#rafe cameron x poguereader


Pouge Princess Chapter 1

(Rafe Cameron x Reader)

A/n: Thank you guys so much for all the likes on my pouge princess blurb This has really helped rekindle my love for writing and I can’t wait to share more with everyone. I hope you all enjoy the official first chapter

Word count : 2,227

Warning ⚠️: swearing, mention of sex and drugs, drinking, Rafe being a dick (are we really shocked about that in a rafe cameron fanfic)

The best job to have on the whole island had to be working at one of the county clubs. Simply for the fact that there was no such thing as a bad tip day. It was totally worth watching stuck up seniors and spoiled kooks play golf all day because you knew you’d go home with plenty of money in your pocket.

The only real con was you’d be stuck serving people that you have to see at school once the summer ends. Most of the kids at school do summer internships or at most are forced to “work” part time at their parents’ jobs. No one you knew in figure 8 had to work a real job. On the cut almost everyone you knew had a job it was the only way most kids could stay afloat there was nothing odd about it.

But when you are in figure 8 It was one of the things that made you feel embarrassed, having to serve the same people you call your friends at school reminded you that your diffrent. Today was a prime example of that your manager told you that you were personally requested for a party of 3 on the course. When you pulled up at the first hole you saw none other than Rafe, Kelce and Topper.

“Well look at this isn’t it nice that everyone’s favorite little baby doll finally decided to grace our presents.” Rafe shouted leaning against his club arms crossed.

“Come on man don’t start already ” Topper said, hitting the tall blonde upside his head.

If there was anyone besides Sarah you could count on it would be Topper. He was always there to be your knight in shining armor and the only one that could truly put Rafe in his place besides Ward.

“No it’s fine Top, you guys are practically giving me a chance to hang out instead of work today. So you wanna get started I’ll get the drinks going?”

You couldn’t help but to bounce up as you passed the drinks, Rafe snatched the beer from your hand eyeing you when you waited to give Topper his drink. He couldn’t help but notice the way your hand lingered longer than it should when you passed a beer to Topper.

Hole after hole you followed the boys as they played watching as they’d talk shit to each other and slug down more beers.

“Well guess who’s finally out of the single guys club. What are you two losers gonna do now that I’ll be spending a lot of my time with Anais? ” Kelce said with a toothy grin.

Anais is the girl Kelce has been trying to get with for months even coming to you for advice on how to win her over knowing you’d have a better perspectivecompared to Rafe and Topper.

“Oh God don’t tell me your pussy whipped already.” Rafe couldn’t help but to nod his head in disapproval.

“Well there goes our plans for hot boy summer. I’m finally ready to live the single life with you guys and you have the nerve to get cuffed.” Topper added 

“Omg Kelce don’t listen to these two they’re just jealous, congratulations I know how much you really liked her. I’m happy you two are together now its about time.” Kelce patted you on the back, his smile never fading.

“I’m glad someone actually cares about me here. Now the real question is when are you finally gonna get yourself a boyfriend (y/n). I think its time you threw yourself out there, you need to get one so we can go on double dates” Kelce said snickering at the sight of your panicked face.

“Um I mean I don’t know I guess I just haven’t found a guy that really likes me.”

The real problem was the guy you liked didn’t seem to realize how much you liked him but of course you couldn’t tell them that.

“Oh come on there are plenty of people dying at a chance to go out with you (y/n), there hasn’t been anyone that sparked your interest ?” Topper chimed in looking over at you.

You felt as if your face turned into a giant stop light with how red you’ve turned from the conversation.

“Or maybe you’re just a prude that thinks she’s better than everyone else. That could be why you’ve never had a boyfriend.” Rafe said smirking at the little stink face you gave him.

“It’s not that, I mean you’ve never had a real girlfriend Rafe. Everyone says you’re only known for a good hookup, as far as I’m concerned we’re basically in the same boat.” You retorked wanting desperately for the attention to be off your nonexistent love life.

“That’s only because I don’t want a girlfriend no one can hold my interest for long. Word must get around that I’m known for great sex if even you know that I’m good for hookups. It’s just a fact that I have a BIG presence in the bedroom.” Rafe couldn’t help himself from putting emphasis on the word big with the way he smirked. “And at least I have experience in the bedroom unlike some people we know little Miss Virgin Mary.”

It was common knowledge around the obx that everyones favorite pouge has never had a boyfriend. Everyone also seemed to know that you held onto your v card as well. so it was only natural that Rafe would try to throw it in your face every once in a while to try to get under your skin. 

“You know I think you have it confused Rafe everyone says that you are a big dick not that you have one.”

Topper and Kelce turned to each other before erupting in laugher causing Rafe to simply roll his eyes.

“Oh you know what (y/n) my bottle seems to be feeling a little empty mind getting me a refill.”

Rafe began to wave his bottle in the air clearly trying to gain control of the situation again. As the laughing died down you made your way over to the cart and handed Rafe another drink. He leaned over to you making sure that Kelce and Topper couldn’t hear him.

“If you ever wanna find out if the rumors are true you know where to find me, I think I need to remind you who’s in charge here (y/n).”

Rafe couldn’t help but to smile as you looked down clearly speechless from his comment. He took this as a silent win before turning his back to go take his turn. A few more rounds where played and the boys could feel themselves getting a little sloppier as each hole progressed and the sun seemed to get dimmer as the hours went on. They all still managed to have a good game going though not letting the fading day and alcohol take them out. Kelce was clearly winning seeing as he had a slightly better tolerance for his alcohol compared to the other two.

At this point Topper decided to sit in your cart and you couldn’t help but smile as he looked over at you. “Thanks for coming along today, you know I appreciate you putting up with us all the time.” He said ruffling your hair a little with a smile.

“You know I don’t mind I like spending time with you guys.”

You would be lying if you said you didn’t have a little crush on Topper after all these years. You where practically devastated when he started dating Sarah but you couldn’t help yourself from feeling mildly happy that the people you cared most about found love in each other. A part of you was relieved when the two of them broke up when Sarah decided to date John B. Even though it was a hard time for all of you, especially being caught in the middle of your two closest friends. You couldn’t help but to hold onto a glimmer of hope that maybe after all of this time Topper would stop seeing you as just his childhood best friend. But this was a secret that you’d take to grave not wanting to complicate things or have anyone’s feelings hurt explicitly your own.

“Hey Top how about you get your ass up and finish this hole with us? Or are u just gonna talk to the fucking pouge all day, there not paying her to chit chat there paying her to serve us.”

Rafe yelled, stepping towards the two of you and resting his arm against the canopy on your side of the cart. Rafe was clearly feeling the affects of all the alcohol he consumed. He only ever became meaner the more he drank. You couldn’t help but be grateful this was all he did today knowing that if he had done a few lines then he’d practiclly become a whole new person. Rafe couldn’t help but to stare deeply at the two of you with a scrunched up look on his face.

“Come On man just quit it already you’ve been throwing jabs at (y/n) all day I just wanna have good time. I’m out after this I’m not gonna stick around for you to just be an ass”

Topper pushed himself up walking towards Kelce to take his turn. When Topper was far enough from the cart Rafe leaned in staring you directly in the face making your cheeks flare up at the proximity for the millionth time today.

“What do you want this time Rafe ?” You asked.

