#katsuki x yn


Pairing:Bakugo x Reader. Suitable for Males, Females, Non Binary, all of them :D
Characters: Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Minoru Mineta, Mezo Shoji, Koji Koda, Hanta Sero
Rating: Completely SFW

Dis is fluff about my angry boi. He deserves some love :,(

Ah Valentine’s Day…
The one day where you can shamelessly buy your crush some flowers or chocolates and they have to accept it. 
UA’s halls buzzed with glee and chittering from its students. You sat at your desk, doodling in your notebook as you waited for class to start. 
“Hey Y/N!” Denki’s head dips below your eyes, taking away your sight of the page that your pen made contact with. 
“Why hello there human taser.” You say with a smile. “What can I do ya for?”
“I just wanted to give you this.” He stated casually, pulling out a box of chocolates. 
You pout with thankful and joyful eyes. As if you had just seen a puppy. “Aww Kaminari.” 
“Don’t thank me, they’re actually from Kiri, he just got too nervous so I did it for him.” Your smile widens, the thought of nervous Kiri was one you found quite adorable. You lean further into your desk to look at Kiri who sat in the same row. 
“Thank you.” You mouth to him.
He blushes and mouths back. “Happy Valentine’s Day.” His lips curled into a contagious smile.
“Anyways… I got you this!” Denki whipped out a heart shaped card and slammed it on your desk excitedly. “Happy V day weirdo!” 
You laugh at him and pick up the card. “Thank you doofus.” You say as you lightly punch him in the arm. 

“Y/N!” You turn to see a joyous Midoriya. “Hey! How’s your Valentine’s so far?”
“Chocolates from Kiri, card from Denki, Koji picked me some flowers and Shoji kept Mineta as far away from everyone as possible. So pretty great!” You beam. 
“Wow! That’s awesome! Got a Valentine yet?”
“Nah,” You shrug, “I mean, I’ve gotten gifts but not really a Valentine specifically. What about you?”
“Few cards, nothing too special.” He laughs. “Beats nothing though.”
“That’s true.” As your eyes glance up you notice Bakugo heading towards the two of you. A frown plastered on his face with his hands shoved in his pockets. It’s not like a negative face on him was unusual, this one just seemed different in some sort of way. He slipped past in silence. “Hey, what about Bakugo? Has he gotten anything?” You ask as you peer back at him.
“Not that I know of. Kacchan never really liked Valentine’s Day.”
“Hm.” Your brows furrow.

You pace your room in thought, glancing over to the blood red rose that Sero left by your door.
Valentine’s Day made you smile. Made you feel loved and appreciated. 
You hands slip into your bottom drawer and pull out a small, rectangular box. You kick the drawer closed and hide the box in your jumper, slipping out of your room.

Your knuckles lightly knock on the wooden door that stood before your wandering eyes. It forcefully swung open exposing a grumpy Katsuki Bakugo. “What do you want?” He grunted as he eyed you off. 
“Just wanted to ask you somethin’.” You smile warmly. Your gentle eyes settling on his fiery ones. 
“Get it over with.” His tone never seemed to change from simply irritated. 
You hesitate, wondering whether or not you should just back out. “Well…” You unzip your jumper and pull out the box. “I got you this.” You place it in his hands as he raises an eyebrow. “I know you like spicy stuff so I got these really tasty–”
“Why?” He frowns again.
You inhale deeply. Probably at the sheer stupidity and cluelessness of this cutie. “I wanted to know… if you’d be my Valentine.” You release the breath that made home to your lungs. 
Bakugo was silent. It felt like hours had past as he just stood. Staring at you. “You’re serious aren’t you?”
“Of course.” You say firmly. You wanted him to know that you meant business. 
Silence once again. He sighed exasperatedly. “Fine.” His reply taking you by complete surprise.
Your eyes lit up. “Great! No backing out now. Come with me, we’re watching a movie back at my dorm.” 
“What?! I never agreed to this!” He barked as you dragged him out of his room by his hand. 
“Too bad so sad. I said so.” You skip off down the hall, looking back every few seconds to make sure he was following.
Surely enough, even while dragging his feet, he was. Perhaps it was the night to finally tell him. You wanted him to be your Valentine for a while now. 
“Hey Y/N.”
“Thanks. I guess.”

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi

Welcome to the second of seven works of the Candy Heart Club! Our second boy up is Katuski Bakugou with the candy heart saying “Kiss Me”. Let me know if you’d like to be added to the event taglist, and as always, the event masterlist is linked right above! Stay sweet and happy February!

Prompt: Katsuki Bakugo loves you, he knows he does, but just why is he having trouble saying it? No matter how many times the two of you are alone and the scene is just right, he gets too in his head and can’t say it. So, what else can he do?

A/N: Here is the second fic about our dear, beloved, Katsuki Bakugou! So sorry this one took a little bit longer, but you all can now expcet one of these works almost every day now - how else am I gonna get them all done before the 14th? The day of all days? I hope you all enjoy, and as always, just comment or message me if you’d like to be added to the masterlist! ENJOY!!!

Word Count: 1.6K

He was an A+ student. An example of perfection. A winner. Katsuki Bakugou was not a quitter. But, right now, he sure as hell felt like one. He loves you with a kind of love he didn’t think he’d ever be able to feel, and he thinks of you - often. When Ectoplasm is droning on about anti-derivatives and random numbers to the power of 4, his mind wanders and takes a trip to wherever you are. In training, sometimes he catches a quick glance of you and then he can’t remember what he was going to do next. And at night, right before he goes to bed and closes his eyes, he sees your smile - and then he can’t sleep. So, he has to do homework, or workout, or something. Anything he could possibly think of to get you out of his mind, but dammit, he just can’t. It scares him sometimes, to think that there is such a person who captures so much of his attention. But if he’d had to pick someone, he’d pick you every time.

