#kallus x zeb


“Now this is Podracing!” ~ Kalluzeb

Basically The Fast and the Furious but Star Wars / Kalluzeb. That’s it. Lol. This was legit my favorite piece I did for the reverse bang. I think I just love the idea of undercover Kallus trying to find these thieves that are making things difficult on Lothal, his best lead are the Spectre racers. Anyway, cue lots of sexual tension and making out on podracer engines.

Fic coming soon I dearly hope! If not, enjoy the art.

“Ready Position” ~ Kalluzeb Ranger/Jedi art

This got into my head and I just had to draw it. Probably won’t happen in the fic but this is pretty much them in a nutshell. Kallus DID ask to be shown how to use the weapon, in case of an emergency, but he wasn’t expecting Zeb to be so… hands-on.

“The Jedi and his Ranger” ~Kalluzeb~

A crazy AU me and @hixystix were talking about. I think they may be writing it, so I’m super excited. Basically a freshly-knighted young Jedi Zeb, assigned a young Antarian Ranger in lieu of a Padawan, at the start of the Clone Wars -all the way until Order 66 and beyond. Rangers are legends stuff, but also looks like new canon! XD so excited!


My offering for the Kalluzeb Mini-Bang! First chapter up already, more to follow, and mind the tags!

Something reminded me I never showed off the art I did for @hixystix’s mini-bang fic. You can of course see them in the fic, but here they are anyway:

A rendezvous kiss:

My take on Saw’s lasat Merc.

And a SPICY “sharp teeth” below the cut! XD


Hey I wrote a thing for Sempaiko’s challenge! It’s nsfw and nsft (Not Safe for Thrawn). Give it a gander, yeah?

This was so good! You did a wonderful job with Thrawn! I love how he just hate-watched spicy times *on base* XD

“A Kiss on Lasan” ~ Kalluzeb ~ Not much to say other than I colored it but am still not happy how it

“A Kiss on Lasan” ~ Kalluzeb ~ 

Not much to say other than I colored it but am still not happy how it came out. But I’m done touching it so enjoy as it is I guess! @_@ Supposed to be a scene when they visit Lasan after the war and the ruins are being overtaken by new plant growth and flowers everywhere. They have a quiet moment alone together even though they are both in pain. 

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Kalluzeb ~ omg this is all I draw  ART for the amazing single!dad modern-day AU fic “Lost & FounKalluzeb ~ omg this is all I draw  ART for the amazing single!dad modern-day AU fic “Lost & FounKalluzeb ~ omg this is all I draw  ART for the amazing single!dad modern-day AU fic “Lost & Foun

Kalluzeb ~ omg this is all I draw

ART for the amazing single!dad modern-day AU fic “Lost & Found” by the amazing HixyStix! AMAZING! 

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A continuation of the Supernatural AU @sempaiko and I developed! This time we get into the first part of the Zero Hour story, so be warned it’s whump.

I SO need to get to working on that second part huh? ^_^; knowing me it might take a lil while, but know I am working on it. I even have a document my notes are in right this moment!


All the chapters for my contribution to the 2022 @kalluzebminibang are now up!

And how INCREDIBLE are these three illustrations by @sempaiko?? it’s such a huge honour to have this artwork be associated with my story! (PS. If you’d like to see the full versions of each piece, you can find them in the fic below!)

I’m also super grateful to have been part of the mini-bang - thank you to all the mods for organizing this challenge/event, it’s been so much fun!!

And a huge thank you once again to Sempaiko for working with me, creating these gorgeous pieces for my story, and last but not least for beta-ing my fic. It was truly amazing getting the chance to work with you!

It was a pleasure. You have been such a great partner too! Everyone check the fic out, esp if you wanna see the FULL versions of the art. XD

tippystreasurebox:He’s not not okay…Commission for my bestie @sempaiko of this precious whump-magnet


He’s notnotokay…

Commission for my bestie @sempaiko of this precious whump-magnet! 

Ahhh! Thanks so much again! Kallus whump!

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‘Dedicated Sparring Partners’ ~ kalluzeb

that means they’re together together. *wink*

Check out my Patreon for sneak peeks, sketches, early previews, and my spicy collection!

First Lines Meme

Copy the first few lines of your last ten fics, note any fun observations, then tag a few more friends.

@godsliltippy (cuz everyone else either isn’t on tumblr or I can’t remember their @ name or have already done it) but feel free to consider yourself tagged if you see this and like it. ^_^

What Goes Bump in the Night ~ spicy kalluzeb SPN au oneshot
(I am almostdone with this fic so I included it anyway)

The room was clean, he had to admit, but still typically dingy for a cheap, roadside motel on the outskirts of town. The wallpaper was hideous, two decades behind, and peeling at the ceiling where water spots stained the pock-marked surface.

