naming it after your mother, our late Queen Thaliah, has been scheduled for two weeks from today,” she reported before taking her seat again.

“That’s amazing,” you smiled happily. “Jimin, please make sure that my schedule is completely free that day so that my father and I can spend as much time there as possible.”

“Of course, your Highness,” Jimin nodded. 

“As for some magic developments,” Taeyeon said as she stood up. “The most recent ceremony for the current group of five year olds in the kingdom happened a few days ago and their powers have fully come in.” Although everyone in the kingdom was born with magical powers, having full autonomy over them and having them to their full capacities wasn’t entirely possible until a person had turned five.

“Oh, what were their powers?” You wondered.

“One with illusion manipulation, one with time manipulation, and two with shape shifting,” Taeyeon answered. 

“God, I feel bad for the parents of the two with shape shifting,” Yoongi tsked. “My older brother is a shapeshifter and that can be difficult.”

“Well, it should be easier for them now that their magic has fully come in,” you pointed out as Taeyeon took her seat. “Thank you, Councilwoman Kim. Councilwoman Park?”

“The small famine that the farmers were experiencing has passed and we’ll be able to resume our weekly famers’ markets,” Sunyoung announced. 

“Great,” you sighed in relief. “I thought I was going to have to request assistance form the Agara kingdom and you know how difficult King Junsu can be.”

“Happily, speaking to him won’t be necessary,” Sunyoung grinned. “A group of farmers also sent a basket for your table, in thanks to you for your continued support of them. I instructed the helpers to place it in the kitchen.”

“Thank you, Councilwoman Park,” you said as she took her seat. 

“Now that all of the updates are out of the way and you’ve mentioned another kingdom, your Highness,” Yoongi spoke up a he leaned forward and set his folded arms on the table. “We actually do have something that we’d like to discuss with you.”

“I knew it,” you chuckled. “What is it?”

“There has been some concern about the royal bloodline,” he began slowly. 

“And what concerns are those?”

“Well, you’ve been Queen for the last 5 years and you haven’t found a suitable spouse yet,” Yoongi replied. 

“I am well aware of that and as I’ve stated previously, I don’t feel as though I need a spouse in order to properly rule Zamia,” you reiterated. 

“Oh, we absolutely agree, your Highness!” Yuri interjected. 

“We don’t ever want you to think that we doubt your ability to rule,” Sunyoung added. 

“As members of the Solar Council though, we do have to advise you that finding a suitable spouse isn’t just about having a second person to rule the kingdom alongside you,” Taeyeon pointed out. “You know as well as anyone that the entire kingdom’s magic will be strengthened if there were two people on the throne instead of just one. Also, it’s about preserving the amazing magical legacy that has been established by your family. It won’t be possible to do that if you do not marry and produce issue.”

“Produce issue?” You repeated with a scoff. “What am I, a farmer? Or a production machine?”

“That’s not what Councilwoman Kim meant,” Yoongi sighed. “We just want to ensure the future of the kingdom.”

“Listen, I respect all of you as Councilmembers, as well as my friends,” you started. “But I am not, at present or in the near future, looking for a spouse.”

“Well, that’s why I took the liberty of inviting one of the Princes from the neighboring Pica kingdom to Zamia for a friendly visit,” Yoongi announced with a bright smile and your eyes widened in surprise.

“You what?”

“Prince Jungkook will be here in two days’ time,” he finished. Looking around the table, you saw the faces of the other Councilmembers and realized that they were not at all surprised by the news of this visit. Why? If you had to guess, it’s because they all fucking knew. 

Everyone knew, but you.

Feeling your temper steadily rise, you abruptly stood up from your throne, causing everyone else to stand up as well and you stepped from around the table before storming out of the room and into the hallway. You couldn’t believe that they’d had the audacity to invite a foreigner to your kingdom without discussing with you beforehand, and it didn’t help matters that the foreigner was in fact another royal that you had never met before. 

You had managed to work yourself up so much that you didn’t see anyone else walking down the hallway before you bumped into them. 

“Hey, where are you off to, little one?” The voice said and when you looked up, you saw your father, Edric. 

“Daddy, I’m sorry,” you apologized instantly but Edric shook his head, immediately noticing how upset you were. 

“Come with me to my study and you can tell me all about it,” he murmured, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and leading you down the hallway in the opposite direction that you came in. Once the two of you were in his study, he led you over to the large bay window that was on one wall, helping you have a seat before sitting down himself. 

“Now, tell me what has you all worked up,” he encouraged you. 

“I had a meeting with the Solar Council and Yoongi informed me that they’ve invited one of the Princes from the Pica kingdom to Zamia,” you revealed. “With hopes that I’ll take a liking to him and want to marry him.”

“Did they?”

“Yes,” you nodded your head. “I’m so upset because they blatantly went against my wishes all because they want me to pop out babies and keep the royal bloodline going. I mean, aren’t I doing a good job as Queen? I know I’m not Mommy but-”

“Hey, you are an amazing Queen,” Edric reassured you. “And who cares if you’re not your mother? You are fantastic in your own right and I never want you to forget that, ok?”


“And as for the whole visit business, I knew about it because the Council asked for my permission to invite him here,” he admitted. 

“Daddy, why did you do that?”

“I just want to see you happy, like your mother and I were,” he explained. “I know that you’ve thrown yourself into giving this kingdom all that you have but you deserve your own happiness. Ruling gets lonely baby, and you need someone by your side to not only love you but to support you when times get hard.”

“I know that Daddy, I do,” you replied with a small smile. “But you and Mommy’s marriage was a special case and a large amount of arranged marriages don’t turn out the way that yours did. I doubt mines would.”

“But you won’t even have the opportunity to find out if you don’t try,” Edric reminded you. “Running a kingdom on your own for five years is nothing to balk at. It’s a burden but not one that you should be shouldering alone. Please, at least give this all a chance. Worst case scenario, you don’t like him and we can all continue on as we have been.”

“Alright Daddy, alright,” you relented. “You’re right. What’s the worst that could happen?”


In the neighboring Pica kingdom, Prince Jeon Jungkook was walking into his family’s castle after having gone for a run when he saw one of his older brothers, Taehyung, running up to him. 

“There you are!” Taehyung exclaimed as he stopped in front of him. “I’ve been looking all over for you! Where were you?”

“Went for a run, like I do every morning,” Jungkook chuckled. “What’s up?”

“Appa wants to see you in his study,” Taehyung told him. “Said that it was important so you should go now.”

“Alright, thanks,” Jungkook nodded before turning and walking off down the hallway. Once he made it to his father’s study, he knocked on the door and waited until he heard a deep voice say “come in” before he twisted the knob and pushed open the door. 

“You wanted to see me?” Jungkook asked and his father, Kiwoo, waved him inside. 

“Come in, come in,” he said and Jungkook walked in, shut the door behind him, and walked over to sit in one of the chairs that was placed in front of his desk. “How are you, my son?”

“Good, just got back from a run,” Jungkook replied. 

“Ever my energizer bunny, huh?” Kiwoo joked and Jungkook rolled his eyes at the childhood nickname that his father gave him. 

“Did you have something that you wanted to discuss with me?” 

“Ah, yes. With Namjoon set to become King once I have moved on and Taehyung set to act as his second in command, I’ve been thinking about your future lately,” Kiwoo said. 

“My future?” Jungkook echoed. “I’m in Pica’s royal Navy and thought that’s what I would do.”

“And I’m still in total support of that, don’t misunderstand me,” Kiwoo assured him. “But I received a letter of invitation from the kingdom of Zamia for you to be a special guest of the Queen.”

“Really?” Jungkook wondered with a raised brow. “That’s kind of odd when I’ve never been to Zamia before.”

“Well, word has it throughout the kingdoms that Queen Y/N is now looking for a spouse so I suspect that’s the reason why you received the invitation,” Kiwoo surmised. 

“Did she?” Jungkook hummed. “I remember when she issued that proclamation like three years ago that she wasn’t searching for a spouse.”

“Well, things have obviously changed,” Kiwoo shrugged. “The visit will be three weeks long and if no sparks fly, then no harm, no foul.”

“Do you have a photo or something of her?” Jungkook asked and his father nodded, reaching into an envelope that he had sitting on the desk in front of him, reaching inside and pulling out a small photo before handing it off to his son. Jungkook literally felt his breath being taken away, his eyes widening when he saw how gorgeous you were. 

“She’s a looker, right?” Kiwoo smirked and Jungkook nodded his head in agreement. “She looks exactly like her mother, that one. If her personality is anything like her mother’s was, then she should be an amazing person too.”

“Ok, I’ll go,” Jungkook agreed easily. 

“Great! I’ll set everything up and you’ll leave in two days!” Kiwoo said but Jungkook didn’t pay attention to what he was saying, too busy staring at the photo of you in his hand.


Two days later, you were standing in front of the castle, along with the Solar Council, your father, and a few of the helpers that you employed, waiting for Prince Jungkook’s arrival. 

“You ok, Y/N-ah?” Jimin whispered from his place next to you. 

“I still don’t like this,” you muttered. “I’ve never even met this man and yet you, along with the rest of the Council, decided to invite him here in hopes of sparks flying.”

“Ok, ok, don’t work yourself up all over again,” Jimin sighed. “We said that we’re sorry for not getting your approval but we truly did have good intentions.”


“If it helps any, you look amazing,” Jimin smiled as he looked over your body that was draped in a loose gown that was blue and yellow. 

“If I don’t feel great, that doesn’t mean that I can’t look great,” you joked, making Jimin laugh. Just then, the gates to the castle suddenly opened and a long black limousine pulled through them, slowly creeping forward before stopping in front of where you were standing. 

“Remember everyone, these are visitors from another kingdom so best foot forward,” you said loudly, getting murmurs of agreements and “yes, your Highness” in return. The driver of the limo had gotten out of the car in the meantime, walking around the backseat and opening the door. You watched with bated breath as a man got out, and you gasped lightly when you saw Jeon Jungkook for the first time. 

He was dressed in what you knew to be some type of military uniform, which was a deep forest green color. His black hair was slicked back, with a single strand flopping over onto his forehead, and his chiseled facial features were on full display. His gaze and jaw were strong, contrasting with his nose, eyes, and mouth that looked so gentle and kind. The man was fucking hot and even you could admit that. 

After he got out of the limo, he was followed by another man who was equally as gorgeous and a few helpers from their own kingdom as well. 

“Your Highness,” Jungkook said as he walked over to stand in front of you. Having done this literally thousands of times before, you extended your hand and Jungkook took ahold of it, his grip on you firm as he bowed down in front of you while you did the same. “It is my honor to meet you.”

“And I you, Prince Jungkook,” you replied with a tight smile, watching as Jungkook stood up straight again. 

“This is my brother, Prince Taehyung,” Jungkook introduced the two of you and Taehyung stepped forward, doing the same thing as Jungkook and grabbing your hand as he bowed to you. 

“An absolute pleasure to meet you, your Highness,” Taehyung smiled. 

“You as well, Prince Taehyung,” you responded. “May I introduce my father, Dowager King Edric?”

“An honor,” Edric smiled, taking the time to shake both Jungkook and Taehyung’s hands. 

“And my council of advisors, the Solar Council,” you gestured towards the six people standing behind you. “They are the ones that extended the invitation.”

“Easy, little one,” Edric murmured in warning and you lightly rolled your eyes. “I know you both must’ve had a long journey here. Would you like to join us for dinner?”

“That would be wonderful, thank you,” Jungkook nodded. 

“Well, we’ll get your things inside and you both can freshen up before we meet in the formal dining room,” you said before turning and gesturing towards your helpers and they walked over to the limousine to help with the luggage. 

An hour later, you were sat at the head of the table with Jungkook at your side as you all convened for dinner together. 

“So Jungkook, you’re the third-born son right?” Edric asked.

“Yes Sir,” Jungkook nodded. “I’m the youngest, Taehyung hyung here is the middle child, and my brother Namjoon is the oldest.”

“Ah, I was the fourth born son myself, and the youngest,” Edric chuckled. “Definitely a hard road.”

“Sometimes but my hyungs are great,” Jungkook smiled as he nudged Taehyung with his elbow. 

“I hear Jungkook’s a valued member of Pica’s Royal Navy,” Hobi brought up. “How long have you been doing that?”

“Uh, since I was about 20,” Jungkook replied. “I don’t know, it just always interested me. Why? I don’t know.”

“It’s honest work,” Yoongi smiled. “Your Highness, don’t you like the ocean?”

“Of course I do, Zamia’s surrounded by it,” you responded with a sarcastic smile. 

