#my opinion


Rating Ecanto AUs

because I’m toxic

Anti-madricest bug spray go brrrr

Papa Bruno Au:4/10

I love the guy but there’s absolutely no way Bruno is mentally stable enough to raise a child. And there’s no beating Julieta besides. He’s definitely more of a cool uncle

Also it ruins the rule of Threes

Papa of Two Au:0/10

Same grievances as the Papa Bruno Au except worse because it ignores Camilo’s afro-latino heritage. Not sexy

Mirabel Dies Au:9/10

Can be wonderfully heart-wrenching when done correctly. Bonus points if the death comes so suddenly that the family barely has time to process

Shoutout to open your eyes(for the fireworks) for being my favorite version of this.

Bruno kidnaps Mirabel Au:-20/10

Same problems as Papa Bruno but 100× worse because it’s creepy asf.

Imagine being stolen from your loving parents at five years old and forced to live on the run. Idc what his intentions are this is insane. Who decided this was a good idea?

Mirabel Runs Away Au:5/10

Honestly my rating for this can go higher or lower depending on how it’s written. Can be very bittersweet but has a tendency to make Mira ooc

Mama Mirabel Au: 2/10

(This is the one were Mira acts as Antonio’s parental figure)

The only thing not ooc about this au is Mirabel and Antonio’s relationship (which I always love) Definitely don’t appreciate the implication that Pepa and Felix were anything less than attentive and loving parents. They literally have two kids already.

Also not a fan of how it romanticizes the parentification of a 15 y/o.

Tainted Miracle Au:8/10

NO comfort ONLY hurt fuck you.

Has nothing I look for in an Encanto au. Almost everyone is a monster, absolutely no family feels, sad times everyday all the time. It’s great totally recommend. Head over to @c-rose2081 to check it out.

Avoid if you’re prone to angst induced heart attacks

Flightless Au:15/10

Also by @c-rose2081

Has EVERYTHING I look for in an Encanto au. All the family feels and fluff. So soft so sweet love so much.

Power Swap Au:6/10

There are a couple different versions of this au and honestly none of them have been written all that great so this is the rating for now. I really do like the concept though. Just not the execution

The art for this is always spectacular though

Role Swap Au:9/10

I haven’t seen anything written for this au but all the concept art is phenomenal.

Villain Bruno/Mirabel Au:5/10

Again, my rating for this fluctuates largely depending on how it’s done. Tainted is a great example of this Au. It sets up the motivation of the characters and has the worldbuilding to back it up. We know exactly how the Madrigal’s came to be the way they are. Everyone is ooc but there’s a solid reason for it

Other versions of this try to frame it in way that makes it as close to canon as possible with the twist that Bruno snd Mirabel are just less forgiving which honestly just makes them seem like moody edgelords lashing out (idc what anyone says being ignored sometimes is NOT a good reason to go evil).

Proper setup is key for this Au

And that’s it

y’know, if actual literal Nazis were on my side in an issue, if Nazis were cheering me on, supporting my cause financially, and fighting for it side by side with me… I would ask myself some very serious questions about my stance on that issue, and whether a stance I share with actual literal Nazis is really the one I want to be going with.

(yes this is about the pro-life thing and also the anti-mask thing but it’s also my opinion in general that if your moral compass happens to align with the Nazis’ then you might want to recalibrate it.)



So, there’s apparently research coming out now about microplastics being found in people’s bloodstreams and the possible negative effects of that and I feel the need to get out ahead of the wave of corporate sponsored “be sure to recycle your bottles!” or “ban glitter!” campaigns and remind everyone:

It’s fishing nets. It’s fishing nets. It is overwhelming fishing nets It always has been fishing nets.Unless regulations are changed, it will continue to be fishing nets.

The plastic in the ocean in largely discarded nets from industrial fishing. The microplastics are the result of these nets breaking down. The “trash islands” are also, you guessed it. Mostly fishing nets and other discarded fishing industry equipment.