He raised an eyebrow at the tacky, patterned bedspread before unbuttoning his well-tailored suit jacket to sit on the chair right next to the bed. At least the plain gray of the chair’s fabric wasn’t as offending as the rest of the room. Really, hunters had no taste for the finer things this world had to offer.

The only thing to indicate that this was the hunter’s room were the few pieces of familiar clothing drying from a recent washing in the bathroom, along with other toiletries strewn across the counter. The shirts were all various plaids, muted greens and yellows, and the only saving grace in their ugliness was the way in which they complimented their owner’s hazel eyes.

Kallus & Zeb’s Infinite Playlist ~ kalluzeb first date oneshot

By the time they arrived at Zeb’s ‘spot’ deep in the forest of Yavin IV, Kallus’ nerves were sufficiently wracked.

To traverse the uneven terrain, the small, two-seated speeder had to ascend higher than normal, but that also meant they had to avoid the low canopy of tree branches and vines. This was something Zeb had obvious trouble doing, especially at the speeds he had been driving. So, when the air brakes were finally engaged and the whine of the engines died to a gentle purr, Kallus let out a long held-in breath and pried his hands from the seat and console. Holding on for one’s life was imperative, after all.

A hearty chuckle came from somewhere at his side. Where, exactly, he couldn’t be sure, because his hair had flown into his face. He brushed the strands back with a sweaty hand, and glowered over at his companion for the evening. His… date.

Cheers to Life Day: the Anniversary! ~ spicy kalluzeb gift

Zeb shifted in his seat, the smooth wood of his favorite chair touching his bare, furred skin with elicit contact. Excitement bubbled hot beneath his skin, his belly twisting with eagerness and also a small bit of embarrassment.

Sitting naked in the common room, waiting for his unsuspecting lover to show up was… new, to say the least.

Hera had given Zeb the Ghost for the entire night, with only the teasing warning not to break anything and definitely to clean up after themselves. Zeb’s fur had ruffled up at the implication of that. The thrill of just the thought that he could fulfill some sexy fantasies of kriffing all over the ship also made the fur down his spine shiver in anticipation. But he also felt conscious of the fact that the entire crew probably knewwhat he had planned for this year’s Life Day celebration, which also happened to be an anniversary.

Little Deaths ~ explicit Kallus centric kalluzeb fic about loss and coping mechanisms (sex)

Lothal was in celebration.

Alexsandr Kallus was going to be sick.

This was not because of any latent Imperial sympathy, even though the thought of how many lives were lost, enemy or not, when they blew up the dome, was enough to make him squeamish. This was also not because of the multiple rounds of drinks he had shared with his fellow Rebels at the crowded cantina. No, what made proud, righteous, tormentedAlexsandr Kallus lose his meal this evening was the toast to the fallen clone, Gregor.

An Observant Man ~ kalluzeb FACPOV from Cassian Andor’s perspective

Cassian Andor was an observant man. It was part of what made him good at his job as a fulcrum agent and rebel spy. Being a part of insurgencies and other uprisings all his life had honed his skills, but it was in Rebel Intelligence that he really found his footing. Or perhaps it was where the Rebellionfound him his footing. He didn’t mind being the cause’s literal blaster-hand at times, when needed, but Cassian was good at a great many other things as well.

He was also always the scoundrel-looking type, even if he trimmed his scruff and combed back his hair. He had a wiry build, thinner than most, and could put on the face of a killer with ease; he was one after all. His dark attitude was hardly a front either, his hatred for the Empire swelled with every mission and every scrap of Intel he managed to track and extract.

The look was effective enough that even in thisseedy, grimy strip club, Cassian blended in so well with the other patrons that he hardly even went noticed as he attempted to get chummy with the bouncers and the wait staff.

Hiscompanion, however…

Cabin in the Woods ~ modern AU kalluzeb about a cop and a park ranger trapped together in a snowstorm

Zeb sat at the bar of TheCowboy, a casual and low-key establishment he was starting to frequent more and more often. Six months in town and his new position with the park rangers saw him busy with adjusting to a new job and a new way of life. Things were beginning to finally settle now, and while Zeb liked hanging around his coworkers, sometimes he needed some more alonetime.

He looked around the sparse bar scene -not an uncommon sight, as Lothal was a small town nestled in the grand and scenic Geonosis mountains. Other than the seasonal resort influx of tourists and hikers, Lothal was a pretty quiet place to live. But that also didn’t bode well for the singles crowd, let alone the kind looking for same sex partners.

“There he is, my lumberjack fantasy!” He was greeted with a loud and boisterous voice. Zeb couldn’t help but smile at the blond bartender, who had deemed them friends the moment he had first stepped into the place, onemonth ago.

“Heya Roy,” Zeb replied, used to the nickname, but still a bit self conscious about it. However, he really couldn’t blame him; he sure looked the part with his thick jeans, heavy flannel, and dark (but freshly trimmed) beard.

