#rafe fic


Shut Up

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: JJ x Reader, Rafe x Reader, Sarah, Kie, Pope, John B

WordCount: 2k (sorry went a little overboard)

Warnings:heavy language, rafe being a jerk, underage drinking, slightly spicy, did not proofread (i am sorry lol)

Summary:JJ and Y/N hit it off at the annual Boneyard bonfire, but Rafe has quite a few things to say about it.

OBX MASTERLIST / message me to join the OBX taglist !

inspired by this gif because it literally lives rent free in my mind every second of every day. // pretty please DON’T steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))


“My God Y/N, do you ever just shut the fuck up?” Rafe groaned, whipping his head around to you, “Even if you think you’re Kook Princess, no one gives a shit what you wear tonight- we’re literally going to the boneyard,”

You took a breath, at your breaking point for Rafe’s snarky comments and ready to really give him a piece of your mind. 

Sarah snapped at her brother before you had the chance, “Maybe if you had some friends you wouldn’t spend all day at home eavesdropping on our conversations that don’t concern you.”

“It’s not exactly eavesdropping when your voice is louder than the fucking TV,” Rafe complained, turning up the volume on the speakers even louder and kicking his feet up on the couch. 

Sarah glared at him, but decided it wasn’t worth it to drag it out with her brother, “Let’s just go upstairs,” she mumbled, leading the way. 

Hours later (and after some serious discussions about outfit choices) you and Sarah headed back downstairs excited about the evening ahead of you. Sarah opened her phone, sending John B a text that the two of you were about to leave the house.

“Rafe! Are you ready to go?” You yelled his name again when you got no response… then one more time for the sole purpose of pissing him off.

“Y/N,” he cursed, rounding the corner and appearing unnecessarily close to you, “I heard you the first time, no need to scream 20 times,” he snapped, glaring at you. 

Your breath caught in your throat as his warm breath fanned across your face as he spoke from merely inches from you. He paused, undoubtedly noticing the tension as well. Suddenly he stepped away, snatching his truck keys off the counter and storming outside, “Now let’s go before I change my mind and leave you two here,”

What the hell was that? Your mind was reeling, but there wasn’t time for that. You grabbed Sarah’s arm, who was still messaging John B, and quickly followed him outside, knowing damn well he would actually leave the two of you. You and Sarah climbed into the back seat and Rafe turned over the engine, music blasting.

“Is John B there yet?”

Sarah nodded, “They just got there,”

“Is JJ-”

“He told me to tell you JJ was gonna be there, yes,” Sarah stifled a laugh at your eagerness to know if the blonde boy would be coming to the party tonight. 

Suddenly Rafe turned the music down, “Are you guys talking about those low lifes again?” He snarled, glaring at the two of you from the rearview mirror, “Those pogues are good for nothing- how do you two not get that?” He exasperated, putting two fingers to his temple as he spoke. 

“Oh come on Rafe,” you scoffed, “We’re no better than them, they-”

“No better than them?” Rafe repeated your statement with wide eyes, shaking his head, “They are pogues.” He deadpanned, “I better not see either of you around Maybank or Routledge tonight, you’re too good for them,” He added that last part under his breath, but you still managed to make out his words. 

“Or what, Rafe?” Sarah raised a brow as her brother pulled into the dirt lot behind the Boneyard. 

You and Sarah jumped out, still rolling your eyes at Rafe’s ridiculous and controlling threats. Rafe was out of the truck seconds behind you, forcefully stepping in front of the two of you before you could walk away.

“I swear, if I see you around those pogues,” He stood menacingly above you and Sarah, glaring between you as he spoke, “There’s gonna be trouble.” He turned on his heel and stalked toward the crowds of people already intoxicated and enjoying the party. 

You and Sarah simeotaneously flashed your middle fingers to his back, “Asshole,”

“For real,” you agreed, “I know he’s your brother and all but man, he can sure be a douche,”


Both of you turned heads at the sound of her name being called, quickly spotting John B. Her face lit up and you both walked over to him, joining the rest of the pogues. 

You flashed a wave at John B, grinning when you found Kiara in the crowd, “Kie!” you exclaimed, pulling her into a hug. 

“Y/N,” she hugged you tightly, “You look like you’re in need of a drink,” 


She laughed, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward the keg. You grabbed a blue solo cup from the stack on the table and let Kie fill your cup, scanning the crowd around you for a certain blonde boy.

Kie playfully glared at you, “Already looking for him? What, am I not good enough?”

You quickly put your drink to your lips, hiding the blush that was forming on your cheeks, “What? No. I-”

She waved it off, “Yeah, yeah… well he’s already asked me like four times if you were coming tonight, so I’m sure he’ll appear up soon, then you two can make love,”

“Kiara!” You grimace and she laughed at the reaction she got from you.

“I’m kidding! I’m kidding! Well, unless…”

You half-heartedly smacked her on the arm for that, “Kie I swear if you don’t-”

“Speak of the devil,” Kie grinned, nodding toward the boy who was making his way toward you. 

“Y/N!” Before you could prepare yourself JJ had embraced you in a huge hug, lifting you a few inches off the ground. 

“Well, hello to you too,” you laughed, smiling up at him as he let you go.

He looked at the cup in your hand, “One beer? Is that all you’ve had?” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, jokingly giving you a hard time, “You’ve got some catching up to do. Lucky for you, I do happen to be a connoisseur in the world of illegal substances,” He waved his hand dramatically as he spoke and you couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, “Could I interest you in a shot?”

You rolled your eyes playfully, “I would be honored,” 

JJ grabbed your cup, snatching the bottle sitting on the table and taking his best guess measuring a shot as he poured. He handed it back to you, taking a cup for himself and doing the same. 

You grimaced, looking down at your drink and catching a whiff of the smell that burned your nose, “Ugh, that’s nasty,”

JJ merely grinned, tapping the plastic rim to yours, “Cheers!”

You winced, forcing the burning liquid down your throat as JJ downed it with ease. 

“You gonna be alright Y/N?” he joked. 

You narrowed your eyes, “Pour me another,” holding your cup out to him once again. He didn’t think twice, giving you what you wanted and pouring himself another shot in the process, “Cheers,” you grinned, tapping your cup to his once more, this time your drink going down much more easily. 

“Wanna dance?” JJ tossed his cup into the bag labeled trash and you followed suit, nodding at his invitation. He grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the crowd and twirling you around. 

Dancing with JJ was a blur, your intoxication adding fuel to the strong chemistry between the two of you. JJ was everything you wanted in a guy- sweet, charming, funny, and he could take a joke. Of course, it also helped that Sarah just happened to be hitting it off with his best friend. How could you not think about the possibility? But your time with JJ secured the way you felt even more, he was perfect. 

Suddenly, his hand was on your neck, fingers playing in your hair. You could feel your face growing warm- was it the alcohol or the butterflies you got from his touch? JJ’s eyes softened, asking you silently if he could kiss you. You leaned forward in response, pulling him into you. JJ’s other hand was quickly on the small of your back, deepening the kiss between you.

You felt his breath against your cheek as he pulled away, a grin splayed across his face, “I’ve been wanting to do that since, like, forever.”

You smiled, shaking your head softly, “Well it took you long enough,”

He leaned forward, his tongue making its way into your mouth as he kissed you again. This was everything you imagined it to be- JJ Maybank was everything you wanted. Your hands made your way to the nape of his neck, gently grabbing at his blonde hair. The longer you kissed, the more confident JJ got. His lips slowly trailed down your jawline, making his way down your neck as you tossed your head back, enjoying every second. 

You weren’t sure how long you and JJ had made out, but you did know how much you enjoyed it. He had mentioned something about getting his blunt from Pope, suggesting that the two of you went and chill by the water for a bit. You were more than happy to spend more time with him, offering to get more drinks. 

You reached down, filling your cup once again, still on cloud nine from your time with JJ. Already thinking about what could happen next between the two of you. 

With your cup full, you stood up straight, turning but immediately running into someone behind you, “Shit!” You hissed as your beer was crushed up against your chest, soaking your shirt, “Dude, what the hell…” You trailed off, your anger growing when you recognized that it was Rafe who had been in your way.

“Are you kidding me, Y/N?!” He fumed, looking down at his white polo that was now drenched in beer, “Watch where you’re fucking going!”

“Well maybe don’t stand an inch behind me- this is your fault,” you snapped, throwing the plastic cup against his chest in your anger. 

“Real mature, Y/N,” he narrowed his eyes at you, “You’re lucky I have an extra shirt in my truck,” 

“What about me?” 

He raised his eyebrows, “What about you?” he shrugged, “Maybe if you plan on spilling shit all over yourself, you should bring a change of clothes,”

“Screw you Rafe,” you rolled your eyes, over his attitude, “Come on, you’ve gotta have a sweatshirt or something in your truck that I can wear,”

“Not when you’re being such a bitch,”

You groaned, crossing your arms over your body to shield yourself from the wind that was making you freeze, “Rafe, please- I’m soaked!”

“Please… what?” he taunted, reveling in the fact that he was making you work for it.

You wanted to punch him so badly, “Rafe. Can I please borrow a sweatshirt- please.” If looks could kill, Rafe would be dead by the glare you were sending him. 

He gave you a tight lipped smile, “Sure- but not sure if my sweatshirt is going to live up to the standards of Kook Princessfashion,”

You didn’t engage with his dig, biting your tongue as you followed him to his truck. He grabbed the collar of his shirt, easily pulling it over his head as he opened the passenger door of his truck and tossed it inside. He ducked inside, tossing you a black sweatshirt with such force it nearly hit you in the face. He turned back towards you, raising a brow as he pulled a new shirt over his head, “You’re staring,”

You looked to the side, rolling your eyes. Yes, yes you were staring. It was hard not to when he was standing shirtless in front of you and looking as jacked as ever. You hesitated, glancing down at the tank top that was sticking to your body and reeked of beer, questioning if getting undressed in front of the eldest Cameron was something you really wanted to do. 

Screw it. 

You pulled off your top and tossed it into the truck, keeping eye contact with Rafe as you stood there for a second, just in your bra, “You’re staring.” You mocked.

“Yeah, I am,” he said without missing a beat, “You got great tits,”

“Wow, you sure do know how to make a woman feel special,” you said dryly, your voice dripping with sarcasm.

An awkward silence fell between you. Rafe opened his mouth like he wanted to say something, quickly closing it before he got the words out. 


He hesitated. “What the hell were you doing tonight?” He finally blurted out.

You frowned, “I think I’m gonna need you to be a little more clear than that,”

“Maybank,” he nearly spat as he said the name, “What the hell were you doing with Maybank?”

“Oh my god Rafe,” you groaned and tossed your head back in frustration, “Would it kill you to just let it go?” 

“Would it kill you to stop embarrassing yourself by surrounding yourselves with pogues?” he shot back, “We’re better than them. Always have been and always will be,”

“Rafe, you’re insufferable, you know that?!” You finally snapped, “You bitch, and complain, and shit on everyone and everything around you- and you know what? People are sick of it. You think you’re so special because of your daddy’s money?” You tilted your head, glare hardening as you let yourself unleash what you had been holding in for weeks. “What are you without Ward, Rafe? Nothing- you’re nothing, and you know that just as much as everyone else on this damn island does,”

His jaw hardened and he shook his head slightly, nostrils flared as he scowled at you. “You talk so fucking much Y/N,” he growled, taking a step closer to you, “What the hell does it take to get you to shut up?” 

Instinctively you backed away, heart dropping when your back pressed up against the truck. Rafe was inches from your face, agan you could feel his hot breath fanning across your face. The tension between you so thick it felt hard to breathe. 

“What the hell does it take to get you to not be such an asshole?” you countered, doing your best to hold your ground, but feeling yourself falter as he got impossibly closer.

“I hate you,” his breath was hot against your skin, and his words seemed contradictory as he leaned in closer, lips nearly touching yours. 

“I hate you more.”

Before you could register what was happening, his fingers were in your hair and lips were pressing up to yours. As if on instinct, your hands found their way to his neck, deepening the kiss. 

You closed your eyes, hating how good this felt. 

Rafe pulled you closer, his kisses nearly desperate and setting your skin on fire. He placed kisses down your neck, you’re heart racing at his touch. Your thoughts of JJ were gone as you let yourself enjoy Rafe’s touch, seemingly forgetting of the pogue who had just been in Rafe’s position. 

Shit,” you frantically shoved Rafe off of you when you heard your phone ringing, snapping back into reality. You pulled it from you pocket, looking down to see it was Sarah calling you, “It’s Sarah. Oh god. We shouldn’t have…” You ran your hands through your hair, trying to compose your thoughts, “That was-”

“Good?” He flashed a cocky grin. 

“Not what I was going to say,” you rolled your eyes, suddenly very aware that you still didn’t have a shirt on. You ignored your flushed face, pulling his sweatshirt over your head. Of course it had to be his sweatshirt. “But yes. It was good,” you finally admitted, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes, “But this can never happen again- god, if Sarah found out,”

“She doesn’t have to,” he said with a shrug.

You swallowed, letting his offer hang in silence, hating that you were racing with excitement at the thought of this happening again.

Rafe ran his tongue across the inside of his bottom lip, knowing you were contemplating his words. He broke the silence before you could, “Better get back to your pogue boyfriend before he comes looking you,”

“He’s not-” you stopped mid sentence, horrified that you were about to clarify that JJ was not in fact your boyfriend.

“Make sure you think of me next time you start macking on him,” He gave you a wink and started walking back toward the Boneyard.

“Rafe?” He glanced back to look at you as you spoke, “I still hate you.”

He smirked, shaking his head slightly, “And I still wish you’d shut the hell up.”



@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar@http-cherries@ad-infinitums@thefangirl05@obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi@g000d–vib33zzz@coloradogirl07@thebendslikebendover@danicarosaline@meaganjm@shy-1234@mendesmaybank@starkeybabie@ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch@xtarkid@jeyramarie@talksoprettyjjx@asapkyndall@lovelymaybankk @outcrbcnks @popeheywardssecretgf @l-o-v-r-s @masteroperator @dad0yzgurl @lemur46@colbysbrocks


letters to you: fifteen - rafe cameron

summary: whoever said you can’t make homes out of human beings clearly never met rafe cameron

warnings: cigarette smoking, swearing, sexual discussions and innuendos, smut at the very end

wc: 7k

a/n: hello i am crying but i hope you enjoy this and as always please let me know what you think <3 thank you all for reading i am emotional

series masterlist

     You wake before Rafe in the morning. The words you think you heard have been on repeat in your brain for exactly seven hours; so much so that you’re not even sure you actually ever drifted off. His arm is draped loosely around your body and his snores are soft, leading you to reach down and guide your hand on top of his from where it rests around you. 

In a way, you consider how perfect it would be. You wouldn’t have to live in a house with two strangers – to you and each other – for the summer until you head off to grad school, and you could be with him all the time. The way you’ve been dying to be since you first met him. 

Another part of you worries. Worries that Rafe might get sick of you, worries that he might regret offering to share his space with you. What if he’d just been too caught up in his post-sex high to even properly remember what he’d said? 

You bite down on your bottom lip and decide not to say a word to him about it, given you don’t want to make him feel obligated to do or say anything. 

You feel him stir after a few minutes; his grip tightening around you and pulling your back into his chest. His lips ghost over your cheek, and he peaks his eyes open just enough to see that yours already are. 

“Honey?” he questions softly, his voice raspy and hesitant. 

You turn in his arms and give him a soft smile, urging the doubt and the uncertainty away. He relaxes a bit when he sees your sweet smile, but his eyebrows remain furrowed 

“Hi,” you murmur. 

“Hi,” he pulls you closer, eyes beading into yours, “You okay?”

Your smile is wider this time, “I’m great.”

Visibly, Rafe’s tenseness falls and he kisses your forehead. His hair is messy and his eyes seem extra blue somehow, a fact you study for far too long. 

“Good. I was afraid you were regretful.”

What?” you question, scooting closer to him without even realizing it. 

He shrugs shyly, as if his suggestion seems ridiculous to him now. You reach up and press your palm against his cheek, stroking the skin there with the base of your thumb. 

He hums under your movement, giving you a little smile as you do so. 

“Rafe,” you say quietly, “I – no, I’m not regretful.”

You want to say more; to tell him how much you love him and reassure him of everything he could possibly be thinking right now. Instead, you just smile and keep stroking his skin, watching those motions reassure him in ways words never could. 

“I’m glad,” he practically whispers, “Because last night meant a lot to me.”

“Me too.”

He grins, “Go brush.”

You bite your bottom lip to hide your growing smile, then turn and hurry from his bed and into his bathroom. Just as before, Rafe leisurely enters the bathroom after you, pressing himself a little too close and smiling a little too wide when you hand him his toothbrush. 

You giggle, not even caring that you have a mouthful of toothpaste, unable to believe that you’re allowed to be this happy. Never in a million years would you have guessed you’d end up brushing your teeth and showering with Rafe Cameron, but something about it feels like a home that you’ve never had before. It’s easy, comforting, real, and raw. It’s honest; not some place you have to put a mask on and smile or pretend you don’t notice how your parents won’t look at each other. 

Rafe pulls you back to bed after you both finish brushing, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you into his lap. 

“You don’t want to lay back down?” you ask him with a teasing smirk. 

“Y/N,” he shakes his head, “If we lay back down, I’m going to end up inside you again, and I know you’re probably sore.”

You giggle, “You really think highly of yourself, huh?”

His eyebrows shoot up, as if daring you to continue, but a smile teases the ends of his lips. His hands innocently roam your body before stopping just above your hips, lightly pinching your side and grinning when you squeal.

“What was that?” Rafe asks.

“Nothing, nothing,” you backpedal, laugh on your lips, “Teasing you.”

“Mhm,” he hums, “Better be. You’re beautiful when you laugh.”

“Thank you,” you whisper, leaning down to kiss him. 

He accepts your kiss with no hesitation; instead reaching up and guiding you down to him. He’s in no rush and he lets it show; letting his lips move slowly against yours and taking his time memorizing how you taste. 

“Can I feed you now?” he asks against your lips, a part of you knowing he doesn’t want to get up from this position. 

His hands remain on your body, tucking themselves under the tee shirt you’re wearing and feeling your skin on his own.

“If you must,” you smile. 

His lips move down to your neck, starting a pursuit from the top down to your collar bones, nipping lightly at your skin. 

“Don’t want you to go,” he mumbles, “Want you in my bed tonight.”

You squirm on his lap before you can help it, his words shooting straight to your lower stomach and causing you to bite down on your lower lip. Just the thought of being with him again is enough to have you drooling. 

Before you can respond verbally, Rafe continues speaking, still against the skin on the opposite side of your neck. 

Every night,” he corrects, “Every single one.”

He pulls back then, his blue eyes staring into yours and giving you a small smile. You decide then, with him looking at you the way he is, to forget everything you’d told yourself this morning. 

“Even after graduation?” you test it out, your voice high pitched and squeaky. 

Rafe’s eyes widen for half a second before a bit of pink rises to his cheeks. You purse your lips to hide a smile at that, watching as he scrambles for something to say. 

Um,” he stops and clears his throat, “You heard that?”

“Mhm,” you nod, “But if you just said it because–”

“Because I meant it,” he stops you, “Honey, I’d love for you to stay with me after you graduate.”

You bite down on your bottom lip, still unsure even with his convincing nature. He reaches up and brushes a strand of hair from your face, his eyes never leaving yours as he does so. 

“Are you sure?” you ask, “I’m messy, and I hate doing the dishes, and I can’t cook, I can bake, I guess, but I can’t fold shirts very well, you know, like how they do at department stores?”

Rafe laughs and shakes his head, stopping you from babbling on about everything you lack in. As if it’s possible, he pulls you closer , holding your gaze with intent. 

“Well, lucky for you, I lovedoing the dishes, I can cook most foods, but I can’t bake, and I do my own laundry, anyway. We sound like the perfect fit.”

You grin then, unable to help yourself. The idea of this being your life everyday for longer than a weekend fills your mind, and no part of you doubts that you’ll dislike it. 

“We do, don’t we?” you ask him quietly. 

He nods, “Yeah. Let’s give it a try. Please?”

You suck in a deep breath and squirm on his lap before you can help it, watching as he swallows. Slowly, you nod, stroking the hair on the back of his neck with your nails. 

“You promise you’ll tell me if I get on your nerves?”

He laughs, “I really don’t think that’s possible.”


“Okay,” he chuckles, “Yes, I promise.”

“Thank you.”

You give him a happy smile, one which he returns, then give him a quick kiss and lay your head on his shoulder. His hands stroke up and down your back, calming and comforting you more than he’s aware. 

“Hungry?” he whispers in your ear, laughing when you nod. 

“Pancakes?” you ask, as you rise from his lap. 

He grins and takes your hand, letting you pull him off the bed. He taps your ass lightly with his other hand, letting you lead him out of his bedroom. 

“Yes. I’ll put chocolate chips in yours if you make coffee.”


     Saying goodbye to Rafe seems harder this time than the others. You’d come here to fix things, and done just that, but the thought of sleeping alone, of reading alone in bed or watching TV by yourself only makes you sad. 

You can tell he feels the same with the way he squeezes your hand once you stop on the dock, staring out at the ferry as if it might kill you upon approach. 

“Maybe we could have that dinner with your dad next weekend,” Rafe volunteers, “Only if you don’t have any studying to do.”

You smile and look up at him, willing to agree to suffer through a dinner with your father if it means coming back to see him. 

“Yes,” you reply. 

“Okay,” Rafe grins, pulling you closer, “You could bring some of your stuff, if you want.”

You giggle before you can help it, “It’s March, Rafe.”


You collapse into his chest, your hands clawing their way up his shirt to feel his bare skin. He shivers under your touch; your hands slightly cold against his warm skin. 

“The semester doesn’t end until May.”

“I don’t care,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss into your hair, “Leave it anyway. It will reassure me that you have to come back every time you leave.”

Your eyes flutter closed, replaying those words over and over in your head. As usual, neither of you are in a hurry to separate, not caring about ferry schedules or the people around you. 

When he squeezes, you know he’s about to tell you it’s time. Silently, you nuzzle deeper into his chest, your way of protesting. 

“Honey,” he urges softly, “I’m sorry. You have to go.”

You swallow and suck in a deep breath, then pull back from his hug. His lips meet yours before either of you know it, moving sweetly and softly, showing you his love without saying a word. 

“I love you,” you remind him when you pull back, your breath fanning his lips as you speak. 

“I love you, too,” he promises. 

Slowly, he removes your duffle bag from his shoulder and places it on your own, giving you one last kiss before he releases you completely. 

You take a few steps away from him before you turn around, finding a cigarette already between his fingers and his eyes on you. 

“My turn to write?” you ask.

He nods, “Yes. Soon, please.”

You grin and nod, telling him that you’ll do it. He waits for you to turn around again before he lights his cigarette, waiting there as he always does until the ferry is out of sight. 

     “Moving in?”

You purse your lips, not sure of what else to say. Emma stares back at you, her glasses resting on the tip of her nose as she gawks. 

