#katsuki bakugo x yn


MHA | Characters and the summer date they’d take you on

Series will include:Tenya Ida,Shoto Todoroki,Izuku Midoriya,Hanta Sero,Denki Kaminari,Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugo, and Hitoshi Shinso (maybe more, who knows)

A/N: the title is pretty self explanatory - this will be a lot like my Starbucks series. i hope you enjoy!

- Katsuki isn’t a particularly romantic boyfriend

- but if you were expecting roses and candle lit dinners every weekend you wouldn’t be dating Katsuki Bakugo

- dinner dates at nice restaurants are usually a no-go

- the last time you and your boyfriend went out to dinner the kitchen completely messed up your order

- you weren’t too upset about it, and while Katsuki was well-behaved at the restaurant, he didn’t hesitate to tell you what a bullshit place you picked for dinner on the drive home

- you knew what he was really trying to say was something along the lines of “I’m sorry they messed up your order”

- now dinner dates happen at home and Katsuki cooks for the two of you

- and your order is always perfect

- he won’t let you help cook though, always mumbling that you’re in the way

- so you just sit at the kitchen counter, watching your boyfriend work, and making conversation about your day

- your relationship with Katsuki doesn’t include what a lot of people would consider dates

- but when he can tell that you’re really excited about something Katsuki will set aside his incredibly low expectations of others and face the infuriating ordeal of interacting with the general public

- and you are really excited about the music festival happening this weekend because your favorite band is headlining

- so Katsuki is waiting for you to come home from work to surprise you with vip tickets

- because he loves you more than he hates all the stupid extras that will be there

- plus, being a pro-hero means Katsuki got a great deal on the tickets

- (though he would have spent a ridiculous amount of money on them if he had to)

- the rattling of your keys in the front door announce your arrival and you call out, “Babe? Are you home already?”

- you find him in the living room with the tv on and a envelope in hand

- he stands to greet you, giving you a kiss and the envelope, “we’re busy this weekend,”

- you’re about to question his statement as you open the letter that he just shoved into your hands

- then you see the letter is actually vip passes to the festival you’ve been rambling about for weeks

- you wrap your arms around your boyfriend, practically jumping up and down in excitement, “Kats!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you - I can’t believe you got us VIP TICKETS!!!”

- “Tchh, it’s not a big deal,” he says returning your hug, “But we’re going to bed early tonight, I want to beat the crowd.”

- “Yeah, yeah, of course!! I have to go pick out my outfit. I’m so excited!! Will you help me?” you respond, already pulling him towards your shared bedroom

- Katsuki smiles to himself as he follows along behind you

- yeah, seeing you like this? it’s totally worth dealing with the extras

- the next morning the pair of you wake up earlier than normal to head to the festival

- Katsuki making sure to bring sunscreen, Tylenol, a portable charger, and a refillable water bottle

- all the things you’re sure to want throughout the day but don’t have the wherewithal to bring yourself

- you spend the day listening to sets from different bands, checking out merch stalls, and cooling off in the small, private, air-conditioned tent that came with your vip tickets

- Katsuki even sat you on his shoulders during one of the shows

- he could tell you were struggling to see the stage from your spot in the crowd and hoisted you onto him before you could protest

- he simply looked up to give you a reassuring nod before looking towards the stage again

- before the festival is over, Katsuki finds a way to get you backstage to meet your favorite band

- in reality, he knew a few of their security guards from hero work and they owed him a favor

- to say you lost your shit would be an understatement

- you were absolutely estatic, albeit a bit nervous, to meet your favorite artist

- around 1 o’clock in the morning, you and Katsuki are finally making your way back to his car

- you leave smiling ear to ear, with aching feet and a day of wonderful memories

- you fall asleep before Katsuki even makes it out of the parking lot, his right hand resting on your thigh, thumb rubbing small circles on your soft skin

- before you doze off, you turn to your boyfriend with heaving eyelids and a sleepy smile, “I love you, Katsuki.”

- “I love you too, dumbass.”