The Lighthouse ~ In universe AU kalluzeb of a waystation operator and a wildlife adventurer

Zeb’s ship, the Raskithahn Dansirana, settled into the atmosphere with a sharp jolt. The planet Ahch-to greeted him with a turbulent welcome. The gray skies, thick with storm clouds, pelted the hull with rain that could have been mistaken for meteorites.

The seas below, covering the entire planet, were dotted with islands, big and small, all across the horizon. The small juts of green and black were the only indication of what separated the surface from the sky.

A solitary yellow light blinked on his planetary navigation display, marking that he was headed in the right direction to the one and only contact point on the planet. The waystation went by a long and official Republic designation but all the people who had told him about the sector had simply called it Way One.

The dense rain and winds fought Zeb’s small ship as he quickly approached the yellow blip, and before he knew it, a dark tower appeared through the deluge.

Cheers to Life Day! ~ spicy kalluzeb gift, the first part

One Captain Alexsandr Kallus was already a very attractive man, in Garazeb Orrelios’ own privateopinion, but seeing him loose and blushingin the dim lights of the Ghost’s common area was something else. It was something else entirelywhen said man planted himself right on top of Zeb like he belonged there.

Zeb had justwaved Hera off to bed; the Twilek hadn’t imbibed like himself and the others on Yavin had for Life Day, and was instead just tired, so she said. Rex had entered shortly after, half carrying Kallus into the common area and depositing him near the Dejarik table before continuing on into the ship, towards Kanan’s old room.

“He’s your problem now,” the old clone had grumbled as he walked past.

There was a moment when Zeb was sure Kallus simply wanted to just come over and say something, but then he had gone and sat down. On him. And Karabastdid it awaken something in him; something that had been lurking at the back of his mind. He liked Alexsandr Kallus. As more than a friend, even. Had for some time.

Rebel Teamwork ~ spicy kalluzeb about changing a lightbulb

The cargo bay of the Ghostheld a light fixture that needed repair; and despite Zeb’s sizeable height and reach, it was still just outside of his grasp. However, fortunately for him, he would not have to tackle this problem alone: he could employ some “rebel teamwork” with the aid of his friend Alexsandr Kallus, who could help him reach and repair it with his nimble fingers.

“Gonna hafta lift ya,” Zeb told him.

“I suppose so, since we cannot seem to locate any stool or chair that is not bolted down,” Kallus agreed.

He sighed and ran a hand through his golden hair, staring upwards at the strip of lighting that had gone out. Zeb tried not to stare in admiration as the blond strands flowed through his fingers like silky blades of grass. He longed to feel the touch of it for himself. Sometimes, it was hard to keep his focus on workwhen Alexsandr Kallus was around.

Counting the Days ~ modern AU kalluzeb, a spicy sequel in my coffeeshop series

Alexsandr Kallus was lost in his thoughts as he cleaned the store at the end of the night. The day had gone exceptionallywell when he had gotten up the nerve to talk to his favorite customer, he mused, a self indulgent smile on his face.

Ever since the first day that the big, muscular man had lumbered into the shop, glowing with sweat after his run or workout, Kallus had been quitesmitten with him. It didn’t matter that he was wearing a bold, purple zebra-patterned hoodie, especially after he heard the low, gravelly voice of the man when he talked. One Garazeb Orrelios could be wearing a paper bag and he’d have still taken a fancy to him.

It all felt so juvenile, having a silly crush on a man who he had figured would never give him the time of day, much less that he would be interested in men, or in an ex-military barista with aspirations to be a shop owner at that. Luck tended to never go in his favor when it came to dating. So Kallus had acted cool and indifferent, as he did with all his customers (and to be honest, his coworkers too); that was, until the big man had started coming into the shop every day.

“Dancing with the Devil” ~ Kalluzeb Supernatural AU no one asked for


A little late for Halloween but I did work on it quite a bit ON Halloween so that counts for spoopy season right? Anyway, basic premise is Kallus is a demon dealing information to the other side, specifically to a Hunter by the name of Zeb, someone who had a thing against yellow eyed demons since one killed his entire family. While Kallus may have taken credit for the kill when they first met, he soon comes clean and they form an unlikely ‘friendship‘ if it can really be called that. Maybe a little bit of enemieswith benefits… if ya know what I mean.

@hixystix/@x-wing-junkie made a little fic to go with the universe we sure had fun playing in - “Pale Moonlight” - check it out and have fun with us too. XD


Check out my Patreonfor sneak peeks, early access, sketches/WIPs, and most of all, exclusive to my patrons… SPICY content. 18+ only.

sempaiko: “Spoopy Spoopy Spiders” ~ Kalluzeb Halloween comic! 


“Spoopy Spoopy Spiders” ~ Kalluzeb Halloween comic! 

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