#kelce obx



Rafe Headcanons

A/n: I did about an hour and a half of excessive research just to find out what day and time Rafe could have been born to have the Big Three I headcanon him having so y'all better show some love. (October 30th, 2001 at 1:00am)


  • Rafe doesn’t understand poetry. It doesn’t make him feel things. It isn’t special to him.
  • He’s the kind of guy to say “that’s homophobic” to things he doesn’t like.
  • “No, I won’t get you a beer, get one for yourself” “that’s homophobic”

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Pouge Princess Chapter 1

(Rafe Cameron x Reader)

A/n: Thank you guys so much for all the likes on my pouge princess blurb This has really helped rekindle my love for writing and I can’t wait to share more with everyone. I hope you all enjoy the official first chapter

Word count : 2,227

Warning ⚠️: swearing, mention of sex and drugs, drinking, Rafe being a dick (are we really shocked about that in a rafe cameron fanfic)

The best job to have on the whole island had to be working at one of the county clubs. Simply for the fact that there was no such thing as a bad tip day. It was totally worth watching stuck up seniors and spoiled kooks play golf all day because you knew you’d go home with plenty of money in your pocket.

The only real con was you’d be stuck serving people that you have to see at school once the summer ends. Most of the kids at school do summer internships or at most are forced to “work” part time at their parents’ jobs. No one you knew in figure 8 had to work a real job. On the cut almost everyone you knew had a job it was the only way most kids could stay afloat there was nothing odd about it.

But when you are in figure 8 It was one of the things that made you feel embarrassed, having to serve the same people you call your friends at school reminded you that your diffrent. Today was a prime example of that your manager told you that you were personally requested for a party of 3 on the course. When you pulled up at the first hole you saw none other than Rafe, Kelce and Topper.

“Well look at this isn’t it nice that everyone’s favorite little baby doll finally decided to grace our presents.” Rafe shouted leaning against his club arms crossed.

“Come on man don’t start already ” Topper said, hitting the tall blonde upside his head.

If there was anyone besides Sarah you could count on it would be Topper. He was always there to be your knight in shining armor and the only one that could truly put Rafe in his place besides Ward.

“No it’s fine Top, you guys are practically giving me a chance to hang out instead of work today. So you wanna get started I’ll get the drinks going?”

You couldn’t help but to bounce up as you passed the drinks, Rafe snatched the beer from your hand eyeing you when you waited to give Topper his drink. He couldn’t help but notice the way your hand lingered longer than it should when you passed a beer to Topper.

Hole after hole you followed the boys as they played watching as they’d talk shit to each other and slug down more beers.

“Well guess who’s finally out of the single guys club. What are you two losers gonna do now that I’ll be spending a lot of my time with Anais? ” Kelce said with a toothy grin.

Anais is the girl Kelce has been trying to get with for months even coming to you for advice on how to win her over knowing you’d have a better perspectivecompared to Rafe and Topper.

“Oh God don’t tell me your pussy whipped already.” Rafe couldn’t help but to nod his head in disapproval.

“Well there goes our plans for hot boy summer. I’m finally ready to live the single life with you guys and you have the nerve to get cuffed.” Topper added 

“Omg Kelce don’t listen to these two they’re just jealous, congratulations I know how much you really liked her. I’m happy you two are together now its about time.” Kelce patted you on the back, his smile never fading.

“I’m glad someone actually cares about me here. Now the real question is when are you finally gonna get yourself a boyfriend (y/n). I think its time you threw yourself out there, you need to get one so we can go on double dates” Kelce said snickering at the sight of your panicked face.

“Um I mean I don’t know I guess I just haven’t found a guy that really likes me.”

The real problem was the guy you liked didn’t seem to realize how much you liked him but of course you couldn’t tell them that.

“Oh come on there are plenty of people dying at a chance to go out with you (y/n), there hasn’t been anyone that sparked your interest ?” Topper chimed in looking over at you.

You felt as if your face turned into a giant stop light with how red you’ve turned from the conversation.

“Or maybe you’re just a prude that thinks she’s better than everyone else. That could be why you’ve never had a boyfriend.” Rafe said smirking at the little stink face you gave him.