You’d made it into the apartment, having had to take an Uber home from the dock, and about twelve feet into the living room before you blurted out that Rafe asked you to stay with him after graduation. Her jaw had dropped instantly, and no words came out for a solid sixty seconds. 

“Y/N, shit,” she mutters, “That’s big. I mean, you guys have only known each other for, like, what? Three months? Maybe?Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

You shrug innocently, “I mean, it’s only for the summer. He knows I don’t want to stay with my parents.”

“Oh, your parents,” Emma tosses her arms up in the air, “Who will probably go batshit crazy when they find out you’re bunking with the biggest party animal in the graduating class of–”

Hey,” you snap, “He’s different now.”

“So are you,” she replies, “The Y/N I know would chain me to the couch if I tried to move in with Ethan after two months.”

Your jaw clenches a bit, defensiveness rising. You take a deep breath and try to see it from her point of view, which is the only reason why you see where she’s coming from. Before Rafe, these decisions would’ve been insane to you. Now that you’ve been in love, it just seems to be what’s right. 

“You don’t love him,” you point out, “And,you’re not dating him. Officially.”

Emma shakes her head, “Not the point.”

“That’s exactly the point, Em. I feel at home with him. The only other person I’ve felt that with is—”

You stop when you feel the emotions swell in your chest, crossing your arms and unwilling to admit it when the two of you are on the verge of fighting. Her eyes widen when she realizes, taking a few steps closer. 

Me?” she asks. 

You nod, “Yes, you. And I can’t live with you, so–”

“Oh, Y/N,” she groans, throwing her arms around you, “You know I just had to be the mom for a minute. Since you’ve always been the mom for me.”

You laugh and wrap your arms around her squeezing her closer. A few more months, and your best friend is going back to Virginia with her family, off to her next adventure. Without you. The fear of the friendship fading into social media updates and sporadic ‘It’s been too longI!’ text messages makes your heart ache, even as you cling to her. 

“Does that mean I can move in with him?” you teasingly ask. 

She laughs, “Yes. On one condition.”

“Which is?”

Emma pulls back, giving you a genuine smile. 

“You have to call me everyday.”

You laugh and nod your head, pulling her in for one final hug before the two of you separate. 

“I can and I will,” you agree. 

“Good. Wanna watch Golden Girls?”

     The week drags longer than any other week before it. Your classes get longer, your professors drone on more and more, and the hours pass by at a slower pace. You mailed Rafe a letter on Monday, reading:


I told Emma about moving in with you after we graduate. She was hesitant at first, but we have her blessing. Just thought you’d want to know that. 

I’m in a class right now. I know I should be paying attention, but all I can think about is you. Can I send you a dirty letter? I’m afraid the guy who delivers your mail will read it. 

Actually, I don’t care if he does. 

All I can think about is the way you feel when you pull me close. The way your hands feel when they move down my back and slip under my shirt. The way your mouth felt on my chest that first night. The way you cover every inch of my body when you’re on top of me, touching me everywhere. I love the way your skin feels on mine. It’s one of my favorite things, actually. I can’t wait to feel you again. Every part of you. We’ll take our time this time. No anxiety, no rushing. I just want to memorize every piece of you.

Now, I’m thinking about hugging you and kissing you, and how much I want to do it for hours on end. To just feel safe with you and loved by you is the most incredible feeling in the world. I can’t stop thinking about how amazing it’s going to feel when I get to see you every single day. 

Thank you for letting me stay with you. Honestly, I think I’d have gotten my own place if you hadn’t come up with the idea. I just can’t stand to live with my parents for another second. Not when I could be coming home to you every day. 

Anyway, sorry my letter seems to be all over the place. That’s kind of been me the past few days, though. My mind is only calm when I’m with you. 

I hope your week is going well. Call if you want to talk, otherwise write to me soon. 

I love you.



When Tuesday evening rolls around, and you’re knee deep in homework, trying to knock it all out before you go back home, Rafe calls. You grin and slam your laptop shut, sitting back on your bed as you answer.


He’s silent for a moment, but you can hear him exhale. You bite down on your bottom lip, waiting to hear his voice. 

“You sent me a dirty letter?”

His voice is low, raspy, telling you just how much your words have gotten to him. You squirm on your bed, containing your laughter. 

“Kinda,” you tease, “Did you like it?”

Y/N,” he groans, “Yeah, honey, I fucking liked it. I had to take a shower after I read it.”

“Oh,” you laugh, then purse your lips when you realize what he means, “Oh.”

“You’re killing me,” he mumbles.


“It’s worth it. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too,” you say without missing a beat, “So, I get out of class at two on Thursday, and the last ferry leaves at–”

“Take it,” he tells you, “I’ll come get you when you get in.”

“Are you sure? It’s gonna be a bit late–”

“Don’t care, honey. I’ll come get you at three in the morning if it means I get one more night with you.”

You smile; feeling that familiar heat bloom all over your body. It pools in your stomach – evidence of your need for him. 

“Thank you, Rafe,” you whisper. 

You can practically feel his smirk through the phone, but you wait for his words anyway. 

“Yeah, well, we’re going to need the extra night to give you even more to write about in your next dirty letter,” he teases. 

You laugh, “I guess we will, huh?”

“Hmm,” he hums, “Make sure you check your mailbox tomorrow. I don’t want your mailman reading my letter, either.”

“You wrote me a dirty letter back?” you gasp. 

He chuckles. You shift on your bed, laying on your side instead of your back, sitting up with intrigue. 

“I did, honey. All of my excitement for Thursday is in there.”

“I can’t wait to see you,” you tell him, “I’m doing all my homework now so I don’t have to worry about it when I’m there.”

“Good idea. I’ll let you get back to it, okay?”

You frown, but you know that’s probably for the best. 


“I love you,” he says quietly, “All mine.”

“All yours. I love you, too.”

“Bye, honey.”

“Bye, Rafe.”


First, I’m glad Emma approves of you living with me over the summer. Don’t forget about my extra bedroom, Emma can always come and stay with us if she wants to visit. Ethan can come too, if they’re still a thing by then. He’s a cool guy, so I wouldn’t mind. 

Now, let’s talk about how riled up you got me with just a few words. I mean, really? You of all people want to talk about how good skin to skin contact feels? Do you even understand how much I love feeling you? Because I do. 

That first night you let me see you, I was putty in your hands, honey. I would’ve given you absolutely anything, right then and there. Touching you, feeling you, it was everything. And when you let me put my mouth on you? I thought I was going to cum in my pants like a fucking fourteen year-old. You taste amazing, and it strokes my ego a lot knowing I’m the only person who knows that. I can’t wait until you’re here. I’m gonna lay you down and memorize every goddamn inch of you. I’m gonna take my time, just like you said, and make you feel good over and over again. I’m counting down the seconds until I can get you back in my bed. Can’t wait until summer, when I can just keep you there. I might have to quit my job just so I can stay home and love on you all day. I’ll put some thought into it. 

So soon, beautiful. See you so soon. 

I love you so much. 



After numerous hugs from Emma and promising her over and over that you will, in fact, come back on Sunday, you’re on the ferry. Rafe’s latest letter sits in your hands, the promise of reading it once more making you giddy. You relax in your seat and open it, careful of any lingering eyes before you dive in. 

You watch the sunset just before the ferry docks, taking a few pictures to show Rafe and send to Emma. Just like it had a week ago, your duffle bag strap meets your shoulder and you hurry off the ferry, desperate to lay eyes on him once again. 

It’s like a breath of fresh air, seeing him in front of you. His hair is a bit messy, and you can tell he’d come straight from work with his outfit. His tie is pulled out from his neck, hanging loose. His blue button down has you practically drooling, his letter now heavy in your bag as you think of all the things you want him to do to you. 

He tosses his half-consumed cigarette on the ground and crushes it before he starts down the dock, easy smile gracing his features. 

“There she is,” he says through his grin, throwing his arms around you once you’re close enough. 

“You look handsome,” you tell him, unable to contain that thought any longer. 

He chuckles in your ear, “Thank you, honey.”

His face nuzzles into your neck, his lips pressing quick, wet kisses there. You scratch up and down his back through his button down, listening to him hum contently into your skin. After a minute, his hands rise and cup your cheeks, pulling you back so he can get a good look at your face. 

“Hi,” he whispers through a smile. 

“Sorry, I forgot to say hi,” you giggle sheepishly, “Hi.”

He laughs easily, “The compliment was appreciated just as much. I missed you.”

“I missed you,” you tell him, pulling him closer by his collar, “I was reading your letter on the trip.”

Rafe smirks proudly, removing your duffle from your shoulder and placing it on his own before he takes your hand. He tugs you into him, then starts walking – rather quickly, you think – toward the parking lot. 

“You’re gonna sleep well tonight, honey,” he murmurs, leading you right up to his truck. 

     Every single word in Rafe’s letter comes true that evening. You’re sure it’s well into the two a.m. hour when he finally collapses beside you, his lips swollen and pink, every inch of your body burning up under the feeling of his mouth trailing over the skin. He’d coaxed a solid three orgasms from you before coming undone himself, disposing of the condom before he climbs back into bed and pulls you into his chest. 

Every part of you feels content, happy, loved. If it weren’t for the sleep clawing at your eyes, you’re sure you would turn around and kiss him for a few more hours. 

Instead, you feel Rafe press a kiss to your flaming cheek, both of you remaining naked, giving you as much access to his skin as possible. 

“Rafe?” you mumble. 


You keep your eyes closed as you ask your question, hoping your body doesn’t burn any hotter than it already is. 

“Can I take care of you tomorrow night?”

He swallows audibly, “Honey–”

“Please,” you whine, “You take such good care of me and I want to do the same with you. I might not be any good, but–”

“Stop,” he demands, “You’ll be great. I’ll guide you through it.”

You smile to yourself, “So, that’s a yes?”

“Fuck. Yes. It’s a yes.”

You grin victoriously, leaning your head to the side to kiss his forearm where it rests around you.He squeezes you tighter in response, letting you drift off to sleep without a thought in your head. 

     You wake up in Rafe’s bed alone, tangled in his sheets and his scent, but not him.You can tell it’s early based on the minimal sunlight coming through his blinds, so you pull the blanket over your chest and sit up. 

Right then, he steps back into his bedroom, fully dressed for work with his tie hanging around his neck. He’d showered, you can tell by his hair, and you wonder how he did all of this without waking you. 

“Goodmorning, honey. Sorry if I woke you,” he says quietly, stepping over to the bed to give you a quick kiss. 

You oblige, pecking his lips before you pull back to rub the sleep from your eyes. Your heart sinks at the thought of him having to leave, but the last thing you want to do is make a fuss when he’s being kind enough to let you stay.

“You didn’t,” you inform him, “But I’m afraid you were going to leave without saying goodbye.”

He shakes his head, leaning down for another kiss. 

“I was going to leave a letter.”

You smile at that, which has him giving you one right back. He steps over to his dresser and pulls out one of his tee shirts, walking over to the bed and gesturing for you to raise your arms. You do, letting him pull his shirt over your head. 

Once it’s on, he leans down and kisses the top of your head, then reaches for your hand and tugs on it. 

“Let me show you something,” he requests. 

You nod and stand up, letting him guide you back over to his dresser. He pulls out each drawer one by one, letting you observe the fact that each one is only half-full, clothes all folded and pressed to the right side of the drawer.

“Why are you showing me this?” you ask him. 

He smiles, “I made room for your stuff. So, your shirts can go with mine, and your pants can go with mine, and your underwear–”

“Rafe,” you stop him with a giggle, “That’s so sweet of you. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he replies, beaming, “Maybe while I’m gone, you can put some stuff away.”

“I will,” you promise him. 

“Good. Now, I have to go. I made you some coffee and left it in the pot. If you need anything, call me.”

“Okay,” you nod weakly, not wanting him to go. 

He squeezes your hand, showing you he feels the same way. He leans down then, his forehead pressed against yours. 

“Give me a kiss,” he demands softly. 

You do just that; grabbing ahold of the back of his neck and pulling him closer while you kiss him. His arm wraps around your back, causing him to groan when he realizes you’re kissing him in onlyhis shirt, and he’s still supposed to leave you. 

“Have a good day,” you tell him when you pull back. 

“Mmm,” he hums, “I’ll just be thinking of you. Here. In my shirt. In my bed. In my shower–”

“You’re going to be late,” you laugh. 

“All right, I’m going,” he promises, “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

“Okay,” you nod, loving the way those words sound from him. 

“Love you, honey,” he whispers, kissing your forehead. 

“Love you, too.”

You follow him out to the living room, where he picks up his stuff, then strides right back over and presses one last kiss to your lips. 

“Bye,” he murmurs. 

“Bye, Rafe,” you smile. 

He escapes out the front door with one last smile and wave, locking it behind him. You collapse on his couch the second he’s gone, a daze washing over you at the thought of this being your life for the entire summer. 

You’d get to kiss him goodbye every morning, eat dinner with him, show him how much you love him every night, and weekends would be your own, as they are now. It just wouldn’t feel so rushed, so vital to soak up every second of him. 

You pour out a cup of coffee and lounge in the living room for a while before deciding to take a shower. Afterward, you dress and put the items you brought to leave here – just to please Rafe – away in his dresser. You’d brought a few shirts, a pair of shorts and a pair of leggings, and just to tease him, a few pairs of your favorite underwear. The idea of him seeing them every day when he dresses gets you a little too excited, especially paired with the fact that you love the way your clothes look tucked next to his. 

Once your clothes are away, and the boredom starts to set in, you make your way over to his nightstand to look at the books he has there. Then, without thinking much of it, you open the drawer. It’s mostly random items, and you tell yourself you’re not snooping, even though you know you are. He has a spare charger, a box of condoms, aspirin, and other random little things. Just before you close it, your eye catches a photograph at the bottom. All you can see from the exposed piece is Rafe; smiling widely. You grin and pull it out without hesitance, fully not expecting what you find. 

It’s Rafe in high school, holding up a bottle of Patron in his right hand. His left arm is tucked around Ava, who you instantly recognize, and who is smiling widely. She stands in between Rafe and Kelce, who you also recognize, but her body language shows how she leans in just a little bit closer to Rafe. 

He looks happy, young, and carefree. So does Kelce, and so does Ava. You search the picture for a date but can’t find one, deciding eventually that it doesn’t matter. 

The image you paint of Rafe sitting in bed staring at this picture and wallowing in guilt makes your heart ache. You wonder how long it’s been since he’s done that, if he does it often or if he’s forgotten the photo is even in his nightstand. It looks well kept, like he’d taken good care of it over the years. No creases or bends, no fingerprints, either. 

You tuck it back away just as you found it, then leave his bedroom quietly. More than anything, you wish you could take his pain away. To help him recognize that it wasn’t his fault, that he can’t continue beating himself up over this. 

Instead, you decide to do what you did for him when you first met him. You bake. 

     You’re knee deep in snickerdoodle dough when Rafe comes strolling through the front door, grinning widely when he sees what you’re doing. 

“Wow,” he breathes. 

You laugh but continue your work, letting him set down his things before he steps over to you. His arms tuck themselves around your waist and his lips come in contact with your cheek, making you smile. 

“How was your day?” you ask him.

“Don’t even remember it,” he confesses, “This, right here, is all I was thinking about.”

You smile and turn in his arms, forgetting momentarily about the dough. He grips your waist firmly, holding you in place. 

“I missed you,” you tell him, your emotions still present, making your heart heavy. 

He smiles, “I missed you, too, honey. Is that why you’re baking for me?”

You shake your head, wanting more than anything to reach out for him but your hands are covered in flour and dough mixture, so you opt not to. 

“I’m taking care of you tonight, remember?”

He bites down on his bottom lip to hide a smile, which is enough for you to swoon silently. 

“I didn’t know that meant food, too,” he teases. 

“Well, it only kind of does. I was hoping we could do takeout for dinner.”

He laughs, “Of course.”

He leans in, and when you’re sure he’s going to kiss you, he presses his lips to your nose instead. 

He laughs lightly when you pout, chasing his mouth with your own. 

“You had flour on your nose, beautiful,” he tells you. 

“Thank you,” you whisper, body heating up under his proximity. 

“Want me to order now?” he asks. 


He laughs lightly, “Finish up your cookies. I’ll get you a menu.”

     Your cookies come out of the oven just as the takeout arrives at the front door. Rafe unpacks the food and plates it for both of you, then guides you into the living room to eat. He turns on Seinfeld, his new favorite even though he won’t admit it, laughing through the entire thing. Rafe looks at you expectantly once you both finish dinner, and when you laugh and nod, he hops up and carries both of your plates to the kitchen. 

He returns a few minutes later with a small plate full of snickerdoodles, a smile teasing his lips. 

“These are just for me,” he jokes as he collapses on the couch beside you. 

“Ha ha,” you sneer, stealing one of the cookies from the plate. 

Rafe lets another episode play through while he raves about the cookies, holding you close once the plate is empty. You cuddle into him, ready more than ever to feel him close again. It’s only been less than twenty-four hours, but all you want, all you can focus on, is him. 

“What’s on your mind, honey?”

You chew on your bottom lip, your head resting on his shoulder. The show seems quieter somehow, even though you missed Rafe turning it down. 

“Just thinking about what I want,” you reply weakly. 

You know you don’t sound confident, and you’re sure that’s not sexy to him at all, but his voice remains steady nonetheless. 

“What’s that?” he asks. 

You turn and look up at him, your eyes wide and innocent, “I want to go in your room.”

He swallows, “Yeah?”

You nod and move to stand, taking his hand and pulling him up with you. His eyes never leave yours as you start to tug him toward his bedroom. He leaves the TV on and the plate on his coffee table, forgetting about everything that isn’t you. 

Once you reach his room, you guide Rafe to the bed and let him sit, then crawl into his lap. Without wasting another second, you lean down and kiss him, deepening it immediately. His hands fall under your shirt, pulling it off of you without hesitation. His eyes widen when he sees that you have no bra on, and you watch his lips purse to hide his smirk. 

“Rafe,” you mumble, watching his eyes move from your chest to you, “I want you to tell me if I do something wrong–”

“Stop doubting yourself,” he says, “You’re perfect. And you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

You nod, but stand from his lap and sit on your knees on the floor anyway. His eyes widen as you do this, jaw falling slightly when your hands meet his belt. 

“I want to,” you tell him. 

He nods slowly, “Okay. I’m all yours.”

He helps you by lifting his hips so you can remove his work pants completely, ridding him of his underwear as well. He’s already hard, and that fact skyrockets your confidence. 

He shakes his head at your expression, scoffing slightly but saying nothing. Instead, he groans when you wrap your hand around him, which is another boost to your confidence. 

Without hesitation, every thought leaving your mind, you lap up the small beads resting on his tip, which has Rafe hissing.

“Shit,” he grunts, “You’re worried about doing something wrong?

You give him an innocent smile, “I mean, yeah.”

“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, “This isn’t going to take long if you keep looking at me like that.”
You giggle and stroke him up and down a few times in your hand, your eyes meeting his just before your mouth wraps around him. 

His hips buck toward you immediately, but you draw back before he can push further into your mouth. 

“Fucking–” Rafe groans, “Sorry, honey. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” you tell him, pressing a gentle kiss to his inner thigh, “Just relax.”

He lets out a shaky exhale, “Hard to do that with your mouth on me.”

You chuckle, your body heating up slightly. You take another look at him, then focus on what you’re doing once more, and take him back in your mouth.

You go slow, having heard horror stories from Emma about gagging and not wanting to embarrass yourself like that now, and stop when you feel him near the back of your mouth. He’s staring up at the ceiling, inhaling and exhaling slowly, and you take that as a good sign.

When you pull back and then forward again, your mouth never leaving him, he groans loudly. Your hand works what your mouth can’t reach, but after a few more pumps, you stop and drop your hand lower. You hollow your cheeks around him at the same moment your hand brushes just underneath him, causing him to swear. 

Fuck, fuck, f–”

He yanks himself from you, ignoring your pout that he didn’t finish. His eyes squeeze shut as he takes a minute to gather control of himself, and when he opens them again, seeing you shirtless and on your knees, he groans. 

“Rafe, you–”

“Honey, you did amazing,” he promises, “But I’d like to last long enough to fuck you.”

You swallow and nod, holding out your hands for him to help you up. He picks you up once you’re standing and places you on the bed, pulling off your shorts and panties before climbing on top of you. 

“I’m supposed to be taking care of you,” you remind him breathlessly, gasping when he nips at the skin on your neck. 

He smiles against your skin and then rolls over, pulling you on top of him. Your legs fall on either side of his body and he grins when he sees you perched perfectly on top of him. 

“Take care of me, then,” he smirks. 

You just nod, leaning down to kiss him. His hand flies to hsi nightstand, opening the drawer and fishing around for a condom blindly as he moves to deepen the kiss. 

“You’ll help me?” you ask him when he pulls back, tearing the condom wrapper with his teeth. 

“Of course I will.”

You watch him as he reaches around you to roll the condom on, then grabs ahold of your hips and places you right where he wants you. Without him having to direct you, you sit up on your knees and let him reach between your legs to position himself just right. He smirks when you do so, but you sink down on him before he can tease you any more. 

You gasp, stopping when you need to, given that being on top feels different to you than when Rafe is. He inhales sharply, still grasping your hips as if his life depends on it.

“That’s my girl,” he grunts, “Take your time.”

“Feels good,” you tell him. 

He sits up, leaning his back against the wall, so he has easier access to kiss you. Your nails dig into his shoulders as he moves, even though he tries his best to be gentle. 

“So fucking beautiful,” he whispers, “So good for me. Give me a kiss.”

You oblige, letting his lips distract you while you sink down further, taking even more of him. He groans into your mouth, which only urges you to continue. 

You start to move after a minute, hiding your face in his neck as he guides your hips up and down. The new angle of him being under you only increases your pleasure, as if you can feel every single bit of him inside you. 

“Rafe, I–” you stop, whimpering when his hips buck up into yours, “I love you.”

He kisses you quickly, “I love you, too. Always.”

You release around him not long after that, and he follows quickly behind. You collapse on his chest, his hand rubbing your back up and down as you recover. He remains inside you, knowing you like being that close to him even after both of you are through. 

“Did I do okay?” you ask him after a few minutes. 

He laughs incredulously, “Are you fucking kidding? You’re perfect.”

You press a kiss to his chest, remaining on top of him until he quietly reminds you that he needs to take care of the condom. 

When he returns from the bathroom, he moves over to his dresser to grab a fresh pair of boxers. He freezes when he sees your panties in there beside his underwear, and when he spins, your favorite lacy black thong hangs from his pointer finger. 

“So, you’re just going to act like this isn’t going to drive me fucking crazy every morning?” He raises an eyebrow. 

You giggle, “Oops.”

He groans, muttering fuck under his breath before returning them to the drawer and pulling out boxers. When he returns to bed, he pulls you right into him, kissing you slowly.

“Glad you unpacked, though,” he whispers, “Feels like it’s your home now, too.”

You grin and press another kiss to his lips, not rushing anything. 

“You’re my home, Rafe Cameron.”