Do not allow them to continue to twist the story. Do not come after disabled people who require single use plastics. Do not come after people using glitter in art projects and makeup. These things make up a negligible amount of the issue compared to corporate waste, specifically in the fishing industry. Do not let them shift the blame to the individual so they can continue to destroy the planet and our bodies without regulation.

Industries are incredibly resistant to taking responsibility for their own waste, to the point where “consumers are responsible for industrial waste” is somehow considered a sensible, ethical, worthy sentence.

It is actually perfectly reasonable to say that “industries are responsible for industrial waste” and “the effects of industry can, should and must be fixed by industry” and “Industry can, should and must be held responsible for its impacts on the commons, such as air, water, oceans and land.”

I think it’s not very helpful to look at this in terms of blame tbh. It’s also a bit misleading. The WWF says that fishing gear accounts for roughly 10% of plastic waste in the ocean. And this article goes into more detail, but says that fishing gear accounts for most macroplastics, not microplastics. If most microplastics came from fishing nets in the ocean, it wouldn’t make sense that babies have overwhelmingly more of it in their bodies these days than adults. It does make sense if you consider that most of the microplastics we’re exposed to comes from fabrics and plastic toys and food utensils, and babies put everything into their mouths anda lot of the things babies use/wear are made of plastic.

Encouraging people to avoid microplastics is not, or should not be, about blame at all. It’s about your own health and, if you have a baby, about their health. Plastic in the ocean is also a huge problem, but having a ton of polyester and acrylic fabrics in your house, constantly using plastic utensils, etc, is going to directly affect you more. It’s in your own best interests to avoid it.

Also: if you want industries to be held accountable, you have to encourage more awareness and consumption changes among consumers. Because at the end of the day, companies will do what’s profitable. And if consumers want sustainable options, and choose non-plastic products over plastic products, the industry will change. It’s already happening. The reason why we’re seeing a (slow) swing to more sustainable options is becausethere’s a market demand and companies know that. If everyone buys the eco-friendly glitter, they’ll stop making the other stuff, and the eco-friendly version will become more affordable.

Are we responsible for their choices? No, of course not. It’s not our fault what companies do. It’s just that, if you want something to actually change, you generally have to dosomething. And again, in this case, it also means avoiding things that have a negative impact on your health, and it’s entirely within your power to do that, regardless of what any industry does. Trying to avoid poisoning yourself is a good idea even just on a personal level.

It’s not about blame and it shouldn’t be. No, do not go after disabled people, don’t go after people at all. Don’t let it become about blame. But maybe encourage the use of environmentally-friendly glitter? Be aware, and help make others aware, of the dangers of microplastics in the home, and the alternatives that exist? Let’s not simply write off everything we do and say “eh it doesn’t matter” because it does matter. It can and does make a difference, to you directly and also, when enough people do it, to the situation in general.

“What about the unborn baby’s choice” is a nonsense question tbh because the unborn don’t get a choice no matter what. If you force someone to carry a baby to term, you aren’t asking the baby’s opinion, are you, you’re just making a differentdecision for that baby than the pregnant person wants to make. And you’re alsomaking the decision for that person, so instead of making a decision for one person, you’re making a decision for two. Instead of ignoring one person’s potential/theoretical choice, you’re ignoring two.

Pro-choice is about letting the born person choose. The pro-life stance (and I mean the politicalstance, ie, when extended to other people, not the personal stance!) doesn’t allow anyone to choose. It makes choices for other people. That’s it.

I do find it telling who has ended up being bullied and accused of being jealous or a hater or whatever. Because it’s not me. I’ve been tweeting about this subject for days, posting about it on here… nothing. The reply I got from TSR on Instagram was surprisingly civil, even agreeing with me (to a point, obviously). They followed me on Twitter and despite the fact that I’ve tweeted several times since then, and called out all of the issues very directly… nothing.

Nope, he picked on someone else, and it wasn’t someone whose tweets got more attention in the fandom. I went back and checked. The engagement numbers are similar; actually if anything, mine are higher. TSR follows me too. But unlike me, it’s someone who’s very vocal about being a fanon Twitter, specifically. And someone who’s been vocal about her mental health.