“Jungkookie here is an amazing swimmer, although he’s great at anything physical really,” Taehyung bragged on his younger brother. “Swimming, running, biking, even horseback riding.”

“Horseback riding?” You repeated with intertest, since you loved horses. 

“Yeah, we’ve all been riding since we were kids and our mother taught us but Jungkookie’s the only one of us with an actual interest in it,” Taehyung told you. “You should see his horses back in Pica. They’re gorgeous.”

“Y/N-ah has quiet the stable herself,” Edric smiled. 

“Who taught you to ride, your highness?” Jungkook asked you. 

“My mother did, actually,” you said. 

“Maybe the two of you could go on a horse ride together while you’re here then, Prince Jungkook?” Jimin suggested. 

“I’d love to, if you would, your Highness,” Jungkook said and you just shrugged your shoulders noncommittally. 

“Maybe. I have to ask though, why would a man with the power of speed bother with riding a horse?” You questioned. 

“You know about my super speed?” Jungkook wondered in slight surprise. 

“One of the Queen’s many powers is magic detection,” Yuri explained. “She can sense when any power is being used near her and what power it is.”

“But I’m not using my super speed,” Jungkook chuckled. 

“So you think,” you interjected, making him look over at you. “But I can sense how restless you are from the long travel and that amount of energy isn’t associated with any other power but super speed.”

“Plus, she has a cousin who has super speed so she’s felt it before,” Edric added, making you smile and nod.

“That too.”

“Wow,” Jungkook gasped in awe. “That’s amazing. To answer your question though, I do enjoy slowing down when the moment calls for it and or even when the right person calls for it.”

“Is that right?” You murmured, purposefully ignoring his attempt to flirt with you as you busied yourself with digging into your meal. The rest of dinner went the same way, everyone trying to stimulate conversation between you and Jungkook while you resisted every try with the same stale attitude. Jungkook seemed to take it all in stride though, not seeming at all affected by your dry answers or disinterest for him and anything that he had to say.

Behind closed doors though, Jungkook felt entirely differently than he had let on. 

“How could Appa even expect any of this to work?” Jungkook groaned as he paced back and forth in the guest room that he and Taehyung were sharing. “She barely even looks at me!”

“Cut her some slack Kook, she’s probably struggling to come to grips with all of this,” Taehyung said from his place on his own large bed. “I mean, imagine if you were King and your council went behind your back to invite some woman that you had never met before into your castle.”

“You think they went behind her back?” Jungkook wondered.

“I know it, because I read Jimin-ssi’s mind at dinner and he was thinking ‘shit, this is not going the way the councilmembers and I envisioned,” Taehyung reported, using his gift of telepathy to have read Jimin’s thoughts. “So just give her some time.”

“Time isn’t exactly a luxury that we have,” Jungkook chuckled as he sat down on his bed and looked at his hyung. “We’re only here for three weeks.”

“I know but don’t give up yet,” Taehyung advised him. “Keep trying. After all, nothing worth having ever comes easily.”


The next morning, you were up at dawn to take a walk along the shore that was right in front of the castle. After the awkward dinner the night before, you slept fitfully because you could never rest when foreigners were in the castle which was the one thing that you didn’t really enjoy about being Queen. 

As you walked, you thought about the day before. Jungkook seemed nice enough and he was certainly handsome, but you weren’t entirely sure of his suitability for you. Sure, he had some of the same interests as you but he was also the third born son who you were almost sure didn’t receive any of the training that children who were expected to become monarchs did. Of course, not having that training didn’t mean that he would be incapable at the job but it damn sure did help. 

You also knew that you were a humungous bitch at dinner and you felt kind of bad about it. Jungkook and everyone else were obviously trying to make the best of the situation but you didn’t make it any easier. You figured that it wouldn’t be the worst thing if you actually did try to get to know him, so at least that way, you’d be able to truthfully say that he wasn’t a fit for you. 

You were so absorbed in yours thoughts that you didn’t realize someone breezing past you until they had almost bumped into you. 

“Hey!” You shouted and the figure turned around, and you realized that it was Jungkook. “You almost knocked me down, you know?”

“Sorry, your Highness,” Jungkook apologized while bowing lightly towards you. “When I’m running, I get kind of a blur around me which makes it hard to see anything that’s not right in front of me.”

“Ah, the faults of our powers,” you joked, making Jungkook laugh. “What are you doing out here so early?”

“Well, I was feeling really pent up since I hadn’t been able to run and I couldn’t sleep because of it so I just decided to come out here,” he explained. “I have to say too, Zamia is beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such clear water.”

“Yeah, it’s home,” you smiled as you looked out onto the water. “And it must be hard to have all that energy.”

“It can be sort of inconvenient at times, like when I have royal duties but it comes in handy other times, like when I’m working with the Navy,” he replied. 

“The Navy’s an unusual choice for a royal,” you noted as the two of you began to walk down the beach together, side by side. 

“Well, since I’m not in immediate line for the throne anymore, with Namjoon hyung and his wife Youngja having just had their first child, I’m more free to do what I want,” Jungkook said. “Since I have the powers of super speed, weather control and conjuration, being in the military just made sense.”

“Conjuration?” You questioned. “What’s that?”

“Basically, it means that I can bring forth any form of creatures, items, spirits, demons, deities and elements by either summoning, creating, or manifesting them,” he told you. “So things like images of them, their voice, or even holograms of them.”

“Wow, that’s unique.”

“Got it from being the child of a monarch,” he said and you nodded your head.

“I know that one,” you chuckled. 

“What about you? What are your powers?”

“Ah well, you know about the magic detection but in addition to that, I have telekinesis, telepathy, and enchantment,” you answered. 

“Telepathy?” Jungkook whistled. “That must be tough. Taehyung has that power, too.”

“It only works for me if I’m touching the person whose thoughts I want to read,” you explained. “Which I actually like because the thought of being able to hear an unwilling person’s thoughts makes me cringe a little bit.”

“Yeah, that could be awkward,” Jungkook laughed. 

“My telekinesis is pretty straight forward. I can move objects at will without touching them.”

“And the enchantment?”

“I got that when I became Queen,” you smiled lightly. “It’s a power that’s only in my family line and each monarch gets it when the previous monarch passes away so when my mom died, I inherited it.”

“Wow. You know, my parents used to speak highly of your mother,” he told you. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

“It’s ok,” you shrugged. “All a part of life, right?”

“Yeah, but that doesn’t make it any easier,” he murmured. “I lost my mom too, when I was 15.”

“I’m sorry,” you echoed his previous sentiment but he just waved his hand dismissively. 

“Let’s talk about something happier before we get all depressed,” he joked lightly. 

“Well, you said that the water was pretty but what about the rest of the kingdom?” You questioned. “Do you like it?”

“I think it’s beautiful,” he replied. “Much larger than Pica, though.”

“I know, I’ve been to Pica,” you nodded. “Pica has a charm about it though, along with it’s citizens.”

“I hope I’m included in that,” Jungkook attempted to flirt and instead of outright rebuffing him this time, you just smiled without saying anything and Jungkook took that as a win. The two of you continued to make conversation as you both made your way back to the castle, getting to know each other more and more with each step that you etched in the sand. 

“You know, maybe we should go on that horseback ride while you’re here,” you offered and the grin on Jungkook’s face was so wide, you knew his face had to hurt.

“I’d love to,” he agreed without hesitation. “I really would.”


A few days later, your schedule had finally cleared enough for you to be able to go on that horse ride with Jungkook. You met him in the stable in early afternoon, letting him look over the horses while you packed up the lunch that the helpers had prepared in a wicker picnic basket. 

“This one is gorgeous,” Jungkook murmured as he stepped over to one of the larger horses, allowing the animal to sniff his hand before he began to gently pet her. “What’s their name?”

“This is Lady and she’s a Friesian horse,” you smiled. “She’s my baby.”

“I see why,” Jungkook replied. “She’s magnificent.”

“She was born on the anniversary of my mother’s ascension to the throne, so that’s why she named her Lady,” you explained. “My mother gave her to me when I turned 18 and we’ve been close ever since.”

“Whoa!” Jungkook exclaimed and when you looked over, you saw Lady shaking her mane towards Jungkook purposefully. 

“Oh yeah, she’s a little sassy thing too,” you giggled, watching as Jungkook tried to get the horse hair out of his face. “Here, why don’t you ride her brother, Lord?”

“Twins?” Jungkook guessed.

“Twins,” you confirmed with a nod. Two of the helpers that were working in the stables saddled up both horses for you and once the two of you were settled on top of the large animals, you whistled over at Jungkook. 

“I have a place in mind where we can go, follow me,” You said before clicking your tongue, which urged Lady into a light jog out of the stable. Jungkook and Lord followed behind you and once you were sure he was following you, a smirk spread onto your face as you clicked your heels against Lady’s side, which made her break out into a full blown run. 

“Hey!” Jungkook huffed, a smirk of his own appearing on his face as he took your challenge, bumping his heels against Lord’s side and continuing to do so until he had almost caught up to you. 

That’s how the two of you rode for the next 15 minutes, going up into some of the hills that were behind the castle. The silence was sporadically interrupted by giggle coming from you or laughs coming from Jungkook, usually when one of you managed to overtake the other in terms of speed. By the time the two of you made it to the small meadow that you had led him to, you both looked a little windblown. 

“This is so pretty,” Jungkook murmured in awe as he got down off of his horse. Without asking you, he walked over to you and helped you down from your horse as well and you smiled up at him in thanks. 

“No one knows about this spot except for family so we don’t have to worry about someone finding me for something or another,” you told him. Jungkook untied the picnic basket from Lady’s back and the two of you found a good spot right near the bank of the stream that was also in the meadow.

“Do you ever get tired of being Queen?” Jungkook wondered as the two of you sat down together, and you shrugged while you opened the picnic basket and began setting the lunch out on the blanket that you two were sitting on. 

“It can be…draining sometimes, knowing that so many people depend on me and look to me for guidance and reassurance,” you confessed. “My mom and dad used to make it look so effortless and it wasn’t like that for me, at first.”

“My oldest hyung Namjoon says the same thing,” he nodded in understanding. 

“But on the opposite side, I actually like being needed like that,” you continued. “It’s also nice knowing that so many people revere me, even though I truly doubt I deserve it.”

“Well, from what I’ve gathered from you this first week, I think it is deserved,” he said gently. “Even though you iced me out that first day.”

“I hope you’re not holding that against me,” you grimaced. “I was more so still upset at the Solar Council, because they extended that invitation for you to come visit without my permission.”

“They can do that?”

“No, but they found a loophole and asked my father,” you huffed. “Since he’s also a royal and the former King, he has the right to extend invitations like that.”

“I did think it was odd when my father told me about it, especially given that proclamation you issued a few years back,” Jungkook said. 

“The Solar Council has made it a habit of trying to convince me to get married and pop out babies but I just want to focus on being the best Queen that I can be for my people, you know?” You told him. “If I’m somewhere in the castle, barefoot and pregnant, who will everyone look to?”

“Something that my dad has always said is that he can’t give the best of himself to the people if he’s not taking care of himself,” Jungkook said. “It must be insane to have so many people set their hopes and dreams on you, and I’m not pretending to know what that’s like, but I think you should make time for yourself too. Also, if you don’t mind my saying despite the real reason why I was invited here, having someone by your side means that the kingdom wouldn’t be vulnerable while you’re gone or busy.”

“But no one loves Zamia as much as I do,” you chuckled. “How will I find someone who respects it and it’s people as much as I do?”

“If you find the right person, they’ll love Zamia because you love it,” Jungkook explained. 

“And do you?”

“Do I, what?”

“Love Zamia?” You questioned. Jungkook paused for a few moments, pondering your question and you held your breath, trying to gauge if you had been a little too forward with him. 

“I think that as I learn more about it, it’ll be impossible for me not to,” he finally replied and you smiled, knowing exactly what he meant by the phrasing. 

“Nice to know,” you whispered. 

“Oh! Before I forget, I have something for you,” Jungkook said and you watched as he held his hands together, slowing pulling them apart and revealing a hologram of a bouquet of calla lily flowers. 

“They’re so pretty,” you cooed and Jungkook extended his hands towards you.

“Take them.”

“It’s a hologram, I can’t,” you laughed in disbelief. 

“It’s only a hologram for as long as I want it to be,” he revealed. “Go ahead, take them.” You tentatively reached your hands out, grabbing onto the bunch of stems and gasping when you could feel them on your skin. 

“Eternal flowers,” you muttered, leaning forward and smiling when you realized that the hologram even smelled like real life calla lilies. “Thank you, Jungkook.”

“You’re welcome,” he smiled as the two of you went back to enjoying lunch together. 