“And you’re mine, honey.”


sixth sense: part two

synopsis: “you thought you could buy a friend just because you did me a favor?”

warnings:swearing, intoxication, one sleazy boss, one even sleazier ex boyfriend


a/n:hi <3 hope this lives up, leave me some words and let me know what you think! xoxo

series masterlist

     As Friday grows nearer, you become even more anxious to attend class for two reasons. One, if you had somehow been caught cheating on the exam, it could be the day you get in trouble. Two, you have to see Rafe Cameron. You have to see his handsome smirk and his raging blue eyes, all the while pretending to be unaffected by him. 

He’s kind and good, you decide. He is all the things you are not. He studies, you don’t. He’s generous, you’re not. He’s thoughtful, you’re not. He thinks of others. You do not. 

You decide on your walk to class, after considering all of this, that you will say two things to Rafe Cameron. You will politely thank him for helping you out and offer him a free drink at the bar, then you will excuse yourself from his life and sit somewhere else completely. He will just be a guy who helped you out in a pinch, one that you see every so often on campus and maybewave to or smile at. 

What Rafe Cameron will not become, you think, is a liability. 

You run through what you might expect from him as you walk into the building; you imagine he’ll probably just flash you his smile and those baby blues and expect you to melt, but you know you’re stronger than that. You hope,anyway. 

What you don’t expect, however, walking into the room with your rehearsed words on the tip of your tongue, is to find Rafe already seated where the two of you have been, with a girl at his side. They’re both laughing, and you can tell by the way the blonde is beaming at him that he is charming the shit out of her. 

You inhale and then puff out your cheeks, moving to find a seat all the way across the room. As you sit, you can hear the girl giggle, making you roll your eyes. You catch your mind dwelling on it after a moment, and you have to consciously remind yourself that this is good.It’s exactly what you wanted, what you planned on telling Rafe anyway. You’re just strangers with an act of kindness between the two of you. 

With one last, long exhale, and the feeling of those blue eyes burning into your side, you pull out a notebook from your bag. Given that Rafe won’t be there for the next exam, you figure you’re going to have to start paying attention. 

     You take one page of notes and give up twenty-seven minutes in. The content is too boring, the presentation lacks any sort of thing that would excite students, and you swear you could take a nap if it weren’t for the way your skin was being seared under his gaze. 

You tell yourself it has to be your imagination; that he’s not looking at you. You’re not even sure why he would be, given who he’s sitting beside. 

The second class ends, you shove your notebook into your bag and make way for the door. Before you can help yourself, you steal a glance his way as you leave. He’s already watching you, and when you meet his eyes, he looks like he’s about to call out to you. That is, until the blond wraps her hand around his forearm to get his attention, and she is successful. You scoff lowly and exit the room, wasting no time hurrying out to the parking lot. 

     Black Boar is in full swing, and for once, you appreciate the business. It keeps your mind from wandering anywhere, and all you have to do is focus and pump out drink orders. Bryn stands beside you at the bar, and you can’t help but notice how she’s in a lower top than she’d worn last week. 

“What?” she asks when she catches you looking at her with raised eyebrows. 

You shrug, pouring your drink into a glass, “Nice top.”

She scoffs, waiting for you to hand off your drink to your customer before she responds. 

“If it gets me twenty dollar tips, I’m fine with it,” she shrugs, “Speaking of, where is the mystery man?”

“Don’t know, don’t care,” you reply, trying your best to keep your tone even. 

“Hmm,” she hums, giving you a smirk, “Something tells me he’s around here somewhere.”

You just roll your eyes and get back to it, taking absolutely nothing to heart and doing the best you can to get those blue eyes out of your mind forever. 

You almost manage to do it. Just as he slips your mind completely, just as you get in a groove of making drinks and handing them out, you see him. 

Leaning up against your bar with his backwards cap and that fuckingsmile, you curse. He turns his head just so, as if sensing your distress, and grins even wider. You just shake your head, dropping your eyes from his so that he doesn’t draw you in. If he wants a drink, you decide, he’s going to have to do better than that. 

Standing beside him, you notice, is the friend that approached Rafe while the two of you were talking last week. They’re talking back and forth, laughing every so often, and all you can see when you steal a glance is him sitting with that blonde girl in class. 

Groaning, you walk over to Bryn. She’s pumping out drinks and really working for her tips, but she stops when she senses your need. 

“Can you please serve him?” you grumble. 

She frowns, “Serve who– Oh, my.”

You watch as she admires Rafe over your shoulder, grinning and giving him a flirty wave when she presumably meets his eye. 

“Stop,” you swat her hand down, “Just make him go away.”

“Y/N,” she laughs, “Is this about the exam thing? He did you a favor, so what? You have nothing to be embarrassed about–”

“I’m not embarrassed,” you snap. 




“Bryn, please,” you beg, “I just don’t want to deal with it right now.”

She raises her eyebrows, as if she doesn’t believe you somehow, but eventually shrugs and nods her head. 

“Even though it will be tough for me to serve the guy who tips twenty bucks on one drink, I’ll do it for you,” she promises. 

“Thank you.”

You exhale and get back to your drinks, not even bothering to spare Rafe one glance. As much as you tell yourself it’s not about the blonde and more about just keeping your distance in general, you still can’t get the sight out of your head. 

In the middle of making yet another drink, you see Bryn make her way past you and down to Rafe. You can’t hear them due to the proximity and the volume of the bar, but out of the corner of your eye, you watch Bryn lean forward, then Rafe points over at you. Clearing your throat, you hand the drink off and move further away, hoping that might solve the issue. 

It doesn’t. Rafe excuses himself – ever so politely, you’re sure – from Bryn and makes his way down the bar, stopping directly in front of you with a slight smirk on his lips. 

“Let me guess,” he calls out, “You aren’t happy with your exam grade.”

You narrow your eyes at him, “What?”

“Well,” he laughs lightly, “I’ve been racking my brain all day trying to figure out why you didn’t, y’know, sit with me in class today. That’s all I can come up with.”

“Really?” you hike up a brow, amused, “You can’t think of any other reason?”

You can tell by the way his eyes flicker that it clicks in his brain, and the second it does, you watch his face transform. He relaxes immediately, grins wider than you’ve ever seen him before, and laughs. 

“What,Lindsay?” he practically scoffs, “Come on, Y/N–”

“Do you want a drink or not?” you stop him, “Because I’m busy and you’re holding me up.”

“Does it help that I’m a good tipper?” he retorts. 

You take a deep breath, exhaling out with a sigh and then shaking your head at him. Without saying another word, you make him the drink he ordered last time. He watches you as you move, and when you slide it across the counter, his face falls halfway. 

“I appreciate what you did,” you say, “But, I’m good. The drink’s on me. See you around, Rafe.”

He opens his mouth to speak, but you turn and walk away, leaving him with nothing but the resignation to accept the drink and watch you leave his life just as quickly as you’d found yourself in it. 

The week passes by in a blur of homework, shifts, and not thinking about a particular backwards hat. Thankfully, you make it through the week without seeing him on campus, and try to push down the anticipation of Friday coming around. You continue to tell yourself that you put him in his place, he knows what you expect, and he’s not going to push you.

A guy like him wouldn’t even think twice about someone like you, you think. 

When Friday rolls around, you’ve trained yourself to not think about it. You walk to class and dread it again, knowing it’s going to be soboring, such a waste of time, and you’ll give up on taking notes after half an hour because you can’t focus. 

You’ll sit on the opposite side of the room as before. You won’t glance his way. You’ll keep your eyes up front and when class is dismissed, you’ll bolt. 

As you walk into the classroom, the first thing you notice is that you beat him here. That hasn’t happened since the first time you met him, and you tell yourself that if you cared,you would find it weird. 

You make yourself comfortable on the other side of the room, pulling out your notebook even though it will be another unsuccessful day of paying attention. Glancing at the clock, you sigh when you realize there’s still eight minutes before this shit even starts. With a sigh, you bury your head in your phone, texting Bryn, who is already at work. 

You’re still closing with me tonight, right??

She replies almost instantly with two separate messages. 


Campbell just came by. Asking for you. I told him you took your tips and moved to Hawaii. 

You roll your eyes at that. Campbell, your ex and second least favorite person in the world – beaten only by Jamie – sniffs around the bar when he’s bored, wanting a quick fuck or to brag about his new girl. Or his new car. Or his new house– 

“Excuse me,” a voice pulls you out of your phone, “Is that seat taken?”

Of course, you think. Of course he wouldn’t have given up. 

You know not to look at those baby blue eyes. You know, and yet, you do it anyway. Your throat constricts at the sight of him, no hat today, but a smile just as wide as ever. 

“What are you doing?” you ask sharply. 

He raises a teasing brow, “Well, when you enroll in a class, you have to come in and take a seat–”

“Don’t patronize me,” you snap. 

He snickers and points to the seat beside you, silently asking again if he can sit. 

“Lindsay’s in my seat,” he expounds, “And, given your ragingjealousy–”

“Excuse me?”

“Y/N, you never even let me explain,” he sighs, “She’s in my Economics class. She was asking for advice on her presentation, and I told her I was saving that seat, so she promised to get up when you got to class. Problem is, you barely even looked my way when you came in.”

You clench your jaw, “You don’t owe me an explanation. It’s not like I was expecting you to save me a seat, anyway–”

“Could’ve fooled me,” he teases, “You seemed pretty offended at Black Boar last week.”

“In order to be offended, I’d have to care,” you snap back. 

He smirks then, running a hand through his hair. You’re vastly aware of the fact that the room is filling up, and as the seconds tick by, you know it’s more and more likely he’s going to end up sitting beside you. This fact, as much as it should bother you, doesn’t seem to, because he knowswhere Lindsay is sitting, yet isn’t concerned about going over to her. 

“Please?” he murmurs, his blue eyes beading into yours and working you exactly where he wants you. 

Breaking eye contact with him, you sigh and give in, tucking your knees into your chest and motioning with your hand for him to enter the row. He grins and passes you quickly, settling himself into the seat without wasting a second. 

“No talking,” you decide, “And no smiling. Or looking at me.”

Rafe laughs, but is quick to drop it when you narrow your eyes. He clears his throat and sits up straight, unpacking his laptop and his notebook. You unlock your phone and revel in the silence, almost in disbelief that he’s actually listening to you. When your text chain with Bryn fills your screen, you type your reply. 

Did he buy it?

She replies, No. Sitting at the bar, waiting on you. Guess he knows you never miss a Friday night. 

You groan internally, trying to think of a good enough excuse to call out of your shift tonight. With Jamie, you know he won’t take anything less than you being in a coma, and even then, it’s still a fifty-fifty shot he won’t fire you. 

You barely register Rafe tear out a page from his notebook, putting the boy out of your mind completely as the professor starts to speak. Just his voice seems to be enough to put you to sleep at this point. That is, until a certain boy slides a certain piece of paper onto your desk, distracting you completely. 

You glare at him out of the corner of your eye, unfolding it with hesitance. 

Hi. This is me not talking. Or looking at you. Or smiling – which is a weird rule. I’ll follow it, though. Who’s Campbell?

Your jaw drops at the idea of him looking at your phone over your shoulder. When you look at him, your disdain prominent, he keeps his eyes forward. However, you can’t help but notice his lips twitching upward, threatening to break one of your rules. 

You scribble down on his notebook paper with your pen, making your words big and bold. 

No looking at my phone. And NO passing notes. 

He chuckles at the note when he reads it, and against your better judgment, your lips tip upward at the sound. You try your best to focus on what is being taught, but a fire ignites in your stomach when that same piece of folded up paper slides onto your desk.

Do I get to make any rules? Since you now have five?

You get one, you reply. 

He grins and quickly writes down whatever he’s thinking, and when you read it, you practically choke on your own spit. 

You have to tell me who Campbell is.

That’s not a rule – that’s a demand, you write. 

He replies, Deflecting. Do you enjoy leaving me in suspense or what?

You snort at that, listening to him laugh softly beside you. The girl in front of you turns her head and glares at the two of you, which only makes Rafe laugh more. He nudges your elbow with his and nods his head at her when you look at him, as if asking ‘did you see that?’. You just roll your eyes in response, then look back down at the note. 

New rule: no asking questions about my life. I need to focus. Stop. 

You know it’s harsh, but the way your stomach is starting to swirl with every response has you knowing it’s time to pull away. You slide the piece of paper back to him and watch as he opens it with a smile, which immediately falls when he reads it. You straighten your glance out after that, wholeheartedly focusing on what is being said and taking careful notes as you do. After a few minutes, Rafe does the same, typing quietly on his laptop beside you. 

Class remains that way; the two of you working in silence, you pretending Rafe isn’t there, and avoiding looking at him every time he looks over at you. 

Your professor dismisses class two minutes early, and you’re quick to shove all of your belongings into your bag and stand. 

“Whoa, hang on, Y/N–” Rafe tries, but you walk off before he can object any further. 

Your pace is fast, but not fast enough, because you just make it out of the building when he catches up to you. 

“Y/N,” he calls, “Just give me one minute–”

“What?” you groan, turning around to face him, “What do you want?”

“Nothing,” he blurts, then backpedals, “I mean – I just thought, y’know, after the whole exam thing–”

“What?” you laugh sarcastically, watching his face fall, “You thought you could buy a friend just because you did me a favor? I’ve told you I appreciated what you did for me, and I do, but if you think for one second that making me owe you one could make us friends, you’re way past wrong.”

He holds his hands up in defense, shaking his head rapidly. You just sigh, glancing anywhere but him.

“That’s not at all what I was saying,” he defends, “Or trying to do when I helped you out. I just thought that after that, maybe we could at least be civil. You know, you wouldn’t hate me, we could exchange notes, I could come to the bar without getting a death glare when I order.”

You furrow your brows, “I served you before this class?”

He nods slowly, “I thought you were going to poison my drink, that’s how mad you looked when I ordered. When you sat beside me a few weeks ago, I thought maybe I could win you over. But, clearly, all I’m doing is fucking bothering you, so, I’m just gonna take off. If you ever want to study or anything, my number’s in the class group chat. Otherwise, you win. I’ll stay out of your bar, out of your way. See you around, Y/N.”

Your eyes fall the second he finishes speaking, lips parting but no words left in you to say. He turns then, walking away without glancing back even once. 

You draw back after a moment, then turn and walk the opposite direction, feeling nothing but guilt and a sense of sadness you just can’t seem to place. 

     The bar is relatively empty by the time you arrive at work; a few early college students who will be on the ground by eleven tonight, a few older adults who are trying to miss the crowd, and Campbell. 

His lips turn up into a wicked grin when he sees you round the bar. He really does look good, but you would never admit that to anyone but yourself. Campbell’s good looks and charm are what drove you to him in the first place, but the relationship itself lasted two months. Campbell had been cheating on you for half of it, but hiding it behind expensive gifts, dinners, and two trips out of the country. He’d taken you to Italy after two weeks or dating (where he proceeded to fuck six different models in the five days you spent there), and then Greece just a week before the two of you broke up (he slept with multiple women there, too). 

To say the man lives and thrives off of his money would be an understatement. He’s the same as Jamie – sleazy, spineless, and willing to throw money at anything that will solve his current problem. 

“Hello, sweetheart,” he greets you, smug smirk on his face, “I kind of figured you weren’t in Hawaii.”

You roll your eyes, “What do you want, Campbell?”

“Same thing I always want,” he shrugs, taking a sip of his whiskey. 

“Meaningless sex and cocaine?” you guess sarcastically. 

“Clever,” he laughs, “No. I want you. I’ll wait for you to finish your little shift here, then we can–”

“Fuck off,” you stop him, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

He lets out another laugh, but you can tell by the way he clenches his jaw that you’re pissing him off. 

“Let’s not make any irrational decisions,” he lectures you, “Especially when I’m willing to sit here and watch you flash these motherfuckers your tits all night just to make a few bucks–”

“Campbell, I swear to God,” you interrupt, “I am not in the fucking mood today. Finish your drink and get out.”

Bryn walks up behind you, back from her break, which stops Campbell from whatever he was about to say. Clearly, it wasn’t fit for two different sets of ears. 

“You’re still here?” she questions Campbell with the raise of her brow. 

“I’m not leaving without Y/N,” he tells her. 

She snorts, “You’re leaving in handcuffs, then. Walk away, why don’t you?”

Campbell just shakes his head, draining his glass of the whiskey inside. 

“Get me another, sweetheart. You know I’ll tip you big.”

When he winks at you, your stomach twists. Not in the same way it does with Rafe; this is more sickening. 

Rafe.As you make Campbell’s drink, you replay the argument in your head. How you’d accused him of trying to buy you when all he did was help you out – already crucifying him before getting to know one thing about him. As you look back up at Campbell, finding his snake eyes already on you, you realize that heis why you did it. Your fear of being used, being bought, being someone’s plaything, came out when Rafe has given you absolutely zero reason to believe that’s what he’s after. 

“Shit,” you mutter under your breath. 

Bryn steps closer to you, trying to get you to look her in the eye. She’s checking on you, you know she is. 

“Y/N,” she says quietly, “Please don’t–”

“I’m not leaving with him,” you tell her. 

“Good. Then what has your face looking like that?”

You can’t help but laugh at her bluntness, keeping your eyes on her while you slide Campbell’s drink to him. 

“I kind of messed up with–”

“Sweetheart,” Campbell calls, “This isn’t how I like it.”

Your hands ball up at your sides as you slowly turn around, your eyes narrowing at him once you see his smirk. 


He slides the drink back to you, “You knowhow I like it.”

His eyebrows raise suggestively, making Bryn gag behind you. 

“That’s fucking sick,” she mutters to you, “I’m going to get Jamie.”

She escapes before you can protest, but you dump Campbell’s drink and make him a new one anyway. You’re sure it will get busy soon, and then he’ll get bored and find some poor girl to prey on. Or, Jamie will have suddenly grown a heart and will kick him out. 

Campbell opens his mouth to speak just as Jamie and Bryn round the corner. 

“Just make him leave,” Bryn mumbles to Jamie, pointing at Campbell. 

“Oh, shit,” Jamie laughs, “Should’ve known it was youjust by the complaint.”

You frown as they shake hands and catch up like old friends, and when Campbell winks at you, some part of you feels helpless. You’d known since you first met Campbell that Jamie would never have your back when it comes to his harassment, but it still seems to disappoint you every time. 

Bryn takes the opportunity to snag you away by the elbow, pulling you out of an earshot from the men. 

“Are you gonna be okay dealing with him?” she asks. 

You nod, “I have no choice. It’s fine, okay?”

“Okay,” she says quietly, “Is Rafe coming by tonight?”

You’d told Bryn his name after she begged you, and you’d laughed when she said it suited him perfectly. You shake your head at her question, watching her face fall. 

“No. I kind of yelled at him today.”

“You did what?” she gasps, “I swear, Y/N, your ability to self-sabotage is astounding. That’s why I’m keeping a close eye on you later and making sure you go home alone.

“Shut up,” you groan, “I’m going to make it right.”

“You better. He’s our best customer,” she teases. 

     The night improves, only because it gets busy and you lose sight of Campbell for a while. You can still feel his dark, looming presence in the room, but as long as he stays out of your way, you really couldn’t care less. 

Around midnight, your mood seems to improve. Tips are flowing in and the level of busy is just where you like it. You’re hopeful that you’ll be able to escape around two, but with the tips you’re making, you’d be happy if it stayed this busy. 

Suddenly, as if you can sense those blue eyes on you, you look up from the shots you’re pouring. 

In all his glory, Rafe Cameron leans against the bar, shot in hand, and darts his eyes away from you the second you catch him staring. You suck in a deep breath and hand out your shots, then step toward him. You watch as Rafe throws his shot back, his eyes meeting yours the second he brings his head back down. 

You notice his dilated pupils first. Then his slacked jaw. Although, you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt. That is, until he speaks. 

“Shit, y’know, ‘m not stalking you,” he slurs, “M’friends wanted to come’n here, and who am I t’ruin the party?”

“Rafe,” you say calmly, “You’re drunk.”

“M’not drunk,” he argues, shaking his head, “You’re drunk.”

You laugh before you can help it, which makes him smile; the one you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about no matter how much you tried. 

“You’resodrunk,” you tease him. 

“Am not,” he pouts, leaning on the bar, and by default, closer to you. 

“Are so. It’s okay. At least you’re not a sloppy drunk.”

He lets out a laugh, “Nah. I make it look good.”

“You do,” you blurt, freezing for half a second before brushing the comment off completely. 

Rafe breaks out into a grin, one you swear stops your heart in your chest for a moment. 

“Are you flirting with me?” he asks. 

“No,” you stand up straight, “You’ve been overserved. Back off my bar.”

“Oh, don’t do that,” he groans, “Don’t push me back right as I make progress. I’m trying here, Y/N–”

“What seems to be going on here, sweetheart?”

Your eyes squeeze shut at the image of Campbell planting himself on the bar beside Rafe. The absolute polar opposites of each other; Campbell’s drunk and seemingly territorial, while Rafe is drunk and has absolutely no idea what is happening at this moment. 

Sweetheart?” Rafe repeats. 

“No,” you shake your head at Rafe, then turn to Campbell, “I’m not serving you. Fuck off.”

Campbell smirks, “That’s no way to talk to a customer, is it? Maybe I should run that attitude of yours by Jamie.”

“Campbell–” you sigh, but Rafe is quick to interrupt. 

“Oh, shit,” he explodes, smiling, “You’reCampbell. Nice to meet you, bro. I’m Rafe. Cameron. I’m in one of Y/N’s classes. Let me ask you something, is she always so–”

“Rafe,” you snap, “Please don’t.”

“Pleasedo,” Campbell urges, smirking at you.

Rafe looks over at you and catches on something in your expression, making him stop. His eyebrows furrow and slowly, he looks back over to Campbell. 

Who are you, exactly?” he asks. 

“I’m the guy taking her home tonight. Take a walk,” Campbell grunts at Rafe, nodding his head away from the bar. 

Rafe stumbles back, as if Campbell’s words have physically struck him. When he looks at you, the expression on his face is unreadable. 

“He’s not,” you explain weakly. 

“Water,” Rafe demands hoarsely. 

It takes you a second to process it, finding that to be a strange response for the situation. However, you do as asked, sliding the water over the bar to him. Rafe thanks you quietly, then takes down about half the bottle in one second. When he straightens his head out again, somehow, he looks entirely more sober than he had before. 

“Oh, Y/N,” Campbell chuckles, “It’s not even one in the morning and your little college boy is throwing in the flag. How cute.”

You shake your head, “Something tells me he’s a better man than you ever will be.”

Rafe smiles at that, keeping eye contact with you and ignoring Campbell completely, whose jaw is clenched tight. 

Out of the corner of your eye, Jamie’s waving at you to try and get your attention. When you glance over, he aggressively points at customers who have yet to be served, then narrows his eyes at the smiling blonde boy in front of you. You step in front of Rafe instinctually, nodding to Jamie to tell him you’ll get back to work. 

You begin to step away without a word, but Rafe’s voice draws you right back. 

“Y/N,” he calls, watching you turn, “Let me know when your shift’s over. I’ll walk you to your car.”

Campbell’s jaw wounds tighter at that, and you can’t help but smile. He grins at the sight, giving you a small head tip.