“What do I want (y/n) ? Well let’s see I want you to stop with the fucking goo goo eyes your always makeing at Topper. You’re starting to seem a little pathetic. When are you gonna learn that he just doesn’t see you that way.”

At this point your body felt like it was on fire and you where doing everything in your power not to let the comment affect you.

“I dont know what your talking about Rafe, Topper is my friend maybe your just not used to seeing a stable relationship between a guy and a girl that doesn’t involve sex.”

Not the best comeback but it was the only thing you could think of when all you could do was think about was how fast your heart was pounding from his accusations. Obviously they where true but Rafe was the last person you would want to know about your secret feelings towards Topper. Rafe didn’t seem like he was backing down yet either and you weren’t sure how much of this you could take. You continued to stare at him when suddenly he started to fish in his pockets to reveal a wadded up 100 dollar bill he crumpled it up even further and chucked it in your face watching as it fell perfect in your lap when it hit you.

“ What the heck are you doing ?” You said, picking up the crumpled money and holding it in your hand.

“I’m tired of dealing with you so I figured I’d just give you what you came for. Isn’t that why you hang out with kooks so you can take our money and show off to your little friends on the cut.”

It wasn’t the alcohol that was making Rafe act this way it was the sight of seeing you with Topper. It was something that always got under his skin after all these years, he was just able to mask it by blaming it on drugs or his natural hot headed temper.

You could feel tears swelling up in your eyes but couldn’t bear to give Rafe the satisfaction of knowing just how deep he cut you. You didn’t know why he always felt the need to  remind you that no matter how hard you tried you’d always be diffrent from everyone.

“I don’t need your damn money Rafe I get paid regardless if you’re here or not, and I’ll have you know that Topper asked me to be here. My manager said I was requested to come serve you guys today. I’m just doing my job.”

You took the crumpled bill and threw it back at Rafe letting it hit him before falling into the grass.“I’m heading back to the club, my shift is ending soon anyway.”

Turning the wheel of the cart you started to make your way back to the club not wanting to deal with this any longer then you had too and not wanting everyone to see the tears that started to trickle down your cheeks.

Rafe stumbled back once the cart started to move looking down at the money before glancing over at his confused friends. He couldn’t bring himself to admit that he was the one that requested to have you with them today but the fact that you assumed it was Topper had him even more pissed off then before It always had to be about fucking Topper.

“I’m fucking done with today I’m leaving.”

In a fit of rage Rafe stormed off throwing his club down before heading back. Deciding he’d rather be alone then have to explain to his friends as to what just happened just now. (Y/n) wasn’t the only one harboring an unrequited love for someone that didn’t seem to notice them.

Another A/n: Well I hoped you guys liked the official first chaper. I have a lot of ideas circulating on what I’m gonna do :3

Pouge Princess

( Rafe Cameron × Reader )

A/n: This is the first fanfiction I’ve written in a REALLY long time. I use to post on wattpad and devianart like a million years ago. Anyway I’m thinking of maybe making this a series so this is kinda just a blurb to get the idea out there to see if anyone’s interested. So be warned my writing skills are super rusty and my spelling/grammar sucks so please be gentle.

*credit to who ever made this gif*

(Y/n) (y/l/n) was always considered the enigma of the outer banks. She’s one of the sweetest people on the island the residential good girl, if the Camerons are the royal family of figure 8 she was considered the pouge princess of the cut. Being one of the few or quite possibly the only pouge to be accepted by the stuck up elites of figure 8.  It all started when she successfully managed to earn herself a scholarship courtesy of the Thorton estate at the kook academy whether it was done for good press for the Thorton family or her actually merits she somehow found herself entangled in the lives of the outer banks richest families. Cozy with the kooks in the day and sluming it with the pouges at night she was truly an anomaly.  When she was a kid (y/n) found herself clinging onto

Topper being that he was the only person she knew in figure 8 at first. He was all she had in school but through him she meet his circle of friends. Sarah Cameron quickly became her closest and dearest friend though. Sarah was the only one to fully accept her right off the bat as kids never bringing up her pouge status or using it as leverage against her.Together they practically grew up ruleing the outer banks there wasn’t anyone that didn’t adore them, the kook and pouge princess. That is maybe everyone except Sarah’s brother Rafe. The thing about Rafe was that there’s no escaping him, everytime (y/n) went to Sarah’s house he’d be waiting for his chance to terrorize her. All his attention was always focused on her. It always enraged him that no matter what he did (y/n) was always nice to him. Even when he made sure to remind her that she didn’t belong all growing up (y/n) never let it faze her. Rafe couldn’t stand that she practically weaseled her way into high society and everyone just blindly accepted her and he really couldn’t stand the fact that no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t stop thinking about the fucking pouge princess of the cut. 

Pouge Princess Chapter 4

Rafe Cameron x reader

A/n: So I decided to just do a ton of rewrites and put everything for the charity ball into chapter 4 instead of splitting it. Sadly that means some things I wrote got cut and changed but ill probably use some of those ideas for chap 5 instead. If you haven’t already go check out chaper 3 it kinda flopped but I thought it was good Also if you’d like to be added to the tag list let me know

Warning ⚠️: foul language

Word count: 4,313

Finally it felt as if Saturday would never come, you’ve been dreading the charity ball for almost two weeks now. Yet here you were awake bright and early having to listen to Cynthia yell at the poor party decorators as they moved around tables to her liking.

“I’m sorry but did I say I wanted a table in the center of the dance floor? That’s right I didn’t so go get rid of it. What’s the point of a goddamn dance floor if there’s no room to dance!” Cynthia yelled motioning for the poor boy to come move the table away from her sight.

You and Topper were on table duty in the dining area, Cynthia wanted to make sure the tables were done perfectly and that her seating chart she spent months on was followed exactly as she had it.

“Ok so Kelce and his family are at table four with the Van Burrens while the Waltons and Arnold’s make up table five.” You said placing down each name card on the plates.

“Did you put the cards down for our table? I don’t see them in my stack.” Topper asked, going through his stack of names one more time.

“No, I have them right here.” You handed over a stack of cards with Topper’s family, the Camerons, a few of the richest donors’ names and a lone single card with your name on it.

Your family never seemed to get invited to these events even when you’re a yearly attendant you knew Cynthia saw no point in doing so since your family didn’t have anything to offer. They couldn’t donate money or bid on an auction without selling your house to do so; they were useless in Cynthia’s eyes.

You on the other hand are Cynthia’s greatest example of her charitable efforts. You’re the poor lowly girl from the cut that she took in and handed the best opportunities one could get and molded into an example of what could be done if given the chance. You’re the living proof of just how far Cynthia Thorton would go to prove she’s better than everyone else, like she always says no one on figure eight would do for you like she has done.

“So you and Rafe, that’s an interesting pair.” Topper said, pulling you away from your thoughts and placing the cards down on the plates.

“I mean he’s not the type of guy I pictured you with but I guess good girls always go for the bad boy types.”

“Topper get real I told you yesterday we’re just going as friends. And you’re giving Rafe too much credit. He is not a bad boy, he’s troubled at most.” You rolled your eyes as you continued to go around the tables.

“I mean after all these years it’s only natural to wanna go out with your best friend’s brother. I mean I guess more for convenience than anything you’re around him just as much as Sarah is.”