Everything between you and Jungkook changed after your date in the meadow. For the following week, the two of you were together anytime that you had some moments to spare. Though that meant that your quality time wasn’t so plentiful, Jungkook never complained about it and was always able to make the most of the time that you did have to spend together. 

Jungkook was funny, more than you expected him to be, he was kind, and he was so clearly loving. The relationship that he had with Taehyung was enviable and he had even begun to get closer to Jimin, Yoongi, Hobi, and even your father. Seeing Jungkook and Edric together made you happy, and you began to seriously look at Jungkook as someone that you could be with. 

With that thought in mind, it’s what spurred you to invite Jungkook to the dedication ceremony for the newest school that had been built in honor of your mother. You wanted to see how Jungkook would act with you in public, as well as how he’d interact with your citizens. 

“We’re almost ready for you, your Highness,” Jimin told you and you nodded your head, biting lightly on your lip as you stood off to the right of stage that was in front of the large crowd that had gathered for the ceremony. You were dressed in a fitted pants suit in Zamia’s official colors, blue and yellow, as well as a sash and your gold crown. 

“You ok?” Jungkook asked as he looked over at you, dressed in the same Naval uniform that he had arrived to Zamia in. “You look nervous.”

“I’m not the biggest fan of public speaking,” you confessed. “And this is for my mom so I really want it to be good.”

“And it will be,” he promised, reaching down and grabbing your free hand that wasn’t holding your speech in his hand. “Just take some deep breaths and speak from your heart.” Having him hold your hand allowed you to read his thoughts, and you could literally feel how sincere he was in what he said to you. 

“Ok, thanks,” you said, a soft smile coming onto your face when he lifted your hand and kissed the back of it gently. 

“Your Highness, it’s time,” Jimin said and you nodded your head, giving Jungkook’s hand a quick squeeze before letting go of it and climbing the steps to the stage. The crowd cheered at the sight of you and you took a few moments to wave at them all before stepping behind the podium. 

“Good morning,” you smiled. “Thank you all so much for attending this dedication ceremony for our newest magic school. The formation of this school is special for two reasons. The first being that this school is a solid, visible example of how much our kingdom is flourishing. Needing more space means that our population has risen and to do that, one needs faith in the people that serve them that their needs will be met. It means the world to me that you all feel like you have a happy enough way of life here in order to start and grow families of your own, so thank you for that.” The crowd cheered loudly for a few seconds before calming down and allowing you to continue.

“The second, and arguably the most important to me personally, is that it gives us the chance to dedicate something to our late Queen, my mother, Queen Thalia,” you continued. “Queen Thalia was an innovator. She established the first official school in the kingdom, made sure that every citizen regardless of age was able to read and write and knew how to control their powers to the best of their ability. She was determined for the citizens of Zamia to have the best lives possible and that effort is seen even now, 30 years from her coronation. With my pleasure and the blessing of the Solar Council, I hereby dedicate this building as the Queen Thalia Magic Education Center!”

The crowd went wild at the announcement, cheering loudly and chanting a mix of your mother’s name as well as yours. Your father walked up onto the stage then with a pair of scissors in his hands and together, the two of you cut the ribbon that was right in front of the door to the school. 

“Amazing job, little one,” Edric whispered to you and you smiled, leaning forward and kissing his cheek. After posing for a few photos with your father, the Solar Council, and the administration staff of the school, you made yourself busy with speaking to the citizens of Zamia, something that you prided yourself on taking the time to do. 

“It’s about time that we finally had a building dedicated to your mother, ancestors rest her soul,” an elderly man named Minho told you. 

“I know but the Solar Council, as well as my father and I, wanted to make sure that the dedication made sense and with this being a school, we saw no better time than now,” you explained. 

“And how are you yourself, dear?” Minho’ wife, Helena, asked you. “I know it’s been five years since she passed on but it can’t be any easier for you.”

“It isn’t but I’m doing well, thank you for asking,” you replied. 

“Of course she’s doing well, with one of the Princes of Pica visiting her,” a woman named Sooyoung laughed. “Are we going to be having a royal wedding and a coronation ceremony?”

“Not anytime soon,” you giggled. “Prince Jungkook as well as his brother Prince Taehyung are just here to visit.”

“Your mother said something similar when your father came to visit from his home kingdom,” Helena pointed out. 

“Have a good time, you guys,” you bid your goodbyes to them to cut the conversation short, laughing to yourself when you heard them groan and complain behind you. You walked over to Jungkook, who was speaking animatedly with some children. 

“Queen Y/N, Queen Y/N!” One of the little girls, who you knew as Boram, called out to you.

“Hi Boram,” you smiled, watching fondly as she did her best to do a bow to you before you greeted the other children as well. “Hi Yihwa, hi Sangjun.”

“Your Highness,” Yihwa and Sangjun both replied, the two of them able to greet you a little more properly since they were seven and nine years old versus Boram’s tender five.

“Queen Y/N, are you gonna marry Jungkookie Oppa?” Boram wondered and you couldn’t help but to laugh as you bent down so that you were level with her. 

“You’re calling him Oppa already?” You wondered. “Do you like him that much?”

“He’s nice,” Boram nodded. 

“She’s just saying that because he let her zap him with her electricity,” Yihwa reported. 

“Ah, your powers came all the way in,” you deduced and Boram nodded excitedly. 

“My ceremony is next week!” Boram announced happily. “Will you come?”

“You can’t ask her that, Boram,” Sangjun said. “She’s Queen and has other stuff to do.”

“I’ll have Jiminie check my schedule and we’ll see but no promises, ok?” You told Boram, making her nod reluctantly. 

“Jungkookie Oppa, can I use your hand to show Queen Y/N what I can do now?” Boram asked him hopefully and unable to deny her pouty lips, Jungkook nodded his head. 

“Sure, come on,” he gestured towards himself and Boram squealed excitedly, bounding over to stand in front of him. After you stood up straight again, you watched as Boram took a deep breath before making a spark of electricity with her finger, then using it to zap Jungkook’s palm. 

“Wow, amazing Boram!” You cheered, clapping your hands and making a big show of it. It was always a monumental moment when a person’s powers fully came in, and you wanted to encourage Boram as much as possible. 

Watching the exchange also made your respect for Jungkook grow exponentially. Getting a zap of electricity to your bare palm was no picnic and yet, Jungkook took it with a smile because of how happy it obviously made Boram. After that and seeing how he talked about magic books with Yihwa and what it was like being in the Navy with Sangjun, as well as talking to a bunch of other children and adults, it just confirmed what you had begun to suspect about Jungkook ever since your date in the meadow. 

Jungkook would make an amazing spouse and an amazing King, and now it was your move. 


You paced back and forth on the balcony to the Throne Room, your blue dress breezing behind you and your gaze focused on the waves that were crashing against the shore. You had told Jimin to have Jungkook meet you here so that the two of you could talk, and your nerves were kind of starting to get the best of you as more time passed by. 

“Your Highness,” Jungkook called out and you turned around, watching as he strolled over to you. “You wanted to see me?” He was dressed in a tan shirt, tan slacks with suspenders holding them up, black shoes, and his hair pushed back from his face.

“Yes, hi,” you exhaled harshly as you stopped pacing and looked at him. “Thank you for coming so quickly.”

“Well, I figured it must be important if you requested my presence,” he said. You took a quick deep breath in before releasing it, as a last ditch effort to calm yourself before you began to speak. 

“So, we both know the real reason why you were invited here?” You began. 


“And over the last two weeks, we’ve gotten to know each other better than I thought we would,” you mentioned. “As a result, I’ve become interested in you and I hope the feeling is mutual.”

“It is,” Jungkook nodded with a smile. “Very much so.”

“I’m happy to hear that,” you sighed in relief. “But now, I need to know how you feel about Zamia.”

“I told you, I love it,” he replied honestly. “It took my breath away when I first got here and after attending that dedication ceremony with you and getting to speak to the people, I fell in love even more. If needed, I’ll do anything necessary to support Zamia and you as well, if you allow me to.”

“And you’re not just here to take Zamia away from me?” You asked and Jungkook shook his head with a furrowed brow. Although it was much rarer now, it wasn’t unheard of for a woman or a man to marry into a royal family just to stage a coup and snatch the power for themselves. 

“The thought of that never even entered my mind, or my family’s mind,” he assured you. “I’m also a third born son so power hasn’t ever been high on my list of goals in life.”

“But that could be a reason why you came here,” you shot back. 

“See for yourself if you don’t believe me,” he said, extending his hand out to you. You grabbed onto it, intertwining your fingers with his and allowing your eyes to flutter shut as his thoughts and feelings flooded into your mind.

The very first thing you felt was peace, which you always interpreted as meaning someone was being honest or had pure intentions. That peaceful feeling almost became overwhelming and that only confirmed how truthful Jungkook was being. 

The second thing wasn’t a feeling, but a vision. The two of you were walking in the meadow that you had taken him to, hand in hand with two little figures running around in front of you. You could see how bright your smile was as you watched what you assumed would be your children play together and Jungkook eyes were focused on you, smiling at you with a look in his eyes that could only be described as fondness. 

“Oh my gosh,” you gasped as you opened your eyes, seeing that Jungkook was looking right at you with a soft smile. 

“Did you see?” He wondered and you nodded your head slowly. “That’s what I hope for when I think of my future here, with you.” 

“Jungkook,” you whispered as tears welled up in your eyes, the vision of your prospective future making you emotional. Jungkook instantly moved closer to you then, gently cupping your face in his hands and making you look into his eyes. 

“I know you have your reservations and I respect them, but I’m telling you that I want this and I want you, regardless of what that might entail,” he stated firmly. Looking into his brown eyes and not knowing what words might even exist for you to properly communicate how he made you feel, you decided to that the only thing that could tell him was a kiss. So that’s exactly what you did. 

Your lips crashed against his passionately, your hands wrapping around his neck to grip at the hair on the back of his head. Jungkook returned your eagerness as his hands slipped away from your face and down to your waist, gripping you tightly and pulling you closer to him. He walked the both of you backwards until you were pressed up against the ledge of the balcony, your back arching as his lips trailed away from yours and began to press open mouthed kisses to your neck. 

“Fuck,” you moaned.

“Mm, our Queen has a potty mouth,” Jungkook murmured teasingly, making you laugh out loud. 

“Yeah, kind of.”

“I don’t mind, as long as I’m the one making you curse,” he said deeply and you found yourself nodding your head. He captured your lips with his again, making you moan again as the two of you made out. You weren’t sure how much time had passed as you lost yourself in the feeling of his lips but suddenly, you realized where you were and what you two were doing and how it would look if anyone were to walk out onto the balcony. 

“Wait, wait, wait, we can’t,” you gasped, placing your hands against his chest and pushing him back slightly. “We can’t go too far, you know?”

“Of course, of course,” Jungkook nodded. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” you chuckled. 

“What’s your schedule like for the rest of the day?” He questioned suddenly. 

“I’m free.”

“Great. Wait here for an hour and then meet me in the meadow, ok?” He said and you shrugged your shoulders before nodding. He pressed one last kiss to your lips and before you could ask where he was going or what he had up his sleeve, he raced away from you. 

After an hour of more pacing and not knowing what to do with yourself in order to stay occupied, you rode your horse to the meadow and once you got there, you saw Jungkook already standing near the stream as he waited for you. 

“What is all this about?” You wondered as you stepped over to stand in front of him.

“If we’re going to do this, I wanted to do it the right way,” Jungkook told you, reaching out and grabbing both of your hands in his. “You don’t have to feel obligated to say yes to what I’m about to ask you, ok?”

“Ok,” you nodded. A soft gasp escaped you when you watched him get down on one knee in front of you, letting go of one of your hands to reach into his pocket and pull out a large, round sapphire engagement ring. The band was gold and the sapphire was surrounded by white diamonds on either side. 

“Y/N-ah, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Jungkook asked and you nodded your head up and down rapidly, squealing lightly when he slid the ring onto the fourth finger of your left hand. 

“It’s beautiful Jungkook,” you murmured as you held your hand up, admiring the ring. 

“My father gave it to my mother the day that I was born,” he explained as he stood up. “The sapphire is my birth stone and before she passed, my mother gave it to me to use as an engagement ring for the right woman.”

“And I’m the right woman?” You wondered as you wrapped your arms around his neck while he set his hands on your hips. 

“Absolutely,” Jungkook stated firmly. At a loss for words, which seemed to be a regular occurrence when you were around Jungkook, you settled for pulling him into a passionate kiss in an effort to communicate exactly how you were feeling at that moment. 

“I’m going to be everything that you need me to be, I promise,” Jungkook whispered against your lips. 