“Thanks, Rafe,” you reply, “I will.”


sixth sense masterlist

a/n: yet another rafe cameron. i hope you enjoy this as much as i am enjoying writing it! leave me your thoughts , you know i love hearing them :)

warnings: swearing, intoxication, more specifics in each part

part one

part two

Lost Privilege- Rafe Cameron

Request: if ur requests are still open can u do prompts 11 and 23 with Rafe? Ty!!

Summary: you confront Rafe after hearing a certain story.

Word count- 1,014

Warnings: cheating, cursing, ANGST


11. “I can’t imagine this world without you.”

23. “I wish I could hate you.”

You sat there, a blank look on your face as you took in your best friend’s words. ‘I saw Rafe kissing Lindsey, and then… then they went upstairs into a room. Elise and Christina saw it too.’ You thought it was a joke, you prayed it was. But once you saw the pity and sorrow in her eyes, you knew it was nothing but the truth.

“Oh,” was all you could say. Nothing could have prepared you for this moment because you did not think you would have to go through it. 5 years of friendship and 2 years in a relationship, that’s all it took for Rafe Cameron to earn your love and trust, and now it’s all gone. “Do-do you want me to stay over?” “No. No it’s okay you said you had plans with Aaron. Go.” You softly smiled through your heart breaking.


“Just go hun. I wanna be alone right now anyway.” “Just call me and I’ll be over in a heartbeat.” She gave you a tight hug before leaving the room. You slowly slid down from your position against the bed headboard. Blankly, you stared at the ceiling above you. There were a least a thousand questions running through your head, and you wanted all of them answered.

So you did the only rational thing you could think to do; call him. Your hand shook softly as you reached out to your phone, picking it off the dial. It rang for a few seconds before Rose picked up. “Hello?” Your heart felt like it seized as you heard the voice that you’ve known for god knows how many years. 

“Hi Mrs. Cameron, is Rafe home?” Your voice wavered at your lips saying his name. “He is out with some friends right now sweetie, would you like me to take a message?" 

"Yes please, could you tell him to come over whenever he gets back?” “Of course I’ll tell him!” “Thank you so much, have a good night.”

You quickly hung up the phone and sat back against the headboard. You zoned out for what seemed like hours, only for it to be twenty minutes. You hadn’t even noticed the wet trails on your cheeks from tears that escaped your eyes. 

Confused. Insecure. Lied to. Cheated. Scared. Hurt. Broken. A joke. Used. You felt so many things, however you couldn’t name them all. But the main emotion that stood out was this strong, numb feeling. You felt as if he just slapped you across the face - emotionally. 

Time painfully passed by as you waited for him to walk into your room. Sooner than you could process he walked right into your room. “Evening princess, Rose said you wanted me to come over?" 

You hid the cringe your body produced hearing the nickname 'princess.’ He jumped onto your bed as he sat next to you, taking in your puffy eyes and red nose. You couldn’t look him in the eyes, if you did it was game over for you right then and there. 

Your voice was just above a whisper when you asked, "did you fuck Lindsey?” He remained quiet, that’s when you looked up. His eyebrows were furrowed, not from confusion; but from guilt and you could tell that was what he was feeling after knowing him for so long.

“Baby she kissed me and I should’ve pushed her off-” He began but you cut him off. “But you didn’t pull back, did you?” He closed his mouth, his silence was your answer. “God when I was told I wished it was a fucking joke, Cameron. What made you think you should’ve fucked her? Hmm? Please tell me your thought process through that.” His heart broke at your shaky voice, how you referred to him by his last name. 

He reached his hand out to hold your shoulder, “don’t fucking touch me!” You exclaimed, moving off of your bed and pacing the room.

“You’re not even drunk. You just fucked her. Am I not good enough? Am I bad in bed? Are you tired of me?” You asked him as you bite your thumb nail. “No baby, it’s not that.” “Stop calling me nicknames!” You cried out. “You lost that privilege as soon as you didn’t push her away. You lost the privilege to call me your girlfriend. You lost the privilege to even let my name come out of your mouth. You lost me." 

You felt extremely lightheaded, like you could see in your own perspective, but your soul was floating out of you. "God and the worst part about this is I wish I could hate you. I really fucking wish I could, but I still love you. Of course I do, but you fucked up Cameron. You fucked up badly." 

"Y/n I’m so sorry, if I could take it back I would.” He tried to offer, only making you more mad. “Sorry doesn’t mean shit now. You wouldn’t be saying sorry if you didn’t stick your dick in her.”

Rafe rubbed his face with his hands, shaking his head. “I can’t imagine this world without you.” He whispered. “Then you’re gonna have to start learning what it feels like because I can’t do this anymore.” You cried, walking to your dresser and scavenging through your clothes. You pulled out any of Rafe’s sweatshirts and sweatpants, throwing them onto the floor.

Rafe slowly stood from your bed and began to approach you, as if he made the wrong move you would run. His arm reached toward you but you quickly dodged it. “I think you need to leave Rafe.”


"Just go!”

He let out a raspy breathe and wiped the tears from his eyes. After picking up his stray clothes, he walked to the door before stopping in the doorway to look back at you. You were holding yourself up, your legs feeling like they just ran a 10k mile race. He softly whispered, “I’ll always love you.” Before walking out of your room, out of your house, and out of your life.

Where Were You in the Morning- John B series

(Gif is NOT mine! Credit to the gif owner!)

Summary: A series based on ‘Where Were You in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes. 

Word count: 1,389

Warnings: underaged drinking (lmk if I missed anything else.

You sat on a tree stump at the beach, by yourself only having a red solo cup in your hand. Your new friend had invited you to come join her at this party, but you soon realized she either didn’t show up, or ditched you for someone else.  

You told yourself you would go interact with people after you had finished your first drink, but the closer you got to finishing it the more nervous you got. Hearing a harsh sloshing sound coming towards you, you looked up to see an attractive brunette boy, walking towards you with the keg in his hands. You furrowed your eyebrows together as he plopped it in the sand right in front of you.

“You did not just carry a whole keg to me.” You laughed as the boy sat next to you. “ I had to do something. You look absolutely miserable and I can tell you’re dreading the fact that you’d probably go socialize even though you don’t want to.” He grinned, pointing down to your empty cup. “Am I right?” You chuckled as you watched him pour you another drink.

 Your eyes flickered up to him and you took in his appearance. He had a blue bandana around his neck, fluffy and shiny brunette hair, a soft smile on his lips. He had a button down shirt with only the last few buttons done. He was fairly tan and ripped underneath his shirt. His hair was wavy, with small curls on the ends of the tips. His eyes were brown as the shadows, but like honey in the lights. 

“Y/F/N Y/L/N.” You introduced yourself, his large hand gripped your small one. “John B.”

“So why are you here all alone? You look like the type to have a lot of friends.” You smiled at his words, watching as John B ran his hands through his hair, a smile on his face. He noticed how gorgeous you were, which lured him towards you when he saw you alone. “I moved here about a week ago and I made friends with this one girl Camille and she told me I should come tonight but she kinda just… never showed up.” You purse your lips, taking another sip from your drink.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Screw her, you got a better friend now!” John B grinned, throwing an arm around your shoulder. You nodded as you gently leaned into his touch. “And an attractive one.” You mumbled as his jaw jokingly dropped. “You think I’m attractive?” He gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. You pulled away from his grasp, your heart racing at the sound of his laugh.

The joking tone immediately turned tense as John B took in how beautiful you really were. “I uh- would you wanna get out of here?” He offered. You nodded your head, letting John B lead you by the hand to his  vehicle.

The ride back to his house was short, the two of you chatting about yourselves and things you liked. He pulled into his yard, putting the van to a stop. As he escorted you out of the vehicle, he grabbed your hand in his, leading you to the front door.

John B invited you into his house, which already gave you a warm welcome. “Welcome to Casa De John B. Also known as the chateau."  He laughed as he spread his arms out, presenting his residence. "It’s so… homey in here” you smiled. “It’s not much, but it’s home.” JB smiled, tapping on the doorway frame.

“Sorry for the mess, I made pancakes earlier and forgot to clean up.” He mumbled, mentally cursing at himself for not fixing up his house.

You rested against the counter, “I make the best pancakes ever.” You proudly spoke. He raised his eyebrows as a smirk danced across his lips.

“I guess you’ll have to make them for me in the morning.” You turned your head toward the floor, hoping he wouldn’t catch the pink color on your cheeks. “I promise that you will be able to taste the most amazing pancakes tomorrow morning.” You leaned forward and adjusted your shirt that was slowly riding up.

John B noticed you were uncomfortable and offered you a pair of clothes. “I would really appreciate that.” He walked into his room and returned a minute later with a t-shirt and shorts.

“The bathroom is down the hall to the right, when you’re done I’ll be in the backyard.” You nodded and walked to the bathroom. Tugging the shorts and tank top off your body, you slipped on his large shirt and shorts.

You folded up the clothes, leaving them on the seat by the kitchen island and walked towards the backyard. John B, too had changed into a more comfortable outfit. He was setting up wood in a fire pit.

He looked up when he heard you rustling in the grass, his smile instantly glowed in the night. “I was thinking we could look at the stars, if that’s alright. I don’t want to sound too cliche-”

You stopped him mid sentence, “I love star gazing.” Smiling, he nodded his head towards a large hammock that was tied between two trees. Getting the hint, you climbed in and watched him finish setting up the wood. He used a lighter to ignite the wood, your eyes were drawn to his hands that for some reason you found attractive.

He walked over to the hammock and laid himself next to you, his arm immediately wrapping around your shoulders. Your body instinctively leaned towards him. Your arm was draped across his stomach, head on his chest allowing you to hear his rather fast heartbeat. There was something blissful about the surroundings.

You could hear the firewood crackling, the crickets in the nearby bushes, the sounds of small waves echoed by the dock. You could hear his shallow breath as he exhaled through his nose. His heartbeat remained at a fast pace the entire time.

You two stayed like that for a bit, just relaxing in the night. You looked up at John B, noticing his face was beaming. He turned his head down towards you, his eyes staring into yours. “The stars are reflecting and shimmering in your eyes, and I can’t help but be attracted to that.”

His eyes flickered from yours, down to your lips. You two both began slowly inching forward, he propped himself up on his elbow. He leaned his head down and attached his lips to yours.

To begin with, it was a soft, subtle kiss, just to see how it was. Neither of you wanted to pull away, you didn’t want it to end. However, at some point you both slowly pulled away and admired the look in each other’s eyes. You guys knew you both wanted each other, and there was nothing holding you back.

He reconnected your lips with his, dancing with hers, as if you had practiced a specific routine hundreds of times.

His tongue licked across your bottom lip, begging for access to the rest of your mouth. You granted him permission as his tongue fought with yours. John B pulled away for a moment to adjust himself to get more comfortable.

But the hammock that held you had different plans. As he was about to kiss you again, the hammock flipped around, knocking you both to the ground. You hid your face in your hands, giggling like you were on top of the world, cause that’s how you felt.

John B was next to you, his face buried in the grass, he was laughing with you at the mishap. He flipped his head up, looking at you, crinkles by his eyes indicated he was smiling. 

Whenever he smiled you felt like the world was a better place. Like even though there’s so much bad around, there’s always going to be safety with him. In that one action, you felt like you have seen every inch of his kind, pure hearted soul. 

Running your hand through his hair, you two laid there for a bit, your lips still tingling from his touch. “Wanna go inside?” He asked, leaning his head into the palm of your hand. You smiled at him, nodding your head yes.

Part 2 here

The Book of You & I- Rafe Cameron

Summary: Based on The Book of You & I by Alec Benjamin

The Book of You & I- Rafe Cameron x fem reader

Summary: Based on

Word count: 2,900

Warnings: Angst, brief nudity mentioned, is kissing a warning?? all together sadness

Disclaimer: The female pronouns have been changed to male since this will be from a girls pov

Flashback in italics

Well, it all began in the back of his car

I was just sixteen, but I fell so hard

You and Rafe Cameron sat in the trunk of his jeep. Rafe had asked you on a date a few days before this, quickly realizing he was falling for you hard and fast. 

He drove you two up to the look-out hill, which gave you a beautiful view of the Outer Banks. He decorated the trunk with pillows and small fairy lights, playing music in the background. You were resting your head on his chest, feeling at peace as you listened to his calm heart beat.

It was when he kissed your forehead did you realize you were falling for him just as hard. Every moment you spent with him then you fell harder and harder. He never failed to make you smile and feel loved when you needed it most which you greatly appreciated.

Well, the years went by and he held my heart, but his love ran dry and we fell apart

You and Rafe had been dating for 3 years now. 3 years of going on dates, surprising each other with gifts, going to parties together, mind blowing sex, spending nights together. You thought everything was going beautifully.

However, as time went by everytime you tried to hang out with your boyfriend, he said he was always busy, coming up with excuses on why he couldn’t go out when in reality he was partying with his friends and snorting coke.

I felt him growing distant, I knew his love was shifting

“Why are you constantly up my ass what the fuck is that about lately?!” Rafe screamed in your face. You two were in the middle of an argument after you asked him why he hasn’t been around lately. He snapped at you as soon as you asked.

“Why are you yelling at me?” You raised your voice back, genuinely confused as to why he was acting so hostile towards you. “Because I’m not happy in our relationship anymore!” He screamed, red in the face. Your mouth fell open at his confession, a strong tension filling the room. Your eyes stung with tears, furrowing your eyebrows at him.

“What?” Your voice was barely audible as he kept his stare at the floor, rubbing his hands through his hair.

“I’m not happy anymore. I just- I don’t know I’m not… in love with you anymore.” A sob escaped your lips as you took in his words. You didn’t say anything else to him as you walked out of his bedroom, slamming his door shut. You attempted to collect yourself at least until you were back in your car.

Accidentally bumping into Sarah, your head hung low as you apologized. “Y/N, you okay?” Your eyes met Sarah who softly gasped at your red eyes. Quickly shaking your head, you left the Cameron household, and entered your car. Your fingers gripped your steering wheel until your knuckles turned white. 

You inhaled sharply, wiping the tears out of your eyes you sped out of the driveway, your grip never ending up on the wheel.

And all that I could say was, don’t tell me that it’s over, the book of you and I. Now you’ve scribbled out my name and you’ve erased my favorite lines

You cried into your pillows for days on end, avoiding your friends calls and texts, not going to the dinner table to eat with your family, not leaving your bed in general. You sent countless nights, playing back memories in your head of the two of you. You questioned yourself so many times, wondering what you did wrong that made him fall out of love with you.

For the first time in a week you checked your social media. Your thumb hovered over Rafe’s instagram account. Before you could stop yourself you scrolled through his posts, your grip tightening on your phone you saw all of his posts with you were deleted. Biting your tongue, you didn’t hesitate to archive the pictures of you two on your account. Throwing your phone on the end of the bed, you sniffled before clutching onto your pillow.

There were so many chapters that we never got to write, like cereal for dinner and staying up all night. 

For your 1 year anniversary, Rafe had bought you tickets to see your favorite band, getting you front row seats. You were forever grateful that Rafe had done that for you, even when you told him he didn’t have to do anything so big.

You and Rafe stood side by side, his arm around your shoulder, your hand resting on his chest. Chills were sent down your spine as the crowd screamed and cheered as the band appeared on stage. Rafe shifted you so you were in front of him, your back against his chest. 

You shut your eyes in happiness, listening to the crowd sing along to the lyrics. Letting the feeling of euphoria take over your body, you rested your head on his shoulder, holding his hands in place on your waist. 

The concert lasted almost 2 hours, making it 3 a.m. when you two returned back to his house. As soon as the both entered your house, Rafe threw himself on your couch, his body exhausted from all the adrenaline. You giggled at your boyfriend, entering the kitchen to make bowls of cereal. Pouring Fruit loops into two bowls, you added the milk and grabbed two spoons. 

Plopping yourself next to Rafe’s head, you shook the cereal box, his head snapping up to look at which one you grabbed. A dorky grin appeared on his face, sitting up and tucking his legs underneath. “You know what to do.” You handed him the remote. He shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth before turning the TV onto Spongebob.

I remember where we started, I remember how you looked

Before Rafe asked you on your first date, he asked you to senior prom. He knew you were a sucker for surprises so he gathered his friends to help lead you to the outside bus dock. There Rafe stood with a glass jar in his hands. You walked up to him and read the sign, ‘be a smartie and take this dum dum to prom!’ In the glass vase was the smarties candies on the bottom, and dum dumb lollipops on top.

Not being able to hold back your smile, you happily said yes to him, earning cheers and whoops from everyone around you. 

Once prom actually came around, you never forgot what he looked like. He showed up at your door in a light blue tux, a corsage the color of your dress in his hands. You could easily tell he was nervous, but as soon as he saw you all of his nerves left. “You look… stunning.” He exhaled, truly at a loss for words.

“Thank you! You clean up well.” You joked, your hand skimming across the hems of his tux. His hand delicately cupped the side of your waist. “You truly do look like a princess.”

But now I’m missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took. You didn’t give a reason, I’ll forever wonder why, we never got to finish the book of you and I.

You snuggled into your blankets, letting out a loud sigh. A soft knock echoed from the outside of your door. “Go away mom.” You called out, only to hear another knock and the door opening. You flipped around to see Sarah Cameron standing at the foot of your bed with a box of pizza and plate of cookies. 

After you thought you were out of tears, more tears swelled in your eyes at the sight of her. She joined next to you in your bed, holding you in her arms as you sobbed into her chest. Resting her chin on the top of your head, Sarah held you, her heartbreaking to hear your distressed sobs. “Shhh. It’s okay, I got you.” She mumbled. 

“He never told me why,” you started as you pulled away from her, wiping your tears on your blankets. “I don’t know what I did wrong.” You mumbled, picking at your fingernails. “Y/N, you did nothing wrong. Rafe is just an asshole, and I am so, so sorry for everything he’s put you through recently." 

Sarah slid the box of pizza towards you, a small smile on your face you took a slice and nibbled on the end. "Before I hug you more, I need you to take a shower.” Sarah admitted before grabbing a slice for herself. You immediately dropped the pizza, apologizing before running into the bathroom.

 Well, I bought a pen and I turned the page. Then I wrote about how I wish you’d stayed. I said all the things that I never got to say. Maybe when it’s done, I will feel okay.

You sat at your desk, you thumb anxiously clicking the top of the pen. Your mom had bought you a journal to write down everything that you had going on in your mind. She said it would help you at least organize some thoughts instead of having them jumbled together in your head.

You sighed loudly before writing a letter that you knew you’d never send.

Dear Rafe,

God, I never thought I’d be writing this letter. I never thought we would break up. I never expected you to fall out of love with me. Everything just feels… out of place. You were my safe zone, out of everything that was changing in my life you constantly stayed by my side through everything and  I loved that about you. I wish you were still with me. I don’t know why after everything you’ve done to me recently, but I miss your touch. I miss the smell of your cologne. I miss your cute nicknames for me. I miss watching Disney movies with you. I miss staying up with you. I miss all of you. I never told you this, but I always pictured us getting married. I pictured you proposing to me after like our 5 year anniversary. We would have two kids, you would get to pick where we’d live. I’d get to change my name to Y/N Cameron. My bed feels empty without you. You were my first boyfriend, my first kiss, my first time, my first love, and as much as this hurts now, I am forever grateful you taught me how to love. I love you Rafe Cameron. No matter what.



That he had grown so distant and that his love had shifted. I wish he felt the same.

Sarah finally convinced you to go to the beach with her due to you staying inside for nearly 3 months. You were about to meet Sarah’s boyfriend and his friends for the first time. At first Sarah told you that she could cancel on John B, but you refused and insisted on meeting everyone.

You sat next to her on your towel, letting the sun hit your skin. You couldn’t help but softly grin at the warm feeling. “Guys! Over here!” Sarah called out. A group of teens walked over to you two, welcoming smiles on everyone’s faces. “Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N this is JJ, Kiara, Pope, and my boyfriend John B." 

You stood up from your spot and welcomed Sarah’s friends with a smile. Kiara on the other hand pulled you into a tight hug. You let out a surprised laugh, hugging the girl back. Sarah had explained to them that you had just had a rough break up and to stay away from the topic. 

"You give really good hugs.” You admitted, releasing the girl.

The day was going beautifully, everyone was swimming or surfing. You finally felt relaxed, like everything is okay. “Hey! Y/N look at this!” John B randomly shouted. Your head snapped towards him, looking at the shell he had in his hands. You observed it before a familiar voice echoed from further down the beach. Your hands dug into the sand, John B looking down at you with pity in his eyes.

“It’s him isn’t it?” He softly nodded his head. You squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath. JJ appeared by your side, “you want me to teach you how to surf?” Your heart felt warm at his offer. Nodding your head, you followed JJ into the ocean, your eyes not daring to look at Rafe.

Don’t tell me that it’s over, the book of you and I. Now you’ve scribbled out my name and you’ve erased my favorite lines.

After a long day of JJ teaching you how to surf, everybody agreed to get dinner at The Wreck. You jumped out of John B’s van, holding the front door to the restaurant open for your friends. You stepped foot into the dining room, only to pause in your steps. 

You didn’t care that you saw Rafe, you cared that you saw some girl under his arm. Your friends saw the color leave your face, all of them shoving back out the front door. You inhaled and exhaled harshly to prevent yourself from crying. “Hey. hey, come here.” Sarah comforted you in her arms, trying your best to maintain your composure. You quickly stepped away from her, “no, no it’s okay. I’m okay,” you lied, shaking your hands out, “I think I just need to go home." 

Kiara nodded her head, "I’ll take you home if you want.” You shook your head, “no it’s okay. I’m just gonna walk home.” Sarah’s eyebrows raised up. “Y/N that’s like an 8 mile walk.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I just want to be alone and walking is good. I’ll text you when I get home, okay?” Everyone gave you a hug before watching you walk away from them. 

The moment you had your back turned on them, you broke down. How could he have moved on so quickly? Was she just a fling or a new relationship? So many questions in your mind, you knew could not be answered.

There were so many chapters that we never got to write, like cereal for dinner and staying up all night.

Rafe gently nudged your body, “psst. Baby, are you awake?” He whispered. You flipped around and faced him. “I haven’t been able to sleep at all.” You said, your hand immediately finding its place on the side of his face. “Wanna go skinny dipping?” He suggested. You jumped out of his bed as soon as he finished his sentence. He knew you had always wanted to try that, and since his parents were renovating a house that was 6 hours away staying a hotel, he knew this was a perfect time to do it.

You raced him down the stairwell and into his backyard. Quickly stripping, you were left in nothing. You jumped into the water, thankful that the pool lights were off. Rafe jumped in, joining you. You leaned your head back, letting the water sweep through your hair. 

Rafe swam up to you, his hands finding your butt as you wrapped your legs around his waist. “I don’t know why we didn’t do this sooner.” You joked, pressing your chest against his. He swiped a stray piece of wet hair away from your eyes, his thumb shifting down to your lips. “Because we both know where this would lead.” His thumb skimmed across your bottom lip, allowing you to open your mouth to kiss it. 