There was something about the way you held yourself that made him so attracted to you. Your confidence never reached a level of arrogance - something he struggled with, even though he didn’t care to admit it. Your leadership capabilities were strong and sound, rivaling both him and the class representative. And your power - your athleticism and efficiency in training and on the battlefield was admirable. Bakugou had met his match in you.

The sun felt nice as the two of you were laying in the greenspace just to the side of Heights Alliance, relishing in a moment of peace. It had been Bakugou’s idea, actually, to get away from the clamor that was the common room, what with board game arguments running rampant and debates over homework answers. It was nice outside. Calm. Unlike most people, you could attribute those adjectives to time spent with Bakugou.

Your eyes were closed as your face was up towards the sun and there was a relaxed smile on your face. It had been a little while since either you or Bakugou had spoken, so you opened one of your eyes to get a peek of him, trying to see if he had fallen asleep. To your surprise, his gaze was trained on yours and then flicked away the second he saw you look at him. You let your eyelid flutter closed again, but a larger smile spreads across your face.

“What, do I have something on my face?” You say, already knowing you don’t.

“You know you don’t, you just want me to know that you knew I was looking at you.” Bakugou retorts warmly, seemingly reading your mind. You laugh a bit and roll to your side so you could meet his eyeline more easily and he does the same. Crimson meets Y/E/C. 

Bakugou’s face is placated but his mind is in turmoil. Why can’t he just end all this and say it? He knows, or is at least 98% sure, that you have feelings for him. But, what he also knows, is that he has to be the one to say those three little words. And it wasn’t in some weird, backwards, gender stereotyped way that he had to be the one to say it, but it was because he needed to be the one to commit. You didn’t have a problem with committing to a relationship, and since you’ve known him, he’s given no indication of even wanting a relationship. So, now, he has to buck up and do it.

“What rusty gear is trying to move around in there,” you say, poking his forehead. He shakes his head a bit and grabs the hand you had raised towards it, keeping his palm enclosed around yours. You smiled a bit and shimmied your body a bit closer to his. The grass was tickling your legs and the warm breeze was swirling around you but the only thing that was making you feel something. You take a deep breath, then exhale.

“Katsuki, I-”

“Shut it.” He says quickly, squeezing your hand a bit to satiate the sting that his words left. Your eyes were wide, though, as he cut you off. His gaze flickers with a bit of regret from his word choice and his lips fight a frown. “I know what you’re gonna say.”

“Then just let me say it.” You murmur, slipping your hand out of his to instead mess with the grass. You pluck out blades and then pick those apart, leaving a litter of green on the ground. He takes you in one last time. The sundress you have on is pretty - something you don’t wear normally. The fabric spills around both of your sides, rumpling it a bit and ensuring that you’ll need to iron it out. Your knees are grass-stained along with your fingers, the pale green rubbing onto your skin to give it a somewhat sickly hue. It made you seem so real, so tangible. How can anyone like you truly be real? But his hand was on yours. Your knees are almost touching his. And the way he can almost see the pores on your face, the individual lashes adorning your gorgeous Y/E/C eyes…

“Close your eyes.” He says, receiving narrowed brows from you. You propped your head up with your elbow and your Y/H/C hair cascades around your shoulders.

“Why.” You say.

“Just do it.” Bakugou sighs.

“No, I wanna know your reasoning.” You insist. Another reason why Bakugou likes you - you push his buttons.

“Because if I’m gonna say, I need you to close your eyes. Makes me nervous when you look at me like that.” He admits, avoiding your eye-contact. Bakugou catches the shock and excitement in your expression, and so quickly, you close your eyes. His breathing grows more shallow by the second as he looks at you. Wherever the two of you have been within your friendship, it has been teetering towards a romance for what felt like forever, and he just wants to see you once more when you’re just his friend. It’s weird how he feels bittersweet about the whole thing - obviously, he wants more with you. He wants the late movie nights with you tucked under his arm, the dinner dates to that takoyaki place, the hiking trips to the tops of mountains where the both of you feel like you’re at the top of the world. But this Y/N - the one who is so nervous yet so thrilled to hear your first “I love you” from him. You are so, stupidly adorable. He thinks, shaking his head a bit.

Unfortunately, he can’t give you what you want. But maybe he can give you something better. He moves himself so that he’s so, so close to you and his nose is now inches from yours. Still oblivious to his intentions, you pout a bit.

“So are you gonna say it or-” In true, Katsuki fashion, his lips press to yours before you can finish your sentence. You inhale greatly through your nose and your eyes fly open, effectively breaking the one rule Bakugou had set for this whole thing. Your hand cards through his soft, blonde hair and pulls at it a bit. In return, Katsuki cups your cheek sweetly with his hand, rubbing his thumb softly across your smooth skin. It’s languid, the way he kisses you. Like he has all the time in the world with you here, so you just give in and sink into the kiss. You let yourself fall back across the earth while Katsuki slowly falls on top of you, his other hand holding your waist right where, if he moved his fingers a couple of inches to the right, it’d tickle. 

It feels so right. Having his lips against yours, his hair in your hands, the both of you sharing each others’ breaths. Finally, he gives you a peck one, two, three times before he pulls back completely.