In other words, someone who has expressed what I can guarantee you he sees as vulnerability. Because to someone like this, who sees everything in terms of power dynamics, being a fan means being in essentially a subservient position.

He’s doing that on purpose. And the reason why he’s doing it is because it got under his skin. We don’t like his project, we see through his nonsense, we know he’s trying to prey on the fandom. Replying to that particular accusation the way he did pretty much proves that it’s true. You don’t have to try to undermine someone’s gut feelings or credibility unless they’re right. It’s a classic tactic that abusers use, too. They’ll gaslight or flat-out threaten their victims to keep them quiet, because they knowthey’re the predator, they knowwhat they’re doing is wrong.

He has no actual arguments or defence. All he’s got is a bit of what-aboutism and this, an attempt to shut people up by humiliating or hurting them. Because he knowsthat we know exactly what he is and what he’s doing. And when it comes down to it, he has absolutely no defence, because what he’s doing is indefensible and he knows it.

What a little coward.

I’ve seen some of the criticism about Reva’s actress now, aside from the racism thing that is, and it’s like oh, she’s so stoic, she has a poker face, she doesn’t emote… and somehow, that’s bad acting.

Except… is it bad acting if that’s the character? Because I watched the first three episodes before seeing that criticism, and my take was that yeah, she’s stoic, she’s keeping her emotions under tight control. There are scenes where I certainly saw her struggle to do so - it was subtle, but it was there, and to me, that’s good acting.

I don’t actually likethe character much myself, because lbr she’s not a very nice person so far, but that’s in-universe. On a narrative level I think she’s fine. I don’t think she takes focus away from Obi-Wan, either. She’s the antagonist, we do need to know what she’s up to, otherwise there’s no tension.

And it would never have occurred to me to criticise her for a lack of emotion. She’s surrounded by people who would clearly immediately exploit any weakness and who see emotion as weakness, of course she’s not showing any. Or rather, trying not to show any. It makes perfect sense. Having seen the criticism now, I’ve gone back and thought about whenshe could have shown more emotion, which scene would’ve been improved by it, and honestly, I’ve got nothing.

I just can’t help thinking… if shewashe, would that be an issue? Not to say people are being actively misogynistic, I just think that maybe some of us just subconsciously expect women to behave differently? To be more emotional? If Reva was a guy, and nothing else about the character’s behaviour or acting changed, would the actor also be bad, or would we just accept the character as being stoic?

Because on the other side of this coin, you have the Mandalorian, who never even takes off his helmet and speaks more or less in a monotone. Not to say he has no emotions, of course he does, but he’s also stoic, and his displays of emotion are subtle. And no one seems to think that’s “bad acting”. Or that the character is written badly. In fact, he’s a fan favourite.

Vader strutted around the entire OT with his helmet on as well, and he never showed any emotion either. Boba Fett barely had any lines, no emotion whatsoever, and he wound up with a dedicated fanboy following.

On the other hand, both Anakin and Luke have gotten shit for being too emotional. Characters like Leia and Padmé, not so much. So there’s definitely a trend here.

I just feel like maybe, gender has something to do with how people see this character. She’s strutting around with confidence and a poker face, the only emotion she ever shows is anger, she’s… acting like a bad guy. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bad guyget criticised for a lack of emotion. Would we be happier if she was wearing skintight leather and trying to seduce her superiors rather than simply stabbing them in the stomach, maybe said a few suggestive things to Obi-Wan, and y’know, smiled more? Is that what we were subconsciously expecting, maybe? Is that really where we’re still at?

Again, not saying it’s necessarily people being sexist on purpose. I just think that if it bothers you that she’s stoic, maybe examine why and think about how it’d be if she was a guy and what exactly the difference is.

By the way, for the record - I’m not going on about this NFT thing because I hate Colin now or have some kind of agenda. I don’t. He’s doing a thing I don’t like and won’t support. He’s also been in movies that I didn’t like (or watch). It’s nothing personal. I can dislike someone’s actions or choices or behaviour without disliking the person.

