#unpopular opinion


It’s been like 4 weeks and I still haven’t finished The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Like… is just so boring. I get why people like it…I guess. But I. don’t. care?

This is easily the most overrated book i’ve read in months (which is more than it sounds, i’m averaging 16 books a month, but this one is taking so long it’s fucking up my numbers).

I think this is an unpopular opinion, but I really liked the Post Covid designs.‍♀️

It is as if they represent their personality.


swifties do y'all have opinions that would get you canceled by the fandom?

i feel like phineas and ferb would’ve gotten a lime green kia soul as their first car

When it comes to couples in Xenoblade, I care more for Zeke x Pandoria then I do Pyra x Rex x Mythra.

Really really really unpopular opinion but here it goes

Things in our childhood (i.e. the Jonas brother, drake and josh, high school musical, full house, that’s so raven, shrek, frozen and all other shows/iconic things of our childhood) should STAY our childhood.

I’m getting so sick of seeing everything making a comeback, the Jonas brothers is decent but high school musical 4, dumb. Drake and josh remake, dumb. Fuller house, dumb. Shrek 5, frozen 2, dumb.

The list goes on and on but I think it was such a good part of our childhood that we should keep it like that… 2019 is now, it’s not 2007 anymore people should move on and just enjoy what they had when they were young.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

I cannot sing for shit either but I’m going to do it anyway around you because I don’t care what you think

Unpopular Opinion

I hate the cancel and hate culture of the series fandoms, solely on the basis of their OTPs and ships.

Like dudes, wake the fuck up. Your ship is a tiny dot in the vast, colorful and astounding universe of the show. Y'all behaving rudely just because something that you wanted didn’t happen is basically a slap on the face to the creators of all these amazing shows that they spend so much time and hard work on. It’s their show, they can make it however they like it. Remember that they’re the one with the whole story and plot, not us, and that they always strive to present the show in such a way that every single aspect is intertwined, making sense in the end.

Fucking wake up and look past that one percent faulty and appreciate the other 99 percent mastery. Idiots.

MATSUS!When I sent it to the printer’s I must’ve accidentally turned off the hair highlight layer so


When I sent it to the printer’s I must’ve accidentally turned off the hair highlight layer so they’re not on the prints ;_;  It’s not a huge deal but find me at Matsuricon and say you saw this through Tumblr I’ll give you a small discount!

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Unpopular opinion

The correction/meme: Frankenstein is the name of the doctor, not the monster.

Is incorrect on several counts first off: Frankenstein IS the Monster.

Not in a, oh little Victor has no morals, and did an oopsie,


Frankenstein is the family name. And family names are passed down from the parents. Because Victor is the only “parent” of the monster. The monster should get his last name. Therefore the monsters name is ______ Frankenstein.

Second off:

Victor the big idiot Frankenstein is not a doctor. He dropped out of ingolstadt university. He never got his doctorate.

Fight me.


I am BEGGING YOU, stop making Timothy Elephant/Oliphant a Jon Snow fancast.

* I have been notified I mean Timothy Chalamet/however you spell it

If you only do research for one side of an issue, then you’re not truly informed

Interviewing the crew of Smokinjs!@briankeesbury was asked for an unpopular opinion.Honestly, I coul

Interviewing the crew of Smokinjs!
@briankeesbury was asked for an unpopular opinion.
Honestly, I couldn’t agree more. I know they are fast and convenient, but I’d rather buy top shelf diamonds and use a rig.  

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Honestly it scares the shit out of me to not feel in control of my body.

This is most likely a very unpopular opinion. But, thanksgiving leftovers are amazing and are sometimes even better than when they were fresh.

Oh! Now I get it. I didn’t see the reason why everyone loved Persona 4. But then I figured it out.

Their is a gay character. That is why everyone screams about it. Now everything makes sense. Yeah, yeah, “the characters accept their faults” blah, blah.

It’s because their is a gay character shut up.

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro Review…I give this 1 out of 5 stars… buckle upOh go

The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro Review…

I give this 1 out of 5 stars… buckle up

Oh god this book. This painfully quaint and politely awful book. This books is so posh and British, the characters would murder you and then say, “Jolly good chap, sorry old boy. Top of the morning.”

Basic premise: Fantasy version of England is under fog of memory loss and no one can remember past a few hours. the protagonists Beatrice and Axl are the old couple who leave their valley to find their son who left them many years ago. The reader is reminded MANY times that their son is waiting for them and they must go to him. Every new person they meet along the way, they have to tell they are going to their son who is waiting for them.