SMAU: MHA Character’s + “I found a squirrel”

i’ve got an event in the works for y’all but first, last nights events are being turned into content lmao

i’ve always thought these little text fics(?) are so cute and wanted to give them a try!

Katsuki Bakugou not giving a fuck about you while he drives away from your place.

You’d yelled at him to leave, tears streaming down your face, angry that he had led you on only for him to act like he felt nothing for you.

He thought about how little he cared about your smile. How few shits he gave about all the times you’d run your fingers through his thick, unruly blond hair. He rolled his amber eyes at the idea that his heart especially ached on the nights and days you didn’t spend together. The great explosion user gripped the steering wheel harder, the leather protesting and smoking underneath his sparking death grip.

You’d cried and told him that he was too scared to be loved. He had scoffed and told you he wasn’t scared of shit.

But now he was scared shitless.

Scared that he might lose you forever.

He white-knuckled the steering wheel, strategically yanking it around while pulling on the hand brake before speeding off in the direction from whence he’d come.

He didn’t give a single fuck that he scraped the front scoop of his expensive Audi R8 pulling back into your driveway.

His voice came through louder than the banging on your front door. “Oi! (Y/n)! Come open the damn door!”

You approached the door slowly, hugging yourself. If he forgot something, couldn’t he at least have the sensitivity to wait another day to come back for it?

Not yet knowing that, no, it couldn’t wait. He could never forget you.

Katsuki = italics∘ You = normal

If you’re fucking hungry, go make something, stupid.

You’re fucking stupid!

Who the fuck are you calling stupid?

You, stupid.

I’m not stupid, you’re stupid.

If I’m stupid, you’re definitely stupid.

Hah? You wanna battle over who’s stupid?

As a matter of fact, yeah! Bring it!

Katsuki leaned in and kissed you on the lips, abruptly. He’d never done that before. You’d been gaming with your best boy-friend and now his tongue was in your mouth and your hands were in his hair.

Neither of you would lose this battle. You both only stood to gain.

Dynamightcame crashing through the ER doors with a scowl on his face. The nurses at the front desk sat back in their chairs when his fiery eyes fixated on them.

“Where is she?” he demanded loudly. “Fucking speak!”

“W-who, sir?”

He rolled his eyes and slammed his fist down on the desk, splintering the wood beneath. “(F/n L/n), dumbass! Ain’t many other people I’d fucking be here for!”

Moments later, Katsukiwas lumbering through the pulmonary ward of the hospital, his shoulders flexing as his gauntlets swung at his sides, gritting his teeth and growling at anyone who stood between him and the door of your hospital room.

One nurse started to ask for his identification until another nurse put their hand on her shoulder and shook their head no.

He’d talked the talk and walked the walk but when he turned the door handle to enter your room, he did so with such a careful, fluid motion so as not to wake you if you were sleeping.

He held onto the door as it closed behind him, letting it latch with a quiet click before turning it loose. He took one graceful stride after another, his heavy boots hitting the tiled floor like feathers as he moved in closer to your motionless body.

Katsuki Bakugou was a hard man, tough as nails and always ready to take on whatever threat or villain or challenge life could possibly throw at him head first. What he wasn’t prepared for was some nameless, faceless enemy that had taken up residence in your body. Probably tiny - microscopic, even - and hiding in places he could never see. He felt helpless. Powerless.

He gingerly removed the gauntlet from his right arm and delicately set it down on the floor beside his feet, his scarlet eyes never leaving your form in the process.

He could hear your labored breaths even as he remembered his promise to himself going into this: that he wouldn’t fucking cry. But he stood corrected, one tear…then another falling onto the clean, white sheet next to the tube that had been medically inserted into your lung to keep it inflated.

He took your limp hand into his - hard, rough, calloused, and shaking - and kissed your forehead. “I don’t know what the fuck this is, baby, but once I find out I’m gonna kick it in it’s tiny, shitty balls and make it wish it never found you.”

for@xviternity You’ve made so much art for me…now it’s my turn. . I hope you feel better soon!