Myonlyinterest here is helping to make sure that people know what exactly this is, to do my bit so that hopefully any decision they make is an informeddecision. (Personally, I know just enough about crypto and NFTs to know that I’m a target for being tricked, because I don’t know as much as the people who do the tricking, so I’m staying the hell away from it all.) I just don’t want anyone to get taken advantage of, or involved in something they don’t really understand. I’ve seen it happen to people with MLMs and it’s just never good so, yeah, that’s my intention here.

I’m also honestly super proud of the way the fandom, at least from what I’ve seen, has been about this. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, but not to the point of blindly going along with it once it was clear that it’s dodgy. Looking into it and listening and being open to information, even if the results weren’t what you want to find when it comes to your fave. That’s not easy and I hope everyone’s giving themselves credit for it.

Also hey, I know the opinions about Colin himself might differ a bit at this point but just, maybe we can remember that everyone reacts differently to upsetting revelations and people are allowed to grieve or be angry or insist that he’s still a good person and one mistake doesn’t undo all the good he’s done. People are allowed to unfollow or rant or tell him what they think or distract themselves with lots of pictures or revisit their favourite memories or joke or obsessively research the issue or whatever else they need to do to handle this, as long as they aren’t bothering anyone else.

It’s a money-making scheme, lads. The podcast, the so-called “TV show”, they aren’t the actual product. They exist to promote and sell the actual product: their “metaverse” with all its contents, including NFTs.

They’re being vague about this on their social media - you’ve probably seen the mentions of “Xavatars” and “metaverse”, but no specific explanations of what that actually means. So here’s a quote from their LinkedIn, geared towards investors and business partners rather than social media followers and potential customers:

“… we are creating an animated show, The Sync Report, populated by XAVATAR avatars as a marketing tool and revenue generator. With the creation of the animated show we are expanding the development of the metaverse which our XAVATAR avatars will be able to populate, explore and utilize which allows for promotion of the space and sales of components of the ecosystem.”

What does all that mean? I’m not a business partner, I haven’t heard the full sales pitch, I don’t know all the details. This is what I do know, as far as I understand it:

A metaverse is a digital universe, a combination of the internet and virtual reality, where you can interact with people virtually. Like an online video game, except there’s no game. Note that the metaverse doesn’t actually exist yet, it’s a thing that the Facebook folks are working on.

The idea with “metaverse” and NFTs and all of that is that ideally, everythingwill be monetised. An online world where everything is for sale and everything costs money.

TSR are building their own metaverse called the Xataverse. The “TV show” will take place in this ‘verse, which basically means that if you want to watch it, you will need to enterit. You do that by getting a Xavatar, which is an NFT. Presumably, you will need to buythis Xavatar, since NFTs cost money. The NFTs of Colin that they’re selling will function as Xavatars.

Again, quoting from the LinkedIn, these Xavatars will  “enable users to access various opportunities within our platform” and “participate in “metaverse” content shows, such as video podcasts, news, entertainment, and any kind of broadcast, and create virtual objects, all of which can easily be converted into NFTs”. Again, similar to a video game really, except there’s no game and you’re using real money to take part. Everything is monetised.

By the way: the wallet they want you to use is MetaMask. Which only works with Ethereum, so you’re locked into using Ethereum, one of the currencies that use a ridiculous amount of electricity and is contributing to climate change and the energy crisis. It’s also been falling in value lately, so if you buy, say, $100 worth of Ethereum today, it might be worth $70 in a week’s time.

Oh, and in order to set up a digital wallet and use it, you need to hand over your credit card details and personal ID information.

The “show” is a marketing tool and revenue generator. It exists to make money and promote this digital universe, just like NFTs exist to get people to invest in cryptocurrency. In my opinion, they got Colin on board in hopes of dangling him before his fans to draw them into this Xataverse thing. You want to “see” him on this “TV show”? Buy cryptocurrency, buy a Xavatar, and come right on in! You want more exclusive content? Buy tokens for that! Help drive up the value of the ‘verse and its associated NFTs, so that investors will think this is a valuable thing to invest in.