Stuff happens and they end up traveling with a stereotypical, perfect hero named Winston, and a boy named Edwin whose only characteristic is he hears the voice of his mother who abandoned him and that he’ll be a warrior one day.

King Arthur exists in this world but he is dead and one of his knights is still charged with slaying the dragon. That’s about all there is to this story.

My Thoughts: 

The story wasn’t awful or poorly done. It would be a good simple story for people who are new to fantasy or who don’t like high fantasy. 

I didn’t enjoy the lack of interesting mystery or original storytelling. I didn’t connect with any of the characters and I couldn’t relate to the story or characters. 

This story had zero tension or excitement but I was so on edge and stressed reading this because I was convinced that there was going to be a massive twist that ripped this quaint little story apart… but it never came. it ended exactly how I anticipated with no suprises. The dragon was slain by the hero, the couple survived and were on their way to their sons grave… btw yeah he’s dead and this was revealed in the most boring bit of dialogue. 

The characters could’ve compensated for the lack of an interesting story but they remained flat, dull and predictable. You will find no gray morality much less any evil or twisted characters. It’s just lovely, perfumed, unyielding, POLITENESS. I never thought I could hate a wholesome and cute old couple but I just couldn’t deal with the fact that these characters were so unnervingly nice it was creepy… 

I could go on nitpicking and I know this sounds like I hate nice stories but I was so bored and was waiting for a twist, I finished this story out of spite. 

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If you haven’t already…

Please go ahead and check out Ha Sungwoon’s ‘BIRD’ MV! It’s a beautiful masterpiece from our lovely cloud fairy

While that’s out of the way, I wanted to address something more serious. I personally feel a bit discouraged because many of the comments say that they’re watching the MV only from Jimin’s tweet (Which is great, we love more viewers and support).

However, I think it just gets problematic when they straight up ask ‘who’s this guy’ or ‘isn’t he jimin’s friend?’ I get that some Sungwoon stans can be mad towards ARMY for coming just because of Jimin, but for ARMY to think that us Sungwoon fans should be grateful that they’re giving views to his MV is when the line is drawn.

Granted, yes, we should be grateful for those views. But how many of them actually take the time to look into Ha Sungwoon? Probably close to none. They just continue to think that we’re the petty ones and that we’re thick in our heads for only stanning who we want to stan.

This man is more than just Jimin or Taemin’s friend, he’s more than just a good singer. He went through hell called Produce 101 for his name to be spread and even debuted as a Wanna One member and this is still how he gets treated?

Please stan this man, not as ‘Jimin’s friend’, but as Ha Sungwoon. He really deserves the attention as an individual artist who’s gone through so much just to get his name out like his other group members.

People in the Fallout community need to stop bashing other people just because they don’t like factions, that are bad or perceived as being “bad” or “evil” (e.g, Brotherhood of Steel, Caesar Legion, and so forth.)Let people have fun and do what they want as long as no one is getting hurt online or irl. I don’t care for the railroad or the minutemen but I don’t sit here all day complaining about those factions, imho it’s really childish but maybe that’s just me I guess

Remember ladies and gentlemen this generation loves performative activism without actually doing anything themselves or for others.

Let’s be real here for a second, guys. Just because something is not banned does not mean everyone has to do it. Prohibition of alcohol was repealed by the 21st Amendment to the US Constitution, but that does not mean everyone has to drink. Nobody is forcing21-year olds to drink.

No priest, pastor, minister, or justice of the peace is being forced to witness a marriage between a same-sex couple. Just like no priest, minister, etc. before was forced to witness a marriage of any other two people they didn’t see fit to marry. It is just illicit now for an entire state to forbid same-sex marriages. [Which to me is fine; it’s not the government’s job to instill a moral code upon our society.]

Legislation of civil or legal marriage also has no bearing on the Sacrament of Marriage. The two use the same words to describe themselves, but they are entirely different concepts. One provides legal rights and protections to two close (ideally loving, but not always) individuals who agree to share such sanctions. It is dissoluble when such an arrangement is no longer beneficial or desirable. [This is the kind ruled in the Supreme Court decision and the kind that everyone should have access to, regardless of whether you call it marriage or not.] The other is a  lasting covenant shared between two children of God who are called and wish to help each other and their families grow in their universal vocation of holiness. It is insoluble by nature of the union as long as both individuals are living. The second type makes the first necessary, but not vice versa. We often confuse and commingle the two, but they can and do exist separately from each other.