Topper wasn’t letting go of the topic, studying your face to see if he could get a rise out of you.

“The last thing Sarah wants is for me to date Rafe. She’d say I could do better. I know that for a fact. I mean what type of guys do you picture me with then? It sounds like you’ve put some thought into this.” You looked over at him shly, maybe this was your opening to finally see where Topper stands on your friendship if there’s a chance that it could be more.

“I hate to say it but we all know you’re the spitting image of a virgin mary. You need a nice guy, someone to complement that. Guys like Rafe and dare I say your dirty ass friend JJ are gonna be more of a project than a boyfriend.”

You took in his words trying to figure out what he meant by it, was this his way of hitting on you ? Or was he just being a concerned friend looking out for your well being. You always did take his words into great consideration and he knew that, same as you and Sarah, if he didn’t like someone then you both didn’t and vice versa. Of course there were a few exceptions to this rule but for the most part you both always let each other know if you weren’t happy. 

“It’s a shame you don’t have a brother that would be convenient for me.”

Oh my God why would you say that , you started to panic from his lack of response maybe you said too much or maybe that sounded plain creepy. You continued to mentally panic before Topper burst out in laughter.

“God I couldn’t handle having a brother. It’s bad enough my mom likes you better than me. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I had a brother too.”

A sigh of relief escaped your lips that he didn’t think your joke was weird at all.

“Topper quit fooling around and go make sure all the servers are wearing the appropriate color handkerchiefs for their vests. Also make sure all the auction goods are in the right place in the back. I don’t want anything out of place. And (Y/n) come with me. I want you to see the dresses I have picked out for you. I couldn’t decide which I liked best.” Cynthia motioned for you to follow her as Topper went inside to go get the wait staff ready and check the auction goods.

She had you all on a tight schedule wanting everything ready by twelve since guests will start rolling in at one. She brought you inside to the lavish locker rooms that seemed more like hotel rooms than anything. She had a few different dresses hung up on a rack one of every color you could think of.

“Do you know what color the Cameron boy is going to wear tonight?” She turned to you, putting dresses up towards your body to see what she liked best.

“Um I don’t know we never really planned to match or anything.” You shrugged looking around the room.

“Hmm well go with this one Topper told me he wears his blue suit alot to these types of events so we’ll just hope for the best. If anything you and Topper will match his tie is going to be this shade of blue. ” Cynthia pulled out a bluish gray dress with a small slit down the side and held it up to you.

“We’ll go with this one it should do your figure justice.” She handed the dress over to you and shoved you towards the changing area.

“I hope you don’t mind. I did some revisions on your speech for today. I want you to mention how the Thortons are donating a new library for Kildare County elementary.” She said hanging up the other dresses back on the rack.

“Um, don’t you think you should be the one to mention something like that? I was only supposed to give a summary about the scholarship program.” You stepped out of the changing room smoothing out the wrinkles in the dress as Cynthia came over to inspect the fit.

“It just looks better if you do it, just trust me on this. Now let me just fix your hair and everything will be perfect.”

You only nodded as she began to touch up your hair, it was gonna be a long night you could already tell. By the time you two were finished one o'clock had come and guests started to fill up the club.

Your eyes were glued to the door so you could look out for Rafe wanting to make sure you didn’t miss him at all.  You saw Ward walk through first with Rafe following behind him and you went over to greet the pair.

“Hi Mr Cameron it’s a pleasure to see you, thanks for coming tonight.” You came over and gave him a hug as Rafe stood behind him quietly.

“No need to be so formal (y/n) I bet Cynthia’s making you say that to everyone. Now let me go get a drink. I don’t think you kids wanna be bothered by me any longer. I’ll see you both later when dinner starts.” He laughed, motioning for Rafe to speak up before stepping away towards the bar.

“You look nice.” Rafe said looking you over at the way your dress hung on your body.

“Thanks you look nice too.” Of course Rafe wore his signature baby blue suit like Cynthia thought he would.

“We should go find tweedle dee and tweedle dumb there probably looking for us.” Rafe started to walk off and you followed him to go find the boys.

Kelce and Topper were talking to Kelce’s girlfriend Anais and her friend Savannah, all of them sipping on champagne trying their best to avoid their families.

“Look who finally decided to show.” Kelce patted Rafe’s back pulling him into their ever growing circle.

“Looking good Cameron.” Savannah said, giving Rafe a small wave. 

He barely acknowledged her, only giving her a small nod of thanks. That wasn’t stopping her from cozying up to him pressing herself against his side as you all talked ignoring you completely.

“How does Sarah feel that you two are here together tonight (y/n) ?.” Anais said, resting her head on Kelce’s shoulder.

“Baby you can’t just ask people that (y/n) is one of the bros that’s just weird.” Kelce looked at her with shock in his eyes.

“Yha that must be so weird for Sarah that you’re here with Rafe tonight.” Savannah said, glancing over at you.

“I mean It is a little surprising you two would go together usually your my date by default since we’re dateless a lot of the time. I mean we’ve probably known each other the longest too.” Topper pointed out.

You couldn’t help but to feel a little unsure of what Topper meant from his words all day. He’s been confusing you since early this morning. It almost felt like he was holding something back.

“You and Rafe do make a pretty goddamn odd pair. I mean everyone knows you and Topper are like a package deal just like Sarah and you. So for you to come with Rafe is just fucking bizzar.” Savannah added.

“Why does any of this shit matter? First off I’ve known (y/n) just as long as you have Topper It’s not that fucking weird and I could give a shit less about what Sarah thinks too I make my own choices. You guys are just being fucking ridiculous. I don’t get why the two of us coming here together is so damn weird.” You could see a slight scowl form on Rafe’s face as he spoke, his nerves starting to get the best of him.

“I mean it’s not weird Rafe’s right we might butt heads a lot but we’ve always been good friends.” You leaned your head on his shoulder and smiled causing him to relax from your affectionate touch.

Savannah did her best to squeeze between the two of you to reclaim her spot next to Rafe, angering him once again from the fact she was standing between the two.

“I mean it’s good to know you guys are just friends.” She smiled.

The awkward tension felt like it was in the past as you all continued to chat. Before you knew it everyone was gathering for the auction and impending speeches. You all moved towards the lounge where Cynthia had a gorgeous stage set up for the auction bids. It was a Thorton specialty to host an auction to raise money; it’s what supposably set their charity balls apart from others on the island.

“These auctions are nothing more than a glorified garage sale for rich people.” You said as you all watched everyone crowd around to see what Cynthia would announce.

“ I guess someone like you wouldn’t get the point of this.” Savannah chimed in, rolling her eyes. You looked over at her and the attitude that she’s been giving you most of the night didn’t go unnoticed.

“I mean (y/n)’s right my dad donated a private plane ride this year. People are gonna go crazy for a chance to ride on the Camerons private plane.” Rafe said.

“Ugh my dad was gonna bet on that.” Anais groaned

“All our parents wanna do is show off on who’s giving out the best prize and who’s dishing out the most money.” Topper said, keeping his eyes glued ahead waiting for when he’d have to take the stage with his grandpa.

You saw his mom signal him over as he quietly pulled away from the group making his way towards the stage. You knew your turn would be approaching soon, your stomach twisting into knots from your impending speech.