“It’s not that, I mean you’ve never had a real girlfriend Rafe. Everyone says you’re only known for a good hookup, as far as I’m concerned we’re basically in the same boat.” You retorked wanting desperately for the attention to be off your nonexistent love life.

“That’s only because I don’t want a girlfriend no one can hold my interest for long. Word must get around that I’m known for great sex if even you know that I’m good for hookups. It’s just a fact that I have a BIG presence in the bedroom.” Rafe couldn’t help himself from putting emphasis on the word big with the way he smirked. “And at least I have experience in the bedroom unlike some people we know little Miss Virgin Mary.”

It was common knowledge around the obx that everyones favorite pouge has never had a boyfriend. Everyone also seemed to know that you held onto your v card as well. so it was only natural that Rafe would try to throw it in your face every once in a while to try to get under your skin. 

“You know I think you have it confused Rafe everyone says that you are a big dick not that you have one.”

Topper and Kelce turned to each other before erupting in laugher causing Rafe to simply roll his eyes.

“Oh you know what (y/n) my bottle seems to be feeling a little empty mind getting me a refill.”

Rafe began to wave his bottle in the air clearly trying to gain control of the situation again. As the laughing died down you made your way over to the cart and handed Rafe another drink. He leaned over to you making sure that Kelce and Topper couldn’t hear him.

“If you ever wanna find out if the rumors are true you know where to find me, I think I need to remind you who’s in charge here (y/n).”

Rafe couldn’t help but to smile as you looked down clearly speechless from his comment. He took this as a silent win before turning his back to go take his turn. A few more rounds where played and the boys could feel themselves getting a little sloppier as each hole progressed and the sun seemed to get dimmer as the hours went on. They all still managed to have a good game going though not letting the fading day and alcohol take them out. Kelce was clearly winning seeing as he had a slightly better tolerance for his alcohol compared to the other two.

At this point Topper decided to sit in your cart and you couldn’t help but smile as he looked over at you. “Thanks for coming along today, you know I appreciate you putting up with us all the time.” He said ruffling your hair a little with a smile.

“You know I don’t mind I like spending time with you guys.”

You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on Topper after all these years. You where practically devastated when he started dating Sarah but you couldn’t help yourself from feeling mildly happy that the people you cared most about found love in each other. A part of you was relieved when the two of them broke up when Sarah decided to date John B. Even though it was a hard time for all of you, especially being caught in the middle of your two closest friends. You couldn’t help but to hold onto a glimmer of hope that maybe after all of this time Topper would stop seeing you as just his childhood best friend. But this was a secret that you’d take to grave not wanting to complicate things or have anyone’s feelings hurt explicitly your own.

“Hey Top how about you get your ass up and finish this hole with us? Or are u just gonna talk to the fucking pouge all day, there not paying her to chit chat there paying her to serve us.”

Rafe yelled, stepping towards the two of you and resting his arm against the canopy on your side of the cart. Rafe was clearly feeling the affects of all the alcohol he consumed. He only ever became meaner the more he drank. You couldn’t help but be grateful this was all he did today knowing that if he had done a few lines then he’d practiclly become a whole new person. Rafe couldn’t help but to stare deeply at the two of you with a scrunched up look on his face.

“Come On man just quit it already you’ve been throwing jabs at (y/n) all day I just wanna have good time. I’m out after this I’m not gonna stick around for you to just be an ass”

Topper pushed himself up walking towards Kelce to take his turn. When Topper was far enough from the cart Rafe leaned in staring you directly in the face making your cheeks flare up at the proximity for the millionth time today.

“What do you want this time Rafe ?” You asked.

“What do I want (y/n) ? Well let’s see I want you to stop with the fucking goo goo eyes your always makeing at Topper. You’re starting to seem a little pathetic. When are you gonna learn that he just doesn’t see you that way.”

At this point your body felt like it was on fire and you where doing everything in your power not to let the comment affect you.

“I dont know what your talking about Rafe, Topper is my friend maybe your just not used to seeing a stable relationship between a guy and a girl that doesn’t involve sex.”

Not the best comeback but it was the only thing you could think of when all you could do was think about was how fast your heart was pounding from his accusations. Obviously they where true but Rafe was the last person you would want to know about your secret feelings towards Topper. Rafe didn’t seem like he was backing down yet either and you weren’t sure how much of this you could take. You continued to stare at him when suddenly he started to fish in his pockets to reveal a wadded up 100 dollar bill he crumpled it up even further and chucked it in your face watching as it fell perfect in your lap when it hit you.