“That get the message across?” He says, slightly breathless. You can’t help but beam, making the skin on your nose and around your eyes crinkle.

“I dunno, maybe I want to hear it,” you giggle, rolling the both of you so that you are now laying on top of him. You sweep his hair off of his face and place a kiss to the place on his forehead that rarely shows itself. He rolls his eyes playfully and wraps both of his arms around your waist, pulling you flush to him. Bakugou’s nose brushes against your ear.

“I love you, Y/N.” He whispers, gaining a shiver from you. You sigh in content and place a hand lightly atop his chest, playing with the fabric of his soft, cotton shirt.

“And I love you. Now,” you say, grabbing his face with both your hands. “Kiss me.”

Event Taglist:

❤ Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist! ❤





Regular Taglist:

@luluwiie​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@maiacroson​​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@nerdypuppytimemachine​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@voilawind ~ All-Flora Florist

@catguinsstuff​ ~ All-Flora Florist

@vdoesthings​ ~ All-Flora Florist

Candy Hearts Club ~ Masterlist


Welcome to the Candy Hearts Club where the candies are sweet and the boys are sweeter! Here you will find seven works inspired by the sayings on candy hearts, all leading up to the loveliest of all days, Valentine’s Day! Be on the lookout for when they appear and let me know if you’d like to be tagged to be notified when they get posted! Like a box of chocolates, there will be something for everyone to pick and choose from - and if not - you can always leave a little note asking for another! Stay sweet!


❤ Melt My Heart ~ Shoto Todoroki ❤


Everything he does is just so sweet. Whether it’s holding your hand on the way back to Heights Alliance or leaving you flowers. You notice a little something that’s missing - that passion to melt your heart. 

❤ Kiss Me ~ Katsuki Bakugo ❤


Katsuki Bakugo loves you, he knows he does, but just why is he having trouble saying it? No matter how many times the two of you are alone and the scene is just right, he gets too in his head and can’t say it. So, what else can he do?

❤ Be Mine ~ Hitoshi Shinsou ❤


Shinso doesn’t do overly lovey-dovey stuff. He’s not a ‘show up at your door with a bouquet of flowers and a heart box full of chocolate’ type of guy. But now he has you, and well… he’s just a little more romantic nowadays.

❤ One and Only ~ Levi Ackerman ❤


Humanity’s strongest soldier never thought about settling down with anyone - but when he sees you? He can’t stop wondering about what a life with you might look like.

❤ Love Bug ~ Shoto Todoroki ❤


Shoto Todoroki is all cool and collected until you come into the picture. Now his stomach flips when you give him a smile and he feels his cheeks flush when you give him a high five after training. It’s official - he’s got the bug.

❤ XOXO ~ Hitoshi Shinso ❤


The little notes slipped onto your desk by a secret admirer have you hiding your smile and twirling your hair. Just who is writing his way into your heart?

❤ I’m Yours ~ Levi Ackerman ❤


Candlelight dinners and moonlight strolls are something you and Levi do so rarely, you don’t even remember the last time either of you had the time to do something so peaceful and lovely. So, when Levi suggests to do both in the same evening? Something’s gotta be up.



Message or comment to be added to the Candy Hearts Club taglist!





@shoutocakie (just for Shoto)

@galactict3a (just for Levi)


without a word ; bnha big 3

warningsi kinda aged them up for this
word count
inspiration inspired by this bag i’m never going to be able to afford *cue tiny violin* but a girl can imagine :)
synopsis basically just the big three spoiling their s/o’s
author’s note also is the big 3 made up of nejire, tamaki, and mirio or is it these three? i don’t know. also if you couldn’t tell i had one person in mind for this but i figured adding the others would be cute too :)

katsuki bakugou;

  • bakugou is definitely one to get you things without making a big deal of it. he cares about you and he lets you know that, it might not be in huge, emotional gestures but he lets it be known. this man loves you
  • “isn’t this bag cute, katsu?” you gasped, shuffling in bed to show your fiancé
  • bakugou scoffed. “that shit’s fucking ugly.” he deadpanned. diverting his attention back to his own phone
  • “tch. i think it’s cute,” you grumbled, taking your phone away from his face. “too bad it’s fucking two grand.”
  • bakugou peaked over for one last glimpse, already knowing that bag was going to be yours
  • you came home the next day, completely clueless to the present that awaited you on your bed
  • you knew bakugou was out doing hero work so he wouldn’t be home for a while
  • “what the-” was the first thought you were able to muster. a small smile grew on your face, while you rid yourself of your outerwear
  • the card on top of the box read, don’t forget i’m a pro hero, dumbass. of course, being signed off with his name
  • “cocky bastard,” you mumbled

shoto todoroki;

  • we been knew todoroki’s rich and he got money to spend. and he lovesspending it on you
  • honestly, he doesn’t see it as a big deal. he loves you and he just simply gets you what you want. that’s all it is
  • todoroki, wha—”
  • “is this not the pair you wanted? i can take them back and get-” todoroki stitched his eyebrows. pulling back the designer shoe box
  • “no! no! they’re perfect, honey. it’s just— i didn’t expect to get them.”
  • sometimes tou need to put a leash on him. he legit swipes his cards on wants without blinking, and it’ll all literally be just for you
  • “___, do you want the regular or mini sized?”
  • todoroki, enough.”

izuku midoriya;

  • king of spoiling his significant other
  • anything you want, he’s getting it for sure
  • purse? got it. brand new shoes from your favorite store? getting it. you breathe around a ring for too long? it’s going through shipping as we speak
  • izuku is so enamored with you he doesn’t even care
  • “do you like it, ___?” always asks after gifting to you
  • wants to make sure you’re satisfied. that’s all he wants. so, he doesn’t really care how much he spends, as long as it’s on you it doesn’t matter to him

Gemini Syndrome - ProHero!BakugouxProHero!Reader

Synopsis: Bakugou built his agency from the ground up with dozens of heroes beneath his name. However, he just can’t seem to get a leg up on Deku and Todoroki in the top 3 hero ranking. His PR team suggests he compete on a new competition show to raise his public approval as it has been working for other pros. Bakugou rushes into it blinded by the promise of success to only find out it’s the Masked Singer: All Heroes Season and his work crush happens to be one of the judges.