“All I’m saying is that this is supposably done in the name of charity but it’s all actually a big ego competition. No one really cares where the money goes, they all just want everyone to talk about how much they gave or how great their auction prize was.” You couldn’t help the words from coming out of your mouth the closer it got to you having to go on stage.

You didn’t even notice that Rafe had started to rub small circles on your back in a way to comfort you. Rafe leaned in, pressing his lips close to your ear where only you could hear him.

“Are you ok?”

“Yha just nervous I guess.” You tried reassuring him, smiling from his efforts to talk you down.

He really did seem to be on his best behavior tonight for once he was sticking to his word. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Topper announce your name as the next speaker, you made your way towards the stage stepping over to the microphone. You flash your signature bright smile as everyone’s claps begined to die down. Rafe couldn’t help himself from keeping his eyes on you admiring how just your simple presence could light up a room.

You looked down at your cards quickly before looking back up at the crowd.  “Good evening, I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has donated today. Your kind actions have not gone unnoticed, your money is going towards a wonderful cause to help underprivileged children through the Thorton foundation.”

So far your notes didn’t seem too far off from what you originally had as you continued to go your eyes finally noticed where your words ended and Cynthia’s began.

“As some of you may know, I was lucky enough to have my life changed by the Thorton foundation when I was a little girl. I was picked out of hundreds of kids to get the chance for a better education. The Thorton foundation has saved me from my life of poverty and despair.”

A copper taste started to form in your mouth as you read the words out loud everyone’s eyes stayed on you. The looks of pity and a few tear stained faces were seen in the crowd clearly affected from your untrue words.    

“Not only was I lucky enough to have this opportunity but I was also able to find a new found family in the Thortons. Thanks to Cynthia Thorton I was giving a second chance I would of never had before.  She saved me and provided for me when my family couldn’t. She helped me to come out in society as the well rounded young lady you all see before you today. She’s practically a second mother to me who has  graciously taken me under her wing and into her home for all these years. That’s why I’m so happy to announce that the Thorton family will be donating a new library for Kildare County elementary so that kids today can have a better chance at a more well rounded education just as I was giving the chance from the the Thorton foundation.”

You smiled as everyone started to clap and cheer from your speech. Cynthia had come back onto the stage hugging you tightly and kissing your cheeks as you walked off. You tried your hardest to not let this bother you to not let this get under your skin as you walked back to everyone.

“ Interesting speech you had there (y/n).” Topper said his eyes fixed to the stage as he watched his mother bow from the praises being thrown her way.

“You really are the orphan Annie of the cut aren’t you. You know not everyones lucky enough to have a nice rich family to take care of them like you.” Savannah looked at you waiting for you to embarrass yourself and snap at her. 

“Shut the fuck up Savannah you have been such a  needy bitch all night can’t you go cry for attention some where else.” Before you could say anything Rafe had already done it for you saying it better then you probably would have. That still didn’t stop Savannahs jaw from dropping over Rafe’s word considering he’s been relatively quiet this whole night.

“Your really gonna stand up for her, sure she can slap on some name brand clothes, go to the country clubs and cozy up to us but no matter how you look at it (y/n) isn’t one of us she’s always gonna be a fucking lowlife pouge.” Savannah was fuming and you couldn’t quite understand where her animosity with you came from but all of this started to feel like too much.

“Um, why don’t we all go to the table? I think dinner is gonna be served soon so we should all go sit down.” Kelce grabbed Anais hand, edging her to take care of Savannah so they could all walk off to their table.

You just stood there quiet not saying a word unsure of how to feel about everything. Your head was swirling with a million thoughts at once.

“Don’t listen to that (y/n) you’ve always been one of us, you’re a kook at heart. I don’t care where you’re from, you’re better than that, you were never meant to be a pogue.” Topper said trying his best to comfort you but his words stung more than anything without meaning too.

“You don’t get it, none of you get it.” You ran off heading towards the locker rooms just wanting to finally break down.

You sat on the floor letting out all your anguish that you’ve been holding in all this time. You put your head between your knees and continued to sob not even hearing the door opening up.

“Hey.” Rafe said, sitting down beside you.

“What do you want? Did you come here to get a good laugh to tell me how I’m just Topper’s little love sick bitch or something come on Rafe what is it this time you must be so excited to finally see me knocked down a peg.” Your voice seethed with anger looking at him with tear stung eyes.

“No I don’t wanna say anything like that I just wanna see if you’re ok.” He looked at you his blue eyes staring deeply into yours.

You didn’t see any pity in his face if anything he looked sad almost like he could feel your pain. You just busted down once again.

“I know I give you a hard time but I would never kick you when you’re down like this, I know for a damn fact that wasn’t your speech up there. I also know Savannah is a huge fucking bitch.”

“She is, isn’t she.” You laughed, making him smile at your slight change in tone.

“It’s just all my life everyone’s wanted me to be what they think I should be. I’m either the pogue princess, the Thortons charity case or a traitor to the cut. All my life I’ve had to prove to people that I deserve to be where I am and that I deserve to have the friends that I do. No one even knows who I am.” You looked over to Rafe tears gently rolling down your face as you sniffles calming down slightly.

“ You’re the girl that puts everyone’s needs before your own. The kind of girl that would invite her best friend’s mean older brother to hang out with them after he destroyed their fort.” He looked down as he said it, not wanting to meet your eyes.

“It was actually a tent not a fort.” You couldn’t help but to smile. Rafe was really trying his hardest to make you feel better.

“Why have you been so nice to me recently? I’m used to your hot and cold attitude when it comes to me but you’ve really been extra nice recently. It’s kinda weird.”

“Well I’ll be fucking mean to you if thats what you want.” You couldn’t help yourself from leaning in and hugging him tightly, catching him off guard It took him a minute to hug you back.

He relaxed a little, taking in the scent of your shampoo and the way you felt in his arms a feeling he could relish in forever. Before you could pull back, Rafe leaned in, kissing you gently, too caught up in the moment to realize what he had done. The kiss was surprisingly chaste coming nkt what you’d expect from Rafe Cameron himself. You were shocked to say the least.

“Sorry, I should go.” He got up in a hurry trying his best to rush out.

“Rafe wait.” You stood up holding onto his arm so he couldn’t go yet.

“What is it.” He didn’t bother looking at you, embarrassment starting to seep in the longer he stood by you. He couldn’t believe that he let himself get carried away like that after all this time.

“Can I kiss you again?” You asked, looking down.

“What did you just say?” He looked down shocked trying to make sure he wasn’t imagining everything and that this wasn’t another dream of his.

“Please don’t make me say it again Rafe.”

He leaned down, taking your face in his hands and kissing you once again, this time deepening the kiss. He couldn’t believe this was actually happening that you just asked to kiss him. He’s dreamt of a moment like this for years but never thought you’d actually reciprocate.

But like all his dreams it always came to a halting stop when you pulled away suddenly at the sound of the door opening to reveal Topper making his way inside.

“Hey is everything ok I know Rafe said he’d handle it but I just wanted to check on you.” Topper said, stepping in looking between the two of you.

“Everything’s fine i’m feeling better now.” You couldn’t meet his gaze wondering if he saw anything from the looks of it he didn’t seem to be any wiser.

“Ok that’s good my moms wondering where you’ve been we’re like half way through the dinner.” Topper smiled, opening the door up to let you out.

