#korean verb


*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form).

존재하다 : to exist

선언하다 : to declare, proclaim

목격하다 : to witness

제안하다 : to suggest

조언하다 : to advise

개입하다 : to intervene

헌신하다 : to devote

축하하다 : to congratulate

환영하다 : to welcome

접근하다 : to approach

투자하다 : to invest

개선하다 : to improve

응원하다 : to cheer, support

설명하다 : to explain

오해하다 : to misunderstand, misconceive

해결하다 : to resolve

조절하다 : to adjust

계획하다 : to plan

보호하다 : to protect

조사하다 : to investigate

확인하다 : to check, verify, confirm

출발하다 : to depart, set off, start

도착하다 : to arrive, reach

설득하다 : to persuade

양보하다 : to yield, give way

희생하다 : to sacrifice

쟁취하다 : to achieve, win

야기하다 : to cause, bring about

실수하다 : to make a mistake

긍정하다 : to affirm

부정하다 : to deny

생산하다 : to produce

소비하다 : to consume, spend

인정하다 : to admit

소유하다 : to own, possess

봉사하다 : to serve, do volunteer work

유지하다 : to maintain

보조하다 : to assist

인용하다 : to quote, cite

대표하다 : to represent

선택하다 : to choose, select

거절하다 : to reject, refuse

촉진하다 : to promote, accelerate, boost

요구하다 : to demand, ask

사과하다 : to apologize

추측하다 : to guess, suppose

간섭하다 : to interfere

낭독하다 : to read aloud

관찰하다 : to observe

추구하다 : to pursue, seek

Written and edited by Admin Yu

Hi! This is Admin Hyun.

Today’s grammar I want to introduce is ‘same vowel elision’(동음 탈락). Same vowel elision is not an irregular conjugation. Under the conditions, it always happens.

A phenomenon where an ending(어미) that starts with ‘-아’ or ‘어’ follows after verb’s or adjective’s(용언) stem(어간) that end with ‘-아’ or ‘어’, and as a result, the same vowel ‘아’ or ‘어’ is repeated(comes consecutively), one of the same vowels is omitted(elision)

ㅏelision (ㅏ 탈락)

  • +서 가서(go and-)
  • +  가(go)
  • + + 다  갔다(went)
  • +서 차서(kick and-)
  • +  차(kick)
  • + + 다  찼다(kicked)

ㅓ elision (ㅓ 탈락)

  • +서 건너서(cross the street and-)
  • +  건너(cross the street)
  • + + 다   건넜다(crossed the street)
  • +서  나서서(take the lead and-)
  • + 나서(take the lead, step ahead)
  • + + 다  나섰다(took the lead)

Keep in mind that if the stem ends with a consonant, same vowel elision doesn’t take place. For example,

  • 먹 + 어  먹어(eat)
  • 먹 + 었 + 다  먹었다(ate)
  • 잡 + 아  잡아(catch)
  • 잡 + 았 + 다  잡았다(caught)

Elision of vowels is a kind of ‘elision of phoneme(음운)’. Not only vowels but also consonants are subject to elision. For example, if in 딸(daughter)+님(honorific ending), ‘ㄹ’ is omitted when it is followed by ㄴ and becomes 따님(honorific form of daughter). Elision of phoneme is one of many ‘changes in phoneme’ which include alteration, elision, addition and contraction.

Written by Admin Hyun

Edited by Admin Yu

Here are some nouns and verbs that are used together or go well together!

*All verbs below are in original form(dictionary form)

한숨을 쉬다 : to sigh

한숨 : ⓝ sigh

소원을 빌다 : to make a wish

소원을 이루다 : to make a wish come true

소원 :  ⓝ wish

약속을 지키다 : to keep a promise

약속을 어기다 : to break a promise

약속 :  ⓝ promise

전화를 걸다 : to make a phone call

전화를 받다 : to pick up the phone

전화를 끊다 : to hang up

전화 :  ⓝ telephone

마법을 걸다 : to cast a spell(magic)

마법 :  ⓝ magic

소리를 지르다 : to scream

소리 :  ⓝ sound

노래를 부르다 : to sing

노래 :  ⓝ song

대가를 치르다 : to pay the price

대가 :  ⓝ cost, price

시험을 보다 : to take a test

시험 :  ⓝ test

코를 골다 : to snore

코 :  ⓝ nose

신발을 신다 : to put on shoes

양말을 신다 : to put on socks

신발 :  ⓝ shoes

양말 :  ⓝ socks

책을 펴다 : to open a book

책 :  ⓝ book

꿈을 꾸다 : to dream

꿈 :  ⓝ dream

싸움을 걸다 : to pick a fight

싸움을 말리다 : to break up a fight

싸움 :  ⓝ fight

-Written and edited by Admin Yu