AN: This idea randomly struck me while I was doing laundry and I just had to write it. Everyone here is like between 26-28 years old from the cast of MHA including the reader. It might be a three or four part story, I’m not really sure yet. I usually write my own original stuff and Inuyasha fic but I’ve been stumped for ideas so I decided to practice this way. I got inspired after reading @thetrashywritingwitch fic ‘Tedium in Blue’. I adore your writing style and your characterization of Bakugou. I hope you all enjoy it!

Rating: NC-17

He impatiently tapped his heavy foot while deep in thought. His PR team stood around his desk nervously with papers and tech in hand. His office was quite large and spotless like he liked it to be. The massive walls of windows behind him casted a menacing shadow on his face. His eyes pierced through the blanket of darkness that his furrowed brow created. It had been several years since he graduated UA and started up his own agency. It took a lot of shit and working his ass off in all senses to be sitting there in his office. He was in his late 20’s now, still very young to have an agency to call his own. While it wasn’t as large as Endeavors or Best Jeanists, it was still sitting at a sizable number of pro heroes and employees within it. It took some time to amass enough people to sign up to be within his ‘label’ considering his less than stellar public reputation, but no one could deny that Bakugou’s record was nothing but wins with little to no casualties. If that was the principle he was going to run on, then it would be a smart move to associate yourself with that as a hero. For now he only had those who were rising in the lower ranks and newbies, but Bakugou made sure they were all up to his standards. He wasn’t gonna let just anyone join his agency. 

“Bakugou, sir…, “ one of the three PR consultants that his management had assigned him finally spoke up, “I know you dislike having to do public out reach and truthfully I would have to agree our current approach isn’t really working—“

Bakugou’s glare flittered to him, narrowing his eyes as if daring him to mention his lack of social skills once more.

The tallest, a petite woman in a freshly pressed suit cut in to ease the tension, “One of our interns suggested something that will play into your strengths and will require the least amount of speaking!”

There’s an idea, He thought and his foot tapping finally stopped. It was deathly quiet now as he shifted in his chair and sat up straight. He eyed the woman in silent permission for her to go on.

“W-well, we think that since words aren’t really your strongest area we should instead use your actions! See there’s a popular competition show in Japan right now that several pro heroes have been on. Their ranks have soared due to public opinion of them of being on the show. We think non battle related displays of your strength and personality via a show will make people warm up to you. So—“ the woman slid a data sheet to the blonde man across from her, “With these odds you will for sure be in the top three. That is, if you win.

Bakugou scoffed. He always won, no matter what it was. How hard can a stupid little game show be? Right now he was gunning for a top three spot in the hero ranking chart. Right now the only thing holding him back in his number five spot was his public perception. He always saved the day and kicked villain ass without so much as a sweat. Okay, a lot of sweat but that’s not the point. If this was what he needed to topple that dumbass Deku and Icy Hot in the top three, then it was a done deal. 

“Sign me up for this dumb shit then. It’s like those obstacle course things right? I’ll win no problem, I do worse out on duty.” He waved the PR team to dismiss them. To him this was a no brainer. 

“Sir, it’s not exactly that simple—“ she began slipping the data sheet away into her file.

“—I told you already it wasn’t a problem. So go sign me up. If a few weeks of my life is what I need to be number one so be it. I’m no stranger to sacrifice at this point.” 

The suited trio looked at each other with concern and bewilderment. Ultimately they left without a single peep afterwards leaving the blonde alone in his office. He huffed as he lifted his mask off his eyes and onto the table, rubbing his temples from the tension of it being there for several hours. He was getting tired of being so close yet so far from those two. He was getting desperate which is why he hired a management team to begin with. He knew he wasn’t good with the public if it meant actually speaking with them and assuring them of their safety verbally. To the public, Bakugou was a scary and cocky asshole with an antisocial personality to boot. Admittedly, they weren’t too far off in their assumption. He just didn’t see the point of putting on a show and repeating the same things over and over again to remind people they were in good hands. His actions should be enough, right? Just last week he took down a massive villain without a single life injured or lost by himself all before back up arrived. 

His tired hands grabbed his phone and opened his camera, inspecting his features. His eyes were tired yet narrowed. His mouth rested in a perpetual scowl and his eyes burned a smoldering red like hot coals. Even he could see how off putting that could be, but what was he supposed to do? He literally looked like this without trying. Making small talk with his own employees and heroes in his agency proved to be difficult for this exact reason. They would jump in surprise when he would speak to them or they always wanted to somehow placate him even when he wasn’t upset. He tried to not be angry in the office at least, he was a boss now after all. It was his turn now to be a leader so he couldn’t just act how he pleased, but he was only human so his attitude would slip at the sight of anything that mildly annoyed him.