You started to make your way out wiping your face to remove any evidence of crying. “Aren’t you guys coming ?” You turned around noticing they weren’t following you.

“Actually I’m going to talk to Rafe for a second, right buddy.” He looked at Rafe and all he did was nod.

You looked between the two of them nodding as you walked off towards the dining area. Maybe he did see you guys kissing and was gonna ask Rafe what was going on. To be honest you weren’t sure what made you want to kiss him, you had a million thoughts running through your head.

It was so nice to just finally be noticed for once and to be heard after all this time. You wondered what Topper wanted to talk to Rafe about and why you couldn’t be around.

“So you where in here for a while was everything ok.” Topper looked at Rafe looking for a clue as to what took you guys so long.

“Like I said earlier I just wanted to make sure (y/n) was ok.” Rafe could see something was bothering Topper that he wasn’t saying.

“You look like you wanna say something why don’t you fucking say it.”

“It’s just… I don’t know man you’ve been acting different around (y/n) and she’s not like those other girls you mess around with that you can just toss to the side.” Topper eyed him seeing Rafe’s demeanor change.

“Are you trying to say I’m not good enough for (y/n) or some shit? Where’s this even coming from who the fuck are you to be the judge of who’s good enough for (y/n) and who’s not.” Rafe was shocked at Topper’s sudden attitude change. He knew that you had some type of feelings for Topper but he never thought Topper reciprocated.

“Listen I care about you Rafe but all i’m saying is you come with alot of fucking baggage and (y/n) shouldn’t have to deal with that.”

“Don’t fucking worry about what I do "buddy” I didn’t realize you where (y/n) keeper. I’ll see you outside.“ Rafe walked out not wanting to deal with this any more than he had too. What the hell was happening?

It was bad enough he had to worry about JJ, now all of a sudden Topper is switching it up on him. He couldn’t help but to hold onto your kiss and wonder if it had as much meaning for you as it did for him. This was the sign he was waiting for he couldn’t wait any longer Rafe wasn’t gonna let anyone stop him from finally going after you. 

Tag list: @hopebaker

Pouge Princess Chapter 3

Rafe Cameron x Reader

A/n: Sorry this took a little longer then the other chapters I ended up doing a couple of rewrites. I’m really excited for chapter 4 and 5 I have alot planned for them. Anyways enjoy

Warning ⚠️: swearing

Word count: 2,930

Days when the club is understaffed are the worst days in existence. Because instead of being out on the course you’re stuck helping the wait staff in the kitchen. Forced to serve and carry heavy trays, trying your best to remember what food goes to what table.

The only saving grace was that you worked with JJ, one of the few pogue friends you still had. You knew JJ since before your big school jump as a kid, he was basically the last friend you ever made at your old school before the big switch.

“Your day dreaming again princess, we don’t leave until two so maybe you should hustle with these orders.” JJ said, leaning into you with three tracys in hand.

“I wasn’t daydreaming, I was just in deep thought.” You grabbed one of the trays he was holding and made your way over to your tables.

“Well what’s the difference then you look spaced out either way?”

“Daydreaming uses your imagination and deep thoughts are usually focused on a single topic.” You said walking back into the servers area once the trays were dropped off.

“Bullshit you’re making that up, is this what they’re teaching you over at kook academy because I’d want my money back.” You giggled, slapping his shoulder.

“God you’re annoying anyways onto better news you should come by the beach after our shift. Come watch John B and I surf and stuff.”

“Hmm I can’t, I’m supposed to hang out with Sarah after this.”

“Come on you hang out with Sarah all the time, just bring her with you it’s not like John B’s gonna complain. I barely get to see you, you’re always hanging out with Sarah or Topper, the sexiest surfer guy on all of the island.” His voice goes high when he says Topper’s name, folding his hands and lifting up one leg.

“Why are you doing that?” You whined hitting his arms.

“Because that’s how you say his name, your voice gets all soft and dreamy anytime you mention him. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you liked him. Maybe that’s why you’re still single, are you holding out for him” JJ says, pointing an accusing finger at you.

“Omg why has my lack of dating life been a hot topic recently. I do not like Topper, he is and always has been a close friend.”

It felt as if liar was painted across your forehead with the way JJ was looking at you. Were you being that obvious ? If JJ could tell then everyone must be able too all it takes is one person to notice before word gets around.

“Hmm all I’m gonna say is maybe it’s time to get yourself a boyfriend I’ll help you go through applications.”

Before you could respond your manager came through the service doors eying you two to get back to work. You guys continued to work keeping your eyes glued to the clock for your shifts to end. When two o'clock finally hit, JJ and you bolted out the doors not wanting to get pressured into staying an extra hour or more.

“Alrighty princess, make the call to Sarah you’re coming with me today I aint taking no for an answer.” JJ lifted you up holding you as if you were his bride as he was whisking away from the altar.

You couldn’t help but to laugh as he carried you all the way to the twinkie. John B was always nice enough to lend him the twinkie whenever he had to work. JJ was struggling to open the door with you in his arms reaching out to grab the handle as best as he could.

“Ok ok we’ll come just put me down before you pull a muscle.” You said in-between laughs.

You hopped into the van taking out your phone to see if Sarah was ok with the change of plans. “She said yha we just gotta pick her up.”

“Ok treat me like your own personal uber driver I guess.” JJ said driving off into the direction of Sarah’s house.

You guys picked up John B and Sarah before finally heading to the beach. Sarah and you watched layed up on two towels as the boys were surfing.

“ So is this like a double date ?” Sarah said, wiggling her eyebrows.

“Omg Sarah you know JJ is like one of my best friends. Why is everyone getting on me about this recently.” You turned around deciding to lay on your stomach so you didn’t have to face her knowing she couldn’t comment on how your face was flushed if she couldn’t see it.

“I’m just saying, me and John B, you and JJ it would be perfect honestly. Think about it JJ is totally into you too.”

“He is not, we’re sandbox buddies for life.”

Sarah rolled her eyes at you. “Come on (y/n) you can’t tell me you’re hooked on "Frosty” still is this why you’re so against dating. I mean It’s been how many years, who even is this guy! You haven’t even told me your best friend in the whole wide world who he is. You’ve practically wasted all your prime dating years holding out for this mystery man. I don’t get it.“ Sarah started to wave her arms around frantically as she went into her rant clearly frustrated with your secrecy.

Frosty was your code name for Topper but Sarah couldn’t know that, while you could hide who you have a crush on you can’t hide that you have one. It was one of the rules to your "secret game”, you two must always tell each other if you like someone if you’re caught lying then you have to do a punishment of the others choosing.

Which you learned the hard way  when Sarah made you go to your first ever middle school party in a shirt that said Sarah Cameron’s bitch after she caught you doodling the code name on one of your binders.

“Come on (y/n) all I’m saying is you have a perfectly great guy that’s dying for the chance to be with you. And think of how perfect it would be to date a fellow pair of besties.” Sarah decided to prop herself up watching as the boys came back to shore.

“I don’t know, maybe you’re right.” Before you could finish your thought JJ flung himself down on your towel resting his head and torso on your back, his wet body feeling cold against your skin.

“JJ oh my God, I was trying to avoid getting wet today.” You said doing your best to turn and look over at him.

