#think positive


Me, after writing this blog post. 

I applied for this Unified Multi-Purpose Card in our local government office around town. To prepare, I filled out this form available online together with the requirements needed for application. I am NEW to these things so I don’t know what to expect as I enter the office. As I entered the government office, I first asked the Guard who seems to entertain other people inquiring. I asked him “Where can I get my Identifi—” then he suddenly walked out not knowing why he didn’t let me finish my question and came back with a BLANK form needed for me to get my ID Card. I said “ No, I didnt want a form (since I already have it), I wanted to know where shall I line up to give my requirements” . Then his statement totally ruined my day. “Ang GULO mo kausap!!– (translation: "You’re Confusing!”) said the Guard. He said it in a rude way that it insulted me. Usually in this kind of situation, I laugh at myself letting him know that I made such mistake –which I hate doing and I still don’t get why that seems to be my initial reaction. He adviced me to go back tomorrow morning since they had only until 60 people who can apply per day. Then I left the office thinking about what he said like my mind had a broken record playing it on repeat. I then start hating myself for just laughing it off and thought of things I could’ve done better to put him in shame too. I was furious. Then from that point on, I felt so bad that I hated humanity! I know this is SUCH a SMALL thing and you would think that I am just too SENSITIVE. It just amazes me how those words completely ruined my day–at least.

As I dined in at this famous fast food chain nearby, I took time to meditate and be at the present moment. After minutes of being silent, I grabbed some techniques to let these stuffs just go off your mind and continue having a good day and not having to wait for tomorrow to start a new one!

1. Notice your thoughts and RELEASE what is no longer serving you
Notice where it is coming from. It is said that we are not what we think. Whatever thoughts that come in our mind whether it be negative or positive doesn’t come from our true selves. These are just external factors affecting how our mind works. After analyzing your thought patterns and noticing where it is in the body, try to ask yourself, “ Is this getting me any better?” If no, just release it. Keep in mind that Life is short so better fill your head with Positive images and let go of what no longer serves you. You are too brilliant to stress on useless stuffs.

2. Forgiveness brings down your EGO
Forgive those that have offended you. Always know that everyone has a good in them. If ever they treated you bad always ask yourself why? It is probably a reflection on what’s going on with their lives. Forgiveness brings down your EGO which blocks us from seeing through the eye of the source which is our real selves. When we do so, we see people equally and we UNDERSTAND everyone’s suffering and accepting them for the way they are. 

3. Accept yourself
I hated how I acted after he said those words. I even thought of ways on how I could deal with it even better to let him feel he did me wrong. But seriously, what I did was actually the best thing I could’ve ever done. I just laughed it off and that prevented me from fighting fire with fire. I don’t have to change a thing about how I act towards situations like these because it is a talent (not all can handle anger). I thought it was weakness that I showed but it turns out that this has been my strength. Imagine if I was all scandalous during that moment, I probably would be in jail at this very second – for kicking his ass, literally. 

4. Don’t let this dictate what your day will be

Come on! You don’t have to wait for tomorrow, a week, or even months to recover to start having a good day. You can have a good day right now at this very moment by changing your mood. FOCUS on the positive things. Learn to be thankful of the things you have. Smile at other people! Always remember that you are in charge of what you want to feel for today!

5. At the end of the day, ENUMERATE the good things that has happened. I’m 100% sure there is something!
Let me enumerate good things that have happened today that has helped me forget about that moment
- An old lady smiled at me
- A complete stranger complimented my hair
- In school, I was able to answer a recitation I thought I didn’t know.
- Had a funny moment with an old man where he got my excess food for his dogs
- The bus I sat in was cool and the conductor had a great attitude
- My friend gave me a free dumpling
- After saying “Thank You” to the tricycle driver that brought me home he said “You’re Welcome”.– Just plain politeness makes my day!
WOW I never thought my day was this great!!!!

Lesson learned, never focus on one thing to stress you up your mind is powerful and as the commander of it, train it to be Positive!
Let me leave you this quote and I hope it resonates within you.

Tomorrow, I’ll have to go back to that office again and whatever happens, I won’t let it get in the way of me having a GOOD DAY!!!

Have a Good DAY to my fellow dreamers! ;)

if they cared about you, they wouldn’t keep crossing your boundaries

you deserve the same happiness that you wish for others

being at peace looks so good on you

it’s okay to feel relieved when you break an attachment to someone who wasn’t good for you

What are some ideas for a positive splash?

What are some ideas for a positive splash?

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6 Things to Tell Yourself Today

1. I matter.

2. I’ll get through this.

3. I am a beautiful.

4. I deserve to be loved.

5. I can find peace, happiness and contentment.

6. I have the power and the will to survive.

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson 'moved’ by mental health support

Dwayne Johnson says he’s been “moved” by fans’ reaction after opening up about his struggles with mental health.