“I know, I know,” you smiled before kissing him again and you did know, deep down inside of you, that he was a person you could trust and depend on. 


A month later, wedding preparation was in full swing and the palace, as well as the entire kingdom of Zamia, was buzzing with excitement. Admittedly, you were as well. Even though you still had your typical duties as Queen to take care of, planning your wedding had proven to be unexpectedly fun and you loved setting up even the smallest of details. 

Jungkook was a big help as well, coming with you to every meeting that had even the smallest thing to do with the wedding and offering you his support on your official duties as well. He had also kept his promise to you as he began to undertake his own royal duties for Zamia, and you found that the load he took off your shoulders was incredibly helpful. 

Despite that, the two of you hadn’t been able to spend much alone time together since you announced your engagement and you were surprised by just how much you missed his presence. You missed his humor, his smile, his laugh, and how he always made you feel at ease. 

“Y/N-ah?” Jimin called out and you turned around from where you had been staring out of the window at the shore in front of the palace. “Jungkook’s back.”

“Great,” you smiled, gathering up the hem of your blue dress in your hands and rushing down the hallway and down the grand staircase. Once you made it to the side door which was already open due to the helpers who were bringing Jungkook’s bags into the palace, you ran outside to see Jungkook standing next to the limousine.

“Jungkook!” You cheered and he turned around, his grin wide as he opened his arms and you didn’t hesitate to run into them, throwing your arms around his neck and kissing him passionately as he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up off the ground. The kiss grew heated pretty quickly, your tongue slipping into Jungkook’s mouth as you felt his hands roam over your waist through the material of your dress. 

“Oh, I missed you baby,” Jungkook murmured against your lips and you smiled, pressing one last kiss to his lips before pulling back to look at him. 

“I missed you more,” you cooed, running your hands through the hair at the back of his head. “How was Pica? And your family?”

“They’re all good, excited to come here at the end of the week for the wedding,” he told you as he set you back down on the ground. You wrapped your arm around his and intertwined your fingers together as you both walked back into the palace. “And I got the rest of my things.”

“You’re officially moved in then,” you noted. 

“Yep and you’re stuck with me,” he teased, making you roll your eyes playfully. “What have you been up to while I was gone?”

“Eh, the usual,” you shrugged. “Work and more work, as always.”

“I hope you won’t be too busy for me after the wedding.”

“I won’t be, because I’ll have you by my side,” you smiled up at him and he returned your smile as the two of you climbed the staircase and then strolled down the hallway together. 

“I hope you have your gift picked out for me for the ceremony,” you mentioned. “It’s tomorrow.” The ceremony that you were speaking of was a tradition for royal engaged couples, where they would present each other with a gift in front of their families and the Solar Council as a way of affirming their promises to each other and as a way of blessing their coming union. Typically, the gift was an extension of one’s magical powers but it was always interesting to see what each couple came up with.

“I already have my gift for you and you’re going to love it, I know it,” he said cockily. 

“You sure about that? It’s gonna be hard to outdo the present that my dad gave my mom.”

“He gave her a fucking island!” Jungkook exclaimed, making you giggle at his facial expression. 

“You better had come up with something that good then,” you joked. Smirking, Jungkook leaned against the wall and pulled you with him, forcing your body flush up against his as he wrapped his arms around you. 

“You’re a menace, you know?” He said. 

“I’ve been told,” you smiled. “At least you know you’ll never be bored.”

“That I do,” he chuckled before cupping your face in his hands and kissing you firmly. Per usual, you lost yourself in the kiss, your body melting into Jungkook’s as your lips slotted together. You had no idea how long the two of you ended up staying there, pressed up against that wall, until someone cleared their throat and caused the two of you to break apart. 

“So sorry to interrupt the two of you,” Yoongi huffed. “But you’re late for your next meeting, your Highness.”

“And you have a lesson on Zamia’s history to attend, Prince Jungkook,” Jimin giggled. “Which I remind you, you have to finish before the wedding on Saturday.”

“Of course,” Jungkook sighed with a smile. 

“Give us a second, we’ll be right there,” you told them, and Yoongi and Jimin nodded before walking away. 

“No privacy,” you scoffed. 

“Well, we are in the hallway,” Jungkook pointed out. “Good thing that we were because if we were anywhere else more private, you wouldn’t be going to that meeting.”

“Oh yeah?” You purred. “And why is that?”

“Because you wouldn’t be able to walk,” he whispered and you felt a tingle in your lower half. The sexual tension had been a constant any time the two of you were together since you had gotten engaged, and there had been several times over the last month that you had to stop yourself from falling into that temptation. It wasn’t that you wouldn’t have been able to, especially since you had before in your life, but as Queen, you wanted to do things in a more “traditional” way and save that for you and Jungkook until your wedding night. 

“We’ll have two weeks off after the wedding and my dad will take over for us so I hope you’ll keep that promise,” you murmured. 

“Let’s go!” Yoongi shouted from the end of the hall and you rolled your eyes in annoyance. 

“You better go before Yoongi hyung blows a gasket,” Jungkook laughed. “I’ll see you tonight for dinner?”

“Of course,” you nodded. “Have a good day.”

“You too, baby,” he smiled, leaning down and giving you one last kiss before pulling away from you and allowing you both to go your separate ways. 




synopsis: A trip to Seoul ends up transporting you 300 years in the past. How will you survive the Palace life that you surprisingly end up in? Or will the King kill you?

pairing: king!jungkook x female timetraveler!reader

type: historical au, royal au

genre: angst… hope?

words: 2.3k



 Probably the only thing that was keeping him up at the moment was the wooden desk under his hands. The same one that she spread herself on for him.

Jerking his hand away as if burnt, he turns around to remove the memory from his mind. His hands clench up into fists to hide the tremble in them. This can’t be happening.

“Your Majesty,” his general stops behind him with a bow, interrupting his thoughts.


“No sign of Her Majesty, Your Majesty.”

His tongue presses against his cheek as he slowly turns around to regard the most loyal servant that just failed him.

“You mean to tell me that you, with thousands of soldiers, can’t find the Queen?”

The general at least has the decency to not show his face as he utters his defeat. “No, Your Majesty.”

He lets out a dry laugh, borderline crazy, as he approaches the general. He stops in front of him, bending slighting to get to eye level with him, even though the other man is staring at the floor.

His hand closes around the hill of the general’s dagger, and he pulls it out the next second. His other hand fists the back of his head, snapping his head backward, and presses the dagger to his neck.

“You better listen closely because it’s the last time I give this order. Gather as many men as possible, and you are to search every inch of this palace, of the city, of the entire country. But don’t you dare return before me without my wife.”

He keeps him under the blade for a few seconds to make sure that he made his point before shoving him away. He thrusts the blade in the desk, returning to his position from earlier as the general takes his departure.

He finally acknowledges the tears streaming down his face as they smear the ink on the royal verdicts.

Enraged at them, at the world, at _____, he shoves them away. All of it. The burning candle, the books, the papers, the brushes, the damn brushes that she used to steal from him study.

He collapses to the floor after all of that, breaking in gut ranching sobs. The eunuchs and the maids at least have the decency of slightly retreating to leave the mourning king his privacy.

Unlike his trusted advisor Min, that is foolishly stepping into the Lion’s den.

“Leave if you value your head on your shoulders.”

“I’m not here as a subject, I’m here as a friend of Sukjong.”

He wants to laugh at that sentence but his body won’t let him.

“Have they been dealt with?”

“There are still a few names that we need to get, but I’ll get them.” There is a sinister smile on his face that he is now pleased to see.

“Good, good… I’ve heard your father was among them.” A pregnant silence falls between the two of them.

“A slip-up on his part. My loyalty lies with my king, not a fallen queen.”

His eyes fall on his friend, and he feels grateful for his friend.

“So, this was the reason for it,” he tsks.

“Mainly, they were already planning to force your hand in demotion Her Majesty.”

He lets out a short, mocking laugh, “They weren’t pleased with making me take Choi into my harem, they had to have more. Choi and that bastard of hers.”

The anger inside of him almost reaches a boiling point as he starts shaking in rage.

“Tell Hoseok that now is the time to convince her to leave, that is not safe for her. I want her gone. They don’t get to have any satisfaction about their plotting.”

The magistrates struck immediately after the death of their second son, attacked his lover, and he had to give them a fake upper hand to protect her. That’s when Min had the idea of entrusting one of his trustworthy men to seduce her.

And when she got desperate enough, she let him get her pregnant. He had to let her seduce him after it, and it’s no surprise when he could barely get it up. He was that disgusted by her.

With _____ gone, he can’t get rid of the thought that the last thing she remembers from being with him is him pulling away from her touch when all he wanted was to pull her into his chest and apologize for all that he did to her. He was just trying to protect her, and yet he failed her once again like he failed their son.

Min trains his throat to catch his attention.

“We managed to find her maid, Neul Neul, and…”

“What?” he rasps, feeling drained from everything he found out already.

“It seems that Her Majesty was aware of the plot happening against her, that’s why she appeared before the magistrates today.”

And what of an appearance she has made. She looked exactly like the Queen she was before she withdrew from him. Fierce and strong, and foreign, she was looking like the foreigner that she was but everyone ignored her. Yet he loved every bit about it, he deeply loved her. He still deeply loves her. But he mostly missed her, he misses her like a bleeding wound. And she left him.

He thought about it in the beginning, that as easily as she arrived here that she could leave. But after years of her living here he stopped thinking about it. He didn’t think it was an option anymore for her. She loves Bunny too much to give him up.

Oh, my Gods. Little Bunny, how she likes to call him, a foreign name that he learned to say for her. How is he going to raise him to be a fitting king? He was a good enough king with her help, but now without her-

“The maid confessed that Her Majesty was ready to escape after her stunt, and they swapped places last minute, but they almost got caught when the Royal Guard appeared.”

“Wait… the Royal Guard? But I didn’t-“

“I know that, and the magistrates knew that too, we think that they assumed she would go more willingly if she thought that the order was from you.”

If he had anything else to throw around, he would.

“You mean, that when I was reaching for her- that she thought I was trying to-“ he needs a few breaths before he can utter the words. “She ran and pulled away from me because she thought that I was trying to catch her to punish her.”

Min has the decency to bend his head when he says yes.

This is probably the most heartbreaking thing for him. What happened to them that made them doubt their relationship so much. So much that at the time when she is in danger, she would pull away from him. The one that promised her safety. He vowed to himself that he would protect her in this foreign world.

And he failed her. He failed you.

With ragged breaths, he eyes the blade that he stuck into the desk. Thinking of the night that she was in his arms, hands threading through his hair, his hand closes around the hill of the dagger and he pulls it out.

With the other hand, he untied his hair, letting it fall before fisting it at the base of his neck. And slicing it clean off.

He hears the sharp inhale coming from Min but he doesn’t regret his decision.

“I lost my honor the moment I broke my promise. Announce that the country is in mourning, they’ve lost their Queen. I expect a few challenges when you present my defeat. I’ll be waiting for them, protecting the throne that rightfully belongs to my son.”

He hands over the ponytail that most Koreans would die over then part, and he nods towards the doors, dismissing Min.


It never got better. The pain of losing someone. Especially when you fault yourself for it.

But life moves on. And he had a son and a kingdom that depended on him. Their son, the only remaining part that he had left from her. And he looks and behaves so much like her, even though she only spent a few years with him.

It would especially hurt when Yi Yun would look at him with adoration in his sparkling eyes.

He was already at the age that he could wear the Crown Prince blue garment. The one that he wore when he met you. Not exactly that one, that one is saved for when he can fill it out, but for now he wears a smaller version.

“Father, why are you sad?” Yi Yun cranes his neck to look up at him. Jungkook looks down at him and squeezes his shoulders in conform.

“I miss your mother.”

“I miss mother too, but do you know what she told me before she left?”

“What did she tell you?” he asks curiously like Yi Yun hasn’t told him millions of times already.

“That I need to grow up to be like Father, so you can’t be sad.”

He laughs when he hears the conclusion he pulled from those words, blinking away the tears that filled his eyes. He could never get over how those words impact him. How much you must have loved him for your last words to their son to be… this.

“Okay, okay, from now on Father will not be sad so Yi Yun can grow up happy.”

He seems satisfied with his answer and he turns to lock back towards the garden. _____’s garden.

“I’m almost as good as Mother at painting,” Yi Yun announces proudly.

“Are you now? Did you study her drawings?” the ones she sneakily left behind with instructions to reach future time. Like Yi Yun would not sneak the portrait of her around, so much that he got worried that it would get too damaged and he commissioned an exact replica of it. It still seems somewhat different from what you painted, but Yi Yun didn’t find any mistakes.