I remember where we started, I remember how you looked, but now I’m missing bits and pieces from the pages that you took. You never gave a reason, I’ll forever wonder why, we never got to finish the book of you and I. Don’t tell me, tell me that you’re leaving me. My belly hurts and my heart is hardly beating right, I hate to beg, but I’ll try one last time.

Dear Rafe,

It’s been exactly one year since we broke up. I became friends with some Pogues. I know you’d flip on me if I told you that and we were still together, but they’re treating me better than you have towards the end of our relationship. I’m not gonna lie, I still miss you sometimes, most of the time actually. I’m still confused on why things ended the way they did. You’ve avoided me the entire time, leaving me without a clue and I hate it. I picked at every flaw about myself, trying to figure out if that’s why you left. Do you know how mentally draining that is? God, it fucking sucks. I stopped crying over you though. Yeah it hurts my heart when I see you, but I think I wasted all my tears on you. I really don’t know why I’m even writing to you anymore, I feel like I told you everything I needed to. I used to beg every day and pray every single night to get you back, and it hasn’t happened. But I get it now. You finished our story before I got the chance to finish it myself, and that’s just how love works sometimes. I’ll never forget you Rafe Cameron, but I’ll also never forgive you.



Sunshine- JJ Maybank

( not my gif!)

hi girl i was hoping you’d be interested in doing another jj x reader? Where JJ finds her hidden, having a panic attack and it takes a little bit to calm her down? 52, 84, 92, 125 , 152 were the numbers I picked but if there’s too many or you can’t make them all work, you can pick whichever.

Word count: 1,552 

Summary: JJ finds you having a panic attack and is right by your side to help you calm down.


52. “Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”

84. “Take your medicine.”

92. “I feel like I can’t breathe.”

125. “Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you.”

152. “It happened again.”

17 years. 17 years of constant arguments between your parents that ended with screaming and cussing. 17 years of flinching everytime a door slammed. 17 years of wondering if it would end with violence or a drunk mother and/or father. 

There was one person who stayed by your side those entire 17 years, your best friend JJ Maybank. JJ was your neighbor since you two were in diapers, becoming his best friend after he asked you if you would like to go to the local playground to go collect bugs for his insect tank. He was always there for you no matter what the issue was, whether it be a boy who broke your heart, your parents arguing, hell even if you had cramps he would be over in a minute with snacks and medicine for the pain.

JJ knew you more than you knew yourself; he knew when you were stressed, he knew when you haven’t eaten, he knew if you needed to leave a situation, he always knew if you didn’t take your medication. He was always on top of you with your medication for your anxiety. Everyday at 3 p.m. and he wasn’t with you, he would call or text you to make sure you took the pills.

He was the reason you were still alive and functioning, the reason you were still smiling even with everything you were facing. He was there right by your side holding your hand when you went to your first therapy session. He was there for you when you had your first panic attack. JJ was the ray of sunshine in the tunnel of darkness that suffocated you.

It was 5 in the morning when you first heard the shouts of your parents. Their screams echoed through the halls, slamming against the sound of the closed bathroom door. You sat in the bathtub, knees pulled up to your chest as you rested your head on your arms. You rocked back and forth softly trying to catch your breath as it felt like the walls were closing in.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you clamped your hands over your ears as you heard a harsh slapping sound and a broken cry escape your mother’s lips. The feeling of a cement block slowly felt like it was pushing on your chest, making it feel like your throat closed up with each breath you took. “It’s okay, I’m okay.” You quietly repeated to yourself, trying to trick yourself into believing it.

You opened your eyes, quickly shutting them again when you saw black splotches in the air; like when you rub your eyes too hard and you see the white spots in the back of your mind. You were too focused on trying to calm yourself down, you didn’t notice the door slamming twice signaling that both your parents left you alone in the house. 

JJ was out in his backyard hearing the whole thing, eyes trained on your house praying that you were okay. As soon as he saw your parents storm out the front door he hopped over his fence and ran straight  into your house. Panic was written on his face as he checked every room in the house, not seeing any sign of you. He checked your bedroom to see messed up sheets and your prescription medication on your night stand. 

He ran to the bathroom directly across the hall to hear your broken whimpers coming from inside. He didn’t want to burst into the room, knowing that would only make your panic attack worse. He gently knocked on the door, feeling panicked when you didn’t answer in any way. He opened the door to see an empty bathroom, but he quickly realized you were sitting in the bathtub. Pulling the curtain back, his heart shattered seeing you in such a distressed state.

You popped your head up at the sound of the curtain moving, afraid your parents found you there. You instantly felt a wave of relief rush through your body, but you still felt like you were frozen in fear. “I feel like I can’t breathe.” You stuttered, still feeling the crushing weight on your chest. He quickly got down on his knees to become face to face with you. He slowly reached his hand out and held onto your shoulders, waiting for you to allow him to hug you. 

You turned your body towards him and that’s when he knew he could hug you. He wrapped his arm around your waist, the other holding the back of your head; entangling itself in your hair. Tucking your face into the crook of your neck, you felt as if you could slowly start to breathe again. “It happened again.” You mumbled, attempting to stop your body from shaking. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before slowly pulling back. 

Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.“ He pressed his forehead against yours, placing your hand on his chest, right on top of his heart. "Follow my breathing, okay? In… out… in… out… there we go, sunshine.” You repeated his actions, feeling your lungs inhale the air properly. The heavy weight was no longer on your chest, leaving a small aching feeling.

Don’t do anything stupid, I’m gonna help you,“ he said, "I’ll be right back.” You swallowed harshly, realizing how dry your mouth had gotten. You wiped away the stray tears with the back of your hand and blew your nose with toilet paper before JJ came back with your pill bottle and a glass of water.

Take your medicine.” He instructed, passing you a pill into your hand. You sighed loudly before looking up at JJ. He gave you a look you knew all too well. It was the ‘Please take this before I have to forcefully cram it down your throat’ look that he’s been giving you since you first got the prescription. You tossed the pill into your mouth, quickly chugging the glass of water. You fanned yourself with your hands, body feeling hot from feeling so claustrophobic.

“Hot?” He asked, sitting on the lid of the toilet. You nodded your head, running your hand through your hair to push it out of your face. “You trust me?” He asked you as he stood up. You nodded your head, “of course.” “Okay, just sit there but scoot forwards.” You obeyed him as scooted towards the front of the tub, your eyelids feeling heavy. 

JJ slowly turned the faucet on and plugged the tub, allowing it to begin to fill with cold water. You instantly relaxed at the cool touch, softly grinning as you saw JJ take his shoes off before stepping into the tub behind you. You reached forward and shut the water off once it reached up to your thighs. JJ rested against the back wall, allowing you to lay yourself between his legs, your back pressed against his chest. His arms reached around your front as he looped his fingers on top of yours. Your body shivered as he pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck.

“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.” He started softly singing, earning a soft giggle from you. “You make me happy when skies are gray.” You sang with him, letting the feeling of happiness overcome your emotions. “You never know dear, how much I love you.” You tilted your head back against his chest, fluttering your eyes shut as he pecked your forehead. “Please don’t take my sunshine away." 

You could feel your heartbeat find a steady pace once again as you surrounded yourself in JJ’s touch. He rested his cheek on the top of your head, smiling to himself as he heard you sigh in relief. "You okay princess?” He whispered into your ear, triggering a patch of goosebumps to appear on your arms. 

“Is it okay if I go get us some dry clothes?” You nodded your head as JJ carefully exited the tub, grabbing a towel to dry his lower half off. You stretched your body out in the tub, letting the cool water splash against your torso. JJ went to your closet, immediately taking his extra clothes he leaves there for nights like this one. He picked out shorts and a shirt for you to sleep in, hoping it would be comfortable enough for you. 

He walked back towards the bathroom, passing you a towel and your dry clothes. You two faced away from each other as you both quickly changed out of your clothes. You giggled as JJ almost fell over trying to put his shorts on, hearing him grunt in annoyance at his action. 

Being too lazy to put your clothes in the washer, you left your clothes in the bathtub along with JJ’s. You led him to your room, closing the door before you threw yourself onto your bed. JJ turned the bedroom lights off before joining you in bed, carefully tucking the sheets around your body. You faced him, your eyes slowly shutting as JJ held the side of your face, his thumb delicately skimming your cheek. 

“Goodnight, sunshine.” You mumbled, angling your head to kiss the palm of his hand. He smiled at you with an adoring look in his eyes, “goodnight, princess.”

Hospital Nights- JJ Maybank

(Not my gif!)


“Can you do a prompt for JJ, where the store that he works at gets robbed and the robber shoots him and all the characters have to cope with the fact that JJ might die. I understand if you don’t want to xx

Word count: 3,305

Warnings: blood, hospitals, shootings, guns, hospitals, cursing, sadness

I cried writing this one too

It was like any other day for JJ Maybank, he worked at a local retail store. He told you he wanted to pick up as many shifts as he could so he could spoil you. You told him that he didn’t need to shower you with things; just being with him made you happy enough. You kissed JJ and told him to have a good day before he left for work. Little did you guys know that everything was about to change. 

It was a relaxing Tuesday morning, the store had a few customers in it. JJ and his coworker Amy stood behind the register as a man in a black sweatshirt and jeans walked in. "Good morning!” His coworker greeted the man who acknowledged them with a nod.

The man strolled down the isles slowly, one hand in his pocket and one hand picking up random object’s. He picked up a bag of chips and soda before walking up to the counter and placing it down. JJ was about to check him out before he pulled out a loaded pistol.

JJ’s eyes widened in fear, “give me everything you have in both registers.” The man demanded, customers that were near immediately ran out of the store and out to safety. 

JJ held both hands up in surrender as the man made his way around the counter, his gun trained straight on Amy. “Okay, okay. I’m getting the money now.” JJ said as he opened one of the registers. 

“Man hurry up!” The robber yelled as he suddenly began to fidget in his stance. JJ pulled out the cash and wrapped a rubber band around it. He made his way to the other register and opened it. 

Instead of reaching for the money inside, he reached below the counter and grabbed a metal pipe that was stored there in case something like this were to happen. In what felt like a millisecond, JJ knocked the guy on the side of the head with the pipe. 

“Amy, go!” JJ yelled as she jumped over the counter and out of the store, running around the building to see a couple cowering. “We called the police as soon as we left!” The woman said in tears, still terrified. Amy couldn’t catch her breath, she was mortified of what would happen;  from a distance, sirens could be heard. 

The robber groaned in pain as JJ tackled him to the ground, the gun flying across the floor. The two fought, JJ on top of the man, throwing punches at his face. The robber headbutted him, knocking him off as he scrambled for the gun.

Before JJ could process it, a loud shot filled the air and there was a sharp pain in his lower chest. Everything went in slow motion as another shot rang out, this time the bullet going into him under his peck.

JJ fell to the floor as he cried out in pain, curling up in a ball as his clothes began to soak in his own blood. The robber stared wide eyed at what he had done, but simply grabbed the money and ran out of the store, only to be stopped with a baton to the knee by the cops. Amy heard the gunshots go off, her heart dropping when she saw the robber only had bruises.

She ran in and saw JJ lying helplessly on the floor, clutching his wounds, his sobs filled her ears as she fell to her knees, her hands keeping pressure on his wounds. “Hey hey hey you’re gonna be okay. Help! Somebody fucking help him!” Amy screamed out as medics ran into the room with a stretcher. 

The medics carefully picked the injured boy off of the ground and placed him onto the stretcher. Amy looked down at her hands, her head feeling dizzy when she saw the blood covering every inch of them. 

“Y/N.” JJ mumbled as he was lifted into the ambulance. “She’ll be right there when you wake up Maybank!” Amy screamed out to him as she cried. Police officers came up to the girl and had to ask her questions about the events that had happened. She couldn’t properly form sentences, her mouth had gotten dry and she felt as if she was going to be nauseous.

“I have to get his girlfriend down to the hospital. Please.” Was the only words she could get out. The officers nodded as they finished their notes. “You can borrow his phone to make the call. You okay to drive?”

Amy blankly nodded as she was given the phone, her fingers dialing your number. It rang for a few seconds before you picked up. 


"Y/N you need to get down to the hospital right now.” Amy rasped as she anxiously tapped her foot. “Why? What happened? Are you okay?”

“JJ got shot.” Was all Amy could say. You stopped breathing for a second as you felt like everything stopped. Your face got pale, your brother noticed as he gathered around you. “What-what?” You asked, your voice hoarse and your eyes stinging with tears. 

“We got robbed and he got shot twice in the chest. Please just meet me there.” You hung up the phone and let out a few shaky breaths before releasing the tears. You grabbed your keys and left your brother in the house without another word.

You sped down the empty roads, your foot pressed hard on the gas pedal and never eased up. You didn’t want to believe it, you didn’t want it to be real. Letting out loud cries, you pulled into the parking lot. You ran into the hospital, frantically looking for Amy. 

You found the blonde sitting in a chair by herself in the corner. She stood up and ran up to you, embracing you in a tight hug. “What the fuck happened, where is he? How bad is it? Are you okay?” Your mouth spewed out all these questions before Amy could process a single one. Amy was still struck with fear as she took a deep breath.

“He’s in surgery now. A guy came in to rob us and JJ hit him with a metal pipe and he told me to leave. And I did. Y/N, I left him. If I didn’t leave him maybe he wouldn’t have been shot, maybe I would’ve-” Amy suddenly began rambling, thinking that this was her fault. 

You held her shoulders tightly, “Amy, this was not your fault, okay? You did what you had to do, it’s your natural reaction to leave when something like this happens. It is not your fault.” You reassured her as more tears streamed down her face.

You and Amy held each other as they cried into each other’s shoulders. You sniffed as you pulled back, “I gotta call our family.” Amy nodded and got back to her seat in the corner.

You left the hospital and stood outside, trying to see if the fresh air would help you catch your breath. Your hands shook as you carefully dialed John B’s number, knowing the Pogues were at his house. It rang for a bit before John B picked up, “Pogue residence." 

"Hey, could you put me on speaker?” You asked.

“Y/N! Where are you? Are you with JJ? You guys were supposed to be here an hour ago.” JB questioned as his friends gathered around him and his phone.

“I’m at the hospital. JJ got shot.” Your heart twisted as you spoke those words. The line went silent for a few seconds. “Guys?”

“We’re heading over now.” And with that, he hung up. 

You sat in your seat anxiously next to Amy as you waited for the group of Pogues  to come. Your emotions were everywhere, your eyes were puffy, nose a bright shade of red, lips chapped. You had lost your appetite, energy, and your happiness.

Pope, Kie, and John B ran in and saw the two girls, traumatized. They slowly walked up to them, “how bad is it?” Pope asked, his lip quivering.

“He’s in surgery now.” Amy said as you stared blankly at the floor. You wanted to speak, but you couldn’t find the right words to say. Nobody knew what to say. They all just sat there in silence, but all supporting each other with hugs and hand holding.

_____2 hours later_____

A doctor with a clipboard and papers walked out into the waiting room. “JJ Maybank?” She called out as the group of teens collectively stood up. She raised her eyebrows, “who’s the main one?”

Everyone turned their eyes to you. You stepped forward, feeling sick once again. “The surgery was completed and they successfully removed both bullets. He is resting now, however he is unconscious due to the fact that the one of the bullets was close to a major artery and he lost quite a bit of blood. You can see him whenever you’d like, we just ask one at a time.” The doctor spoke, you took in her words feeling blessed knowing that it was a success.

You let the others see him first, only to be able to see him last before you had to go home. You wanted to stay the rest of the day with him until the hospital didn’t allow visitors anymore. You sat in the uncomfortable chair as you picked at your nails. Your mind had a million thoughts running around and you couldn’t process any of them.

After what seemed like a lifetime, it was finally your turn to see him. Kie walked up to you and quickly threw her arms around you, allowing you to cry into each other’s necks. Pope and John B joined you guys, all being there to support each other. “Will you be okay if we head back to the chateau?” Kie asked, breaking the group hug. You nodded your head and wiped the tears on the back of your hand. John B gave you a quick peck on the forehead, “you can come over whenever you need, we’ll be right there for you.”

You nodded your head and gave Pope a hug before you watched your loved ones walk out the door. You turned around and began to make way to his room. Your legs suddenly felt as if they would crumble from underneath you.

You stood in front of the door, hand on the door knob shaking as you heard the sound of the beeping monitor. You took a deep breath before slowly opening the door. You covered your mouth with your hand as more tears flooded your eyes at the sight of JJ.

He had bruises on his face, his lower lip inflamed along with his left eye. He had a tube up his nose and in his mouth to help with his breathing. He was patched up, spots of his blood stood out from the white gauze wrapped around the wounds.

You sat in the chair next to him, your mouth gaping as you took in the sight of him. You slowly reached across the bed and lightly held onto his hand, afraid to hurt him anymore. “Oh God.” You sobbed out as you saw how pale his skin was.

You pressed a delicate kiss to his hand, holding it to your lips for a few seconds before taking it away, still holding it. Scooting the chair towards the bed, you rubbed your thumb across his knuckles. Your fingers softly ran through his hair. “I love you so much. God, I never thought this would happen. You know, even after fighting off Kooks and going on a treasure hunt.” You spoke as you sniffled, struggling to breathe. “The amount of times you have saved my dumbass. I wish I was there to save yours.” You mumbled. 

You sat there for hours, afraid to leave his side. At times you would get a call or text from your friends, checking in on you and asking for updates. You rested your head on the side of the bed, eyes fluttering shut. You had gotten an hour worth of rest before you were woken up by the sound of the monitor. Looking up to see that there was a flat line. You choked on air as you swung the door open and screamed out, “I need a doctor in here now!" 

You muffled your cries with your hands as doctors and nurses ran into the room. One nurse had to pull you out as you begged them to let you stay. "Hun. You need to go home and get some sleep. We’ll call you tomorrow as soon as we allow visitors.” The nurse calmly spoke as your knees buckled beneath you.

You fell to the ground as the nurse held you in her arms. “Please save him.” You begged as you remained on the cold white floor; the nurse couldn’t make promises she couldn’t keep.


You drove yourself to John B’s, your ears ringing as your chest hurt from heaving so hard. Your eyes were sore from crying and your voice was raspy. 

You walked through the front door to see Kie and Pope fast asleep on the couch, you could only assume John B was asleep in his bed. You snuck out through the backdoor and made way to the hammocks. Your fingers skimmed the fabric before you sat down, shimmying into the pillows. Turning your head, you pictured JJ next to you with his arm around your shoulder. 

Blinking, his image disappeared before your eyes; only causing your heart to ache more. You sat in silence, listening to the crickets as they chirped in the distance. Too focused on the sounds, you nearly fell to the floor as John B appeared to your side. You clasped your hand over your heart as he let out an apologetic laugh.

He took the spot next to you as you both stared at the moonlight reflecting off the waters. “He’s gonna be okay, he’s a strong motherfucker.” He reassured you, rubbing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. You exhaled as the picture of him in that hospital bed reappeared in your head. “I love him, John B I can’t lose him.” You stated, voice just above a whisper. 

“He loves you too. You know, recently he brought up the thought of marrying you.” Your head snapped towards your friend with your eyes wide. “What?” He realized what he said when it was too late, “ah shit I didn’t mean to actually say that.” You shook your head, “no, no it’s okay. What did he say about it?”

He turned to face you, tucking his legs criss crossed underneath him. “He said he loves waking up in bed with you by his side, it helps him smile everyday and helps get him out of bed. He’s thought about if you two would have kids, you guys would make little bedtime stories of the Pogues adventures together, but you know, kid friendly. How he can’t wait for you to have his last name, there was one time I caught him mumbling Y/N Maybank in his sleep.” Your cheeks turned a bright pink as John B told you everything, only realizing how much you’re in love with this boy.

“You mean the world to him Y/n, before he met you he used to just sleep around, smoke way more, sometimes drank till he passed out. But since he met you he’s changed in the best way possible. Hell, he even started wearing his seatbelt when he drove.” Wiping your tears on the back of your hand you grinned to yourself. “I’m so unbelievably in love with him.” John B flashed you a bright smile, glad two of his best friends found love within each other.

“You know he would want you to get some sleep, right?” You exhaled and stepped out of the hammock. “I hate when you’re right.” You muttered before offering a hand out to him. He stood up and walked back into his house, tiptoeing around Pope and Kie. You two stood in front of JJ’s room, he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Goodnight Y/N.” He whispered. “Goodnight John B.”

You entered his room and shut the door, taking in the smell of his cologne that drifted through the air. You sat at the desk placed in the corner of his room, staring at the photos of you two that scattered his wall. You picked up a wallet sized picture of JJ kissing your cheek on your third date with him. Your whole body felt so drained it felt difficult to even breathe. You traced the shapes of the photo with your finger, “please be alive." 


5 days later

Everyone had visited JJ in the hospital except his own father. Hell, even Kie and Pope’s family visited him. You were contemplating going to his dad and screaming at him, but Pope had to physically hold you back from doing that. You brought a new bouquet of flowers everyday, giving the old ones to  the nurses and doctors that worked there. 

You sat on the left side of the bed, holding his hand with your eyes fluttering shut every now and then due to your lack of sleep. You wanted to scream, you wanted to cry, but you were numb and felt like a drained battery.

Your head snapped up when you suddenly felt JJ’s hand squeeze yours. You gasped as you nearly jumped from your chair. "Baby?” You asked softly. Slowly, his eyes fluttered open as he took a deep inhale of air. Your senses awakened as you let out a sigh of relief, a large grin displayed on your face. 

“Y/N?” His mumbled, his voice scratchy. You found the control next to his bed and found the button for a doctor to come to the room immediately. You pressed a kiss to his hand as he held onto yours. “Hey baby. Hey, I’m right here, it’s okay.” You soothed him as you smiled at your boyfriend. 

Doctors rushed in, pushing you out of the room saying they needed to check his vitals and see how stable he was. You sat outside the door against the wall, knees pulled up to your chest with your arms resting on your knees. You tilted your head up and closed your eyes, feeling beyond lucky that he was responsive. 

After about twenty minutes, the doctor left the room to speak with you. “He’s very lucky, 1 more inch and that bullet would’ve hit a major artery. We want him to stay here just for a couple days to make sure he’s healing properly. After that he’s free to go home whenever.” You nodded your head and thanked him as he walked away. 

You entered back into his room, standing next to the bed. “Come here, princess.” He mumbled as you bent down towards him, gently holding the non injured side of his face. He kissed you passionately, fingers intertwined in your hair. He carefully scooted over and patted the empty side of the bed for you.

You hesitantly got in next to him, being careful to avoid his wounds. You rested your head on his shoulder as he kissed your forehead. “I’ve missed you, so fucking much.” You muttered as you finally felt at peace being by his side again. “You can’t get rid of me that easily Y/L/N,” He joked as he pressed his lips to your hand, “You’re stuck with me forever.” He continued.

You remembered the conversation you had with John B a few nights before. “Sounds perfect to me.” He gave you that heart stopping grin of his before planting another kiss on your lip.

If The World Was Ending- John B

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

A/n: I’VE MISSED YOU GUYS! I broke my phone and I had to wait the whole month before my new phone got shipped in. But I’m back and I’m so excited to keep writing!

