#kai smith



finished ver

image id below the cut

start id:

A screen shot of a clip studio paint canvas. On the canvas is a work in progress full body drawing of Kai and Nya from Ninjago. They’re both wearing their gi from the Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitzu and holding their weapons in one hand. Their other hands are controlling their respective elements.

end id.

welcome to MY ideal m&ms line up

image ID below the cut

start ID:

Image 1: (from top to bottom, left to right) illustrations of Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, Kai, and Lloyd from Lego Ninjago, wearing hoodies corresponding with the colors of their ninja gi. Their designs are based on a mix of their original and post-movie designs.

Image 2: the same busts, but not over lapping of (from left to right) Kai, Lloyd, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Nya.

end ID.

It’s so funny that 90% of the time the ninjago writers have no idea what to do with Kai and just make him situationally egotistical and the butt of the joke and the only time they got a good consistent characterization was in season 5 where he was fighting tooth and nail to get Lloyd back. Like it’s SO EASY HIS MAIN TRAIT IS THAT HES A PROTECTIVE BIG BROTHER YOU ALREADY GOT IT RIGHT

“Kai isn’t a complex character” to YOU. I get him though

i call this one “ninjago headcanons but i got lazy”

 “cause baby now we got bad blood“An old Ninjago sketch I never finished until today~ 

“cause baby now we got bad blood“

An old Ninjago sketch I never finished until today~ 

Post link

It’s pride month time!

Decided to do some “icons” with my headcanon sexualities for the ninjas

Just a reminder that these are my personal headcanons



Jay-Bisexual and Genderfluid



Lloyd-Gay and Trans (FtM)


Okay i made a maybe possible crazy headcanon? I don’t know you guys can judge.

But Kai having a tattoo, the design well is fire but in black color

Yeah that’s all from the headcanon

So i draw it

I kinda like how the tattoo turned out

In case you guys don’t have Twitter well Tommy Andreason gave us this screenshot with Kai and Skylor

Spoiler Warning?

Just a Warning in case someone hasn’t seen the first 12 episodes of Crystalized

But Is really love this scene so much. The way he holds her and feels happy she is back

Also the fact Kai was there, It was a really cute scene

movie!kai stimboard w/ lots of fiery stuff, black, and gold



I’m so disappointed kai is headcanon as cis the most by the fandom when he

- has a gender neutral name

- changes his name from ash to Kai

- in the comics said the reason he kept wearing his gi when he went back to the blacksmith shop after the pilots was “because it’s comfortable” ((literally the ninja equivalent to a middle school kid wearing the same hoodie everyday))

- knows how to use make up to change his appearance ((when he burned his eyebrows off))

- do you think someone who uses as much hair gel for a ridiculous yet charming hairstyle would be cis?

Ok I want to hear more about the time he burnt his freakin’ eyebrows off!

Ok forget all the usual ‘basic’ couple’s goals, someday I hope someone looks at me the way Kai does at Skylor


The writers should just allow Kai to kill someone already smh

I mean, Nya has the highest body count of the series, so he deserves at least one


Zane: [ice noises, forming a necklace]

Kai: wha-

Kai: [Zane] you’re literally DRIPPING that is ICE on your NECK.

Zane: Thanks!

Kai: No-

Hotwire kiss?????

a drawing of Pixal bringing kai into a dip while they're connected into a kiss. Bright blue flames emerge from Kai's hair and flow into the background.ALT

What was that?

I am equipped to administer CPR. Oxygen makes fire hotter.

[id in alt text]






This may seem dark, but since we all know about Kai and Nya’s childhood, wouldn’t it be possible that one of them would have developed an eating disorder?

Struggling with food as a child with no parental figures could very well mean that one of them, more specifically Kai, had an eating disorder.

If we go with the fact that Kai took care of his sister when his parents disappeared, and there was little to no food in the upcoming years, he could’ve developed one when he was only making sure his sister is well fed and healthy.

Maybe even when joining the ninja, they tried to encourage him to eat more since there was actually food for once. I may be getting the details of EDs wrong, but i hope i got some right?

Dark as fuck, man.

P.s. i will immediately delete this if necessary

I could almost see Kai having the opposite reaction once food is plentiful, where he’s constantly stuffing his face because he doesn’t want to go hungry again. Hell, Nya and even Jay might have the same one.

Nya for obvious reasons and Jay because he was raised in a scrap yard and lived in a trailer, so one could assume that he was raised in a lower class family as well. (Although he would definitely have significantly less trauma in general because he had parents). I don’t see Zane having trauma related to food, but I can see Cole turning to food as a comfort.