So, he greedily gets to keep the original in his study. On lonely nights he pulls it out and traces your brushstrokes. He doesn’t dare to pull out the one of him. He can’t look at himself through your eyes. Not after what he has done.

 “I did. I painted Mother one with me being a big boy, so she won’t miss me.”

“I’m sure she misses you nonetheless.”

“But wouldn’t that mean that she is sad? I don’t want Mother to be sad.”

“We’ll have to ask her when we meet her in another life.”

“Your Majesty,” they are interrupted, and as he turns around, he sees Min.

“Yi Yun, why don’t you go and get ready for your tutor?”

“But I don’t want leave yet-“ a hard stare from him shuts him up, but there is still a pout present as he makes his way, dragging his feet, towards Neul Neul.

When he is out of earshot, Jungkook turns to Min.

“I came as soon as I could, Your Majesty.”

“Good, good, I have something to ask from you Min.”

“Anything, Your Majesty,” he replies instantly.

“You are one of the few people that I trust with my life and this that kind of matter…. I need a letter to get to 2021. This is a legacy promise.”

“It would be my family’s honor, Your Majesty.”

“Good, I know that you won’t disappoint me.”


You think that it’s 4 years after you returned to… your starting timeline when you see him. It was an idea in the back of your head, that maybe you would notice him on the street. Slim chances considering the population of Seoul.

But there he is. Pushing the small girl on the swings of a random park. That is a sight that you would have never imagined.

You stopped watching their videos and listening to their song, just because it was too hard for you. You would find yourself watching some videos late at night when you feel alone, just to make yourself suffer.

You want to look away because you know you shouldn’t stare, most of the fans would disapprove if they saw you. But you want to absorb every detail because you see him in flesh. But he is not JK, not your JK, he is Jungkook, a global superstar.

When you are about to turn around, his head snaps up, his eyes landing on you, gazes clashing. You inhale sharply, while you see him frown in confusion. Of course.

You blink tears away, that you didn’t notice forming, and turn around and leave.

Maybe in another life.


It all started when the drawings from the Gyeonghui Palace were found. Yoongi remembered the myth attached to the Min family. Okay, not a myth, he saw the damn letter with his own eyes, along with the portrait.

He forgot long ago about it, the letter in case in care of his brother. But the resurfacing of the portrait, along with the one of King Sukjong, who has a striking resemblance to Jungkook. Fuck him, he can’t ignore it anymore, that’s his fucking bandmate.

So, that means only one thing.

“Jungkook!” Yoongi bursts into Jungkook’s studio, sure to find him there, and he does, with a pair of headphones on his head, probably listening to a beat.

“Hyung,” he jumps in his chair, caught red-handed.

“There’s something I need to talk to you about-” his words die in his mouth as he sees the screen of Jungkook’s computer, a photo of the Gyeonghui portraits upon it. “What are you doing?”

“Oh, I was with Soo yesterday at the park and someone familiar was staring at me. It seems that it was familiar because she looked exactly like Hui-Bin Jang.”

Oh. fuck. It’s true then. The story is true.


The End


@min-nicoleee@mizz-kraziii@star-gyeom@kookachuwu@sugalarity@shadowstark@yn-the-reader@ifellinluvwithdorks@thisartemisnevermisses@btsarmyluv@namfinessed@stayhigh1234567890@aretha170@stay-pink@hangry-and-sarcastic@http-je0n@moonkope@satisfied18@fan-ati–c@liljooniecutie@i-am-probably-depressed@takochelle@jeontaes-world@nanokpophoe@jjkgumdxop@bonnyskies@vstar30@ruru-jm@rjsmochii @mwitsmejk@she-is-dreaming@inspinkyring@hisunshiine@lokilove3112@kokoandkookie@bts-junseagull@eclivpses@ohcarolinamin@yodakoo14@pjmislovely@awixxx@kassandravictoria@karylles-world


Hello, yes, it’s me!  I know it’s been a super long time since I posted something new, but I had a dream about Jungkook last night that just wouldn’t leave me alone, so here we are! 

‘PWP - You’re a paid-for ‘companion’ for the members of BTS.   This chapter features your reunion with Jungkook after time apart due to Covid 19 pandemic.’

Word count - 3k

Rating - Explicit

Tags - PWP, sex work, Jungkook is a sweetheart, reader is a noona, smut, fluff, blowjobs, ass play (m receiving), pet names.

It’s been far too long since you’ve set foot inside these halls. Covid-19 has a lot to answer for; not least the forced separation you’ve had to endure from your most frequent and favourable clientele over these past 6 months. Hybe had deemed your ‘companionship’ an unnecessary risk during these bleak and uncertain times, and while you can’t say you blame them for being cautious, your savings account certainly hasn’t appreciated the dent that’s been made from having to keep yourself afloat with little to no regular income being made.

Your heart flutters as you raise your fist to knock politely at his door - anxious and excited in equal measure. You’ve such a soft spot for the man that awaits you inside; a firm favourite should you be permitted to have such a thing. You hear his voice murmur for you to come in and you waste no time in obliging, unable to keep the smile from your face as you cast your eyes around the room and realise how little time has changed.

“Noona?” As soon as he sees you Jungkook is on his feet, rushing towards you with arms outstretched, eyes wide and full of diamonds. He stops short before he reaches you, though, tugging at the sleeves of his sweater rather than pulling you into an embrace. The time that’s passed has brought back all the old uncertainties that plagued him once before - his brows furrowing with the worry of acting too familiar or overstepping some unspoken line.

“You aren’t going all shy on me again are you, Jungkook?” you smile kindly, taking a step forward to bridge the gap between you. You reach up to brush back the strands of hair that have fallen in front of his eyes, hoping that he won’t notice the subtle way your fingers are trembling too.

Jungkook was certainly the most cautious of all the members when you had first been employed by Hybe for your specialist services three years ago. True to your job title, companionship was the only thing that Jungkook had asked of you for at least a good six months before he’d felt comfortable enough for your time together to be spent in more intimate ways. What you’d discovered once you had, though, was that Jungkook was a sensitive and sweet lover, with an unrivalled eagerness to please.

Keep reading

Well this has really flopped I’m hoping it’s just because I’ve faded into obscurity rather than the actual drabble being a load of trash….


Hello, yes, it’s me!  I know it’s been a super long time since I posted something new, but I had a dream about Jungkook last night that just wouldn’t leave me alone, so here we are! 

‘PWP - You’re a paid-for ‘companion’ for the members of BTS.   This chapter features your reunion with Jungkook after time apart due to Covid 19 pandemic.’

Word count - 3k

Rating - Explicit

Tags - PWP, sex work, Jungkook is a sweetheart, reader is a noona, smut, fluff, blowjobs, ass play (m receiving), pet names.

It’s been far too long since you’ve set foot inside these halls. Covid-19 has a lot to answer for; not least the forced separation you’ve had to endure from your most frequent and favourable clientele over these past 6 months. Hybe had deemed your ‘companionship’ an unnecessary risk during these bleak and uncertain times, and while you can’t say you blame them for being cautious, your savings account certainly hasn’t appreciated the dent that’s been made from having to keep yourself afloat with little to no regular income being made.

Your heart flutters as you raise your fist to knock politely at his door - anxious and excited in equal measure. You’ve such a soft spot for the man that awaits you inside; a firm favourite should you be permitted to have such a thing. You hear his voice murmur for you to come in and you waste no time in obliging, unable to keep the smile from your face as you cast your eyes around the room and realise how little time has changed.

“Noona?” As soon as he sees you Jungkook is on his feet, rushing towards you with arms outstretched, eyes wide and full of diamonds. He stops short before he reaches you, though, tugging at the sleeves of his sweater rather than pulling you into an embrace. The time that’s passed has brought back all the old uncertainties that plagued him once before - his brows furrowing with the worry of acting too familiar or overstepping some unspoken line.

“You aren’t going all shy on me again are you, Jungkook?” you smile kindly, taking a step forward to bridge the gap between you. You reach up to brush back the strands of hair that have fallen in front of his eyes, hoping that he won’t notice the subtle way your fingers are trembling too.

Jungkook was certainly the most cautious of all the members when you had first been employed by Hybe for your specialist services three years ago. True to your job title, companionship was the only thing that Jungkook had asked of you for at least a good six months before he’d felt comfortable enough for your time together to be spent in more intimate ways. What you’d discovered once you had, though, was that Jungkook was a sensitive and sweet lover, with an unrivalled eagerness to please.

Keep reading

Hello, yes, it’s me!  I know it’s been a super long time since I posted something new, but I had a dream about Jungkook last night that just wouldn’t leave me alone, so here we are! 

‘PWP - You’re a paid-for ‘companion’ for the members of BTS.   This chapter features your reunion with Jungkook after time apart due to Covid 19 pandemic.’

Word count - 3k

Rating - Explicit

Tags - PWP, sex work, Jungkook is a sweetheart, reader is a noona, smut, fluff, blowjobs, ass play (m receiving), pet names.

It’s been far too long since you’ve set foot inside these halls. Covid-19 has a lot to answer for; not least the forced separation you’ve had to endure from your most frequent and favourable clientele over these past 6 months. Hybe had deemed your ‘companionship’ an unnecessary risk during these bleak and uncertain times, and while you can’t say you blame them for being cautious, your savings account certainly hasn’t appreciated the dent that’s been made from having to keep yourself afloat with little to no regular income being made.

Your heart flutters as you raise your fist to knock politely at his door - anxious and excited in equal measure. You’ve such a soft spot for the man that awaits you inside; a firm favourite should you be permitted to have such a thing. You hear his voice murmur for you to come in and you waste no time in obliging, unable to keep the smile from your face as you cast your eyes around the room and realise how little time has changed.

“Noona?” As soon as he sees you Jungkook is on his feet, rushing towards you with arms outstretched, eyes wide and full of diamonds. He stops short before he reaches you, though, tugging at the sleeves of his sweater rather than pulling you into an embrace. The time that’s passed has brought back all the old uncertainties that plagued him once before - his brows furrowing with the worry of acting too familiar or overstepping some unspoken line.

“You aren’t going all shy on me again are you, Jungkook?” you smile kindly, taking a step forward to bridge the gap between you. You reach up to brush back the strands of hair that have fallen in front of his eyes, hoping that he won’t notice the subtle way your fingers are trembling too.

Jungkook was certainly the most cautious of all the members when you had first been employed by Hybe for your specialist services three years ago. True to your job title, companionship was the only thing that Jungkook had asked of you for at least a good six months before he’d felt comfortable enough for your time together to be spent in more intimate ways. What you’d discovered once you had, though, was that Jungkook was a sensitive and sweet lover, with an unrivalled eagerness to please.

He returns your smile easily, exhaling a quiet, nervous laugh.

“No.” It makes you chuckle the way his body says the opposite, momentarily tensing as you wrap your arms around him only to melt into you but a second later, encircling you in his arms in return. You sigh happily as you nestle your face against the top of his chest, Jungkook doing the same to your hair, squeezing you even tighter. It’s impossible not to notice how firm he feels against you, somehow more muscular now than even the last time you met. “I missed you, noona,” he confesses as his lips find their way to brush against your forehead. “You look even prettier than I remembered.”

Chest clenching with feeling, you pull away slightly to better look at him.

“I missed you too, baby,” you admit, pleased to see that the effect of hearing his pet name hasn’t lost its potency; his pupils dilate and he bites his bottom lip even as it stretches into a smile that he quickly hides in the crook of your neck, nuzzling his face against your skin. You’d purposefully worn his favourite perfume - a clean, fresh scent that you know he’ll enjoy. “You’ve gotten so handsome.” He straightens up, cheeks flushing with colour as you gently tap your fingertip against his lip ring. It’s not simple flattery - you really mean it. The new piercings and tattoos that decorate his skin merely add to his charm; his bad-boy appearance all the more endearing when you know the sweet man behind it.

“Won’t you kiss me?” Jungkook’s smile widens at your sweet request and it remains in place even as his lips first find yours. His kiss is tentative like he’s re-learning the shape of your mouth, but with a little encouragement from you - a slip of your hands onto his biceps and an appreciative squeeze - it soon deepens. Firmer and more insistent, you can feel his piercing pressing into the flesh of your bottom lip as his fingertips do the same to your hips, pulling you closer. The more passionate your kisses become the more enthusiastically Jungkook responds, groaning quietly when you gently bite down on his lip. His hips rock forward and against your lower stomach you can feel how excited he’s become - how eager he is from the way his hands roam onto your behind to tug you nearer, pressing against you even harder.