In an interview earlier this month the star said he’s battled depression many times during his career.

Dwayne told Newsbeat the response he’s received has been “phenomenal”.

“It was really overwhelming and thousands of people responded,” The Rock said at last night’s premiere of his new movie, Rampage .

“It all started when I helped a man [a fan who was fighting his own battle with depression].

"I said, 'hey, you’re not alone, we all go through it’.

"One of the most important things that I know helped me with the multiple times that I had gone through my own episodes of depression, was making sure that I was talking to people.”

Depression doesn’t discriminate’

Now one of Hollywood’s highest paid actors, The Rock has spoken in the past about watching his mother try to kill herself when he was just 15 years old.

“She got out of the car on Interstate 65 in Nashville and walked into oncoming traffic,” he recalled.

“Big rigs and cars were swerving out of the way. I grabbed her and pulled her back on the gravel shoulder of the road.”

He added: “What’s crazy about that suicide attempt is that to this day, she has no recollection of it whatsoever. Probably best she doesn’t.”

He described reaching his lowest point where he didn’t want to go anywhere, do anything and was crying constantly.

“We as men have a tendency to hold all that in which is not healthy, it’s not good.

"Depression doesn’t discriminate so if my past can help then I’m happy to share.”


7 Steps for Maintaining Motivation

1. Grasp that it’s YOUR life, and no-one else’s life.

2. Decide to “live on purpose”.

3. Recognise that achievement has a price tag attached to it – and decide you’ll pay that price.

4. Work on constantly maintaining your focus.

5. Chose a skill or a field and become competent, or an expert, in that area.

6. Find other people who will hold you to your goals – and will believe in, and encourage you, to strive to reach your dreams.

7. Consciously notice the progress you are making, and remind yourself “it’s worth it” as you’re further on the path.

listen carefully to how a person speaks about other people to you. this is how they will speak about you to other people. read that again. genuine people seek to confront and resolve problems that arise because they value the relationship. talking behind someone’s back instead of having an open conversation with them is a sign of an immature person and a toxic friend; you can rant about someone without insulting them and being shady. if they are not upfront with them, they are probably not upfront with you. if they pretend with them, they probably pretend with you. if they are not honest with them, they are probably not honest with you. especially if this occurs often, if they are constantly speaking poorly of others in private. then, it’s a behavioral pattern of a two-faced person and increases the likelihood of happening to you as well.

don’t be hard on yourself during quarantine. it’s okay if you aren’t being productive. it’s okay if you’re not feeling inspired. it’s okay if you’ve been sleeping in. its okay if your grades aren’t great. its okay if you’re unmotivated. it’s okay if you aren’t exercising daily. it’s okay if you’re eating more than usual. it’s okay if you’re gaining weight. your routine is different than what you were accustomed to. your life has taken a change. it’s only normal that your habits and behaviors do, too. with that being said though, please remember to take care of yourselves. sometimes too much (or too little) of something can seriously affect your mental health. while however you’re handling quarantine is fine, consider diversifying what you do every now and then as an act of self-care if you feel yourself slipping into a depressive or anxious state. this could be anything: from taking a bath, drawing a picture, or going outside, to baking a treat, playing an instrument, or finishing a show—anything you haven’t done in awhile. sometimes switching things up helps combat negativity; breaking a physical cycle can affect a mental one.

be so secure in who you are that when you are wronged, you don’t seek revenge. you don’t need to prove you’re better, or prove you’re right, or prove you’re a victim. there is no point in hurting them back; you will gain nothing. let them think what they want to think. let them act how they want to act. don’t let it concern you. know who you are, and what they do or say won’t shake you. just revoke their access to you and continue to thrive.

during this strange time of quarantine, be in communication with your friends. keep your hands washed. start a new series on netflix. go for a walk. take a relaxing bubble bath. spend more time playing with your pets. finish the video game you started when you were a kid. do some cooking. read a book. write out your thoughts and feelings. consider that your mental health may decline some, but it is not a backtrack on progress. use this as an opportunity to learn more about yourself; find new things that help ease your mind and please your spirit. I know it’s a change of pace, but don’t let it get the best of you. stay safe, pursue positivity, and perservere always.

if you are thinking of reaching out and reconnecting with a toxic friend, significant other, or family member from your past, this is your reminder that you cut them off for a reason. stay strong. I know you may miss them, but you are better off without them.

take your contacts out. wash your face. brush your teeth. get plenty of sleep. tell yourself how awesome you are. try to start treating your body nicely, it works so hard for you everyday and it loves you so much. love it back.

its okay if you mess up a few times. its okay if it takes you a little while to get something right. its okay if you don’t understand immediately. things take time, and how long varies from person to person. you’re not a failure just because you’re learning, trying to figure stuff out; everyone starts somewhere.