Just as he slipped a singular glove off, a soft rap at his door interrupted him taking off the other. His eyebrow shot up at the sight of you walking in. Probably the only person in his agency who treated him like someone not to be feared. You were a young woman who had moved to Mustafu three years ago from a small beach town, bored of the serene life the shore had to offer. After all, what villains are there to fight when there isn’t anyone around? 

You actually knew Raccoon Eyes somehow (something about your mom’s going to high school together) and was recommended to apply here as you settled into the city life. If there was anyone else who also graced combat with comparable amounts of unhinged fervor that Bakugou brought to every fight, it would be you. It’s always the quiet ones as they say? He didn’t expect such unbridled vigor and relentless energy to win the day out of such an unsuspecting person. He had to oblige, he would be crazy not to let you in. He could see how you and Pinky were friends, you were social and got along with everyone on your floor. You took off sometimes to do tv appearances since you were very popular with the public unlike himself. You grew your own cult following of fans in a matter of a year. Bakugou thinks it’s because how at ease you always seemed to be, unafraid to be candid with whomever. It felt like a friend you had for years, yet you met only in just that moment. 

You were still in your hero suit and looked rather beat from the day. He could’ve sworn you went home already seeing as the sun had already gone down. 

“Mister Sir we gotta talk—“ you began which made Bakugou snort a bit at your nonchalance, “about you approving my next day off. The squints downstairs keep insisting I need your stamp of approval if I wanna get out of here.”

You sighed obviously fed up with the scheduling team. You pulled a hair tie from your wrist, set a few Bobby pins on his desk. and began to put your hair up in front of him like he wasn’t your boss. He honestly didn’t know why he allowed you to treat him like that. Maybe because of how stiff everyone else was and your nonchalant disrespect made him feel like a person for once. 

He slipped his last glove off and opened his drawer for his seal, “Hand the paper over then would ya? Tell them to stop with the formalities I told them you could take off for your fancy appearances when you needed to.” 

He raised his head from his drawer expecting a paper but instead was met with the back of your hand. Your hair was set in a slightly lopsided bun and your eyes expectantly waited for something he wasn’t privy to. You rolled your eyes after a second and gestured to your hand. 

“Why the fuck would I stamp your hand?” He asked. 

“Because then I’ll be Bakugou approved. Also I forgot the paper so this should do, right?” You said it like it was the most normal thing in the world. 

There was a detail Bakugou hadn’t mentioned about you. Your attitude coupled with your abilities was a bit more attractive to him than he’d like to admit. Sure you were good looking, but he needs a bit more than a pretty face to be this invested. Your don’t give a fuck attitude mirrored his own, but in your own (y/n) way. He never knew what would come out your mouth next and even if it was at his expense, it was in good faith. Dare he say you two were friendly? He would never ask for his own pride sake. 

He eventually gave in and stamped the back of your hand with his initials. You inspected it for a moment and then parked your ass in the seat in front of his desk. You seemed like you were in a bit of a daze. He raised his brow to prompt you to talk which you did without hesitation. 

“I got asked to be a judge for a really popular show. Have you heard of the Masked Singer? It’s my favorite show ever so I’m a bit….stunned?” Your tone sounded genuinely happy and free of any undertones of your usual sarcasm. A rare unfiltered moment only he was witnessing. 

You continued, “It has millions of people watching every week. I guess all my social media efforts really payed off that they asked me to judge. Do you watch it?”

Bakugou shook his head. He didn’t care for tv at all. He just gamed and watched movies in his spare time if he wasn’t training or sleeping. You sighed and crossed your arms, sinking into the plushness of the chair. 

“That tracks. I mean— you don’t seem like a tv watcher. Let alone reality tv. It’s a singing competition where the people singing are in costumes to conceal their identity. You gotta guess based on their voice who they might be. Lots of pro heroes have been on it ya know.” 

Bakugou rolled his eyes, “Not really a fan of stupid shit like that. Glad you’re a judge though if it’s what you want.” 

“Well—“ you rose from the chair to make your exit, “I hope you tune in at least once while it airs. At least to see me! Have a great rest of your evening, I’ll leave ya to it.” 

He watched as you excused yourself out of his office with a grin on your face. His office was once again silent and he missed your presence already. He wasn’t much of a talker so it was good to have someone there who didn’t mind his piss poor communication skills. Maybe if he had the time he would tune in just to say he did when you inevitably asked.  He went through his motions and stripped himself of his costume in favor of some comfier clothes to make his commute back home. In the car ride back, he thought about what you may wear to judge a tv show. You were one of the few people he followed on his inactive social media so of course he has seen what elaborate get ups you wore outside of your hero suit. Coming from a fashion background himself, he could say with confidence you never disappointed. Your looks were fresh and edgy, never shying away from taking a daring risk. He’d also be lying if he didn’t say he didn’t have some of those photo ops bookmarked on his Instagram. He kinda just decided to not think too deep into what he knows was a tiny crush on you. He wasn’t compatible with you in the slightest. You would be better off with someone who suited your glamorous lifestyle. However, it didn’t mean he couldn’t sneak a peak and enjoy your attention while it lasted. 

Kirishima calls you his work wife. Long story short the three of you were called to a hefty rescue operation that lasted several days. He got caught staring one too many times and jealously scaring off the paramedic who was hitting on you. Kirishima is the only one who knows right now about his one sided “romance” if you could even call it that. He wasn’t one for love. Even since he was young it seemed like a trivial thing to be concerned about since it could only be used against you in the line of work he was pursuing. However, it never crossed his mind that:

A) He was gonna get lonely at some point and non committal flings to blow off steam can only get a person so far 

B) He would feel the sense of comfort and chemistry with someone he felt with you

Up until recently, those around him only seemed to fear him and never stuck around to understand him. Sure he had made progress himself in sorting out his anger and expression as he aged, but old habits die hard. He fought this hard to be number one and he wasn’t stopping now to accommodate “civility”. 