“Go lay down baby,” you instruct between kisses, eager to progress though loathe to part. He does as you ask immediately, lying back amongst his pillows. Eyes trained on you, he takes a heavy breath as you saunter towards the edge of the bed, unbuttoning the front of your dress as you go. The bulge to the crotch of his sweatpants is glaringly obvious under the grey fabric and it twitches as your dress falls from your shoulders, catches on your hips and then tumbles to the ground. Confronted by the sight of your lingerie Jungkook can no longer hold back - his tattooed hand reaches down to grip himself through his sweats, shaping the fabric to his shaft as his fingers stroke up and down.

“So big,” you compliment with a smile, climbing onto the bed and placing your hand alongside his to enclose what little won’t fit inside his palm. “Let me.” Jungkook nods eagerly, lifting his hips when you take hold of his waistband to ease his sweatpants down, taking his boxers along with them. He kicks them off, shyness long forgotten as he opens his thighs so you can settle between them.

You’re not subtle in your appreciation of his cock; eyes trailing its length up and down where it rests upon his stomach, your fingertips tracing the same motion along his muscular thighs. When you finally take him in hand Jungkook’s back lifts momentarily from the bed, eyes closing and head tilting back into the pillows. His mouth opens in a soundless expression of pleasure as you take your time milking his cock, smiling with satisfaction at the pre-cum that leaks from his tip with every upstroke, smoothing the glide back down.

“You’re so messy baby.” Jungkook groans, his tattooed forearm flopping across his face to hide his eyes as his other hand grips at his toned stomach. He’s still wearing his t-shirt but the more he wriggles the more it rides up, exposing the trail of hair that runs from your hand all the way up to his belly button. “You really did miss me, huh?” He nods from where he’s hiding, his breath hitching as you lean forward to press a kiss to his stomach. You trace the delicious v-line of his hip and Jungkook’s exhale shakes, cock twitching in your hand.

“So much, noona,” he moans as your mouth works its way downwards, gasping as you press the pout of your lips to the tip of his cock, “So, so much.” You enjoy Jungkook’s reactions so much you feel like you could purr with satisfaction as you take him into your mouth, wetting his cock with your saliva. It dribbles down to where your fist grips his base, working the parts of him your mouth hasn’t yet reached.

“Fuck, noona.” Jungkook’s hips are restless as you begin to suck him in earnest, taking him deeper with each bob of your head. You open your eyes to look up at him, pleased when you see he’s lifted his head to better watch you work. His pupils are blown out, cheeks flushed, and as you relax your throat to take him all the way in all his features contort with pure pleasure, a deep guttural groan rumbling through him. Your free hand gently fondling his balls only adds to the pleasure he’s feeling - his buttocks clenching so hard that it somehow forces him even deeper, your eyes watering as you near run out of breath.

Pulling back for a moment, you let your hands do the work as you catch your breath. It offers Jungkook a moment of respite, too, sighing as his head falls back into the pillow. Watching for his reaction, your fingers slip down to Jungkook’s perineum, stroking the sensitive skin there as your other hand works his cock. He responds as you’d expected him to; he opens up his thighs even more, spreading ever wider.

“Please,” he begs, unabashed, even going so far as to reach over and grab the tube of lube from his bedside drawer. He hands it to you with a shy smile, flexing his hips up as he lays back again, encouraging your fingers ever lower. Ever eager to watch him fall apart, you waste no time in slicking up your fingers, rubbing them back and forth across his hole. “Please, noona,” Jungkook pleads again, wriggling against your fingertips. Slowly, at his request, you ease the first inside, biting your lip at the exquisite noise that comes out of him as he’s breached. Within seconds he’s wanting more, hole clenching around your finger tightly as it pushes back and forth. “More, please.”

“Don’t be impatient, baby,” you scold lightly, making sure to wait until he’s stopped tensing before slipping in another finger alongside the first. Your hand is sticky with the pre-cum that leaking from him so freely; it eases the glide of your fingers as you explore until you find the spot inside him that makes Jungkook shout out a string of expletives, his back bowing from the bed. “That’s it, good boy,” you soothe as you relentlessly stimulate his prostate, smiling wickedly to yourself as you lean forward to take his cock in your mouth once more.

It quickly proves more than Jungkook can bear. Barely a minute has passed before he’s pleading for you to stop, a note of desperation to his voice.

“You don’t want to cum?” You smile sweetly, sitting back on your heels. Jungkook looks wrecked, barely able to catch his breath as he lifts himself to lean back on his elbows. The centre of his t-shirt is damp with the same sweat that’s lining his brow, sticking his hair to his forehead.

“I do, noona.” He sits up further, wrapping his arms around your suddenly. “But I want to cum in you.”

“Of course baby.” The kisses that follow are messy, Jungkook so preoccupied with taking off your bra that his front teeth clash with yours, making you both laugh. He pulls you into his lap. You tug off his t-shirt. His large palms find your breasts, drawing a moan from you as his fingertips circle your nipples till they’re hard, all the better for him to take between his teeth and gently tug. “Mm, Jungkook,” you groan, threading your fingers into his hair and tugging in kind, tilting his head back so you can kiss him once more, his tongue rolling deep in your mouth. “Quick,” you murmur against his lips, “Put it in.”

You don’t care that there’s been no time to prep; at this point, you know you’re more than ready to take him. Pleasuring him - watching all his blissful reactions - has had your panties soaked from nearly the second you walked into the room. Besides, there’s something you’ve always loved about that delicious, tight stretch when his cock first pushes inside.

Between your legs, you feel his large fingers find your panties and pull them to the side. A second later, you feel his cock there too, slipping between your lips, rubbing back and forth.

“So wet noona,” Jungkook sighs blissfully, “So wet for me.”

“Always baby,” you moan in reply, wriggling your hips. You would’ve already sunk down onto him if Jungkook wasn’t holding your waist so tightly, keeping you in place. This time, it’s your turn to beg a little. Kissing him so sweetly, you whisper against his lips, “Please, baby.”

Always eager to please, Jungkook does as you ask. Taking hold of your hips in both hands, he steadily eases you down onto his cock, inch by inch, till you’re fully seated in his lap. The stretch alone is enough to have you breathless already - moaning wantonly as you lift yourself up and then rock back down against, grinding your clit against his pubic bone. Jungkook isn’t faring much better, his fingertips pressing into your hips so hard that it almost hurts.

“I’m gonna cum so fast,” he admits, though you can tell from the furrow of his brows that it pains him to do so. You can’t say you blame him, though. It’s been so long since the two of you had sex that you can’t imagine it’ll take you long either - and you’ve had none of the ‘warm up’ that he’s had.

“That’s ok,” you assure, slipping your hands from his shoulders to cradle either side of his neck, thumbs caressing his skin as you continue the smooth rocking motion of your hips. “Just fuck me like you mean it.” You kiss him, then, deep and slow because you know once Jungkook gets started there’ll be little chance to kiss.

“Ok,” he confirms, and that’s it, then. Leaning back against the headboard Jungkook begins to thrust upwards into you, using his grip on your hips to drag you down to meet each stroke. It feels amazing - each thrust of his pelvis pressing his cock into your g-spot - but even as you’re lost to the throes of pleasure you still can’t help but take note of how incredible Jungkook looks. His firm chest shines with sweat, his pierced brows furrowed with the effort he makes. His jaw is tense, sharp as glass, and underneath his tattoos you can see the flex of his muscles - the tendons in his forearms as he holds you tight. Just the image of him is enough to push you even closer to the edge, and as you feel your orgasm building you plant your hands on his chest and chase after it with renewed fervour.

“Feels so good,” Jungkook grits out as you clench your pelvic floor around him, circling your hips to better grind your clit against him. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum.”

“Me too,” you gasp, knowing you’re almost there. The feeling of Jungkook’s cock hardening as he nears the end helps to push you closer and once he finally lets go - head thrown back, crying out for you - that’s all it takes for you to join him there. His cock pulses inside you as your walls contract in kind, milking him of every drop of cum he has to give as you cry out your release, fingernails dug deep into his chest. Pleasure washes over you, every nerve alight, and even as you come down your body still tingles, giggling with oversensitivity as just the stroke of Jungkook’s hands seems to tickle.

His look is adoring as you open your eyes. You feel your cheeks fill with warmth at the way he encircles you in his arms, gently laying you down against his chest to press his lips to the top of your head, sighing with contentment.

“I really have missed you,” he murmurs into your hair, squeezing you tighter. Once again you feel your chest tighten, an ache beneath your ribs you know you must ignore for both of your sakes.

“Me too, Jungkook,” you reply nonetheless, lifting your chin to gaze up at him with a kindly smile. He takes your face in his hand, stroking his thumb across your bottom lip, and it’s at that point that you force yourself to break eye contact, sitting up straight with a barely withheld sigh. “I’m going to go clean up,” you announce, careful in the way you climb off of him to avoid making any extra mess along the way.

It doesn’t take long for you to freshen up, and when you re-enter Jungkook’s room you’ve already steeled yourself to say your inevitable goodbye’s. What you don’t expect is the pleading doe eyes that you’re met with as you sit on the edge of his bed for one last kiss before you leave, nor the keenness with which he wraps you in his arms, threatening not to let you go.

“Stay the night with me, noona?” he asks, the words so quietly uttered that you barely hear them from where he’s nuzzled his face against your chest. Sadly, you run your fingers through his hair.

“You know I’m not supposed to, Kook.” You try to sound firm but fail miserably, your fondness for the young man permeating each word, turning them soft and almost melancholy.

“I’ll take the blame,” he offers, and with the way he looks up at you then - with his big doe eyes as wide as you’ve ever seen them, full of such hope - you know you’ve no chance of resisting him.

“OK,” you relent, unable to suppress the smile that creeps onto your face at how utterly joyful Jungkook looks, “But just for tonight.” Grabbing the covers, you climb in beside him, pulling them over the both of you as you snuggle down. “And don’t tell the others.” You get the feeling Jungkook’s barely listening - too preoccupied with pulling you close and moulding his body to fit around yours. “They might get jealous.”

“OK noona,” he sighs happily, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck, the arm coiled around you giving an extra snug squeeze, “Whatever you say.”


summary:sometimes supporting the person you love is the hardest challenge you’ll ever face.

pairing:jeon jungkook x fem!reader


warning (contains spoilers): talk about minor physical violence, alcohol, swearwords, lots of feelings, therapy talk, talk about sex, talk about miscarriage, talk about low self-esteem, angst 


links:prev. | [masterlist]

note: lower case letters intended. 

one year later

“we are done talking about this.”

“no,you are done talking about this.”

“okay, so i’m done talking about this.”

“well,i’m not. so, we’ll continue this fight.”

“i thought we were having a discussion?”

“ha! you pointed fingers only a minute ago.”


“it’s a clear sign of aggression – right hoseok?”

your therapist is watching the both of you like he’s afraid to even blink.

“don’t look at me, honey, i’m not getting in the middle of this.”

“but we pay you to get in the middle of this!” now, even jungkook looks at your therapist with mild anticipation. surely, he’ll take his side.

“don’t look at him like that!” you hiss and poke into jungkook’s unarmed side. your boyfriend flinches and turns his ridiculously wide eyes onto you.

“why am i not allowed to look at hoseok-hyung?” he whines while rubbing his side.

“because you are seducing him!” your accusation is met with a snort form both men.

“okay – let’s take a step back,” jungkook says, “we’ll be out of the country at the time of the wedding anyway. why should we rearrange a whole tour, so we can both attend my ex-fianceé’s wedding?”

jungkookdoes sound lost. he’s talking to you in his soft voice and there is no trace of the heat from moments before. your boyfriend does really not understand why you are so keen to go to this reception.

“don’t you get the significance of us congratulating her on that day?” you ask just as softly. but jungkook only shakes his head, not ready to budge.

“no, i don’t. this was not her inviting her ex-fiancé but her company inviting a business partner.”

their shared contracts and projects run smoothly, no bad blood between the two companies. it was one thing jungkook never worried about – his former girlfriend has always been able to separate her feelings from work. and it’s a big wedding – of course they’ll have to invite the ceo of the biggest sportwear brand in south korea. it would be a scandal not to.

“even if it’s just a nicety… you not wanting to attend makes me… feel…,” both men lean toward to look at you in anticipation, “weird.”

“that was… really anticlimactic, honey,” hoseok huffs and leans back again. but jungkook’s eyes shine with empathy at your reveal.

“then i’ll get management to shift around some dates.”

the concession comes swift. maybe he does understand your feelings, maybe he doesn’t. but either way, he acts on them.