“Aw come on, maybe if you weren’t such a towel hog I wouldn’t have to do that.” He nuzzled his head into your back causing you all to laugh.

John B stood smiling, taking a towel from Sarah and wrapping it on his neck giving her a knowing glance. Suddenly his smile turned his eyes squinting as he looked off into the distance.

“Don’t look now but the kook patrol is on the horizon.” John B said watching as Rafe, Kelce and Topper made their way down to the beach.

You all couldn’t help but turn seeing that they also noticed the four of you lounging on the beach.

“Ugh God why are they coming over here.” Sarah groaned, bringing her knees to her chest.

“So who do we have here?” Rafe was the first to speak coming over to stand by you. All his eyes could focus on was the sight of JJ laying down on you. He felt that twinge of jealousy creeping up on him once again.

“Can you guys just not?” Sarah said glaring at her brother before darting her eyes at the two Boys standing behind him.

“We just came over to say hi to (y/n) actually, not you three.” Topper spoke, pointing his finger at you.

Looking up you shook JJ off of your back so you could sit up, he couldn’t help himself from sitting as close to you as possible in a protective manner, even though he knew Topper and them are your friends he still didn’t trust them.

“Um well do you guys wanna go over there and talk or something then.” You asked. 

All these years you’ve always tried your hardest to keep everyone separated from each other. You never wanted any confrontation knowing the history that they all share.

“I mean I want to talk to you about the charity event anyways so why don’t you hang out with us for a little bit.” Topper kept his focus on you not wanting to acknowledge the rest of the group.

“As long as you guys don’t mind, I’ll come right back. It will only be for a little bit.” You looked over at the group.

Sarah and John B could tell that you desperately wanted to avoid an issue at all costs. And by the sympathetic looks on their faces you could tell they were willing to be the first to compromise. JJ on the other hand was just trying to do his best to bite his tongue.

“Go ahead, we’re just gonna get ready to head back to my place, we’ll wait for you.” John B smiled, patting your shoulder as you got up to go with Topper and the boys.

Rafe glanced back at JJ as the four of you walked off noticing the way JJ’s eyes never left your frame. He was well aware of the look JJ was giving you. It was the same look he had plastered on his face all these years.

“So my mom wants you to help us with setting up on Saturday.” Topper said, acting as if the air on the beach wasn’t polluted with tension.

“Yha of course but isn’t she paying to have it set up?” You stayed close to Topper letting your arms brush together as you all continued to walk seminingly with nowhere in mind.

Rafe and Kelce having a conversation of their own, only chiming in when needed. That didn’t stop Rafe from glancing over at you any chance he got.

“Yha, she just wants us to make sure the clubs do it exactly how she likes. You know she just wants to micromanage everything. Anyways, enough of this boring talk, I heard you have a date this year.” Topper slapped Rafe on the shoulder causing both of you to look at him with shock in your eyes.

“A date! Come on Top where just going as friends.” Your eyes felt like saucers as you stared at him before looking at Rafe to confirm your Comment.

A light bulb went off in Rafe’s head when he saw the way you looked at him, it all started to make sense. It was Topper that you’ve been interested in all these years, his best friend was the reason you treated him like he was invisible.

“Get real it’s not a fucking date come on man.”

Rafe couldn’t help but to feel hurt by how quickly you dismissed the idea of going on a date with him but it all made sense now. That still didn’t stop a bitter taste from forming in his mouth as he looked over at you though. To make matters worse he saw JJ starting to approach them all.

“Hey (y/n) we’re starting to pack up the twinkie you coming?” JJ didn’t even bother to look at the boys, only focusing on you.

“Hello to you too.” Rafe said his patience was starting to wear thin.

“That’s rude you’re not even gonna say hi or excuse me.” Kelce spoke up mad that he interrupted the conversation.

“Maybe someone should teach him some damn manners.” Topper chimed in, his previous demeanor changing completely.

You looked over at the boys trying your best to ignore their taunts just wanting this exchange to end. 

“Don’t listen to them ok, I’ll be there in a sec, I’m just gonna say goodbye first.” Your hand reached out to his shoulder giving it a slight squeeze not knowing that this would be Rafes’ final straw.

He was doing his best to not let this whole thing get to him but he just couldn’t contain himself any further.

“You know you don’t have to slum it with that dirty ass salt-lifer if you don’t want to (y/n), you can just hang out with us. But hey, I guess you always did love your charity work.” Rafe laughed, smiling widely as JJ puffed up his chest getting closer to him. 

“You know Rafe your a fucking ass what is (y/n) only good enough when it’s convenient for you because I heard what happened at the club and while (y/n) might of let it slide I haven’t.”

The boys were now in each other’s faces, fists clenched while Topper and Kelce took a few steps closer ready to jump in if Rafe needed them too.

“Big talk for the guy that will be serving my mai tais next week, if you wanna keep your job I suggest you shut the fuck up.” Rafe jabbed his finger into JJ’s chest with each word he spoke.

JJ was asked to work the day of the charity ball and you knew it was a big opportunity for him to make a few extra bucks. Big events at the club always mean more tips and overtime. You didn’t want JJ losing out knowing how much he needed the money.

You did your best to slide in-between the two boys putting your hands on each of their chests.

“Can you guys please just stop it and put your egos aside for once just drop it.” You looked at both of them watching as they backed away, Topper grabbing onto Rafe and patting his shoulder while you pulled JJ aside. 

“I’ll meet you guys at the twinkie ok, just give me a minute please.” You smiled gently, holding onto his shoulders once again before he walked off, still angry at the situation but stopped himself from going any further for your sake.You turned around facing the boys, your mood now bitter.

“Can you guys just please for once not do anything stupid. I know you all have your problems but I can’t keep being in the middle of this. I don’t want any problems at the charity ball next week.” You tried your best to sound stern but there was a slight quiver to your voice that you just couldn’t mask.

“(Y/n) look…” Topper tried taking a step forward but you simply backed away too upset by his action the most.

You rarely see that side of Topper you knew it was there but you’ve been lucky enough to avoid it for the most part.

“I’ll see you guys next week bye.” You turned around picking up your pace to head towards the van. Rafe couldn’t help himself from following you, catching up after you got far enough from the guys.

“Hey I know I’m not the easiest person in the world to be around so don’t be mad at Topper and Kelce, they only tried to have my back. I’m not making any promises but if I stick by you at the charity ball then I’ll have no choice but to be in my best behavior.”

You paused looking over at him studying his face before he went on. “I mean it’s hard to get in trouble when you have little Miss baby doll with you.”

“Let’s just see how everything goes I’m keeping my fingers crossed for no issues.” You waved goodbye walking off to go to the twinkie.

Sarah and John B were clearly trying to calm JJ down as he paced around ranting about the altercation that just accused.

“JJ I’m sorry about before I should have stepped in sooner.” You said going to Stand by Sarah.

“Hey it’s not your fault they’re dicks.” John B said arms crossed watching as JJ finally stopped pacing.

“Let’s just go home.” JJ mumbled heading into the van to head back.

When you guys arrived back Sarah gave you a little wink as John B and her made their way to his room. While you and JJ sat on the couch.

“Why do you hang out with them (y/n) ? Like I get you need to have friends and everything when you’re in kookville but why Rafe and them.” JJ turned to you, his arm resting against the back of the couch.

