#keep it real


Really really really unpopular opinion but here it goes

Things in our childhood (i.e. the Jonas brother, drake and josh, high school musical, full house, that’s so raven, shrek, frozen and all other shows/iconic things of our childhood) should STAY our childhood.

I’m getting so sick of seeing everything making a comeback, the Jonas brothers is decent but high school musical 4, dumb. Drake and josh remake, dumb. Fuller house, dumb. Shrek 5, frozen 2, dumb.

The list goes on and on but I think it was such a good part of our childhood that we should keep it like that… 2019 is now, it’s not 2007 anymore people should move on and just enjoy what they had when they were young.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Or what we send to each other

Or what we send to each other

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keep it real