I also have, shall we say, some doubts that a little company in Kerry is going to manage to create something that Facebookis still working on. Again, the metaverse is still a hypothetical thing, it doesn’t actually exist yet. I think there’s a very real possibility here that once these NFTs drop and they’ve either sold enough or convinced some investors to give them money, the whole thing will just… fade quietly away. It wouldn’t be the first time that happens. But even if it doesn’t, again, the whole thing is a money-making scheme, it’s not about the podcast or the show at all, it’s not about Colin, it’s about using those things to create value, to get people to get involved in and commit to this “Xataverse” and spend money on it.

S c r i p t e d

Really really really unpopular opinion but here it goes

Things in our childhood (i.e. the Jonas brother, drake and josh, high school musical, full house, that’s so raven, shrek, frozen and all other shows/iconic things of our childhood) should STAY our childhood.

I’m getting so sick of seeing everything making a comeback, the Jonas brothers is decent but high school musical 4, dumb. Drake and josh remake, dumb. Fuller house, dumb. Shrek 5, frozen 2, dumb.

The list goes on and on but I think it was such a good part of our childhood that we should keep it like that… 2019 is now, it’s not 2007 anymore people should move on and just enjoy what they had when they were young.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

I’m just throwing this out there, because, well, I can, and I’m a bit bored and on a marathon or kick.

I enjoy the Transformers movies. Like really enjoy them. The most unpopular opinion for a lot of fans of this wonderful franchise is the enjoyment of “Age of Extinction” and “The Last Knight.” For myself, I love both of them, probably more than the first three.

The only problem I have with those movies is how wimpy they seemed to make the Decepticons. They are supposed to be villains in every sense of the word, but they make them to be gangsters or wimpy. Like they are more of a comic relief. That is my only issue with those two movies.

Other than that, I love them! “Age of Extinction” and “The Last Knight” have to be my favs, followed very closely with “Rise of the Fallen.”

black americans only care about issues that affect them and not other blacks around the world. When stuff happen to them we must all come together but if things happens to blacks outside of North America….there is pure SILENCE.

                                                                       I’m like:














Why the eyeroll, Frosty?

Because it’s just self-satisfied virtue signaling.

Nah, I don’t need someone to “correct” a Jewish director’s near 40-year-old, Nazi punching homage to 1930’s adventure serials. The movies are fine. They’re fun.

It’s okay to just enjoy stupid, fun shit without breathlessly signaling how unproblematic you are.

Thank you.

Nah. We can still have the Nazi punching and shit. But essentially she kinda talks to her great gramps, and when she brings to him what happened, Indy realizes “Oh wow. I didn’t know I did that much harm. If you want, you can fix my mistakes. Thank you.”

And then her hijinks ensue with companions of thembo AMAB who she’s been close to for 7 years, token cishet boy who funds this expedition purely for adventure and is on thin ice, and another one of the girls who’s randomly culturally versed and autism coded with her special interests.

He. Did. No. Harm!

And fuck off with that crap in the second paragraph. The virtue signal is blinding.

You’re just mad at the idea of good writing that doesn’t glorify appropriating ancient shit

You think slapping a bunch of labels ob cardboard is good writing.

Ancient shit from already dead people and civilizations would be getting destroyed right this second if it wasn’t in a museum. Ask the taliban how they’re doing.

There’s another thread telling about how Indie actually doesn’t steal from anyone and the last movie was explicitly RETURNING the ancient shit.

First movie: Fertility Statue from long dead civilization that even the locals didn’t know about. Also, the Arc, which no person should have, ever.

Second movie: returnes the sacred stones to the people who worship them

Third movie: becomes worthy of the grail, therefore owning it officially, and even leaving it behind once he didn’t need it anymore

Fourth movie: literally about returning the skull.

You certainly sound heated over a movie concept with a colourful cast.

Have you considered not getting so pissy over someone else’s ideas of entertainment? I mean, it’s not like we’re asking for a Hallmark movie, another movie about some stupid sport like football, or some half-baked feel good family movie with zero plot.

Or do you just hate the idea of diversity in movies and entertainment adjusting to the modern day’s awareness of things like some overly sensitive status quo tool?