“so… wait a second,” hoseok has a hard not letting his own personal feelings blending in this session, “does that mean we have to change tour dates?”

you grimace at your therapist while jungkook takes your hand, only to squeeze it tightly.

two dozen movie nights after the airport hug

yoongi has never brought a better whiskey and jimin has never sounded more intelligent. they should get awarded for sure, you think as you rest your flushed cheek against jungkook’s tattoos. his skin is just as warm, but you hum at the contact nonetheless.

“it will be epic! we’ll combine our best of with your remixes and a few new songs! people would eat that shit up!” jimin’s eyes shift around the room, his stare too glazed to hold eye contact for long. still, the room vibrates with his enthusiasm.

“i mean jimin has a point. remember how army reacted after we posted the ‘spring day’ remix?” seokjin says while massaging namjoon’s shoulder. his boyfriend snorts at the memory. “yeah, twitter was down for like… an hour.”

you, too, chuckle at the reminder. it was your call at the end after all the boys ok’ed the release. it had taken a long – and painful – discussion with hoseok and jungkook, but in the end it was a song you recorded with your best friends. and even though the cause was bittersweet, the art itself was not.

“but… do we have new songs?” taehyung asks quietly from the opposite couch. it’s only his seconds movie night after his europe trip and you can feel the hesitation radiating from the singer with every move he makes. still, you are glad he’s back.

“do we- do we have new songs? taehyungie! the audacity! have you not seen me performing with yoongi-hyung on vlive? people loved ‘tony montana’! and don’t think i haven’t noticed you,” now drunk jimin is pointing at jungkook, “writing again in your tiny notebook!”

you feel your boyfriend flinch in surprise and you sooth him with soft circles drawn on his tattoos. his eyes smile in thanks. jungkook has shared a handful songs with you over the last months. they have been self-reflective, hard to swallow, beautifully romantic and way too personal.

“so, what do you guys think? should we retired grandpas tour again? just for old times sake?” the former leader of bangtan looks at his bandmates with care, guarded not to show his own emotions too soon. but when jimin begins to dance some way too outdated fortnight dances – and the maknaes join him – the excitement spills out of seokjin like a flood.

and the army in you can’t contain herself as you join the group drunkenly dancing in jungkook’s room. your boyfriend twirls you around only to press you close to him a second later.

a hungover taehyung cries the next morning – seated between your favorite barista and ex-therapist – when they show him his part in the new cypher.

a day after the tour announcement

“no, it’s yours – it’s… only yours. i won’t share this.” jungkook’s voice is strained while the both of you sit on your bed. it’s a sunday morning and the warm sunlight shines on your breakfast in bed. he was the one who got up first, nearly burning down your kitchen before ordering uber eats ten minutes later. now, two coffees in, the both of you are discussing jungkook’s song picks, again.

“i’m not trying to push you – but i just want you to know that it’s okay with me. totally okay. one hundred percent okay,” you reassure him.

“and i love you for that, i really do,” your heart skips two beats at once, “but ‘still with you’ is ours. and i’ll keep it this way.”

jungkook is at peace with his decision: ‘my time’ will be the new song he’s submitting for the golden tour of bangtan. it’s a raw song where he reflects on his idol days – how all his time kept slipping away or moving too fast, how there are traces of loss he only noticed when his world came crashing down. it is one song he wrote while you were in paris. he’s okay with sharing this on tour; but not ‘still with you’.

thirteen nights before ‘still with you’ is written

“shut up!” you shout. it’s silent in your apartment, but you still hear jungkook’s harsh breathing. the former idol stands tall across the room. the distance does both of you good, judging by your heated faces. the night outside your flat is calm and chilly while the inside is brimming with heat.

“why do i have to shut up every time i’m trying to explain myself?” jungkook asks in a whisper. “why don’t you want to listen to me?” now he sounds hurt. but he hurt you before and a toxic part of you is glad he, too, feels pain now.

“i know i won’t like what i hear,” you answer him harshly. and you mean it. anything jungkook has to say about his former relationship will be hard to swallow.

“how can we possibly do this,” your best friend his wildly gesturing between the two of you, “when we can’t handle the past?”

you hate how grown up jungkook sounds. but then you remember how easy it is for him to say that.

“well, jeon, let’s get this straight – you want to get something off your chest. but that means it’ll rest on mine. and… i’ve been carrying a lot of weight for the last year.”

even yoongi commented – free of charge – that hiding from jungkook’s mistakes isn’t the healthiest option. although it seems to be so much easier. apart from the part where jungkook seems far too eager to explain every single of his actions. it’s frustrating.

“_____,” jungkook moves across the room, only to stop a breath away from you, “it’s not about shifting weight, it’s about losing ballast – for both of us.”

there is a childish part of you who doesn’t want to budge. still, you try to be the bigger person. so, nodding at your best friend, you sit down at the dining table. you push the half-eaten take-out out of the way, while jungkook joins you cautiously.

“so, what do you want to talk about first?” you ask not looking into his eyes. “how about the time you left me on an island to get to her? hm? is that worth discussing?”

you see him flinch before he takes a deep breath. you know you sound mean – even uncooperative. but it’s your right to be.

“how about something easier… how about why i proposed?” his offer takes you by surprise. it shouldn’t be harder to explain him fleeing from your summer trip. but why does his face tell you otherwise?

“you loved her,” you whisper into the room, not ready to face the truth behind your response. it’s the snort from across the table that makes you stare into jungkook’s brown eyes.

“don’t be ridiculous. i had known her for only two months.”

it’s true. the whole gang had only met her a handful of times before jungkook announced their engagement. but you knew that they had been doing business for longer than half a year.

“our paths didn’t cross until a project in beijing. up to then all the meetings were virtually or delegated.” jungkook’s confession does not add up. what was he trying to say here?

“i… i slept with her in beijing,” he says without any emotions only seconds later. your eyes widen as your heart sinks at his words. a part of you always knew they had been physically intimate. still, it’s crushing to hear the love of your life saying that to your face.

jungkook looks so small while his eyes try to catch yours. he seems desperate when he moves some of the containers out of the way only to place his palms flat on your table. his muscles tense under unknown weight.

“connections… they have always been hard for me, ____. the dating ban during my idol years had been rough. you can’t imagine how… alone i felt some years.” you do know that the industry did a number on them. you saw it in seokjin’s hesitation when namjoon left his toothbrush at his place. all of army witnessed it firsthand when jimin flinched during a recent vlive, only because yoongi squeezed his tight.

the men – old enough to be fathers – are constipated. even hoseok attested that in one of your first shared sessions.

“so, what? you have trouble with feelings so you slept with the woman the first time you met her? how does that make any sense?” you ask, truly lost. the man across from you breathes in deeply.

“it was clumsy, it was… easy… and it felt… good not to be alone,” he confesses. it’s difficult to hear, but you understand him on some level. physical affection without an emotional connection can be easy.

“okay, cool. thanks for the explanation. but… why the marriage?” you question, not sure you want to hear the answer.

jungkook looks at his best friend with tired eyes. he knows the next words, but he won’t utter them. he’ll lose you for sure.  

“please, jungkook?” you beg in a whispered breath. it’s not lost on you how fast this conversation has shifted – from him wanting to share to you begging him to. it’s the description of your relationship: a whirlwind of emotions, chaos without control.

“she got pregnant.” well, damn.

ten nights before ‘still with you’ is written

“so, honey won’t be joining us?” hoseok asks softly, regarding jungkook’s tapping foot with a blank face.

“i don’t think so,” jungkook responds without meeting hoseok’s eyes. the younger male looks as uncomfortable as his therapist has ever seen him.

“so… what do you want to talk about?” it’s silent for a while, but his hyung isn’t ready to intervene. after another deep breath, he answers.

“maybe about why i never thought honey was an option?”

the former idol looks lost in his own world, still, his words have been spoken into reality.

“what do you mean?” hoseok asks, totally knowing what jungkook meant.

the man pulls at his hair while answering.

“i had feelings for honey for a long time… why didn’t i … why did i never consider her as an option? and why now? what changed?”

“maybe you did. maybe your self-esteem needed to catch up with your feelings,” hoseok offers.

“ha! i don’t have self-esteem issues, hyung!” jungkook chuckles at his suggestion.

“out of our friend group, who is best suited for _____?” hoseok asks cautiously.

“min yoongi” jungkook doesn’t even have to think about it. his jealousy meeting your first therapist is still engraved in his memory.

“and after him?”

“kim namjoon” he fires back, still not even contemplating his answer.

“and then?”

“kim seokjin”

“jungkook… where do you stand on that list?” hoseok asks next. it makes jungkook pause, only for a second.

“at the bottom… but in front of kim taehyung.”

the night ‘still with you’ is written

“why didn’t you tell me she was pregnant?” it’s the first time he’s heard your voice after your late night talk. you sound exhausted – but still, listening to your voice makes him giddy. he’s holed up in his office, mrs. yang long gone.

today should be movie night, weren’t it for jungkook canceling it a day prior. right now, he doesn’t need his friends. he just needs you.

“i don’t know,” he answers your abrupt greeting.

“that’s not good enough,” you fire back. the merlot in your blood giving you confidence you do not possess.

“a part of me wants to think i didn’t want to burden you with my problem.”

“a baby isn’t a problem, jungkook.”

“in this situation, it was. for me.”

after a beat of silence you respond.

“and the other part of you?”

“the other part didn’t want the woman i have feelings for knowing about my unborn child with another woman.”

it’s a low blow. and you hang up before he finishes talking. it’s raining that night when jungkook drives to your apartment. he sees the light in your windows, but he doesn’t get out of his car. for a long time, all he wants to do is knock. although his heart knows you won’t answer. for all this time, he as never felt further away from you.

his hands shake while typing words on his screen. when will it be? if i see you again i will look into your eyes and say, “i missed you”.

two coffee dates after you took his calls again

“youdo know it’s not really a date when park jimin sits next to you, right?” you chuckle while jungkook looks at his hyung with a death stare.

“he wouldn’t believe we are talking again, honey. what was i supposed to do?”

“i don’t know – not care for example?” you answer, still smiling softly at the men across from you.

“excuse me – the both of you were my project from day one. i just wanne see this” the former idol points with his green shake from jungkook to you “as an investor.”

jungkook looks ready to commit murder, but your hand on his arm makes him stop. your eyes are kind as you look at the man you’ve loved for a long time. it’s sickening how easy it is to let him in.

“and i do need your help picking out an engagement ring for yoongi-hyung!” jimin adds, only for you to spit some of your favorite mocha in his handsome face.

the second time jungkook cries in your arms

jungkook has been nervous for hours. his coo actually canceled a presentation this afternoon because his ceo couldn’t stop fidgeting around. even his assistants were too afraid to aid their boss. but now, standing in front of your door, he feels thrice as nervous. jungkook is not sure he’ll survive this.

r u ready? he types, only to receive a thumb up two seconds later. then he hears you running down the steps before rushing out of the front door. and you see only him – wide eyed jeon jungkook, in a suit without tie, messed up hair and some way too expensive flower bouquet under his arm. your smile is radiant when you hug him. and if jungkook squeezes you a bit too tight, you don’t comment on it.

“so, where are you taking me, kookie?” you ask with a finale squeeze. then you take the flowers from a still overwhelmed jungkook, only to move closer to his car. the ride to the gym is silent and seeing how agitated your best friend drives, you are not suicidal enough to string up a conversation.

it’s the gasp you make when he parks that puts the first real smile of the day on his face. you recognize the surrounding.

“it’s… it’s – is it?” you stutter while jungkook guides you to the empty gym hall. it’s where you met – the place where jungkook hosted the kids workshop. you remember how excited your class was that day; meeting a famous idol and the producer of half of their sportswear had been a rush for your little students. it was the first time you saw the sweat on jungkook’s temple from only a few feet away.

“it is,” he answers, only to turn on the light. the practice room smells just the same and your smile widens at the picknick blanket and food you see prepped in the corner. jungkook really went all out.

“isn’t that a bit too sentimental for an evening date?” you tease him which makes your best friend come up behind you, encircling your waist. you can see the both of your from the mirror wall – it’s a pretty picture.

“how about the date i ask you to be my girlfriend?” he whispers into your ear, his hair tickling your skin. you flush instantly as your heartbeat quickens. you’ve waited a long time and judging by jungkook’s hold on you, so did he.

it’s as easy as breathing when you nod at your own reflection. the following kiss is hot and wet. you don’t know who cries first, but at the end, you are both a sobbing mess. it’s the first time you see him cry after he told you about his fianceé’s miscarriage a week prior. and you shine, knowing these are tears of joy today.