Summary: Inspired by If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michael’s + Laying On My Porch While We Watch The World End by Powfu.

Word count: 1,510

Warnings: cursing

John B sat in his van as he let out a string of curse words from his lips. His entire life living in the Outer Banks he had never seen so much traffic in front of his eyes. It was a one way street with about 20 cars in front of him going 10 miles under the speed limit. He reached over and hovered his hand over the passenger’s seat before it fell limp onto the cushion.

He felt the small impact of the fabric, sighing as he shook his head to clear his thoughts. It seemed as if it were yesterday when you were in the passenger’s seat, his hand placed on your thigh; tracing the letters of the alphabet onto your skin. His eyes fell onto the empty seat as he let out a loud sigh, running his hand through his hair.

You two were high school sweethearts, started dating in 9th grade but split up after high school graduation. You two had a conversation about your future together, whether you guys would want marriage and kids. You had told him you weren’t ready for marriage and you weren’t sure if you ever would be. His heart was crushed by your words, wondering if you were ever really in love with him. You had always loved him, but you knew you weren’t ready to spend forever with him. You both said you two would stay in touch; that was one year ago.

He was too caught up in his thoughts and memories to process the road underneath his car began to shake and rumble. The only thing that snapped him out of his trance was hearing quite a few screams of fear. Only then did he realize that there was an earthquake happening. He sat in the driver’s seat, frozen in fear as he immediately thought of you. 

He wondered where you were and if you were safe. Maybe you were out at the bar drinking, maybe you were in your house watching television in the living room. His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he felt his van shake fiercely, wishing you were there to calm him down; and that’s when he realized something. If the world was ending, he would want to be with you. 

He would want you in his arms, talking with you as if nothing was happening. He wouldn’t be afraid to tell you he loves you, he wouldn’t be terrified to tell you that he never stopped. Everything he feared, he didn’t care about as long as he was with you. He wouldn’t even dare to say goodbye to you in the final minute, knowing he would wake up on the other side with you in his arms. 

He was hesitant while wondering if the world ended, would you want to be with him as well? 


You sat on the edge of your couch watching as ‘breaking news’ was written across your television. The earthquake didn’t frighten you, it didn’t make you run for cover. You sat on your couch with your head in your hands, your thoughts immediately finding their way to think about John B. You wondered if he was scared, worried, or unbothered like you were.

You turned your head to the empty spot on the couch next to you. Trying to fight back, you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the memory of John B laying upside down with his feet dangling in the air as his face turned a beet red. You could have your eyes closed in a room full of a thousand people; yet still be able to pick out his laugh, reminiscing on the amount of times you caused it. 

Recalling a memory from one night, the sound of your drunken laughter mixed with his echoed in your head. 

You drunkenly thanked the uber driver, complimenting her hair before exiting the car. John B joined your side, apologizing to her for having to drive the drunken couple home. She offered a warm goodbye before driving out of your driveway. 

You shoved your hand into your purse, fingers pushing objects around until you found your house keys. John B giggled loudly before you held your index finger up to your lips, “shh! My neighbors hate me enough as it is.” You mumbled, biting your lip to hold back your laughter. “Y/n, how much shit do you have in your purse,” he started, “seriously! You shove your hand in there and it’s like a trip to Narnia!" 

You cackled at his words, immediately covering your mouth with your hand as you pulled your keys out. Fiddling with the item you tried inserting the key into the lock, missing it 3 times before you were able to insert it. You unlocked the door and pushed it open, nearly stumbling over as you forced the door.

Turning around you flipped the lights on in your kitchen, both of you groaning out in pain as the bright lights blinded you both. He covered both your eyes and his with his hands as you quickly switched them back off. John B pulled out a chair at the kitchen table, aiming to sit down in the seat only to miss it completely as he fell to the floor.

You covered your mouth as you began cackling at your boyfriend’s mishap. Doubling over from laughter, your face turned red as you couldn’t catch your breath. "Are-are you-you ok-” you couldn’t finish your sentence as his laughter got louder than yours. You fell to your knees and joined his side, cupping the side of his face. Your laughter slowly died down with his as his eyes looked into yours. “You’re so beautiful.” He slurred, gently holding the bottom of your chin as he kissed you.

Returning the action, you sighed in content at the feelings of his lips against yours. He released you which allowed you to snuggle into his chest. Your eyes slowly fell shut as you quietly fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat on your kitchen floor. 


You smiled softly to yourself, shutting off the TV before leaning back against the cushion. You sat there in silence for a few minutes before a rapid knock echoed from your front door. Slowly getting up you headed towards the sound before unlocking the door and opening it. You could barely process who was in front of you before he tackled you in a hug.

The smell of his cologne immediately made your eyes water, not realizing how much you missed him. Your eyes watered as you felt him hold the back of your head as your fingers clutched onto the fabric of his shirt. The sound of him sniffling made your heart ache with pain. You felt like you were frozen in place, like your body turned cold. “You’re safe.” He spoke to himself, thanking the Lord that you were okay. Slowly pulling himself away from you, his brown eyes searched into your E/C ones. You got lost in his for a moment before inviting him inside.

He sat next to you on the couch turning his body to face you. “I miss you.” You let the words glide off your tongue before you could stop yourself. His eyes widened at your confession, his tongue swiped across his bottom lip; a habit he had when he got nervous. “When I felt the earthquake, I realized something. I realized that if the world was ending I would want you to come over. I’d want you to stay the night, even if you fell out of love with me I just want to be with you. You made me feel alive, and that’s all I’d be able to focus on even if we were about to die." 

Exhaling loudly, you caught your breath as his eyes filled with tears. "I’m sorry if that was too much or didn’t make sense-” John B quickly reached forward and held the side of your face, kissing you passionately as you held his wrist in place. The feeling of euphoria ran through your body, goosebumps appeared on your arms as you felt him grin into the kiss. You pulled back from him to catch your breath, resting your forehead against his.

“I could be falling to my doom but I would be smiling because you have made me the happiest person. There could be meteors flying across the sky, buildings could be falling down and on fire, chaos could be everywhere but I wouldn’t give a single care in the world because I’m safe with you. I know you said you weren’t ready for marriage, but that never stopped me from loving you even after we broke up.” He whispered, his breath fanning over your lips.

“I never stopped loving you either, and this whole thing showed me that I am ready for marriage. I’m ready to spend the rest of my life with you.” You muttered, a wide grin appeared on his lips. “Really?” Your grin mirrored his, “really.”

Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head)- Rafe Cameron

(Not my gif, credit to the owner!)

Summary: Based on Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu and Beabadoobe

Word count: 3,181

Warnings: (Lung) Cancer, hospitalization, cursing, sadness, mentions of death, death.

I sobbed writing this I’m not gonna lie

Don’t stay awake for too long, don’t go to bed. I’ll make a cup of coffee for your head, I’ll get you up and going out of bed.

Rafe Cameron sat there in the doctor’s office, his eyes glazed over and his jaw slacked as the doctor stared at him with a pitied look. Six words repeated in his mind, ‘you have stage four lung cancer’. He was only 22, how did this happen so soon? 

He rubbed his hands over his face vigorously, cracking his knuckles after he stopped. “How long do I have?” “Some people don’t survive more than 12 months, and if you’re lucky, the latest I’ve seen is 5 years but that’s with every single treatment."  He flared his nostrils as he held back his tears, he wanted to be around one person and one person only; you. 

Rafe showed up at your door after his appointment, a bouquet of rose’s in his hand and a card in the other. You grinned at his kind gesture, your heart swelling with joy. He thought he would have to plaster a smile on his face, but the moment he saw you, a genuine smile appeared on his face. For the slightest moment, he forgot that he was dying.

You two spent the night together, cuddling and watching movies. Rafe held you close to him, his fingers skimming every part of your body, wanting to relish the feeling of you under his fingers. He checked the time and realized it was 3 in the morning and he was still awake. 

You shifted in your spot before turning your body to face his, your hand reaching up and combing his blonde locks out of his face. "Don’t stay awake for too long baby, you need rest.” You mumbled, half asleep. “I know, I know. I just have a bad headache.” He lied. Truth is, he wanted to stay awake and just admire how you looked next to him, curled up in his chest, allowing him to see your natural beauty.

“I’ll make you a cup of coffee in the morning and I have plenty of ibuprofen to share.” You grinned, pressing a delicate kiss to his neck. “Goodnight, my love.” He whispered as he kissed your forehead in return, watching you fall back into your sleep.

I don’t wanna fall asleep, I don’t wanna pass away. I’ve been thinking of our future 'cause I’ll never see those days.

Rafe rubbed his eyes with his hands as he yawned, today was his third day without sleeping. He told you that he just kept waking up in the middle of the night but eventually he did go back to sleep. You believed him, offering any help to find resolutions but he politely denied them.

Truth was, everytime he fell asleep he had dreams about your future with him. The most recent one he had was of you two, married with two children. You two had moved out of the Outer Banks, wanting a new start. In this dream, he survived the cancer so he wanted a fresh start. Away from the toxic memories he had from that town.

It pained him every time he had a thought about your future, at least what he wanted your future with him to be. He wanted to make you so happy, he wanted to be the reason you woke up every morning and vice versa. You were his everything, and it killed him to know that soon it would come to an end.

I don’t know why this has happened but I probably deserve it. I tried to do my best but you know that I’m not perfect.

You sat down on the couch, legs criss crossed as Rafe paced back and forth in front of you. He was mumbling to himself as you sat there confused, trying to calm down the nerves you knew he had. You didn’t know what was going on which only worried you.

“Rafe, baby just sit next to me and talk to me.” He sat down next to you, his elbows resting on his knees, terrified to look you in the eyes. You scooted closer to him and grabbed one of his hands, “breathe.” Was all you said before he closed his eyes, deeply inhaling and exhaling for a few seconds before turning and looking at you.

You could finally see how scared he was, he looked like he hadn’t slept, his eyes were pink and watery, the bags under his eyes were a light purple. You turned your body to face him, “Rafe, what’s wrong?” He turned to you, mirroring the way you were sitting. “I have stage four lung cancer." 

His words felt like you fell face first in cement from a fifty foot drop. "W-what?” You stuttered, your voice just above a whisper. He nodded his head as he watched your eyes release tears. Your mouth fell open but you quickly covered it with your hand. You tried to speak but the only sound you could make was a gasping sound, like a fish out of water.

“I have maybe 12 months to live.” Your mouth was dry, your heart felt like it was somehow racing and stopping at the same time. Your world felt like it fell out of space and shattered. You wanted to know how long he knew, but it didn’t matter. Moral of the story was that you wanted him to live a good life for as long as he lived, and that’s what you were gonna do. 

You didn’t say anything, you simply crawled to him and straddled his lap. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he held your waist, allowing you two to cry into each other’s necks. He held you like if he were to let go, you would disappear forever.

“I got you Rafe, I got you.“ Your hand reached up and entangled itself in his hair, gently massaging it. "Why did this have to happen? Right when I was finally feeling happy.” He screamed into your neck. 

“I don’t hunny. I don’t know.” You whispered.

I’ve been praying for forgiveness, you’ve been praying for my health. When I leave this Earth, hoping you’ll find someone else.

Rafe turned his head to look at you, making sure you were fast asleep before he slowly got out of bed. Replacing his body with a pillow, he snuck out of the room and outside of your house.

He made his way to the backyard and sat down on the grass, laying back as he looked up at the stars. He took a deep breath before speaking out loud. “Hi, uh- God. I don’t know how this works, I don’t know how to pray or even if you’re up there, but if you are I need you to hear what I have to say.”

A star above him shined brighter for a split second before disappearing behind a cloud. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for the disrespectful and disgusting teenager I was. I’m sorry for all the horrible things I did to my body. I’m sorry for the crimes I committed and never got caught. I admit to everything I have done wrong, I understand why you’re taking it out on me. But please, leave Y/N out of this. She is the light of my life, the reason I was able to find happiness. Please don’t take my actions out on her, make her fall out of love with me or something. Just…just something to ease her pain. Please.”

Rafe was out at the grocery store, leaving you plenty of time to head over to the neighborhood church. You walked out of your car with sunglasses on so people couldn’t see your red and watery eyes. You excused yourself as you shimmied through a small group of people.

You walked into the chapel and sat down in one of the pews. You removed your sunglasses before looking up at the front of the room. You let out a puff of air before speaking out loud. “Hi, God. I really don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m even trying to talk to you. But I just, I’m so desperate and I just need your help. Please, please help Rafe. Help him at least live longer than a year, he wasn’t the best person when he was a teenager, you know that. But he’s changed into a whole new person, he knows how he was before and he hates it now. Please help him recover through this, help him pull through because I need him here. He was the one I was supposed to marry, the one who would be the father of my children, the one to help give me my happy ending. Please.”

When I leave this Earth hoping you’ll find someone else, 'cause yeah, we’re still young there’s so much we haven’t done.

You shook your head at Rafe’s words as you wiped your tears away with your hands. “No, there’s no way.” You cried out. He grabbed both your wrists and made you look at him. “Y/N, you have to listen to me. I don’t want you to grieve or mourn, I want you to keep going. Find a new love, I don’t want you to be alone. You need to find a new love, start a new story with them. Please baby, I beg you." 

You squeezed your eyes closed, your throat felt like it was slowly shutting. Your heart felt like it had been stabbed after hearing his words. You knew he had a point, you knew you couldn’t mourn over him the rest of your life, but just hearing it so soon pained you more than you could ever imagine. 

Getting married, start a family, watch your husband with his son. I wish it could be me but I won’t make it off this bed.

Another night where Rafe couldn’t sleep, this being his 6th one in a row. He looked at you while you slept and admired the way the moonlight entered the window. The way the light cascaded down your face, highlighting some of your facial features. 

He slept maybe an hour, however he had a dream that woke him up. He dreamed that you got married to another man, watching as he took care of your son. He felt his heart pang with pain knowing that would be the harsh reality they would soon have to face. 

It felt like his body was there, he knew he was there, but it felt like his soul was floating out of him as he watched you be happy with a random stranger. He watched as you scooped your son up in your arms, spinning around as he let out cheerful giggles.

Rafe watched your husband who looked just as happy as you did. He hated that you were happy with someone else, but he knew you would be in good hands with your husband. He just had to pray that you’ll meet someone who loves you just as much as he did.

I hope I go to heaven so I see you once again. My life was kinda short but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it’s all ending.

Rafe had spent the next few months trying to make up for some of the shitty things he did in his teen years. He’s been donating to the pour, volunteering at local shelters and soup kitchens, randomly picking garbage up from the highway. He was trying to do anything and everything to make sure he could go to heaven.

He had no clue if heaven or hell were real, but if they do exist he would do anything he could to make sure he got into heaven. After he dies, he knew that was his one chance to see you again. He knew one day he would wake up on the other side and you would be there, running to him to give him the hug both of you had been desperately craving.

I’m happy that you’re here with me, I’m sorry if I tear up. When me and you were younger, you would always make me cheer up.

You softly knocked on the hospital room door, walking through the doorway with a tray of cafeteria food. "Hey baby, I brought you a sandwich and blue jello.” He smiled at you, “my favorite.” He subtly laughed before coughing harshly. You rushed over to his side and placed the tray down, grabbing one of the napkins to wipe away the small drops of blood that escaped his mouth.

“I got you baby, it’s okay.” You mumbled, passing him a glass of water as his coughing died down. You sat down in the seat next to him, watching him poke his sandwich before taking a small bite out of it. He sighed before dropping the sandwich back onto the plate, his eyes already crying. He sniffled as he covered his face with his hands, ashamed to be in the spot he was in right now.

You reached forward and grabbed onto his hand, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb as he tightened his grip. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered. You shook your head trying to fight back your tears. “Don’t apologize baby, I’m right here.” “And I’m so fucking happy you are." 

You held his hand, looking down at his fingers as you played with them. "Remember back in 8th grade when I got into a really bad argument with my dad after he married Rose? I was so angry and upset, and I ran right to your house. But you were right there to help me, you cheered me up in a matter of seconds of me being with you. That was one of the first times I truly knew how happy you made me.” He recalled the memory, thinking about it like it was yesterday.

Taking goofy videos while walking through the park. You would jump into my arms every time you heard a bark.

You pulled up your snapchat and pressed record. You and Rafe decided to go to the local park to just go on the playground equipment. There was nobody around, even if there was when you were with him you felt like you two were the only ones there.

You recorded the video as Rafe pushed you on the swing set, you turned the camera to face you, zooming in on the large smile on his face. You pumped your legs up, accidentally kicking him in the stomach. The video got the whole thing and his reaction. You jumped off the swing and turned around to see him hunched over and groaning. 

“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” You quickly apologized, trying to help him stand up straight. He laughed loudly, his bright smile never left his face. “That was so fucking funny!” You joined him in laughing, enjoying the moment. He held you closely by the waist as you held his elbows. “God, I am so in love with you.” He muttered before pressing a soft kiss to your lips. 

Okay shut up that was one time and it was a dare!” You defended yourself, jokingly pushing his shoulder. He brought up the story about how you ran down the block fully naked one night in senior year. Your laugh stopped the moment you heard a loud bark echoing in the distance. 

Your hand quickly reached down to grab his as your head turned in different directions to see where the sound came from. Rafe stopped walking and stood in front of you. “Hey, hey it’s okay. It was just a dog.” You nodded your head before letting out a shaky breath.

His free hand reached up and held the side of your face, “I got you Y/N. I won’t let anything hurt you.”

Cuddle in your sheets, sing me sound asleep. And sneak out through your kitchen at exactly 1:03. 

You hushed Rafe as he whispered to you. Rafe had been your boyfriend for the last 2 months, however you hadn’t told your parents about him yet which meant sneaking around if you wanted to be with him. You figured out a way to sneak him into your house without your parents knowing.

He tiptoed into your room before flinging himself onto your bed. He wasted no time in wrapping himself in your sheets, his arms wide open waiting for you to join him. You laid down next to him, watching as he looked at you with puppy eyes and his bottom lip pouting. “Which song tonight?” He thought for a minute, “Fix You by Coldplay." 

You shifted in your spot so Rafe could rest his head on your chest, your hand reached yo to play with his hair. "When you try your best but you don’t succeed…” you quietly sang to him. You continued until you heard his soft snores escape his lips. You shut your eyes and allowed yourself to fall asleep with him.

You were woken up by the feeling of his lips against yours, mumbling 'wake up’ against them. “I’m awake.” You muttered, rubbing your eyes. “I gotta head home."  You nodded before flinging the sheets off of your body. You held his hand in yours before quietly opening your bedroom door. You led him down the halls and to your garage door. 

He spun you around so you could face him, his hands finding your waist as you roped your arms around his neck. "See you tomorrow?” He questioned, “absolutely.” You leaned forwards and kissed him softly, your lips hovering over his for a second. 

“Goodnight handsome.”

Soon you’ll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me.

It’s been 12 months, Rafe was admitted into the hospital at the beginning of month 11. It happened when Rafe broke into a coughing spit that ended up with him spitting up splatters of blood. You weren’t ready when that happened, you knew that that was the beginning of his end and that terrified you.

“Y/N?” He whispered, you sat up from your seat and stood next to him. “Yeah baby?” “Can you kiss me?” Your heart clenched at how soft his voice was. “It would be my honor.” You grinned as he let out a weak laugh. Leaning down you cupped the side of his face and passionately kissed him. 

You pulled away from him, not even knowing about the tears that rolled down your face. “My eyelids feel heavy.” He admitted, knowing this might be his last day. You held the side of his face, watching as his eyes slowly fell shut and his heart monitor slowed down. “No no, Rafe look at me. Keep your eyes open.” You begged.

“I love you Y/F/N Y/L/N, forever and always.” He whispered before his eyes fell shut. The room went silent except for the sound of the monitor flat lining, fear running through your veins. “Doctor!”

Positive- Rafe Cameron

Summary: You and Rafe start your own family :)

Word count: 1,053

Warnings: mentions of vomit but aside from that just pure fluff!

You woke up next to your handsome husband. Husband. You never thought of the day you would be able to say Rafe Cameron was your husband. You peacefully rested your right hand on the side of his face, taking in every little detail of his sleeping face. 

How his mouth slightly parted open, his lips a little chapped. Sometimes he would twitch a little in his sleep depending on what kind of dream he was having. At times he unknowingly smiles when you would snuggle into his chest. He would always have an arm around you, afraid to let go. Your legs would be intertwined so if one of you had to get up, the other would immediately feel cold.

You suddenly felt the dinner from last night quickly rise up in your throat. You threw the bed sheet off of your body and ran into the bathroom. Rafe immediately sat up at the sound of his wife throwing up into the toilet. He ran into the bathroom and held your hair back, sitting on his knees. 

He rubbed a gentle hand on your back as you finished your business. You leaned your head against your arm, waiting to see if there was anything else coming up. “You okay, love?” Rafe asked as he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe around your mouth. This was the 4th time in a week where you had woken up vomiting. You also took notice that your period was a week late.

Rafe noticed the symptoms you were having and quickly figured it out. While you were at work, Rafe went out to the pharmacy and bought you three pregnancy tests. Three just in case one says positive and one says negative. He opened the cabinet door underneath the sink and pulled out the boxes. He gave you the box, your face read nothing but fear.

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be right outside the door.” He pressed a soft kiss to your temple as you nodded. You read the directions and proceed to do the steps you needed to take. You used all three tests at once just to see how that would work. You waited 5 minutes for the results, as you stared painfully at the sticks, time felt like hours.

After you looked at the clock, you picked up the test. Positive. You looked at the next two tests, they said the exact same thing, positive. You took a deep breath as a grin found its way to your face. You grabbed the tests and walked out of the bathroom. Rafe’s head snapped up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. 

“All the same. Positive.” You said, Rafe gasped as a reaction. His face broke out into a smile as he jumped up off the bed. He embraced you in his arms, picking you up and spinning you both around. He placed you down before holding your hands in his. “I’m gonna be a dad? Oh my God! I’m gonna be a dad!"  He yelled, kissing all around your face.


9 months later

You laid in a hospital bed, your stomach the size of a full blown watermelon. The upcoming parents had found out your baby was going to be a boy. You two spent nights trying to come up with a name and what you would do to be good parents.

Rafe sat in an uncomfortable chair next to his wife, holding your hand as you attempted to push as hard as you could. The doctor had your legs propped up, your body already felt weak at the amount of changes it went through.

You screamed out in pain as you squeezed Rafe’s hand tightly. You were in labour for 11 hours, the baby finally coming out. It started with the head as your face contorted back and forth from pain to relief with every inch of the baby that came out.

"It’s okay, beautiful. You got this you’re almost there. He’s almost here.” Rafe encouraged you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “One more push!” The doctor said. You gave one final strong push as the sound of cries made the new parents smile. You exhaled loudly, resting your head against Rafe’s hand. The doctor handed the Camerons a pair of scissors. Each of you looped a finger into the tool and cut the umbilical cord.

“Alright let’s clean this guy up.” The doctor said to the nurse as Rafe ran his fingers through his wife’s hair, grabbing a paper towel to blot the sweat off of your face and chest. “You fucking did it hun. We’re parents.” Rafe breathed out.