So in all of this, realize that your religious liberties are not being attacked. Don’t waste time defending yourself from a ruling that does not directly damage your faith. Use this opportunity to love your friends and the people you know who are celebrating this Supreme Court decision. Be glad with them that they can now have their loved ones visit them in hospitals and jails. Be glad with them that they can now share military, social security, education, and tax benefits. Be glad with them that they can now claim the marital communications privilege, which means a court can’t force them to disclose confidential communications between them. Be glad that they are no longer being stigmatized and excluded in the laws of our nation.

You can be happy for someone without having to agree with them.

Unpopular opinion

A Quiet Place was only okay, definitely not something I’d watch again

So, thing is…. I have not watched the episode. I just was spoilered on the explore page on youtube when looking up news and there it was. Thank you so much algorithm for ruining the only episode in 4 years that I actually would have liked to watch unspoilered. That’s off the table now of course…. That said. I will watch it later in full. So take all of this with a shitton of salt, because my opinion is basically based only on Dean’s death scene and Sam’s life montage and the ending in Heaven of them meeting again without any in between so I might miss some vital infos – and yeah maybe I should have waited to post after I have seen the full episode first, then again, it doesn’t really matter, my opinion doesn’t matter, as I have not been involved with fandom or tumblr in ages, but maybe my impression can help someone somewhere to feel a bit better about this ending.

So, with that said. And I guess this will be a surprise to most people, these little ten minutes of episode to me delivered more emotion – though the hair and make up on Jared as Aging!Sam was just awful lol so I am ignoring all that – than all of the past 4 years combined.

Is the ending dissatisfying? I can see how people think that. I have to say, I look at it more objectively since I am not involved in fandom etc. anymore. But imo and I really would not have ever expected to say that about an episode written by Dabb. Imo this ending does make sense. I see a lot of posts going around saying that this ending doesn’t make sense, because of the season long arc of the death of the author and fight for free will and that it is the badly written ending Chuck would have penned. And I kind of think no, it isn’t. It’s just that many people treated the past seasons or watched them with rose coloured glasses.

I have expressed in a single post last week why I have issues with Dabb’s era and people’s appraisal of him, because they excused all the bad writing with that only having been „Chuck’s bad writing“ and therefore Dabb and Co were so extremely clever and amazing and soooooo meta. Which yeah, no Dabb was no genius and neither was a Berens. It was objectively bad and lazy writing. This ending however imo actually makes sense – and people only hate it because they did not get what they wanted. Did I get what I wanted from this ending? Not by a long shot – for one: Dean would have deserved more. Much could have been done better, but from the quality or rather extreme lack thereof since Dabb took over, this ending is more than I ever would have expected possible.

So let me get into the meat of it and why I think that way. I can see why it is frustrating to accept this ending, because it feels like all of what they went through was for nothing, because it was never „truly them“ - and I guess that was Jensen’s biggest issue with that ending – and that Dean dies so quickly after just having been free(d). You see, if you operate with the death of the author and celebrating that fact, because it means true free will for the Winchesters then this ending simply – as dissatisfying as it may feel for the character who just achieved freedom – is a fitting one and indeed does not negate character development made (which arguably was influenced by Chuck and never real), but rather showcases it.

Dean dieing on a hunt, in a mundane fashion, due to a rusty nail many say is a disgrace, because it should have been an epic fighting scene or whatever. Why though? We had that countless times. We know Dean is a skilled fighter. He did many Big bads in. Why would it need one more for the final episode? Especially when considering all those times before Chuck has been pulling the strings (this is much more why I think they never should have introduced God in that way and go this route, because that in fact destroys all of the past – which again is why I think Jensen struggled with the ending). Again, I understand people’s discomfort, but I actually think Dean dieing on a hunt, in a mundane fashion, due to a rusty nail is a „good“ (as good as it can get with Dabb & Co) ending. Why? Because it all was entirely Dean. No Chuck. No big story. It was Dean. It was Dean writing his own story. Holding the pen. And That is all I ever wanted (would I have wanted it for him to be able to do it longer, hell yes, but even getting Dean’s joy of being free just for one day imo is worth it and worth more than a lifetime as a puppet for a cruel God). Dean died while doing what he believed in, what he loved doing, with his brother by his side and them both on the same page and not butting heads, he was there out of his own free will, he was not supercharged by an special weapon and he was most of all not indestructable because he was a plaything of God. He died, because he was/is free. Because that is what happens when life happens. And life is tragic. That’s what this is. A tragic death. A tragic death of a wonderful human being. And that’s always what I loved dean for: his humanity and his flaws.