“I mean It just kinda happened when I was a kid. Rafe’s always been rough around the edges and Topper and Kelce we’re just defending him I guess. They aren’t always like that. I just hate it when you all fight.” You turned to JJ staring into his eyes.

“I just worry sometimes you know I don’t want you to get hurt or anything especially by Rafe I mean dudes a fucking wild card.”

“ You know I’ve known them all for years, I mean Rafe is unpredictable but he has his good moments. You don’t need to worry about me” You reassured him by leaning your head into his arm and he gladly accepted your affection.

Truth was you couldn’t help but to feel a little uneasy about next week like something was brewing in the air. Everything just felt off and you couldn’t put your finger on what it all was, hopefully this would all go away once the charity ball was over.

A/N: Well here u have it chapter 3 is officially done. Next week we’re going to the charity ball folks and buckle up bc its gonna be a good one

Pouge Princess Chapter 2

(Rafe Cameron x Reader)

A/n: Chapter 2 is here !!!! I just wanna start off with saying thank you guys for reading of course I kinda wanna start dabbling in maybe headcanons or doing stuff from a prompt list eventually once I see how this all goes. So let me know if anyone’s interested in that. Also this chapter is heavy Wheezie centric I feel like she needs more love in the Fandom. She’s the only one in the show that let’s us see that Rafe still has a heart and that’s just so fascinating to me. So I figured I’d give her some love this chapter

Disclaimer: I forgot to mention this in the blurb and chapter 1 but everyone is aged up in this and obviously there is no gold or killing or anything (yet maybe idk)

Warning ⚠️: foul language that’s about it

Word count: 3,100

You couldn’t help but to avoid Rafe like the Goddamn plague after that day at the golf course. To say he got under your skin that day would be an understatement.

All your years in knowing Rafe Cameron you tried your best to understand where Rafe was coming from because the moment he laid eyes on you as kids he made it his mission to terrorize you day in and day out.You would think with him being three years older he’d be more mature but that was never the case.

You’d take the wrath of little Rafe any day compared to what he does now. When you were kids he would pinch your cheeks with his hands and just hold your head calling you an annoying, a little baby or other innocent insults before running off to avoid getting in trouble. It was so much simpler than wishing you could just go back to that version of Rafe. But yet somehow no matter what he did you always seemed to have a secret soft spot for him.

Maybe it was because you saw how hard Ward was on him. Every time you’d come over Rafe was always being scolded, Ward expected the best from him and everytime Rafe didn’t deliver the harder he’d be on him. A part of you wondered if this was why Rafe had a hard time letting people into his life with all the high expectations that people put on him.

Maybe this was all part of being the kook prince, maybe the title was actually a curse in disguise. When you have a title like that attached to your name people start treating you as if you’re not a person, you just become whatever people want you to be. Both you and Sarah understood that all too well.

When you’re back home on the cut, everyone tries to cozy up to you in hope of getting invited to kook parties or to see if you have any dirt on outer banks richest families. Some even go as far and call you a traitor feeling as if you abandoned your roots. And when you’re in figure 8 you feel the need to prove that not all pogues are just sleazy poor people and that you’re not just there to steal from them. That’s why you always tried your hardest to prove everyone wrong and show them that just because you’re a pogue doesn’t mean you have no class which I guess in return earned you your princess of the cut title after all these years.

But moments like these really made you question why you even tried in the first place. And as you walked up the steps of Tannyhill after a week of avoiding it simply because of Rafe you couldn’t help but to wonder what your next course of action would be if you saw him. Sarah has been asking you for days to come over and hang out with her but you just kept pushing her off knowing that running into Rafe in his own home was inevitable.

But here you are standing at the beautiful, mostly likely hand sculpted doors of Tannyhill. Before you could even get ready to knock the doors swung open revealing none other than Wheezie Cameron herself.

“I’m so glad you’re here (y/n) I’m in the middle of a deep crisis and I could use all the help I can get.”

“Um but I was supposed to…”

Wheezie didn’t even give you time to finish your sentence as she yanked you inside, taking your hand and dragging you towards her room.

“We have no time to waste.” She slammed the door behind her pressing her body against it as if she was trapping you inside.

“I need advice and I need it now and you’re the only person I can go to. This is top secret stuff here (y/n). I’m bypassing the whole Cameron family and I’m coming straight to you.”

“Well what is it that you need….”

“Shhhhh ” Once again Wheezie cut you off this time by pressing her finger against your lips.

“I can’t let anyone know you’re here Sarah’s in the shower getting ready for you. We only have limited time to talk before she wonders where you are.” You nodded your head afraid to cause another over dramatic outburst from the youngest Cameron.

“I screwed up big time (y/n) . I think I crossed the line with my crush. You know the one from my school and they totally hate me now. I said something I know I shouldn’t have, I kinda called them out on something I know they’re insecure about but in my defense I only did it because I was hella fucking jealous that they weren’t paying attention to me. But love makes you do crazy things you know.”

You nodded taking in what Wheezie was saying as she frantically waved her arms around. “Well maybe you should…” once again you were cut off feeling Wheezie pressing her finger against your lips once more.

“I’m almost done, I’m getting to the big finish.” Dramatically she put her arm over her forehead leaning back and closing her eyes.

“I’m just scared that I’ll never get the chance to apologize. I really messed up. I guess I’m just worried they don’t like me back and I’ve wasted all this time crushing on them for nothing.” You waited wanting to make sure that she got out everything she needed too before finally speaking.

After all these years you really bonded with the youngest Cameron. You guys are just as close as Sarah and you. She truly felt like an outsider in her own home. She wasn’t as popular as Sarah and Rafe at school and she always felt buried beneath all their drama. And even though she was younger than you, you always felt like you two shared a special bond.

“ Well as long as you’ve given them space and everything you should take the time to reach out to them and apologize. If you’re not ready to let them know how you feel then just continue trying to be a friend, if they care about you too then they’ll forgive you just make sure to allow them to forgive you on their time not yours.” Wheezie nodded, taking in the information you told her.

“Also jealousy and love make you do crazy things so just be careful those are two very powerful emotions that consume you if you don’t handle it properly.”

At that Wheezie hugged you smiling widely. “You’re the best (y/n) I knew I could count on you for top tier advice. If Sarah asks just say you’ve been waiting in the foyer for her and that she needs to take quicker showers, her and Rafe are the only people I know that can use up all the hot water in Tannyhill.” You laughed before making your exit.

Walking back to the foyer you could see Sarah texting on her phone. “Um, where have you been? I’ve been waiting for like ever.”

“Funny I got here almost 20 minutes ago looking for you. I’m guessing your "quick” shower took longer than expected like always.“ You roll your eyes as she begins to laugh.

"Ok my bad I’ll make it up to let’s head outside.”

As Sarah and you make your way to the back Wheezie pops her head out from behind one of the closet doors making sure the two of you are gone before making her way towards her brother’s room.

Knocking on his door she slowly peeks her head in to find her brother laying down playing on his phone.

“What’s the point of knocking if your just gonna fucking barge in anyway.” Rafe said not bothering to look up at his younger sister.

“I come bearing information about (y/n) that I thought you might like to hear. But if I’m not wanted then I could always go.” She says coyly sitting at the end of his bed as her brother’s head pops up at the mention of your name.