356 days till jungkook proposes to you

“why am i this nervous? there is no reason for me to be this nervous. there is no reason to be nervous at all. i’ve done this since child labor was legal,” seokjin’s breakdown is only background music while jungkook sucks a purple spot onto your neck. the both of you are cuddling on one of the massage chairs backstage. all the chatter around you would have made you nervous as well. some make up artists are still drawing on namjoon, while jimin gets his dress shirt steamed. all former – and new – idols are excited for the tour opening. it’s a hot spring day, only the ac is helping jungkook’s foundation not to run down his cheeks.

your boyfriend looks too comfortable against your neck, breathing softly against your blooming skin. jungkook’s obsession with hickeys has been a surprise; not a bad one, but still unexpected. he’s gifted you the most expensive silk scarfs for school to make up for the bruisers on your neck.

“stop sucking on honey, kookie,” seokjin orders, momentary forgetting his own meltdown. jungkook just hums against your skin, not moving an inch.

“ya, maknae! do you want her on the first page again, hm?” seokjin asks while coming closer to you. with trained fingers he pinches jungkook’s ear. the younger one whines in responds but does not move.

the last four months of dating jeon jungkook have been interesting to say the least. you’ve been on more covers than you’d like. not all photos were taking with your permission and the first time you saw your bare face next to jungkook’s at the farmers market printed on some shady magazine, you felt violated. nowadays you just try to ignore it.

“she looked amazing last time,” taehyung adds softly from his makeup chair. you smile at him, grateful for the boost of confidence from the model. last week was jungkook’s ex-fianceé’s wedding and you’ve – predictably – made it onto the front page. both you and your boyfriend were dressed to the nines. it was a lovely day, no hurt lingered as you congratulated the bride.

it seemed like lifetimes ago that the older woman handing you a glass of champagne was the same enraged mother who slapped you only one and a half years ago.

“yeah, but now she looks like rode kill,” yoongi comments drily. but you can see his chewed-on nails – your ex-therapist is nervous and tries to deflect. you smirk at him, only for yoongi to divert his gaze. it will be the first time he’s on this size of stage. and it’ll be the first time he’ll show off his new accessory – the emerald ring on his finger hard to miss with the sun shining brightly today.

“you are beautiful, honey,” jungkook mumbles, not allowing his lips from leaving your neck.

and even though you’re underground you feel cherry blossoms on your skin.


i don’t know. i really don’t. reviews were mixed last chapter and i totally get that. i hope this answers some of your questions and gives you a bit of closure. this fanfiction has given me so many emotions, i could paint with them. it’s been i wild ride – from abandoning the story to picking it up again to changing the plotlines to switching the sml to adding a tone of side ships to finishing this alone on a sunday night.

i’m so grateful for every comment, thought, feedback, praise, critique, question, gif, scream, follow, like, kudo, bookmark. i’m really honored to be a part of your reading nook. don’t be a stranger! my inbox is (almost always) empty. i’ll probably cycle back to stolen dances, so, if i post any more in betweens, i’ll continue to tag you guys!

a lot of love from

p.s. as i promised, you’ll find the description of my second installment posted today as well! maybe you’ll be interested

taglist:@livewittykid @thequeen-kat@kagami-s-void@goldenclosethobi@youwannabelostandnotbefound@jinsalpaca@bishuthot@laabellaavitaa21@baekstans@jalexad @jinsearthh@kseokwu @betysotelo18@daydreambrliever@untouchabyeol-man@lesyeuxdeyifei@lachimolala-2l@moonchild1@taejinvol6@deliciousdetectivestranger@unchoosablename@httpfandxms@fangirl125reader@miniiimee@jeonlovescoffee@hello-kittyy@kokoandkookie@mwitsmejk@definetlythinkimanalien

Pairing : reader x jungkook

Genre: angst (i guess), fluff

Request: Hello love! First I’d like to say I LOVE your writing. And second, could you make a scenario where Jungkook gets jealous cause you are super close with Jimin? Thank you love!❤️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

you walked into the bts practice room carrying 7 coffees in your arms. as soon as everyone saw you they rushed over to you taking a cup away.

“jimin-ah this is for you i know it’s your favourite” you smiled at him while handing his coffee over. he took it from you and you both did your special handshake.

jungkook stood at the back of the boys watching the exchange go on. you walked over to him with his coffee in his hand.

“hey babe, here”

you handed over the cup and he took it without saying a word. you stood there not understanding what was wrong with him. jimin walked over to you and put his arm around your shoulders. he pulled out his phone and started showing you pictures he’d taken of a puppy. you threw your head back laughing at one of the puppies falling of a chair and toppling onto his head. jimin was also laughing when you felt a hand grab your arm.

“jungkook, hey, what are you doing?” you spluttered out trying to regain your balance.

“do you like jimin that much” he asked turning around to face you once you were out of the room.

“what?” your eyes scanned jungkook’s face trying to understand what was going on. he was looking you straight in the eyes and his jaw was clenched. you could practically see steam coming out of his ears.

“well if you like him so much you should maybe just date him?”

“jungkook seriously what’s this about?” you grabbed onto his arm trying to calm your boyfriend down.

“all you ever do is sit with him and laugh and look at each other’s phones, i don’t know you guys just look very close”

“oh my god are you …. jealous?” you tried to hold back your laughter as everything clicked in your brain. immediately jungkook avoided you gaze and scratched the back of his neck.

“wha… no what are you talking ab… no i’m not jealous… i just you know” he awkwardly took a sip of his coffee but started choking slightly.

“oh my god you’re so cute” you laughed and pinched his cheek. “i can’t believe you’re actually jealous of jimin aah my boyfriend is the cutest”

you leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. he gave a little laugh as his ears turned red and he pulled you in for a hug resting his chin on the top of your head.

“honestly jungkook’s you know i love you you’re the one i’m dating after all”

“i know i know” he hummed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ hii this is my first scenario aah i hope you enjoy it thank you for requesting



spider-men: far from home

starring: Jeon Jungkook | Choi Yeonjun |

genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Superhero

synopsis:When the sky is ripped open and the world seems to come undone, Jeon Jungkook—aka the one and only Spider-Man—finds himself in the middle of something bigger than himself.

warnings: Language, mentions of family dysfunction, and sequences of action and violence.

word Count: 398 (teaser)

playlist:spider-men [jk/yj]


“Where are you?”

Jungkook groans inwardly as he runs the length of a building’s roof, huffing and puffing softly to not let his exhaustion show. Cindy Moon, who has been very suspicious of his comings and goings for the past few weeks, would become even more suspicious if she hears him panting.

Keep reading

@jimeanour thank you for the rec!

Awh I absolutely adored this. Javier, the way you write is so mesmerizing! The way you described the atmosphere and Jungkook’s moments pulled me into the story so fast that I was longing for more at the end. And the dialogue was nice!


[ ! ] this is a bad influencedrabble

summary; in which Jungkook convinces you to drink for the first time.

contents and warnings; basically nothing, just alcohol, tipsy talks, spilling a bit too much about personal stuff, badboy!jk x goodgirl!reader


author’s note; there was literally no way I wouldn’t write this scene after I mentioned it in bad reputation. Enjoy. (Also, timeline: before winter break) 

“I feel like I’m going to puke.”

Jungkook was sitting close to you, with his back against the seat and your legs over his thighs, his hands mindlessly roaming over them. At your words, however, his movements stopped and his eyes snapped at your direction. “You’ve been saying that for the past thirty minutes. If you’re gonna do it, stop blue balling me and do it.” He pointed behind your shoulder, where the coldness of the night blew. “The window is already open. Just puke outside the car.” 

You rolled your eyes at his words, throwing your head back. You didn’t know if you were drunk, you really didn’t have anything to compare it to, but you were positive that all that cheap alcohol was corroding your insides. “I don’t think I’m going to, I just feel like I will. I’m nauseous,” you explained. Way to spend one of the last weeks of the semester. “It’s all your fault. I told you I never had alcohol before.”

Keep reading

Ahhh I truly love these moments with them. To see how understanding Jungkook is, showing there’s more to meet the eye warms my heart. I’m not sure if that made sense but yeah lol. Nerd alert: when they were talking about not wanting to do something even if they were already doing it, or planning to, can be explained by a communication theory! It’s called the psychological reactance theory. You may have heard of it before bc the examples you gave were spot-on c:


commercial break ; NINE

this is part of my netflix & chillseries!

SUMMARY “I think that, like— me and you? We’re like, totally destined,” you ramble, “you should, like, take my number! And maybe we can, like— Netflix and chill one of these days?”
WARNINGangst with implied smut at the end!!, flashbacks, low self esteem, alcohol consumption, jk is (implied) a virgin in this, there’s a lil fondling by oc u know the usual 
MISC they r soulmates <3, our queen doyeon returns, i tried to use symbolism in the dialogue so yes everything drunk oc says has a meaning hehe
RATING m bc alcohol

NOTES i said once a long time ago that n&c couple were prolly at the same party once but didn’t realize so hERE WE GO ! its not proofread bc um. yeah<3

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I’m sobbing; I’m so soft. This couple always drags me through a whirlwind of emotions.


summary ⇸ jeon jungkook doesn’t understand what the fuss is about the rival gang’s sniper. she’s a perfect marksman, they say, yet every time he has faced her he’s gotten away - quite easily too. is he just thatgood? maybe. is the real reason, unbeknownst to him, that he also happens to be kind of (it’s complicated) dating her? one hundred percent.

pairing ⇸ jungkook x reader

genre ⇸ smut, lots of fluff, angst; kinda enemies to lovers, gang au and a dash of neighbor au in there too

words ⇸ 7.8k+

warnings and notes  mentions of guns and violence; basically gang-related themes and also i made a playlist, of course. i wrote this on the plane and then on the train (and of course didn’t proofread whoops), so please do let me know if there’s anything that doesn’t make sense. happy reading!

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Ahhh this was SOOOO good! The action alternated with soft domestic life was so kfidbcksnkc a rollercoaster. I loved it. I loved the contrast and the hidden identities. ☺️

even though you trust Jeon Jungkook, your neighbor and the boy you just might be a little in love with, you don’t know if you trust the Golden Brother peering down at you.

Man this part. It’s so good. I loved how you mentioned the various Jungkook’s mc has interacted with. It really showcases all his different personalities.

he looks upset, like he could break if you touched him – so you don’t.

I don’t know why but this part just crushed my heart D:

but time doesn’t stop for anyone and life moves on and so you move on with it.

ah reality hits hard

“He’s three days old,” Yoongi points out.
“And he already has great taste,” Seokjin shoots back.
… And her eyes widen in horror as suddenly she is bombarded with six separate arguments of ‘but I’m family.’

Such an endearing ending. I envisioned them in this scenario and I can see it haha. Seokjin’s clap back and ot6’s (since Jungkook is you know… the dad) reaction to the nurse lmao. Loved it.

Thank you for writing this. It was fun to read. A nice combination of action and fluff (with a side of angst hehe).

Alternate Jungkook prompt

I had actually started the previous JK prompt but chose a different route halfway through… Here’s the alternate ending ;)


Today was a day off for you, so you deside to just sit down with a new drama and paruse about your phone. After a couple hours of mindless scrolling through social media you figured that you should check on your ever so wonderful boyfriend by sending him a quick text.

Y/N: YO! I’m bored, when are you coming over?

TheKookie: you’re timing is impeccable, literally just taking a break xD

Y/N: that’s great, but it doesn’t answer my questiooooon~~

TheKookie: we will probably finish practice in an hour, but I think someone said something about dinner?

Y/N: booooooo

TheKookie: yeah, I’m not sure when that would be over… Those things tend to run late into the night.

TheKookie: but I can still visit later if you want ;)

Y/N: I guess then.

You shake your head “whatever, guess I’ll just have to find a way to kill time then.” you mutter.

Jungkook sent you a message letting you know that dinner is finally done and he’s on his way, meanwhile you were half alseep on the couch so you send him a quick reply and go back to your movie.

Shortly after, he sends you a message to let you know he has arrived. He lets himself in after a quick knock and makes his way over, seeing your half asleep self laying on the couch.

“Tsk tsk Y/N” he chuckles.

You mumble something that should have been “yeah well whos fault is it that I’m half asleep? It’s nearly midnight!” but it came out as kindof a garbled mess.

He just laughed and lifted you half up so you could use his lap for a pillow.

You sigh with content as he absentmindedly plays with your hair, half paying attention to the movie.

You mumble something that is supposed to be a question, but all that came out clearly was “want” and “bed” and maybe something about a sweater.

“Y/N, I have no idea what the question was, so without a doubt my answer is ‘I don’t know’” Jungkook laughed and picked you up.

He carried you to bed as you drifted of to sleep while he was humming a song for you.