And I don’t see/read it as Dean only finding happiness or true free will in death, though I understand why you could read it that way, absolutely. But imo seeing it that way only cuts things short. Dean was able to let go, he was able to say goodbye to Sam (now his whole speech about him being weaker than Sam etc., that part was enraging and unnescessary, but for the sake of the much despised „bigger picture“ I will ignore it here, because that part I have big issues with). That means he did „overcome“ his „always be there for Sammy“ and giving himself up in the process of doing that (and again yes, that he was only to overcome this when dieing makes this part pretty problematic, very much so – but then again, I don’t expect well crafted story from Dabb, so…). Every single time before (when God was still in the picture) the Winchesters did something bad to undo „death“, etc. whether that was what they would have done if God was not in the picture is up for debate, but in any case here Sam and Dean met one another on eye level. Sam let Dean go and he lived with the grief (yeah, the irony of Dabb trying to replicate „Swan Song“ with roles reversed just in a spectacularly worse way is not lost on me, believe me), but he kept going, didn’t go to extremes to reverse it. He lived with it. Because that’s how life happens. Most of the time it’s not fair. And it’s not what we deserve. But we „carry on“. And we keep writing our story. However a tragic one it might be. But at least it’s ours. We are the paper. We are the pen. And not a bit of spilled ink in Death’s or God’s book. And I happen to think that is as good as it gets…

Alright, those are my two cents on an episode that I haven’t seen lol. I am sure once I see it, there will be a lot of things I will probably dislike about it, but just from the small but probably big bits of the episode, these are my two cents. Don’t get up in arms over it. I am not here to fight. Have never been. And I sure won’t start now that I probably will never log back into this account. :)

I haven’t posted anything in ages…

…but given this is the very last season of SPN I sat down to watch the first two episodes of the finale season and well, it’s never been a secret that I absolutely despise Dabb’s showrunning - it really has been showruining if we’re being honest here - but what these two episodes confirmed to me is that there seems to be not a single capable writer left on the team and well, Dabb surely isn’t a stellar example or role model in that regard (seriously, it will never not absolutely baffle me that Dabb wrote some of my favourite episodes during Carver era when I’m comparing them to his work right now).

Anyway, I just feel sad. I have felt saddened beyond belief, betrayed and enraged throughout pretty much all of Dabb’s run and even stopped watching altogether because he managed to turn the show into a bad parody of itself. But I was nursing this tiny little bit of hope that maybe for this final season Dabb & Co. would get a grip and give the characters, the actors and yes, also the fans (though of course tastes differ and that’s cool - objectively speaking though these last seasons have been painfully bad in terms of writing) what they deserve. A well written farewell. Save to say that’s apparently off the table judging from these two episodes.

I haven’t felt angry about anything relating to SPN for a while, because well, I fell out of love with the show due to poor quality in writing and showrunning but stuck around because I freaking loved the characters, loved DEAN and always will, but dear would this show have deserved better, would have Dean deserved better, would have Jensen and Jared and all the actors who have been part of the show throughout the years deserved better. It’s a tragedy. And people who have been following me on here for a while and remember the times when I wrote countless metas each week, because the show was just so damn good, know that I love me some tragedy, but not like this. Not this way. I am in mourning for a show and a cast that would have deserved a final season that is deep, that is meaningful, that is atmospheric and emotional and not bland and washed out and just painful to watch because you can realize that half the people on screen also seem to feel kind of embarrassed that this is how it ends.

I know this will not be received well by many people - to be honest, I don’t care. I am just beyond saddened and sorry for an actor like Jensen having to suffer through the worst writing this show has seen in all it’s time in the final season. I dearly hope that maybe in the end by some miracle they’ll manage to pen a satisfying ending, but seriously, what are the odds? I’d have countless ideas which way they could go, but with Dabb at the helmet it’s useless trying to navigate a map, because he himself has no clue what those fine lines called streets and roads even are.

I’m sorry, but I’m sad. I’m angry. And I wished more than ever that SPN would have ended with the scene of the glowing Samulet in Dean’s hand in S11. I have long treated that episode as the ending of SPN, because what is currently running on tv labeled as “Supernatural” has absolutely nothing in common with the show I once fell head over heels in love with.

Guys. The furry werewolves is all I ever wanted. OMG. And now we apparently have a rig for animal ears on Sims?

I mean I never really liked scary werewolves, but these looks amazing to me, and the fact that they can wear clothes. Love it.

Now just waiting for fairies and I’m good with the kind of occults.