“Why would I care about that ?” Rafe says, sinking back down Wheezie knows he’s just trying to play it cool not wanting to seem too over eager at the idea of you.

While Rafe has never come out and said it directly to her Wheezie has always known about the secret crush he’s harbored for you. She always held a deep admiration for her older brother so naturally she’d follow him around when she was younger. And over time she started to realize that while she was following him he was always following you, watching as you and Sarah would play in the background, taking every chance he could to tease you.

At first she just thought he was being a normal annoying boy treating you like he would his sisters. But as you all grew older Wheezie understood that he had a diffrent type of love for you.

Naturally she found out about what happened at the golf course, granted it took major prying on her end for Rafe to explain why he’s been in such a mood this past week. So she figured she’d take matters into her own hands knowing that communication was never her brother’s strong suit.

“So I was talking to (y/n) about "MY” little problem and she gave me some pretty solid advice.“

"Wait, what’s your problem? Do you need me to take care of anything?” Rafe said, sitting up clearly not getting his sister’s hints.

“No stupid I basically refrased the issue your having with her but making like its my issue.”

“Oh ok why didn’t you just say that.” Wheezie couldn’t help but roll her eyes at how stupid her brother could be sometimes.

“Anyway I think you should apologize to her but like in your own way so she doesn’t get sus about your crush and everything. And she also says that if someone cares about you they’ll forgive you just don’t get all pushy like you usually do. I know you have no patience.”

Rafe nodded, taking in his sister’s words. “I think it’s about time you just tell her how you feel Rafe. It has been agonizing to watch all these years. Plus I would love it if (y/n) was my sister in law.”

At that Rafe flicked Wheezie on her head “Jesus Wheeze let me work on my own goddamn time, you’re jumping too far ahead I gotta focus on today.”

“So you’re admitting you’ve thought of marriage.” Wheezie smiled, jumping off his bed and running to the door before he could flick her again.

“Sarah and (y/n) are outside. I can get Sarah away from her so you can apologize.”

Following his sister out they made their way to the backyard to see you and Sarah sitting beneath a tree facing one another and laughing.

“What are you two doing? ” Wheezie calls out running up to you guys as Rafe stands behind leaning against the back door.

“We’re playing our secret game.” Sarah says giggling

“God not this again when are you two gonna give this up.” Wheezie whines and you two burst into laughter.

For years Sarah and you have been playing this “secret game” that only the two of you know about much to everyone’s annoyance. It was something you two did to ensure you’d always be friends and never fight and after all these years it seemed to be working. While Sarah has a tendency to drift away from people she never seemed to drift from you.

“Gosh you two are so annoying together, anyway Rose texted me to ask if you can send her a picture of that contract she just signed for that new house she sold.”

“Why can’t you do it? I’m busy.”

“I don’t know where it is. Can you show me?”

“Ugh I’ll be back (y/n).”

Rafe watches as Sarah gets up following Wheezie inside before stepping his way over to you. “Hey” He said, towering over you instead of sitting.

“Hi Rafe.” He couldn’t help but see the way you looked up at him before looking back down, noticing the way you didn’t want to make eye contact. Rafe finally sat down, sitting opposite of you like Sarah was just moments before.

You watched as he suddenly lifted his large hands to your face. “Um Rafe, what are you….” Before you could finish your sentence Rafe began to pinch your cheeks and shake your head.

“I’m trying to get you to stop being such a fucking baby and look at me when I talk to you.” He said as he watched you squint your eyes and scrunch up your nose secretly relishing the feeling of your face in his hands.

Once satisfied he released your face and watched as you busted out laughing, he couldn’t stop the smile from forming on his face as you laughed. As much as he ragged on his friends for being love sick bitches all the time he was probably secretly the worst out of all of them because everything you did riled him up to no end.

“You Camerons can never let me finish a sentence.” You chuckled.

Excited that he finally got you to speak to him he found a way to keep the conversation going as best as he could. “Hmm, So uh you’re going to Toppers next week for the yearly Thornton charity ball ?”

“Yha it’s not like I have a choice really.”

“Well you gotta love being Cynthia Thornton’s favorite trophy piece to show off.” Once again you giggle at his words noticing Sarah approaching from behind.

“Is he bothering you (y/n)? I could always have dad lock him back up in the kennel with the other dogs.” Sarah said arms crossed waiting for Rafe to move from her spot.

“I’m fucking going” standing up he took one more glance at you before walking away noticing the small smile you gave him. He was trying his hardest to bite his tongue, not wanting to ruin the moment between the two of you just to get into a petty dispute with Sarah.

“You know actually I think it might be time for me to head home. I have an early shift tomorrow and you know it will take a while for me to get back.” You said standing up and brushing off the dirt from your shorts.

“Aw come on (y/n) why do you always have to be so responsible?” Sarah whined before taking you in her arms. “Come over tomorrow we can keep playing our game.”

“I can give you a ride home (y/n) I was gonna head over that way anyway.”

Rafe could see the look of shock on both Sarah and yours face and a part of him already felt regretful for even offering. But he couldn’t sit on his feelings for you any longer. If he didn’t start acting on them then he might actually explode, and a ride home was a good step in the right direction.

“Um sure I’d really appreciate that it saves me the cab fare.” Rafe could tell you were agreeing just to avoid the awkward rejection and it hurt a hell of a lot to realize that.

“I’ll see how I feel after my shift Sarah and let you know.” You hugged her one more time before taking your leave falling a few steps behind Rafe’s tall frame.

The two of you got into his truck sitting in an awkward silence as he started the engine. Neither one of you spoke for sometime both just keeping your eyes straight ahead.

“Are you going to go see Barry?” You asked knowing that Rafe wouldn’t be caught dead in the cut unless it was to see Barry.

“Uh yha I owe him money and I gotta pay him back today.”

“Hmm” your attempt at making conversation fell dead, coming off as more judgmental than you intended it to be.

“So I assume you’re going to the charity event next week too. Maybe we could hang out for a bit. I always hated going and I know Sarah kinda isn’t invited because of… well you know.” You looked over at him to see if you got any reaction.

A part of you was mentally screaming for even asking him. Rafe seemed like he was extending an olive branch today so of course you’d try to grab hold of it and finally end his years long reign of terror against you. Plus it would be nice to finally go with someone to the Thornton charity ball and not awkwardly hang onto Topper for the whole event.

“Sure I hate those fucking things anyway I only go for Topper and since my dad is makeing me this year.”

You nodded watching as Rafe turned down your block slowing down when he reached your house. “Well thanks for the ride Rafe, I’ll probably see you tomorrow.” Rafe nodded as You flashed him another smile, you got out of the car waving goodbye when you reached the door.

Rafe stayed to make sure you got in safe and to get the excuse to watch you a little longer before pulling off making his way over to Barry’s house.

Maybe Wheezie was right that now was the time for him to make his move. You’re sweet and caring and no matter how hard he’s tried to push you away you always end up forgiving him.  Being around you is the best high he’s ever had but he couldn’t stop the nagging voice inside his head from telling him he’ll just ruin everything or more importantly ruin you. 

A/n: Well that’s the end of chapter 2 I had alot of fun writing this one. I’m gonna try to come up with a consistent posting schedule and shot for Thursday nights to post. Anyway I hope guys enjoy I have some fun stuff planned