His phone buzzed with a message from his agent. He lazily swiped the notification to read the message as he brushed his teeth.

New Message:

Filming starts in two weeks on the 23rd. Don’t know many details yet but you can’t tell people about the show. Filming rules! 

He spit into the sink and grimaced at the message. Fine by him, he wasn’t planning on telling anyone either. He was just one step closer to his goals and that’s all that mattered. He crawled into his bed and was sound asleep within minutes of laying there. He dreamt of you in a fitted dress sitting at a judging table. You looked down at him with a curious look trying to decipher something about him. You opened your mouth and stood on your feet to lean over the edge of the table.

“I don’t know who you are, but you are definitely gonna win.”

He felt the corners of his lips uptick ever so slightly in his sleep. 

When he went into work the day he was gonna leave for filming, you also hadn’t shown for work. The word spread that you were judging that singing show and the office was buzzing about it as he walked through to get to the elevators. That dumbass show was more popular than he thought. You had the habit of exaggerating things so his first instinct was to doubt you, but he was surprised to see that you were in fact, not. He had his duffel bag of clothes with him for the weekend as he climbed into the elevator from his top floor office. Work was luckily slow so he could leave for filming early without much of a hitch. His agent was waiting for him outside in a sleek car along with a man he didn’t recognize driving it. 

“Right now we’re heading to your hotel so we can unload your things there.” His agent began while pulling out a laptop from next to him as they settled in the car. 

“It’s only a week to film, right?” Bakugou asked gruffly. His agent barely acknowledged it.

“Exactly. They don’t want people getting wind of who their celebrity cast is so you will return to normality after every week for a few days so no one gets suspicious. The final taping will be live if you reach the final round so that week will be slightly longer.” The man next to him continued as he typed away. 

Bakugou had excused his absence with a vague business trip so luckily no one gave him any shit for up and leaving since he rarely took time off. He wasn’t sure how he would excuse the rest of the time off though once the following round of filming came. What he found a bit odd was that as his agent continued to brief Bakugou on what would be required of him, he mentioned something about training before filming. He always thought obstacle course shows just let you be surprised with the course, but he guessed that it made sense so that production could be in control of how much people sucked or were good at things. The car drove for about an hour and half deeper into the the city where all the hustle of fame resided. 

After dropping his things off at a five star hotel, they pulled into a parking deck in a gated off area which he could only assume was the blocks of studios where filming would occur. The blonde man stepped out and stretched his arms over his head, tired from being squeezed into such a tiny car for his size. His agent shoved something plastic in his hand hurriedly. 

“Quickly, put this on in case other people are here.” Bakugou only offered a confused scowl in return. 

“What the fuck—?” Now in his hands was a masquerade type animal mask. It was matte black with features that resembled a scowling wolf like, dog. 

Bakugou shoved it back in his agent’s chest,  “Like hell I am! Why the fuck do you have that thing anyway?” 

His agent blinked in confusion which the blonde only returned with a slight twitch. 

“Bakugou…you do know what show this is all for right?” The agent began slowly. 

Bakugou cocked his brow, “Yeah? It’s for those obstacle course ones.”

Realization followed by fear washed over his agent’s face. The red eyed man still wasn’t understanding what the fuck was happening. Why would he have to conceal his identity from everyone with a dog mask of all things? 

“I’ll explain once we’re inside, but please put it on—“

Bakugou pushed the mask away once again, “—Tell me what’s going on first.”

The man in front of him sighed in defeat. Whatever the show was, he could already tell he wasn’t gonna like it. 

“Sir, have you heard of the show The Masked Singer? It’s fairly new, but a lot of pro heroes have seen their rankings go up tremendously by just being on the show without winning a thing. You would be singing week by week, hopefully not eliminated, letting your performance win over the judges and those watching in the crowd and on their televisions. Its the perfect way to get people to fall in love with you without your reputation or appearance getting the way. It is total anonymity.” 

The scent of smoke floated up to the agent’s nostrils, a sign his client was pissed. Bakugou’s face was contorted in an unrecognizable expression that can only be interpreted as a mixture of shock, betrayal, and fear. The towering hero swung open the car door and sat in it, slamming the door behind him for good measure. The driver promptly stepped out assuming that it would be best for his safety in case Bakugou decided to blow up the car. His hair singed at the incredible heat emanating from his palms as he tugged his blonde strands. 

How? How could this have happened? Was it too late to back out? There was no way in hell he would do a show like this. No one would respect him after all that. He would have to sing and dance around in a stupid costume for all the nation to see. 

His leg bounced as his thoughts raced in his mind. Like a cold bucket of water was poured on his steaming head, he remembered something that hadn’t struck him earlier. 

Your voice rang in his head as he recalled your conversation with him two weeks ago.

It’s my favorite show ever!

The tips of his ears burned a bright red. Was he really willing to do this knowing you would be a judge? It eased a bit of his initial distaste. Maybe this show would be more useful than just rising in the ranks. Only thing is Bakugou had absolutely no idea if he could sing well enough to guarantee he would make it to the end. He never half assed anything he was given, especially if what was to be earned was something in his favor. He sighed heavily before swinging out his long legs out of the car. His agent looked at him expectantly with the dog mask still in hand. Bakugou’s figure loomed over the significantly shorter man in front of him and swiped the mask from his hands before promptly putting it on. He could see well enough through the mesh holes of the mask. His hood was lifted over his blonde hair, a dead give away to his identity regardless if his face was covered. 