“And here is your healthy baby boy.” A nurse said with your baby wrapped in a baby blanket. You held the baby in your arms as you broke down crying. “Oh my god.” You sobbed looking down at the tiny human in your arms. You moved over a bit so Rafe could sit next to you. You rested your head on his chest as he laid his cheek on your head.

Your baby boy looked up at you as if he was confused. Rafe rubbed the top of your baby’s head, the fuzz tickling his hand. “We made this.” Rafe exhaled in disbelief, he began to play with the baby’s hand, his tiny fingers wrapping around Rafe’s index finger. Tears began to stroll down his face, he had never been so happy in his life. 

“Have you decided on a name for him yet?” The parents looked at each other. “Luke Cameron.” You two stayed in the hospital bed, holding your newborn son. “You were just welcomed to the world and I already love you with all my heart.” Rafe mumbled as Luke continued to hold onto Rafe’s finger while gazing up at you. 

“We did this. Oh my god, I’m a mom.” You sniffled, pressing a gentle kiss to Lukes head. “I’m proud of us. And we’re gonna raise him to be the best kind of person. I’m gonna teach him about sports of course, and we can make little bedtime stories about our adventures and I can’t wait to buy him little footie pajamas and little baby hats and beanies.” Rafe rambled as he kissed the baby’s fingers.

“Here’s to our new adventure.”

Pouge Princess Chapter 1

(Rafe Cameron x Reader)

A/n: Thank you guys so much for all the likes on my pouge princess blurb This has really helped rekindle my love for writing and I can’t wait to share more with everyone. I hope you all enjoy the official first chapter

Word count : 2,227

Warning ⚠️: swearing, mention of sex and drugs, drinking, Rafe being a dick (are we really shocked about that in a rafe cameron fanfic)

The best job to have on the whole island had to be working at one of the county clubs. Simply for the fact that there was no such thing as a bad tip day. It was totally worth watching stuck up seniors and spoiled kooks play golf all day because you knew you’d go home with plenty of money in your pocket.

The only real con was you’d be stuck serving people that you have to see at school once the summer ends. Most of the kids at school do summer internships or at most are forced to “work” part time at their parents’ jobs. No one you knew in figure 8 had to work a real job. On the cut almost everyone you knew had a job it was the only way most kids could stay afloat there was nothing odd about it.

But when you are in figure 8 It was one of the things that made you feel embarrassed, having to serve the same people you call your friends at school reminded you that your diffrent. Today was a prime example of that your manager told you that you were personally requested for a party of 3 on the course. When you pulled up at the first hole you saw none other than Rafe, Kelce and Topper.

“Well look at this isn’t it nice that everyone’s favorite little baby doll finally decided to grace our presents.” Rafe shouted leaning against his club arms crossed.

“Come on man don’t start already ” Topper said, hitting the tall blonde upside his head.

If there was anyone besides Sarah you could count on it would be Topper. He was always there to be your knight in shining armor and the only one that could truly put Rafe in his place besides Ward.

“No it’s fine Top, you guys are practically giving me a chance to hang out instead of work today. So you wanna get started I’ll get the drinks going?”

You couldn’t help but to bounce up as you passed the drinks, Rafe snatched the beer from your hand eyeing you when you waited to give Topper his drink. He couldn’t help but notice the way your hand lingered longer than it should when you passed a beer to Topper.

Hole after hole you followed the boys as they played watching as they’d talk shit to each other and slug down more beers.

“Well guess who’s finally out of the single guys club. What are you two losers gonna do now that I’ll be spending a lot of my time with Anais? ” Kelce said with a toothy grin.

Anais is the girl Kelce has been trying to get with for months even coming to you for advice on how to win her over knowing you’d have a better perspectivecompared to Rafe and Topper.

“Oh God don’t tell me your pussy whipped already.” Rafe couldn’t help but to nod his head in disapproval.

“Well there goes our plans for hot boy summer. I’m finally ready to live the single life with you guys and you have the nerve to get cuffed.” Topper added 

“Omg Kelce don’t listen to these two they’re just jealous, congratulations I know how much you really liked her. I’m happy you two are together now its about time.” Kelce patted you on the back, his smile never fading.

“I’m glad someone actually cares about me here. Now the real question is when are you finally gonna get yourself a boyfriend (y/n). I think its time you threw yourself out there, you need to get one so we can go on double dates” Kelce said snickering at the sight of your panicked face.

“Um I mean I don’t know I guess I just haven’t found a guy that really likes me.”

The real problem was the guy you liked didn’t seem to realize how much you liked him but of course you couldn’t tell them that.

“Oh come on there are plenty of people dying at a chance to go out with you (y/n), there hasn’t been anyone that sparked your interest ?” Topper chimed in looking over at you.

You felt as if your face turned into a giant stop light with how red you’ve turned from the conversation.

“Or maybe you’re just a prude that thinks she’s better than everyone else. That could be why you’ve never had a boyfriend.” Rafe said smirking at the little stink face you gave him.

“It’s not that, I mean you’ve never had a real girlfriend Rafe. Everyone says you’re only known for a good hookup, as far as I’m concerned we’re basically in the same boat.” You retorked wanting desperately for the attention to be off your nonexistent love life.

“That’s only because I don’t want a girlfriend no one can hold my interest for long. Word must get around that I’m known for great sex if even you know that I’m good for hookups. It’s just a fact that I have a BIG presence in the bedroom.” Rafe couldn’t help himself from putting emphasis on the word big with the way he smirked. “And at least I have experience in the bedroom unlike some people we know little Miss Virgin Mary.”

It was common knowledge around the obx that everyones favorite pouge has never had a boyfriend. Everyone also seemed to know that you held onto your v card as well. so it was only natural that Rafe would try to throw it in your face every once in a while to try to get under your skin. 

“You know I think you have it confused Rafe everyone says that you are a big dick not that you have one.”

Topper and Kelce turned to each other before erupting in laugher causing Rafe to simply roll his eyes.

“Oh you know what (y/n) my bottle seems to be feeling a little empty mind getting me a refill.”

Rafe began to wave his bottle in the air clearly trying to gain control of the situation again. As the laughing died down you made your way over to the cart and handed Rafe another drink. He leaned over to you making sure that Kelce and Topper couldn’t hear him.

“If you ever wanna find out if the rumors are true you know where to find me, I think I need to remind you who’s in charge here (y/n).”

Rafe couldn’t help but to smile as you looked down clearly speechless from his comment. He took this as a silent win before turning his back to go take his turn. A few more rounds where played and the boys could feel themselves getting a little sloppier as each hole progressed and the sun seemed to get dimmer as the hours went on. They all still managed to have a good game going though not letting the fading day and alcohol take them out. Kelce was clearly winning seeing as he had a slightly better tolerance for his alcohol compared to the other two.

At this point Topper decided to sit in your cart and you couldn’t help but smile as he looked over at you. “Thanks for coming along today, you know I appreciate you putting up with us all the time.” He said ruffling your hair a little with a smile.

“You know I don’t mind I like spending time with you guys.”

You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on Topper after all these years. You where practically devastated when he started dating Sarah but you couldn’t help yourself from feeling mildly happy that the people you cared most about found love in each other. A part of you was relieved when the two of them broke up when Sarah decided to date John B. Even though it was a hard time for all of you, especially being caught in the middle of your two closest friends. You couldn’t help but to hold onto a glimmer of hope that maybe after all of this time Topper would stop seeing you as just his childhood best friend. But this was a secret that you’d take to grave not wanting to complicate things or have anyone’s feelings hurt explicitly your own.

“Hey Top how about you get your ass up and finish this hole with us? Or are u just gonna talk to the fucking pouge all day, there not paying her to chit chat there paying her to serve us.”

Rafe yelled, stepping towards the two of you and resting his arm against the canopy on your side of the cart. Rafe was clearly feeling the affects of all the alcohol he consumed. He only ever became meaner the more he drank. You couldn’t help but be grateful this was all he did today knowing that if he had done a few lines then he’d practiclly become a whole new person. Rafe couldn’t help but to stare deeply at the two of you with a scrunched up look on his face.

“Come On man just quit it already you’ve been throwing jabs at (y/n) all day I just wanna have good time. I’m out after this I’m not gonna stick around for you to just be an ass”

Topper pushed himself up walking towards Kelce to take his turn. When Topper was far enough from the cart Rafe leaned in staring you directly in the face making your cheeks flare up at the proximity for the millionth time today.

“What do you want this time Rafe ?” You asked.

“What do I want (y/n) ? Well let’s see I want you to stop with the fucking goo goo eyes your always makeing at Topper. You’re starting to seem a little pathetic. When are you gonna learn that he just doesn’t see you that way.”

At this point your body felt like it was on fire and you where doing everything in your power not to let the comment affect you.

“I dont know what your talking about Rafe, Topper is my friend maybe your just not used to seeing a stable relationship between a guy and a girl that doesn’t involve sex.”

Not the best comeback but it was the only thing you could think of when all you could do was think about was how fast your heart was pounding from his accusations. Obviously they where true but Rafe was the last person you would want to know about your secret feelings towards Topper. Rafe didn’t seem like he was backing down yet either and you weren’t sure how much of this you could take. You continued to stare at him when suddenly he started to fish in his pockets to reveal a wadded up 100 dollar bill he crumpled it up even further and chucked it in your face watching as it fell perfect in your lap when it hit you.

“ What the heck are you doing ?” You said, picking up the crumpled money and holding it in your hand.

“I’m tired of dealing with you so I figured I’d just give you what you came for. Isn’t that why you hang out with kooks so you can take our money and show off to your little friends on the cut.”

It wasn’t the alcohol that was making Rafe act this way it was the sight of seeing you with Topper. It was something that always got under his skin after all these years, he was just able to mask it by blaming it on drugs or his natural hot headed temper.

You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes but couldn’t bear to give Rafe the satisfaction of knowing just how deep he cut you. You didn’t know why he always felt the need to  remind you that no matter how hard you tried you’d always be diffrent from everyone.

“I don’t need your damn money Rafe I get paid regardless if you’re here or not, and I’ll have you know that Topper asked me to be here. My manager said I was requested to come serve you guys today. I’m just doing my job.”

You took the crumpled bill and threw it back at Rafe letting it hit him before falling into the grass.“I’m heading back to the club, my shift is ending soon anyway.”

Turning the wheel of the cart you started to make your way back to the club not wanting to deal with this any longer then you had too and not wanting everyone to see the tears that started to trickle down your cheeks.

Rafe stumbled back once the cart started to move looking down at the money before glancing over at his confused friends. He couldn’t bring himself to admit that he was the one that requested to have you with them today but the fact that you assumed it was Topper had him even more pissed off then before It always had to be about fucking Topper.

“I’m fucking done with today I’m leaving.”

In a fit of rage Rafe stormed off throwing his club down before heading back. Deciding he’d rather be alone then have to explain to his friends as to what just happened just now. (Y/n) wasn’t the only one harboring an unrequited love for someone that didn’t seem to notice them.

Another A/n: Well I hoped you guys liked the official first chaper. I have a lot of ideas circulating on what I’m gonna do :3

Pouge Princess

( Rafe Cameron × Reader )

A/n: This is the first fanfiction I’ve written in a REALLY long time. I use to post on wattpad and devianart like a million years ago. Anyway I’m thinking of maybe making this a series so this is kinda just a blurb to get the idea out there to see if anyone’s interested. So be warned my writing skills are super rusty and my spelling/grammar sucks so please be gentle.

*credit to who ever made this gif*

(Y/n) (y/l/n) was always considered the enigma of the outer banks. She’s one of the sweetest people on the island the residential good girl, if the Camerons are the royal family of figure 8 she was considered the pouge princess of the cut. Being one of the few or quite possibly the only pouge to be accepted by the stuck up elites of figure 8.  It all started when she successfully managed to earn herself a scholarship courtesy of the Thorton estate at the kook academy whether it was done for good press for the Thorton family or her actually merits she somehow found herself entangled in the lives of the outer banks richest families. Cozy with the kooks in the day and sluming it with the pouges at night she was truly an anomaly.  When she was a kid (y/n) found herself clinging onto

Topper being that he was the only person she knew in figure 8 at first. He was all she had in school but through him she meet his circle of friends. Sarah Cameron quickly became her closest and dearest friend though. Sarah was the only one to fully accept her right off the bat as kids never bringing up her pouge status or using it as leverage against her.Together they practically grew up ruleing the outer banks there wasn’t anyone that didn’t adore them, the kook and pouge princess. That is maybe everyone except Sarah’s brother Rafe. The thing about Rafe was that there’s no escaping him, everytime (y/n) went to Sarah’s house he’d be waiting for his chance to terrorize her. All his attention was always focused on her. It always enraged him that no matter what he did (y/n) was always nice to him. Even when he made sure to remind her that she didn’t belong all growing up (y/n) never let it faze her. Rafe couldn’t stand that she practically weaseled her way into high society and everyone just blindly accepted her and he really couldn’t stand the fact that no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t stop thinking about the fucking pouge princess of the cut. 

Pouge Princess Chapter 4

Rafe Cameron x reader

A/n: So I decided to just do a ton of rewrites and put everything for the charity ball into chapter 4 instead of splitting it. Sadly that means some things I wrote got cut and changed but ill probably use some of those ideas for chap 5 instead. If you haven’t already go check out chaper 3 it kinda flopped but I thought it was good Also if you’d like to be added to the tag list let me know

Warning ⚠️: foul language

Word count: 4,313

Finally it felt as if Saturday would never come, you’ve been dreading the charity ball for almost two weeks now. Yet here you were awake bright and early having to listen to Cynthia yell at the poor party decorators as they moved around tables to her liking.

“I’m sorry but did I say I wanted a table in the center of the dance floor? That’s right I didn’t so go get rid of it. What’s the point of a goddamn dance floor if there’s no room to dance!” Cynthia yelled motioning for the poor boy to come move the table away from her sight.

You and Topper were on table duty in the dining area, Cynthia wanted to make sure the tables were done perfectly and that her seating chart she spent months on was followed exactly as she had it.

“Ok so Kelce and his family are at table four with the Van Burrens while the Waltons and Arnold’s make up table five.” You said placing down each name card on the plates.

“Did you put the cards down for our table? I don’t see them in my stack.” Topper asked, going through his stack of names one more time.

“No, I have them right here.” You handed over a stack of cards with Topper’s family, the Camerons, a few of the richest donors’ names and a lone single card with your name on it.

Your family never seemed to get invited to these events even when you’re a yearly attendant you knew Cynthia saw no point in doing so since your family didn’t have anything to offer. They couldn’t donate money or bid on an auction without selling your house to do so; they were useless in Cynthia’s eyes.

You on the other hand are Cynthia’s greatest example of her charitable efforts. You’re the poor lowly girl from the cut that she took in and handed the best opportunities one could get and molded into an example of what could be done if given the chance. You’re the living proof of just how far Cynthia Thorton would go to prove she’s better than everyone else, like she always says no one on figure eight would do for you like she has done.

“So you and Rafe, that’s an interesting pair.” Topper said, pulling you away from your thoughts and placing the cards down on the plates.

“I mean he’s not the type of guy I pictured you with but I guess good girls always go for the bad boy types.”

“Topper get real I told you yesterday we’re just going as friends. And you’re giving Rafe too much credit. He is not a bad boy, he’s troubled at most.” You rolled your eyes as you continued to go around the tables.

“I mean after all these years it’s only natural to wanna go out with your best friend’s brother. I mean I guess more for convenience than anything you’re around him just as much as Sarah is.”

Topper wasn’t letting go of the topic, studying your face to see if he could get a rise out of you.

“The last thing Sarah wants is for me to date Rafe. She’d say I could do better. I know that for a fact. I mean what type of guys do you picture me with then? It sounds like you’ve put some thought into this.” You looked over at him shly, maybe this was your opening to finally see where Topper stands on your friendship if there’s a chance that it could be more.

“I hate to say it but we all know you’re the spitting image of a virgin mary. You need a nice guy, someone to complement that. Guys like Rafe and dare I say your dirty ass friend JJ are gonna be more of a project than a boyfriend.”

You took in his words trying to figure out what he meant by it, was this his way of hitting on you ? Or was he just being a concerned friend looking out for your well being. You always did take his words into great consideration and he knew that, same as you and Sarah, if he didn’t like someone then you both didn’t and vice versa. Of course there were a few exceptions to this rule but for the most part you both always let each other know if you weren’t happy. 

“It’s a shame you don’t have a brother that would be convenient for me.”

Oh my God why would you say that , you started to panic from his lack of response maybe you said too much or maybe that sounded plain creepy. You continued to mentally panic before Topper burst out in laughter.

“God I couldn’t handle having a brother. It’s bad enough my mom likes you better than me. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I had a brother too.”

A sigh of relief escaped your lips that he didn’t think your joke was weird at all.

“Topper quit fooling around and go make sure all the servers are wearing the appropriate color handkerchiefs for their vests. Also make sure all the auction goods are in the right place in the back. I don’t want anything out of place. And (Y/n) come with me. I want you to see the dresses I have picked out for you. I couldn’t decide which I liked best.” Cynthia motioned for you to follow her as Topper went inside to go get the wait staff ready and check the auction goods.

She had you all on a tight schedule wanting everything ready by twelve since guests will start rolling in at one. She brought you inside to the lavish locker rooms that seemed more like hotel rooms than anything. She had a few different dresses hung up on a rack one of every color you could think of.

“Do you know what color the Cameron boy is going to wear tonight?” She turned to you, putting dresses up towards your body to see what she liked best.

“Um I don’t know we never really planned to match or anything.” You shrugged looking around the room.

“Hmm well go with this one Topper told me he wears his blue suit alot to these types of events so we’ll just hope for the best. If anything you and Topper will match his tie is going to be this shade of blue. ” Cynthia pulled out a bluish gray dress with a small slit down the side and held it up to you.

“We’ll go with this one it should do your figure justice.” She handed the dress over to you and shoved you towards the changing area.

“I hope you don’t mind. I did some revisions on your speech for today. I want you to mention how the Thortons are donating a new library for Kildare County elementary.” She said hanging up the other dresses back on the rack.

“Um, don’t you think you should be the one to mention something like that? I was only supposed to give a summary about the scholarship program.” You stepped out of the changing room smoothing out the wrinkles in the dress as Cynthia came over to inspect the fit.

“It just looks better if you do it, just trust me on this. Now let me just fix your hair and everything will be perfect.”

You only nodded as she began to touch up your hair, it was gonna be a long night you could already tell. By the time you two were finished one o'clock had come and guests started to fill up the club.

Your eyes were glued to the door so you could look out for Rafe wanting to make sure you didn’t miss him at all.  You saw Ward walk through first with Rafe following behind him and you went over to greet the pair.

“Hi Mr Cameron it’s a pleasure to see you, thanks for coming tonight.” You came over and gave him a hug as Rafe stood behind him quietly.

“No need to be so formal (y/n) I bet Cynthia’s making you say that to everyone. Now let me go get a drink. I don’t think you kids wanna be bothered by me any longer. I’ll see you both later when dinner starts.” He laughed, motioning for Rafe to speak up before stepping away towards the bar.

“You look nice.” Rafe said looking you over at the way your dress hung on your body.

“Thanks you look nice too.” Of course Rafe wore his signature baby blue suit like Cynthia thought he would.

“We should go find tweedle dee and tweedle dumb there probably looking for us.” Rafe started to walk off and you followed him to go find the boys.

Kelce and Topper were talking to Kelce’s girlfriend Anais and her friend Savannah, all of them sipping on champagne trying their best to avoid their families.

“Look who finally decided to show.” Kelce patted Rafe’s back pulling him into their ever growing circle.

“Looking good Cameron.” Savannah said, giving Rafe a small wave. 

He barely acknowledged her, only giving her a small nod of thanks. That wasn’t stopping her from cozying up to him pressing herself against his side as you all talked ignoring you completely.

“How does Sarah feel that you two are here together tonight (y/n) ?.” Anais said, resting her head on Kelce’s shoulder.

“Baby you can’t just ask people that (y/n) is one of the bros that’s just weird.” Kelce looked at her with shock in his eyes.

“Yha that must be so weird for Sarah that you’re here with Rafe tonight.” Savannah said, glancing over at you.

“I mean It is a little surprising you two would go together usually your my date by default since we’re dateless a lot of the time. I mean we’ve probably known each other the longest too.” Topper pointed out.

You couldn’t help but to feel a little unsure of what Topper meant from his words all day. He’s been confusing you since early this morning. It almost felt like he was holding something back.

“You and Rafe do make a pretty goddamn odd pair. I mean everyone knows you and Topper are like a package deal just like Sarah and you. So for you to come with Rafe is just fucking bizzar.” Savannah added.

“Why does any of this shit matter? First off I’ve known (y/n) just as long as you have Topper It’s not that fucking weird and I could give a shit less about what Sarah thinks too I make my own choices. You guys are just being fucking ridiculous. I don’t get why the two of us coming here together is so damn weird.” You could see a slight scowl form on Rafe’s face as he spoke, his nerves starting to get the best of him.

“I mean it’s not weird Rafe’s right we might butt heads a lot but we’ve always been good friends.” You leaned your head on his shoulder and smiled causing him to relax from your affectionate touch.

Savannah did her best to squeeze between the two of you to reclaim her spot next to Rafe, angering him once again from the fact she was standing between the two.

“I mean it’s good to know you guys are just friends.” She smiled.

The awkward tension felt like it was in the past as you all continued to chat. Before you knew it everyone was gathering for the auction and impending speeches. You all moved towards the lounge where Cynthia had a gorgeous stage set up for the auction bids. It was a Thorton specialty to host an auction to raise money; it’s what supposably set their charity balls apart from others on the island.

“These auctions are nothing more than a glorified garage sale for rich people.” You said as you all watched everyone crowd around to see what Cynthia would announce.

“ I guess someone like you wouldn’t get the point of this.” Savannah chimed in, rolling her eyes. You looked over at her and the attitude that she’s been giving you most of the night didn’t go unnoticed.

“I mean (y/n)’s right my dad donated a private plane ride this year. People are gonna go crazy for a chance to ride on the Camerons private plane.” Rafe said.

“Ugh my dad was gonna bet on that.” Anais groaned

“All our parents wanna do is show off on who’s giving out the best prize and who’s dishing out the most money.” Topper said, keeping his eyes glued ahead waiting for when he’d have to take the stage with his grandpa.

You saw his mom signal him over as he quietly pulled away from the group making his way towards the stage. You knew your turn would be approaching soon, your stomach twisting into knots from your impending speech.

“All I’m saying is that this is supposably done in the name of charity but it’s all actually a big ego competition. No one really cares where the money goes, they all just want everyone to talk about how much they gave or how great their auction prize was.” You couldn’t help the words from coming out of your mouth the closer it got to you having to go on stage.

You didn’t even notice that Rafe had started to rub small circles on your back in a way to comfort you. Rafe leaned in, pressing his lips close to your ear where only you could hear him.

“Are you ok?”

“Yha just nervous I guess.” You tried reassuring him, smiling from his efforts to talk you down.