“ What the heck are you doing ?” You said, picking up the crumpled money and holding it in your hand.

“I’m tired of dealing with you so I figured I’d just give you what you came for. Isn’t that why you hang out with kooks so you can take our money and show off to your little friends on the cut.”

It wasn’t the alcohol that was making Rafe act this way it was the sight of seeing you with Topper. It was something that always got under his skin after all these years, he was just able to mask it by blaming it on drugs or his natural hot headed temper.

You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes but couldn’t bear to give Rafe the satisfaction of knowing just how deep he cut you. You didn’t know why he always felt the need to  remind you that no matter how hard you tried you’d always be diffrent from everyone.

“I don’t need your damn money Rafe I get paid regardless if you’re here or not, and I’ll have you know that Topper asked me to be here. My manager said I was requested to come serve you guys today. I’m just doing my job.”

You took the crumpled bill and threw it back at Rafe letting it hit him before falling into the grass.“I’m heading back to the club, my shift is ending soon anyway.”

Turning the wheel of the cart you started to make your way back to the club not wanting to deal with this any longer then you had too and not wanting everyone to see the tears that started to trickle down your cheeks.

Rafe stumbled back once the cart started to move looking down at the money before glancing over at his confused friends. He couldn’t bring himself to admit that he was the one that requested to have you with them today but the fact that you assumed it was Topper had him even more pissed off then before It always had to be about fucking Topper.

“I’m fucking done with today I’m leaving.”

In a fit of rage Rafe stormed off throwing his club down before heading back. Deciding he’d rather be alone then have to explain to his friends as to what just happened just now. (Y/n) wasn’t the only one harboring an unrequited love for someone that didn’t seem to notice them.

Another A/n: Well I hoped you guys liked the official first chaper. I have a lot of ideas circulating on what I’m gonna do :3

My Random Obx Headcanons

● I know Rose is a realtor but she gives me strong interior decorator vibes. Like I can see her and Ward having their own flip or flop type vibe

● Wheezie runs a gossip page about all the kids in obx. She’s definitely the gossip girl of figure 8 dishing out everyone’s dirty secrets even her own siblings, no one is safe

● Rafe played football and baseball as a kid before giving it up to focus on golf. 

● John B is a horrible texter. He’ll read your messages but forget to respond to them. It will take him a solid 3 days to a week to actually send you a message back. 

● Ward makes all the kids sit down for a family dinner at least once a week and makes them all say what the best part of their day was 

● Kelce is a secret nerd but won’t let Topper and Rafe know in fear of them teasing him about it. His favorite things are probably star wars and anything to do with Superman and Spiderman. He goes to conventions in New York but lies and tells the boys he’s visiting family. 

● Also credit to the person I saw post this, if I can find it I’ll tag them for credit but I definitely agree that Topper is hands down the best fighter in the obx. Like he can definitely take down guys twice his size. 

● Topper was definitely student body president like there’s no way around it like he was in student council and everything. 

● Topper was also in mock trial for sure since his grandfather is a judge his mom made him join. 

● Jj use to sell candy and silly bands secretly from his desk when he was in elementary school until a teacher caught him and busted down on his business 

● Barry is a really good artist, he’s drawn portraits of everyone that’s bought from him just for the hell of it. 

● Rafe once looked through one of Barry’s sketch books and seen a drawing of himself. Barry was pissed but Rafe’s nosy and can’t mind his own business 

● Rafe and Barry go fishing together from time to time 

● John B uses 5 in one body wash while Pope has a normal shower routine and JJ insists that just water will get the job done 

● Sarah had braces in middle school but got them out before high school started 

● Kie got in trouble at school once for staging a walk out during class to ban plastic straws at school 

● Pope is afraid of mice idk why but I just know he is

● If Ward was still a pouge he be like one of those guys on deadliest catch that goes out looking for crabs and shit

A/n: These are random ass thoughts I had when I was board during work today , the only person they probably make sense to is me Anyway if you enjoyed this check out the first chapter to my fic Pouge Princess . If I knew how to do the little highlighted link thing I would but for now I just have it pinned to my page. Anyway hope you enjoy