“I’ll do this stupid thing. I just gotta win, right?” He huffed and his agent was quick to nod his head in the affirmative. 

Bakugou gestured to the space in front of him, “Lead the way then. The sooner I win, the sooner I never have to do this again.”

The pair wordlessly moved through the parking deck into the studio it was attached to. Bakugou tailed behind his agent, taking in the sights of the studio corridors. It was 1920’s themed with an 80’s twist. The floors were a sparkly black coupled with different furs and textured fabrics for curtains. Stationed at every fourth dressing room were massive glass cases containing the suits of previous contestants. They passed a punk rock lion, a cha cha flamingo, a country alien, and priestess fox before reaching a sparkly, ornate magenta door with a plated star on the front. The name ‘Hell Hound’ was stamped into the metal which prompted an irritated vain to pop from his temple. If his management chose the character he would disguise himself with they were gonna be met with his quirk once this was all over. His agent instructed him to go inside and to change into the clothing that the show had provided him. That way all the contestants would virtually look the same on and off stage so not even the production crew would know who anyone was. Total anonymity was key until you were forced to unmask if you lost. Apparently his mask had a voice changer that pitched his voice much lower so it would be unrecognizable, so it was in his best interest to speak as neutrally as he could since his distinct way of speaking would give himself away instantly. 

“I can’t believe this is fucking happening to me.” He grumbled while letting himself in, his agent long gone to speak to god knows who. The dressing room was pretty neutral except for one glaring thing. 

Standing a full four inches taller than his six foot stature was what he could only assume was his performance costume. It was an all black costume with varying textures to break up the monotone color. Chains, mesh, leather, studs, anything synonymous with badass was on the costume. The shoulders were exaggerated in broadness and accommodated large spikes. He thumbed the leather of the jacket on the mannequin and found barely noticeable from a distance embroidery in orange. Down the edges of the motorcycle jacket were tiny orange grenades. 

This made his scowl neutralize a bit, finding the small detail admittedly kinda cool. 

The outfit was joined by heavy boots not too different from his own work boots, only these were made in a matte leather with an insane amount of buckles up the shin. They even sported a bit of a platform. What caught his attention the most though was the mask/helmet: an identical mask to his but accompanied by taller ears and wild, mane like hair trailing between the shoulder blades. The teeth were a shiny chrome made visible by the snarl molded into the mask. The only pop of color was the hefty orange leather collar (also spiked) and the orange tip of the tail attached to the belt. He shrugged off his simpler mask in favor for the more ornate one in front of him. It took some accommodating due to his spiky hair, but it settled on his head without much trouble. His red eyes turned to the wall wide mirror of the dressing room to catch his reflection and was shocked how cool and empowering the thing actually was. It was a similar feeling to when he first tried on his hero costume back in his first year of UA. Maybe the whole thing wouldn’t be too bad. He was expecting some stupid costume akin to a mascot costume, but this was much much cooler. The sound of static startled him out of his thoughts coming from his left. Bakugou instinctively yanked the helmet on as if he was going to get caught for something.

The intercom on the wall of the dressing room spoke to him in an even tone, “Hell Hound, please report to the practice room! We will begin your orientation and training for the first episode. Please follow the signs to the right of the hallway if you are unsure on where to go.

His stomach suddenly felt like it was floating. Of course he was nervous, he didn’t want to make a fool out of himself. He was totally out of his element and he was in it alone. He assumed he wouldn’t be able to speak to any of the contestants in order to conceal their identity too. He took a deep breath and changed into the clothes provided to him. He slipped on the simple mask and tucked his hair into a baseball cap, then promptly pulling the hood of the hoodie he wore over said cap. He walked out and yanked the strings of the hood, careful that his blonde hair never showed. He passed other contestants on the way out and truthfully he had not a clue who they possibly could be. Following the neon signs pointing down the halls and mentally noting the way so he could make it back to his dressing room, he found himself in front of a pair of double doors. The plaque next to it told him he was in the right place, so he pushed his way in with his broad shoulder only to be treated with a fancy dance studio with speakers lining the ceiling boarders. Two men and a woman stood there chatting amongst themselves, laughing about something that happened prior to Bakugou’s appearance. They turned to face him and the woman of the trio spoke first.

“Hey! So welcome to the Masked Singer. I’m Ren and I’ll be one of your vocal trainers and choreographers.” She beamed at him wearing similar clothing to him. Actually all three of them did. 

She gestured to the other two men who offered a simple wave, “These two are Naoki and Kenji. They will also help you with choreography. We’re here to accommodate to your vision because ultimately you’re here to make people fall in love with your stage presence and personal flair. Everything is fair game. So if you got any songs in mind we can help you flesh it out!”

Bakugou felt his skin run a little cold. He listened to music of course he wasn’t that out of touch. However, if this is a game of strategy should n’t he pick something that would be the most appealing to the most amount of people? So he assumed the usual brooding, melodic music he listened to while he cooked at home was out the question. He began to utter a response but the voice modifier startled him promptly stopping his sentence. He forgot the stupid thing was there. 

Ren laughed, waving it off, “Oh yeah that gets everyone at first. Don’t worry you’ll get used to it. Judging from your character brief you’re more of an edgy sorta guy right? We can play into that. Maybe add a flair of sexy mysteriousness. Right, guys?”