He really did seem to be on his best behavior tonight for once he was sticking to his word. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Topper announce your name as the next speaker, you made your way towards the stage stepping over to the microphone. You flash your signature bright smile as everyone’s claps begined to die down. Rafe couldn’t help himself from keeping his eyes on you admiring how just your simple presence could light up a room.

You looked down at your cards quickly before looking back up at the crowd.  “Good evening, I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has donated today. Your kind actions have not gone unnoticed, your money is going towards a wonderful cause to help underprivileged children through the Thorton foundation.”

So far your notes didn’t seem too far off from what you originally had as you continued to go your eyes finally noticed where your words ended and Cynthia’s began.

“As some of you may know, I was lucky enough to have my life changed by the Thorton foundation when I was a little girl. I was picked out of hundreds of kids to get the chance for a better education. The Thorton foundation has saved me from my life of poverty and despair.”

A copper taste started to form in your mouth as you read the words out loud everyone’s eyes stayed on you. The looks of pity and a few tear stained faces were seen in the crowd clearly affected from your untrue words.    

“Not only was I lucky enough to have this opportunity but I was also able to find a new found family in the Thortons. Thanks to Cynthia Thorton I was giving a second chance I would of never had before.  She saved me and provided for me when my family couldn’t. She helped me to come out in society as the well rounded young lady you all see before you today. She’s practically a second mother to me who has  graciously taken me under her wing and into her home for all these years. That’s why I’m so happy to announce that the Thorton family will be donating a new library for Kildare County elementary so that kids today can have a better chance at a more well rounded education just as I was giving the chance from the the Thorton foundation.”

You smiled as everyone started to clap and cheer from your speech. Cynthia had come back onto the stage hugging you tightly and kissing your cheeks as you walked off. You tried your hardest to not let this bother you to not let this get under your skin as you walked back to everyone.

“ Interesting speech you had there (y/n).” Topper said his eyes fixed to the stage as he watched his mother bow from the praises being thrown her way.

“You really are the orphan Annie of the cut aren’t you. You know not everyones lucky enough to have a nice rich family to take care of them like you.” Savannah looked at you waiting for you to embarrass yourself and snap at her. 

“Shut the fuck up Savannah you have been such a  needy bitch all night can’t you go cry for attention some where else.” Before you could say anything Rafe had already done it for you saying it better then you probably would have. That still didn’t stop Savannahs jaw from dropping over Rafe’s word considering he’s been relatively quiet this whole night.

“Your really gonna stand up for her, sure she can slap on some name brand clothes, go to the country clubs and cozy up to us but no matter how you look at it (y/n) isn’t one of us she’s always gonna be a fucking lowlife pouge.” Savannah was fuming and you couldn’t quite understand where her animosity with you came from but all of this started to feel like too much.

“Um, why don’t we all go to the table? I think dinner is gonna be served soon so we should all go sit down.” Kelce grabbed Anais hand, edging her to take care of Savannah so they could all walk off to their table.

You just stood there quiet not saying a word unsure of how to feel about everything. Your head was swirling with a million thoughts at once.

“Don’t listen to that (y/n) you’ve always been one of us, you’re a kook at heart. I don’t care where you’re from, you’re better than that, you were never meant to be a pogue.” Topper said trying his best to comfort you but his words stung more than anything without meaning too.

“You don’t get it, none of you get it.” You ran off heading towards the locker rooms just wanting to finally break down.

You sat on the floor letting out all your anguish that you’ve been holding in all this time. You put your head between your knees and continued to sob not even hearing the door opening up.

“Hey.” Rafe said, sitting down beside you.

“What do you want? Did you come here to get a good laugh to tell me how I’m just Topper’s little love sick bitch or something come on Rafe what is it this time you must be so excited to finally see me knocked down a peg.” Your voice seethed with anger looking at him with tear stung eyes.

“No I don’t wanna say anything like that I just wanna see if you’re ok.” He looked at you his blue eyes staring deeply into yours.

You didn’t see any pity in his face if anything he looked sad almost like he could feel your pain. You just busted down once again.

“I know I give you a hard time but I would never kick you when you’re down like this, I know for a damn fact that wasn’t your speech up there. I also know Savannah is a huge fucking bitch.”

“She is, isn’t she.” You laughed, making him smile at your slight change in tone.

“It’s just all my life everyone’s wanted me to be what they think I should be. I’m either the pogue princess, the Thortons charity case or a traitor to the cut. All my life I’ve had to prove to people that I deserve to be where I am and that I deserve to have the friends that I do. No one even knows who I am.” You looked over to Rafe tears gently rolling down your face as you sniffles calming down slightly.

“ You’re the girl that puts everyone’s needs before your own. The kind of girl that would invite her best friend’s mean older brother to hang out with them after he destroyed their fort.” He looked down as he said it, not wanting to meet your eyes.

“It was actually a tent not a fort.” You couldn’t help but to smile. Rafe was really trying his hardest to make you feel better.

“Why have you been so nice to me recently? I’m used to your hot and cold attitude when it comes to me but you’ve really been extra nice recently. It’s kinda weird.”

“Well I’ll be fucking mean to you if thats what you want.” You couldn’t help yourself from leaning in and hugging him tightly, catching him off guard It took him a minute to hug you back.

He relaxed a little, taking in the scent of your shampoo and the way you felt in his arms a feeling he could relish in forever. Before you could pull back, Rafe leaned in, kissing you gently, too caught up in the moment to realize what he had done. The kiss was surprisingly chaste coming nkt what you’d expect from Rafe Cameron himself. You were shocked to say the least.

“Sorry, I should go.” He got up in a hurry trying his best to rush out.

“Rafe wait.” You stood up holding onto his arm so he couldn’t go yet.

“What is it.” He didn’t bother looking at you, embarrassment starting to seep in the longer he stood by you. He couldn’t believe that he let himself get carried away like that after all this time.

“Can I kiss you again?” You asked, looking down.

“What did you just say?” He looked down shocked trying to make sure he wasn’t imagining everything and that this wasn’t another dream of his.

“Please don’t make me say it again Rafe.”

He leaned down, taking your face in his hands and kissing you once again, this time deepening the kiss. He couldn’t believe this was actually happening that you just asked to kiss him. He’s dreamt of a moment like this for years but never thought you’d actually reciprocate.

But like all his dreams it always came to a halting stop when you pulled away suddenly at the sound of the door opening to reveal Topper making his way inside.

“Hey is everything ok I know Rafe said he’d handle it but I just wanted to check on you.” Topper said, stepping in looking between the two of you.

“Everything’s fine i’m feeling better now.” You couldn’t meet his gaze wondering if he saw anything from the looks of it he didn’t seem to be any wiser.

“Ok that’s good my moms wondering where you’ve been we’re like half way through the dinner.” Topper smiled, opening the door up to let you out.

You started to make your way out wiping your face to remove any evidence of crying. “Aren’t you guys coming ?” You turned around noticing they weren’t following you.

“Actually I’m going to talk to Rafe for a second, right buddy.” He looked at Rafe and all he did was nod.

You looked between the two of them nodding as you walked off towards the dining area. Maybe he did see you guys kissing and was gonna ask Rafe what was going on. To be honest you weren’t sure what made you want to kiss him, you had a million thoughts running through your head.

It was so nice to just finally be noticed for once and to be heard after all this time. You wondered what Topper wanted to talk to Rafe about and why you couldn’t be around.

“So you where in here for a while was everything ok.” Topper looked at Rafe looking for a clue as to what took you guys so long.

“Like I said earlier I just wanted to make sure (y/n) was ok.” Rafe could see something was bothering Topper that he wasn’t saying.

“You look like you wanna say something why don’t you fucking say it.”

“It’s just… I don’t know man you’ve been acting different around (y/n) and she’s not like those other girls you mess around with that you can just toss to the side.” Topper eyed him seeing Rafe’s demeanor change.

“Are you trying to say I’m not good enough for (y/n) or some shit? Where’s this even coming from who the fuck are you to be the judge of who’s good enough for (y/n) and who’s not.” Rafe was shocked at Topper’s sudden attitude change. He knew that you had some type of feelings for Topper but he never thought Topper reciprocated.

“Listen I care about you Rafe but all i’m saying is you come with alot of fucking baggage and (y/n) shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

“Don’t fucking worry about what I do "buddy” I didn’t realize you where (y/n) keeper. I’ll see you outside.“ Rafe walked out not wanting to deal with this any more than he had too. What the hell was happening?

It was bad enough he had to worry about JJ, now all of a sudden Topper is switching it up on him. He couldn’t help but to hold onto your kiss and wonder if it had as much meaning for you as it did for him. This was the sign he was waiting for he couldn’t wait any longer Rafe wasn’t gonna let anyone stop him from finally going after you. 

Tag list: @hopebaker

Pouge Princess Update

Hey everyone I just wanted to start off by saying thank you for all the support on this little series of mine. You don’t know how much it means to me that this silly idea of mine has been so well received.

Anyway I just wanted to let you guys know where I’m at right now. I was thinking of combining chapters 4 and 5 and releasing them at the same time since they’re kinda both gonna be centered around the charity ball I keep mentioning.

So instead of getting a chapter this week I’d wait and post them both next week. If guys want I could separate them but I’m honestly leaving it up to you guys to see what your interested in.

Also if you wanna be added to a tag list I’ll start doing that come chapter 4 so just let me know if you wanna be added to that as well.

Shadowgirl’s masterlist

A/n: As of right now the only Fandom I’ve written for is Obx so I’ll just leave the title as such. I’m planning to write for other Fandom soon maybe a little scream fic for spooky season . I’d also just like to thank @gillybear17 for being nice enough to send me a tutorial on how to do this

Outer Banks

| Rafe cameron

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

| Sarah Cameron

| Blurbs / Headcanons

Scream (1996)

| Randy Meeks

Pouge Princess Chapter 2

(Rafe Cameron x Reader)

A/n: Chapter 2 is here !!!! I just wanna start off with saying thank you guys for reading of course I kinda wanna start dabbling in maybe headcanons or doing stuff from a prompt list eventually once I see how this all goes. So let me know if anyone’s interested in that. Also this chapter is heavy Wheezie centric I feel like she needs more love in the Fandom. She’s the only one in the show that let’s us see that Rafe still has a heart and that’s just so fascinating to me. So I figured I’d give her some love this chapter

Disclaimer: I forgot to mention this in the blurb and chapter 1 but everyone is aged up in this and obviously there is no gold or killing or anything (yet maybe idk)

Warning ⚠️: foul language that’s about it

Word count: 3,100

You couldn’t help but to avoid Rafe like the Goddamn plague after that day at the golf course. To say he got under your skin that day would be an understatement.

All your years in knowing Rafe Cameron you tried your best to understand where Rafe was coming from because the moment he laid eyes on you as kids he made it his mission to terrorize you day in and day out.You would think with him being three years older he’d be more mature but that was never the case.

You’d take the wrath of little Rafe any day compared to what he does now. When you were kids he would pinch your cheeks with his hands and just hold your head calling you an annoying, a little baby or other innocent insults before running off to avoid getting in trouble. It was so much simpler than wishing you could just go back to that version of Rafe. But yet somehow no matter what he did you always seemed to have a secret soft spot for him.

Maybe it was because you saw how hard Ward was on him. Every time you’d come over Rafe was always being scolded, Ward expected the best from him and everytime Rafe didn’t deliver the harder he’d be on him. A part of you wondered if this was why Rafe had a hard time letting people into his life with all the high expectations that people put on him.

Maybe this was all part of being the kook prince, maybe the title was actually a curse in disguise. When you have a title like that attached to your name people start treating you as if you’re not a person, you just become whatever people want you to be. Both you and Sarah understood that all too well.

When you’re back home on the cut, everyone tries to cozy up to you in hope of getting invited to kook parties or to see if you have any dirt on outer banks richest families. Some even go as far and call you a traitor feeling as if you abandoned your roots. And when you’re in figure 8 you feel the need to prove that not all pogues are just sleazy poor people and that you’re not just there to steal from them. That’s why you always tried your hardest to prove everyone wrong and show them that just because you’re a pogue doesn’t mean you have no class which I guess in return earned you your princess of the cut title after all these years.

But moments like these really made you question why you even tried in the first place. And as you walked up the steps of Tannyhill after a week of avoiding it simply because of Rafe you couldn’t help but to wonder what your next course of action would be if you saw him. Sarah has been asking you for days to come over and hang out with her but you just kept pushing her off knowing that running into Rafe in his own home was inevitable.

But here you are standing at the beautiful, mostly likely hand sculpted doors of Tannyhill. Before you could even get ready to knock the doors swung open revealing none other than Wheezie Cameron herself.

“I’m so glad you’re here (y/n) I’m in the middle of a deep crisis and I could use all the help I can get.”

“Um but I was supposed to…”

Wheezie didn’t even give you time to finish your sentence as she yanked you inside, taking your hand and dragging you towards her room.

“We have no time to waste.” She slammed the door behind her pressing her body against it as if she was trapping you inside.

“I need advice and I need it now and you’re the only person I can go to. This is top secret stuff here (y/n). I’m bypassing the whole Cameron family and I’m coming straight to you.”

“Well what is it that you need….”

“Shhhhh ” Once again Wheezie cut you off this time by pressing her finger against your lips.

“I can’t let anyone know you’re here Sarah’s in the shower getting ready for you. We only have limited time to talk before she wonders where you are.” You nodded your head afraid to cause another over dramatic outburst from the youngest Cameron.

“I screwed up big time (y/n) . I think I crossed the line with my crush. You know the one from my school and they totally hate me now. I said something I know I shouldn’t have, I kinda called them out on something I know they’re insecure about but in my defense I only did it because I was hella fucking jealous that they weren’t paying attention to me. But love makes you do crazy things you know.”

You nodded taking in what Wheezie was saying as she frantically waved her arms around. “Well maybe you should…” once again you were cut off feeling Wheezie pressing her finger against your lips once more.

“I’m almost done, I’m getting to the big finish.” Dramatically she put her arm over her forehead leaning back and closing her eyes.

“I’m just scared that I’ll never get the chance to apologize. I really messed up. I guess I’m just worried they don’t like me back and I’ve wasted all this time crushing on them for nothing.” You waited wanting to make sure that she got out everything she needed too before finally speaking.

After all these years you really bonded with the youngest Cameron. You guys are just as close as Sarah and you. She truly felt like an outsider in her own home. She wasn’t as popular as Sarah and Rafe at school and she always felt buried beneath all their drama. And even though she was younger than you, you always felt like you two shared a special bond.

“ Well as long as you’ve given them space and everything you should take the time to reach out to them and apologize. If you’re not ready to let them know how you feel then just continue trying to be a friend, if they care about you too then they’ll forgive you just make sure to allow them to forgive you on their time not yours.” Wheezie nodded, taking in the information you told her.

“Also jealousy and love make you do crazy things so just be careful those are two very powerful emotions that consume you if you don’t handle it properly.”

At that Wheezie hugged you smiling widely. “You’re the best (y/n) I knew I could count on you for top tier advice. If Sarah asks just say you’ve been waiting in the foyer for her and that she needs to take quicker showers, her and Rafe are the only people I know that can use up all the hot water in Tannyhill.” You laughed before making your exit.

Walking back to the foyer you could see Sarah texting on her phone. “Um, where have you been? I’ve been waiting for like ever.”

“Funny I got here almost 20 minutes ago looking for you. I’m guessing your "quick” shower took longer than expected like always.“ You roll your eyes as she begins to laugh.

"Ok my bad I’ll make it up to let’s head outside.”

As Sarah and you make your way to the back Wheezie pops her head out from behind one of the closet doors making sure the two of you are gone before making her way towards her brother’s room.

Knocking on his door she slowly peeks her head in to find her brother laying down playing on his phone.

“What’s the point of knocking if your just gonna fucking barge in anyway.” Rafe said not bothering to look up at his younger sister.

“I come bearing information about (y/n) that I thought you might like to hear. But if I’m not wanted then I could always go.” She says coyly sitting at the end of his bed as her brother’s head pops up at the mention of your name.

“Why would I care about that ?” Rafe says, sinking back down Wheezie knows he’s just trying to play it cool not wanting to seem too over eager at the idea of you.

While Rafe has never come out and said it directly to her Wheezie has always known about the secret crush he’s harbored for you. She always held a deep admiration for her older brother so naturally she’d follow him around when she was younger. And over time she started to realize that while she was following him he was always following you, watching as you and Sarah would play in the background, taking every chance he could to tease you.

At first she just thought he was being a normal annoying boy treating you like he would his sisters. But as you all grew older Wheezie understood that he had a diffrent type of love for you.

Naturally she found out about what happened at the golf course, granted it took major prying on her end for Rafe to explain why he’s been in such a mood this past week. So she figured she’d take matters into her own hands knowing that communication was never her brother’s strong suit.

“So I was talking to (y/n) about "MY” little problem and she gave me some pretty solid advice.“

"Wait, what’s your problem? Do you need me to take care of anything?” Rafe said, sitting up clearly not getting his sister’s hints.

“No stupid I basically refrased the issue your having with her but making like its my issue.”

“Oh ok why didn’t you just say that.” Wheezie couldn’t help but roll her eyes at how stupid her brother could be sometimes.

“Anyway I think you should apologize to her but like in your own way so she doesn’t get sus about your crush and everything. And she also says that if someone cares about you they’ll forgive you just don’t get all pushy like you usually do. I know you have no patience.”

Rafe nodded, taking in his sister’s words. “I think it’s about time you just tell her how you feel Rafe. It has been agonizing to watch all these years. Plus I would love it if (y/n) was my sister in law.”

At that Rafe flicked Wheezie on her head “Jesus Wheeze let me work on my own goddamn time, you’re jumping too far ahead I gotta focus on today.”

“So you’re admitting you’ve thought of marriage.” Wheezie smiled, jumping off his bed and running to the door before he could flick her again.

“Sarah and (y/n) are outside. I can get Sarah away from her so you can apologize.”

Following his sister out they made their way to the backyard to see you and Sarah sitting beneath a tree facing one another and laughing.

“What are you two doing? ” Wheezie calls out running up to you guys as Rafe stands behind leaning against the back door.

“We’re playing our secret game.” Sarah says giggling

“God not this again when are you two gonna give this up.” Wheezie whines and you two burst into laughter.

For years Sarah and you have been playing this “secret game” that only the two of you know about much to everyone’s annoyance. It was something you two did to ensure you’d always be friends and never fight and after all these years it seemed to be working. While Sarah has a tendency to drift away from people she never seemed to drift from you.

“Gosh you two are so annoying together, anyway Rose texted me to ask if you can send her a picture of that contract she just signed for that new house she sold.”

“Why can’t you do it? I’m busy.”

“I don’t know where it is. Can you show me?”

“Ugh I’ll be back (y/n).”

Rafe watches as Sarah gets up following Wheezie inside before stepping his way over to you. “Hey” He said, towering over you instead of sitting.

“Hi Rafe.” He couldn’t help but see the way you looked up at him before looking back down, noticing the way you didn’t want to make eye contact. Rafe finally sat down, sitting opposite of you like Sarah was just moments before.

You watched as he suddenly lifted his large hands to your face. “Um Rafe, what are you….” Before you could finish your sentence Rafe began to pinch your cheeks and shake your head.

“I’m trying to get you to stop being such a fucking baby and look at me when I talk to you.” He said as he watched you squint your eyes and scrunch up your nose secretly relishing the feeling of your face in his hands.

Once satisfied he released your face and watched as you busted out laughing, he couldn’t stop the smile from forming on his face as you laughed. As much as he ragged on his friends for being love sick bitches all the time he was probably secretly the worst out of all of them because everything you did riled him up to no end.

“You Camerons can never let me finish a sentence.” You chuckled.

Excited that he finally got you to speak to him he found a way to keep the conversation going as best as he could. “Hmm, So uh you’re going to Toppers next week for the yearly Thornton charity ball ?”

“Yha it’s not like I have a choice really.”

“Well you gotta love being Cynthia Thornton’s favorite trophy piece to show off.” Once again you giggle at his words noticing Sarah approaching from behind.

“Is he bothering you (y/n)? I could always have dad lock him back up in the kennel with the other dogs.” Sarah said arms crossed waiting for Rafe to move from her spot.

“I’m fucking going” standing up he took one more glance at you before walking away noticing the small smile you gave him. He was trying his hardest to bite his tongue, not wanting to ruin the moment between the two of you just to get into a petty dispute with Sarah.

“You know actually I think it might be time for me to head home. I have an early shift tomorrow and you know it will take a while for me to get back.” You said standing up and brushing off the dirt from your shorts.

“Aw come on (y/n) why do you always have to be so responsible?” Sarah whined before taking you in her arms. “Come over tomorrow we can keep playing our game.”

“I can give you a ride home (y/n) I was gonna head over that way anyway.”

Rafe could see the look of shock on both Sarah and yours face and a part of him already felt regretful for even offering. But he couldn’t sit on his feelings for you any longer. If he didn’t start acting on them then he might actually explode, and a ride home was a good step in the right direction.

“Um sure I’d really appreciate that it saves me the cab fare.” Rafe could tell you were agreeing just to avoid the awkward rejection and it hurt a hell of a lot to realize that.

“I’ll see how I feel after my shift Sarah and let you know.” You hugged her one more time before taking your leave falling a few steps behind Rafe’s tall frame.

The two of you got into his truck sitting in an awkward silence as he started the engine. Neither one of you spoke for sometime both just keeping your eyes straight ahead.

“Are you going to go see Barry?” You asked knowing that Rafe wouldn’t be caught dead in the cut unless it was to see Barry.

“Uh yha I owe him money and I gotta pay him back today.”

“Hmm” your attempt at making conversation fell dead, coming off as more judgmental than you intended it to be.

“So I assume you’re going to the charity event next week too. Maybe we could hang out for a bit. I always hated going and I know Sarah kinda isn’t invited because of… well you know.” You looked over at him to see if you got any reaction.

A part of you was mentally screaming for even asking him. Rafe seemed like he was extending an olive branch today so of course you’d try to grab hold of it and finally end his years long reign of terror against you. Plus it would be nice to finally go with someone to the Thornton charity ball and not awkwardly hang onto Topper for the whole event.

“Sure I hate those fucking things anyway I only go for Topper and since my dad is makeing me this year.”

You nodded watching as Rafe turned down your block slowing down when he reached your house. “Well thanks for the ride Rafe, I’ll probably see you tomorrow.” Rafe nodded as You flashed him another smile, you got out of the car waving goodbye when you reached the door.

Rafe stayed to make sure you got in safe and to get the excuse to watch you a little longer before pulling off making his way over to Barry’s house.

Maybe Wheezie was right that now was the time for him to make his move. You’re sweet and caring and no matter how hard he’s tried to push you away you always end up forgiving him.  Being around you is the best high he’s ever had but he couldn’t stop the nagging voice inside his head from telling him he’ll just ruin everything or more importantly ruin you. 

A/n: Well that’s the end of chapter 2 I had alot of fun writing this one. I’m gonna try to come up with a consistent posting schedule and shot for Thursday nights to post. Anyway I hope guys enjoy I have some fun stuff planned