Have you considered actually watching and understanding movies before complaining about how problematic they are and that “insert woke here” has to self-righteously fix them?

By all means, make a movie, but don’t use it to discredit and devalue an already existing franchise. And you are exactly asking for that. Make a new franchise or stay true to the original.

Funny how you dropped the argument on the previous movies in favor of “just let us have fun”. Well, you can have fun on the fanfiction site of your choice, but leave the canon alone.

To add to this:No one would have an issue with a female archeologist and a colorful cast that dowork to recover ancient artifacts and restore them to their rightful place, possibly fighting Nazis on the way.  I daresay it’s a great premise for a movie, hell it’s an even better premise premise for a TV series that could go for several seasons.

But the moment you say ‘…And fixing this series!’ is when people are going to defend the original series and your idea is revealed not as something fun and exciting for you, but as yet another weapon to tear down something beloved by all.

What’s infuriating about OPs post is the insinuation that Indiana Jones would never do that of his own accord when in reality

Indiana Jones and the temple of Doom the second movie in the series stats out with Dr. Jones giving the remains of a Chinese emperor to a Chinese business man Shanghai in exchange for a large diamond which has no cultural relevance. And the movie ends with Indiana Jones bringing the stone that the Thuggie cult stole from the Indian village along with all of their kidnapped children

Synonym of shitty and insignificant set of sounds that everyone listens to and sings/plays in public every single day

I don’t really care for big fake tits. Keep them natural ladies. I would take a lovely, natural set of B’s over some fake ones any day! Besides, more than a mouthful is more than enough!


Not gonna lie

Feral Dedede situation gives me a lot of anxiety regarding Forgotten Land’s story

Probably more than it should

My theory is…that Dedede may turn into a ginormous monster or something

Which the way I see it…

(Drew this after the Nintendo Direct for Kirby and the Forgotten Land)


The art is not mine though I saved it on my computer.

Correction I meant to say “I can’t say your not a gamer…”

Reasoning: Because I don’t know if she actually games or not. I however do play video games but I can’t consider myself a gamer because of my lack of knowledge of most  said games.

this is a second life rant type of video
please keep in mine all of this
is just my opinion about the whole matter.

I think it’s funny how America still thinks it’s the top country in the world… oh honey your only the top in corona cases.

Try again, next year darling.

i’m trying to rewatch the prequels but they are so fucking boring omg

official-lucifers-child: boxorino:pom-seedss:atreefullofstars:reading-wanderer:babyboomerbul







whyyyyy do we need cursive anywayyyy

Most people don’t even use cursive for signatures. Eventually, they all just dissolve into squiggles.

Plus Some people’s cursive can be pretty unreadable even when they do put in the effort.

Oh noooooooo, society is chaaaaaaanging, what will we dooooooo~???

I was taught cursive, told I would need it in high school when we started writing essays.

Teachers didn’t accept anything in cursive. By the end of highschool teachers were not accepting hand-written essays and everything had to be typed. Though, they assured me cursive would probably be a thing in university because you have to write essays in class sometimes too and wouldn’t have access to computer to type it up.

In university, we were warned, that cursive can be a faster method of writing, but harder to make legible when writing quickly. We were warned if the professor couldn’t easily and quickly tell what we were saying, it would count as not having written anything. This included in-class exam essays on a time limit. So no one used cursive.

So while I was constantly being assured that cursive would be very useful when I grew up, it only became increasingly obsolete.

Why would we continue to teach obsolete skills? Why waste the time?

That being said… kids are exposed to a lot of different fonts… some of which are cursive. I think they can figure it out.

cursive is more of an art form than it is a way of life now a days and i appreciate the beauty of the script but its not practical unless you can do it really well and quickly for anything school related tbh.

i love writing in cursive but honestly i’ve never, ever needed to use it for any reason at all

Mnnn… depends on your profession and career, imo. Like, if you are a historian and you go through near-ancient documents and those include English, you are most likely going to run across cursive. So even though you don’t need to be able to WRITE in cursive, I think it’s important to be able to READ it.

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