“Oh yeah. Those are the fan favorites so far.” Naoki agreed enthusiastically while unzipping his hoodie to shrug it off. 

Remembering to be as neutral as possible, Bakugou attempted to speak again, “Whatever it takes to win throw it at me. I’m no singer, but it don’t mean I can’t learn.”

The three looked at each other with shock, impressed at the determination. Usually most contestants are shy and a bit shaky, but the Hell Hound seemed hell bent on success. Ren clapped her hands together wearing a devious grin on her round face. She promptly tied her hair up into a near floor length ponytail and gestured to the center of the floor. 

“Well then, show us what you got tough guy. You’ll be a star once I’m through with you.”

Katsuki Bakugou not giving a fuck about you while he drives away from your place.

You’d yelled at him to leave, tears streaming down your face, angry that he had led you on only for him to act like he felt nothing for you.

He thought about how little he cared about your smile. How few shits he gave about all the times you’d run your fingers through his thick, unruly blond hair. He rolled his amber eyes at the idea that his heart especially ached on the nights and days you didn’t spend together. The great explosion user gripped the steering wheel harder, the leather protesting and smoking underneath his sparking death grip.

You’d cried and told him that he was too scared to be loved. He had scoffed and told you he wasn’t scared of shit.

But now he was scared shitless.

Scared that he might lose you forever.

He white-knuckled the steering wheel, strategically yanking it around while pulling on the hand brake before speeding off in the direction from whence he’d come.

He didn’t give a single fuck that he scraped the front scoop of his expensive Audi R8 pulling back into your driveway.

His voice came through louder than the banging on your front door. “Oi! (Y/n)! Come open the damn door!”

You approached the door slowly, hugging yourself. If he forgot something, couldn’t he at least have the sensitivity to wait another day to come back for it?

Not yet knowing that, no, it couldn’t wait. He could never forget you.

Saturday afternoon

The youngest twin ran into the living room where Katsukiwas sprawled out on the couch, reading, relaxing, and minding his own damn business.

“Hey, Dad!” the 10-year-old beamed.

The pro-hero husband and father of three grunted. “Go away, I’m reading.”

“Guess what you got in the mail today!”

Katsukididn’t move. Only his narrowed carmine eyes shifted to his son’s. “What?”


Katsuki swung his legs around and sat up straight. “HAH? THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME??” Mini-Katsuki took off running, laughing his infectious little laugh. “GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE-” he said, censoring himself with a growl.

He looked over at you in disbelief. You were doubled over and covering your mouth with the back of your hand trying not to spray tea out of your face.


His jaw flexed as he watched you with a furrowed brow while you tried to regain your composure, fanning your face. Eventually, you were able to put mind over matter long enough to swallow the beverage that had been threatening to erupt through your nose, your husband’s eyes burning holes through your soul all the while.

“DEEZ NUTZ!” you managed.

Katsuki slammed his book down on the couch and stomped off towards the garage. “You people are fucking trolls, I’m leaving!”

Katsuki = italics∘ You = normal

If you’re fucking hungry, go make something, stupid.

You’re fucking stupid!

Who the fuck are you calling stupid?

You, stupid.

I’m not stupid, you’re stupid.

If I’m stupid, you’re definitely stupid.

Hah? You wanna battle over who’s stupid?

As a matter of fact, yeah! Bring it!

Katsuki leaned in and kissed you on the lips, abruptly. He’d never done that before. You’d been gaming with your best boy-friend and now his tongue was in your mouth and your hands were in his hair.

Neither of you would lose this battle. You both only stood to gain.

Dynamightcame crashing through the ER doors with a scowl on his face. The nurses at the front desk sat back in their chairs when his fiery eyes fixated on them.

“Where is she?” he demanded loudly. “Fucking speak!”

“W-who, sir?”

He rolled his eyes and slammed his fist down on the desk, splintering the wood beneath. “(F/n L/n), dumbass! Ain’t many other people I’d fucking be here for!”

Moments later, Katsukiwas lumbering through the pulmonary ward of the hospital, his shoulders flexing as his gauntlets swung at his sides, gritting his teeth and growling at anyone who stood between him and the door of your hospital room.

One nurse started to ask for his identification until another nurse put their hand on her shoulder and shook their head no.

He’d talked the talk and walked the walk but when he turned the door handle to enter your room, he did so with such a careful, fluid motion so as not to wake you if you were sleeping.

He held onto the door as it closed behind him, letting it latch with a quiet click before turning it loose. He took one graceful stride after another, his heavy boots hitting the tiled floor like feathers as he moved in closer to your motionless body.

Katsuki Bakugou was a hard man, tough as nails and always ready to take on whatever threat or villain or challenge life could possibly throw at him head first. What he wasn’t prepared for was some nameless, faceless enemy that had taken up residence in your body. Probably tiny - microscopic, even - and hiding in places he could never see. He felt helpless. Powerless.

He gingerly removed the gauntlet from his right arm and delicately set it down on the floor beside his feet, his scarlet eyes never leaving your form in the process.

He could hear your labored breaths even as he remembered his promise to himself going into this: that he wouldn’t fucking cry. But he stood corrected, one tear…then another falling onto the clean, white sheet next to the tube that had been medically inserted into your lung to keep it inflated.

He took your limp hand into his - hard, rough, calloused, and shaking - and kissed your forehead. “I don’t know what the fuck this is, baby, but once I find out I’m gonna kick it in it’s tiny, shitty balls and make it wish it never found you.”

for@xviternity You’ve made so much art for me…now it’s my turn. . I hope you feel better soon!
